当前位置:文档之家› 像素工厂_白皮书2012


Contents 目录

1简介I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。2像素工厂:概念P IXEL F ACTORY:C ONCEPTS .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



2.2.1并行计算Parallel Processing (4)

2.2.2系统用户界面System User Interface (5)

2.2.3项目浏览工具Project Browser tool (5)

2.2.4生产工作流Production Workflow (6)

2.2.5系统管理System Administration (6)

2.2.6远程控制Extranet remote maintenance (6)

2.2.7先进的产品框架Advanced Framework (6)


2.3.1第二代正射Second Generation Orthoimage (7)

2.3.2工作流编辑器Workflow editor (7)

2.3.3高分辨率数字表面模型High Resolution DSM (7)

2.3.4实时正射镶嵌编辑器Realtime Orthomosaic editor (9)

2.3.5实时数字表面模型/数字地表模型编辑器Realtime Digital Surface Model / Digital

Terrain Model editor (9)


2.5生产路线图P RODUCT ROADMAP (11)

3最终产品E ND P RODUCTS (12)

3.1工作流F LOW (12)

3.2数字表面模型D IGITAL S URFACE M ODEL (12)

3.3数字地表模型D IGITAL T ERRAIN M ODEL (13)


3.5传统正射影像G ROUND O RTHOIMAGE (14)



1 简介

Astrium公司研发的像素工厂(Pixel Factory?),是拥有Array生产高级的、品质优越的3D制图产品。










2 像素工厂:概念

2.1 数字对地观测数据处理中心

The Pixel Factory has been developed to answer the needs of private photogrammetric / remote sensing companies, Governmental and Defence agencies. Its advanced features offer:


?多种传感器兼容 (卫星, 航空传感器…)





?易升级Easily scalable system

?集中化产品管理中心(框架) Centralised Production

Management centre (Framework)

?易扩展(基于组件的框架) Easily extensible (Framework based on add-ons)

?用户友好的管理工具User-friendly Management & Administration tool

2.2 企业级制图生产系统An Enterprise Cartographic Production System

像素工厂是一套集软硬件完美结合,可进行快速生产、易于获取的分布式解决方案。此外,该系统基于权威的标准,且易于升级,以利于考虑下列因素:The Pixel Factory is fully integrated into a distributed solution with software and hardware allowing fast productivity and easy access to the software. Moreover, this solution is based on recognized standard and is easily upgradeable in order to take into account:

?数据源的革新:易于对新数据源的集成和信息提取Evolution of the data sources: easy to integrate and extract information from new data sources,

?最终产品的革新:易于变更生产工作流,生成新产品Evolution of end-products: easy to change the production workflow to generate new products,

?需求的革新:易于升级系统,提高生产能力Evolution of demand: easy to upgrade the system in order to have a higher productivity

其推荐的系统能自我管理其数据和生产工作流,以便让用户可以关注于更高层次的生产任务,比如项目管理和质量控制。The proposed system manages by itself the data and the production workflow, in order to let users focus on the high-level production tasks like project management and quality control.

2.2.1 并行运算Parallel Processing

其推荐系统是为满足多并行处理而设计,因而最大化了生产速率。此外,用户无需深究如何管理,因为系统内嵌了一套高端可靠的任务管理器,据此:The proposed system is natively designed to handle multiple parallel processing, thus tremendously speeding computation time. Moreover, users do not have to wonder how to schedule jobs, as a high level and reliable scheduler is embedded into the solution, with:

?对当前任务序列进程自动进行管理Automatically scheduling of jobs with persistent job queue ?对并行计算机的使用进行优化,提供持续100%利用所有计算机的能力,以便系统:Optimal use of parallel computers allowing a 100% use of all computers every time, so that the system:

o闲置节点的运行不必等待高优先级任务的完成。do not wait some high priority project jobs to finish if some slots are free

o可配置大于实际硬件计算机的虚拟计算机数量can use a virtual number of computers larger than your actual hardware

o平衡所有计算机的任务计算,避免瓶颈产生balance job computation among all computers to avoid bottleneck

调度系统易于对硬件故障进行管理,如The scheduling system is also prone to hardware failure, allowing:

?当某计算机关闭时,系统重新分配任务Re-scheduling of tasks if some computer are shutdown ?列出可用计算机,可远程重启计算机Listing of available computers and possibility to restart a computer remotely

2.2.2 系统用户界面System User Interface

系统用户界面基于图形用户界面(GUI)。用户与系统的所有交互都可通过GUI,GUI可根据需要动态载入,可支持当地语言。The System User Interface is GUI driven. User interactions with the system are all done through a graphical user interface, which is dynamically loaded when requested and support language localization.

图1: 图形用户界面的样例

另外,也可通过底层的命令行(CLI)方式与系统进行专家级的交互。这种底层访问也可进行远程维护,对网络带宽要求不高。In addition, a low-level access through command line (CLI) is available in order to be able to interact with the system at an expert level when needed. This low-level access can also be used for remote maintenance without high requirement on the network bandwidth.

2.2.3 项目浏览器工具Project Browser tool


The system comes with tools to manage project

data in a graphical environment. Such tools include:


化。Visualization of all project’s data on

top of a geographic map

?元数据信息可视化Visualization of data meta information

?被选数据的可视化Launch of viewer on selected data

?数据属性的可视化Visualization of data dependencies

此外,这些项目管理工具可在分布式环境下工作,且无须直接访问数据;因此可远程浏览项目数据。Moreover these project management tools are able to work in a distributed environment without any direct access on the data; thus allowing browsing of project data information remotely.

2.2.4 生产工作流Production Workflow

像素工厂包含了内嵌生产工作流机制,帮助用户在生产过程中查找相关任务。该工作流机制为产品自动的处理而设计,同时也保持了用户直接和工作流交互的灵活性。The Pixel Factory contains an embedded production workflow mechanism which helps users during production to find the relevant tasks to perform. This workflow mechanism is designed for automation of production processes, while remaining flexible enough to allow users directly interact in the workflow.

管理工具可帮助用户查看每个项目的进展情况,且根据需要停止/ 重启某个工作。此类工具包括:Administration tools are available to let users see what is currently in process per project as well as to kill / restart some job computation when desired. Such tools include:

?列出所有工作&闲置的计算机List of available computers with load and free slots

?列出所有运行的工作,且均配有项目标识List of current running processes with project identification

管理工具不仅可以用于控制,还能:They allow not only for control, but also for:

?停止某些正在运行的工作(单个工作,或者与项目有关的所有工作) Killing of some running jobs (job per job, or a complete set of job attached to a project)

?以完全重算或只计算失败任务的方式,重启工作Re-launch of jobs by either re-computing everything or only failed tasks

2.2.5 系统管理System Administration

可通过传统网络游览器(Internet Explorer, Netscape...),进入界面对系统进行管理:The interface is accessible through any traditional internet navigator (Internet Explorer, Netscape...) to manage the system:

?系统完整的参数化设置(工作流,默认参数...) Complete parameterization of the system (workflow, default process settings...),

?用户档案的管理Administration of user accounts with their corresponding profile,

?系统数据库的管理Administration of the system database,

?系统硬件的管理&配置Administration and configuration of system hardware,

?系统日志的管理Management of system log file.

2.2.6 外联网远程维护Extranet remote maintenance

生产系统可以根据外联网安全连接获得远程维护The production system is accessible through extranet secure connection in order to allow remote maintenance.

2.2.7 高级的框架结构Advanced Framework

像素工厂 4.0已经升级多核架构,以支持更多影像,包括更多的高分影像:Many core features of the Pixel Factory have been upgraded inside the Pixel Factory 4.0 in order to support more images, and also more high resolution images:

-升级了框幅式航摄相机的空三工具 Upgrade of the bundle adjustment tools for frame airborne triangulation

-支持厘米级高分产品(4厘米及更小)Support of centimeters data for very high resolution products (4cm and less)

-DSM计算用的多视图整合升级 Multiple view integration upgrade during DSM computation

-带有自动镶嵌更新的第二代镶嵌功能的升级 Upgrade of the second generation mosaic features with automatic mosaic update

-支持更大的项目,不限制因分辨率更高或单一项目数据更多而导致更大的项目规模Support of bigger projects in order to have no limit on the project size due to higher resolution and more data for a single project

2.3 几个重要的生产功能 Some key production features

2.3.1 第二代正射影像Second Generation Orthoimage

像素工厂,从 3.2版本起,就可自动生产正射影像,这得益于同一地区可用的不同数据。意即包括空三、色调均衡、镶嵌更新等在内的所有过程都可完全自动化运行,这就简化了整个正射-镶嵌生产工作流。这个功能对需要经常更新数据库、且要求这些数据库之间要有很好一致性的单位尤其有意义。这个功能是一个可选的组件。 Pixel Factory, since its release 3.2, can create automatically orthoimages thanks to available dataset on the same area. It means all processes regarding bundle adjustment, color equalization, update of mosaic can be fully automated in order to streamline the complete workflow of ortho-mosaic generation. This is particularly interesting for organization doing updates of their database over time and requiring a full consistency between those databases. This feature is an optional add-on.

2.3.2 工作流编辑器 Workflow editor

像素工厂,从 3.2版本起,可嵌入一个工作流编辑工具。籍此,最终用户可以为特定需求定义一些特殊的工作流,这些工作流可经图形用户界面置入并连接某些单个的处理。这个工具是为需要自定义工作流的最终用户量身定做的。此外,这个新设计的工作流还可从像素工厂所有可用的单个命令中受益,例如影像匹配、空三、真正射处理等。这个功能是一个可选组件。 Pixel Factory, since its release 3.2, can embed a workflow editing tool allowing end-users to define some particular workflow for their processing by putting and linking together some individual process through a graphical user interface. This tool allows creation of new workflow tailored to the end-user needs. Moreover this new designed workflow will take benefit of all the individual activities available inside the Pixel Factory such as image matching, bundle adjustment, true ortho processing and so on. This feature is an optional add-on.

图 1: 像素工厂嵌入式工作流管理工具 Pixel Factory embedded workflow management tool

2.3.3 高分DSM High Resolution DSM

像素工厂4.0一个重要升级就是计算高分DSM的算法。One of the major upgrade in the Pixel Factory 4.0 is the new algorithm to compute high resolution Digital Surface Model.

下列图片展示了使用新旧算法从UCX数据计算的DSM Following images shows some results before and after obtained on some UCX dataset.

(左)目前的算法 current algorithm, (右)新的DSM算法 new DSM algorithm

这些图片也展示了在更大区域上使用新算法获得的相同结果。所用的UCX数据分辨率为4厘米,生产的DSM为10厘米。整个过程完全自动化。 And those images shows the same results with the new algorithms on larger area, obtained from UCX dataset at 4cm with an output DSM at 10cm fully automated.

自动计算的新DSM结果局部建成区放大图(见建筑物尖锐的边缘)Automatic result on new DSM with

a zoom over the building area (see the sharp edges of the building)

2.3.4 实时正射镶嵌编辑器Realtime Orthomosaic editor

像素工厂 4.0的一个新功能已经可用,用户可实时编辑镶嵌(接边线及辐射改正),大项目也可以。还可实时见到接边线编辑后的镶嵌效果。A new feature is available with Pixel Factory 4.0 which will allow all users to edit in realtime their mosaic (cutlines and radiometric correction) even on large project. It will allow seeing in realtime impact about the edition of cutline.

此外,这个新工具对同一项目可做虚拟镶嵌而不限影像数量。Moreover, this new tool will allow computing mosaic with virtually an unlimited number of images for the same project.

镶嵌正射影像的虚拟编辑器抓屏 Screenshots of the new visual editor for mosaic orthoimage

2.3.5 实时DSM / DTM编辑器 Realtime Digital Surface Model / Digital Terrain Model


伴随实时镶嵌编辑器出现,相同类型的编辑器将也可用于DSM/DTM,以进行适时质检(可立即见到结果): Along with the realtime mosaic editor, the same kind of editor will be available for DSM / DTM in order to do in realtime (and see the result immediately):

-编辑 / 清理DSM Editing / cleaning of the DSM

-DSM 到DTM 提取 DSM to DTM extraction

-应用于DSM / DTM的更多过滤器以自动进行清理 More filters to apply on the DSM / DTM to automatically clean them

2.4 兼容众多的严格传感器模型 Numerous rigorous sensor models available

生产系统可处理所有已有的航空数字传感器,传统框幅式相机及卫星传感器,如:The production system can processed all known aerial digital sensor, classic frame camera and satellite sensors as: ?ADS40/80 sensor ADS40/80传感器

?UCD sensor and upcoming UCX sensor UCD传感器及即将推出的UCX传感器

?DMC sensor DMC传感器

?DSS sensor and derived sensor DSS传感器及衍生的HassBald传感器

?UAV system 无人机系统

?Any classic frame camera sensor like RC-30, RMK…任何传统框幅相机传感器,象RC-30, RMK……

?SPOT 1-4 family sensors, SPOT 1-4系列传感器











?IRS P5 / P6






?HY / ZH

?… and so on…等等

另外,系统可轻易地添加新的传感器模型而无需系统和工作流程重大改变。比如:Moreover the system is easily upgradeable to include and process data from sensors without major changes inside the production system and workflow procedures, like:

?通用RPC支持 Generic RPC support,


此表并没有涵盖所有可处理的传感器,且会随着新传感器的发布不断更新(This list is non-exhaustive and is regularly updated with new upcoming sensors).

关于推扫式传感器(ADS40, SPOT5…),像素工厂使用严密的物理数学模型,计算出精准的结果。事实上,像素工厂不对传感器参数进行线性近似估计。作为一个可选项,像素工厂也可以对推扫式传感器进行内部检校。Regarding the push-broom sensor (ADS40/80, SPOT5…), a physical mathematical model of the sensor is available in order to process accurate and precise dataset from such sensor. Indeed, no linear approximation on the sensor parameters is made. Capabilities to internally calibrate push-broom sensor are also available as an option.

对于框幅相机,像素工厂还支持径向畸变参数。Regarding frame camera sensors, radial distortion parameters are supported.

2.5 产品路线图 Product roadmap

像素工厂持续不断的改进以支持更高级的功能并满足用户的所有需要。下表是将在后续版本中推出的杰出功能简短的概览。Pixel Factory product is continuously improving in order to support more advanced features and to answer all needs from our customers. Next table is a short overview of some of the outstanding features which will be available in our next releases.

主题Topics 目标 Goal

全自动空三Full Automatic Bundle Adjustment ?低质量或者根本没有IMU情况下的处理Handling of low quality or inexistent IMU

?空三稳定性 AT robustness

增强的辐射管理Enhanced Radiometry management ?辐射编辑,通过镶嵌编辑器进行并有适时反馈Radiometric edition through mosaic editor with have real-time feedback ?Advanced color dodging algorithms

性能及架构Performance & Architecture ?提高数据的访问速度,算法的计算速度Increase data speed access, algorithm computation speed

?CPU / GPU 性能优化 Optimization of CPU / GPU capabilities ?SaaS的架构Architecture for SaaS

编辑器 Editors ?提高所有用户使用图形编辑器的经验I mprove all user’s

experience with the graphical editors

?改进工作流编辑器和工作流管理Improvement of workflow

editor and workflow management

?添加多个DSM编辑用的过滤器 Addition of multiple filters for

Digital Surface Model edition

变化检测 Change detection ?添加高级的专题值Add advanced thematic value

?完全的无云镶嵌处理Full cloud-free mosaic process

空间数据基础Spatial Data Infrastructure ?像素工厂 / ArcGIS接口 Pixel Factory / ArcGIS interfacing ?像素工厂 / 产品目录& 电子商务接口Pixel Factory / Catalog & eCommerce interfacing


3.1 Flow

像素工厂能够处理多种航空航天传感器并得到各种产品,其工作流程如下图。The Pixel Factory is able to process different products from aerial and satellite sensors following the high-level workflow depicted in the next figure.

?传统正射影像Ground Orthoimages,

?真正射影像True Orthoimages,

?Digital Surface Model,

?Digital Terrain Model.

图 2: 系统工作流System workflow

注意:在给用户推荐的系统中,某些功能可能不可用,这些功能突出标示在下面章节中的技术部分。Nota:Some of these features may not be available in your proposed system as highlighted in the technical offer in next chapter.

3.2 数字地表模型Digital Surface Model

根据对多视角数据的自动多重相关,可轻松提取DSM Digital Surface Models are easy to extract from automatic multi-correlation of multi-view acquisition.

自动化算法可从原始影像每两像素提取高程信息,生成密集的高程影像The algorithm automatically derives a dense image with at least elevation information for every two pixels of the initial image.

图 3: 基于不同传感器生成的密集地表模型示例Example of dense digital surface model from

different sensors

此外,像素工厂系统可以导入导出LAS(LIDAR)格式数据;因此可对LIDAR DSM和多重相关生成的DSM进行混合。Moreover Pixel Factory system can import or export into the LAS (LIDAR) format specifications if needed; thus allowing mix used of LIDAR DSM and DSM computed from multi-correlation.

3.3 数字高程模型 Digital Terrain Model

通过对DSM采取滤波算法,可半自动化生成DTM。Filtering algorithms of Digital Surface Modesl are available in order to semi-automatically derive Digital Terrain Models.

图 4: 数字高程滤波算法Digital Terrain Filtering Algorithm

(左图为DSM,右图是过滤后的DSM left image represents a DSM and the right one shows a filtered DSM)

3.4 真正射影像True Orthoimage: TrueOrtho?

真正射影像(TrueOrtho?)指所有物体的倾斜均被纠正的一种镶嵌影像。保证影像上每点都是完全垂直视角。像素工厂可以通过对多视角的影像逐点计算,消除所有倾斜,自动生成真正射影像。 A true orthoimage (TrueOrtho?) is a mosaic of images where all leaning effects are perfectly corrected. Thus all points in the images are seen perfectly from nadir point of view. The Pixel Factory enables to automatically create a TrueOrtho from multiple images by mosaicking each input images pixel-by-pixel, thus correcting all leaning effects.

图 5:基于ADS40的真正射影像vs.传统正射影像TrueOrtho vs. ground orthoimage products

from ADS40 sensor

3.5 传统正射影像Ground Orthoimage

传统正射影像(就是使用DTM纠正到地面而得的正射影像)可自动生成。Classic, ground orthoimage mosaics (i.e. orthoimage rectified to the ground level, using a Digital Terrain Model) are computed automatically.

无需人工干预自动生成拼接线,同时考虑以下约束条件:Seamlines between the images are automatically generated without human interaction by taken into account:

?优化最终产品角度的传感器几何信息,sensor geometry to optimize angle in the final product, ?依据一致性来描绘地物细节的辐射信息image radiometry to delineate details with coherent radiometry,

?高程信息,以便接边线绕过建筑物elevation information to avoid building occlusion,

?用户定义的其他约束any external constraint provided by the user.

此外,镶嵌可进行全局色彩均衡,消除数据获取周期过长造成的伪影现象。Moreover, mosaics are fully color-balanced in order to remove artifacts generated by long acquisition time.

图 6:无缝镶嵌实例,使用自动生成的圈定建筑物的拼接线(UCD 数据集) Example of mosaic with seam-lines delineating buildings automatically (UCD dataset)

3.6 卫星正射影像镶嵌和自然彩色pan-sharpening融合Satellite Orthoimage

mosaic and natural color pan-sharpening

有别于传统正射影像,推荐的系统可以合成任何种类的光谱波段与更锐化的全色波段,而自动生成pan-sharpened融合影像。例如,可生成pan-sharpen快鸟融合影像或者从SPOT5多光谱波段推演自然彩色影像。In addition to classic orthoimage, the proposed system can automatically generate pan-sharpened images by combining any kind of spectral bands with a sharper panchromatic band. For instance, it can be used to pan-sharpen quickbird images or to extrapolate natural color images from SPOT5 multi-spectral images.

如下图所示,自动生成算法可以提高多光谱影像的分辨率且保留其光谱信息。这是基于影像光谱特征来自动寻找最佳波段组合的优点。这表示,因为没有伪影,分类可基于此类融合影像进行。As illustrated with next figure, the automatic algorithm used to augment resolution of multi- spectral images preserves the spectral information of the input data. This is a benefit of an automatic process based on image spectral signatures finding the best combination of images automatically. It means classification processes can be done on the pan-sharpened images without artifacts due to the pan-sharpening algorithm.

图 7: (上部) 多光谱数据对比(下部)融合数据multispectral data compared to (bottom) pan-

sharpened data

下图展示了应用于SPOT5数据的这个功能。 The next figure illustrates this automatic feature which SPOT5 dataset.

图 8: 对全色和多光谱通道的合成,可衍生得到融合的自然色影像及分辨率增强的多光谱影像Combination of panchromatic and multispectral channel to derive pan-sharpen natural color

and pan-sharpen multispectral image

结合此功能与自动镶嵌功能,像素工厂就可以生产大范围的镶嵌影像,如下图所示:Combining this feature with automated mosaic generation, it is then possible to generate mosaic on large areas as demonstrated by the next picture.

图 9: SPOT5 2.5米自然彩色均衡的完整镶嵌(达400幅SPOT5单景图像)Full SPOT5 2.5m natural color balanced mosaic (up to 400 SPOT5 individual scenes)

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