当前位置:文档之家› 初三寒假作业(2)



Topic:Amazing Animals

Vocabulary Bar:词汇吧




1. All of the _______ (food) are cooked by my mother.

2. My uncle is a worker. He is in good _______ (healthy).

3. We are tied because we works the w_______ day. (all)

4. Would you c_______ _______ a drink? (like)

5. The r_______ for being late for school is that his mother is ill. (cause)

6. They d_______ to live in London last year. (chose)

7. She has made a_______ (decide) to be a math teacher.

8. Amy wanted to know ______ (much) about garlic. So she went to the library.

9. After _______ (read) about the movies, he decided to watch more of them.

10. _______ (eat) cut—up garlic is better because garlic changes after it is cut up.

Speaking Bar说吧



A: Susan, what are you drinking?

B: __1__

A: Is ginger good for you?

B: Yes, it is. __2__

A: What are ysome benefits of ginger?

B: __3__ do you eat any foods that are good for



A: Sure. __4__







Grammar Bar语法吧


( )1.Can you jump over the bar?

Sorry, I _______.

A mustn?t

B couldn?t

C can?t ( )2._______ you able to finish the work last night?

A Were

B Are

C Did

( )3.Desert animals can live on little water, _______ they?

A can

B can?t

C don?t

( )4._______ you get some bananas for me , too?

A Can

B Are able to

C Are able ( )5.Will you ______ come tonight?

A be able to

B can

C may

( )6.Univercity, he hasn?t _______ walk since the accident.

A been able to

B could

C can

( )7.He _______ fix his bike by himself.

A could

B was able to

C Both A and B

( )8.I _______ buy a car because I don?t have much money.

A am able to

B am not able to

C will be able to ( )9.They will _______ leave here soon.

A can

B could

C be able to

( )10._______ you write the sentence on the blackboard?

A Be able to

B Been able to

C Could



One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested

in all kinds of things and was always asking quest ions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?"

"Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two police men. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk."

"But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"


一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,…醉?字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸,”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”

Reading Bar阅读吧


There are a lot of interesting

things living in the sea. There are

many types of fish and many other

animals. There are also many types

of plants. There are even some

animals which have a lot in

common with you. They are

mammals living in the sea. How much do you know about creatures that live in the sea? Do you want to know more about the food chain(链)in the sea?

In the sea, all sea creatures get food from other sea creatures. At the first link of the food chain are the sea plants and plankton(浮游生物). Plants are found only in the sunlight zone where there is enough light for them, however, animals are found at all depths of the oceans though their numbers are greater near the surface where food is enough. Many kinds of fish and animals, such as the snail, shrimp, jellyfish(蜗牛, 虾, 水母), and sea star eat the plankton. The small animals and fish who eat plankton then become food for larger fish, such as the tuna and mackerel(金枪鱼和鲭鱼). These fish are then eaten by larger fish and animals, such as the shark and dolphin. The shark and dolphin are at the top of the food chain in the sea. Sharks are very dangerous so many people are eaten by them in the sea.

But why the number of the shark is becoming smaller and smaller? And who eats the shark? Check out the menu at a seafood restaurant next time you are eating there. Don't be surprised if you

find shark on the menu.


词汇积累:a lot of, live in





1.Check out the menu at a seafood restaurant next time you are eating there.

2.The shark and dolphin are at the top of the food chain in the sea.





( )1. The underline word “creatures” means .

A. 物体

B. 生物

C. 鱼类

( )2. What fish or animals eat the tuna and mackerel?

A. The shark

B. the dolphin

C. A and B

( )3. Sharks are dangerous to humans, but they can be eaten by humans. From which sentence can we get the answer?

A. Who eats the shark?

B. These fish are then eaten by larger fish and animals,

such as the shark and dolphin.

C. Don't be surprised if you find shark on the menu. ( )4. According to(按照) the food chain in the sea, put the pictures in the right order.

A. ①③②④⑤

B. ①③②⑤④

C. ①


( )5. The best title for the passage is .

A. In the Sea

B. On Land

C. Sea



1. While there is life there is hope.


2. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)


3. Never underestimate your power to change yourself!

4. 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

Nothing is impossible!




( ) 1. Picture A is the sign of the _____ World AIDS Day.

A. 2003

B. 2004

C. 2005 ( ) 2. When is World AIDS Day ?

A. December 1st

B. December 2nd

C. December 3rd

( ) 3. In Picture B, the Red Ribbon(红丝带)is an international symbol of _____?

A. World

B. Red Cross


( ) 4. The Red Ribbon started as a "grass roots" effort, and as a result there is no official red

ribbon, and many people _____.

A. make by themselves

B. ask the government for it

C. have others make it

( ) 5. World AIDS Day is also important in telling people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many

things still _____.

A. don?t need to do

B. need to be done

C. shouldn?t be done

Writing Bar写作吧

Model Essay美文欣赏


Different animals can do different amazing things, such as desert animals, birds and so on. Among them, I like dolphins best. Dolphins are very friendly. They can save people in danger.

Dolphins are also very clever. They can do many wonderful tricks after training. Dolphins are very fast, they can swim at a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour. Some dolphins are even able to dive to a depth of more than 500 meters. Their communications with one another are aimilar to the sounds of a few human words. Some people said that maybe dolphins can learn a true language

and communicate with humans.

How amazing the dolphins are! Ilike dolphin best. What about you?动手写一写Composition






______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Topic:The Magic Show

Speaking Bar说吧


A: Hey there, Amy. Watch this! I will __1__ you a magic trick. B: OK. I?d like to see it.

A: Please watch carefully. To start with, I take off my hat. I __2__ it with my wand. After that, I __3__ some magic words,”Abracadabra.”

B: And?

A: To finish, I pull some flowers out of my hat.

B: Wow! That was __4__, Liu Chang. How did you do that?

A: I learned it from Merlin. He?s a famous __5__.

B: Can you teach me, too?

A: Sure.

1_____ 2_____ 3_____4_____5_____

放松一下(Read it loudly, clearly, beautifully)

A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Speaking Bar说吧


A: Have you ever seen a magic show?

B: Yes. __1__

A: What is a magic trick that you have seen?

B: __2__

A: What did he do after that?

B: __3__

A: to finish, what happened?.

B: __4__

A: What an amazing trick!

B: I want to learn a magic trick. And I love magic.

A: __5__

1. _____

2. _____

3. _____

4. _____

5. _____

Reading Bar阅读吧


Do you know something about tree rings? Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like, sometimes even hundreds of years ago? Tree rings are very important for scientists to study the weather in the past.

A tree will grow well in a climate with lots of sunshine and rainfall. And little sunshine or rainfall will limit the growth of a tree. We can see the change of climate by studying the tree rings. That is to say, tree rings can tell us the truth.

For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree from outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we are sure that it was sunny and rainy most of that year. But if it is near to the eleventh ring, then the climate that year was bad.

Tree rings are important not only for studying the history of weather but also for studying the history of man. Many centuries ago there lived a lot of people at a place in New Mexico. But now you can find only sand there –no tress and no people. What happened?

A scientist studied the rings of dead trees there. He found that the people had to leave because they had cut down all trees to make fires and buildings. As all trees had gone, the people there had to move.

Tree rings can not only tell people the age of the trees, it can but also record the change of nature in the rings, such as an earthquake or volcanic eruption (火山爆发). So study hard at the tree rings, maybe they can tell us more than the history of weather and man some day.

阅读理解。( )1. The underlined word “limit”in the passage means “________” in Chinese.

A. 帮助

B. 限制

C. 提高

( )2. The scientists are interest in studying tree rings because tree rings can tell ________.

A. the age of the trees

B. the climate in the past

C. whether people took good care of trees

( )3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The people had to leave the place in New Mexico

because there was too much rain.

B. We can not see the change of soil from the tree


C. Scientists can know not only the history of weather

but also the history of man.


)4. Which of the following pictures shows the tree rings?

A. B.


A. B. C

( )5. According to the passage, we can know that ________.

A. people usually lived in places with a lot of trees

because trees could tell the change of the weather

B. people usually lived in places with a lot of trees

because trees could be used to burn and build houses

C. people usually lived in places with a lot of trees

because trees could stop the water from going away Reading Bar阅读吧



The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pi

any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietl

a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on

guest's plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth an

said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Whe did you find the cheese?" "In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.


由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意。这家的小男孩悄悄地离开了屋子。过了一会儿,他拿着一片奶酪回到房间,把奶酪放在客人的盘子里。客人微笑着把奶酪放进嘴里说:“孩子,你的眼睛就是比你妈妈的好。你在哪里找到的奶酪?” “在捕鼠夹上,先生。”那小男孩说。



1. The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese.




2.You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny.




Grammar Bar语法吧


( )1. What do you think of the concert?

I just watch the concert in _____.

A. amazment

B. amazing

C. amazed ( )2. What is the matter with Tom?

I don?t know. But his _______ made me amazed.

A. disappear

B. disappeared

C. disappearance ( )3. What do you think of this result?

I think it is so _______ for everyone.

A. amazing

B. amazed

C. amazement

( )4. Do you know the _______ magician Merlin?

I know little about him. I want to search it on the internet.

A. fame

B. famous

C. faming ( )5. Have you ever watched the David Copperfield?s _______ show?

Yes. I have seen ity once.

A. magician

B. magicial

C. magic ( )6. The man over there needed some _______ with this work.

OK. Let?s go now.

A. assist

B. assistance

C. assistant ( )7. Can you tell me the _______ between the two books?

I have no idea. Let?s go to ask the librarian.

A. different

B. difference

C. differ

( )8. do you know about Yao Ming?

Yes, he is an amazing basketball _______.

A. player

B. fame

C. assistance

( )9. they write most of their _______ letter in English. Others are written in Chinese.

A. busy

B. business

C. businesses ( )10. Can you tell me the _______ of the meeting?

Sure. I will tell you later.

A. important

B. importance


Writing Bar写作吧

生活中你一定有过很多的经历,它会给你留下很深刻的印象,可能是一次旅游,一部影片,一个节目等等。请你谈谈你最难忘的一个.……(an unforgettable).







————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Topic:Not Too Short



1.The athlete received another two _______ (medal).

2.Susan wants to make fridents with one of the best _______

(athlete) in China.

3.The little boy was _______ (award) the first prize.

4.There are many _______ (ceremony) on TV during the


5.How old _______ (be) she when she won her first


6.She is so famous. She won 18 world _______ (champion).

7.I will not give up halfway for ______ (something).

8.Don? worry about English,and just remember to keep _______

(listen) to the teacher.

9.One year _______ (late), she changed her mind.

10.He found the door of the house _______ (close) to him.

Speaking Bar说吧


A: Hi! What id you do last night?

B: __1__

A: Oh,I have heard of her, but I haven?t met her.

B: __2__ She was a famous table tennis plater.

A:Right. My friend told me that she is the best in the world.

B: __3__

A:She?s won a lot of championships, hasn?t she?

B: Yes. And she sarted winning when she was young.

A: __4__

B: She was only nine years old.







A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.


Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)


A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.

A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)

Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle

生命不止,奋斗不息。-- 卡莱尔

Reading Bar阅读吧


A sandstorm is a kind

of strong day wind that blows

over the desert. It raises sand

and dust into the air and makes it difficult to see the sun and it reduces visibility of most to zero. It is also known as a dust storm. Some storms are usually the result of convection currents(对流气流)caused by the strong heating of the ground. Then wind is usually strong enough to move a small hill of sand. It can make travel very difficult and can even destroy roads in flat dry areas such as those in the United States.

The simoom(西蒙风)is the strong hot wind that comes across the Sahara and Arabian desert. This wind is the reason for much of the dust in the air over Europe. Evidence(证据)of the dust from simoom wind has also been found at the bottom of the see at a long distance from the shore. Alasksi is the strongest sandstorm. It can destroy all the tings in his way .It is very dangerous. It has killed more than one hundred person in the area. The haboob(哈布沙漠)is a sandstorm that often happens in the area of Sudan around Khaprtoum. Sandstorms, the height as 5,000 ft(1,525m),also happen, although not often in the United States. It is stronger than the simoom. One that appeared near Tucson, Arizona, on July 16,1971, was widely proved by meteorologists(气象学家).


( )1.Which of the following is not a name of a sandstorm?

A. Simoom

B. Haboob

C. Khartoum

( )2.The underlined word “visibility” may mean “_______”in Chinese.

A. 模糊度

B. 能见度


( )3_____shows the right picture of the three sandstorms in

the correct way.

S t r o n g




S t r o n g

A The Sandstorm


( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Sandstorms carry lots of sand and dust.

B. Sandstorms are also known as rain storms.

C. Sandstorms are usually the result of wind.

( ) 5. .What is the main idea of the passage? A. When sandstorms happen.

B. Where sandstorms happen.

C .What sandstorms are.

The Sandstorm







A sandstorm is a kind of strong day wind that blows over the desert.




Reading Bar阅读吧幽你一默

He Won

Tommy: How is your little brother, Johnny? Johnny: He is ill in bed. He hurt himself.

Tommy: That's too bad. How did that happen?

Johnny: We played who could lean furthest out of the window, and he won. 他赢了








Number (in million) of Chinese travelling


China's Outbound Tourism


( )61. The data is about overseas tourism. A. B. C.

( )62. people were traveling overseas in 2001

A. B. C.

( )63. In 2010 there will be ________ million more people than those in 2006 to go abroad.

A B. C.

( )64. In the people that would travel to foreign countries will reach 100 million.


B. C. ( )65.Which of the following is true?

A . B. C. .

Grammar Bar语法吧

( )1.Though he had often made his little sister _____, today he was made _______ by his little sister.

A. cry, to cry

B. crying, crying

C. cry, cry

( )2. I found the door _______ when I got home.

A. opened

B. close

C. open

( )3.You had better have your shoes _______.

A. mend

B. mended

C. mending

( )4.i found him _______ on the ground yesterday.

A. lie

B. lies

C. lying

( )5. When I was passing by the house, I saw a girl _______ the piano.

A. play

B. playing

C. plays

( )6. I think _______ easy to help your mother do some housework.

A. it

B. them

C. its

( )7. Do you know we won the game in the final—round?

Yes, the good news made us _______.

A. exciting

B. excited

C. excitement

( )8. The workers are _______ work day and night.

A. made

B. made to

C. made for

( )9.Wha should we do?

We must keep our classroom _______.

A. cleaned

B. cleaning

C. clean

( )10. I often make him _______ the violin every weekends.

A. to play

B. play

C. playing

Writing Bar写作吧


The Person I Admire Best

Everyone has the person that he admires best. Some people

admire famous athletes. Some people admire famous singers.

However, I admire Yang Liwei best. I learn many things from him.

Yang Leiwei is very brave. He is the first Chinese spaceman who has been to space in a Chinese spaceship alone. He is very brave and smart, he isn?t afraid of facing unknown danger. He is good at using lots of solutions. He can solve the problems properly.

Yang Liwei likes to challenge the difficulties. When he meets the difficulties, he always challenges himself until he succeeds. He makes a contribution to improving Chinese space science. So we?d beter face the difficulties bravely.

So I admire him. After you read his story, won,t you admire him?




______________________________________________ ______________________________________________





______________________________________________ Topic:An Amazing Plant

Speaking Bar说吧


A: Hi there, Zhang Wei.What are you eaing? It looks round. __1__ B: Nope, it?s not a walnut. __2__ I?

m eating some fresh garlic.


初三英语寒假Challenge Seven Name Date Score__________ Richard, Ray, Jerry and Larry together bought 114 pounds of watermelo ns. Richard received 12 pounds more than Ray, 26 more than Jerry, an d 32 more than Larry. How many pounds of watermelons did Richard re ceive? ________________________ Starring Quiz 7 151. One or two days ____quite enough to complete the work. ___ you or he going to work with me? A. is; Is B. is; Are C. are; Is D. are; Are 152. Your new clothes fit you, but mine_____ me. A. don’t fit for B. doesn’t fit for C. don’t fit D. doesn’t fit 153. It is not I but you who ___ the first to run to the goal in the competition. A. was B. were C. are D. is 154. What he says and what he does ___ agree. A. does n’t B. don’t C. isn’t D. aren’t 155. Although the first part is easy the rest ____. A. is supposed difficult B. are difficult C. has proved difficult D. could have been difficult 156. Rain and freezing temperatures ____ to make snow. A. combined B. combine C. combine with D. combined with 157. The express No.12_____ at two pm. A. reaches B. gets in C. cuts in D. knocks 158. Our city has changed a lot; who can tell what it will be like in ___ ten years? A. other B. next C. more D. another 159. She fell and hit her head, but she ___ to be all right now. A. seemed B. appears C. has D. seems 160. ____ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill. A. Not knowing B. Knowing not C. Not having known D. Having not known 161. I don’t like the way____ she talks to her teacher. A. in that B. in what C. by which D. 不填


2020物理初二寒假作业本答案 1、B、2.45 2、28.2 25.1 3、2.5 4、人、河岸 5、运动 6、地面、地面、椅背、车 7、A 8、c 9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D、13、B 14、B 2 1、长、短 2、每秒行驶5米 3、6.25 22.5 4、250 5/3 5、路程、时间、V=s/t 6、0.4 便于测量时间 7、100min 8、路程、时间、速度 9、 6.25m/s 交接棒所用时间少 10、80 22.22 0.45 11、 8 6 大于 12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120 km/h (3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h 3 1、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来 2、不能、能 3、快 4、不相同、空气、耳朵 5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动 6、C 7、C 8、C 9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、次 数 HZ 20---20000HZ 12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大 15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A 4

1、A 2、C 3、A 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气 8、(1)能量 (2)音色、 9、(1)无法正常交流 (2)无法听音色 (3)感受不到声音带来的信息 10、(1)声音能够在固体中传播 (2)更好的接收声音 (3)听诊器 5 1、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流 2、A:没有水平放置 B:正 C:接触了容器底 D:没有接触液体 3、甲、38.5 38.5 4、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点 5、放、低 6、B 7、B 8、D 9、C 10、C 11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略 探究性学习 1、真空中不能传声 2、B 3、D 4、50 5*10000 5、D 6、折射、虚、火车、地面 7、A 8、11.268 9、吸、熔化、力、熔点 10、惯性、力 11、同意,水滴就像一个凸透镜,把阳光会聚,使树林燃烧,从而引起火灾。 12、因为衣服只能反射它原本的颜色。 13、测得十分钟的路程,用V=S/T的公式求出速度 1、液化、汽化 2、汽化、液化、液化、凝固、 3、吸、不变、大、沸点、不同、增大


人教版语文初三寒假作业答案练习一 1. wǎng xù suǐ huì chī jié lǚ nì dàng 2. 亵渎桑梓 腻烦喑哑 恣睢阔绰 凫水羸弱 籍贯缄默 鞭挞地窖 3. 玷污zhān 改为diàn 菜畦wāi 改为jí 嗔怪chēng 改为chēn 灼热zuó 改为zhuó 4. 谈笑风声(生) 直接(截)了当 锐不可挡(当) 粗制烂(滥)造 天常(长)地久旁证(征)博引 鸠占雀(鹊)巢融汇(会)贯通 自抱(暴)自弃弄巧成?(拙)

改斜(邪)归正粼(鳞)次栉比 两全齐(其)美变本加利(厉) 随声附和(和) 茶(荼)毒生灵 痛心疾手(首) 厉(励)精图治 相题(提)并论甘败(拜)下风 5. A 6. C 7. (1)臭字的含义:坏,不好的,不良的 (2)“臭名远扬”用在臭豆腐上,此“臭名”非彼“臭名”,这个“臭”正是臭豆腐的特点,“名”我们就能够理解为名气了,合起来看,似乎比较荒谬,但正是此联巧妙之处,说出了臭豆腐的臭特点名 气四周传扬。“香”则就指,吃起来垂涎三尺的“香”,一种味道上的,品尝上的“香”,则不是它的气味了,但此联奇妙就妙在此处, 虽不是气味上的“香”,但此联仍使用专门形容气味散传的“飘”, 还是注重臭豆腐的另一特点吃起来香,足飘千里,可见臭豆腐的厉害,但还是侧重臭豆腐这个特点的名气,众所周知,都不止千里了。“臭”与“香”对比强烈,对仗工整,通俗易懂,堪称好联,绝妙好辞的广告。 8. ①可见,如果一个人能"知耻"善改,不但不会被别人鄙视,反而 更会得到人们的尊重和信赖. ②反之,有错不改或坚持错误,那才会真正降低自己的威信. 9. 挺拔的向日葵昂着首,那是在教我们追求; 10. 国务院就中国自然灾害和救灾工作等举行发布会 练习二


九年级体育寒假作业 九年级的同学经过这一学期的体育锻炼,体育成绩都有不同程度的提高。但随着体育课的停止,假期的来临,如果同学们不坚持科学的锻炼,获得的成绩会很快消退,更谈不上提高了。而一开学就是二月底,五月份就要体育中考,所以假期有计划地科学的锻炼身体就显得非常重要。现将一些简便易行的运动项目提供给大家,希望大家在假期能坚持锻炼,相信体育成绩会大有进步! 郑重声明:做这些练习的同学一定是无病史、身体健康的同学,在练习前一定做好充分的准备活动,身体在充分慢跑后感觉发热并为出汗,然后充分活动开各关节韧带,可安体育课上的准备活动:慢跑及徒手操。练习地点一定要安全。 正常考生 一:身体素质训练 热身:慢跑出微汗,活动各韧带关节 训练内容:原地弓箭步跳(每组100次,组间隔3分钟,共5组;要求:降低重心),立定跳远(每组15次,组间隔3分钟,共3组;要求:尽全力跳),马步靠墙静蹲(每组一分钟,组间隔1分钟,共3组),仰卧起坐(每组20—40次,组间隔1分钟,共三组) 放松:拉伸韧带 二:耐力训练 热身:慢跑出微汗,活动各韧带关节 训练内容:20分钟耐力跑,要求:禁止走跑交替,战胜极点,挑战自我,相信自己。 仰卧起坐(每组20—40次,组间隔1分钟,共三组) 放松:拉伸韧带 三:身体素质训练 热身:跨大步跑楼梯热身,活动各韧带关节 训练内容:快速跑楼梯20-30阶(3组,要求每步一阶,快速摆臂),单腿跳楼梯20-30阶(左右腿各3组;要求:全力,快速),双腿跳楼梯20-30阶(3组),仰卧起坐(每组20—40次,组间隔1分钟,共三组) 放松:拉伸韧带 择考生:15分钟篮球原地运球,15分钟原地两脚间足球运球。


初三2020数学寒假作业答案 1—2页答案 一、选择题 1.D; 2.A; 3.B; 4.B; 5.A; 6.D. 二、填空题 7.120;8.37.5;9.90°,5;10.AB、BC、CA;∠BAC、 ∠C、∠B;11.略;12.A,60;13.全等. 三、解答题 14.⑴旋转中心是A点;⑵逆时针旋转了60°;⑶点M转到了AC的中点位置上;15.略;16.⑴B;⑵C,B,A;⑶ED、EB、BD. 3—5页答案 一、选择题 1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.C; 5.B; 6.C. 二、填空题 7.答案不,如由和甲;8.90;9.三,相等;10.2 三、解答题 12.六,60,两种;13.⑴点A,⑵90°,⑶等腰直角三角形;14.旋转中心是A,60°,△ADP是等边三角形;15.图略. 6—8页答案 一、选择题 1.C; 2.B; 3.B; 4.D; 5.D; 6.B.

二、填空题 7.略;8.略;9.-6. 三、解答题 10.⑴点A;⑵30°;⑶AM上;11.略;12.⑴AE=BF且AE∥BF,理由 略;⑵12cm2; ⑶当∠ACB=60°时,四边形ABFE为矩形.理由略. 9—10页答案 一、选择题 1.C; 2.B; 3.A; 4.D; 5.A; 6.C. 二、填空题 7.2,120;8.ACE,A,42°,∠CAE,BD; 9.A1(-3,-4),A2(3,-4),关于原点中心对称. 三、解答题 10.(2,-3),(5,0);11. , ; 12.提示:证△ACE≌△BCD;以C为旋转中心,将△ACE 旋转一定 角度,能与△BCD 重合,这说明通过旋转这两个三角形能够相互得到,其旋转角为60°,故将△ACE以点C为旋转中心逆时针旋转60°可得 到△BCD,将△BCD以点C为旋转中心顺时针旋转60°可得到△ACE. 11—13页答案 一、选择题 1.C; 2.C; 3.C; 4.A; 5.D; 6.D; 7.C; 8.C; 9.A;10.D. 二、填空题


初三年级2018年寒假作业答案参考寒假作业整本答案 二、1.昔者鲁人不能为酒/唯中山之人善酿千日之酒/鲁人求其方/弗得 2.D 3.自鸣得意地自以为有了独到的见解。 4.讽刺那些以不知为知,拾人牙慧而沾沾自喜,到处炫耀的人(或:有了一知半解 就自以为了不起而夸夸其谈的人)。 三、1.⑴塞下秋来风景异 ⑵斜晖脉脉水悠悠 ⑶沙场秋点兵 ⑷只恐双溪舴艋舟,载不动许多愁 ⑸史记司马迁(每空1分)

2.①三国演义关羽②西游记猪八戒③水浒传鲁智深(每空0.5分) 3.①如:传承节日文化,创造美好生活;关注节日文化,就是关注生活;为了节日文化的繁荣,我们牵起手来等。 ②如:年轻人对节日文化的认识与理解;我心中的中西节日;节日文化对家庭的 影响等。 ③说出道理即可。如西洋节日文化的活泼自由,时代感强,切合年轻人的审美情趣; 民族传统节日文化底蕴丰厚,影响深远,民族传统节日文化是中国的悠久文明的 象征。 四、1.美在古代诗词,美在自然。2.城市的美丽只适宜拍照,从照片或书本里才能看到。3.对城市美的失望和不满,引出下文对整

体美的议论。4.大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物苏轼宋朝采菊东篱下,悠然见南山陶渊明东晋5.示例:“能在生活中常常看见美是一大幸事,如能看到他人未能体察的美尤为幸福。”生活中,常常有很多人不能发现美,可是美无时不在,关键在于你是否有一颗发现美的心。你能发现人家不容易发现的美,就可说明你有比别人更细腻的心。 一、古代诗词曲复习资料(略) 二、四大名著知识填空练习题(答案)参考答案: 1、曹雪芹 2、(1)鲁智深(2)曹操 3、林黛玉贾宝玉4,林黛玉5,赤壁之战失街亭 三、6、吴用智取生辰纲7,林教头曹操8,吴用水浒传9,武松10、关羽大意失荆州(温酒斩华雄)11、青梅煮酒论英雄12,草船借箭、空城计、七擒七纵等13、六出祈山、东和孙吴、收取东川西川、七擒孟获、北拒曹魏、摆设八阵图。14,C15,大闹天空16、示例:(1)武松打虎(花和尚倒拔垂杨柳)(2)鼓上蚤时迁,轻功上乘,善于偷盗。17,不屈不挠的反抗精神,如大闹天空(或与各种恶势力坚决斗争的精神,如三大白骨精)18,三国演义19,红楼梦20,“天下三分”是指天下分裂为魏、蜀、吴三国。21,章回22,曹操23,孙悟空。24,赤壁之战。25,略。26,(1)艺高胆大,悟空勇斗魔。(2)


怀文中学初三年级学生数学寒假作业 参 考 答 案 2012年 元 月 17 日 一:选择题 D 、B 、B 、D 、A 、C 、D 、B . 二:填空题 9:70° 10:40° 11:AD=BC 等 12:4 13:①③④ 14:38 ,34 15:3 16:33 17: 33 -118:略 2012年 元 月 18 日 三:解答题 19:⑴、略,⑵、四边形BCEF 为平行四边形 20:⑴、EC=BG ,⑵、存在,⑶、90° 21:⑴、四边形EGFH 为平行四边形,⑵、当点E 为AD 中点时四边形EGFH 为菱形, ⑶、EF ⊥BC 且BC EF 2 1= 22:⑴、略,⑵、EF=13- 23:⑴、AQ+AP=3,⑵、0<BE <2 2012年 元 月 19 日 一.填空题:1.5 2.4 3.8 4.100 5.0 6.4,3 二.选择题 7.C 8. D 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.(1)6,4 (2)3, 1.2 (3)乙成绩较 稳定 14.(1)601.6 599.4 (2)极差甲 28 ,乙50 65.84 215.028(3)合理即可 2012年 元 月 20 日 一.选择题:1.C a 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.A 二.填空题 8.≥0,b >0 9.5xy 10.4y 11. 15 ,6 12.x= 2 13. 2 14. 2 15.-m 16. 3 17.n 18.(1) (2) 2 2 (3)1-4 (4) b 19.a+b+c 2012年 元 月 21 日 20.解:2 解:X ≥- 12 且x ≠1 22.解:-1 24. 解-1 25.解:(3)M 1(23 ,0 ) M 3 ,0) M 4-2,0)


2020九年级上册物理寒假作业答案导读:本文是关于2020九年级上册物理寒假作业答案,希望能帮助到您! 第一次运动和声音的世界参考答案 一、选择题 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5 .D 6.A 7. C 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.ABD 12.ACD 二、非选择题 13.2.80cm ; 2.8cm 14.河岸(青山);竹排 15.物体在一段时间内通过的路程与通过这段路程所用时间的比;物体运动的快慢;米/秒;米每秒;m/s;km/h;1m/s=3.6km/h 16.响度;音调;音色;快慢;高 17. 传递信息;响度 18.振动;声音 19.介质;无线电(波) 20. 3.13;4.76;5.13 第二次多彩的光参考答案 一、选择题 1.A 2.C 3.D 4 . C 5.A 6. A 7. ABD 8. ABD 二、非选择题

9. 3.0×108 ;漫 10.1.6;2;左右;上下;不变 11.折射;虚;反射;虚 12.(略) 13.(1)凸透镜的中心 (2)缩小 (3)倒立 (4)放大放大 第三次力、力与运动参考答案 一、选择题 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.ABC 13.ACD 14.ACD 15.AD 二、非选择题 16.相互 17.增大压力、增大 18.4 、6 19.作图略 20解:(1)G1=m1g=900kg×10N/kg=9×103N (2)∵G=mg ∴m2=G2/g=1.5×104N÷10N/kg=1.5×103kg=1.5t 第四次密度与浮力参考答案 一、选择题 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.ABC 13.ABC 14.AD 二、非选择题 15.不变 16. 20 、竖直向上、上浮 17.小于、增大、上浮


缪营中学寒假作业之化学篇 命题人 1.下列变化属于化学变化的是 A.橙子榨汁 B.海水晒盐 C.水结成冰 D.食醋除水垢 E.酒精燃烧F.干冰升华 G .食物腐败H.火山爆发 2.物质的用途和性质密切相关。下列用途主要是利用其化学性质的是 A.活性炭用于防毒面具 B.金刚石作装饰品 C.铜丝作导线 D.氢气作高能燃料 E.镁粉用作照明弹 F.铜丝用作导线G.氢气用作清洁燃料 H.二氧化碳用作碳酸饮料3、下列图示的实验操作正确的是 A.向试管中加锌粒 B.点燃另一酒精灯 C.检查装置的气密性 D.稀释浓硫酸 E.向试管中滴加液体 F.读取量筒中的液体体积 G.给试管中的液体加热 H 用托盘天平称量药品 4.下列仪器不能 ..加热的是 A.燃烧匙 B.试管C.蒸发皿D.量筒 5、下列实验操作符合操作规范的是 A.为了便于观察,给试管加热时,试管口应对着自己 B.为了证明一瓶药品是蔗糖还是食盐,可品尝一下其味道 C.实验室用剩的药品,不能放回原瓶,要丢入垃圾桶中 D.过滤时,漏斗中的液面应低于滤纸的边缘 6、下列关于气体的说法正确的是 A.无色无味的气体一定是空气 B.空气中各种成分的含量是固定不变的C.植物光合作用产生的气体是空气的污染物之一 D.净化后的空气是一种混合物 7、下列物质在氧气中燃烧时,产生浓厚白烟的是 A.镁带 B.红磷 C.硫粉 D.铁丝 8、下列有关铁的说法错误 ..的是 A.地壳中铁元素含量排在第四位 B.在铁制品表面镀锌可防锈 C.用铁矿石与焦炭在高炉内炼钢 D.生铁的含碳量比钢的含碳量高 9、某化学兴趣小组为测定Fe、Cu、Ag三种金属的活动性顺序设计了四种方案,每种方案所用的试剂如下,其中你认为不可行的是 A. Fe、Ag、CuSO 4溶液 B. Fe、Cu、AgNO 3 溶液、稀盐酸


【导语】寒假到,快乐悄悄挂在脸旁,欢心轻轻潜入心房,轻松时时绕满身旁,一句问候送上幸福锦囊,寒假,愿你欢乐开怀,惬意自在!与朋友一起分享快乐时光吧!搜集的《2019初二物理寒假作业答案》,希望对同学们有帮助。 【篇一】 Part11 1、D 2、A 3、B 4、略 5、C 6、B 7、C 8、B 9、C10、C (11、12、13略) Part12 1、缩小、变大 2、C、投影仪 3、实、小、照相 4、> 5、小于、正立、虚6.略 7、B8、D9、D10、C11、A12、A13、C14、B15、D16、目、实、f Part13 1、照相机、凸透镜、视网膜 2、薄、远处、厚、近处 3、厚、强、前、近处、远处、凹透镜、发散 4、显微镜、望远镜 5、凸透镜、目镜、物镜、实、投影仪、放大镜、虚 6、实、放大的、照相机、放大镜、扩大视角、野、外界因素 7、大 8、A9、B10、C11、b12、D13、D14、B15、B16、A17、A 18、A19、B20、D21、D Part14 1、右、71 2、2:3 3、左3.2 4、4.70.94 5、D 6、A 7、B8、D9、C10、C11、A12、C13、越大、相等 【篇二】 一、选择题:DBBCC、DBBDD。 二、填空题 1、振动,介质,0,音色,响度。 2、光在同种均匀介质中是沿直线传播的。 3、先升华后凝华,液化,凝华。 4、凸,倒立,弱。 5、异种,吸引。 6、同一高度,缩小,照相机。 7、蒸发,熔化,吸。 8、电流表的正、负接线柱接反了。电流表的量程选小了,烧坏。 9、0.22,串联电路中电流处处相等。 三、作图(学生上黑板画) 四、实验题: 2、(1)并联电路中干路电流等于各支路电流之和。


2020初三寒假作业答案参考 第四十三页 1,C 2,A 3,B 4,D 5,A 6,D 7,C 8,C 9 ,有无新物质产生 这个空自己概括,我给提示(化学性质是因为分子结构的变化而体现的。而物理性质仅仅因为分子之间的关系变化而体现的 ) 10 ,光黑化学 11 ,木条熄灭CaCO3+HCl==CaCl2+H2O+CO2↑ 12,铁锈气体 Fe2O3+6HCl==2FeCl2+6H2O Fe+2HCl==FeCl2+H2↑ 13,CaO 浓H2SO4 14,碱酸护发 15,D 中的试管没伸到底部吸水干燥会与HCl反应

第四十五页 1,D 2,C 3,C 4,C 5,A 6,A 7,B 8,B 9,纯碱 Na2CO3 变红 碱 10, 2NaOH+CO2=Na2CO3+H2O HCl Na2CO3+HCl=NaCl+H2O+CO2 第四十六 10,HCl NaCO3+HCl=NaCl+H2o+CO2气体符号11,Ag Fe CaNO3

12,呈碱性(共同性质有很多啊,随便写) PH试纸 PH值大于7 NH4SO4+Ca(OH)2=CaSO4+2NH3气体符号+2H2o 13,HNO3 Ba(OH)2 Ba(NO3)2 BaSO4 BaCl2 14,乙 计算暂略 第四十七页 1,B 2,B 3,B 4,C 5,B 6,A 7,B 8,B 9,无

铁 黄 有白雾产生 HCl易挥发,产生盐酸小液滴 10,潮解 CO2 2NAOH+CO2=Na2CO3+H2O 稀HCl 气体 Bacl2 沉淀 Bacl2+Na2co3=2Nacl+Baco3↓、Na2co3+2Hcl=2Nacl+H2o+CO2↑11,Na2CO3 Na2SO4;CaCO3 FeCl3;NaNO3. 12,酚酞,1~14 13,(1)207 (2)步骤现象结论 ①AgNO3 ----- NaCL ②BaCl2 白的沉淀 AgNO3 无沉淀 (不知道) 14, Fe + H2SO4 == FeSO4 + H2↑ 56 2


九年级寒假作业政治答案 一.单项选择题(每小题2分,共24分) BABB ACDA BBCD 二.简答题。(每题6分,共12分) 13、材料一:2008年“两会”的一大热词为“民生”,反映了我国目前存在医疗难、教育难、就业难、住房难等现象。 材料二:“向总理提问,为总理分忧”,“两会”期间,3000多万人次网民和上亿次手机用户通过网络、电话等途径提出了50多万条问题和建议。 阅读材料回答以下问题: (1)材料一反映了我国怎样的基本国情?这一基本国情有哪些具体表现? 反映了我国处于并长期处于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情。这一基本国情的具体表现:现阶段我国生产力水平还比较低;科学技术水平、民族文化素质还不够高;社会主义具体制度还不完善。 (2)材料一中的各种民生问题的解决是落实哪一发展观的需要?请说出它的内容。 落实科学发展观。内容:以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展观。 (3)材料二表明我国公民在行驶什么权利?除此之外,我国公民还可以通过哪些途径行驶这项权利? 行使政治权利(或监督权、建议权)。行使途径在教材P32-33

14、2008年9月25日21时10分,我国“神舟七号”载人飞船成功发射……阅读以上时事,简要回答以下问题: (1)“神舟七号”发射成功主要是我国实施哪项战略的成果? 实施科教兴国战略。 2)实施这一战略具体该如何做? 实施科教兴国战略,要大力推进科技创新; 实施科教兴国战略,要推进教育创新; 实施科教兴国战略,要加快推进人才强国战略。 (3)说说在日常生活中你准备如何践行这一战略? 学生只要从科学技术和教育两方面谈即可。 (1)思想上:正确对待受教育的权利和义务,要树立崇高远大理想,增强强烈的社会责任感。 (2)学习上:努力刻苦学习科学文化知识,立志成才,报效祖国。 (3)生活实践上:发扬艰苦奋斗精神,勇于创新和实践,善于创新,勤于实践,努力攀登科学文化高峰,勇于承担起时代赋予我们的责任。 三、分析说明题 13、党的十七大报告指出“在现代化建设中要坚持物质文明、政治文明、精神文明、生态文明一起抓,要坚持落实科学发展观,最终实现经济又好有快地发展。” 结合所学知识,回答以下问题。 (1)请分别回答我国在四个文明建设方面的方针政策各有哪些?并选择其中的两个方面,各举一例。


初三物理寒假作业试题(有答案) 查字典物理网为大家搜集整理了初三物理寒假作业试 题(有答案),希望大家可以用心去做,不要只顾着玩耍哦! 一、选择题(本题共10小题,每题3分,共30分。每小题4个选项。其中只有1个选项是符合题意的。选对得3分。多选、不选、错选不得分) 1.为了不影响小红学习,妈妈看电视时把声音调小,这改变了声音的( ) A.音调 B.响度 C.音色 D.频率 2.下列说法正确的是( ) A.平面镜成放大的像 B.平面镜成缩小的像 C.凸透镜可以矫正近视眼 D.凹透镜可以矫正近视眼 3.冬天,路上的行人一边搓手,一边对手哈气,从而使手感到暖和。搓手和哈气在改变内能的方式上分别属于( ) A.做功、热传递B.热传递、做功C.做功、做功D.热传递、热传递 4.歼-15舰载机在我国首艘航母辽宁舰的甲板上起飞的过程中,下列说法不正确的是( ) A.舰载机相对航母的甲板是静止的 B.舰载机相对机内的飞行员是静止的 C.舰载机的动能越来越大 D.舰载机的机械能越来越大 5.下列几种工具,使用时属于费力杠杆的是( )

A.测量质量的天平 B.剪铁皮的剪刀 C.撬铁钉的锤子 D.夹取食物的筷子 6.关于安全用电,下列说法正确的是( ) A.开关安装在电灯与零线之间 B.打雷下雨时站在大树下避雨 C.使用三角插头是为了防止触电 D.使用测电笔时手不能接触笔尾金属体 7.一台家庭用节能台灯,其灯泡亮度相当于40W的普通白炽灯的亮度。在相同的工作时间内,节能台灯消耗的电能为40W白炽灯消耗电能的1/6,则节能台灯的工作电流约为( ) A.3mA B.30mA C.0.3A D.1.1A 8.一密度为钢制轴承,由粗细不同的两部分圆柱体构成,粗细圆柱体的高度均为h。如甲图所示放置时,轴承对水平面的压强为1.2 gh。如乙图所示放置时,轴承对水平面的压强为( ) A.3.6gh B.4.8gh C.6.0gh D.7.2gh 9.如图所示,当吊在弹簧测力计下的物体浸在水中的体积为物体体积的1/3时,弹簧测力计的示数为5.0N;当物体浸在水中的体积为物体体积的1/2时,弹簧测力计的示数为3.5N。从弹簧测力计上取下物体将其缓慢的放入水中(容器足够大,水足够多),则物体静止时受到的浮力为( ) A.9.0N B.8.5N C.8.0N D.7.5N


数学2020年九年级寒假作业答案 一、选择题 1.A 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.D 二、填空题 11.3 12. 13.-1 14.= 三、15.解: ==. 16.解: 四、17.方程另一根为,的值为4。 18.因为a+b=2++2-=4,a-b=2+-(2-)=2, ab=(2+)(2-)=1 所以= 五、19.解:设我省每年产出的农作物秸杆总量为a,合理利用量的增长率是x,由题意得: 30%a(1+x)2=60%a,即(1+x)2=2 ∴x1≈0.41,x2≈-2.41(不合题意舍去)。 ∴x≈0.41。 即我省每年秸秆合理利用量的增长率约为41%。 20.解:(1)∵方程有实数根∴Δ=22-4(k+1)≥0 解得k≤0,k的取值范围是k≤0(5分)

(2)根据一元二次方程根与系数的关系,得x1+x2=-2, x1x2=k+1 x1+x2-x1x2=-2 + k+1 由已知,得 -2+ k+1-2 又由(1)k≤0 ∴ -2 ∵ k为整数∴k的值为-1和0. (5分) 六、21. (1)由题意,得解得 ∴ (3分) 又A点在函数上,所以,解得所以 解方程组得 所以点B的坐标为(1, 2) (8分) (2)当02时,y1 当1y2; 当x=1或x=2时,y1=y2. (12分) 七、22.解:(1)设宽为x米,则:x(33-2x+2)=150, 解得:x1=10,x2= 7.5 当x=10时,33-2x+2=1518,不合题意,舍去 ∴鸡场的长为15米,宽为10米。(5分)(2)设宽为x米,则:x(33-2x+2)=200, 即x2-35x+200=0 Δ=(-35)2-4×2×200=1225-1600<0 方程没有实数解,所以鸡场面积不可能达到200平方米。(9分)


物理2020初三寒假作业答案人教版第一课时简单机械 一、知识梳理 (一) 杠杆 1、某一固定点转动 2、支点、动力、阻力、动力臂、阻力臂 3、动力乘以动力臂等于阻力乘以阻力臂,F1 ×L1 = F×L2 ,相反,逆时针,水平位置,便于测量力臂,便于总结普遍规律,避 免偶然性。4、(1)大于,小于,力,距离,略 (2)小于,大于,力,距离,略。5、等于,等于,不省力,不省距离,天平、定滑轮,没有。 (二)滑轮 1、等臂,力,施力方向。 2、2,力,施力方向。省力,施力方向,几分之一。 3、定,动。 4、动滑轮。 (三)斜面力,功,斜面 二、典型习题 1、大于,能够省力。 2、B 3、(1)省力(2)A ,C , (3)较好,反射。 三、反馈练习 1、A, 1:4 2、省力,A,D 3、 4、5作图略。6、(1)水平位置,便于测量力臂,平衡螺母向左调。(2)0.02,8 (3)弹簧没 有竖直向下拉 第二课时功和功率、机械效率 (三)1、作用在物体上的力,物体在力的方向上通过一段距离。 2、W=FS,焦耳,1。 3、功,功的原理

(四)功率 1、快慢,单位时间完成的功。 2、P=W/t P=Fv 3、103, 106 1秒做的功为25焦 (五)机械效率 1、有利用价值的功,没有利用价值,不得不做,动力对机械做 的功。 2、有用功,总功,机械效率=有用功∕总功 3、重力,重力,小于,小于 4、使用任何机械都不能省功。 5、公式略 二、典型计算 1、(1)1440焦(2)1800焦(3)360焦(4)80﹪(5)180牛(6)120牛(7)240牛(8)83.3﹪ (9)增加物重或减轻动滑轮自重 2、(1)750牛(2)300瓦 三、反馈练习 1、1500,80﹪ 2、> , > 3、75,80﹪,150 4、125 5、B 6、C 7、A 8、(1)450(2)75﹪ (3)500牛 第十二章机械能内能 一、填空:29×1=29’ 1.压缩做功 2。做功,热传递,做功,热传递 3。水的比热容大,水蒸发吸热(有致冷降温作用),=,减小 4。不变,等于,小于,甲因为惯性仍要保持原来的运动状态 5.内,重力势;


2020初三历史寒假作业答案(上学期)第一题 1—5 ABDCA 6—10 BBBCD 11—13 AAC 第二题 1.象形文字 2.基督教 3. 日本大化改新 4.穆罕默德 5.- 6.英 7.英国 8.独立宣言 9. 1789,巴士底狱 10.明治维新 11. 巴赫 12. 适者生存 P66,第三题 1.《解放黑人奴隶宣言》 2.瓦解南方种植园奴隶主 势力,增强了北方军队战斗力 第四题 1.为西欧国家的殖民掠夺开辟了道路,有利于欧洲资本主 义发展,也促动了世界的孤立,分散向整体方向发展。 2.蒸汽机的发明是第一次工业革命的标志,它以煤炭为燃料,给 工作机提供动力,将人类带进蒸汽时代。 3.内容:人生来自由平等;法律是公共意志的表现,法律面前人人 平等;私有财产神圣不可侵犯。 意义:对于反封建制度和等级制度具有重大历史意义。 P67,第一题 1—5 CBDCA 6—10 AACAD 11—15 AAADC 16—19 BDCA P68,第二题它是第二次资产阶级革命,维护了国家统一,废除 了奴隶制度,使北方资产阶级掌握了全部政权,为美国的资本主义迅 速发展开辟了道路。第三题 1.他有功也有过。功:颁布了法典,确 立资本主义社会立法,发展了资本主义之商业,多次打败“反法同盟”,维护革命成果,扩大革命影响。过:建立了独裁帝国。 2.认同。其实质是因为主要帝国主义之间发展不平衡后起义希望 重新瓜分世界,所以,一战后帝国主义之间的狗咬狗,为非正义战争。 P69,第一题 1—5 AADAD 6—9DACD

第二题 1.它是列宁对社会建设的掠夺,其实也是大大提升劳动生产的积极性,促动国民经济的恢复,巩固工农联盟,稳定苏俄维权政权。 2.帝国主义之间经济政治发展不平衡。 3.成就:建立齐全的工业体系,实现粮食白给白赊,也在核工业与航天技术上取得显著的成绩。优势:地大人多,重视教育、教育,大力发展粮食生产。不足问题:人口膨胀,环境恶化,民族与宗教矛盾复杂,官僚体制僵化,基础落后。 P70,第一题 1—5 DBCAB 6—10 BADDB 11—15 DDBDD 16—20 DCACC 21—25 AADCD 26—31 AABCDD P72,第二题 1.有功也有过。功:修万里长城,“书同文,车同轨” 过:修万里长城,焚书坑儒 2.内容:a.重新确定实事求是的马克思主义思想路线; b.把党和国家的工作重点从阶级斗争转到经济建设上; c.提出改革开放的总方针; d.形成以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体。 意义:它是建国以来党的历史的伟大转折点,冲破了左的束缚,标志着我国进入了社会主义现代化建设的新时代。 3.飞机的发明;汽车装备生产的诞生。


Topic:Amazing Animals Vocabulary Bar:词汇吧 下面是常用的有关动物的单词,让我们一起来认识一下吧。 A.动物类 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. All of the _______ (food) are cooked by my mother. 2. My uncle is a worker. He is in good _______ (healthy). 3. We are tied because we works the w_______ day. (all) 4. Would you c_______ _______ a drink? (like) 5. The r_______ for being late for school is that his mother is ill. (cause) 6. They d_______ to live in London last year. (chose) 7. She has made a_______ (decide) to be a math teacher. 8. Amy wanted to know ______ (much) about garlic. So she went to the library. 9. After _______ (read) about the movies, he decided to watch more of them. 10. _______ (eat) cut—up garlic is better because garlic changes after it is cut up. Speaking Bar说吧 从A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补 全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的) A: Susan, what are you drinking? B: __1__ A: Is ginger good for you? B: Yes, it is. __2__ A: What are ysome benefits of ginger? B: __3__ do you eat any foods that are good for your


物理2020八年级寒假作业答案人教版l 1 1、B、2.45 2、28.2 25.1 3、2.5 4、人、河岸 5、运动 6、地面、地面、椅背、车 7、A 8、c 9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D、13、B 14、B l 2 1、长、短 2、每秒行驶5米 3、6.25 22.5 4、250 5/3 5、路程、时间、V=s/t 6、0.4 便于测量时间 7、100min 8、路程、时间、速度 9、 6.25m/s 交接棒所用时间少 10、80 22.22 0.45 11、 8 6 大于 12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120 km/h (3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h l 3 1、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来 2、不能、能 3、快 4、不相同、空气、耳朵 5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动 6、C 7、C 8、C 9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、次 数 HZ 20---20000HZ 12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大 15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A l 4

1、A 2、C 3、A 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气 8、(1)能量 (2)音色、 9、(1)无法正常交流 (2)无法听音色 (3)感受不到声音带来的信息 10、(1)声音能够在固体中传播 (2)更好的接收声音 (3)听诊器 l 5 1、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流 2、A:没有水平放置 B:正 C:接触了容器底 D:没有接触液体 3、甲、38.5 38.5 4、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点 5、放、低 6、B 7、B 8、D 9、C 10、C 11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略 l 探究性学习 1、真空中不能传声 2、B 3、D 4、50 5*10000 5、D 6、折射、虚、火车、地面 7、A 8、11.268 9、吸、熔化、力、熔点 10、惯性、力 11、同意,水滴就像一个凸透镜,把阳光会聚,使树林燃烧,从而引起火灾。 12、因为衣服只能反射它原本的颜色。 13、测得十分钟的路程,用V=S/T的公式求出速度 l 6


初三2020寒假作业答案 第一课时简单机械 一、知识梳理 (一) 杠杆 1、某一固定点转动 2、支点、动力、阻力、动力臂、阻力臂 3、动力乘以动力臂等于阻力乘以阻力臂,F1 ×L1 = F×L2 ,相反,逆时针,水平位置,便于测量力臂,便于总结普遍规律,避 免偶然性。4、(1)大于,小于,力,距离,略 (2)小于,大于,力,距离,略。5、等于,等于,不省力,不省距离,天平、定滑轮,没有。 (二)滑轮 1、等臂,力,施力方向。 2、2,力,施力方向。省力,施力方向,几分之一。 3、定,动。 4、动滑轮。 (三)斜面力,功,斜面 二、典型习题 1、大于,能够省力。 2、B 3、(1)省力(2)A ,C , (3)较好,反射。 三、反馈练习 1、A, 1:4 2、省力,A,D 3、 4、5作图略。6、(1)水平位置,便于测量力臂,平衡螺母向左调。(2)0.02,8 (3)弹簧没 有竖直向下拉 第二课时功和功率、机械效率 (三)1、作用在物体上的力,物体在力的方向上通过一段距离。 2、W=FS,焦耳,1。 3、功,功的原理

(四)功率 1、快慢,单位时间完成的功。 2、P=W/t P=Fv 3、103, 106 1秒做的功为25焦 (五)机械效率 1、有利用价值的功,没有利用价值,不得不做,动力对机械做 的功。 2、有用功,总功,机械效率=有用功∕总功 3、重力,重力,小于,小于 4、使用任何机械都不能省功。 5、公式略 二、典型计算 1、(1)1440焦(2)1800焦(3)360焦(4)80﹪(5)180牛(6)120牛(7)240牛(8)83.3﹪ (9)增加物重或减轻动滑轮自重 2、(1)750牛(2)300瓦 三、反馈练习 1、1500,80﹪ 2、> , > 3、75,80﹪,150 4、125 5、B 6、C 7、A 8、(1)450(2)75﹪ (3)500牛 第十二章机械能内能 一、填空:29×1=29’ 1.压缩做功 2。做功,热传递,做功,热传递 3。水的比热容大,水蒸发吸热(有致冷降温作用),=,减小 4。不变,等于,小于,甲因为惯性仍要保持原来的运动状态 5.内,重力势;


2019年新初三年级数学寒假作业这篇关于2019年新初三年级数学寒假作业,是查字典数学网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 解答题(一):本大题共5小题,共38分.解答时,应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 19.(6分)(2 014白银)计算:(﹣2)3+ (2019+)0﹣|﹣|+tan260. 考点:实数的运算;零指数幂;特殊角的三角函数值. 专题:计算题. 分析:原式第一项利用乘方的意义化简,第二项利用零指数幂法则计算,第三项利用绝对值的代数意义化简,最后一项利用特殊角的三角函数值计算即可得到结果. 20.(6分)(2019白银)阅读理解: 我们把称作二阶行列式,规定他的运算法则为=ad﹣bc.如=25﹣34=﹣2. 如果有0,求x的解集. 考点:解一元一次不等式. 专题:阅读型. 分析:首先看懂题目所给的运算法则,再根据法则得到2x ﹣(3﹣x)0,然后去括号、移项、合并同类项,再把x的系数化为1即可. 解答:解:由题意得2x﹣(3﹣x)0, 去括号得:2x﹣3+x0,

21.(8分)(2019白银)如图,△ABC中,C=90,A=30. (1)用尺规作图作AB边上的中垂线DE,交AC于点D,交AB于点E.(保留作图痕迹,不要求写作法和证明); (2)连接BD,求证:BD平分CBA. 考点:作图复杂作图;线段垂直平分线的性质. 专题:作图题;证明题;压轴题. 分析:(1)分别以A、B为圆心,以大于AB的长度为半径画弧,过两弧的交点作直线,交AC于点D,AB于点E,直线DE就是所要作的AB边上的中垂线; (2)根据线段垂直平分线上的点到线段两端点的距离相等可得AD=BD,再根据等边对等角的性质求出ABD=A=30,然后求出CBD=30,从而得到BD平分CBA. 解答:(1)解:如图所示,DE就是要求作的AB边上的中垂线; (2)证明:∵DE是AB边上的中垂线,A=30, AD=BD, ABD=A=30, ∵C=90, ABC=90﹣A=90﹣30=60, 22.(8分)(2019白银)为倡导低碳生活,人们常选择以自行车作为代步工具、图(1)所示的是一辆自行车的实物图.图(2)是这辆自行车的部分几何示意图,其中车架档AC与CD的长

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