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自组网络(ad hoc network)是为了满足某些即时需求而临时而建立的一种对等网络(没有中央服务器)例如,有一群职员,每人带着一台膝上电脑或掌上电脑,会聚在商务会议室或课堂上。这些职员会将他们的电脑链接起来,形成一个临时性的、仅仅在会议期间存在的网络。




















无线局域网中最小的模块是基本服务集(Basic Service Set, BSS),它由一些执行相同MAC协议并争用同一共享媒体完成接入的站点组成。基本服务集可以是孤立的,也可以通过接入点(Access Point, AP)连到主干分发系统(Distribution System, DS)上。接入点的功能相当于网桥。MAC协议可以是完全分布式的,也可以由位于接入点的中央协调功能控制。BBS通常与文献中的蜂窝相对应,而DS则有可能是交换机或有线网络,也可以是无线网络。






IEEE802.11的最终结果是一个称为分布式基础无线MAC(Distributed Foundation Wireless MAC,DFWMAC)的算法,它提供了一个分布式接入控制机制,并在顶端具有可选的集中式控制。MAC层的低端子层是分布式协调功能(Distributed Coordination Function , DCF).DCF采用争用算法向所有通信量提供接入。正常的异步通信量直接使用DCF。点协调功能(Point Coordination Function, PCF)是一个集中式MAC算法,用于提供无争用服务。


DCF子层使用一种简单的CSMA(载波监听多点接入)算法。如果站点有一个MAC 帧要发送,则先监听媒体。如果媒体空闲,站点可以发送。否则,该站点必须等待直到当前的发送结束。DCF不包括冲突检测功能(CSMA/CD),因为在无线网络中进行冲突检测是不实际的。媒体上信号变动范围很大,所以如果正在传输的站点接收到微弱信号,它无法区分这是噪声还是因为自己的传输而带来的影响。

为了保证算法的平稳和公平运行,DCF包含了一组等价于优先级策略的时延。我们首先考虑一个称为帧间间隔(InterFrame Space,IFS)时延。采用IFS后CSMA 的接入规则如下:








超宽带技术与其它短距离无线通信技术的比较随着个人通信消费电子产业的迅猛发展,短距离无线通信领域的各种新技术、新方法层出不穷,朝着更快、更方便、更安全有效等方面进行发展。新的技术在 Intel 接入、信息家电、移动办公、工业化等各个领域得到了广泛的运用。其中,超宽带(Ultra Wide Band,UWB)技术是在 20世纪90 年代以后发展起来的一种具有巨大发展潜力的新型无线通信技术,被列为未来通信的十大技术之一。

1 超宽带无线通信

1.1 超宽带技术简介

UWB(Ultra Wideband,超宽带)技术是目前正被广泛研究的一种新兴无线通信技术,现在已经成为高速无线个人网(WPAN)的首选技术。

UWB是指信号带宽大于 500MHz或者是信号带宽与中心频率之比大于25% 的通信技术。与常见的通信方式使用连续的载波不同,UWB 中使用的无线信号中心频率为 4.1GHz,带宽为 1.4GHz,频谱范围很宽,但是发射功率非常低。通信速度在250Kbit~10Mbit/秒之间。在 250Kbit/秒的传输速度下可确保 30m的通信距离。

在短距离(13m 以下)有很大优势,最高传输速度可达 1Gb/S。而传统的窄带技术在长距离、低速传输具有优势。

超宽带(UWB)技术最初是面向雷达应用来开发的,一般认为它属于一种无载波通信技术。2002 年 2 月,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)正式将其解禁。目前超宽带(UWB)技术正被整合进家庭影院和便携式产品,主要用于视频和音频信号的无线发送。宽带(UWB)自问世后一直被看作是蓝牙技术的替代品,与其他无线技术如WLAN 、蓝牙等相比,超宽带(UWB)具有低功耗、高带宽、低复杂度、低成本的优点,完全可以满足短距离家庭娱乐应用需求。 1.2 超宽带性能特点。

超宽带无线通信是一种与传统技术有很大不同的无线通信技术。它能够实现无线局域网LAN 和个人区域网PAN 中无线接口的互联和接入。UWB具有以下特点:


UWB信号,在发射时将微弱的无线电脉冲信号分散在宽阔的频带中,输出功率甚至低于普通设备产生的噪声。接收时将信号能量还原出来,在解扩过程中产生扩频增益。因此,与 IEEE 802.11a、IEEE 802.11b 和蓝牙相比,在同等码速条件下,UWB具有更强的抗干扰性。


UWB 以非常宽的频率带宽来换取高速的数据传输,并且不单独占用现在已经拥挤不堪的频率资源,而是共享其他无线技术使用的频带。其数据速率可以达到几十兆比特每秒到几百兆比特每秒,有望高于蓝牙100倍,也可以高于IEEE 802.11a 和 IEEE 802.11b。


UWB 使用的带宽在 1GHz 以上,高达几吉赫兹,并且可以和目前的窄带通信系统同时工作而互不干扰。这在频率资源日益紧张的今天开辟了一种新的时域无线电资源。


因为不需要产生正弦载波信号,可以直接发射冲激序列,因而 UWB系统具有很宽的频谱和很低的平均功率,有利于与其他系统共存,从而提高频谱利用率,带来



UWB系统使用间歇的脉冲来发送数据,脉冲持续时间很短,一般在0.20ns~1.5ns 之间,有很低的占空因数,系统耗电可以做到很低,在高速通信时系统的耗电量仅为几百μ W~几十 mw。同时由于 UWB系统信号的扩频处理增益比较大,即使采用低增益的全向天线发射,也可使用小于 1mW 的发射功率实现几千米的通信。


UWB 安全性表现在两方面:一方面是采用跳时扩频,接收机只有已知发送端扩频码时才能解出发射数据;另一方面是系统的发射功率谱密度极低。有用信息完全淹没在噪声中,被截获概率很小,被检测的概率也很低,用传统的接收机无法接收。

2 Wi-Fi

2.1 Wi-Fi技术简介

Wi-Fi(Wireless Fidelity,无线高保真)也是一种无线通信协议,正式名称是IEEE802.11b。

Wi-Fi 是以太网的一种无线扩展,Wi-Fi 网络可以使用来互连电脑链接上互连网。Wi-Fi 网络在无执照的 2.4 和 5 千兆 Hz 的无线电频带经营,数据速率可达11Mbps(802.11b)~54Mbps(802.11a),或包含以上两条频带的产品。理论上只要用户位于一个接入点四周的一定区域内,就能以最高约 11Mb/s 的速度接入Web。但实际上,如果有多个用户同时通过一个点接入,带宽被多个用户分享。

由于 Wi-Fi 使用电波作为传送媒介,资料包被截取的可能性高,这成为用户所担心问题。现在 Wi-Fi 产品利用WED(Wired Equivalent Privacy)技术作资料加密之用。然而,其保密的效能却倍受质疑,支援新一代加密方式的 Wi-Fi 产品亦相继出现。虽然 Wi-Fi 在数据安全性方面比蓝牙技术要差一些,但在电波的覆盖范围方面却略胜一筹,可达 100 m 左右。

Wi-Fi 可以提供热点覆盖、低移动性和高数据传输速率,无线接入和高速传输是Wi-Fi 技术的主要特点。国内的电信、网通、移动都非常关注 Wi-Fi 技术的发展和应用。基于热点的接入服务曾经一度被看成是对3G的巨大冲击,但Wi-Fi


2.2 Wi-Fi技术的优势

近几年,WAP 的数量呈迅猛增长,无线网络的方便与高效使其得到迅速的普及。无论是无线城市的建设,还是企事业单位局域网的开通,还是手机的 Wi-Fi 功能,都与Wi-Fi 技术自身的优势是分不开的:


基于蓝牙技术的电波覆盖范围非常小,半径大约只有 15m,而 Wi-Fi 的半径则可达100 m,可以覆盖整栋办公大楼;


Wi-Fi 技术传输速度非常快,可以达到 11Mbps(802.11b)或者 54Mbps (802.11a),适合高速数据传输的业务;


Wi-Fi 最主要的优势在于不需要布线,可以不受布线条件的限制,因此非常适合移动办公用户的需要。在机场、车站、咖啡店、图书馆等人员较密集地方设置“热点”,并通过高速线路将因特网接入上述场所。用户只要将支持无线 LAN的笔记本电脑或PDA拿到该区域内,即可高速接入因特网;


IEEE802.11规定的发射功率不可超过 100 毫瓦,实际发射功率约 60~70毫瓦,而手机的发射功率约 200毫瓦~1瓦间,手持式对讲机高达5瓦。与后者相比,Wi-Fi 产品的辐射更小。

3 结论

每一种无线通信方式都有其独特之处,超宽带技术传输速率高,Wi-Fi 技术覆盖范围广。随着无线通信技术的发展,人们对高速短距离无线通信的要求越来越高,超宽带技术、Wi-Fi 技术都有着广泛的发展前景。


In just the past few years, wireless LANs have come to occupy a significant niche in

the local area network market. Increasingly, organizations are finding that wireless LANs are an indispensable adjunct to traditional wired LANs, as they satisfy requirements for mobility, relocation, ad hoc networking, and coverage of locationsdifficult to wire. As the name suggests, a wireless LAN is one that makes use of a wireless transmission medium. Until relatively recently, wireless LANs were little used; the reasons for this included high prices, low data rates, occupational safety concerns, and licensing requirements. As these problems have been addressed, the popularity of wireless LANs has grown rapidly.

In this section, we first look at the requirements for and advantages of wireless LANs, and then preview the key approaches to wireless LAN implementation.

Wireless LANs Applications

There are four application areas for wireless LANs: LAN extension, crossbuilding interconnect, nomadic access, and ad hoc networks. Let us consider each of these in turn. LAN Extension

Early wireless LAN products, introduced in the late 1980s, were marketed as substitutes for traditional wired LANs. A wireless LAN saves the cost of the installation of LAN cabling and eases the task of relocation and other modifications to network structure. However, this motivation for wireless LANs was overtaken by events. First, as awareness of the need for LAN became greater, architects designed new buildings to include extensive prewiring for data applications. Second, with advances in data transmission technology, there has been an increasing reliance on twisted pair cabling for LANs and, in particular, Category 3 unshielded twisted pair. Most older building are already wired with an abundance of Category 3 cable. Thus, the use of a wireless LAN to replace wired LANs has not happened to any great extent.

However, in a number of environments, there is a role for the wireless LAN as an alternative to a wired LAN. Examples include buildings with large open areas, such as manufacturing plants, stock exchange trading floors, and warehouses; historical buildings with insufficient twisted pair and in which drilling holes for new wiring is prohibited; and small offices where installation and maintenance of wired LANs is not economical. In all of these cases, a wireless LAN provides an effective and more attractive alternative. In most of these cases, an organization will also have a wired LAN to support servers and some stationary workstations. For example, a manufacturing facility typically has an

office area that is separate from the factory floor but which must be linked to it for networking purposes. Therefore, typically, a wireless LAN will be linked into a wired LAN on the same premises. Thus, this application area is referred to as LAN extension. Cross-Building Interconnect

Another use of wireless LAN technology is to connect LANs in nearby buildings, be they wired or wireless LANs. In this case, a point-to-point wireless link is used between two buildings. The devices so connected are typically bridges or routers. This single point-to-point link is not a LAN per se, but it is usual to include this application under the heading of wireless LAN.

Nomadic Access

Nomadic access provides a wireless link between a LAN hub and a mobile data terminal equipped with an antenna, such as a laptop computer or notepad computer. One example of the utility of such a connection is to enable an employee returning from a trip to transfer data from a personal portable computer to a server in the office. Nomadic access is also useful in an extended environment such as a campus or a business operating out of a cluster of buildings. In both of these cases, users may move around with their portable computers and may wish access to the servers on a wired LAN from various locations.

Ad Hoc Networking

An ad hoc network is a peer-to-peer network (no centralized server) set up temporarily to meet some immediate need. For example, a group of employees, each with a laptop or palmtop computer, may convene in a conference room for a business or classroom meeting. The employees link their computers in a temporary network just for the duration of the meeting.

Wireless LAN Requirements

A wireless LAN must meet the same sort of requirements typical of any LAN, including high capacity, ability to cover short distances, full connectivity among attached stations, and broadcast capability. In addition, there are a number of requirements specific to the wireless LAN environment. The following are among the most important requirements for wireless LANs:

Throughput. The medium access control protocol should make as efficient use as

possible of the wireless medium to maximize capacity.

Number of nodes. Wireless LANs may need to support hundreds of nodes across multiple cells.

Connection to backbone LAN. In most cases, interconnection with stations on a wired backbone LAN is required. For infrastructure wireless LANs, this is easily accomplished through the use of control modules that connect to both types of LANs. There may also need to be accommodation for mobile users and ad hoc wireless networks.

Service area. A typical coverage area for a wireless LAN may be up to a 300 to 1000 foot diameter.

Battery power consumption. Mobile workers use battery-powered workstations that need to have a long battery life when used with wireless adapters. This suggests that a MAC protocol that requires mobile nodes to constantlymonitor access points or to engage in frequent handshakes with a base stationis inappropriate.

Transmission robustness and security. Unless properly designed, a wireless LAN may be interference-prone and easily eavesdropped upon. The design of a wireless LAN must permit reliable transmission even in a noisy environment and should provide some level of security from eavesdropping.

Collocated network operation. As wireless LANs become more popular, it is quite likely for two of them to operate in the same area or in some area where interference between the LANs is possible. Such interference may thwart the normal operation of a MAC algorithm and may allow unauthorized access to a particular LAN.

License-free operation. Users would prefer to buy and operate wireless LAN products without having to secure a license for the frequency band used by the LAN. HandoWroaming. The MAC protocol used in the wireless LAN should enable mobile stations to move from one cell to another.

Dynamic configuration. The MAC addressing and network management aspects of the LAN should permit dynamic and automated addition, deletion, and relocation of end systems without disruption to other users.

Physical Medium Specification

Three physical media are defined in the current 802.11 standard:

Infrared at 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps operating at a wavelength between 850 and 950 nm.

Direct-sequence spread spectrum operating in the 2.4-GHz ISM band. Up to 7 channels, each with a data rate of 1 Mbps or 2 Mbps, can be used.

Frequency-hopping spread spectrum operating in the 2.4-GHz ISM band. The details of this option are for further study.

Wireless LAN Technology

Wireless LANs are generally categorized according to the transmission techniquethat is used. All current wireless LAN products fall into one of the following categories: Infrared (IR) LANs. An individual cell of an IR LAN is limited to a single room, as infrared light does not penetrate opaque walls.

Spread Spectrum LANs. This type of LAN makes use of spread spectrum transmission technology. In most cases, these LANs operate in the ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) bands, so that no FCC licensing is required for their use in the U.S. Narrowband Microwave. These LANs operate at microwave frequencies but do not use spread spectrum. Some of these products operate at frequencies that require FCC licensing, while others use one of the unlicensed ISM bands.

A set of wireless LAN standards has been developed by the IEEE 802.11 committee. The terminology and some of the specific features of 802.11 are unique to this standard and are not reflected in all commercial products. However, it is useful to be familiar with the standard as its features are representative of required wireless LAN capabilities.

The smallest building block of a wireless LAN is a basic service set (BSS), which consists of some number of stations executing the same MAC protocol and competing for access to the same shared medium. A basic service set may be isolated, or it may connect to a backbone distribution system through an access point. The access point functions as a bridge. The MAC protocol may be fully distributed or controlled by a central coordination function housed in the access point. The basic service set generally corresponds to what is referred to as a cell in the literature. An extended service set (ESS) consists of two or more basic service sets interconnected by a distribution system. Typically, the distribution system is a wired backbone LAN. The extended service set appears as a single logical LAN to the logical link control (LLC) level. The standard defines three types of stations, based on mobility:

No-transition. A station of this type is either stationary or moves only within the direct

communication range of the communicating stations of a single BSS.

BSS-transition. This is defined as a station movement from one BSS to another BSS within the same ESS. In this case, delivery of data to the station requires that the addressing capability be able to recognize the new location of the station.

ESS-transition. This is defined as a station movement from a BSS in one ESS to a BSS within another ESS. This case is supported only in the sense that the station can move. Maintenance of upper-layer connections supported by 802.11 cannot be guaranteed. In fact, disruption of service is likely to occur. details of this option are for further study.

The 802.11 working group considered two types of proposals for a MAC algorithm: distributed-access protocols which, like CSMAICD, distributed the decision to transmit over all the nodes using a carrier-sense mechanism; and centralized access protocols, which involve regulation of transmission by a centralized decision maker. A distributed access protocol makes sense of an ad hoc network of peer workstations and may also be attractive in other wireless LAN configurations that consist primarily of bursty traffic. A centralized access protocol is natural for configurations in which a number of wireless stations are interconnected with each other and with some sort of base station that attaches to a backbone wired LAN; it is especially useful if some of the data is time-sensitive or high priority.

The end result of the 802.11 is a MAC algorithm called DFWMAC (distributed foundation wireless MAC) that provides a distributed access-control mechanism with an optional centralized control built on top of that. Figure 13.20 illustrates the architecture. The lower sublayer of the MAC layer is the distributed coordination function (DCF). DCF uses a contention algorithm to provide access to all traffic. Ordinary asynchronous traffic directly uses DCF. The point coordination function (PCF) is a centralized MAC algorithm used to provide contention-free service. PCF is built on top of DCF and exploits features of DCF to assure access for its users. Let us consider these two sublayers in turn.

Distributed Coordination Function

The DCF sublayer makes use of a simple CSMA algorithm. If a station has a MAC frame to transmit, it listens to the medium. If the medium is idle, the station may transmit; otherwise, the station must wait until the current transmission is complete before

transmitting. The DCF does not include a collision-detection function (i.e., CSMAICD) because collision detection is not practical on a wireless network. The dynamic range of the signals on the medium is very large, so that a transmitting station cannot effectively distinguish incoming weak signals from noise and the effects of its own transmission. To ensure the smooth and fair functioning of this algorithm, DCF includes a set of delays that amounts to a priority scheme. Let us start by considering a single

delay known as an interframe space (IFS). In fact, there are three different IFS values, but the algorithm is best explained by initially ignoring this detail. Using an IFS, the rules for CSMA access are as follows:

I. A station with a frame to transmit senses the medium. If the medium is idle, the station waits to see if the medium remains idle for a time equal to IFS, and, if this is so, the station may immediately transmit.

2. If the medium is busy (either because the station initially finds the medium busy or because the medium becomes busy during the IFS idle time), the station defers transmission and continues to monitor the medium until the current transmission is over.

3. Once the current transmission is over, the station delays another IFS. If the medium remains idle for this period, then the station backs off using a binary exponential backoff scheme and again senses the medium. If the medium is still idle, the station may transmit. Point Coordination Function

PCF is an alternative access method implemented on top of the DCF. The operation consists of polling with the centralized polling master (point coordinator). The point coordinator makes use of PIFS when issuing polls. Because PIFS is smaller than DIFS, the point coordinator can seize the medium and lock out all asynchronous traffic while it issues polls and receives responses.

As an extreme, consider the following possible scenario. A wireless network is configured so that a number of stations with time-sensitive traffic are controlled by the point coordinator while remaining traffic, using CSMA, contends for access.

The point coordinator could issue polls in a round-robin fashion to all stations configured for polling. When a poll is issued, the polled station may respond using SIFS. If the point coordinator receives a response, it issues another poll using PIFS. If no response is received during the expected turnaround time, the coordinator issues a poll. If

the discipline of the preceding paragraph were implemented, the point coordinator would lock out all asynchronous traffic by repeatedly issuing polls. To prevent this situation, an interval known as the superframe is defined. During the first part of this interval, the point coordinator issues polls in a round-robin fashion to all stations configured for polling. The point coordinator then idles for the remainder of the superframe, allowing a contention period for asynchronous access.

At the beginning of a superframe, the point coordinator may optionally seize control and issue polls fora give period of time. This interval varies because of the variable frame size issued by responding stations. The remainder of the superframe is available for contention-based access. At the end of the superframe interval, the point coordinator contends for access to the medium using PIFS. If the medium is idle, the point coordinator gains immediate access, and a full superframe period follows. However, the medium may be busy at the end of a superframe. In this case, the point coordinator must wait until the medium is idle to gain access; this results in a foreshortened superframe period for the next cycle.

UWB technology and other short-range wireless communications technology is compared

As personal communication consumer electronics industry in the rapid development, short-range wireless communication field of all kinds of new skills ,art, new methods to emerge in endlessly, toward faster and more convenient and more safe and effective etc. The new technology in the development of the Intel access, information home appliances, mobile office, industrialization and other fields has been widely used. Among them, ultra-wideband (UWB) Wide Band, the mk-ultra technology is in after 1990's developed a kind of with high potential new wireless communication technology, it was listed as one of the ten future communication technology.

1 uwb wireless communication

1.1 ultra-wideband technology introduction

UWB (the mk-ultra Wideband, ultra-wideband) technology is currently has been widely studied a new wireless communication technology, it has become a high-speed

wireless personal nets (WPAN first choice of the technology. UWB refers to the signal bandwidth than 500MHz or is the signal bandwidth and center frequency ratio is more than 25% of communications technologies. With the common use of continuous carrier communication mode is different, use of UWB wireless signals center frequency 4.1 GHz, bandwidth of 1.4 GHz, spectral range is very wide, but transmission power is very low. Communications speed in 250Kbit ~ between 10Mbit/SEC. In 250Kbit/SEC transmission speeds can ensure as communication distance. In short (13m below) a has great advantage, highest transmission speed can reach 1Gb/S. While the traditional narrowband technology in long distance, low speed transmission dominant.

Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is initially applied to develop the radar oriented, it is generally thought that it belongs to a kind of carrierless communications technologies. February 2002, the United States the FCC formally its suspension. Currently ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is being integrated into the family cinema and portable products, mainly used for video and audio signal of wireless transmission. Ultra-wideband (UWB) since when published has been regarded as bluetooth technology substitute, and other wireless technologies such as WLAN, bluetooth etc compared ultra-wideband (UWB), with low power waste, high bandwidth and low complexity, the advantages of low cost, can completely satisfy short family entertainment application requirements. 1.2 ultra-wideband performance characteristics.

Uwb wireless communication is a very different to the traditional technology of wireless communication technology. It can realize the wireless LAN LAN and personal regional network PAN wireless Internet and access interface. UWB has the following features:

1) strong anti-jamming performance

UWB signal, the launch will be weak radio pulse signal scattered on the broad band, output power and even lower than ordinary equipment of the noise. Received will signal energy reduction out, in the solution enlarge produced during spread spectrum gain. Therefore, and IEEE 802.11 a, IEEE 802.11 b and bluetooth,compared to the same code speed conditions, the UWB has a strong anti-jamming.

2) transmission rate is high

UWB with very wide frequency bandwidth for high-speed data transmission, and not

alone occupy now already crowded frequency resource, but sharing other wireless technology using frequency band. The data rate can reach dozens megabit per second to hundreds of megabit per second, is expected to 100 times higher than bluetooth, also can prep above IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11b .

3) with very wide bandwidth

UWB use of bandwidth in 1GHz above, up to a few ji hz and can and current narrowband communication system working at the same time and not interfere with each other. This in frequency resource of increasingly scarce today opened up a new time-domain radio resources.

4) spectrum is high efficiency, the system of large capacity

Because it does not need to produce sine carrier signal that can be directly launch impulse sequence, thus ultra wideband (UWB) technology has a wide spectrum and very low average power, which is beneficial to coexist with other systems, so as to improve the frequency spectrum utilization rate, which brings a lot of system capacity.

5) low power

Ultra wideband (UWB) technology use intermittent pulses to send data, pulse lasted for a very short time, is in commonly 0.20 ns ~ 1.5 ns between, have very low accounted for empty factor, the system power consumption can be done very low, in high speed communications system when consume only for hundreds of muon W ~ dozens mW. At the same time because ultra wideband (UWB) technology of spread spectrum signal processing is relatively large, even if the gain USES low gain omni-directional antenna with emission, also can use less than 1mW launch power realization thousands of meters of communication.

6) good safety

UWB safety performance in two aspects: one is to adopt the jump spread spectrum, receiver only known the sender spread spectrum yards to work out emission data; On the other hand is the transmission power spectral density is extremely low. Useful information completely submerged in noise, be intercept probability is small, be detection probability is low, with traditional receiver cannot receive.

2 Wi - Fi

2.1 Wi - Fi technology introduction

Wi - Wireless Fidelity, Wireless Fi (high-fidelity) is a kind of Wireless communication protocol, official name is IEEE802.11 b.

Wi - Fi is Ethernet a wireless expand, Wi - Fi network can use to interconnect computer links on the Internet. Wi - Fi network in no license 2.4 and 5 gigabit bandwidth management, Hz radio data rate can reach 11Mbps (802.11 b) ~ 54Mbps (802.11 a), or include the above two bands of products. If the user is located in an access point theoretically around certain region, can with highest about 11Mb/s faster access Web. But in fact, if there are multiple users at the same time through a point access, bandwidth by multiple users to share.

Because Wi - Fi use waves as transmission medium, material package to be intercepted tall, this be the possibility of users are worried about problems. Now Wi - Fi product use Wired Equivalent without (WED) technology data encryption purposes. However, its performance is highly confidential scepticism, support the new generation encryption method Wi - Fi products also arise. Although Wi - Fi in data security than bluetooth technology will send some, but in waves coverage was slightly better, can amount to 100 m or so.

Wi - Fi may provide hot coverage, low mobility and high speed of data transmission, wireless access and transmission with high speed is Wi - Fi technical main characteristics. Domestic telecommunication, CNC, mobile are very concerned Wi - Fi technology development and application. Based on the hotspot access service once considered the huge impact on 3G, but Wi - Fi technology transmission distance is short and signals penetrate the characteristics of poor ability also insurmountable.

2.2 Wi - Fi technical superiority

In recent years, the number of WAP at a rapid pace, wireless network convenience and efficient make its rapid popularization. Whether wireless urban construction, or business unit of LAN opening, or mobile phones Wi - Fi function, all with Wi - Fi technical advantages of itself is not divided:

1) wider LAN coverage

Based on bluetooth radio coverage is very small, radius, and only about 15m Wi - Fi radius criterion of up to 100 m, can cover whole building office building,

2) transmission speed

Wi - Fi technology transmission is very fast, can achieve 11Mbps (802.11 b) or 54Mbps (802.11 a), suitable for high speed data transmission business;

3) without wiring

Wi - the main advantage lies in the Fi don't need wiring, need not suffer wiring condition limit, so very suitable for mobile office users needs. At the airport, station, coffee shop, library such personnel more dense place Settings "hot spots", and through high-speed lines will Internet access these places. Users will only support wireless LAN laptop or PDA get within the area, can high-speed access the Internet;

4) health and safety

The launch of IEEE802.11 provisions shall not exceed 100 power HaoWa, actual transmission power, about 60 ~ 70 HaoWa, and mobile transmission power about 200 HaoWa ~ 1 tile between handheld interphone, $5 watts. Compared with the latter, Wi - Fi products of radiation smaller.

3 conclusions

Each kind of wireless communication has its distinctive place, ultra-wideband technology transfer rate is high, Wi - Fi technology bestrow scope. As wireless communications technology development, people on high-speed short-range wireless communication request more and more high, ultra-wideband technology, Wi - Fi technology has broad prospects for development.


红外数据通信技术外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) Infrared Remote Control System Abstract Red outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique, drive numerous hardware and software platform support. Red outside the transceiver product have cost low, small scaled turn, the baud rate be quick, point to point SSL, be free from electromagnetism thousand Raos

etc. characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage. Along with red outside the data deliver a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application. The purpose that design this system is transmit customer’s operation information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate original signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 with coding keyboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to high frequent load wave whose frequent is 38 kHz, then modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attian enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal and demodulate original information. The original signal was decoded by PT2272, so as to drive some circuit to accomplish customer’s operation demand. Keywords: Infrared dray;Code;Decoding;LM386;Red outside transceiver 1 Introduction 1.1 research the background and significance Infrared Data Communication Technology is the world wide use of a wireless connection technology, by the many hardware and software platforms supported. Is a data through electrical pulses and infrared optical pulse switch between the wireless data transceiver technology.


中等分辨率制备分离的 快速色谱技术 W. Clark Still,* Michael K a h n , and Abhijit Mitra Departm(7nt o/ Chemistry, Columbia Uniuersity,1Veu York, Neu; York 10027 ReceiLied January 26, 1978 我们希望找到一种简单的吸附色谱技术用于有机化合物的常规净化。这种技术是适于传统的有机物大规模制备分离,该技术需使用长柱色谱法。尽管这种技术得到的效果非常好,但是其需要消耗大量的时间,并且由于频带拖尾经常出现低复原率。当分离的样本剂量大于1或者2g时,这些问题显得更加突出。近年来,几种制备系统已经进行了改进,能将分离时间减少到1-3h,并允许各成分的分辨率ΔR f≥(使用薄层色谱分析进行分析)。在这些方法中,在我们的实验室中,媒介压力色谱法1和短柱色谱法2是最成功的。最近,我们发现一种可以将分离速度大幅度提升的技术,可用于反应产物的常规提纯,我们将这种技术称为急骤色谱法。虽然这种技术的分辨率只是中等(ΔR f≥),而且构建这个系统花费非常低,并且能在10-15min内分离重量在的样本。4 急骤色谱法是以空气压力驱动的混合介质压力以及短柱色谱法为基础,专门针对快速分离,介质压力以及短柱色谱已经进行了优化。优化实验是在一组标准条件5下进行的,优化实验使用苯甲醇作为样本,放在一个20mm*5in.的硅胶柱60内,使用Tracor 970紫外检测器监测圆柱的输出。分辨率通过持续时间(r)和峰宽(w,w/2)的比率进行测定的(Figure 1),结果如图2-4所示,图2-4分别放映分辨率随着硅胶颗粒大小、洗脱液流速和样本大小的变化。


华北电力大学科技学院 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:121912020115姓名:彭钰钊 所在系别:动力工程系专业班级:测控技术与仪器12K1指导教师:李冰 原文标题:Infrared Remote Control System Abstract 2016 年 4 月 19 日

红外遥控系统 摘要 红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。红外收发器产品具有成本低,小型化,传输速率快,点对点安全传输,不受电磁干扰等特点,可以实现信息在不同产品之间快速、方便、安全地交换与传送,在短距离无线传输方面拥有十分明显的优势。红外遥控收发系统的设计在具有很高的实用价值,目前红外收发器产品在可携式产品中的应用潜力很大。全世界约有1亿5千万台设备采用红外技术,在电子产品和工业设备、医疗设备等领域广泛使用。绝大多数笔记本电脑和手机都配置红外收发器接口。随着红外数据传输技术更加成熟、成本下降,红外收发器在短距离通讯领域必将得到更广泛的应用。 本系统的设计目的是用红外线作为传输媒质来传输用户的操作信息并由接收电路解调出原始信号,主要用到编码芯片和解码芯片对信号进行调制与解调,其中编码芯片用的是台湾生产的PT2262,解码芯片是PT2272。主要工作原理是:利用编码键盘可以为PT2262提供的输入信息,PT2262对输入的信息进行编码并加载到38KHZ的载波上并调制红外发射二极管并辐射到空间,然后再由接收系统接收到发射的信号并解调出原始信息,由PT2272对原信号进行解码以驱动相应的电路完成用户的操作要求。 关键字:红外线;编码;解码;LM386;红外收发器。 1 绪论


频谱感知技术外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 一种新的协作频谱感知算法 摘要 该文提出了一种在认知无线网络控制信道带宽受限条件下基于信任度的双门限协同频谱感知算法。首先每个认知用户基于双检测门限独立进行频谱感知,但只有部分可靠的认知用户通过控制信道向认知无线网络基站发送本地感知结果。当所有的用户都不可靠时,选取信任度最高的认知用户发送本地感知结果进行判决。理论分析和仿真表明,同常规能量检测算法相比较,该算法能够在控制信道带宽受限条件下,以较少的网络开销获得更好的频谱感知性能。 关键词:认知无线电;频谱感知;信任度;双门限 1引言 随着无线通信技术的飞速发展,有限的频谱资源与不断增长的无线通信需求的矛盾越来越突出。然而根据现有的固定分配频谱资源策略,绝大多数频谱资源得不到有效利用。据FCC 的调查统计,70%的已分配频谱资源没有得到有效利用]1[。为了提高频谱资源的利用率,认知无线电技术由Joseph Mitola Ⅲ提出并得到了广泛的关注]5[]2[ 。频谱感知技术是认知无线电网络的支撑技术之一。通常它又可以分为

能量检测法、匹配滤波器法和循环平稳特征法[4]。能量检测算法因为应用简单且无需知道任何授权用户信号的先验知识成为研究热点。认知用户在接入授权频带之前,必须首先感知该频带空闲即授权用户没有工作,否则会对授权用户造成干扰。一旦授权用户重新工作,认知用户必须退避,实现在不对授权用户产生干扰的情况下对频谱资源的共享。由于实际信道中的多径和阴影效应,单个认知用户频谱感知的性能并不乐观,针对这个问题D. Cabric 等人提出了协同频谱感知算法[5]-[6]。协同频谱感知算法性能较好,但是当认知用户数量很大的时候,控制信道的带宽将不够用。文献[7]中提出了一种在控制信道带宽受限条件下的基于双检测门限的频谱感知算法,该算法能够以较小的网络开销,获得接近普通单门限频谱检测算法的性能。针对认知无线电频谱感知的需要,本文提出了认知无线电环境下一种基于信任度的双门限协同频谱感知算法。该算法中每个认知用户基于双检测门限独立进行频谱感知,但只有部分可靠的认知用户通过控制信道向认知无线网络基站发射感知报告。当所有的用户都不可靠时,选取信任度最高的认知用户发射感知报告进行判决。本文对该算法进行了性能分析并通过仿真表明,本文方法比较常规能量检测算法,在减小网络开销的同时提高了检测性能。 2系统模型 假设一个认知无线电网络有N 个认知用户和一个认知无线网络基站,如图1 所示。认知无线网络基站负责管理和联系N 个认知用户,在收到认知用户的检测报告后做出最终判决。 图1. 认知无线电网络示意图 频谱感知的实质是一个二元假设问题,即 01 (),,()()()(),n t H x t h t s t n t H ?=??+? (1)


用于多跳认知无线电网络的分布式网络编码控制信道 Alfred Asterjadhi等著 1 前言 大多数电磁频谱由政府机构长期指定给公司或机构专门用于区域或国家地区。由于这种资源的静态分配,许可频谱的许多部分在许多时间和/或位置未使用或未被充分利用。另一方面,几种最近的无线技术在诸如IEEE802.11,蓝牙,Zigbee之类的非许可频段中运行,并且在一定程度上对WiMAX进行操作;这些技术已经看到这样的成功和扩散,他们正在访问的频谱- 主要是2.4 GHz ISM频段- 已经过度拥挤。为了为这些现有技术提供更多的频谱资源,并且允许替代和创新技术的潜在开发,最近已经提出允许被许可的设备(称为次要用户)访问那些许可的频谱资源,主要用户未被使用或零星地使用。这种方法通常被称为动态频谱接入(DSA),无线电设备发现和机会性利用未使用或未充分利用的频谱带的能力通常称为认知无线电(CR)技术。 DSA和CR最近都引起了无线通信和网络界的极大关注。通常设想两种主要应用。第一个是认知无线接入(CW A),根据该认知接入点,认知接入点负责识别未使用的许可频谱,并使用它来提供对次用户的接入。第二个应用是我们在这个技术中研究的应用,它是认知自组织网络(CAN),也就是使用 用于二级用户本身之间通信的无许可频谱,用于诸如点对点内容分发,环境监控,安全性等目的,灾难恢复情景通信,军事通信等等。 设计CAN系统比CW A有更多困难,主要有两个原因。第一是识别未使用的频谱。在CW A中,接入点的作用是连接到互联网,因此可以使用简单的策略来推断频谱可用性,例如查询频谱调节器在其地理位置的频谱可用性或直接与主用户协商频谱可用性或一些中间频谱经纪人另一方面,在CAN中,与频谱调节器或主要用户的缺乏直接通信需要二级用户能够使用检测技术自己识别未使用的频谱。第二个困难是辅助用户协调媒体访问目的。在CW A中存在接入点和通常所有二级用户直接与之通信(即,网络是单跳)的事实使得直接使用集中式媒体接入控制(MAC)解决方案,如时分多址(TDMA)或正交频分多址(OFDMA)。相反,预计CAN将跨越多跳,缺少集中控制器;而对于传统的单通道多跳自组织网络而言,这个问题的几个解决方案是已知的,因为假设我们处理允许设备访问的具有成


New technique of the computer network Abstract The 21 century is an ages of the information economy, being the computer network technique of representative techniques this ages, will be at very fast speed develop soon in continuously creatively, and will go deep into the people's work, life and study. Therefore, control this technique and then seem to be more to deliver the importance. Now I mainly introduce the new technique of a few networks in actuality live of application. keywords Internet Network System Digital Certificates Grid Storage 1. Foreword Internet turns 36, still a work in progress Thirty-six years after computer scientists at UCLA linked two bulky computers using a 15-foot gray cable, testing a new way for exchanging data over networks, what would ultimately become the Internet remains a work in progress. University researchers are experimenting with ways to increase its capacity and speed. Programmers are trying to imbue Web pages with intelligence. And work is underway to re-engineer the network to reduce Spam (junk mail) and security troubles. All the while threats loom: Critics warn that commercial, legal and political pressures could hinder the types of innovations that made the Internet what it is today. Stephen Crocker and Vinton Cerf were among the graduate students who joined UCLA professor Len Klein rock in an engineering lab on Sept. 2, 1969, as bits of meaningless test data flowed silently between the two computers. By January, three other "nodes" joined the fledgling network.


ZigBee:无线技术,低功耗传感器网络 加里莱格 美国东部时间2004年5月6日上午12:00 技师(工程师)们在发掘无线传感器的潜在应用方面从未感到任何困难。例如,在家庭安全系统方面,无线传感器相对于有线传感器更易安装。而在有线传感器的装置通常占无线传感器安装的费用80%的工业环境方面同样正确(适用)。而且相比于有线传感器的不切实际甚至是不肯能而言,无线传感器更具应用性。虽然,无线传感器需要消耗更多能量,也就是说所需电池的数量会随之增加或改变过于频繁。再加上对无线传感器由空气传送的数据可靠性的怀疑论,所以无线传感器看起来并不是那么吸引人。 一个低功率无线技术被称为ZigBee,它是无线传感器方程重写,但是。一个安全的网络技术,对最近通过的IEEE 802.15.4无线标准(图1)的顶部游戏机,ZigBee的承诺,把无线传感器的一切从工厂自动化系统到家庭安全系统,消费电子产品。与802.15.4的合作下,ZigBee提供具有电池寿命可比普通小型电池的长几年。ZigBee设备预计也便宜,有人估计销售价格最终不到3美元每节点,。由于价格低,他们应该是一个自然适应于在光线如无线交换机,无线自动调温器,烟雾探测器和家用产品。 (图1)

虽然还没有正式的规范的ZigBee存在(由ZigBee联盟是一个贸易集团,批准应该在今年年底),但ZigBee的前景似乎一片光明。技术研究公司 In-Stat/MDR在它所谓的“谨慎进取”的预测中预测,802.15.4节点和芯片销售将从今天基本上为零,增加到2010年的165万台。不是所有这些单位都将与ZigBee结合,但大多数可能会。世界研究公司预测的到2010年射频模块无线传感器出货量4.65亿美量,其中77%是ZigBee的相关。 从某种意义上说,ZigBee的光明前途在很大程度上是由于其较低的数据速率20 kbps到250 kbps的,用于取决于频段频率(图2),比标称1 Mbps的蓝牙和54的802.11g Mbps的Wi - Fi的技术。但ZigBee的不能发送电子邮件和大型文件,如Wi - Fi功能,或文件和音频,蓝牙一样。对于发送传感器的读数,这是典型的数万字节数,高带宽是没有必要,ZigBee的低带宽有助于它实现其目标和鲁棒性的低功耗,低成本。 由于ZigBee应用的是低带宽要求,ZigBee节点大部分时间可以睡眠模式,从而节省电池电源,然后醒来,快速发送数据,回去睡眠模式。而且,由于ZigBee可以从睡眠模式过渡到15毫秒或更少主动模式下,即使是睡眠节点也可以达到适当的低延迟。有人扳动支持ZigBee的无线光开关,例如,将不会是一个唤醒延迟知道前灯亮起。与此相反,支持蓝牙唤醒延迟通常大约三秒钟。 一个ZigBee的功耗节省很大一部分来自802.15.4无线电技术,它本身是为低功耗设计的。802.15.4采用DSSS(直接序列扩频)技术,例如,因为(跳频扩频)另类医疗及社会科学院将在保持一样使用它的频率过大的权力同步。 ZigBee节点,使用802.15.4,是几个不同的沟通方式之一,然而,某些方面比别人拥有更多的使用权力。因此,ZigBee的用户不一定能够实现传感器网络上的任何方式选择和他们仍然期望多年的电池寿命是ZigBee的标志。事


无线射频识别技术外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译: 当前无线射频识别技术应用略述 摘要 无线射频识别技术可以自动识别多目标并以非接触式方式移动目标。越来越多的零售商、银行、交通管理系统、展览及物流供应商将这项新技术应

用于他们的产品和服务。因此,这给RFID技术的研究带来了机遇和挑战。本文简单介绍了RFID系统的组成、原理及RFID技术的特点。本文比较了RFID 与传统条码,然后提供了一个简短的关于目前RFID应用情况的调查报告。 关键词:无线射频识别技术应用物流

一、简 介 无线射频识别(RFID )是一种识别技术。与RFID 技术的前身——条码技术相比,RFID 技术具有很多的优点。但由于其成本高,RFID 技术至今未能广泛应用到各行各业。RFID 技术因其无需视线扫描而具有无可比拟的先进性,它能够降低劳动力水平,提高知名度并改善库存管理。 RFID 技术的普及提供了一项人或物体定位及追踪的解决方案。RFID 定位与跟踪系统根据独特的识别标签、阅读器与物体标签间射频通信的信号强度确定物体的空间位置,主要适用于室内,而GPS 系统是不适合应用于室内的。 RFID 技术是一项基于“无线电频率”的非接触式的自动识别技术,自动识别静态或动态的人和对象。 RFID 标签是一个特殊的微芯片,植入商品中,可以跟踪和管理物理对象,是物流管理信息化和跟踪信息化的重要手段。 RFID 的系统组成部分包括: (1)标签(应答器):对象植入待确定。 (2)阅读器:可以读或读/写,按结构和技术。正如图1-1,RFID 的工作原理 图1-1 RFID 的工作原理 与计算机通讯 阅读器 电磁波(操作指 令和新的数据) 标签 发出的ID 代码和数据



翻译: 5G无线通信网络的蜂窝结构和关键技术 摘要 第四代无线通信系统已经或者即将在许多国家部署。然而,随着无线移动设备和服务的激增,仍然有一些挑战尤其是4G所不能容纳的,例如像频谱危机和高能量消耗。无线系统设计师们面临着满足新型无线应用对高数据速率和机动性要求的持续性增长的需求,因此他们已经开始研究被期望于2020年后就能部署的第五代无线系统。在这篇文章里面,我们提出一个有内门和外门情景之分的潜在的蜂窝结构,并且讨论了多种可行性关于5G无线通信系统的技术,比如大量的MIMO技术,节能通信,认知的广播网络和可见光通信。面临潜在技术的未知挑战也被讨论了。 介绍 信息通信技术(ICT)创新合理的使用对世界经济的提高变得越来越重要。无线通信网络在全球ICT战略中也许是最挑剔的元素,并且支撑着很多其他的行业,它是世界上成长最快最有活力的行业之一。欧洲移动天文台(EMO)报道2010年移动通信业总计税收1740亿欧元,从而超过了航空航天业和制药业。无线技术的发展大大提高了人们在商业运作和社交功能方面通信和生活的能力无线移动通信的显著成就表现在技术创新的快速步伐。从1991年二代移动通信系统(2G)的初次登场到2001年三代系统(3G)的首次起飞,无线移动网络已经实现了从一个纯粹的技术系统到一个能承载大量多媒体内容网络的转变。4G无线系统被设计出来用来满足IMT-A技术使用IP面向所有服务的需求。在4G系统中,先进的无线接口被用于正交频分复用技术(OFDM),多输入多输出系统(MIMO)和链路自适应技术。4G无线网络可支持数据速率可达1Gb/s的低流度,比如流动局域无线访问,还有速率高达100M/s的高流速,例如像移动访问。LTE系统和它的延伸系统LTE-A,作为实用的4G系统已经在全球于最近期或不久的将来部署。 然而,每年仍然有戏剧性增长数量的用户支持移动宽频带系统。越来越多的


英文翻译 A comprehensive overview of substations Along with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system. Because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. Whether Design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. In a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. The substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the Transmission and the Distribution. It obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical. As an important part of power’s transport and control, the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modern electric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life. Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic development to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power, and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level. As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。Therefore, power transmission and distribution is critical. Substation is to enable superior power plant power plants or power after adjustments to the lower load of books is an important part of power transmission. Operation of its functions, the capacity of a direct impact on the size of the lower load power, thereby affecting the industrial production and power consumption.Substation system if a link failure, the system will protect the part of action. May result in power outages and so on, to the production and living a great disadvantage. Therefore, the substation in the electric power system for the protection of electricity reliability,


通信工程学院 毕业设计外文翻译 毕业设计题目基于ANDRIO的智能家居 系统的设计与实现 外文题目UBIQUITOUS SMART HOME SYSTEM USING ANDROID APPLICATION 专业:通信工程 学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称:副教授 日期:2015 年 1 月10 日

International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) V ol.6, No.1, January 2014 基于Android应用的无处不在的智能家居系统 Shiu Kumar Department of Information Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University, 534-729, Mokpo, South Korea 摘要 本文提出了一种灵活独立的,低成本的智能家居系统,它是基于Android应用与微web服务器通信,不仅仅提供交换功能。Arduino以太网的使用是为了避免使用个人电脑从而保证整个系统成本最低,语音激活时用来实现切换功能的。光开关,电源插头,温度传感器,湿度传感器,电流传感器,入侵检测传感器,烟雾/气体传感器和警报器等这些设备集成在系统中,表明了所提出的智能家居系统的有效性和可行性。经过检测,智能家居应用程序可以成功地进行智能家居操作,例如开关功能,自动环境监测,和入侵监测,在监测到有不法入侵后,系统会自动发送一个邮件,并响警笛。 关键字: Android智能手机,智能家居,物联网(loTs),远程控制 1.引言 随着移动设备受欢迎程度的不断增长和人们日常生活中对无处不在的先进的移动应用的功能需求不断增加,利用Web服务是提供远程访问服务的最开放和可互操作的方式,并且使应用程序能够彼此通信。一个有吸引力的市场产品自动化和网络化是忙碌的家庭和有生理缺陷的个人的代表。 loTs可以被描述为连接智能手机,网络电视,传感器等到互联网,实现人们之间沟通的新形势。过去几年中loTs的发展,创造了一个新层面的世界。这使得人们可以在任何时间,任何地点,联通任何期望的东西。物联网技术可用于为智能家居创建新的概念和广阔的空间,以提供智能,舒适的发展空间和完善生活质量。 智能家居是一个非常有前途的领域,其中有各种好处,如增加提供舒适性,更高安全性,更合理地使用能源和其他资源。这项研究的应用领域非常重要,未来它为帮助和支持有特殊需求老的人和残疾人士提供了强有力的手段。设计一个智能家居系统时需要考虑许多因素,该系统应该是经济实惠的,是可伸缩的,使得新的设备可以容易地集成到系统中,此外,它应该是用户友好的。 随着智能手机用户的急剧增加,智能手机已经逐渐变成了具备所有功能的便携式设备,为人们提供了日常使用。本文介绍了一种低成本的控制和监视家居环境控制的无线智能家居系统。利用Android设备,可以通过一个嵌入式微Web服务器与实际的IP连接,访问和控制电器和远程的其它设备,这可以利用任何支持Android的设备。Arduino Ethernet 用于微Web服务器从


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文对照外文翻译 单片机技术的发展与应用 从无线电世界到单片机世界现代计算机技术的产业革命,将世界经济从资本经济带入到知识经济时代。在电子世界领域,从 20 世纪中的无线电时代也进入到 21 世纪以计算机技术为中心的智能化现代电子系统时代。现代电子系统的基本核心是嵌入式计算机系统(简称嵌入式系统),而单片机是最典型、最广泛、最普及的嵌入式系统。 一、无线电世界造就了几代英才。在 20 世纪五六十年代,最具代表的先进的电子技术就是无线电技术,包括无线电广播,收音,无线通信(电报),业余无线电台,无

线电定位,导航等遥测、遥控、遥信技术。早期就是这些电子技术带领着许多青少年步入了奇妙的电子世界,无线电技术展示了当时科技生活美妙的前景。电子科学开始形成了一门新兴学科。无线电电子学,无线通信开始了电子世界的历程。无线电技术不仅成为了当时先进科学技术的代表,而且从普及到专业的科学领域,吸引了广大青少年,并使他们从中找到了无穷的乐趣。从床头的矿石收音机到超外差收音机;从无线电发报到业余无线电台;从电话,电铃到无线电操纵模型。无线电技术成为当时青少年科普、科技教育最普及,最广泛的内容。至今,许多老一辈的工程师、专家、教授当年都是无线电爱好者。无线电技术的无穷乐趣,无线电技术的全面训练,从电子学基本原理,电子元器件基础到无线电遥控、遥测、遥信电子系统制作,培养出了几代科技英才。 二、从无线电时代到电子技术普及时代。早期的无线电技术推动了电子技术的发展,其中最主要的是真空管电子技术向半导体电子技术的发展。半导体电子技术使有源器件实现了微小型化和低成本,使无线电技术有了更大普及和创新,并大大地开阔了许多非无线电的控制领域。半导体技术发展导致集成电路器件的产生,形成了近代电子技术的飞跃,电子技术从分立器件时代走进了电路集成时代。电子设计工程师不再用分立的电子元器件设计电路单元,而直接选择集成化的电路单元器件构成系统。他们从电路单元设计中解放出来,致力于系统设计,大大地解放了科技生产力,促进了电子系统更大范围的普及。半导体集成电路首先在基本数字逻辑电路上取得突破。大量数字逻辑电路,如门电路,计数器,定时器,移位寄存器以及模拟开关,比较器等,为电子数字控制提供了极佳的条件,使传统的机械控制转向电子控制。功率电子器件以及传感技术的发展使原先以无线电为中心的电子技术开始转向工程领域中的机械系统的数字控制,检测领域中的信息采集,运动机械对象的电气伺服驱动控制。半导体及其集成电路技术将我们带入了一个电子技术普及时代,无线电技术成为电子技术应用领域的一个部分。进20世纪70年代,大规模集成电路出现,促进了常规的电子电路单元的专用电子系统发展。许多专用电子系统单元变成了集成化器件,如收音机,电子钟,计算器等,在这些领域的电子工程师从电路系统的精心设计,调试转变为器件选择,外围器件适配工作。电子技术发展了,电子产品丰富了,电子工程师的难度减少了,但与此同时,无线电技术,电子技术的魅力却削弱了。半导体集成电路的发展使经典电子系统日趋完善,留在大规模集成电路以外的电子技术日益减少,电子技术没有了往昔无线电时代的无穷乐趣和全面的工程训练。 三、从经典电子技术时代到现代电子技术时代进入 20 世纪 80 年代,世界经济


无线数据采集和传输系统外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 一种无线数据采集和传输系统的设计【摘要】在现代无线通信领域主要有一些技术为无线传输网络提供解决方法,例如:GSM,CDMA,3G,Wi-Fi。这些方法使得网络能够高效率和高质量的工作,但是成本很高。因此要低成本和在没有基础设施或者基础设施被破坏的情况下推广它们是很困难的。根据这种情况,本论文中数据采集和无线传输网络里的信息终端和无线收发模块的关键部件,是依据nRF905收发模块和51系列单片机的原理设计而成作为核心硬件,此外,结合目前自组无线网络的技术,可以构建一个短距离无

线数据采集和传输网络,这个网络能够提供一个工作在ISM(工业科学医学)频段的低功率及高性能的数据通信系统。然后提出了一个对无线通信可行的解决方案,这个方案优势在于更强的实时响应,更高的可靠性要求和更小的数据量。通过软件和硬件的调试和实际测量,这个系统在我们的解决方案基础上运行良好,达到了预期的目标并且已经成功的应用到无线车辆系统。 【关键词】自组网络;数据采集;传输网络 1 简介 在现代无线通信里,GSM,CDMA,3G和Wi-Fi因为其高速和可靠的质量而逐渐成为无线数据传输网络的主流解决方案。它们也有高成本的缺点,因此如果广泛的应用,将会引起大量的资源浪费,也不能在小区域,低速率的数据通信中得到提升。多点短距离无线数据采集和传输网络将成为最佳解决方案。此系统支持点对点,点对多点和多点对多点通信系统的发展。 短距离无线通信可以适应各种不同的网络技术,例如蓝牙, IEEE802.11,家庭无线网和红外。与远距离无线通信网络相比,它们的不同之处在于基本结构,应用水平,服务范围和业务(数据,语音)。设计短距离无线通信网络的最初目的是为了提供短距离宽带无线接入到移动环境或者制定临时网络,这是在移动环境里互联网更深的发展。短距离无线通信网络最主要的优势是更低的成本和更灵活的应用。 本文介绍信息终端(单个器件)的硬件和软件以及多点短距离无线数据采集和传输网络的无线接收模块的设计建议,提供一个低功率高性


中英文翻译 附件1:外文资料翻译译文 通用移动通信系统的回顾 1.1 UMTS网络架构 欧洲/日本的3G标准,被称为UMTS。 UMTS是一个在IMT-2000保护伞下的ITU-T 批准的许多标准之一。随着美国的CDMA2000标准的发展,它是目前占主导地位的标准,特别是运营商将cdmaOne部署为他们的2G技术。在写这本书时,日本是在3G 网络部署方面最先进的。三名现任运营商已经实施了三个不同的技术:J - PHONE 使用UMTS,KDDI拥有CDMA2000网络,最大的运营商NTT DoCoMo正在使用品牌的FOMA(自由多媒体接入)系统。 FOMA是基于原来的UMTS协议,而且更加的协调和标准化。 UMTS标准被定义为一个通过通用分组无线系统(GPRS)和全球演进的增强数据

技术(EDGE)从第二代GSM标准到UNTS的迁移,如图。这是一个广泛应用的基本原理,因为自2003年4月起,全球有超过847万GSM用户,占全球的移动用户数字的68%。重点是在保持尽可能多的GSM网络与新系统的操作。 我们现在在第三代(3G)的发展道路上,其中网络将支持所有类型的流量:语音,视频和数据,我们应该看到一个最终的爆炸在移动设备上的可用服务。此驱动技术是IP协议。现在,许多移动运营商在简称为2.5G的位置,伴随GPRS的部署,即将IP骨干网引入到移动核心网。在下图中,图2显示了一个在GPRS网络中的关键部件的概述,以及它是如何适应现有的GSM基础设施。 SGSN和GGSN之间的接口被称为Gn接口和使用GPRS隧道协议(GTP的,稍后讨论)。引进这种基础设施的首要原因是提供连接到外部分组网络如,Internet或企业Intranet。这使IP协议作为SGSN和GGSN之间的运输工具应用到网络。这使得数据服务,如移动设备上的电子邮件或浏览网页,用户被起诉基于数据流量,而不是时间连接基础上的数据量。3G网络和服务交付的主要标准是通用移动通信系统,或UMTS。首次部署的UMTS是发行'99架构,在下面的图3所示。 在这个网络中,主要的变化是在无线接入网络(RAN的)CDMA空中接口技术的引进,和在传输部分异步传输模式作为一种传输方式。这些变化已经引入,主要是为了支持在同一网络上的语音,视频和数据服务的运输。核心网络保持相对不变,主要是软件升级。然而,随着目前无线网络控制器使用IP与3G的GPRS业务支持节点进行通信,IP协议进一步应用到网络。 未来的进化步骤是第4版架构,如图4。在这里,GSM的核心被以语音IP技术为基础的IP网络基础设施取代。 海安的发展分为两个独立部分:媒体网关(MGW)和MSC服务器(MSS)的。这基本上是打破外连接的作用和连接控制。一个MSS可以处理多个MGW,使网络更具有扩展性。 因为现在有一些在3G网络的IP云,合并这些到一个IP或IP/ ATM骨干网是很有意义的(它很可能会提供两种选择运营商)。这使IP权利拓展到整个网络,一直到BTS(基站收发信台)。这被称为全IP网络,或推出五架构,如图五所示。在HLR/ VLR/VLR/EIR被推广和称为HLR的子系统(HSS)。 现在传统的电信交换的最后残余被删除,留下完全基于IP协议的网络运营,并

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