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托福阅读技巧集合2(Reading skill)

托福阅读技巧集合2(Reading skill)
托福阅读技巧集合2(Reading skill)






-喜欢classical music, 不喜欢Rock&Roll






*在卖on sale;卖完了be sold out

*正前方的位置orchestra section;楼座balcony


-喜欢去且最好是modern art

*油画oils;版画prints;水彩画water color;壁画fresco;素描sketch;肖像画portrait;山水画 landscape



*It was hardly worth the wait price of admission


-买什么:invest in, stock up on, 以旧换新trade it in,分期付款pay by installment, 头期款 down payment,卖东西cash in on sth.

-买没买(注意虚拟语气),退货refund,预付in advance/deposit

-喜欢便宜货: on sale; good bargain/deal/price/buy; discount; %off

*东西巨贵cost you an arm and a leg, cost sb dearly, dear sth, make a fortune,cost a


*价钱公道fair, reasonable, affordable, acceptable.



-阳光水份: sunlight; water regularly




-用光,胶卷:闪光灯flash, 焦距focus, out of focus, adjust the focus, 照相shot, a roll of film, 冲卷develop, 放大enlarge


-不满意:It took forever to arrive.

9外出吃饭(go out for lunch, dine out)

-上哪儿吃:一角dime, 五分nickel, 1分penny, 分cent


-喜欢安静:prefer a quiet place

-谁请客:我请客This is my treat; Let me treat you; Let me pick up the bill. Foot the


AA制:go fifty fifty, Let's spit the check, two bills


*侍者常用语:①Bring the menu-are you ready to order now? ②take your order-I'll be with you in a moment③recommend sth-specialty特色④serve food- I'll take care of it. I'll see

to it.


-吃完:eat up, clean out, empty, go out.


*饭量小eat like a bird, 饭量大eat like a horse, 酒量大drink like a fish, 能睡sleep like a log, 能抽烟smoke like a chimney


-apple-pie好吃out of the world, pizza 难吃taste awful,

*一份helping/serving/bite,吃一点take a bite of


-爱喝,别上瘾be addicted to,戒掉be off

-不喝不加奶的咖啡not drink it black



*style,正装formal suit, 休闲装casual jeans.

*Color (蓝色最好),navy (blue), solid blue, deep/light blue.褪色fade, faint, lose the

color.不褪色retain its color.

*Size: 松loose,紧tight, It's tight on waist. 缩水shrink

*Design: 条stripped,点dotted,格plaid,做工精细elegant, 短裤shots

14减肥on diet

-身体好,身材好perfect shape, good/excellent condition

-要坚持,需锻炼I've got to get a shape.




-换发型,不好认make out/recognize

*理发店:hair salon, hairdresser,发型师stylist

*修流海trim the bangs,鬓角side,中分parting in the middle,左分parting to the left,耳朵上 over the ear,到后背in the back.


-宠物:谁看have sb to do sth, 与宠物相处,宠物喜欢你be attached to,掉毛shed

-旅行社:订机票book/reserve, 房间:取消cancel, 换房switch room

*乖一点be good

*Hotel or Motel: ashtray, 肥皂和手巾soap and towel, front desk.



*enjoy lying on the beach, take a sun bath, play sand volleyball, swimming, surfing(冲浪)



-the more the merrier


-天气变化:多云overcast,大风high wind,暴风雪blizzar,倾盆大雨downpour/pouring,阵雨 shower,(雨雪)停light up,放晴clear up,(好天气)持续keep up/hold on,变暖warm up


-天气好,心情好:It's nice/good to have sth for a change.

-天气与穿衣:收衣服put away/pack,找出衣服get out

-是不是要买衣服:羊毛衫wool sweater,羽绒服down jacket,靴子boot,手套glove,围巾scarf *美国天气预报三项指标:湿度humility,降雨量precipitation,温度temperature


-天气不好影响航班:the flight was delayed/canceled due to the bad weather



-喜欢所有beach/gym activities.冰球ice hockey,棒球base ball, football

* hi k ing远足, cycling骑车, rock-climbing攀岩, skiing滑雪, jogging跑步, golf

* tennis网球:正/反手fore/back hand,续弦restring,球场court,接/发球serve/refurn,出界go

out of bounds.



-题目难定(太大)too broad a topic

-资料难查(太多)too much material to cover



-考笔记be based on the lecture/notes

-字难认make out/recognize handwriting


-永远难was supposed to be easy

-不推迟put it off, hold off, delay, postpone

-分数低:及格passing grade,不及格failing grade,好分数perfect grade


*take-home exam开卷考试,workshop研讨会, seminar研究会



-不迟到punctual/prompt,不早退,常拖堂run over time/late,


*听不懂:be lost/be all at sea/in the dark

*听懂:figure out/make sense/catch/follow words

*打瞌睡:drop off/doze off, keep watching the clock, keep counting the time.


-作业多:I've had enough of it.(I'll never have enough of it.高兴语气)

*have one's hands full, be tied up, be booked, be up to one's eyes/ears/neck with work. Have a million things to do. Study 48 hours in a day.

-想迟交,不迟交:交作业hand in/ turn in, 迟交extension, 多给时间extra/more time


-常熬夜:sit up, stay doing sth

-不熬夜get out of it, wise


-有货没货in stock/ out of stock

-印,不印in /out of print

-过时out-dated, 最新的updated/current

-平装paper back,精装hard back


-还书:recall a book, library loan, 续借renew, 传记作者biographer, 微缩胶片microfiche

-罚钱:overdue, late return, fine , moratorium(暂停,推迟),



*电话号码本:yellow pages, telephone directory,干扰static,接通put through

*占着电话tie up, be off下线断线,过会打给你get back to sb.



-三大顾虑:too much, too difficult, intro course





-抱怨:dormitory①太小太脏②太吵③管的太严;apartment①东西老坏②室友难处neat, considerate.




-室内:调音turn down,隔音sound proof,没意识到

-室外:airport, highway, traffic


-室内:开窗,空气窒息stuffy,卡住了window is stuck



-少花钱afford,新床new couch

-旧家具往哪放where do you want it to go?


-什么坏了,找谁:管道工plumber, 水龙头/管子漏leaky faucet/pipe, 下水道堵塞clogged drain, 灯泡

bulb, 电线wiring, 电灯light , 电工electrician

-修理贵,修不如买:以旧换新trade it in

*修理工的总称:maintenance people, technician, repair person


-长塞车be tied up/ backed up in traffic, traffic jam, rush hour.

-拐错弯:should have turned, miss the turn

-从哪儿出get out , exit

-违章:超速speeding, 闯红灯go through the red light, 违章停车illegal parking, 停车场lot,罚

单ticket, 交通队traffic court


*中南central south,左上角upper left hand,右下角lower right hand,沿着走go down, walk along. O ff to

*你去哪儿:where are you heading for leaving for



-伤哪里:twist, strain, hurt, injure, shoulder, wrist, ankle, knee




-症状:feel under the weather身体不适,catch a cold, have ringing in the ears, running

nose, sneeze喷嚏。感染…病come down with, get a touch of, catch


-药管不管用:药起了作用it works/helps. It does good. It does the trick. It make


*药片pill,剂量dosage,入院be admitted to hospital, 出院check out of/release from *医务室infirmary,clinic. 药房pharmacy,棉团floss, 打针shots,抓药fill











lack of

13捎东西 low on sth

-缺什么be short of

-要或不要,原因 run out of


-搭不上,听原因:接sb. pick sb up, 下车到哪儿drop sb off at sw







*mess, a real dump/mess, messed up, messy,乱七八槽at sixs and sevens, chaos, chaotic *I haven't done much cleaning recently. My room is like a tornado hit it.

*吸尘器vacuum/rag cleaner


*have money to burn, burn the candle at both ends, spend money like water

*花完go through = use up

*破产I was broke, I never seem to have enough money.

*save for rainy days.存钱以备不时之需


-内向keep sth to oneself, not sociable, feel embarrassed, self-conscious



-presentation stand/sit

-宣布谁得奖学金 restless quietly

*坐立不安 too excited to be still ,be on edge, on pins and needles, like a cat on hot bricks, pace the floor(来回踱步)


*睡过头oversleep, be late for class, miss the class

*失眠insomnia/wake up,辗转反侧toss and turn, twist, 安眠药sleeping pills

*Never hand in the paper on time. Extension, extra time, be behind in(落后),be backed up(堆积作业),临考抱佛脚crem for the exam

*补考fail the exam, make up the exam.

6女生Mystery, 爱学习

*make no sense to me. Sth I'll never figure out. Over my head. Beyond me/my


*How she manage to do it is a mystery to me. 答案中:wonder, surprised

*拉都拉不走tear sb away from the books


*故意mean to do,记恨 hold the grudge, forgive, forgiving, tolerant,忘掉 get over it

*broad-minded, open heart, a heart of gold. Think much/little of sb. Look up to /down

upon sb




as cool as a cucumber, as fit as fiddle, as healthy as horse, as poor as a church mouse, as strong as an ox, as like as two peas(长得象),peas and carrots(形影不离),apples and oranges(大不相同),as proud as peacock, as changeable as moon, as punctual as a church clock, as sly as fox, as light as feather, as hungry as a wolf.

-be the last thing +定从,最不希望的,最不需要的,最不愿意的。

-hasn't he, isn't it +ever/though.可不是吗!(很同意)

-if only 要是…就好了。答案的标志是虚拟语气和wish.

-not that, not as…adj….as you think不至于那么过分吧

-不辞辛苦做某事go out of one's way to do. Take great trouble to do sth. Go extra miles to do sth.

-吃惊:Jees. Boy! Man! Jesus christ! Dear me! Wow!

-对我都一样:It makes no difference to me. Does it make any difference. What


it make. It's all the same to me.

-感觉如何:What do you think of sth? How do you like sth? How do you find sth? How do you feel about sth? Would you like A or B? Do you fe el like sth? Are you in a mood for


-开玩笑吧:So you say. Pull my leg.

-流泪my eyes swim in tears, shed tears of remorse, I can't hold back my tears

-你真了不起:You are somebody. You are a big potato.

-提醒:I don't think you'll do… I was wondering i f you will do sth. I don't imagine if you do. You have not done sth, have you?

-听我说:You know why. Tell me why.

-我本想做某事(但没做)I meant to do.. should have given. Was supposed to do sth. I have been meaning to..

-赞同:You bet. Sure thing. And how. Isn't it though/ever. Go ahead. By all means.

-责备:When will you ever do sth? Do I have to tell you? Don't I tell you sth? Why didn't you…

-怎么了?What's up/matter/wrong with sb? how have you been? How are you coming


What's new with you?

三、习语 lose his cool失去冷静

-冷静 cool off 冷静,天气变冷

play it cool

-不介意:not at all, not a bit/little, not in the slightest, not in the least

-不愿让人做某事:make sb uncomfortable to do sth

-对人宽容go easy on sb. Be lenient with. Be kind to

-挤时间做某事:get around to do sth, take time out/off from doing sth, spare time to do

sth, afford time to do sth, squeeze/steal time to do

-健忘slip one's mind/memory. Have a shot memory, not good with.. be terrible with..

forgetful, absent-minded, scatter-brain, go in one ear and out the other. Wops.

-快,马上:in no time, by and by, on short notice, right now/away/off, in a


-去哪里,朝哪里去head to/for sw, make for, leave for, set out for, be off to , be away to -生气:be put out with sb, be burned up at sb, get one's back up, hit/raise the


be enraged, get on one's nerve, rub sb the wrong way, annoy/irritate sb.

-顺便看望:drop/stop/come by/over/in

-太忙heavy/busy/tight schedule

-太热super/burning/blazing/unbearable/scorcher hot

-听某人的建议:go by/follow/listen to one's suggestion

-一点也不奇怪:no wonder. Little surprise.

-有时,偶而:occasionally, sometimes, every so often, every now and them, every once in a while, at times, from time to time, on and off.

-在某方面擅长:know the stuff/ropes/tricks/one's beans

-逐步地:gradually, step by step, bit by bit, little by little, inch by inch, piece by


line by line, word by word.

-bottom line 说话的核心,well, the bottom line is that…

-check out①检查,询问②借书③出院④退房

-come in handy 派上用场,会有用的

-for the life of sb无论如何

-get over: ①完成作业②病全愈③忘掉(不愉快)

-go through ①用完②检查③经历过④办手续

-我认为I suspect, 我确认I bet, 我估计I expect, 我不认为I doubt, 我原以为I thought, 我原以为I was hoping, 我曾经是I used to be, 我本应该I was supposed to

-on one's way 马上出发; on the way已经在路

-pick up ①取东西②接人③买东西

-p ut up ①挂起②住宿

-up to :胜任:it's up to sb to do sth, sb is up to doing sth②熬夜sit/be up to do sth③达到up to sth



-care①take care of it处理,照顾②care to 愿意③care about关心④care for喜欢


-commitment ①约会=engagement, appointment ②承担责任


-fountain 街头饮水机

-line①行车路线bus line②横线line paper ③电线power line



-pack ①收拾行李,②拥挤

-serve ①发球②上菜

-rapids 中等城市的环铁


-return ①回球(网球)②回电话

-take a rain check 改天一定去

-电脑词汇:显示器monitor,存盘save it on disk,屏幕screen,全部丢失wipe out,色带ribon -取消(课):cut, cancel, call off

-忍受:stand, bear, put up with, tolerate, withstand.

-涨价:rising, go up, increase, soaring, rocketing,

-职位空缺:opening, vacancy, post


TOEFL长段文章有时涉及科技内容,有些考生因不熟悉背景,且对原文预测不利,而失误。下面就PART C 全真TOEFL试题作一示范。

46. A) To make recommendations on sensible dieting.

B) To report the latest advances in brain surgery.

C) To relate an experiment combining sleep and exercise.

D) To advise on ways of dealin g with sleep difficulties.

47. A) Your heart rate is lowered.

B) It becomes harder to relax.

C) You become too tired to sleep.

D) Sleep rhythms are disrupted.

48. A) Failure to rest during the day.

B) Lack of sleep on weekends.

C) Vigorous exercise in the evening.

D) Eating cheese before going to bed.

49. A) They might eventually cause you to lose sleep.

B) They help produce a neurotransmitter in the brain.

C) You must not drink milk it you take them.

D) They make it unnecessar y to take naps.

50. A) At a radio station.

B) In a lecture hall.

C) In a biology lab.

D) At the doctor’s office.



47题:四个选项为细节,且出现“become”字样,可预测原文为“what happens when …?”。另根据内容四个选项词汇“he art rate、sleep、harder to relax、sleep rhythms”,可判断原文内容与“睡觉”有关。


49题:四个选项中出现“they”,考生应判断“they”指代何者。再根据选项C“You must not drink mild if you take them”,可判断they可吃,再根据选项A内容,可判断“they”与失眠有关。




根据46题选项D“To advise …”可判断原文立足点为“建议”。因此,本文不太可能是上课情景(50题C排除),也不太可能发生在“doctor’s office”(因为本文是演讲)。则50题极有可能是解A(at a radio station)广播电台,advise人们做某事。



a. 陈述失眠问题产生原因

b. 讲解失眠问题解决途径



根据上述分析可知,PART C预测方式应用如下:








8. 场景知识


从读书与考试角度谈托福阅读技巧篇 许多人都会在读书时遇到很多难题,例如不知如何做笔记,写撮要,结果上完课后,很多课堂内容都忘掉,到考试时,更感恐惧和不知所措,我们特别提供一些有效的读书方法及考试时的注意事项,令你易于了解课堂内容,并且可以松容应付考试。当你阅读教科书时,是否觉得自己总是无法把内容记下?或是看过无数篇,也未能找到课文重点?我们特别提供以下方法,令你更快更容易去理解课文内容,从而帮助你考试时可以得心应手。 (1)概括地观察Survey 首先略读每章或每页的大概内容,例如:可从书本的序言和目录开始,通常作者会在序言中交代撰述的重点及动机,而目录则可帮助你了解课本的组织架构及章节层次;阅读课文的名称 title,主题 main headings 及副题 sub-headings;注意每一主题的头一句,导言 introduction 和本章提要summary(如果有的话),图片说明 captions to all graphics 等,这样,你不用十五分钟便对内容有概略的了解。 (2)提出一个全面的问题Write a general question 观察课文内容后,提出一个包含所有阅读数据的问题,把问题写在每章节的开首,令自己可以看到此问题时,便忆起全部内容。 (3)提出各别问题来引导阅读Write questions to guide your reading 当你看到主题、副题、图片及首句时,由此而提出有关问题,写在题目或图片旁边,帮助你阅读文章内容。 (4)寻求问题的答案Read to answer the questions 阅读章节时,尽量跟随你的问题来找答案,把握课文重点。 (5)在答案下划线Underline words that answer the question 在了解一段内容后,找出解答问题的重要字key words及短语phrases,并划记下来。在划记时可选用荧光笔,既方便又快捷。 (6)修正问题 Revise the questions 如果在阅读时,发现问题并未得到解答或不明确,可重新写下问题,并将有关答案的字词划记。再重读文章,遇到不明白的地方,再请教导师或同学。 (7)举一反三Use examples 当你理解全文时,便可将知识整理起来,同时,学习类推的方法,将知识应用于其它类似事情或日常生活上,利用联带关系,才能把文章内容融会贯通,大大提高你的阅读兴趣和能力。例如:当银行利率提高时,会使银行的存款利息增加,而你可能会联想到投资受影响,或是你会类推更多其它事项。 【

托福阅读技巧集合2(Reading skill)

托福96年10月-97年8月阅读文章词汇选择及参阅 一、听力场景 (一)娱乐场景 1音乐会 -永远好听 -喜欢classical music, 不喜欢Rock&Roll -去不了因为要学习 -提前买票 2剧院演出 -有票没票 -座位是否调换 *在卖on sale;卖完了be sold out *正前方的位置orchestra section;楼座balcony 3美术馆 -喜欢去且最好是modern art *油画oils;版画prints;水彩画water color;壁画fresco;素描sketch;肖像画portrait;山水画 landscape 4电影 -不好看,不值money *It was hardly worth the wait price of admission 5买东西 -买什么:invest in, stock up on, 以旧换新trade it in,分期付款pay by installment, 头期款 down payment,卖东西cash in on sth. -买没买(注意虚拟语气),退货refund,预付in advance/deposit -喜欢便宜货: on sale; good bargain/deal/price/buy; discount; %off *东西巨贵cost you an arm and a leg, cost sb dearly, dear sth, make a fortune,cost a bundle

*价钱公道fair, reasonable, affordable, acceptable. 6养花种草 -花草长势 -阳光水份: sunlight; water regularly -摆哪儿合适:窗前sunlight;角落里shade 7照相 -效果:模糊blurry -用光,胶卷:闪光灯flash, 焦距focus, out of focus, adjust the focus, 照相shot, a roll of film, 冲卷develop, 放大enlarge 8邮局 -不满意:It took forever to arrive. 9外出吃饭(go out for lunch, dine out) -上哪儿吃:一角dime, 五分nickel, 1分penny, 分cent -爱尝鲜appetizer开胃物,打包酒菜carryout,腌制souse, -喜欢安静:prefer a quiet place -谁请客:我请客This is my treat; Let me treat you; Let me pick up the bill. Foot the bill AA制:go fifty fifty, Let's spit the check, two bills -点错菜:order,菜单recipe *侍者常用语:①Bring the menu-are you ready to order now? ②take your order-I'll be with you in a moment③recommend sth-specialty特色④serve food- I'll take care of it. I'll see to it. 10贪吃场景 -吃完:eat up, clean out, empty, go out. -谁打扫:残羹冷炙leftover *饭量小eat like a bird, 饭量大eat like a horse, 酒量大drink like a fish, 能睡sleep like a log, 能抽烟smoke like a chimney 11吃


托福阅读词汇分类技巧(一)托福阅读词汇分类技巧(一) https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d5886309.html,/tuofuyuedu/20141219/329225.html?seo=wenku Example: OG Practice Set 4,question 10

Passage 8: One cognitive theory suggests that aggravating and painful events trigger unpleasant feelings. These feelings in turn,can lead to aggressive action,but not automatically. Cognitive factors intervene. People decide whether they will act aggressively or not on other people’s motives. Supporting evidence comes from research showing that aggressive people often distort other people’s motives. For example, they assume that other people mean them harm when they do not. The word distort in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ mistrust ○ misinterpret ○ criticize ○ resent 解析:distort所在的文章句子后出现“ for example”,根据for example 中的内容,我们可以得出distort在此句中的意思为misinterpret。 3. 并列信息 Example: OG Practice Set 5,question 3 Passage 3: …Absenteeism and lateness hurt productivity and since work was specialized,disrupted the regular factory routine. Industrialization not only produced a fundamental change in the way work was organized; it transformed the very nature of work. The word disrupted in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ prolonged 托福阅读词汇分类技巧(一) https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d5886309.html,/tuofuyuedu/20141219/329225.html?seo=wenku


TOEFL iBT阅读技巧—关键词法解题 关键词在阅读理解中的重要作用: key words—结构(structure) —推断(inference) 1.key words—结构(structure) 针对题型:大意概括题 解题步骤:1.找结构关键词(but, and, as ,while, so, to……); 2.分析句子结构; (并列,递进,从属,因果……) 3.结合文本大意选出正确选项。 例1 TPO34 Islamic Art and the Book Papermaking spread quickly to Egypt – and eventually to Sicily and Spain – but it was several centuries before paper supplanted parchment for copies of the Koran, probably because of the conservative nature of religious art and its practitioners. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. A) It was several centuries before papermaking techniques spread to faraway areas where parchment was popular and used widely in art. B) Although papermaking came to Egypt quickly, it took much longer for paper to be used when copying the Koran, probably because of the conservative nature of religious art. C) Papermaking spread beyond Egypt, Sicily, and Spain, but it was not widely used by artists for centuries, probably because of the conservative nature of art in those countries. D) Paper replaced parchment in copies of the Koran, probably at the request of conservative practitioners in areas like Egypt, Sicily, and Spain. [解析] 关键词:but, because of. But 连接的是两个句子的转折,而because of 是

新托福阅读的10种题型 详解+经验+方法论 (1)

[※]新托福阅读的10种题型: 详解+经验+方法论 iBT毕竟是一个考试 考试就有他的思路和方法,以及题型的设计 在这里,我们首先熟悉一下新托福阅读出题的基本思路,和10种基本题型,以及应对10种题型的技巧 要点: an academic environment---越来越偏向于学术的讨论,越来越像IELTS的Academic类考试 reading---a variety of different subjects passages---3 different categories based on author purpose: 1. Exposition 2. Argumentation 3. Historical 你需要了解general organization of the passage * classification * comparison/contrast * cause/effect * problem/solution 每篇阅读的平均字数是700,当然根据考试的实际情况,可多可少 iBT的阅读有10种题型,下面我们一种一种的来回顾: 经验:第1,第5种题型,占的分量最多,难度也不大,要保证一个也不错 第9种和第10种题目,难度最大,想取得高分,必须要多做综合练习 剩下的题型也很重要,想取得高分,一个都不能少 1. Factual Information Questions 这样的题目,一般来说mentioned only in part of the passage. 答题的信息就在段落的1,2句

话中 技巧:你不可能在第一遍阅读的时候,就找到正确答案,需要看题目以后,回头再找 排出那些本身就很矛盾的选项 千万不要因为你看这某个单词或者句子在段落中出现过,就选择那个选项,一定要回答问题 2. Negative Factual Information Questions 做这样的题目,你首先需要对定位:locate the relevant info. in the passage 注意,这种问题你要选择的正确答案,是那个不正确的,问题里面会明确的指出:which one is NOT true 技巧:选项里面的答案,可能叙述了一段的意思,也可能叙述了好几段 正确的那个答案,要么是直接和文章的意思矛盾,要么是文章里面没有提到的 3. Inference Questions 注意的字眼,是infer, imply, inferred 技巧: 正确的答案,必须是从文章已给内容推出的,特别注意 4. Rhetorical Purpose Questions Rhetorical is the art of speaking or writing effectively. 他不关心作者说了什么,关心的是作者为什么要这样说 技巧: 注意字眼definintion, example, to illustrate, to explain, to contrast, to refute, to note, to criticize, function of 这样的题目尤其会侧重句子还有段落之间的逻辑联系 5. Vocabulary Questions 大家不要太在意这个单词在字典里面什么意思,最重要的是,这个单词在文章里面的意思:in the reading passage, only one of the meanings of a work is relevant 技巧:问题是问你单词在文章里面的意思,再次强调 6. Reference Questions 这样的问题,主要是问你代词指代的内容是什么[根据我观察的经验,代词指代的东西,一般来说就在你这个代词的前面,或者隔了1个短语,不会太远:...AAAAA, BBB, CCC, XXX...一般来说, XXX不是指代C就是指代B,不会跑太远] 技巧:代词,pronoun, 在选择以后,检查答案的时候,一定要注意一致性:the same number: singular or plural; case: first person, second person, third person 当你选择了答案以后,你的选择会不会违反语法原则,并且会不会有意义


托福阅读解题技巧-句子插入题(一) 托福阅读不同于传统阅读,其中包含了”句子插入题”这类特殊题型,这也是托福阅读中相对难得分的题型。此类题型中,题干中会给出一个新的句子,然后会在原文段落中给出四个黑框,考察新句子在文章中最合适的位置。针对于此类题型的解答,有很多实用的方法,今天我们要介绍的是在剩余时间不多的情况下,最简单最便捷的解决方法-语义指代匹配法。 在上下句的关联中,代词是最为紧密的一类词。当作者再次谈及上句相关话题时,为了避免重复,遵循语言学的最简单化原理,作者会用代词指代上文内容,常见指示代词this, that, these, those, 人称代词they, she, he, 或it ,还有their, such, another等。对于此类题型的具体解题步骤如下: ①确认指代对象:根据指代词找到其所指代的对象; ②定位指代对象:通过浏览扫描段落信息,确定指代对象位置; ③代入验证:把插入句代入含有指代对象所在句的后面进行验证即可。 接下来,我们通过具体实例来论证使用语义指代匹配法。 案例: Paragraph 1: Before 1815 manufacturing in the United States had been done in homes or shops by skilled artisans.■As master craft workers, they imparted the knowledge of their trades to apprentices and journeymen. ■In addition, women often worked in their homes part-time, making finished articles from raw material supplied by merchant capitalists. ■After 1815 this older form of manufacturing began to give way to factories with machinery tended by unskilled or semiskilled laborers. ■Cheap transportation networks, the rise of cities, and the availability of capital and credit all stimulated the shift to factory production. 11. Look at the four squares[■]that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. This new form of manufacturing depended on the movement of goods to distant locations and a centralized source of laborers.


托福阅读解题提速思维技巧实例讲解 托福阅读解题提速思维技巧实例讲解,转换思路才能做得更快,今天给大家带来托福阅读解题提速思维技巧实例讲解 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读解题提速思维技巧实例讲解转换思路才能做得更快托福阅读提速思维实例讲解先来看例题:A symbiotic relationship is an interaction between two or more species in which one species lives in or on another species. There are three main types of symbiotic relationships: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. The first and the third can be key factors in the structure of a biological community; that is, all the populations of organisms living together and potentially interacting in a particular area.1. Which of the following statements about commensalism can be inferredfrom paragraph 1?A. It excludes interactions betweenmore than two species.B. It makes it less likely for specieswithin a community to survive.C. Its significance to the organizationof biological communities is small.D. Its role in the structure ofbiological populations is a disruptive


托福阅读提分的5大技巧 大家在备考的时候要多根据托福阅读题型进行总结,多做托福阅读真题。这样在考试中就 能够根据以往的经验进行答题,既能提高速度又能提高效率。下面为大家整理了托福阅读 提分的5大技巧。 1.文章主旨的把握 首先,托福的每一篇文章都附加了标题,可以通过对文章标题格式,内容,可能应用的文 章书写格式三个方面对文章整体进行把握。 其次,每篇文章的长度由原来的300-400增长到了现有的700字左右,且段落由原有的2- 4段增长到现有的5-10段,那么对于文章主旨的把握能力就显得无比重要。而要做到在短短的3-4分钟以内完成这件事情,就要求我们对段落结构,段落大意,以及段间结构即文 章大纲的把握做到精准的程度。 2.泛读能力 所谓托福阅读泛读能力是指得在短时间以内对一篇文章内容迅速把握。在对文章段落主旨 句的阅读中,我们需要读的内容约有8-15句话左右,在3-4分钟以内完成对这些句子的 阅读并总结文章大纲,就要求我们对于托福句子式结构熟识于心。而托福阅读中,句子长,成份杂一直以来都是大家在阅读上遇到的最大障碍之一。解决这个问题的方法,可以采用 泛读技巧中的主句阅读方式,即对读到的每个句子进行结构分析,找出主句,再补充其它 成份的细节内容。 当我们对段内句子的主要意思,讲述对象,及讲述方向有所了解之后,后期解题过程中使 用到的答案定位(或关键词定位)便可以达到快,准,稳的效果。 把握住了文章主旨就得到了文章的写作方向与目的,辅以段落间的关系,会使得解题过程 轻松无比。 3.段落结构 文章写作过程中,为了清楚的表达中心思想,会采用不同的段落结构,而结构的选取与文 章类型及内容无关,仅是选取一种最为清晰的表达方式。段落内部结构从大体上来讲可以 分为总---分---(总)的分点并列结构,或者总---分的观点递进阐述结构。相对来讲前者 更赋逻辑性,而后者因其逻辑性较差而导致在阅读过程中难度系数相对较大。当大家对段 落内部结构的分析日渐成熟的时候,便可以对段落主旨大意总结的驾驭做到轻车熟路,进 而节约阅读时间。 4.句子结构


托福IBT阅读总述 细节题 反面细节题 词汇题 指代题 推断题 修辞目的题 句子简化题 句子入位题 文章总结题 表格题 题型特点 1. 所占比重:3-6/14,30% 事实信息题的数量是十大题型当中最多的,占到整个考题量的1/5-1/4,而且以考察考生对于细节容的理解程度 2. 提问方式 According to the paragraph, which of the following is true of X? The author’s description of X mentions which of the following…?

According to the paragraph, X occurred because… According to the paragraph, X did Y because… According to the paragraph, why did X do Y? 解题步骤 细节题的答案直接出现在原文中,正确答案是原文的同义改写 ?1、从题干当中提取关键词(问什么,提到什么) ?2、带着关键词回原文定位 ?3、对定位句进行同义改写(80%)或者针对TS(topic sentence)+D(details)进行总结归纳(20%) ?4、运用直选法选出正确答案(排除答案当中的错误项) 能进行定位的: Key word原则:n>v>adj./ adv. n:人名;地名;时间名词;专属名词;数字 选择围小的当定位词:n1 of n2 of n3… n1 in n2 in n3… n1>n2 >n3… 无法进行定位的: 1.TS+D (Topic Sentence+Details)方法,捕捉抽象概念; 1.并结合选项排除 题型特点 1.所占比重:0-2/14,14% 事实信息题出题比重并不是特别大,但是往往成为考生在考试当中的失分点。 2. 提问方式 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X? The author’s description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT… 三种考查方式


托福阅读解题有没有技巧怎么办 托福阅读解题有没有技巧?提升硬实力才是高分关键力。今天给大家来托福阅读解题有没有技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读解题有没有技巧?提升硬实力才是高分关键 托福阅读对词汇量要求很严格 从某种意义上来讲,你积累的英语词汇量的多少,影响着你在托福考试中取得的成绩。如果说你具备的词汇量达不到最基本的要求,即使你的语言能力再强也过不了托福难关。想要训练阅读能力首先就要从词汇量上下手,只有掌握足够多的词汇后,你才具备他警告阅读能力的最低标准。 遇到生词,即使不知道什么意思,也可以根据上下文语境弄清它们之间的关系,运用逻辑推理的方法作出正确的答案。其次,还可以分析选项,进行对比,往往会发现选项中通常会出现两个意思相反的选项,此时再仔细重读原文就可以排除错误选项了。 托福阅读要积累英语*量增加知识面 读书破万卷,下笔如有神,放在托福阅读备考中依然适用。考生利用业余时间丰富自己的知识面,对各国或各地区等相关文

化及常识有一定了解后,在参加托福考试时,当阅读到自己有所了解的东西后,解题试题时就会比较有自信和感觉,不会因为自己的不了解或是不清楚,对*要说的东西特别盲目,答题的准确率自然而然的也就会有所上升。 总而言之,托福阅读虽然也需要一定技巧,但每位同学需要掌握的技巧都是不同的,适合别人的不一定适合自己。比起一味训练解题技巧,提升如词汇量和阅读量方面的硬实力,其实才是真正通往阅读高分的必经之路。 托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:Contrary to the arguments... 托福阅读100个长难句实例分析 原句案例: Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the pacific was settled by Polynesians accidentally marooned after being lost and adrift, it seems reasonable that this feat was accomplished by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out fully stocked with food and domesticated plants and animals. 词汇讲解: maroon作动词,表示“被困于荒无人烟且无法脱身的地方”,比如:The car broke down leaving usmarooned in the middle of


托福阅读备考训练技巧和做题策略 汇总介绍 托福阅读备考可以分为许多环节,其中考生在解题这个环节一般需要练习的都是答题技巧和应对不同题型的基本思路策略,今天给大家带来托福阅读备考训练技巧和做题策略汇总介绍,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读备考训练技巧和做题策略汇总介绍 托福阅读备考训练技巧分析 1,粗看下*的段数,对每段大概几道题有个预期。(比如只有5段,那长段肯定是3道题)粗看每段第一句话,对*的整体意思心中有数。 2,每段段首变成中文理解,以迅速的进入状态,并记忆主要意思。(就算只有一道词汇题,这段的段首也要读) 3,每读一段整理一次逻辑,A支持的观点是什么?A的观点的问题是什么?B的观点是什么? 4,鉴于每段都会出细节题,如果有词汇题等先只看一句话,做完了要看到细节题问的什么再看*,鉴于有四个选项,选一个

对的或者不对的,看的时候自己要边看边总结,比如总结出三个步骤,解释了三个方面的问题,或者其他。 5,检查,每个不确定的题都做记录,如果用心理解全文,一般能省下时间检查。 托福阅读做题策略介绍 词汇题、句子简化题:只读该句不读完整段; 主旨题:看每段的主旨句即可; 修辞目的题:推测作者举例意图,查看上下句; 句子插入题:分析具体待插入的句子,代入验证即可; 细节题,排除列举题:确定关键词,查看上下句; 推断题:作者明确暗示确并没有具体写出的意图,推测关键句; 指代题:分析指代句的特征,主要根据就近原则查看上文。 托福阅读真题原题+题目 Glaciers are large masses of ice on land that show evidence of past or present movement. They grow by the gradual transformation of snow into glacier ice.


新托福阅读题型介绍 一、细节题 特征:没有特征(因为其他题型都有各自的特征) 数量:每篇3-6题 难度:变化很大 策略:随机应变 二、选非题 特征:NOT/EXCEPT 数量:每篇1题 难度:较低 策略:一定要做对 三、推理题 特征:infer、imply 数量:每篇1-2题 难度:很高 策略:可以放 四、修辞题: 特征:(1)题干与原文被打上了阴影 (2)个选项的开头为TO+关键动词(这些动词代表某个修饰手法,这样的动词很少, 所以遇到都要记住)PS:这类题目有可能会变形 五、词汇题 特征:(1)题干与原文被打上了阴影 (2)以the word/phrase开头 数量:每篇3-6题 难度:非常简单 策略:一定要做对 六、指代题 特征:(1)原文与题干被打上阴影 (2)打上阴影的是某个代词 数量:1题 难度:较低(可以直接测试语法能力) 策略:要做对 七、复述题 特征:(1)原文中一个完整的句子被打上阴影 (2)题干为:which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer

choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 数量:1题 难度:很难或者很简单 八、插句题 特征:黑色小方框(■) 数量:1题 难度:较低 策略:要做对 九、归总题 特征:两排六个选项 数量:1题 难度:1分很简单,2分有点难 策略:保1争2 新增题型(参考TPO5):四选二题型:是细节题的变形 全文归纳题:可以去归总题找答案 第二部分各题型解题技巧串讲 阅读的步骤: 第1步:把动滚动条拉到底再拉到顶 (粗略看一遍文章) 第2步:点review键,做完词汇题(不看原文),同时关注一下是否有选非题(因为与原文 对应的东西很多) 第3步:边看边做阅读,要按顺序做(因为托福阅读,题目顺序和题目对应原文的顺序几乎一致。) PS:阅读的流畅性很重要,如果NO1考Para1 NO2考Para3 那么Para2仍然要看。 PPS:永远先看题后看文 第4步(如何处理一道题目?) 找定位词,定位词越多越好 什么是定位词? 定位词就是出现并只出现在这道题的词 定位词包括:a.特殊名词 b.大写名词 c.数字词 d.年代词 注:题目中的定位词也可能是文章中某词的变形 第5步:排除选项(一般只能排除2个)


托福阅读难点题型解题思路实例分 析 托福阅读难点题型解题思路实例分析, 句子简化题做法介绍。今天给大家带来托福阅读难点题型解题思路实例分析,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读难点题型解题思路实例分析句子简化题做法介绍托福阅读句子简化题怎么做? 托福阅读的句子简化题要求考生快速地把*段落中打上阴影的一个长难句简化成一个意思不变的同义句。解答句子简化题其实有一个规律,那就是:原句的核心信息在正确选项中一定被同义改写了,但是句子中的重要的逻辑关系是不会变的。知道这个规律,解开这道题就变得简单了。 托福阅读句子简化题解题技巧实例讲解 下面,我们来看官方真题Official3Desertification这篇*的句子简化题: The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendousnumbers of people affected,

as well as from thegreat difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process. A Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects largeareas of land and great numbers of people. B Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth that has spread overlarge areas of land. C The spread of deserts is considered a very seriousproblem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countriesare involved in the effort. D Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless thepopulation is reduced in the vast areas affected. 很多托福考生在做句子简化题时,习惯性地把待简化的句子翻译成中文,那样做其实不仅慢,而且很容易乱。 正确的做法是: 1.找出句子的主谓宾,也就是谁做了什么,然后关注句子的逻辑关系。例题的主语是:seriousness of desertification,逻辑关系词是表示原因的:result from,所以我们可以优先看有表示原因的选项,他们中若有正确答案,那么剩下的选项就无需过问了。


托福阅读题型十大技巧锦囊 “得阅读者,得天下。”托福阅读向来是考生提分必争之地,也是中国考生的传统强项。基本考生考前会采取题海战术,将自己武装成十万个我都知道。 于是,你背完了英文化学周期表;你了解了九大行星排列;你知道了最前沿的科技发展和美国经济新政;你是颗移动的the big bang 云硬盘。你只祈祷考前记住所有的这些信息量,考后再统统delete 。 如果考到一个你事先复习过的知识点,你欣喜若狂。 如果考到一个你似曾相识却扫视而过,你追悔莫及。 如果考到一个全新的知识点,恭喜你,你顿时挂机。 事实上,托福阅读的单词量是浩瀚星尘,无论你猜或不猜它都在哪里,不离不弃。所以,TPO 小站为冒星星眼的考生们编织了以下十个托福阅读答题锦囊,当你埋首题海两眼泪茫茫时,不妨看过来。 Reading Skills Top 10 1 Factual Information 2 Vocabulary 3 Negative Factual Information 4 Inference 5 Organization 6 Paraphrasing 7 Purpose 8 Insertion 9 Main Idea 10 Categorizing

十大技巧锦囊? 之一 小单词,大线索 Factual information【事实信息题】 “真相,永远只有一个!”20分钟一篇托福阅读,平均到800字篇幅的文章中去,再排除那些判断全文的主旨题,这是火眼晶晶的节奏啊。 所以事实信息题不是考你细工出慢活的时候,而是靠你抓Key words paraphrasing and location(关键词替换定位)。 如何最有效的锁定答案,这里小站针对事实信息题给出的第一条锦囊——小单词,大线索。 多年来,被应试题海战术训练的极其有素的考生们,早就学会了巧妙抓关键词了,但往往是我认识这个单词,但我还是选错了。就像你参加一个世界咖啡评选比赛,你觉得认为是白咖啡或巴西咖啡吧,但你未必知道土耳其咖啡才是咖啡之王。分析事实信息题的特点是:范围小,正确率极高。 题型表现最多形式是:因果关系和表比较级关系的长难句。 表因果关系的词: Cause:frontality/since/in that/on account of Effect:so that/therefore/as a result/consequently 表比较级的词: unlike…from /prior to/ more than 所以,在获取key words之后,我们要做的才是重点。你有看过柯南在发现一丝线索后就停止推理吗?不,所谓的大线索,就是将关键词放回原句,让案件重现,理顺关键句的因果关系,让正确选项浮出水面。 纸上谈兵终不靠谱,绝知此事要做真题! 小伙伴们快来小站托福板块,阅读区实践吧。


托福阅读技巧 托福阅读技巧 做阅读时的要求 1.每一篇文章第一次做时,尽量按照考试速度要求做。 2.做完后,接下来就要认真把文章读一遍,划出把文章里不懂的单词和长难句,查出单词意思,(借助语法知识)认真分析长难句, 同时还要把错题(包括碰巧猜对的题目)认真分析,特别是OG和汉客 笔记的题目(还有北极星最后几套ETS出的题目),一定要把题目涉 及的文章内容仔细看,甚至在文章中划出涉及考题的内容,培养对 易出题的考点的感觉,甚至揣摩ETS的出题思路。等到这些工作都 做完,这篇文章也就基本吃透了,这时再重新把文章读一遍,最好 多读两遍。这个过程其实就是精读了。只要时间允许,做过一次的 阅读文章最好都尽量精读,吃透它。光作对题只是一个浅显的要求,就像只顾吃饭,对材料认真分析、精读才是真正消化吸收。 3.等过了三五天,或者两三周以后,有空的话再把这篇文章看(做)一遍,作为巩固,复习,而且有时还会温故知新。 P.S如果时间不足,OG的文章是一定要精读的,而且题目也要仔细研究,这是出题思路和考试最为接近的资料。这些原则在新托福 阅读其实也是同样适用的,只要文章中出现如下内容,都要引起注意:举例证明,罗列式例举,转折(否定),因果,下定义,比较级(最高级),同位语(插入语),数字年代,特殊标点(引号,破折号等)。 阅读具体的做题顺序 阅读最基本的做题顺序有两种: 先读(全篇)文章再做题

先读题目再读文章(相应部分)然后做题 它们又能衍生变化出两种做题顺序:读一段文章,做相应的题目,然后再读一段,再做相应的题目;读文章各段首句,然后看题目,再 找文章内相应部分做题 对于广大非牛来说,可能“读文章各段首句,然后看题目,再找文章内相应部分做题”会比较合适,读各段首句可以粗略掌握文章 大意和结构,做题再看内容再做能大大降低“工作量”,但是这种 做法不利于对全文的消化吸收,从而不利于做总结题,也可能会遗 漏文章内的一些细节而导致做错细节题。而新托福目前反馈大都是 顺序出题的,所以建议练习时就尽量往“读一段做相应题目,再读 一段再做相应题目”这一顺序去靠拢,可以对文章有全面的把握, 虽然总量上还是要读完全文,但是对大脑的短期记忆的负担要比通 读全文再做题目小很多。 托福阅读题型破解 阅读一般来说是中国人的强项了,也是拿分的主力。如果你口语不牛,作文一般,还想考到100分,那么阅读应该保证在28分以上。 在IBT阅读中,甚至可以扩展到ETS所有考试的阅读题目中,如果要用一个词来概括的话,那就是paraphrase,意译。 无论是题干还是正确选项,大都能在原文中找出一句话来与之相对应。即题目是原文的意译。这种意译是通过同义词来完成的。即 题干中多用近义词来对原文中的句子进行替换,来达到提出问题或 者提出正确答案的意思。准确把握意译,是多数题目中准确在原文 中定位信息、或者在迷惑选项中选出正确的那个,都有着重要的作用。在后面的文章里我会结合实例解释这一点。 关于先看题目还是先看文章的问题。也就是做题时间安排的问题。小站君个人习惯是先用5—7分钟的时间通读全文,然后平均每个问 题有1分钟的时间来回答。由于对问题的回答建立在了熟悉全文的 基础上,每个问题又有足够的时间返回全文,每个选项都一一进行 斟酌。我认为这样准确率比较高。但有的朋友本着居家过日子的心,认为1000多字的文章只出十几个题,必然有一些信息是没用的。这

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