当前位置:文档之家› 状语从句翻译练习:




1. 他喜欢去有海的地方旅游。

2. 请把这些书放回原处(它们原来所在的地方)。

3. 因为昨晚下雨了,所以地面很湿。

4. 昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面很湿。

5. 既然大家都明白了,咱们开始吧。

6. 孩子们一边唱歌一边跳舞。

7. 为了能赶上第一班车,他很早就起床了。

8. 他起床很早,结果赶上了第一班车。

9. 他立刻关掉电源以防火灾。

10. 老人气得说不出话来了。

11. 天太热,大家都去游泳了。

12. 假如没有水,会发生什么呢?

13. 我不会其参加那个聚会的,除非受到邀请。

14. 只要你相信我,我会帮你实现目标的。

15. 一旦你失去信心,就会失去一切。

16. 孩子虽小,可他很懂事。

17. 即使人人都这么说,我还是不愿相信这是真的。

18. 不管你同意与否,我都会选择这所大学。

19. 无论你是谁,都要出示通行证。

20. 无论你走到哪里,我都会和你在一起。

21. 请按照我告诉你的去做这个实验。

22. 他说起话来像个姑娘似的。

23. 我没他跑得快。

24. 他们来得比我们早。

25. 你听英语越多,你的口语就越好。

26 . 当你离开教室的时候,不要忘记关窗和灯。

27. 从两年前离开上海以来,一直住在伦敦。

28. 昨天珍妮一到家,天就开始下雨了。

29. 这个婴儿直到看见他妈妈才停止哭泣。

30. 今天晚上我不去参加聚会了因为我有很多作业要做。

31 因为期末考试还剩下一周的时间了,同学们都很忙。(there be to go)

32 由于这些产品都具备相似的效果,你可以任选一款。

33 他坐到老人的对面以便听得更清楚。(so that)








41 在使用这种新药之前,他一直处于昏迷状态。(until)

42 当他在舞台上表演时,他的父母一直就坐于看台上。(seat)

43 当他读完了这些书后,他已经在英语上领先班里其他的同学了。(ahead)
















59.史密斯先生第一次去杭州,就被西湖的美所打动。(The first time)

60 她说话时,泪水直流。

61 我正在吃饭的时候,她进来了。

62 他结束讲话的时候,听众掌声雷动。

63 我一安排好就通知你。

64 他刚说出这些话,大家就沉默下来。

65 如果机器发生故障,就把电门关上。

66 若无外力的作用,静止的物体不会移动。

67 如果没有有关当局的批准,我们不能开始这项工作。

68 因为气候干旱,作物歉收。

69 由于很多人没有来,会议只好延期。

70 气体不同于固体是因为(就在于)它没有固定的形状。

71 他将得到提升,因为他工作干得好。

72 理论之所以有价值,是因为它能给实践指出方向。

73 我之所以教书并不是因为教书对我来说太容易

74 机器停了下来,并不是因为燃料耗尽了。

75 要是把他们捉到了,那就更好了。

76 假如你把一切都告诉我,那么我就能够作出决定。


78 毫无疑问,我本来是可以赚到一点的,如果我真有那样打算的话。

79 不管我说什么,也不管我怎么说,他说是认为我错了。

80 我们虽然看不见空气,但却能感觉到它。

81 即使你不喜欢这个建议,你也不应该没有同别人商量就把它否决了。

82 为了不惊醒她,他轻轻推开房门,悄悄地溜了出去。

83. 我们应该早点出发以便可以在中午前到那里。

84 他反复强调这一点,免得她忘了。

85 他们躲在树丛后面,以防被敌人发现。

86 他做了错误的决定,结果浪费了自己半生的时间。

87. 她不借东西不来。(即:他如果不借东西就不来。)

88 他并没有老到不能读书。


1. They like to go traveling where there is the sea.

2. Put the books where they were.

3. Because it was raining last night, the ground is wet.

4. It must have been raining last night because the ground is wet.

5. Since everyone understands it, let's begin.

6. Children are singing while (they are) dancing.

7. He got up early so that he could catch the first bus.

8. He got up so early that he caught the first bus.

9. He cut off the electricity so that he could prevent the fire from breaking out.

10.The old man was so angry that he couldn't say any words.

11.It was too hot so all went swimming.

12.If there were no water, what would happen?

13.I won't go to the party unless I am invited.

14.If you trust me, I will be able to help you to achieve your goal.

15. Once you lose your confidence, you lose everything.

16. The child is small, but he is very intelligent(sensible).

17. Even if everyone say so, I still want to believe this isn't true.

18. Whether you agree or not, I would opt for this university.

19. No matter who you are, you must produce a passport.

20. No matter where you go, I will be with you.

21. Follow what I told you to do this experiment.

22. He talked as(like) a girl-like.

23. I did not he run fast.

24. They come back earlier than we do.

25. The more you listen to English, the more fluently you speak.

26 please don't forget to turn off the light and close the windows when you leave the classroom.

27 I have lived in London since I left Shanghai two years ago.

28 it began to rain as soon as Jane got home yesterday.

29 The baby didn't stop crying until he saw his mother.

30 I won't go to the party tonight because i have a lot of homework to do.

31. There is only one week to go before final exam, all the students are busy

32.Since these products have similar functions, you can choose one at will

33.He sat opposite to the old man so that he could hear more clearly

34.It seemed quite a while before my turn came

35.Work hard while still young

36.The husband and wife fell out before their marriage was a month old.

37.Old and poor as he was, he lived happily

38.I didn't go because I was afraid.

39.Not to wake her up, he pushed the door open quietly, and out he slipped secretly.

40.Mary burst out crying at the news.

41.He didn't come out until he take the new medicine.

42.When he performed on stage, his parents were seated in the stand.

43.He has been ahead of his classmates in English after he read these books.

44.The volume of the recorder is so small that it can be put it in your pocket.

45.She sang while She was preparing the experiment 时间状语


46.He insists his own opinion because he was sure of the right facts

47.Even if what you say is right, I still take it as wrong one

48.It did not matter much because they were going to be free twenty-four hours later

49.While We are preparing to leave, when a police car came up .

50.Make a mark wherever there is a questions.

51.The crop yields dropped down because there is a drought

52. Most parts of the machine will be made of plastics instead of metal so that its weight will be reduced greatly

53.He was so ignorant that he can't even write his own name

54 She repeated the story so much times that everyone growing tired of her

55 His parents met him almost all the requirements, so that he was spoiled

56 Looking at the five-star red flag raised, the athletes moved to tears。

57. Once this issue is declared to all, it will be filmed soon.

58. Whenever I saw this book, it reminds me what my grandfather


59. Mr. Smith was moved by the beauty of the West Lake that first time he went to Hangzhou.

60 While she spoke, the tears were running down.

61 She came in when I was having supper.

62 As he finished the speech, the audience burst into applause.

63 I’ll let you know as soon as I have it arranged.

64 Directly he uttered these words there was a dead silence.

65 Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.

66.A body at rest will not move till a force is exerted on it.

67.We can't start the job until we have the approval from the authority concerned.

68 The crops failed because the season was dry.

69 We had to put the meeting off, since so many people were absent.

70 A gas differs from solid in that it has no definite shape.

71 He will get promoted, for he has done good work.

72 Theory is valuable because it can provide a direction for practice.

73 I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me.

74 The machine did not move because the fuel was used up.

75 It was better in case they were captured.

76 If you tell me about it, then I shall be able to decide.

77.You can drive tonight if you are ready.

78 No doubt I could earned something if I had really meant to.

79 No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks I’m wrong.

80 While we can not see the air, we can feel it.

81 Granted that you don’t like the proposal, you shouldn’t have rejected it without consulting others.

82 He pushed open the door gently and stole out of the room for fear that he should awake her.

83 We should start early so that we might get there before noon.

84 He emphasized it again and again, lest she should forget.

85 They hid themselves behind some bushed for fear that the enemy should find them.

86 He made a wrong decision, so that half of his lifetime was wasted.

87 She never comes but she borrows.

88 She is not so old but that she can read.

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