当前位置:文档之家› 英语专四真题及答案解析汇总








What is a dream for

One theory is that we dream to release the deep, secret desires. We do not express these desires in real life because of the rules of polite society. Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can't solve in real life. We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the solution. This may be a way to use our dreams rather than a purpose of dreaming. If you believe that your dreams are important, then analyzing them may help you to focus on the problem and help you to find the solution. The modern image is that dreams are the brain's way of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk. Dreams organize the events of the day into folders and delete what is not needed. But we all know that very little of what we dream is concerned with what happened to us that day.


51. Facing the board of directors, he didn’t deny __________ b reaking the agreement.

A. him

B. it

C. his

D. its


主语,一般可以用名词所有格Tom's,代词宾格如him(口语),书面语情况下一般用物主代词his,their。本题选C,但我还是要吐槽,因为根本就不需要多此一举添加his, he didn't deny breaking the agreement完全正确,比原题要精简地道许多,从写作角度来看,his根本是多余的,当然纯粹考察语法的话选C。

52. Xinchun returned from abroad a different man. The italicize

d part functions as a (n) _______.

A. appositive (同位语)

B. object

C. adverbial

D. complem ent.

解析:此题恐怕是最受争议的题目了,有人认为选A,有人认为选D。根据English Grammar: A University Course一书,“The Subject Complement (主语补足语) is the obligatory constituent which follows a copular verb(系动词) and which cannot be made subject in a passive clause: 比如Who’s there It’s me/It’s I. She became a tennis champion at a very early age. Feel free to ask questions!” 一般语法书也是这么说的,有的书上把这种情况下接的名词叫做predicate noun/nominative,接的形容词叫做predicate adjective。该书接着说“As well as be and seem, a wide range of verbs can be used to link the subject to its Complement; these add meanings of transition (become, get, go, grow, turn) and of perception (sound, smell, look) among others,” 比如I know it

sounds stupid. The situation becomes even worse. 这些一般语法书也会提到,但是题目里的都不是这种现象,很多语法书对主语补语的介绍也就到此为止。好在这本书多介绍了一点,但情况很微妙。此书又说More problematic is the constituent following other verbs that could be used intransitively with the same meaning, as in: Saint Ethelbert was born a Saxon princess. (she was born)

He returned a broken man. (he returned)

He died young. (he died)

We shall consider such constituents as Complements on the strength of the possible paraphrase containing be (When he returned he was a broken man; When he died he was young).

这部分恰好就是本题所代表的类型,但是从该书作者表述来看,他们也承认这样的句子很不一般,不太容易轻易判定是否为主语补语,在本书里,作者认为可以看作是主语补语,因为大概可以改写成含有系动词be 的句子,但作者的措辞显然没有那么肯定,有待商榷的意思。据此,本题可以选D,是主语补足语。

53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)

A. Nonsmoker

B. Deadline

C. Meanness

D. Misf it

解析:首先要知道什么是复合词。A compound is a word that consists of more than one free morpheme。所谓morpheme词素是最小的音义结合体,其最大的特点是不能再被分割为更小的音义结合体。

而free morpheme是指能独立存在使用的词素,bound morpheme则是必须依附于其他单位的词素,比如前缀后缀属于bound morpheme,如pre-,-ment,在单词shipment里,ship就是free morpheme,-ment则是bound。因此四个选项里只有deadline是由两个free morpheme构成(dead + line),其他三个都有Bound morpheme比如non, ness,


54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood

A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o'clock.

B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city me tro.

C. Walk straight ahead, and don't turn till the second traf fic lights.

D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.

解析: subjunctive mood是指虚拟语气,四个选项里只有A的insist属于虚拟语气用法,其中that从句里省略了should。

55. The following determiners(限定词) can be used with both plu ral and uncountable nouns EXCEPT __________.

A. more

B. enough

C. many

D. such



比如more money, more trees; enough money, enough trees; many money, many trees; such big trees, such behavior.所以选C。

56. 解析:首先要明白and不一定表示并列。A,C里的and表示先后;D 里的and表示递进;只有B里的and表示对比。

56. Which of the italicized parts indicates CONTRAST

A. She opened the door and quietly went in.

B. Victoria likes music and Sam is fond of sports.

C. Think it over again and you'll get an answer.

D. He is somewhat arrogant, and I don't like this.

57. Which of the following CANNOT be used as a nominal substitu


A. Much

B. Neither

C. One

D. Quart





ones,(the)same等都是常见的。比如There are good films as well

as bad ones.除此以外还有the kind, the sort,比如Slang disappears quickly, especially the juvenile sort.还有一些不定代

词等比如all, both, some, any enough, several, none, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, the other, others, another, either,

neither等,比如Can you get me some nails I need some. I don’t want any more food. I’ve had enough. 本题选D, quarter不是名词


58. All the following sentences definitely indicate future time


A. Mother is to have tea with Aunt Betty at four.

B. The President is coming to the UN next week,

C. The school pupils will be home by now.

D. He is going to email me the necessary information.



因为和by now矛盾,这里will的用法是指you think something is true,表说话人自己的看法,比如That will be Tim coming home now; Ask anyone and they will tell you the same thing. 本题选C。

59. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT

A. Politics are the art or science of government.

B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.

C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.

D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged.

解析:本题考查主谓一致(agreement/concord)。ten miles看作整体



(political science),是不可数名词,但这个用法主要是英式英语。此外,politics表示政治可以看作不可数名词,也可以看作复数,比如Politics have always interested me. 本题选A。

60. Which of in the following phrases indicates a subject-predi cate relationship

A. The arrival of the tourists

B. The law of Newton

C. The occupation of the island

D. The plays of Osca r Wilde

解析:章振邦的书拿到手后果然发现了他的讲解,基本就是原句。第五版的55页,名词属格和of-词组一节说:名词属格和of-词组在意义和用法上有许多相同之处,比如the trunk of an elephant=an elephant's trunk,表示主谓关系有the arrival of the prime minister;表示动宾关系 the occupation of the Island;表来源 the law of Newton。因此据此本题选A。但我要吐槽的是先不说我手上其他参考书根本没有讲到,就这种主谓关系,动宾关系的说法我就不太同意,因为所谓词组的主谓关系和动宾关系是汉语语法里的说法,英语里说主谓自然指的是句子,一个名词短语何来主谓之说?

61. Which of the following italicized parts serves as an apposi tive

A. He is not the man to draw back.

B. Tony hit back the urge to tell a lie.

C. Larry has a large family to support.

D. There is really nothing to fear.




语时,不定式和名词之间的搭配关系是主谓A中的the man draw back,也可以是C和D的动宾to fear nothing, to support family;有时候也是同为关系,比如urge(冲动)的内容就是指to tell a lie撒谎,故为同位语。我不得不吐槽,章很喜欢分析任何语法单位的结构,他在教师


62. Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence

A. Let me drive you home, shall I

B. You will mind your own business.

C. Come and have dinner with us.

D. I wish you could stay behind.


头,Do/Don't,You/其他唤名+动词, let类型外,均没有见到D的wish 类型。说明:似乎只有章振邦的书上在情态动词will一节提到B的属于加强祈使句。我个人对此表示质疑。更常见的应该是You mind your own business。如果说You will mind your own business是祈使句,那么You will see him now岂不是也是祈使句?这显然说不通。其实You

will mind your own business要有祈使句功能,还跟语气语调有很大关

系,应该念成You WILL mind your own business! 而不是YOU will mind your own business. 出题人不严谨,死扣语法书,可见一斑。

63. If it _______ tomorrow, the match would be put off.

A. were to rain

B. was to rain

C. was raining

D. had rai ned


64. Which of the following sentences expresses a fact

A. Mary and her son must be home by now.

B. Careless reading must give poor results.

C. It’s getting late, and I must leave now.

D. He must be working late at the office.

解析:目前来看又要有争议。很多人认为是B,而我之前说C,尽管C里的must是表示主观必须(C只有前半句是fact,后半句谈不上什么事实)。问题在于如何理解B的must。在English Grammar: A Universit y Course一书里有一节谈到must的logical necessity用法问题,作者说在英式英语里有用must表示逻辑上的必定如此,尽管美国人更喜欢用have to。比如 If Jane is Pat's sister and Jill is Jane's daught er, Pat must be Jill's aunt.此时Pat must be Jill's aunt就相当于不用情态动词的陈述句Pat is Jill's aunt.如此极端的例子才能说明这是逻辑上的必然,但我实在看不出选项B里一个没有语境的句子是如何有逻辑上的必然,我个人觉得Careless reading must give poor res ults.和Careless reading gives poor results.还是不一样的。B句是


65. The following are all dynamic verbs(动态动词) EXCEPT ______ ____.

A. remain

B. turn

C. write

D. knock

解析:看到专四考这个题目,我只能呵呵。动态动词是指能够延续持续动作的,比如hit,run等,相反的则是Stative Verb静态动词,比如know.现在进行时是常见检验手段。你不能说I am knowing the answer,只能说I know the answer,因此know是静态动词。同理,题目的A选项remain也是静态动词,其他都是动态动词。


66. __________ to school life was less difficult than the pupil had expected.

A. Adhering

B. Adopting

C. Adjusting

D. Acquainting

解析:这题没啥好说的,适应学校生活 adjust to school life,选C。

67. He is fed up with the same old dreary routine, and wants to quit his job. The underlined part means __________.

A. dull

B. boring

C. long

D. hard 解析: dreary指dull,选A。但有词典指出boring也是近义词,外教也表示AB均可。所以B也是对的,我估计出题人是选A。

68. At last night’s party Larry said something that I though was beyond me. The underlined part means __________.

A. I was unable to do

B. I couldn’t understand

C. I was unable to stop

D. I couldn’t tolerate

解析:be beyond somebody指to be too difficult for someone to understand.故选B。

69. The couple __________their old house and sold it for a vast profit.

A. did for

B. did in

C. did with

D. did up

解析:选D。do up这里指to repair an old building or car, or to improve its appearance。此外do up还可以指fasten something,比如Do your laces up before you trip over.

70. Sally contributed a lot to the project, but she never once accepted all the __________ for herself.

A. credit

B. attention

C. focus

D. award

解析:选A。这里的credit指approval or praise that you give to someone for something they have done.常见搭配有give credit; take/claim/deserve credit。

71. The child nodded, apparently content with his mother’s promise. The underlined part means __________.

A. as far as one has learnt

B. as far as one is concerned

C. as far as one can see

D. as far as one is told

解析:首先ABCD的释义都是指apparently的意思,具体语境有具体不同的释义,在我们这个句子里,指according to the way someone looks or a situation appears, although you cannot be sure. 因此选C。换一个句子比如I wasn’t there, but apparently the thief got away.这里的apparently就指A或D。

72. The __________ that sport builds character is well accepted by people nowadays.

A. issue

B. argument

C. point

D. sentence

解析:选B。这里的argument指a set of reasons that show something is true or untrue, right or wrong。相当于汉语说的主张论点。很多人选C,point的确有这个意思,也可以接同位语从句,搭配上习惯是说take the/sb’s point.不过,我询问过外教,他是觉得argument更好,只是point也没什么不对。

73. Everyone in the office knows that Melinda takes infinite care over her work. The underlined part means __________.

A. limited

B. unnecessary

C. overdue

D. much

解析:infinite是finite的反义词,这里指very great/huge in amount or degree,因此选D。

74. The new measure will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident. The underlined part means __________.

A. if an accident happens

B. if an accident can be prevented

C. before an accident

D. during an accident

解析:选A。in the event of something is used to tell people what they should do if something happens.

75. Traditionally, local midwives would __________ all the babies in the area.

A. handle

B. produce

C. deliver

D. help


76. No food or drink is allowed on the premises. The underlined part means __________.

A. proposition

B. advertisement

C. building

D. string

解析:选C。以复数形式出现的premises指the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses.

77. The court would not accept his appeal unless __________ evidence is provided.

A. conclusive

B. definite

C. eventual

D. concluding

解析:选A。首先appeal是指上诉。Conclusive指showing something is definitely true,比如conclusive proof/evidence/findings。旁证是circumstantial evidence.

78. As soon as he opened the door, a __________ of cold air swept through the house.

A. flow

B. movement

C. rush

D. blast

解析:个人认为选D。又见量化问题,一阵/股冷风袭来该如何用英语说。首先句子里动词用了sweep,指to move suddenly and/or with force over an area or in a particular direction.而blast指a sudden strong movement of air。但问题在于C。词典里rush其实可以指a sudden fast movement of air, 外教的回答是blast is better here and is what native speakers would prefer. 而Flow往往接的是水流电流等,而且指a smooth and steady movement.

79. She really wanted to say something at the meeting, but eventually __________ from it.

A. prevented

B. refrained

C. limited

D. restricted

解析:refrain from sth/doing sth指to not do something you want to do,主要用于书面语。

80. The couple told the decorator that they wanted their bedroom gaily painted. The underlined part means __________.

A. brightly

B. light-heartedly

C. cheerfully

D. lightly


容词,是有gay + ly 变来的。而gay在很早的时候是指人happy, merry, cheerful,或者颜色bright, attractive,这个用法现代英语已经抛弃,请大家不要乱用。所谓gaily painted/colored/decorated指having bright cheerful colors.所以选A。



Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state: Without it, it would not be possible to pay the soldiers and policemen who protect us;nor the workers in government offices who look after our health, our food, our water, and all the

other things that we cannot do for ourselves;nor the ministers and members of parliament(国会) who govern the country for us.

By means of taxation, we pay for things that we need just as much as we need somewhere to live and something to eat.

But everyone knows that taxation is necessary,

different people have different ideas about how taxation should be arranged. Should each person have to pay a certain amount of money to the government each year Or should there be tax on things that people buy and sell If the first kind of taxation

is used, should everyone pay the same tax, whether he is rich or poor If the second kind of tax is preferred, should everything be taxed equally

In most countries, a direct tax on persons, which is called income tax, exists. It is arranged in such a way that the poorest people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows greater as the taxpayer’s income grows. In England, for example, the tax on the richest people goes up as high as ninety-five percent!

But countries with direct taxation nearly always have indirect taxation too. Many things imported into the country have to pay taxes or "duties". Of course, it is the men and women who buy these imported things in the shops who really have to pay the duties, in the form of higher prices. In some countries, too, there is a tax on things sold in the shops. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is collected, but the poor people suffer most. If unnecessary

things like jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is got but the tax is fairer, as the rich pay it.

Probably this last kind of indirect tax, together with a direct tax on incomes which is low for the poor and high for the rich, is the best arrangement.



Most of us, as students, are careful with our money in daily life: we collect all kinds of coupons(优惠券); we look for group-buy deals if we eat out or travel; we don't buy clothes unless in a sale. However, some people think that all this may not make us smart consumers. What is your opinion Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words.

You are to write in three parts.

In the first part, state specifically what your view is.

In the second part, provide one or two reasons or your experience(s) to support your opinion.

In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

You should supply an appropriate tittle for your composition.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50—60 words based on the following situation:

Your former high-school classmate (Mathew or Grace) is coming to visit you in the dorm. But, you have got something urgent to do and thus cannot wait for him/her there. Leave a note on the door, expressing your apology and telling him/her how to find you. You must make clear where you are in the note.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.



The advantages of being careful with money in daily life

Nowadays, there is a hot debate on whether people,

including students should be careful with their money in their daily life since they try their best to save money. Some people think it is not good to do so because this may not make people

smart consumers. But in my eyes, the advantages of being

careful with money in daily life outweigh the disadvantages.

First, being careful with money is a virtue that can always benefit people. Being thrifty is of great help, especially when the economic status around the world is not very good and it becomes harder to earn money than before. A good habit of being careful with money will help many people go through this difficult period or any other difficult financial situation in their life. People with this awareness will think carefully before deciding to buy anything. For students, this awareness

is also of great help since they mainly depend on their parents for financial supports. When they keep this awareness in their mind, they will definitely avoid wasting money.

Secondly, being careful with money is, in fact, a good way of practicing how to manage one's money. In current society, it is necessary to learn something about finance. But theories are usually hard to learn. In contrast, most people can learn quickly by practicing. Being careful with money means an efficient use of money, which, in essence, equals to part of the job of a financial planner. Being careful with money can teach people to make best use of their money.


2018年考研英语二真题及答案解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful?Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people wiill 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3. In a series of four experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin School of Business tested students' willingness to 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. For one 5 each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist?Half of the pens would 6 an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified;another twe nty-seven were told only that some were electrified 7 left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock th em clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would 8 .Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect wit h other stimuli, 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and pho tographs of disgusting insects. The drive to 10 is deeply rooted in humans,much the same as the ba sic drives for 11 or shelter,says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct-it can 12 new scientific advances, for instance-but sometimes such 13 can back fire.The insight that curiosity can drive you to do 14 things is a profound one.Unhealthy curiosity is possible to 15 ,however. In a f inal experiment,participants who were encouraged to 16 how they would


2017年12月大学英语四级真题及答案(第三套) Part I Writing (25 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay onhow to best handle the relationshop between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Her friend Erika. C) Her grandfather.


2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案 (第一套) Part I Writing (25 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campus website to sell a computer you used at college. Your advertisement may include its brand, specifications/features, condition and price, and your contact should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) The man in the car was absent-minded. B) The test driver made a wrong judgement. C) The self-driving system was faulty. D) The car was moving at a fast speed. 2. A) They have done better than conventional cars. B) They have caused several severe crashes. C) They have posed a threat to other drivers. D) They have generally done quite well. Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3. A) He works at a national park. B) He is a queen been specialist. C) He removed the beyond from the boot.


英语四级真题及答案卷 三 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

2017年12月英语四级真题 Part I Writing(25 minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension(25 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear three news the end of each news report,you will hear two or three the news report and the questions will be spoken only you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


考研英语二真题及答案 解析完整版 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

英语二真题: Section 1 Use of Eninglish Directions : Millions of Americans and foreigners see GI.Joe as a mindless war toy ,the symbol of American military adventurism, but that’s not how it used to be .To the men and women who( 1 )in World War II and the people they liberated ,the GI.was the (2) man grown into hero ,the pool farm kid torn away from his home ,the guy who( 3) all the burdens of battle ,who slept in cold foxholes,who went without the ( 4) of food and shelter ,who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder .this was not a volunteer soldier ,not someone well paid ,(5) an average guy ,up( 6 )the best trained ,best equipped ,fiercest ,most brutal enemies seen in centuries. His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation (7) Government Issue ,and it was on all of the article( 8) to soldiers .And Joe A common name for a guy who never (9) it to the top .Joe Blow ,Joe Magrac …a working class name.The United States has( 10) had a president or vicepresident or secretary of state Joe. GI .joe had a (11)career fighting German ,Japanese , and Korean troops . He appers as a character ,or a (12 ) of american personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiers Pyle(13)portrayde themselves in the film. Pyle was famous for covering the (14)side of the warl, writing about the dirt-snow –and-mud soldiers, not how many miles were(15)or what towns were captured or liberated, His reports(16)the “willie” cartoons of famed Stars and Stripes artist Bill Maulden. Both men(17)the dirt and exhaustion of war, the (18)of civilization that the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelter, sleep. (19)Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G.I. Joe was any American soldier,(20)the most important person in their lives. 1.[A] performed [B]served [C]rebelled [D]betrayed 2.[A] actual [B]common [C]special [D]normal 3.[A]bore [B]cased [C]removed [D]loaded 4.[A]necessities [B]facilitice [C]commodities [D]propertoes 5.[A]and [B]nor [C]but [D]hence 6.[A]for [B]into [C] form [D]against 7.[A]meaning [B]implying [C]symbolizing [D]claiming 8.[A]handed out [B]turn over [C]brought back [D]passed down 9.[A]pushed [B]got [C]made [D]managed 10.[A]ever [B]never [C]either [D]neither


大学英语四级考试真题及答案(绝对完整) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么? 2. 也会带来一些问题 3. 你的看法? Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. How Do You See Diversity? As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company .During one interview, she noticed that the candidate never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and somewhat disappointed because she liked the individual otherwise. He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,” so she decided to offer the job to her second choice. “It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses. What she hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s “different” behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding . He was an Asian-American raised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown by averting(避开) your eyes. “I was just thrown off by the lack of ye contact; not realizing it was cultural,” Tiffany says. “I missed out ,but will not miss that opportunity again.” Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive as different. As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse, it is becoming essential to expand our under-standing of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions . Hire Advantage At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult ,employers who can eliminate invalid biases(偏爱) from the process have a distinct advantage .My company, Mindsets LLC ,helps organizations and individuals see their own blind spots . A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make .


2017年6月英语四级真题 作文一: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. “Dear Andy-How are you? Your mother and I are fine.We both miss you and hope you are doing well.We look forward to seeing you again the nest time your computer crashes and you come down-stairs for something to eat,Love,Mom and Dad.” 作文二: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on learning and then explain why doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


00015英语二试题及答案 发布日期:2016-01-04 10:09 来源:未知阅读:6927 【字体:大中小】 本套单元测试共10 题,共100 分。答题得分:100 分 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [1]I should like to rent a house,modern,comfortable and ___ in a qiuet environment. 得 分: 10分 答:D A before all B first of all C after all D above all 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [2]His few personal belongings make it possible for him to move from place to place __ _. 得 分: 10分 答:C A in ease B at ease C with ease D with easiness 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [3]Could you lend me some money? I'm very ______of cash at the moment.得 分: 10分 答:B A need B short C scarce D empty 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [4]It ______ exactly thirty years since I graduated from college. 得 分: 10分 答:B A was B has been C will be D had been

【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [5]He was completely ______ by her tale of hardship. 得 10分 分: 答:B A taken away B taken in C taking away D taken up 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [6]The team doctor insisted that the route _____ because of the possible danger. 得 10分 分: 答:C A could be changed B would be changed C be changed D might be changed 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [7]Problems can _____ when people have no knowledge of the law. 得 10分 分: 答:C A rise B jump C arise D lift 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [8]The _____ lady is believed to be the thief wanted by the police. 得 10分 分: 答:A A beautifully dressed B dressed beautifully C beautiful dressing D beautiful dress 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [9]The manager did not offer him the job because of his untidy _____.


2014-2019历年大学英语四级真题及答案 2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following question. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit China, what is the first place you would like to take him/her to see and why? Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A)The man should visit the museums. B)She can’t stand the hot weather. C)The beach resort is a good choice. D)She enjoys staying in Washington. 2. A)Her new responsibilities in the company. B)What her job prospects are. C)What the customers’ feedbac k is. D)The director’s opinion of her work. 3. A)Combine her training with dieting. B)Repeat the training every three days. C)Avoid excessive physical training. D)Include weightlifting in the program. 4. A)When she will return home. B)Whether she can go by herself. C)Whether she can travel by air. D)When she will completely recover. 5. A)The woman knows how to deal with the police. B)The woman had been fined many times before. C)The woman had violated traffic regulations. D)The woman is good at finding excuses. 6. A)Switch off the refrigerator for a while. B)Have someone repair the refrigerator. C)Ask the man to fix the refrigerator. D)Buy a refrigerator of better quality. 7. A)He owns a piece of land in the downtown area. B)He has got enough money to buy a house. C)He can finally do what he has dreamed of. D)He is moving into a bigger apartment. 8. A)She is black and blue all over. B)She has to go to see a doctor. C)She stayed away from work for a few days. D)She got hurt in an accident yesterday.


精品文档 2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(完整版) 来源:文都教育 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1. A) See a doctor about her strained shoulder. B) Use a ladder to help her reach the tea. C) Replace the cupboard with a new one. D) Place the tea on a lower shelf next time. 2. A) At Mary Johnson's. C) In an exhibition hall. B) At a painter's studio. D) Outside an art gallery. 3. A) The teacher evaluated lacks teaching experience. B) She does not quite agree with what the man said. C) The man had better talk with the students himself. D) New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation. 4. A) He helped Doris build up the furniture. B) Doris helped him arrange the furniture.


2018年6月大学英语四级真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the importance of reading ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter. B) A New Hampshire man's joke with friends on his wife. C) A father's message for his daughter. D) The history of a century-old motel. 2. A) She wanted to show gratitude for his kindness. B) She wanted to honor her father's promise. C) She had been asked by her father to do so. D) She was excited to see her father's handwriting. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) People were concerned about the number of bees. B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified. C) Two million bees were infected with disease. D) Zika virus had destroyed some bee farms. 4. A) It apologized to its customers. B) It was forced to kill its bees. C) It lost a huge stock of bees. D) It lost 2.5 million dollars. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) It stayed in the air for about two hours. B) It took off and landed on a football field. C) It proved to be of high commercial value. D) It made a series of sharp turns in the sky. 6. A) Engineering problems. B) The air pollution it produced.


2011年研究生入学考试英语二真题 Section I Use of English Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered black and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) "The Internet affords anonymity to its users — a boon to privacy and freedom of speech. But that very anonymity is also behind the explosion of cybercrime that has 1 across the Web. Can privacy be preserved 2 bringing a semblance of safety and security to a world that seems increasingly 3 ? Last month, Howard Schmidt, the nation’s cyberczar, offered the Obama government a 4 to make the We b a safer place — a “voluntary identify” system that would be the high-tech5of a physical key, fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled6one. The system might use a smart identity card, or a digital credential7 to a specifi c computer, an d would authenticat e users at a range o f online services. The idea is to8 a federation of private online identify systems. Users could9 which system to join, and only registered users whose identities have been authenticated could navigate those systems. The approach contrasts with one that would require an Internet driver’s license10 by the government. Google and Microsoft are among companies that already have sign-on”systems that make it possible for users to11 just once but use many different services. 12 , the approach would create a “walled garden” in safe “neighborhoods” and bright “streetlights” to establish a sense of13 community. Mr. Schmidt described it as a “voluntary ecosystem” in which individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with14 ,trusting the identities of the infrastructure that the transaction runs15 .'" Still, the administration’s plan has16 privacy rights activists. Some applaud the approach; others are concerned. It seems clear that such an initiative push toward what would17 be a license” mentality. The plan has also been greeted with18 by some experts, who worry that the “voluntary ecosystem”would still leave much of the Internet19 .They argue that should be20 to register and identify themselves, in drivers must be licensed to drive on public roads. 1. A.swept B.skipped C.walked D.ridden 2. A.for B.within C.while D.though 3. A.careless https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d1159433.html,wless C.pointless D.helpless 4. A.reason B.reminder https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d1159433.html,promise D.proposal

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