当前位置:文档之家› 2019年天河四校一模联考英语试题及答案




一、语法选择(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分)

阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15 各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Wemay be very pleased with the rapid progress we have madein every field of study. But the way to test a student 's knowledge and ability

still 1 poor. To a certain degree, it was even as terrible as it was one 2 years ago, and we have done almost 3 to improve our examination system.

It is 4 known that the examination system we are now using may be a good way of testing a student ' s memory, 5 it can tell you very little about a student 's ability. It does no good 6 students and


As soon as a child begins school, he enters 7 world of examinations that will decide his future. So he has to bury himself in mountains of books and papers preparing for the tests.

In fact, a good examination system 8 train a student to think for 9 . But it now does nothing of the sort. So students 10 to remember what is taught. It does not enable them __11 more and more

knowledge. The students whocome 12 in the examination mayoften not be the best in their future career. The achievements 13 they make are not so excellent as we expected.

Besides, examination often drives teachers to “teach to the test ”.

They are forced to train students what to do with the coming examination from time to time, which makes lessons 15 and better way to test a student

That 's what we should do at once.


1.A.remain B.remains C.remained D. to remain

2.A.hundreds B.hundred of C.hundred D. hundreds of

3.A.anything B. everything C.nothing D. something

4.A.well B. better C. best D. good

5.A.and B.if C.otherwise D.but

6.A.to B. at C. on D. with

7.A.a B. an C. the D./

8.A. must B.should C. can D. would

9.A. him

B. them


D.himself 10.A. encouraged

B.are encouraged



D.to encourage


11.A. gain B.gaining C.to gain D. gains 12.A. firstly B. at first C. one D.first 13.A.who B.when C.which D.what 14.A.boring B.bored C. bore D.bores 15.A. simply

B. simple

C. simplest



10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

14 . There must be some s ability than memory test.

It was on a snowy cold Mondaymorning. A young man and a young woman got into a car __16_ at a street corner, and it's a bad one. Both of their cars were totally destroyed, but amazingly neither of them was hurt. God works in mysterious ways.

After they crawled out of their cars, the woman said, “So you're

a man, that's 17 . AndI'm a woman.Wow!Just look at our cars. There's nothing left, but 18 we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and become friends and 19 together in peace the rest of our days. ”

Pleased, the manreplied, “ I agree with you completely and this must be a sign from God! ” The woman pointed to the bottle on the ground and continued , “And look at this —here's another __20 . My car is 21 destroyed but this bottle of wine from my back seat didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and 22 our good fortune. ”

So she handed the bottle to the man. The mannodded his head in 23 , opened it and took a few big swallows from the bottle, then handed it back to the woman. To his surprise, she didn 't drink the wine. She took the bottle, immediately 24 the cap back on, and handed it back to the man.

The mantook the bottle and asked in puzzlement, “Aren' t you having any?” The woman replied “ I think I will just 25 the police... ”16.A.trouble B.case C.event D.accident

17.A.surprising B.annoying C.interesting D.frightenin


18.A.fortunatel B.unnecessarily C.unusually D.actually


19.A.support B.connect C.exist D.live

20.A.guidance B.message C.mark D.suggestion

21.A.exactly B.certainly https://www.doczj.com/doc/089834662.html,pletely D.hardly

22.A.celebrate B.congratulate C. continue D.prove

23.A.peace B.harmony C.practice D.agreement

24.A.took B.put C.fixed D.got

25.A.wait for B.call on C.send for D.run into

三、阅读(共两节;满分45 分)

第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40 分)



It was a chilly November evening in New York City,and my daughter and I were walking up Broadway. Nora noticed a guy sitting inside a cardboard box next to a newsstand. She pulled at my coat sleeve and said, “That man's cold, Daddy. Can we take him home? ”

I don't remember my reply, but I do remember a sudden heavy feeling inside me. I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her world, whether it was birds in flight or children playing. But now she was noticing suffering and poverty. She wasn t even four.

A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who delivered meals to elderly people. The volunteers went to a nearby school on a Sunday morning, picked up a food package, and delivered it to an elderly person. I signed us up. Nora was excited about it. She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how valuable our job was. When Sunday came, we picked up the package and phoned the elderly person we'd been assigned. She invited us right over.

The building was depressing. When the door opened, facing us was a silver-haired woman in an old dress. She took the package and asked if we would like to come in. Nora ran inside. I reluctantly followed. Our hostess showed us some photos of her family. Nora played and laughed. I accepted a second cup of tea. When it came time to say good-bye, we three stood in the doorway and hugged. I walked home in tears.

Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something enjoyable that ' s good for yourself as well as for others? Indeed, the poverty mydaughter and I helped lessen that Sunday afternoon was not the woman's alone —it was in our lives, too. Now Nora and I regularly serve meals to needy people and collect clothes for the homeless. Yet, as I ' ve watched her grow over these past four years, I still wonder which of us has benefited more?

26. What do you know about the man Nora noticed on that evening ?

A. He was asking for food.

B. He was one of those homeless.

C.He was taken home by the

D. He was buying a newspaper.


27. Why did the author have a sudden heavy feeling (para.2)?

A. Because his daughter had noticed the dark side of life.

B. Because he did not want to take the guy home.

C. Because he felt a deep sympathy for the guy.

D. Because his daughter was afraid of what she saw.

28.In what order did the story take place?

a. I happened to read a piece of writing about volunteers.

b. Nora found a man and wanted to help him.

c. We just not only help reduce the poverty of the woman, but also the poverty in our lives.

d. Unlike Nora, I entered the woman's house unwillingly that Sunday afternoon.

e. We went to pick up the food package in the nearby school.

A. a-e-d-b-c

B. a-b-e-d-c

C. b-d-a-e-c

D. b-a-e-d-c

29. What does the word “ us” in the last paragraph refer to ?

A. The author and the old woman.

B. The giver and receiver of the help.

C. T he author and his daughter.

D.The author and the guy in the box.

30. What is the best title for this passage?

A. A Loving Kid

B. Volunteers at Work

C. A Lesson in Caring

D. How to Help the Needy


A few centuries ago, people looked at the birds and wondered what

it would be like to fly like them. There were stories of heroes who stuck bird feathers on their arms and flew up into the sky. About 500 years ago, somepeople dreamed a different dream. Instead of flying up to the

sky, they dreamed of falling from the sky!

In the 15th century, Italian inventors designed a cone- shaped(锥形) object that wassupposed to bring a mandownsafely from a great height. The operator held on to a handle straps tied to his waist. This was the first known design for a parachute(降落伞).

Even the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci drew a type of parachute. His parachute design was in the shape of a pyramid(金字塔). Other inventors also drew their own designs for a parachute. Unluckily, these were only designs on paper and no one tested them.

A Croatian inventor named Fausto Veranzio looked at Leonardo da

Vinci's parachute design and replaced the pyramid shape with one that looked like a sail from a ship. When Veranzio was 65 years old, he fell ill. Thinking he would not live longer, he decided to try out his parachute invention. He built his parachute using wood and cloth. Tying his invention to his waist, he jumped off the tall bell tower in his city. He landed safely . He was supposedly the first man to successfully use

a parachute. However, some people thought this story was not true. If


宝山区2018学年第一学期期末考试九年级语文试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意: 1.本试卷共27题。 2.请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不计分。 一、文言文阅读(40分) (一)默写(15分) 1.几处早莺争暖树, 。 (白居易《钱塘湖春行》) 2. ,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。 (崔颢《黄鹤楼》) 3.不见去年人,。 (欧阳修《生查子·元夕》) 4.则吾斯役之不幸,。 (柳宗元《捕蛇者说》) 5. ,其喜洋洋者矣。 (范仲淹《岳阳楼》) (二)阅读下面的诗,完成6--7题(4分) 送友人 青山横北郭,白水绕东城。 此地一为别,孤蓬万里征。 浮云游子意,落日故人情。 挥手自兹去,萧萧班马鸣。 6.这首诗选自《》(书名),作者字。(2分) 7.下列对本诗的理解不正确的一项是()(2分) A.“青山”写出了送友人时所见周围景色。 B.“孤蓬”表达了友人远行后的孤单无依。 C.“浮云”喻指友人的未来生活行踪不定。 D.“班马鸣”暗指友人难以割舍这段友情。 (三)阅读下文,完成8---10题(9分) 橘逾淮为枳 晏子至,楚王赐晏子酒。酒酣,吏二人缚一人诣王。王曰:“缚者何为者也?”对曰:“齐人也,坐盗。” 王视晏子曰:“齐人固善盗乎?” 晏子避席对曰:“婴闻之,橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳,叶徒相似,其实味不同。所以然者何?水土异也。今民生长于齐不盗,入楚则盗,得无楚之水土使民善盗耶?” 王笑曰:“圣人非所与熙也,寡人反取病焉。” 8.“橘逾淮为枳”的意思是(2分) 9.晏子一番话的主要目的,下列理解正确的一项是()(3分) A.告诉楚王“橘生准南则为橘、生于淮北则为枳”是客观现象。 B.分析“橘生淮南则为橘、生于淮北则为枳”现象产生的原因。 C.巧妙回敬了楚王的侮辱。 D.智慧化解了楚王的困惑。 10.选文结尾处画线部分的作用是什么?请简要分析。(4分) (四)阅读下文,完成11---14题(12分) 娄师德与狄仁杰 狄梁公与娄师德同为.相。狄公排斥师德非一日。(武)则天问狄公曰:“朕大用卿。卿知所自①乎?”对曰:“臣以文章直道②进身,非碌碌因人成事。”则天久之,曰:“朕比③不知卿,卿之遭遇④,实师德之力。”因命左右取筐箧,


2019年上海初三一模课外文言文汇总 宝山 (四)阅读下文,完成12-15题(12分) 渑池道中,有车载瓦瓮1,塞于路。属天寒,冰雪峻滑,进退不得。日向2暮,官私客旅群队,铃铎3数千,罗拥在后,无可奈何。有客刘颇者,扬鞭而至,问曰:“车中瓮值几钱?”答曰:“七八千。”颇遂开囊取缣4,立偿之。命童仆登车,断其结络5,悉推瓮于崖下,须叟,车轻得进,群噪而前。 注释: 1瓦瓮:陶制的小口大腹容器。2 向:将近、将近的意思。3铃铎:代指车马。 4缣:线织品,此处用作货币的代用品。5结络:捆扎瓦瓮的绳子。 12.根据要求完成下列两题。 (1)文中,两处加点词“于”的意思是的; 两处加点词“得”的意思是的。(2分) A相同 B不同 (2)根据文意,“属天寒”中“属”一词的解释,应选的一项是(2分) A同“嘱”,嘱托。例——“属予作文以记之”(《岳阳楼记》) B类,一类。例——“忠之属也”(《曹刿论战》) C适逢,适才。例——“天下属安定,何故反乎?”(《史记·留侯世家》) 13.用现代汉语翻译文中的划线句,注意加点词的含义。(3分) 颇遂开囊取缣,立偿之。 14.用自己的语言回答,载瓦瓮车“进退不得”的原因是、和 。(3分) 15.从刘颇的言行中,可以看出他个性特征中的两大亮点:、。(分别用四字短语概括回答)(2分) 12.(4分,每小题各2分)(1)B A (2)C 13.(3分)刘颜于是打开行囊拿出缣(货币代用品),马上偿还(抵补)给那个人(瓦瓮主人) 14.(3分)道路峻滑车马太多车身太重 15.(2分)当机立断(处事果断)慷慨大度(豪爽大方) 长宁 (四)阅读下文,完成第11-15题(15分) 文天祥至潮阳,见弘范1,左右命之拜,不拜,弘范遂以客礼见之,与俱入崖山,使为书招张世杰2。天祥曰:“吾不能捍父母,乃教人叛父母,可乎?”索之固,乃书《过零丁洋》与之。其末二句云:“人生自古谁无死,______________。”弘范笑而置之。崖山破,军中置酒大会,弘范曰:“国亡,丞相忠孝尽矣,能改心以事宋者事皇上,将不失为宰相也。”天祥汪然出涕。曰:“国亡不能救,为人臣者死有余罪,况敢逃其死而二其心乎!”弘范义之。 【注】1张弘范:元军将领。 2张世杰:崖山战役中的宋军将领。 11、原文横线上应填入的一句 是。(1分) 12、解释文中加点的词。(3分) (1)与俱入山崖() (2)使为书招张世杰() (3)其末二句云() 13、文中画线句子的翻译,正确的一项是()(3分) A(你)如果能改变情感不事奉宋朝皇帝而事奉我们皇上 B(你)如果能够改变心意用奉宋的心态来事奉我们皇上 C(你)只能改变情感用对待宋的态度来对待我们皇上


一、选择题:本卷共35个小题,每小题4分,共140分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 桑沟湾是位于山东半岛最东端的一处海湾,这里是我国最早海带人工养殖的地方。近年来, 中国水产黄海研究所的科研人员在此海湾成功探索出了海带、鮑鱼和海参三者混合养殖的新模式(见下图)。据此完成1~3题。 1.桑沟湾由单一的海带养殖到海带、鲍鱼、海参三者混合养殖的变化,主要得益于 A.优质的海洋环境 B.养殖技术的进步 C.市场的需求升级 D.保鲜技术的出现 2.与单一养殖相比,该混合养殖模式的突出优点是 ①节省饵料投放,提高经济效益②吸收海水中的CO2,减缓温室效应③调整生产规模,市场适应性强④改善水质,减少海洋养殖污染 A.①③ B.②③ C.①④ D.②④ 3.冬季,农户们常将鲍鱼和海参送往福建和广东沿海养殖,其最主要目的是 A.靠近消费市场 B.获得优惠补贴 C.缩短养殖周期 D.躲避大风暴雪 婴儿潮是指在某一时期及特定地区,出生率大幅度提升的现象。2016年1月1日起,我国“全面放开二孩”政策正式实施。2016 年我国新出生婴儿1786万,其中“二孩”婴儿824万;张2017年新出生婴儿1723万,其中“二孩”婴儿882万。读2016年中国人口年龄结构图,完成4~6题。

4.最近--次婴儿潮出现的大致时间是 A.1967~1971 年 B.1987~1991 年 C. 2000~ 2005年 D.2011~2015 年 5.引发最近一次婴儿潮最主要的原因是 A.前一次婴儿潮波及 B.国家人口政策调整 C.社会经济条件改善 D.医疗卫生水平进步 6.通过人口数据分2016 年以来. A.周期性婴儿潮现象已来临 B.人口老龄化问题明显改善 C.年轻人婚后生育意愿上升 D.全面“二孩”政策效应显现 丹霞地貌大多在海拔300-400m之间,山体相对高度也大多不超过200 m。丹霞地貌山块往往四面陡崖,山块之间也因此形成被陡崖围合的沟谷。沟谷中植被多表现出雨林植被的特征,被称为“沟谷雨林”。读我国东南部某地丹霞地貌局部区域的植被分布图,回答7-8题。


2019-2020年高三四校联考英语答案 1--15 CABCB AACBC ABAAB 16. in hospital (写in the hospital得1分;写hospital得0.5分) 17. The motorcycle race (写the motorcycle race或Motorcycle race得1分; 只写race 得0.5分;只写motorcycle不得分) 18. were broken (写broken得0.5分) 19. for three weeks (写3 weeks; three weeks;Three weeks; For three weeks得1 分;只写3或weeks不得分) 20. stay in bed (只写stay或bed不得分 21--30 C A D C B A D C B A (注: 28. have the best of”,固定短语,意思是“胜过”。) 31.skinny 32. they 33. as 34. If 35. until (till) 36. other 37. a 38. all 39. being interrupted 40. to have been 41. C.the talk of the town 在这里可理解为镇上人们谈论的话题,故C有此意。42.B.由最后一段第一句“Their wedding, which took place during the Civil War, provided a wele escape from the sad problems of war”,B中的“a dark time”就是指“the sad problems of war”。 43.B.选项A、C、D都只是描述他成人后的经历,而B说他很小就学会了如何唱歌、跳舞和表演,较能体现他的聪慧。 44.D.“eight feet tall”与他本人的身高“two-foot-tall”形成反差幽默效果。45.C.A答案中always表述不对,B答案与作者意图相反,D答案偏离主题,故选C。46.D. 答案D与第一段“ During the past twenty years, science has played an important part in shaping the character of our civilization.”是同义转述。 47.A.根据第一段“The welfare, stability, and security of our nation and the continuation of a free society are closely related to the discoveries of science and the applications of these discoveries.”可知,只有A项在文中未提及。48.A.根据第二段“The scientific process and the knowledge produced cannot be considered to be ends in themselves, except for the classic scientist.”可知,“ends”在句中意为“purpose”。 49.D.根据排除法得出答案。A项可参见第二段“ A student should understand the relation of basic research to applied research,”B项可参见第四段“Science instruction should acquaint students with career possibilities in technical fields and in science teaching.” C项可参见第三段“…confidence in the procedures for seeking knowledge, and the expectation that the solution of problems will e from the use of tested and proven knowledge—these are among the “scientific attitudes”可知。 50.C.文章首先指出“science teaching in the future must differ from science teaching in the past.”,然后阐述学生到底应该了解什么,科学教育的侧重点在哪里,因此文章标题应该是新时代的科学教育。 51.B.A和D范围大了,C范围小了。


2019年上海市浦东新区初三一模语文试卷 2019.1 (考试时间:100分钟;总分:150分) 考生注意:本卷共有27题,请将所有答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上不计分。) 一、文言文(40分) (一)默写(15分) 1.草枯鹰眼疾,。(《观猎》) 2. ,带月荷锄归。(《归园田居》) 3. ,尘暗旧貂裘。(《诉衷情》) 4.孤村落日残霞,。(《天净沙·秋》) 5.浮光跃金,。(《岳阳楼记》) (二)阅读下面宋词,完成第6-7题(4分) 破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄 辛弃疾 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声,沙场秋点兵。 马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊。了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名。可怜白发生! 6.“沙场”的意思是。(2分) 7.下列对这首词理解不恰当的项是()。(2分) A.上片一、二句表现了词人念念不忘杀敌报国的情怀。 B.上片三、四句表现了雄壮的军容和高昂的战斗情绪。 C.下片三、四句实写词人战斗获胜时意气昂扬的神情。 D.下片末句以沉痛的慨叹抒发了词人壮志难酬的悲愤。 (三)阅读下文,完成第8-10题(9分) ①至于负者歌于途,行者休于树,前者呼,后者应,伛偻提携,往来而不绝者,滁人游也。临溪而渔,溪深而鱼肥:酿泉为酒,泉香而酒洌;山肴野蔌,杂然而前陈者,太守宴也。宴酣之乐,非丝非竹,射者中,弈者胜,觥筹交错,起坐而喧哗者,众宾欢也。苍颜白发,颓然乎其间者,太守醉也。 ②已而夕阳在山,人影散乱,太守归而宾客从也。树林阴翳,鸣声上下,游人去而禽鸟乐也。然而禽鸟知山林之乐,而不知人之乐;人知从太中游而乐,而不知太中之乐其乐也。醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者,太守也。太守谓谁?庐陵欧阳修也。 8.下列选项表述错误的一项是()。(2分) A.“醉翁”“六-居士”都是欧阳修的号。 B.《生查子·元夕》、《卖油翁》都是欧阳修的作品。 C.“记”是古代的一种文体,用来警戒自己或称述功德。 D.宋朝的欧阳修、苏洵、曾巩都位于“唐宋八大家”之列。 9.用现代汉语翻译下列句子。(3分) 杂然而前陈者,太守宴也。 10.选文中游人的“乐”指:;“太守”指:。(4分)(四)阅读下文,完成第11-13题(12分)


2019年上海市浦东新区高考语文一模试卷 一、积累应用 1.(5分)按要求填空。 (1)念去去,千里烟波,。(柳永《雨霖铃》) (2)古之学者必有师。师者,。(韩愈《师说》) (3)朱自清《荷塘月色》中,以遥想故乡美景排解心中惆怅,周邦彦《苏幕遮》中类似写法的句子是,“?,。” 2.(2分)下列选项中,名句或俗语使用不恰当的一项是() A.小王新婚周年庆典,有朋友夸赞新娘貌美,说:“去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。” B.小李学习取得一定成绩,有骄傲自满情绪,妈妈鞭策他:“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。” C.小梅十岁生日,叔叔希望她长大不要忘父母的恩情,说:“一朝花蕾秀,十年父母恩。” D.小张在外地工作,和同乡朋友节日相聚时充满感慨地说:“露从今夜白,月是故乡明。”3.(3分)将下列编号的语句依次填入语段空白处,语意连贯的一项是() 据报道,无活动部件飞机能够飞翔是依靠一种被称为电动力推进的过程实现的。 研究人员认为,如果这种技术实现在大尺寸上的运用,那么将能够产生出更安全、更安静、更易于维护的未来飞机。 ①电动力推进的概念更难以可视化 ②这与我们看到的无扇叶风扇所使用的概念相同。 ③与典型的旋转螺旋桨推进相比, ④因为它的推进过程利用了所谓的离子风 A.③④②①B.①③②④C.②③①④D.③①④② 二、现代文阅读 4.(16分)阅读下文,完成各题。 第六种自由 熊培云

①面对无孔不入的信息垃圾,人们将何去何从?是否需要知道那么多的东西? ②全世界每年出版近七十万种期刊,六十余万种新书,登记四十多万项专利,新增期刊近万种向你源源不断地输出层出不穷的新观点;九百多万个电视台、几十万个微波通讯塔、几万个雷达站、三十多万个民用电台,以及随时在增加的移动电话和终端电脑时刻提醒你注意全球任一角落发生的大事件。不止有新闻、调查、数据、分析、广告通行世界,更有预言、传言、流言与谣言招摇过市…… ③上世纪初,晏阳初曾经将“免于愚昧无知的自由”视为“第五大自由”。几十年后,索尔仁尼琴还注意到另一种自由,“除了知情权以外,人也应该拥有不知情权,后者的价值要大得多。它意味着我们高尚的灵魂不必被那些废话和空谈充斥。过度的信息对于一个过着充实生活的人来说,是一种不必要的负担”。 ④在此,姑且将免于倾倒信息(宣传)垃圾的自由称为“第六种自由”。二十一世纪的今天,我们的客厅不过是电视台倾倒垃圾的地方。在过去,性病广告只是贴在厕所、电线杆等“公器”上,而现在贴到了居民日日拂拭的家具上。 ⑤现实是,有用的信息在黑箱 ..之中无路可寻,而无用的信息管道却像章鱼的爪子一样连接我们身体与生活的每一根神经。内心对信息的隐秘的渴望,以及信息垃圾的无孔不入,使人们在信息时代几乎无路可逃。对网络的沉迷无疑已经耗费了我们的大部分光阴,每一位“信息成瘾者”更像是信息时代的逃犯,享受信息斋戒的日子只是逃亡的日子,过不了多久,他便会听从内心的召唤,心甘情愿地被网络引渡回来。 ⑥其实,这不过是梭罗笔下的另一种“静静的绝望的生活”。正是为了逃离这种绝望,早在1845年,梭罗带着一把借来的斧头,走进了瓦尔登湖边的青葱密林。在美国独立日的那天,开始搭盖他的湖边木屋。对于梭罗来说,这不过是一次有关生活的实验,或者说,一次有关生活的反叛。不是逃离生活,而是走向生活。 ⑦梭罗曾经这样嘲讽那个时代的新闻成瘾者:吃了午饭,还只睡了半个小时的午觉,一醒来就抬起了头,问:“有什么新闻?”好像全人类都在为他放哨。而睡了一夜之后,新闻之不可缺少,正如早饭一样重要。“请告诉我发生在这个星球之上的任何地方的任何人的新闻。”﹣﹣于是他一边喝咖啡,吃面包卷,一边读报纸,知道了这天早晨的瓦奇多河上,有一个人的眼睛被挖掉了;一点不在乎他自己就生活在这个世界的深不可测的大黑洞里,自己的眼睛里早就是没有瞳仁的了。 ⑧梭罗甚至说,世界有没有邮局都无所谓。当然,这种夸张的说法并不代表梭罗具有反


2019年上海杨浦区初三一模卷及答案 语文试卷 (满分150分考试时间100分钟) 2019年1月考生注意:本卷共有27题。请将所有答案写在答卷上,写在试卷上不计分 一、文言文阅读(共40分) (一)默写(15分) 1、,匹马戍梁州。(《诉衷情》) 2、,五十弦翻塞外声。(《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄》) 3、东边日出西边雨,。(《竹枝词》) 4、,并怡然自乐。(《桃花源记》) 5、其余则熙熙而乐。!(《捕蛇者说》) (二)阅读下面的词,完成6-7题(4分) 江城子·密州出猎 老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。为报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。 酒酣胸胆尚开张,鬓微霜,又何妨!持节云中,何日遣冯唐?会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。 6、本首词中,作者用了“”“遣冯唐”“”三个典故。(2分) 7、下列对本首词中“狂”内涵的分析不恰当的一项是()(2分) A.“狂”在外在。身着锦帽貂裘,手中左牵黄犬,右擎苍鹰。 B.“狂”在行为。率千骑“卷平冈”,“亲射虎”“射天狼”。 C.“狂”在姿态。尽兴“酒酣”,“胸胆开张”,不惧鬓霜。 D.“狂”在志向。期盼着朝廷“遣冯唐”,早日能报效国家。 (三)阅读下文完成8-10题(9分) 岳阳楼记(节选) 予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖。衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯。朝晖夕阴,气象万千。此则岳阳楼之大观也,前人之述备矣。然则北通巫峡,南极潇湘,迁客骚人,多会于此,览物之情,得无异乎? 8、本文作者是时期着名政治家、文学家_______________。(2分) 9、用现代汉语翻译下面的句子(3分) 予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖 10、联系全文,“览物之情,得无异乎?”一句中“异”的具体内容是。(4分) (四)阅读下文,完成11-14题(12分) 包拯


四校联考英语答案 一、听力:1----5:CBCCB6----10:CABAB11----15:BCCAB16----20:ABCAA 二、阅读:21-23:CCB24-27:BACA28-31:CBCD32-35:BDCA36---40:EBGCD 三、完型填空:41-45:ABBAC46-50:ADBCA51-55:BACDB56-60:BBACA 四、语法填空 61.unfairly62.same63.decisions64.working65.to 66.not be67.up68.limited69.the70.Or

Dear Jamie, I am more than glad to know that you are interested in the traditional Chinese literature.It’s never easy to learn Chinese characters and essays.Even native Chinese speakers may find it hard to learn them well,so you don’t have to feel upset. Here are some useful tips. First,turn to the Internet for help when you have a problem, where you can learn how to read and write the characters.Second, you can learn from Chinese people around and I’m always here to help.But the most important is to keep on learning and reading.You are sure to make progress! Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 听力原文: Text1:


上海初中数学一模- 2019年- 填选合集

2019年上海市宝山区中考数学一模试卷 (3) 2019年上海市崇明区中考数学一模试卷 (5) 2019年上海市黄浦区中考数学一模试卷 (7) 2019年上海市奉贤区中考数学一模试卷 (11) 2019年上海市虹口区中考数学一模试卷 (13) 2019年上海市虹口区中考数学一模试卷 (16) 2019年上海市嘉定区中考数学一模试卷 (19) 2019年上海市金山区中考数学一模试卷 (21) 2019年上海市静安区中考数学一模试卷 (24) 2019年上海市闵行区中考数学一模试卷 (26) 2019年上海市浦东新区中考数学一模试卷 (28) 2019年上海市普陀区中考数学一模试卷 (31) 2019年上海市青浦区中考数学一模试卷 (34) 2019年上海市松江区中考数学一模试卷 (37) 2019年上海市徐汇区中考数学一模试卷 (39) 2019年上海市杨浦区中考数学一模试卷 (43) 2019年上海市长宁区中考数学一模试卷 (45)

2019年上海市宝山区中考数学一模试卷 一、选择题(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1.(4分)(2019?宝山区一模)如图,已知AB ∥CD ∥EF ,BD :DF =1:2,那么下列结论正确的是( ) A .AC :AE =1:3 B .CE :EA =1:3 C .C D :EF =1:2 D .AB :CD =1:2 2.(4分)(2019?宝山区一模)下列命题中,正确的是( ) A .两个直角三角形一定相似 B .两个矩形一定相似 C .两个等边三角形一定相似 D .两个菱形一定相似 3.(4分)(2019?宝山区一模)已知二次函数y =ax 2﹣1的图象经过点(1,﹣2),那么a 的值为( ) A .a =﹣2 B .a =2 C .a =1 D .a =﹣1 4.(4分)(2019?宝山区一模)如图,直角坐标平面内有一点P (2,4),那么OP 与x 轴正半轴的夹角α的余切值为( ) A .2 B .1 2 C . √5 5 D .√5


2019~2020学年佛山市普通高中教学质量检测(一) 高三理科综合试题2020.1 本试卷共16页、38题(含选考题)。全卷满分300分,考试用时150分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 可能用到的相对原子质量: H1 C12 N14 016 S32 C135.5 NiS9 一、选择题:本题共13个小题,每小题6分,共78分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 7.我国超级钢研究居于世界领先地位。下列说法错误的是 A.钢是用量最大、用途最广的合金 B.根据钢材的含碳量不同,可分为碳素钢和合金钢 C.合金的硬度可以大于它的纯金属成分 D.超级钢具有强度高,韧性大等特殊性能,常用于汽车、航空和航天等领域 8.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值。用次氯酸钠处理氨氮(NH3)废水的主要化学反应方程式为: 3NaCl0+2NH3?H20=3NaCl+N2↑+5H2O。下列说法正确的是 A.1L0.1mol?L-1的NaCIO溶液中,CI0-的数目小于0.1N A B.当反应转移电子6N A,则生成22.4LN2 C.0.1mol?L-1的氨水中,c(N H4+)+c(NH?H20)=0.1mol?L-1 D.溶液中水的电离程度:氨水大于NaClO溶液 9.关于脂环烃的说法正确的是 A.属于乙烯的同系物 B.分子中所有原子共平面 C.二氯代物有9种(不考虑立体异构) D.该化合物与苯均能使溴水褪色,且原理相同


2019年一模联考英语学科试题 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 We may be very pleased with the rapid progress we have made in every field of study. But the way to test a student’s knowledge and ability still 1 poor. To a certain degree, it was even as terrible as it was one 2 years ago, and we have done almost 3 to improve our examination system. It is 4 known that the examination system we are now using may be a good way of testing a student’s memory, 5 it can tell you very little about a student’s ability. It does no good 6 students and teachers. As soon as a child begins school, he enters 7 world of examinations that will decide his future. So he has to bury himself in mountains of books and papers preparing for the tests. In fact, a good examination system 8 train a student to think for 9 . But it now does nothing of the sort. So students 10 to remember what is taught. It does not enable them __11 more and more knowledge. The students who come 12 in the examination may often not be the best in their future career. The achievements 13 they make are not so excellent as we expected. Besides, examination often drives teachers to “teach to the test”. They are forced to train students what to do with the coming examination from time to time, which makes lessons __14 . There must be some 15 and better way to test a student’s ability than memory test. That’s what we should do at once. ] to remain of D. hundreds of


黄浦区第一学期高三年级期终调研测试 语文试卷2019年1月 (完卷时间:150分钟总分:150分) 一积累应用10分 1.按要求填空。(5分) (1)执手相看泪眼,。(柳永《》) (2),师不必贤于弟子。(韩愈《师说》) (3)杜甫在《月夜》中,“,”两句描写了妻子独自看月的形象。 2.按要求选择。(5分) (1)下列选项中,名句使用不恰当 ...的一项是()。(2分) A.小李怕失败,做事怕尝试,朋友劝说万事开头难,要懂“靡不有初,鲜克有终”的道理。 B.国家存亡关头,大家终于本着“兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮”的精神,捐弃前嫌,携起手来。 C.对待批评的态度,我们应该是“言者无罪,闻者足戒”,提意见也许能够对大家有帮助。 D.不要只羡慕人家成绩好,“与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网”,自己也应该要实践并努力。 (2)以下选项中推理的有效性和例句一致 ..的一项是()。(3分) 例句:人不应该成为“利”的奴隶,重利会成为“利”的奴隶,所以人不应该重利。 A.团员都是青年,中学生都是青年,所以,中学生都是团员。 B.所有的狗都是动物,没有猫是狗的,所以,没有猫是动物。 C.班长应当起模范作用,我不是班长,所以,我不应该起模范作用。 D.没有英雄是胆小鬼,有的士兵是胆小鬼,所以,有的士兵不是英雄。 二阅读70分 (一)阅读下文,完成3-7题(16分) 假如你是一头大象 ①如果你一觉醒来,发现自己变成了一头大象,那会是什么情景? ②首先,你会发现自己的脸上多出了一只甩来甩去的、仅有两根指头的手。这条手又肿又难看,却能推倒一堵墙或捡起一颗樱桃。你也可以用这只手“闻”到数英里外的水源和脚下的野花。这只手还可以带给你五种讯息:。 ③你脚下踩着的土地已经被污染所侵袭。随着卡车和出租车驶过,地面嗡嗡地震动着。这种震动轻搔着你脚上环层的触觉小体,让你不由得抬起脚来。你可以用自己的脚听到声音,你的股骨会变成扩音器。在你走十英里去寻找早餐的过程中,将会用跨越10个八度的声音和朋友们聊天。这会吵得附近的人类感觉自己像被敲响的鼓,因为次声波会不断震动着他们的胸口。 ④即便整个城市都变成草地,而非水泥路面并且遍地狗屎,你仍然会觉得它太小太小了。你会觉得一层层的环路就像个紧身胸衣。你会闻到郊外芬芳多汁的草木气息,从而充满怀念和向往。但你仍然会把现有条件用到极致。你会沿着迷宫般的老路行走,这是依靠早已作古的大象们的智慧形成的,如今传给了你的女族长。你拥有的最愉快的政治体系,掌管在睿智的老妇人们手中。她们凭借自己对世界的认识和判断获得领导地位,不是为了权位而谋求权位,而是为最多数的成员谋求最大的福祉。 ⑤如果你是头雄象,你将处于边缘,在家庭集团间来回游荡或者和你的单身汉朋友们在乱糟糟的象窝里鬼混。如此而已。至于政治,那是雌性们的事。


嘉定区 (三)阅读下文,完成8-10题(9分) 孟子曰:“无或乎王之不智也。虽有天下易生之物也,一日暴之,十日寒之,未有能生者也。吾见亦罕矣,吾退而寒之者至矣,吾如有萌焉何哉?今夫弈之为数,小数也;不专心致志,则不得也。弈秋,通国之善弈者也。使弈秋诲二人,其一人专心致志,惟弈秋之为听。一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之,虽与之俱学,弗若之矣。为是其智弗若与?曰:非然也。” 8、下列对上述内容理解正确的一项是()(2分) A.弈秋很听话,他是春秋著名的围棋高手。 B.我见不到王,很难使王的善良之心萌发。 C.弈秋教学生,一个认真学一个心不在焉。 D.王不够聪明,学习围棋态度又一曝十寒。 9、用现代汉语翻译下面的句子。(3分) 虽与之俱学,弗若之矣。 10、文末作者说“非然也”,这里的“然”是指;本段论述的学习态度:不该“”,应该“”。(4分) (三)课内古文 8、C(2分) 9、虽然他与(专心致志的)那个人一起学习,(成绩肯定)不如那个人了。(3分) 10、这个人的聪明才智不如那个人(其智弗若)(2分) “一日暴之,十日寒之”(1分)“专心致志”(1分) 宝山区 (三)阅读下文,完成8---10题(9分) 橘逾淮为枳 晏子至,楚王赐晏子酒。酒酣,吏二人缚一人诣王。王曰:“缚者何为者也?”对曰:“齐人也,坐盗。” 王视晏子曰:“齐人固善盗乎?” 晏子避席对曰:“婴闻之,橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳,叶徒相似,其实味不同。所以然者何?水土异也。今民生长于齐不盗,入楚则盗,得无楚之水土使民善盗耶?” 王笑曰:“圣人非所与熙也,寡人反取病焉。” 8、“橘逾淮为枳”的意思是(2分) 9、晏子一番话的主要目的,下列理解正确的一项是(3分) A.告诉楚王“橘生准南则为橘、生于淮北则为枳”是客观现象。


2019年3月中考模拟考试 语文科参考答案及评分标准 题号分值参考答案及评分说明 一、基础(24分) 1 10 每空1分,错一字扣0.5分,扣完该空得分为止。 (1) 1 却话巴山夜雨时 (2) 1 山河破碎风飘絮 (3) 2 夕阳西下断肠人在天涯 (4) 2 自非亭午夜分不见曦月 (5) 4 征蓬出汉塞归雁入胡天大漠孤烟直长河落日圆 2 4 (1)粗犷(2)秘诀(3)不屑置辩(4)无精打采 (每词1分,错一字该空不得分) 3 3 D 4 3 A 5 4 (1)示例1.醒狮内涵丰富,文化价值大,意义深远。 示例2.醒狮表演形式独特,具有深远文化价值和意义。 示例3.醒狮是融合了武术、音乐等的汉族民间舞,在海内外华人中广泛流传。 答案的几个要点中,只要写出以下其中两点即可得2分: 1.醒狮内涵丰富; 2.文化价值大,意义深远; 3.醒狮表演形式独特(形 式多样);4.在华人中广泛流传;5.醒狮是融合了武术、音乐等的汉族民 间舞。若只写出其中一点得1分;若照抄第一句可得一分;超过30字得0 分;句子中间的标点符号计入字数。 (2)示例1.汉族醒狮动作灵活故事强。 评分标准:1.要有明确对象,广东醒狮或有关醒狮的;2.要符合例句句式结构;3.照抄答案不给分;4.标语正确但有错别字的扣1分。 二、阅读(46分) (一)课内文言文阅读(10分) 6 3 (1)推托(2)了解(3)重新 (每空1分) 7 4 (1)我难道想要你钻研经书当博士吗? (2)您(有)如今的才干和谋略,不再是吴县那个阿蒙了! 第(1)题关注点:孤(我)、岂(难道)、卿(你)、治经(钻研经书),

每错漏一处扣1分,扣完2分为止。 第(2)题关注点:今者(现在)、才略(才干、谋略)、非复(不再是),每错漏一处扣1分,扣完2分为止。 8 3 D(本文重在阐述学习(读书)的重要性) (二)课外文言文阅读(9分) 9 3 A 10 3 国众且走/莫有斗志/以整击乱/非穷寇也 (超过3处不给分;不超过3处每错一处倒扣1分,扣完为止。) 11 3 示例1.当强敌进犯时,董卓建议尽快进攻,皇甫嵩决定避其锋芒,等敌 军士气低落时再进攻;(1分)当敌军攻城受挫后撤退时,董卓建议穷寇 莫追,皇甫嵩则认为士气低落的敌军不是“穷寇”,且正是出击的最佳时 机。(1分)事实一再证明,皇甫嵩比董卓更有远见卓识,有卓越的军事才 能。(1分)(以上三点意思对即可) 示例2.强敌进犯时,皇甫嵩不听董卓立刻迎战的建议,而是避其锋芒, 采取“敌疲我打”的战术,体现其善用兵;(1分)敌军败退时,皇甫嵩 不听董卓穷寇莫追的建议,而是正确分析敌情,观察敌情,乘胜追击, 体现其善于“知彼”,善于把握战机。(1分)这些都证明皇甫嵩比董卓更 善用兵。(1分)(以上三点意思对即可) 【附译文】 东汉灵帝中平五年,凉州叛乱者王国率军围攻陈仓,朝廷命皇甫嵩率兵前往讨伐他。前将军董卓建议尽快发动进攻,但皇甫嵩说:“百战百胜,不如不经战争而使敌人屈服。所以,善于用兵打仗的人,总是先创造条件以使自己不被敌人所战胜,而等待敌人可以被我所战胜的时机。陈仓虽然城小,但城防坚固且有准备,不容易被攻克。王国兵力虽强,但因攻城不下,其部队必然疲惫松懈,乘其疲惫松懈之时再进击之,这才是取得全胜之策。”王国久攻坚城不下,部众已经疲惫不堪,终于解围撤退。皇甫嵩下令进兵追击。董卓反对说:“不可以追击。因为兵法上说了:对陷入绝境而拚死挣扎的‘穷寇’不要追击不舍,对保存实力而退回本国的‘归众’不要过分逼迫。”皇甫嵩说:“你说的不对。开始我不主张出兵进击,是为了避开敌人的锐气;现在我们要追击它,是等到了敌人力疲气衰的时候。我们所追击的是疲困之师,而不是归国之众。况且王国在逃,兵无斗志。我们以严整有序之军所追击的是溃乱之敌,并不是陷入绝境而拚死挣扎的‘穷寇’。”于是,皇甫嵩独自率军追击,结果大败敌军。董卓因此有惭愧之色。 (三)实用类文本阅读(10分) 12 3 C(对两个事例的用意分析不妥,前者重在以“代价”防止不守规则的行 为,后者重在通过教育使守规则的意识深入人心,都是解决问题的策略) 13 3 B 14 4 示例1:一方面,要想方设法地教育人们深刻领会遵守规则的重要意义(1 分),让守规则的意识深入人心;(1分)另一方面,通过立法、舆论等手 段(1分),让不遵守规则的行为必然付出相应的“代价”,督促人们遵守

冀教版2020年英语中考模拟四校联考(一)(II )卷

冀教版2020年英语中考模拟四校联考(一)(II )卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、阅读理解 (共4题;共38分) 1. (10分)阅读理解 TV Programs Channel 1 Channel 2 18:00 Around China 17:45 computer today 18:30 Children's programs 18:10 Foreign arts 19:00 News 18:30 English classroom 19:30 Weather report 19:00 Animal world 19:40 Around the world 19:25 China 99 20:10 TV play: sisters 20:20 Sports 21:00 English for today 21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying 21:15 Popular music 21:45 English news 21:55 Talk show 22:05 On TV next week (1)If you want to watch a football game the best program for you would be _____ A . TV play B . Sports C . Around the world D . Talk show (2)The program of _____ will let you know much about western countries. A . Sisters B . Around China C . Around the world D . On TV next week (3)If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best program is _____. A . Around China B . Animal world C . TV play


2019 年高三一模翻译汇编 1.上海市黄浦区 2019 年高三英语一模翻译 72. 很多人对他们的潜能一无所知。(ignorant) 73. 这些政策在一定程度上对该地区的经济衰退负有责任。(extent) 74. 自古以来老百姓就希望天下太平,同各国人民友好相处。(long for) 75. 青少年问题的发展趋势值得我们关注和研究,也值得整个社会群策群力,共商对策。(which) 72. Many people are totally ignorant of their potential (abilities/talents). 73. These policies are to some extent responsible for the region’ s economic decline. 74. Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world to live together in friendship with people from/of all countries. /Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world, where people of all/different countries live together in friendship. 75.The developing trend of youth/adolescent/teenager problems deserves our attention and research/ analysis, which also deserves the joint efforts of the whole society to find solutions. 2.上海市普陀区 2019 年高三英语一模翻译 72.晚上别喝太多的咖啡,会睡不着觉的。(or) 73.事实证明,保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。(It) 74.乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。(create) 75.追求稳定并不是什么坏事,很多时候这样的态度在促使我们提升自我、挑战难度、攀登高峰。 ( when) 72. Don’ t drink too much coffee at night, or you won ’ t be able to sleep. 1 0.5 0.5 1 73. It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. 0.5 1 1 0.5 74. Optimistic people don ’ t miss the good old days too much. 1 1 0.5 75. The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (, and 0.5)

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