当前位置:文档之家› 语法知识—从原始社会到奴隶社会的易错题汇编含答案解析




练习题二 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. What is the ____(arrive) time of MU586? 2. My mother ____(cook) a nice food last Spring Festival. 3.The children ____(water) the flowers and ____(collect) eggs on the farm three days. 4. I ____(find) my ruler in my desk five minutes ago. 5. Shanghai is one of the most modern ____(city) in the world. 6. I have ____(many) books than you. 7. In Shanghai there are a lot of tall ____(build). 二、选择最恰当的答案 1. He comes from ____Asian country and ____Asian country is far away from ours. A. a; a B. a; the C. an; the D. the; an 2. There are over ____people at the square, waiting for the New Year to come. A. three thousand B. three thousands C. thousands of D. three thousand of 3. It ____the workers about half a year ____the bridge. A. spent; to build B. spent; in building C. took; to build D. took; in building 4. -____country is to the east of China? -Japan is. A. What B. How many C. Which D. Where 5. -Does Tim stay at home or go out to play at weekends? -____. A. Yes, he does. B. He stays at home. C. Yes, he stays at home. D. No, he doesn’t stay at home. 6. Do you like travelling to ____by air? A. other place B. other places C. others place D. others places 7. -How long will you stay in Beijing this summer holiday? -____three weeks. A. In B. For C. At D. On 8. My father is leaving for Guilin ____March 8. A. in B. at C. of D. on 三、根据所给要求,改写下列句子。 1. Tom read an interesting book at home.(改为否定句) Tom ________an interesting book at home. 2. It is two hours’ bus ride from our school to the Bund.(对划线部分提问) ________is it from your school to the Bund? 3. Mr. Peter has already bought several bags for his wife.(对划线部分提问) ________Mr. Peter bought for his wife? 4. The people in America like drinking coffee. (对划线部分提问) ____do the people in America like ____? 5. It took us about three days to travel from Shanghai to Bangkok by ship.(改为同意句) We ____about three days ____from Shanghai to Bangkok by ship. 四、完成对话 A. We’re also going to have a barbecue. B. Peter, it’ll be Tim’s birthday next Saturday.


教案 第4周第1次课总第 2 次课

历史典故: 1、晋文公 (前671年或前697年-前628年),姬姓,名重耳,是中国春秋时期晋国的第二十二任君主,前636年-前628年在位,晋献公之子,母亲为狐姬。晋文公文治武功卓著,是春秋五霸中第二位霸主,与齐桓公并称“齐桓晋文”。晋文公初为公子,谦虚而好学,善于结交有才能的人。骊姬之乱时被迫流亡在外十九年,前636年春在秦穆公的支持下回晋杀晋怀公而立。晋文公在位期间任用狐偃、先轸、赵衰、贾佗、魏犨等人实行通商宽农、明贤良、赏功劳等政策,作三军六卿,使晋国国力大增。对外联合秦国和齐国伐曹攻卫、救宋服郑,平定周室子带之乱,受到周天子赏赐。前632年于城濮大败楚军,并召集齐、宋等国于践土会盟,成为春秋五霸中第二位霸主,开创了晋国长达百年的霸业。 2、楚庄王一鸣惊人 春秋时期,楚国的储君也就是楚庄王在登基后,为了观察朝野的动态,也为了让别国对他放松警惕,当政三年以来,没有发布一项政令,在处理朝政方面没有任何作为,朝廷百官都为楚国的前途担忧。楚庄王不理政务,每天不是出宫打猎游玩,就是在后宫里和妃子们喝酒取乐,并且不允许任何人劝谏,他通令全国:“有敢于劝谏的人,就处以死罪!”楚国主管军政的官职是右司马。当时,有一个担任右司马官职的人,看到天下大国争霸的形势对楚国很不利,他就想劝谏楚庄王放弃荒诞的生活,励精图治,使楚国成为继齐桓公、晋文公之后的诸侯霸主。然而,他又不敢触犯楚庄王的禁令,去直接劝谏;他绞尽脑汁也没有想出使楚庄王清醒过来的办法。有一天,他看见楚庄王和妃子们做猜谜游戏,楚庄王玩得十分高兴。他灵机一动,决定用猜谜语的办法,在游戏欢乐中暗示楚庄王。第二天上朝,楚庄王还是一言不发,这位右司马陪侍在旁。就在庄王准备宣布退朝的时候,他给楚庄王出了个谜语,说:“奏王上,臣在南方时,见到过一种鸟,它落在南方的土岗上,三年不展翅、不飞翔,也不鸣叫,沉默无声,这只鸟叫什么名呢?”楚庄王知道右司马是在暗示自己,就说:“三年不展翅,是在生长羽翼;不飞翔、不鸣叫,是在观察民众的态度。这只鸟虽然不飞,一飞必然冲天;虽然不鸣,一鸣必然惊人。你回去吧,我知道你的意思了。”楚庄王觉得大臣们要求富国强兵的心情十分迫切,自己整顿朝纲,重振君威的时机已经到来,半个月以后,楚庄王上朝,亲自处理政务,废除十项不利于楚国发展的刑法,兴办了九项有利于楚国发展的事物,诛杀了五个贪赃枉法的大臣,起用了六位有才干的读书人当官参政,把楚治理得很好。国内政局好转,于是便发兵讨伐齐国,在徐州战败了齐国。又出兵讨伐晋国,在河雍地区,同晋军交战,楚军取得胜利。最后,在宋国召集诸侯国开会,于是楚国便代替了齐、晋两国,成为天下诸侯的霸主。 3、中原问鼎 夏朝经历了470年,到前1600年,夏桀无道亡国,九鼎为成汤所得,成汤就建立了商朝。商朝经历550多年,到前1046年,纣王暴虐亡国,九鼎为姬发所得,姬发就建立了周朝。到前606年,楚庄王想取周而代之,就借朝拜天子的名义,到周王室去问九鼎的大小轻重,结果在周大臣王孙满那里碰了一个软钉子。王孙满说:“统治天下在乎德而不在乎鼎。”庄王很不服气地说:“你不要依仗九鼎,我楚国有的是铜,我们只要折断戈戟的刃尖,就足够做九鼎了。”王孙满说:“大王您别忘了,当初夏禹是因为有德,天下诸侯都拥戴他,各地才贡献铜材,启才能铸成九鼎以象万物。后来夏桀昏乱,鼎就转移给了商;商纣暴虐,鼎又转移给了周。如果天子有德,


语法填空易错题汇编(一)1.You may find_____ difficult to get to sleep if you have a problem or something else on your mind .This is _____ you need to relax. 2.You can also get up and read , but be sure to choose ____ book that is not too difficult._______, you may get so ________(interest) that you won’t go to sleep when you feel _________(sleep). 3.My 4-year –old son , Shane,__________(ask) for a puppy for _______(month), But his Daddy _________always say:‘‘No dogs! It will kill our rabbits. No dogs and that’s final.” 4.So I handed him a potato and _________(say) :‘‘Carry this ____it turned into a puppy. Keep it with you ______happens.” 5.The Third Ring Road runs through the center of the university campus,_________ (make) transportation very____________(convenience). 6.We both agree that life has________(base) been good to us. And we are very _______________(appreciate) of ______ we have been blessed with. 7.However, I do realize that sometimes life can get ____the way of our goals. 9.Contact people from all ______the world .Talk about your ideas and opinions with others in __________(discuss) groups on the Internet. Send _____ e-mail to __________(interest) people or learn about their life and culture. ______100 countries. are _____ English, so you will understand _____better if you know English. 12.For weeks we hadn’t had enough to eat and my pockets were full of food that I__________(take)from the table to carry home for my wife and______(hunger) children. 13.To them, among such things____ health, money, intelligence,_______(honest) and reputation, honesty is the only thing ______can be thrown away. 14.Inside the bag was a note, on which __________(write) these words: ‘‘This money is ______the thoughtful person who takes this stone away _____the road. Thank you.” 16.The _________(significant) of this is ______ we can defect if a person has depressive symptoms and severity of those symptoms _______asking them any questions. 17.Not really. My parents are fairly well_____, so I get money from my mother. 18.I share a flat with two _____boys. It’s not large but fairly tidy and the _______important point is _____the rent is quite low. 19.Professor Paul Piff spent ten years ______(look) at the personalities of rich people and_______ (find) that their behavior was different ______the behavior of ______(poverty)people. 20.The poor give a_______(high) percentage of ____(them) money _______(help) others than _____rich. 21.Miss Saigon is a popular musical that is set ______1975 during the Vietnam War and _________(produce) by the _________(create) of Les Miserables in 1989. 22.Time after time ,with the passing years, my _______(think) returned to that night. 23.Among the painters ________(break) away from the_______(tradition style of painting ________ the impressionists, ______lived and worked in Paris. 24.They said that the painters were_______(careful)and their paintings were______ (ridicule). 25.Their paintings were not as ______(detail) as ______of earlier painters. 26.However, there can be no disagreement on the need for each of us _____(think) carefully about


1. Getting a good night sleep is directly related ____ not only how we feel next day but our long-term health as well. A. in B. from C. through D. to 2. — Would you like steak or chicken? —____. I’m full now. A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither 3. Scientists are trying to develop a soya-based fuel for cars, which ____one day replace petrol. A. must B. should C. would D. may 4. Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost twice ______. A. as many B. as much C. so much D. so many 5. I’m sure that your letter _______ immediate attention. They know you’re waiting for the reply. A. will get B. gets C. has got D. is getting 6. _________ flying is more expensive than land and sea travel, I went there by air to save time. A. Even though B. If C. As D. In case 7. We can never expect a bluer sky ________ we create a less polluted world. A. until B. if C. unless D. when 8. —Would you please keep quiet, Sally? The weather forecast _______. —Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize it. A. is broadcast B. is being broadcast C. has been broadcast D. had been broadcast 9. _________by many different kinds of dancing, Martha Graham developed her own personal dance style. A. Influencing B. Influenced C. To Influence D. Be influenced 10. It will be sad not to see you during the Christmas holiday ______families get together A. before B. when C. that D. since 11. It cost me a fortune,but I don’t regret ______ a year traveling around the world. A. to spend B. to be spending C. spending D. spent 12 Around 15,000 officials gathered in Copenhagen, trying to map out an effective strategy ____ the battle against climate change. A. to win B. will win C. winning D. won 13. Liu Xiang’s performance at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix has told his fans a fact _______ he has been back on winning track. A. when B. that C. whether D. which 14. — How was the televised concert last night? —Terrific! Rarely _______ such a large audience. A. a concert attracted B. did a concert attract C. a concert did attract D. attracted a concert 15. The local government plans to bring in new laws ______ parents to take more responsibility for their children’s education. A. forced B. forcing C. force D. having forced 16. Many people in the city wonder _____the city officials have the information they need to solve the problem. A. that B. which C. what D. whether 17. No one could keep calm ______ such an occasion when big applause burst again and again. A. for B. in C. on D. to 18. You can take ______ half of the turkey. They are of the same weight and price. A. both B. either C. neither D. any 19. In Scotland the last day of the year is the most important holiday for the winter, ______ Christmas. A. as important as B. less important than C. much important than D. more important than 20. —Did you enjoy last night’s performance? —Yes, although Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony ______ rather poorly. A. was playing B. was being played C. was played D. played

高三 语法填空易错题汇编

-语法填空易错题汇编高三 2017-2018学年高三语法填空易错题汇编1. You may find_____ difficult to get to sleep if you have a problem or something else on your mind . 2. You may get so ____________(interest) that you won't go to sleep when you feel _________(sleep). 3. I also had the chance of ______________(stick) in a Beijing thunderstorm,bargaining in the market, and riding the high-speed train. 4. So I handed him a potato and _________(say) :“Carry this ________it turned into a puppy. Keep it with you _______________happens.”5. The Third Ring Road runs through the center of the university campus,_________ (make) transportation very____________(convenience). 6. We both agree that life has_____________(base) been good to us. And we are very______________(appreciate) of ___________ we have been blessed with. 7. However, I do realize that sometimes life can get ____the way of our goals. 8. Almost all international conferences and _________________(compete) ______________ (conduct) in English. 9. Do you know the man ____________ (lie) under the apple tree? 10. The ___________(conduct) was always on the watch for such doings. https://www.doczj.com/doc/1211128765.html,e your computer more _____________(effect).Most computer ________________ (apply) are _____ English, so you will understand __________better if you know English. ks we hadn't had enough to eat and my pockets were full of food that I_________12.For wee(take)from the table to carry home for my wife and____________(hunger) children. 13.To them, among such things____ health, money, intelligence,_______(honest) and reputation, honesty is the only thing ______can be thrown away. 14.Inside the bag was a note, on which ________________(write) these words: ‘‘The money is ______the thoughtful person who takes this stone away _____the road. Thank you.”15.All of them complained _________the stone in the center of the road, but ___________of them tried to move it away. 16. In the afternoon I would have culture classes _________ I would learn about Chinese calligraphy, Beijing opera,Chinese martial arts. 17.Not really. My parents are fairly well___________, so I get money from my


从原始社会到奴隶社会 1.原始社会生产关系从根本上来说,是由决定的。( ) A.低下的生产力水平 B.原始的公有制 C.共同参加劳动 D.人们在生产中的地位和相互关系 【解析】选A。生产力决定生产关系,原始社会生产关系是由低下的生产力水平决定的,选A;B、 C、D都属于生产关系内容。 2.达尔文在环球考察中记述这样一个故事:一个欧洲人来到美洲的火地岛,送给岛上居民一条被子。不料接受赠物的居民把被子撕成一块块布片,分给当地的每一个人。好端端的被子变成没有用的碎布片。这分送布片的举动主要说明 ( ) A.当时居民不需要被子 B.当地居民仍然保持着平均分配的原始习俗 C.当地人实行生产资料归集体所有 D.当地居民把被子撕成布片更好用 【解析】选B。分送布片的举动属于平均分配产品,选B。A、C、D材料未体现。 3.原始社会后期,标志着生产力发展到一个新的水平的是( ) A.新石器的出现 B.畜牧农耕的出现 C.私有制的出现 D.金属工具的出现 【解析】选D。生产力发展水平的标志是生产工具,注意时间是原始社会后期,因此选D;A不符合时间,B不是标志,C是生产关系范畴。 【补偿训练】 “石斧凿洪荒,弓箭穿林莽”形容的是( ) A.原始社会生产力的状况 B.原始社会生产关系的状况 C.原始社会氏族组织的状况 D.阶级社会生产力的状况 【解析】选A。生产力发展水平的标志是生产工具,石斧、弓箭都是生产工具,反映的是生产力

水平,选A。 4.约公元前2070年,我国历史上第一个王朝建立,原始社会结束了。我国原始社会结束的主要原因是 ( ) A.社会生产力的发展 B.生活水平的提高 C.夏朝的建立 D.贫富分化出现 【解析】选A。在原始社会后期,随着社会生产力的发展,禹的儿子启已有强大势力,禹死后,启继承父位,建立了夏朝,原始社会结束。可见,原始社会结束的主要原因在于社会生产力的发展。 5.原始社会解体和国家产生的标志是( ) A.阶级的产生和阶级矛盾的出现 B.私有制的产生 C.私有制度和奴隶制度的发展 D.军队、法庭、监狱等一系列国家机器的出现 【解析】选D。私有制的产生到阶级的出现有一定的过程,题干要求是决定原始社会解体和国家产生的标志。出现军队、法庭、监狱等一系列国家机器,意味着原始社会解体和国家产生,选D。 【补偿训练】 原始社会没有人剥削人的现象,其根本原因在于( ) A.生产资料归集体所有 B.人们没有私有观念 C.生产力水平极其低下 D.脑力劳动和体力劳动的分工 【解析】选C。把握题干中“根本原因在于”的要求,是生产力决定生产关系,所以选C;A、B 不是根本原因,D不是原因。 6.人类进入文明时代的重要标志是( ) A.金属工具的使用 B.城市的繁荣和文字的发明 C.奴隶制国家的形成 D.实行平均分配产品 【解析】选B。城市的繁荣和文字的发明是人类进入文明时代的两个重要标志,选B。金属工


5A复习题 一:辨音题,相同的用T,不同的用F 1:many bad ( ) 2:mother some ( ) 3:teacher tree ( ) 4: hand apple ( ) 5:nice nose 6:wall what( ) 7:first her ( ) 8: rubbish rubber ( ) 9:son sun ( ) 10 happy many ( ) 11 panda purple ( ) 12 along purple ( ) 二:找出发音和其他不同的一个 1:()A:sharp B:class C:are D:cup 2:( ) A:that B: thin C:those D: they 三:用所给单词的适当形式填空 1:Kitty often ___________(watch) TV in the evening. Now she _____________(not do) her homework. 2:Both __________(lady) are our _____________(teacher) 3:__________(that) lights are bright. ___________(not write) in the darkness. 4:---Is there ________(some) milk in the glass? --Yes, there is __________(some) 5:Don’t eat now. please wash your hands ___________(first) 6:_____________(not be) afraid. Let _________(we) help you. 7:Turn left at the first zebra____________(cross) 8:Kitty __________(go) to the cinemanow, but she usually _________(do) her homework. 9:Tom _________(want)__________(turn) right at Park Street. 10:--_________ your mother _________(like) films? --Yes, she _________(see) films every week. 11:---What ______ the childen __________(do) now? --They __________________(listen) to the radio. 12: My birthday is on the ______________(twenty) of March. 13: My bedroom ________(face) to the south. There _______(be) a lot of sunshine. 14: Can you finish ___________(do) your homework first? It is too late. 15 : Don’t drink too _________(many) coffee. It is good for your health. 16: In winter, the wind _______(blow) strongly. The windmill moves __________(quick) 17: listen to the weather. We have a ________( strong) wind today. 18:I can see _____(5) boys. The ________(5) boy is my good friend. 19:-- Can ben ______(help) old people? Yes, he can help them. 20. My cousin never _______(fly) the kite in the park on Saturday. He can’t _______(fly) the kite. 21. _________(that ) lights are bright. _____________(not write) in the darkness. 22. look, the children __________(visit) ocean world. 四:改写句子 1:The Zhangs are going to Ocean World.(对划线部分提问) 2:There are some ugly ducklings in the river.(改为单数句) 3:The dolphins are swimming. The dolphins are jumping.(改为选择疑问句)


河北区2017-2018学年度高三年级总复习质量检测 历史 文科综合共300分,考试用时150分钟。历史试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,第I卷1至3页,第II卷4至6页,共100分。答卷前,考生请将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题(卡)纸上。答卷时,考生请将答案涂写在答题(卡)纸上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题(卡)纸一并交回。祝各位考生考试顺利! 第I卷 注意事项: 1.每题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 2.本卷共11题,每题4分,共44分。在每题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。 1.公元前七世纪末,王畿内原邑的人民,以“夫谁非王之姻亲”自夸。这一现象说明 A. 分封制渐趋衰落 B. 宗族姻亲维护王畿的稳定 C. 宗族凝聚力增强 D. 宗法制下庶子后裔平民化 【答案】D 2.费正清在《美国与中国》中质疑:“中国商人阶级为什么不能摆脱对官场的依赖,而建立一支工业的或经营企业的独立力量?”其研究结论是:“中国的传统不是制造一个更好的捕鼠机,而是从官方取得捕鼠的特权。”下列最能支撑这一“研究结论”的史实是 A. 战国时期私商大量出现 B. 唐代柜坊和飞钱的问世 C. 宋代商业突破市坊限制 D. 明清商帮的兴起和发展 【答案】D 3.下表是《中国的世界纪录》收录的中国古代科技成果统计数据。从中可以看出

A. 儒家思想重人伦轻科技 B. 科技成果主要服务农业生产 C. 中国古代科技领先世界 D. 科举制度推动科技迅速发展 【答案】B 4.伏尔泰研究了牛顿的科学成就,孟德斯鸠写过多篇自然科学的论文,康德在46岁之前的著述也集中在自然科学,他们“用自然科学的方法审视自然、人类与上帝的关系,形成了自然法论中具有新精神的人文主义”。这表明启蒙运动时期的“人文主义” A. 划清与自然科学的界限 B. 已偏离了文艺复兴的轨道 C. 汲取了理性思考的精神 D. 更具鲜明的政治革命性质 【答案】C 5.《天津条约》规定:“大清皇上特简(选择)内阁大学士尚书中一员,主持与大英钦差大臣文移、会晤各等事务,商办仪式皆照平仪相待;嗣后各式公文,无论京外,内叙大英国官民,自不得提书‘夷’字。”材料表明清政府 A. 闭关锁国局面被打破 B. 完全放弃了华夷等级观念 C. 外务部位居六部之上 D. 改变传统的对外交往体制 【答案】D 6.1902年,梁启超在“中国民族”的基础上,正式提出了“中华民族”。五四运动之后“中华民族”一词逐渐普及,抗日战争胜利后真正深入人心。“中华民族”概念从产生到深入人心的历史背景是 A. 维新思想的传播 B. 无产阶级登上历史舞台 C. 危机与救亡交织 D. 民主共和观念深入人心 【答案】C 7.下面是我国近代不同类型的企业分布示意图。这两类企业的区别主要在于


2015-2016学年高三语法填空易错题汇编 (一)1.You may find_____ difficult to get to sleep if you have a problem or something else on your mind .This is _____ you need to relax. 2.You can also get up and read , but be sure to choose ____ book that is not too difficult._______, you may get so ________(interest) that you won’t go to sleep when you feel _________(sleep). 3.My 4-year –old son , Shane,__________(ask) for a puppy for _______(month), But his Daddy _________always say:‘‘No dogs! It will kill our rabbits.No dogs and that’s final.” 4.So I handed him a potato and _________(say) :‘‘Carry this ____it turned into a puppy. Keep it with you ______happens.” 5.The Third Ring Road runs through the center of the university campus,_________ (make) transportation very____________(convenience). 6.We both agree that life has________(base) been good to us. And we are very _______________(appreciate) of ______ we have been blessed with. 7.However, I do realize that sometimes life can get ____the way of our goals. 8.Almost all international conferences and _______(compete) ________(conduct) in English. 9.Contact people from all ______the world .Talk about your ideas and opinions with others in __________(discuss) groups on the Internet. Send _____ e-mail to __________(interest) people or learn about their life and culture. 10. Communicate _____people ______you go----English is spoken in more ______100 countries. https://www.doczj.com/doc/1211128765.html,e your computer more ________(effect).Most computer __________(apply) are _____ English, so you will understand _____better if you know English. 12.For weeks we hadn’t had enough to eat and my pockets were full of food that I__________(take)from the table to carry home for my wife and______(hunger) children. 13.To them, among such things____ health, money, intelligence,_______(honest) and reputation, honesty is the only thing ______can be thrown away. 14.Inside the bag was a note, on which __________(write) these words: ‘‘This money is ______the thoughtful person who takes this stone away _____the road. Thank you.” 15.All of them complained _____the stone in the center of the road, but _____of them tried to move it away. 16.The _________(significant) of this is ______ we can defect if a person has depressive symptoms and severity of those symptoms _______asking them any questions. 17.Not really. My parents are fairly well_____, so I get money from my mother. 18.I share a flat with two _____boys. It’s not large but fairly tidy and the _______important point is _____the rent is quite low.

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