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萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案17

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案17
萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案17

CHAPTER OVERVIEW AND TEACHING TIPS Chapter 17 presents historical and theoretical portraits of regulatory and antitrust activities in the United States. Both are evolving, and your students need to understand that. It may be helpful to review both the competitive benchmark of efficiency and the various ways that markets can fall short of this ideal. Evolution can then be cast in terms of judging the social welfare implications of various types and degrees of market failure.

This chapter concentrates on one of government’s primary challenges in exercising its efficiency role: performing a watchdog function to prevent excessive abuse of market power. Also, the chapter focuses your attention on the two major tools employed by the U.S. government to put some “teeth” into its careful monitoring of business activity:regulation and antitrust activity.

Regulation is often employed when economies of scale are so significant in a production process that a monopoly is the only efficient solution. Government agencies are organized to monitor the behavior of the monopolist and to protect the interests of consumers. Antitrust legislation is designed to prevent monopolies from forming and to attack anticom-petitive abuses. The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Act form the backbone of antitrust policies; the Federal Trade Commission Act established the FTC as the agency in charge of monitoring and enforcing the legislation. Of course, as with any laws, the courts ultimately interpret their meaning, and a century of legal precedent defines the meaning of these statutes.



Distinguish between two brands of regulation: economic and social . Explain why government would use either of these types of regulation to alleviate market failure.2.

Review the three major public-interest justifications of regulation.3.

Provide an overview of the alternative strategies that can be used to regulate natural monopolies .Illustrate these alternatives, and use your illustration to discuss the costs of regulation.4.

Explain the significance of the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Clayton Act ,and the Federal Trade Commission Act .5.

Understand the differences between conduct and structure as used in the application of antitrust laws.6.Trace the evolution of antitrust activity to its modern formulation, which has focused on improving efficiency and not just on preventing bigness itself.


Consider economic regulation and antitrust policies. Some components of each are more direct and allow less flexibility. Others are more indirect and allow correspondingly more flexibility. As you consider strengths and weaknesses, state the objectives of “restraint” explicitly.2.Consult Figure 17-1; it duplicates Figure 17-2 in the text. Note P M P R P I and

Q M Q R Q I .Deadweight loss falls as P M converges to

P I , but profits turn negative after P R . Beyond P R , therefore, tax revenue from elsewhere is required and brings with it the effects of its own distortions. If P M is not very much different from

P I , this tax distortion might cause a larger welfare reduction. Also, different people lose and gain, so different people prefer different approaches.



P r o m o t i n g M o r e

E f f i c i e n t M a r k e t s


Figure 17-13.

Price-cap regulation provides better incentives because firms are encouraged to lower their production costs. They

are guaranteed a price increase; this benefits their profitability more if they are able at the same time to lower costs.Average cost pricing guarantees the long-run competitive solution, while a price-cap strategy allows firms to earn economic profits if they are efficient in their production processes.

4.Microsoft is a near monopolist in the production of certain types of computer software, namely operating systems.Is Microsoft bad because it is big, or might we be interested in tolerating this bigness (a la Schumpeter) in order to benefit from the research and development that such a large firm (earning economic profits, no doubt) is able to afford?


Consult Figure 17-2. Note that MR = MC at Q*/2; the corresponding price would be in the neighborhood of $400.Meanwhile, the ideal regulated price is about $100, supporting output Q* where MC = DD (and DD = MB,remember). Note that AC (Q *) = $175>$100 = price, so some subsidy would be required.Figure 17-2

6. a.Excerpts from the major antitrust laws are presented in Table 17-1. Section I of the Sherman Act is slightly

targeted at conduct; Section 2 reveals its major focus to be structure. Sections 2 and 3 of the Clayton Act speak most directly to conduct; Section 7 returns to structure. The Federal Trade Commission Act is addressed primarily to conduct.

b.Structure is easier to monitor, but there are increasing returns to scale in some industries that can be captured only by one (or a few) firms. Conduct is harder to monitor, but it can allow these sorts of efficiencies to be exploited.



Table 17-1 The Antitrust Laws

SHERMAN ANTITRUST ACT (1890, as amended)

Section 1. Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal.

Section 2. Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony...

CLAYTON ANTITRUST ACT (1914, as amended)

Section 2. It shall be unlawful...to discriminate in price between different purchasers of commodities of like grade and quality...where the effect of such discrimination may be substantially to lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly in any line of commerce....Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent differentials which make only due allowance for differences in the cost...

Section 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person...to lease or make a sale or contract...on the condition, agreement, or understanding that the lessee or purchaser thereof shall not use or deal in https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c15009164.html,modities of a competitor...where the effect...may be to substantially lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly in any line of commerce.

Section 7. No [corporation]...shall acquire...the whole or any part...of another [corporation]...where...the effect of such an acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly.


Section 5. Unfair methods of competition...and unfair of deceptive acts or practices...are declared unlawful.

7.Consider your experiences, here. Consult Figure 17-3 for some ideas, but add your own.

Perfect Competition


Oil Drilling and Mining

*Industries where prices are

significantly affected by

government regulation






Automobile Manufacture

Aircraft Manufacture


Local Telephone*


Natural Monopoly

Figure 17-3

84C HAPTER17: P ROMOTING M ORE E FFICIENT M ARKETS 8.Start with MC>0.Since profits are maximized where MR = MC, MR>0and demand is price-elastic. All that

notwithstanding, MC and/or AC could cut demand in its inelastic region. A higher price should produce high profits in all cases (if the regulation is binding, then the monopolist wants a higher price). Revenue will, meanwhile, climb with price through the inelastic region of demand; but it will fall as price rises into the elastic region.

9.The guidelines say that if the HHI is above 1800 the industry is highly concentrated. Thus, the code sharing agree-

ments would be very difficult to justify if the government is trying to maintain competition in the airline industry. 10.Any firm that has control over the price of its product is not operating under perfectly competitive market condi-

tions. Since they are setting the price of their product, they have some degree of monopoly power. To prove Microsoft was a monopoly, one would have to prove:1) that Microsoft has a significant amount of market share in this particular market, 2) that Microsoft’s market share is protected by barriers to entry, and 3) that as a result of its market power Microsoft has few rivals in this particular market.


1.Trace the history of regulatory activity in the United States from its inception in 1887 through its high point in the

late 1970s and into its subsequent decline. What do you think the future has in store? Why? How might increased international competition in many industries affect our attitudes toward “bigness”?

2.How does increased competition from foreign manufacturers affect the spirit of antitrust legislation in the United

States? If we have more competition from abroad, and those competitors are at times working with one another and with their home governments, should our domestic firms be handcuffed by antitrust laws? Why or why not?

3.Are there large American oil companies that can serve as examples of vertical or horizontal integration? Why are

antitrust suits directed at horizontally integrated firms? Should vertically integrated firms also be sued?

4.Do you think that the existence of monopoly power is, in and of itself, cause for public concern, or should concern

be raised only about the known abuse of power? What has been the attitude of the courts?

5.Exactly what is meant by a conglomerate? Name some examples. What are the advantages of bringing unrelated

activities under one corporate tent? Disadvantages?

6.Were the Justice Department’s antitrust suits against IBM and AT&T a repudiation of the Schumpeterian idea that

innovation is encouraged by the presence of large firms in the market? Can you give another explanation of their outcomes?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c15009164.html, two or three American industries that have been deregulated recently (over the past 10 to 15 years). What

have been the effects of the deregulation?

8.The most recent attempt at deregulation in the United States has occurred in the electric power industry.

Competition is being promoted, and consumers in many areas will soon have a choice of firms from which to buy their electric power. What happened to cause this change? What sorts of new technology are now available that have changed our ideas about the generation of electric power being a natural monopoly?

9.Explain what is meant by the “Bell Doctrine”. What might it mean for the software industry?That is, are there

aspects of the software industry that might be “quarantined” from other aspects of the industry, that should remain competitive?

10.In the spring of 2000, the price of gasoline rose by approximately thirty percent, from around $1.30 per gallon to

around $1.80 per gallon in Connecticut. Some blamed a heavy demand for oil during a particularly cold winter, others blamed the OPEC cartel for effectively restricting supply. Whatever the cause, some people began to clamor for government regulation of the market for petroleum products. Discuss the pros and cons of regulation in this industry. Would regulation be a good idea? What sorts of monopoly power would this regulation contain? ESSAY QUESTIONS

1.Outline briefly the history of antitrust policy in the United States, mentioning the important government acts that

have been milestones in its history, indicating the significance of each. How are these laws interpreted in modern case law?

2.Antitrust activity can be based on structure or conduct. Review a few of the various statutes and cases in American

antitrust law and determine whether they are directed at structure or conduct. What about guidelines for new mergers? Present the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.

3.Contrast an antitrust philosophy that concentrates on market power per se with one that attempts to use a rule of

reason against which conduct is measured.


4.Consider the various models of imperfect competition that you have seen. List a few industries that seem to be

described by each, and investigate how they have been regulated over time. Do you see any connection between market structure and the frequency (intensity) of regulatory activity?

5.What types of industries have been most successful in having regulation withdrawn? Does success in deregulation

depend at all on market structure? On production technology?

6.Research two or three recent antitrust actions. What are the economic circumstances involved? What judicial

philosophy was followed in undertaking each action?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c15009164.html,pare and contrast regulation that sets price equal to average costs with that which sets price equal to marginal

cost. Which approach to regulation do you prefer? What are the problems and benefits associated with each?

8.List and explain three important reasons why government might regulate industry. What sorts of regulation might

the government employ?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c15009164.html,pare price-cap regulation with marginal and average cost regulation. What are the pros and cons of price-cap


《曼昆—宏观经济学》 重点总结

第23章一国收入得衡量—GDP 微观经济学(microeconomics)研究个别家庭与企业如何做出决策,以及它们如何在市场上相互交易。宏观经济学(macroeconomics)研究整个经济,包括通货膨胀、失业率与经济增长。 一GDP 1 定义:国内生产总值(grossdomestic product,GDP) 就是在某一既定时期一个国家内生产得所有最终物品与劳务得市场价值。 2组成:GDP(用Y代表)被分为四个组成部分:消费(C)、投资(I)、政府购买(G)、净出口(NX): Y = C + I +G +NX 3 实际GDP与名义GDP:实际GDP=名义GDP-通货膨胀率,衡量得就是生产得变动,而不就是物价得变动。 4 GDP平减指数: ,就是经济学家用来检测经济平均物价水平,从而监测通货膨胀率得一个重要指标。(GDPdeflator) 5 GDP与经济福利: ?由于GDP用市场价格来评价物品与劳务,它就没有把几乎所有在市场之外进行得活动得价值包括进来,特别就是,GDP漏掉了在家庭中生产得物品与劳务得价值。 ?GDP没有包括得另一种东西就是环境质量。 ?GDP也没有涉及收入分配。 二衡量收入得其她指标: ?国民生产总值(GNP):就是一国永久居民(称为国民)所赚到得总收入。它与GDP得不同之处在于:它包括本国公民在国外赚到得收入,而不包括外国人在本国赚到得收入。 ?国民生产净值(NNP):就是一国居民得总收入(GNP)减折旧得消耗. ?国民收入、个人收入、个人可支配收入 第24章生活费用得衡量—CPI 一CPI 1定义:消费物价指数(consumer price index,CPI)就是普通消费者所购买得物品与劳务得总费用得衡量标准 2 计算:定义篮子→找出价格→计算费用→选择基年并计算指数→计算通货膨胀率 消费者物价指数=*100 3 衡量生活费用过程中存在得问题 替代倾向 新产品得引进


《宏观经济学》 教案 课程名称:宏观经济学适用专业:经济与管理类规定学时:54学时3学分开课学期:二年级上学期任课教师:曾福生 湖南农业大学经济学院

宏观经济学教案 一、课程说明 宏观经济学是从总体、总量出发,以整个国民经济作为考察对象,研究社会总体的经济行为及其后果,以及相应的经济变量如何决定。宏观经济学主要内容包括:国民收入核算理论、国民收入决定理论(支出-收入模型、IS-LM模型、AD-AS模型)、失业与通货膨胀理论、经济增长与经济周期理论、以及宏观经济政策与实践等。该课程主要介绍西方的基本经济理论,由于我们现在在经济领域中更多的是运用西方的理论,因而该课程是其他专业课的基础。但是宏观经济理论以一些假设为前提,与实际差距较大,比较抽象,有时要运用数学进行推导,因此为了更好地学习这门课程,首先挑选了难度适宜的教材,并主要按教材内容来讲授,适当补充一些内容。其次,还需要用一些难度适宜的习题,来使学生更好地掌握理论,提高分析能力。另外,由于经济理论比较抽象和枯燥,在课堂上可以举一些实例帮助学生理解,也可以培养学生用经济理论分析和解决实际问题的能力。 二、教学内容 宏观经济学是西方经济学的重要组成部分,主要介绍宏观经济学的基本知识、基本理论和基本政策。课程主要讲授国民收入核算理论、简单国民收入决定理论、产品市场和货币市场的一般均衡、宏观经济政策与实践、总需求-总供给模型、失业与通货膨胀理论、经济增长和经济周期理论、宏观经济学在目前的争论等内容。 三、本课程的教案主要包括下列教学活动形式 1、本章的教学目标及基本要求 2、本章各节教学内容及学时分配 3、教学重点与难点 4、本章教学内容的深化和拓宽 5、本章教学方式(手段)及教学过程中应注意的问题 6、本章的主要参考书目 7、本章的思考题和习题 8、教学进程 四、课程教学的基本要求 本课程的教学环节包括:课堂讲授、习题课、课外作业。通过本课程各个教学环节的教学,重点培养学生的学习能力、分析问题解决问题的能力。

曼昆 宏观经济学 练习题及答案

Homework 4 1. The Mundell–Fleming model takes the world interest rate r* as an exogenous variable. Let’s consider what happens when this variable changes. a. What might cause the world interest rate to rise? The Mundell–Fleming model takes the world interest rate r* as an exogenous variable. However, there is no reason to expect the world interest rate to be constant. In the closed-economy model of Chapter 3, the equilibrium of saving and investment determines the real interest rate. In an open economy in the long run, the world real interest rate is the rate that equilibrates world saving and world investment demand. Anything that reduces world saving or increases world investment demand increases the world interest rate. In addition, in the short run with fixed prices, anything that increases the worldwide demand for goods or reduces the worldwide supply of money causes the world interest rate to rise. b. In the Mundell–Fleming model with a floating exchange rate, what happens to aggregate income, the exchange rate, and the trade balance when the world interest rate rises? Figure 12–16 shows the effect of an increase in the world interest rate under floating exchange rates. Both the IS* and the LM* curves shift. The IS* curve shifts to the left, because the higher interest rate causes investment I(r*) to fall. The LM* curve shifts to the right because the higher interest rate reduces money demand. Since the supply of real balances M/P is fixed, the higher interest rate leads to an excess supply of real balances. To restore equilibrium in the money market, income must rise; this increases the demand for money until there is no longer an excess supply. Intuitively, when the world interest rate rises, capital outflow will increase as the interest rate in the small country adjusts to the new higher level of the world interest rate. The increase in capital outflow causes the exchange rate to fall, causing net exports and hence output to increase, which increases money demand.

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案17

CHAPTER OVERVIEW AND TEACHING TIPS Chapter 17 presents historical and theoretical portraits of regulatory and antitrust activities in the United States. Both are evolving, and your students need to understand that. It may be helpful to review both the competitive benchmark of efficiency and the various ways that markets can fall short of this ideal. Evolution can then be cast in terms of judging the social welfare implications of various types and degrees of market failure. This chapter concentrates on one of government’s primary challenges in exercising its efficiency role: performing a watchdog function to prevent excessive abuse of market power. Also, the chapter focuses your attention on the two major tools employed by the U.S. government to put some “teeth” into its careful monitoring of business activity:regulation and antitrust activity. Regulation is often employed when economies of scale are so significant in a production process that a monopoly is the only efficient solution. Government agencies are organized to monitor the behavior of the monopolist and to protect the interests of consumers. Antitrust legislation is designed to prevent monopolies from forming and to attack anticom-petitive abuses. The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Act form the backbone of antitrust policies; the Federal Trade Commission Act established the FTC as the agency in charge of monitoring and enforcing the legislation. Of course, as with any laws, the courts ultimately interpret their meaning, and a century of legal precedent defines the meaning of these statutes. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Distinguish between two brands of regulation: economic and social . Explain why government would use either of these types of regulation to alleviate market failure.2. Review the three major public-interest justifications of regulation.3. Provide an overview of the alternative strategies that can be used to regulate natural monopolies .Illustrate these alternatives, and use your illustration to discuss the costs of regulation.4. Explain the significance of the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Clayton Act ,and the Federal Trade Commission Act .5. Understand the differences between conduct and structure as used in the application of antitrust laws.6.Trace the evolution of antitrust activity to its modern formulation, which has focused on improving efficiency and not just on preventing bigness itself. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN THE TEXT 1. Consider economic regulation and antitrust policies. Some components of each are more direct and allow less flexibility. Others are more indirect and allow correspondingly more flexibility. As you consider strengths and weaknesses, state the objectives of “restraint” explicitly.2.Consult Figure 17-1; it duplicates Figure 17-2 in the text. Note P M P R P I and Q M Q R Q I .Deadweight loss falls as P M converges to P I , but profits turn negative after P R . Beyond P R , therefore, tax revenue from elsewhere is required and brings with it the effects of its own distortions. If P M is not very much different from P I , this tax distortion might cause a larger welfare reduction. Also, different people lose and gain, so different people prefer different approaches. 81 C H A P T E R P r o m o t i n g M o r e E f f i c i e n t M a r k e t s 17


《宏观经济学》模拟试题及参考答案 第Ⅰ部分模拟试题 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1、平均消费倾向表示消费支出与可支配收入之比。 2、在二部门经济中,均衡的国民收入是总支出和国民收入相等时的国民收入。 3、宏观财政政策包括财政收入政策和财政支出政策。 4、交易余额和预防余额主要取决于国民收入,投机余额主要取决于利息率。 5、宏观货币政策的主要内容有调整法定准备金率、公开市场操作、调整贴现率。 二、判断题(下列各题,如果您认为正确,请在题后的括号中打上“√”号,否则请打上“×”号,每题1分,共10分) 1、财政政策的内在稳定器有助于缓和经济的波动。(对) 2、从短期来说,当居民的可支配收入为0时,消费支出也为0。(×)。 3、消费曲线的斜率等于边际消费倾向。(√) 4、当某种商品的价格上涨时,我们就可以说,发生了通货膨胀。(×), 5、投机动机的货币需求是国民收入的递增函数。(×) 6、当投资增加时,IS曲线向右移动。(对) 7、在IS曲线的右侧,I

将其代号填入括号中,每题2分,共20分) 1、消费曲线位于45o线的上方表明,储蓄是( c )。 A、正数 B、0 C、负数 2、在边际储蓄倾向等于20%时,边际消费倾向等于( b )。 A、20% B、80% C、30% 3、当总需求增加时,国民收入将(c )。 A、减少 B、不变 C、增加 4、假定边际储蓄倾向等于20%,则增加100万美元的投资,可使国民收入增加(b )。 A、200万美元 B、500万美元 C、800万美元 5、哪一对变量对国民收入具有同样大的乘数作用(b )。 A、政府支出和政府减税 B、消费支出和投资支出 C、政府减税和政府支出 6、假定边际消费倾向等于60%,政府同时增加20万美元的支出和税收,将使国民收入( a )。 A、增加20万美元 B、保持不变 C、增加12万美元 7、要消除通货膨胀缺口,政府应当(c)。 A、增加公共工程支出 B、增加福利支出 C、增加税收 8、技术的进步造成部分人不适应新的工作要求,由此产生的失业是(b )。 A、自愿失业 B、结构性失业 C、需求不足的失业 9、如果通货膨胀没有被预料到,则通货膨胀的受益者是(a ) A、股东 B、债权人 C、退求金领取者 10、下面哪一种说法表达了加速原理(c ) A、消费支出随着投资支出增长率的变化而变化; B、国民收入随着投资支出的变化而变化; C、投资支出随着国民收入增量的变化而变化 四、简答题(每题5分,共25分)


《经济学》读书笔记 ——萨缪尔森,人民邮电出版社,04年版统计学院12级统计二班李艳斌201202010245 萨缪尔森作为新古典经济学和凯恩斯经济学综合的代表人物,其理论观点体现了西方经济学整整一代的正统的理论观点,并且成了西方国家政府制定经济政策的理论基础。萨缪尔森在经济学领域中可以说是无处不在,被称为经济学界的最后一个通才。 萨缪尔森是当代新古典经综合派领袖人物,正如美国著名经济学家斯坦利·费希尔介绍萨缪尔森时所说的:“萨缪尔森对经济理论的几乎所有方面都做了根本性的贡献”。我正是带着对大师的崇拜与敬意通篇阅读了《经济学》这本书。 当初拿到萨缪尔森的《经济学》一书时,心里没有底,手捧着这样一本凝聚着大师无数心血与人类智慧结晶的厚重的书,我想,一定是内容错综复杂而让我这个初出茅庐刚开始接触经济学的学生绞尽脑汁才能看懂其冰山一角的书,担心自己无法认真地从头到尾看完这本巨著而对心中的偶像有所不恭。从第一章绪论开始我就感觉到这本书并不像我先前所想象的那样语言晦涩难懂,而是以自然明了的辞藻将本应繁杂的理论娓娓道来,甚至在描述上比我的课本更简单,越是大师,就越能用浅显易懂的文字表达原本复杂的经济学原理。此书的一大特点是萨缪尔森和诺德豪斯根据世界范围内的形势发展以及随着人类科技不断进步而

使生活的方方面面都持续着天翻地覆的改变,把各种涉及到经济学的新元素都加入到最新版《经济学》里,使读者能够足不出户就可将当今社会上影响人类生活包括经济现象、环境变化、世界经济和整个社会的变动趋势与经济学基础识知相结合进行初步的了解。 这本书的编排基本上能满足各个层次读者的需求,较高深的内容在附录或特别标明的小节里单独安排。第一编是基本概念,主要介绍了一下学习经济学的一些必备基础知识。第二编是微观经济学:供给、需求和产品市场,第三编是要素市场:劳动、土地和资本,以上两篇也是我们在任一本微观经济学的书本中都能看到的主题。第四篇从微观的角度主要讨论了下国际贸易、政府以及环境,第五篇至第七篇全面讲述了宏观经济学的相关知识。 读此书没有特别明显的吃力而泛味地看普通教科书的感觉,简单的文字,甚至有时略带幽默的语言,仿佛是在阅读剧情引人入胜的小说一样让人有一发不可收拾地看下去的冲动,对理论的讲述间或会结合实际加入些许评价,更是让人浮想联翩。 纵观全书,萨缪尔森的《经济学》在让我领略了大师风采的同时更让我通过对经济学的学习以及和实际相联系从而产生了强烈的责任感,我想这也是老人家坚持不懈所想达到的目的吧。好读书,读好书,读完好书,学到知识,我们要怀着一颗热忱的心去为这个社会造福。 所有的经济理论都建立在三大假设上面:稀缺性假设,经济


西方经济学重要图解微观 经济学 The pony was revised in January 2021

西方经济学重要图解第二章需求曲线和供给曲线概述以及有关的基本概念 1.对微观经济学的鸟瞰 2.需求曲线和供给曲线 3.需求的价格弹性的含义 4.需求的价格弧弹性的五种类型需求的价格点弹性的五种类型5.需求的价格弹性和厂商的销售收入 6.需求弹性与销售收入 7.供给的价格弹性s dQ P e dP Q =?

弧弹性公式: 点弹性公式: 8.线性供给曲线的点弹性 9.需求的交叉价格弹性 弧弹性:X Y XY Y X Q P e P Q ?= ?? 点弹性:0lim Y X Y X Y XY P Y X Y X Q P dQ P e P Q dP Q ?→?=?=? ? 第三章 效用论 1.消费者均衡条件:MU/P= (基数效用论) 消费者剩余 U=f(X 1,X 2)=U o 2.消费者的最优购买行为必须满足两个条件: 均衡条件 :MRS 12=MU 1/MU 2=P 1/P 2 3.价格变化和收入变化对消费者均衡的影响 收入变化:收入—消费曲线→恩格尔曲线 4.正常物品的替代效应和收入效应 低档物品的替代效应和收入效应 吉芬物品的替代效应和收入效应 5.商品价格变化所引起的替代效应和收入效应 λ 00 ()Q CS f Q dQ P Q =-?

第四章生产论 1.总产量曲线、平均产量曲线和边际产量曲线总产量、平均产量和边际产量相互之间的关系2.边际技术替代率 等斜线扩展线 第五章成本论 1.短期成本的分类 2.短期成本曲线的综合图 3.短期产量曲线与短期成本曲线之间的关系


《计量经济学》课程教学日历 一、课程名称 计量经济学Econometrics 二、课程编码 三、学时与学分48/3 四、先修课程 1、微观经济学与宏观经济学基本经济理论 2、概率论与数理统计 3、微积分 五、课程教学目标 计量经济学是在对社会经济现象作定性分析的基础上,探讨如何运用统计模型方法来定量描述具有随机性特征的经济变量关系的应用经济分支。通过本课程的学习,学生可以掌握计量经济学的基本原理和方法,了解计量经济学的应用领域,学会用计量经济模型对实际经济问题进行实证分析。该课程在学生知识结构中占有重要位置,是研究能力和实践能力的重要组成部分。 教学基本要求:(1)了解计量经济学与经济学、统计学、数学等学科的关系。(2)熟练掌握单方程模型和联立方程模型的基本估计理论和检验方法,能够建立并应用简单的计量经济模型分析实际经济问题。(3)熟练掌握EViews软件的基本使用方法,能够使用该软件选择模型,进行经济预测、政策评价、实证研究等经济分析。(4)了解应用计量经济学的基本内容,熟悉构造理论计量经济模型的基本方法,以及计量经济模型在不同领域的具体应用。(5)具备进一步学习和应用计量经济学理论、方法的基础和能力。 六、适用学科专业 管理学院各专业 七、基本教学内容与学时安排 引言(3学时) 教学内容: 第一节、计量经济学的定义:计量经济学的三要素,研究对象,在经济学科中的地位。 第二节、计量经济模型:模型,经济模型,计量经济模型及其特点。 第三节、建立计量经济模型的步骤:建立模型,估计参数,模型检验,模型应用。(散点图。先验信息。几种常见的数据类型。计量经济模型检验包括的几个方面。) 第1篇:单一方程回归模型(共9章)(24学时) 教学内容: 第1章:回归分析的性质 第2章:双变量回归分析:一些基本概念。 第3章:双变量回归模型:估计问题。 第4章:经典正态线性回归模型。


曼昆宏观经济学读书笔记 宏观经济学之所以成为宏观,是因为它的研究对象是一国经济运行,包括通货膨胀、经济增长等,而不仅仅是一个企业、市场或家庭的经济行为。宏观经济学滥觞于凯恩斯,至今已经和微观经济学分庭抗礼,而且宏观经济政策在经济活动中作用十分巨大。 曼昆经济学原理宏观部分开篇讨论宏观经济中各种数据,当然,在宏观经济学中数据始终扮演十分重要的角色,在指标监控基础上形成的各种宏观经济政策调控工具是决策者的宠儿。 第23章中,曼昆论述了一国收入的衡量。一般来说,衡量一国国民经济可以从收入和支出两个角度来计算,而在一个经济活动中必然有一个收入对应一个支出,所以两种方法得到的结论是一样的。在这里,无论微观还是宏观,基本上都逃不掉如下这幅图: 接下来,曼昆讨论了国民生产总值的含义。众所周知,国家会统计每季度的GDP ,并在年末获得年度GDP 。国民生产总值是在一定时间内一个国家所生产的所有最终商品和劳务的市场价值。深刻理解国民生产总值含义要抓住每一个词汇,这是宏观里非常重要的概念。与GDP 相似的还有如下几个收入概念: GNP GDP NNP GNP NI NNP PI NI =+=-=-=-本国国民民国外所得-外国国民本国所得 折旧 企业间接税+企业贴补 企业留存收益+其他所得 可支配收入=PI-个人所得税 按照四部门经济模型,我们可以有如下GDP 构成:

GDP C I G NX =+++ 这里必须强调投资和我们平时所讲的投资是有区别的,这里投资主要是购买用于生产物品的物品,也就购买生产资料,包括机械、建筑等。 在第二十三章最后一节里,曼昆阐述了三个非常重要的概念:名义GDP 、真实GDP 和GDP 平减指数。概而言之,名义GDP 是以当年价格乘以生产数量而得到的数字;真实GDP 主要排除了价格的影响,以一个年份的价格作为不变价格,乘以当年生产数量从而得到真实GDP ,主要反映生产数量的变化,可以更好的衡量一国的经济福利;GDP 平减指数是用来衡量价格变动的指标,GDP 100GDP GDP =?名义平减指数真实。需要指出, GDP 平减指数可以用来测量通货膨胀的一个指标,这就要通过以下公式计算GDP 平减指数的变动: 100%GDP GDP GDP GDP -=?第二年平减指数第一年平减指数平减指数第一年平减指数 当然,GDP 并不是完美的,在环境、收入分配等环节上是无法通过GDP 反映的。虽然如今很多经济学家都在呼吁绿色GDP 或者GDP 重新改革,而目前我们国家还有太多需要发展,经济水平还是偏下,在东部也许可以重新衡量GDP 统计,在中西部则还是弊大于利。GDP 衡量体系一旦变化,这些地区将面临更加不利发展的经济环境。这就好比教导三岁小孩要先天下之忧而忧,他又真能做到如此?经济就像人生,经历波澜壮阔、起起伏伏之后才能把握住最美、最好的一幕,让一个还没有发展的经济区域妄谈环境、低碳必会引来因噎废食。 接着在二十四章里,曼昆谈论了消费物价指数(consumer prize index )。这是一个非常有大众缘的指数,无论是国内还是国外媒体CPI 的确是一个抢眼的词汇。首先,曼昆介绍了消费物价指数含义和计算方法。所谓的消费物价指数,是消费者购买一篮子商品和劳务所支付的总价格。根据各种商品在消费者消费中重要程度高低赋予一定的权重,计算出当年总支出。再确定某一个基期价格,利用下面公式: 消费者物价指数=(当期总物价/基期总物价)×100 然后通过计算相邻年份或月份CPI 的变动率,也就是通货膨胀率就可以衡量一定时期内价格变动的比率。当然,消费者物价指数有其固有的弱点。消费者物价指数反映不了消费偏向导致的消费结构的变化,所以一揽子商品必须适时而变。消费者物价指数无法反映新产品和质量的变动。 如消费者物价指数,GDP 平减指数也是反映通货膨胀一个指数,而且这两个指数可以相互配合来确定当年物价变动状况。而两者又存在一些差别。从对象上看,GDP 平减指数反映的是所有生产的物品和劳务,而CPI 仅仅是消费者购买的物品和劳务,这就导致石油价格上涨时非产油国的CPI 与GDP 平减指数有较大的背离。从统计结构来看,CPI 主要是固定的一篮子商品,而GDP 平减指数主要是根据当年生产情况来确定。 在第二部分,曼昆讨论了美元价格比较和真实、名义利率。因为经济运行中会出现通货膨胀和通货紧缩,20年前的人民币肯定不是今天的人民币,这就需用一定换算公式来进行比较:当今的货币数量=T 年前的货币数量×(T 年前的物价水平/当今的物价水平)。而真实利率=名义利率-通货膨胀率。 总体上讲,这一篇介绍了两种最基本的数字,一个是反映生产水平的GDP ,一个是反映物价水平的CPI ,这也是构成宏观经济运行检测非常重要的两个指标。 第九篇中介绍了长期中经济真实情况。在第二十五章里,作者论述了GDP 增长的决定因素。一般来说,一个经济体按照a%的速度增长,那么在(70/a )年份时就可以实现翻番。国与国之间经济上存在的巨大差异,增长率起到很大的作用。生产率是决定增长率非常重要


宏观经济学知识要点总结 第一章 一关键概念 1、实证分析:回答“是什么”的问题,建立逻辑框架对经济行为和现象进行分析和解释,推导出的命题要能用经验数据来检验。 2、规范分析:回答“应该是什么的问题”,从理论上探讨某类经济行为应该是什么或某类经济问题应如何解决。 3、均衡分析:研究经济的部分或整体趋向均衡(一种相对静止、稳定不变的状态)的条件、机制和结果。 4、静态分析:研究经济达到某一状态的条件和结果。 5、动态分析:研究经济的实际变动过程。 6、国内生产总值(GDP)和国民生产总值(GNP)比较: (1)GDP是某一时期内(衡量期的长度通常为一年)在一国境内为市场生产的所有最终产品和服务的货币价值的总和。 (2)国民生产总值(GNP):一国居民拥有的生产要素在某一时期内为市场生产的所有最终产品和服务的货币价值的总和。 (3)GNP与GDP关系:GNP=GDP+NFP,其中NFP是净要素支付,即本国居民拥有的生产要素在国外使用所获得的报酬(工资、利息、股息等)-国外生产要素在本国使用所获得的报酬。 (4)GNP比GDP更能反映国民收入(一国居民拥有的生产要素所获得的


7、名义价值:用核算期货币价值衡量的产品和服务的价值量。 8、实际价值:用基期货币价值衡量的产品和服务的价值量,它是经过通货膨胀调整的价值量。 9、流量:一定时期内的增量,如GDP、GNP、NDP、收入、投资和折旧。 10、存量:某一时点上的累积量,如财富和资本。 11、现值:未来某时刻获得的货币折算到当前时刻的价值。 二复习思考题 1、宏观经济学的研究对象是什么?宏观经济学研究经济整体的运行,主要内容是经济活动整体水平(总收入、失业率、物价指数和通货膨胀率等)的决定。 2、宏观经济学的研究方法是什么?总量分析方法,即分析经济活动整体水平(总收入、失业率、物价指数和通货膨胀率等)的决定、变动和相互关系。 3、请谈谈宏观经济学派与宏观经济学的关系。(1)现代宏观经济学的主要学派包括凯恩斯主义学派、新凯恩斯主义学派、货币主义学派、理性预期学派和供给学派等。(2)现代宏观经济学在各学派的争论中不断发展和演变。争论的内容主要是市场机制的有效性以及政府干预的必要性和效应。 4、你认为当前中国宏观经济运行中的主要问题是什么?(1)内需不足;(2)通货膨胀压力大;(3)外汇储备急剧增加;(4)流动性过剩。 5、简要分析宏观经济学的发展趋势。(1)各流派的争论将会持续下去;(2)新古典综合派仍占正统地位;(3)宏观经济学的精密化、实用化与微观化。

《曼昆—宏观经济学》 重点总结

第23章一国收入的衡量—GDP 微观经济学(microeconomics)研究个别家庭和企业如何做出决策,以及它们如何在市场上相互交易。宏观经济学(macroeconomics)研究整个经济,包括通货膨胀、失业率和经济增长。 一GDP 1 定义:国内生产总值(gross domestic product,GDP) 是在某一既定时期一个国家内生产的所有最终物品与劳务的市场价值。 2 组成:GDP(用Y代表)被分为四个组成部分:消费(C)、投资(I)、政府购买(G)、净出口(NX): Y = C +I +G +NX 3 实际GDP与名义GDP:实际GDP=名义GDP-通货膨胀率,衡量的是生产的变动,而不是物价的变动。 4 GDP平减指数:,是经济学家用来检测经济平均物价水平,从而监测通货膨胀率的一个重要指标。(GDP deflator) 5 GDP与经济福利: ?由于GDP用市场价格来评价物品与劳务,它就没有把几乎所有在市场之外进行的活动的价值包括进来,特别是,GDP漏掉了在家庭中生产的物品与劳务的价值。 ?GDP没有包括的另一种东西是环境质量。 ?GDP也没有涉及收入分配。 二衡量收入的其他指标: ?国民生产总值(GNP):是一国永久居民(称为国民)所赚到的总收入。它与GDP的不同之处在于:它包括本国公民在国外赚到的收入,而不包括外国人在本国赚到的收入。 ?国民生产净值(NNP):是一国居民的总收入(GNP)减折旧的消耗。 ?国民收入、个人收入、个人可支配收入 第24章生活费用的衡量—CPI 一CPI 1 定义:消费物价指数(consumer price index,CPI) 是普通消费者所购买的物品与劳务的总费用的衡量标准 2 计算:定义篮子→找出价格→计算费用→选择基年并计算指数→计算通货膨胀率 消费者物价指数=*100 3 衡量生活费用过程中存在的问题 替代倾向 新产品的引进



二、课程主要教学内容 第十二章国民收入核算 教学目的和要求:本章主要研究宏观经济中各有关总量的核算。通过本章的学习,要求学生掌握:(1)西方国民收入核算的核心指标;(2)西方国民收入核算的基本原理。 重点及难点:1、GDP的五点含义 2、国民收入核算中的恒等关系 由于第一节“宏观经济学的特点”已在第一章“绪论”中讲授,因此,本章从第二节开始。 第二节国内生产总值 本节主要知识点: 一、国内生产总值的概念(熟练掌握) 国内生产总值是指经济社会在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品(包括物品与劳务)的市场价值。 二、国民生产总值与国内生产总值(掌握) GNP以人口为统计标准,指本国居民在国内外生产的最终产品的价值总和; GDP以国境为统计标准,指本国与外国居民在本国生产的最终产品的价值总和。 第三节核算国民收入的两种方法 本节主要知识点: 一、支出法的含义(掌握) 支出法是指核算经济社会在一定时期内用于消费、投资、政府购买与净出口这几方面的总和。 二、收入法的含义(掌握) 收入法是用要素收入即企业生产成本核算GDP。 第四节从国内生产总值到个人可支配收入 本节主要知识点: 本节要求学生掌握以下五个指标之间的关系。 一、国内生产总值GDP 二、国内生产净值NDP=GDP-折旧

三、国民收入NI=NDP-间接税和企业转移支付+政府补助金 四、个人收入PI=NI-公司未分配利润-公司所得税与社会保险税+政府给个人的转移支付 五、个人可支配收入DPI=PI-个人所得税 第五节国民收入的基本公式 本节主要知识点: 一、两部门经济的收入构成与储蓄-投资恒等式(掌握) 从支出看:Y=C+I 从收入看:Y=C+S 储蓄-投资恒等式:I≡S 二、三部门经济的收入构成与储蓄-投资恒等式(掌握) 从支出看:Y=C+I+G 从收入看:Y=C+S+T 储蓄-投资恒等式:I+G≡S+T 第六节名义GDP和实际GDP 本节主要知识点: 一、名义GDP的概念(理解) 用生产物品和劳务的当年价格计算的最终产品的市场价值。 二、实际GDP的概念(理解) 用生产物品和劳务的基期价格计算的最终产品的市场价值。 三、GDP折算指数 = 名义GDP/实际GDP(掌握) 第十三章简单国民收入决定理论 教学目的和要求:本章主要介绍简单产品市场上国民收入的决定。通过本章的学习,要求学生掌握:(1)使用消费函数、储蓄函数来决定国民收入的方法;(2)四种乘数的推导及说明。 重点及难点: 1、乘数原理 2、使用消费函数与储蓄函数决定国民收入 第一节均衡产出 本节主要知识点:


第一章宏观经济学的课后答案 复习题 1、由于整个经济的事件产生于许多家庭与许多企业的相互作用,所以微观经济学和宏观经济学必然是相互关联的。当我们研究整个经济时,我们必须考虑个别经济行为者的决策。由于总量只是描述许多个别决策的变量的总和,所以宏观经济理论必然依靠微观经济基础。 2、经济学家是用模型来解释世界,但一个经济学家的模型往往是由符号和方程式构成。经济学家建立模型有助于解释GDP、通货膨胀和失业这类经济变量。这些模型之所以有用是因为它们有助于我们略去无关的细节而更加明确地集中于重要的联系上。模型有两种变量:内生变量和外生变量,一个模型的目的是说明外生变量如何影响内生变量。 3、经济学家通常假设,一种物品或劳务的价格迅速变动使得供给量与需求量平衡,即市场走向供求均衡。这种假设称为市场出清。在回答大多数问题时,经济学家用市场出清模型。 持续市场出清的假设并不完全现实。市场要持续出清,价格就必须对供求变动作出迅速调整。但是,实际上许多工资和价格调整缓慢。虽然市场出清模型假设所有工资和价格都是有伸缩性的,但在现实世界中一些工资和价格是粘性的。明显的价格粘性并不一定使市场出清模型无用。首先偷格并不总是呆滞的,最终价格要根据供求的变动而调整。市场出清模型并不能描述每一种情况下的经济,但描述了经济缓慢地趋近了均衡。价格的伸缩性对研究我们在几十年中所观察到的实际GDP增长这类长期问题是一个好的假设。 第二章宏观经济学数据 复习题 1、GDP既衡量经济中所有人的收入,又衡量对经济物品与劳务的总支出。 GDP能同时衡量这两件事,是因为这两个量实际上是相同的:对整个经济来说,收入必定等于支出。这个事实又来自于一个更有基本的事实:由于每一次交易都有一个买者和一个卖者,所以,一个买者支出的每一美元必然成为一个卖者的一美元收入。 2、CPI衡量经济中物价总水平。它表示相对于某个基年一篮子物品与劳务价格的同样一篮子物品与劳务的现期价格。 3、劳工统计局把经济中每个人分为三种类型:就业、失业以及不属于劳动力。一 失业率是失业者在劳动力中所占的百分比,其中劳动力为就业者和失业者之和。一 -I、奥肯定理是指失业与实际GDP之间的这种负相关关系。就业工人有助于生产物品与劳务,而失业工人并非如此。失业率提高必定与实际GDP的减少相关。舆肯定理可以概括为等式:实际GDP变动百分比-3%-2×失业率的变动,印如果失业率保持不变,实际GDP增长3% 左右。这种正常的增长率是由于人口增长、资本积累和技术进步引起的。失业率每上升一个百分比,实际GDP一般减少2个百分比。一 问题和应用一 1、大量经济统计数字定期公布,包括GDP、失业率、公司收益、消费者物价指数及贸易结余。GDP是一年内所有最终产品与劳务的市场价值。失业率是要工作的人中没有工作的人的比例。公司利润是所有制造企业税后会计利润,它暗示公司一般的财务健康情况。消费者物价指数是衡量消费者购买的物品的平均价格,它是通货膨胀的衡量指标。贸易结余是出口物品与进口物品之间的价差。一 2、每个人的增值是生产的物品的价值减去生产该物品所需的原材料的价值。因此,农夫增值是1美元,面粉厂的增值是2美元,面包店的增值是3美元。GDP就是总的增值,即为6 美元,它正好等于最终物品的价值。一 3、妇女与她的男管家结婚,GDP减少量等于男管家的工资。这是由于GDP是衡量经济中所有人


Absolute advantage
Average standard of living GDP Average total cost
Accounting profit
Average variable cost
Aggregate demand (AD) curve GDP Aggregate supply (AS) curve
Basic principles of economics
Aggregation Behavioral economics Alternate goods Black market Automatic stabilizers Bond Autonomous consumption Boom Y Average fixed cost GDP Budget constraint

Budget deficit
Budget line Cash in the hands of the public
Business cycles GDP Business demand for funds curve Change in demand Central bank
Change in quantity demanded Business firm
Change in quantity supplied
Change in supply Capital Coase theorem Capital gains tax
Capital per worker
Command or centrally planned economy
Capital stock

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