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American Literature

American Literature
American Literature

American Literature

Part I. The Literature of Colonial America

Two groups of settlers:1. Puritans for religious freedom (Great Britain)2. The other for wealth (European countries): Indeed the new world provides them lots of opportunities to make their dreams come true.

★American Dream

?The American Dream is the belief that anyone, no matter what their background, can move up the social ladder to wealth and success if they work hard enough and show sufficient grit and persistence.

?American Dream becomes the permanent theme/subject in American literature.

?Works: The Great Gatsby, Sister Carrie, The Death of a salesman

?Early in the 17th C., the English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts began the main stream of American national history.

★2. Literature of the early period

?The first writings that we call American were the narratives and journals of settlements.

?They wrote about: 1. their voyage to the new land, 2. adapting themselves to unfamiliar climates and crops, 3. dealing with Indians.

★The first American writer

?Captain John Smith---first American writer, published 8 works in all.

?His reports of exploration have been described as the first distinctly American literature to be written in English.

Contributions: 1. his description of America was filled with themes, myths, images, scenes, characters and events that were a foundation for the nation’s literature.

2.His vision helped lure the Pilgrims and the Puritans to flee the Old world and create a New land. Early New English Literature

William Bradford-----First governor of Plymouth(普利茅斯) , The History of Plymouth Plantation, the book is a sort of journal, a masterful account of the separatist(分离主义者) colony. Its simplicity and earnestness, with its direct reporting, make it readable and moving.

★John Winthrop-----First governor of Boston, The History of New England, is notable for its candidsimplicity and honesty.

Puritan writers: Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor(two Poets)

√Anne Bradstreet

The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America--《美国新崛起的第十位缪斯女神》Contemplations《沉思录》-33stanzas

Her work serves as a document of the struggles of a Puritan wife against the hardships of New English colonial life, and in some way is a testament to plight of the women of the age.

√Edward Taylor

?Regarded as the best of the Puritan poets.

?Religious themes.

?Based directly on the Psalms(圣诗).


1. A member of a group of English Protestants who in the 16th and 17th centuries advocated strict

religious discipline along with simplification of the ceremonies and creeds of the Church of England.

2. They came to New World for the sake of religious freedom. As the word itself hints, they wanted to make Pure their religious beliefs and practices.

3. The 17th century American Puritans included two parts: Separatists and Massachusetts Bay Group 1)Separatists wished to break free from the Church of England.

2)Massachusetts Bay Group wished to reform the church but remain a part of it.

★4. Puritan values (enduring influence)---stressed hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety(节制)

★5. They regarded themselves as chosen people of God. They embraced hardships, industry and frugality(节俭). They favored a disciplined, hard, somber, ascetic(禁欲的)and harsh life. They opposed arts and pleasure. They suspect joy and lau ghter as symptoms of sin. (Can‘t smile in the church)


1. A religious and political movement. Through it, one sees emerging the right of the individual to political and religious independence.

2. Their religious doctrines: original sin, total depravity(堕落), predestination(预定论)limited atonement(赎罪).

3. Their attitudes toward entertainment: joy and laughter are symptoms of sin.

4. Their attitudes toward work: work itself is a good in addition to what it achieves, that time saved by efficiency or good fortune should be spent in doing further work.

Puritanism’s influence on American literature

Purpose: pragmatic务实的,实用主义的

Contents: practical matter-of-fact accounts of life in the new world; highly theoretical discussions of religious questions.

Form: diary, autobiography, sermon(布道) , letter.

Style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical(华丽的)decoration, adoption of homely imagery, simplicity of diction.


1. Early in the 17th C., the English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts began the main stream of American national history.

2. The first writings that we call American were the narratives and Journals of settlements.

3. Edward Taylor is regarded as the best of the Puritan poets.

4. Th e term ―Puritan‖ was applied to those settlers who originally were devout members of the Church of England.

5. hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety, these were the Puritan values that dominated much of the early American writing

6. The Puritan philosophy known as Puritanism was important in New England during colonial time, and had a profound influence on the early American mind for several generations.

Part II. The Literature of Reason and Revolution (18th C)

Revolution: 1) Industrial Revolution

2)The American Revolutionary War (the American War of Independence )

Reason-----American Enlightenment

Writers: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Philip Freneau

★Features of Literature

?Spiritual life of the colonies—Enlightenment.

? A movement supported by all progressive forces of the country which opposed themselves to the old colonial order and religious obscurantism (蒙昧主义) .

?The enlighteners‘ task: spreading kno wledge and advocating revolutionary ideas.

?American Enlightenment dealt a decisive blow upon the puritan traditions and brought to life secular education and literature.


American Enlightenment

1.Philosophical and intellectual movement.

2.Advocated reason(理性) or rationality, the scientific method, equality and human beings' ability to perfect themselves and their society.

3. Agreed on faith in human rationality and existence of discoverable and universally valid principles governing human beings, nature and society.

4. Opposed intolerance, restraint, spiritual authority and revealed religion

★Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

-----The epitome (集中体现) of the American Enlightenment ? 1. The only good writer of the colonial period.

? 2. Printer, enlightener, inventor, scientist, statesman, diplomat

? 3. Aided Jefferson in writing The Declaration of Independence.

? 4. Sought help from France in American Independent War.

?Main Works:

√Poor Richard’s Almanac《穷理查德年鉴》/《格言历书》

A collection of proverbs

★Autobiography《自传》---With it he set the form for autobiography as a genre.

★Style: he developed an utilitarian(实利主义的) and didactic style.

His style is characterized by simplicity, frankness, wit, clarity, logic and order. Autobiography:★Significance: It presents a prototype(原型) of American success which inspired generations of Americans. It is an embodiment of Puritanism and enlightening spirit. Why Franklin is admired and read widely?

1. He is a typical American, model of the self-made man, a cultural hero whose life exemplified the American dream of the poor boy who made good.

2. He stressed the importance of working hard to make money, happiness depending in the first place on economic success and optimistically believed that every American could do so.

3. He was convinced that no man could be virtuou or happy unless he did his best to improve the life of his society and his own life.

Why say Franklin is the representative of American Enlightenment?

1. He believed in reason or rationality, the scientific method, e quality and human beings‘ ability to perfect themselves and their society.

2. He opposed intolerance, restraint, spiritual authority and revealed religion.

3. He favored the education. Self-education, educating and spreading knowledge among people by his newspaper and Autobiography, establishing learning club, college and library.

4. He favored freedom of thoughts. He set up the ideas of democracy in the USA.

★Thomas Paine托马斯佩恩(1737-1809)

-----Founding Father of USA

Main works:Common Sense---《常识》-----Evaluation: ―The most brilliant pamphlet written in American Revolution, and one of the most brilliant pamphlets ever written in the English language.‖

The American Crisis:These are the times that try men's souls.

√Thomas Jefferson托马斯·杰斐逊(1743-1826 )

?Enlightener, planter, aristocrat, lawyer, a symbol of American democracy.

?Man of many talents: scientist, inventor, musician, linguist, architect, diplomat and writer. Thoughts: Politically, he is considered the father of the democratic spirit in his country.

Style: dignity, flexibility, clarity, command of generalization

★Philip Freneau(佛瑞诺)(1752-1832)

?Entitled ―father of American Poetry‖

?as leader of 18th century naturalism

??Poet of the American Revolution‘

?The first American-born poet. His poems presented Romantic spirits but his form was mainly influenced by Classicism.

?He wrote lots of poems supporting American Revolution and human liberty.

?His poems are truly American and very patriotic.

Main Works:★The Wild Honey Suckle《野生的金银花》(1786)

What’s the poet’s tone in the poem, optimistic or pessimistic?

Comment on “The Wild Honey Suckle”

?It is a deistic(自然神论的)celebration of nature, romantic use of simple nature imagery,

inspired by themes of death and transience. Much of the beauty of the poem lies in the sounds of the words and the effects created through changes in rhythm (ab ab cc).

?Flower vs Human Being, Duration vs Life

?Show us how to live an useful life.

?In a revolution, one should not do nothing for his country for fear of being hurt, harmed

and destroyed.

?Others: The poem is about life. The first stanza describes a baby in the womb.

Untouched, unseen, and protected.

?The second talks about childhood, being protected in shade and from vulgarity.

?The third is about aging to the prime of life ―nor were those flowers more gay, The

flowers that did in Eden bloom.‖Freneau includes foreshadowing of the impending decay.

?The flower dies in the fourth stanza and leaves no trace. It‘s almost as if it was never there.

Although the honeysuckle has gone through these changes, its life was short.

Basically, Freneau tells us that our lives are also frail and short and are all equal in death.

Freneau as leader of 18th century naturalism

? 1. Fresh interest in nature.

? 2. The belief that nature is a revelation of God.

? 3. Humanitarian sympathy for the humble and oppressed.

? 4. The faith that people are naturally good.

? 5. That they lived idyllic and benevolent, lives in a

primitive past before the coming of civilization.

? 6. The radical doctrine that the golden age(全盛时期)will dawn again when social

institutions are modified, since they are responsible for existing evil.

?Multiple Choice

? 1. In American literature, the eighteen century was the age of the Enlightenment.

_______________was the dominant spirit.

A. Humanism

B. Rationalism

C. Revolution

D. Evolution

? 2. "God help them that help themselves" is found in work.

A. Paine

B. Franklin

C. Freneau

D. Jefferson

? 3. Which statement about Franklin is not true?

A. He instructed his countrymen as a printer.

B. He was a scientist.

C. He was a master of diplomacy.

D. He was a Puritan.

? 4. Which of the following stirred the world and helped form the American Republic?

A. The American Crisis.

B. The Federalist.

C. Declaration of Independence.

D. The Age of Reason.

? 5. Which is not connected with Thomas Paine?

A. Common Sense.

B. The American Crisis.

C. The Rights of Man.

D. The Autobiography.

? 6. "These are the times that try men's souls", these words were once read to Washington's

troops and did much to spur excitement to further action with hope and confidence. Who is the author of these words?

A. Benjamin Franklin.

B. Thomas Paine.

C. Thomas Jefferson.

D. George Washington.

?7. Which work is written by Freneau?

A. The Rights of Man.

B. The Wild Honey Suckle.

C. Poor Richard's Almanac.

D. The Day of Doom.

?8. Who was considered as the "Poet of American Revolution"?

A. Anne Bradstreet.

B. Edward Taylor.

C. Michael Wigglesworth.

D. Philip Freneau.

?9. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European

movement called the _____. .

A. Charitist Movement

B. Romanticist Movement

C. Enlightenment Movement

D. Modernist Movement

Part III. The Literature of Romanticism浪漫主义文学

Literary Ideas: Romanticism and Transcendentalism超验主义


pre-romanticism (1770s-1830)

Early period Representatives: Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper

post-romanticism(1830-60,65-75) Late period summit of American

literature Representatives:

Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman, Dickinson, Poe etc.

English: Rise of Romanticism:

appeared in England in the 18th century. Reaction against the prevailing neoclassical spirit and rationalism during the Age of Reason.

Romantics shared certain general characteristics:

1. Moral enthusiasm: passion, emotion, fancy and imagination.

2. Faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception: display personalities, express feelings and ideas, stress men‘s rights for freedom and happ iness. Human nature is of good will. Man can know the world through his own ability/conscience /intuition.

3. Nature was a source of goodness and man‘s societies a source of corruption.

4. The literary works of romanticism mostly reflected the fantastic and thrilling stories taking

place long ago and far away, rich in mystic color. The romantic(浪漫主义作家)had a persistent interest in the primitive literature, in which he found inspiration of various kind.

5. The romantic showed a profound admiration and love for nature. The beauty and perfection of nature could produce in him unspeakable joy and exaltation(高兴).

★Summary: Characteristics of Romanticism

Values feeling and intuition over reason

Places faith in inner experience and the power of the imagination

Seeks the beauty of unspoiled nature

Prefers youthful innocence to educated sophistication

Champions individual freedom and the worth of the individual

Contemplates nature‘s beauty as a path to spiritual and moral development

Looks backward to the wisdom of the past and distrusts progress, finds beauty and truth in exotic locales, the supernatural realm, and the inner world of the imagination.

Sees poetry as the highest expression of the imagination

Finds inspiration in myth, legend, and folk culture

★Transcendentalism: 超验主义

★1. Flourished in New England in the 1830s to the Civil War, marked the maturity of American romanticism and the first renaissance in the American literary history.

2. The term was derived from the Latin verb transcendere: to rise above , to pass beyond the limits.

3. Rise of Transcendentalism: The product of combination of foreign influence (German idealistic philosopher, neo-Platonism, Oriental mysticism, Confucius and Mencius and American native Puritan tradition.

4. The idea that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other important matters, one must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world.

Features of Transcendentalism

They believed in: 1. the transcendence of Spirit or Oversoul: the universe is composed of Nature and Soul. Spirit is everywhere. /an all-pervading power for goodness from which all things come and of which all things are a part.相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。

2. Individualism: the most important element in society, the divinity神性of individual.

3. Nature: is a connecting link between God and man. It is a symbol of the Spirit.

4. Community living and dignity of manual labor.

5. Relying on Intuition and Conscience, man can transcend the limits of the senses and of logic and directly receive higher truths and greater knowledge denied to more mundane methods of knowing.

超验主义文学的主要代表是爱默生(Emerson)和梭罗(Henry Davd Thoreau),他们的作品对美国文学产生了很大影响。超验主义"承认人类具有本能了解或认识真理的能力,能够超过感官获取知识"。爱默生曾说:"只有人心灵的尊严才是最神圣的。"超验主义还认为自然是高尚的,个人是神圣的,因此人必须自助。

Major Transcendentalists: Ralph Waldo Emerson----Self-Reliance

Henry David Thoreau----Walden

√The differences between Age of Reason &Romanticism

Romanticism: a reaction to the Age of Reason

Age of Reason: 1. Realism 2. Patrician Classicism贵族古典主义

3. Dominion over the Native American

4. Logic, always facts to counter fear and doubt Romanticism: 1. Idealism/Utopia 2 .Glorification of the common man

3. Recognition of the nobility of the primitive

4. Imagination to engender faith and hope

The City was a Place of . . .

?The Rationalists saw the city as a place of industry, success, self- realization, and civilization.

?The Romantics saw the city as a place of poor working conditions, moral ambiguity, corruption, and death.

The Journey-----Romanticism was often seen as a journey.

?The journey from the city to the country

?The journey from rational thought to the imagination

Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文

I. The evaluation of Irving

?★Father of American Short Stories

?First American author to make a living by his pen, first great prose stylist of American Romanticism.

?author of the first American short stories and familiar essays(随笔).

?The first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame

II. Main Works:

?★The Sketch Book----《见闻札记》

1. The Sketch Book is a collection of essays, sketches, and tales.

√2. The short story as a genre in American literature began with The Sketch Book. the first modern short stories and first great American juvenile literature.

√3. The book touched the American imagination and foreshadowed the coming of Hawthorne, Melville, and Poe.

★4. It also marked the beginning of American Romanticism.

A History of New York----《纽约的历史》-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作–wit &


?√The Legend of Sleepy Hollow---《睡谷的传说》-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;

?Tales of a Traveler---《旅客谈》

?The Life of George Washington---《华盛顿传》

III. The style of Washington Irving

a. Irving wrote to amuse and entertain.

b. He is good at enveloping his stories in an atmosphere

c. His characters are vivid and true so that they tend to linger in the mind of the reader.

d. The humor is such that reading him, it is difficult not to smil


e. His language is finished (精致完美的) and musical.

IV. Significance: his literary innovations

?1)author of the first modern American short stories and the first great American juvenile

literature. It was him who introduced the familiar essay from Europe to America.

?2)He ranked among the first of the modern men of letters to write history and biography

as literary entertainment.

?3)He was the leaders of the world-wide Romantic Movement.

?4)His humor, which gave an impetus to the growth and popularity of American

indigenous humor. His humor was always well-meaning, mild and prone to be accepted.

?5) Irving‘s genial writing also improved the feeling of American toward the British.

√Rip V an Winkle《瑞普凡温可尔》conflict?

①it reveals conservative attitude of Irving.

②it might be an illustration of Irving’s argument that revolution upset the natural order of things.

paralleled juxtapositions(不同文化的对比) of two worlds

peaceful natural world in the mountain s→a noisy world with his wife on the farm

a pre-Revolution village→Washington era

Irving was unwilling to accept a modern democratic America, both Winkle and Irving prefer the past and a dream-like world

Washington Irving's "Rip Van Winkle" is one of the best-known short stories in American literature. That is to say, the character of Rip Van Winkle, the man who sleeps for twenty years and awakens to a greatly changed world and a long beard, is one of the best-known characters in American popular culture, widely recognized through his many appearances and references in books, movies, cartoons, and advertisements.

This became the first book by an American writer to achieve international success.

James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀(1789-1851)

The evaluation of J.F. Cooper------★1. ―father of American novelists‖

2. The creation of the west frontier and its heroes

?√Master of the adventurous narrative

?√Began the tradition of the American historical novel

?Creator of American hero-myth/Created an archetypal Western hero (Natty Bumppo) ?launched two kinds of immensely popular stories →the sea adventure tale and the frontier saga

?Most popular American author of his century

?His works were more popular overseas than in America

?C ooper‘s views were considered ―conservative‖ and ―aristocratic‖ – made him unpopular as a social commentator

?First American novelist ―whose writing was genuinely American‖, why?

a. Characters are white and native, male and female.

b. Depicts the American wilderness and prairie scenes.

c. Depicts historical and fictional events.

d. Discusses American ideals and themes.

Writings created a mythical West that transcended the reality of life on the frontier.

√He developed three kinds of novels: 1.novels about revolutionary past: The Spy (1821).

2. Sea adventure tale----sea novel: The Pilot (1824)

3. The frontier saga---novels about American frontier(His enduring fame rests on his frontier stories)

★the adventures of the American frontiers Including five novels:

(1) The Pioneers 《拓荒者》( 1823 ) conflict?

Natty (conflict) Judge Temple

The ideal American civilization

Wilderness (good, pure, perfect)

Breaks laws make laws

Both of their lives are parts of the frontier life.

They built the wilderness into a civilized place.

(2) The Last of the Mohicans ( 1826 )《最后的莫希干人》(3) The Prairie 《大草原》( 1827 )

(4) The Pathfinder 《探路人》( 1840 )

(5) The Deerslayer 《杀鹿者》( 1841 )

?The Leatherstocking Tales《皮袜子故事集》

-----★The nearest approach yet to an American Epic-----Allan Nevins

1.Series is about an 18th Century frontiersman – Natty Bumppo – who live s free and ―close to nature, while the settlers bring ?civilization‘ that destroys the wilderness‖

2.The novels tell of the clash that occurred ―between the frontier wilderness and the encroaching(侵略性的) civilization‖

a. Its historical importance lies in the fact that it is probably the first romance of the frontier in American literature.

b. The central character: Natty Bumppo represents the ideal American, living a virtuous and free life in God‘s world.

√The features of Cooper’s writing

A. He is a highly imaginative, mythic writer

B. Good at inventing plots (Cooper had never been to the frontier area personally, yet could write five huge epic books about it)

C. Style: powerful, yet clumsy and dreadful

D.Wooden Characters and lacking in probability

E. Use of dialect, but not authentic (criticized by Mark Twain)

Literary Achievements(了解)

Contribution:1. his choice of a new area of subject matter(题材)

2.created a myth about the formative period of the American nation

3.helped to introduce western tradition to American literature


1.The Sketch Book was published serially in England, and in book form in America.

F (The Sketch Book was published serially in America, and in book form in England.)

2. Cooper‘s first works is Precaution.T

3. The Romantic Period of American literature started with the publication of Washington Irvin g‘s ___ and ended with Whitman‘s Leaves of Grass.

? A. The Sketch Book B. Tales of a Traveler

? C. The Alhambra D. A History of New York

4. Washington Irving‘s social conservation and literary preference for the past is revealed in his famous story,___.

? A. ―The Legend Sleepy Hallow‖ B. ―Rip Van Winkle‖

? C. ―The Custom-House‖ D. ―The Birthmark‖

5. Which was not written in Spain by Irving.

? A. A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada B. The Sketch Book

? C. The Conquest of Granada D. The Alhambra

6. ___ is the first important historical romance of the Revolution.

? A. The Pilot B. Home As Found

? C. The Pathfinder D. The Spy

7. Cooper‘s novels are divided into three subjects: the revolution with____.

? A. The Pioneers B. The Pilot

? C. The Spy D. Precaution

William Cullen Bryant威廉·柯伦·布莱恩特

A Waterfowl 《致水鸟》-----英语中最完美的短诗;

Thanatopsis 《死亡随想》---受墓园派影响;

The Whitefooted Deer《白蹄鹿》; A Forest Hymn《森林赋》;

The Flood of Years《似水流年》

?Some Works:

?Edgar Allan Poe: To Helen

?Ralph Emerson: Nature; Self-Reliance

?Henry Thoreau: Walden

?Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter

?Herman Melville: Moby Dick

?Henry Longfellow: A Psalm of Life

★E.A. Poe (1809—1849) 埃德加.爱伦.坡

Poe‘s Family and Tragic Life

?Born in Boston, son of traveling actors. Mother died, deserted by father at the age of two, adopted by Mr and Mrs John Allan, John Allan, a prosperous merchant in Richmond, Va., Poe was baptized Edgar Allan Poe.‖ ―(miserable childhood)

?Constant disagreements with his step-father

?Drinking and gambling difficulties kept him from college education after a brief study at University of Virginia

?Received an appointment to West Point, but provoked his own dismissal开除.

?Caused a final break between Poe and his step-father /the Allans.

?1836 married his 13 year-old cousin, Virginia Clemm, whose early death (died of tuberculosis) may have inspired some of his writing.

?Last 12 years of life worked as a journalist, editor and creative writer.

?Led a poverty-stricken life, and died in a drunken stupor昏迷. His death remains a mystery.

★Poe’s achievement/ Significance

1.His aesthetics, his call for ―the rhythmical有韵律的creation of beauty‖ have influenced

French symbolists and the devotees of ―art for art?s sake.―---纯艺术

2.He is the father of psychoanalytic criticism (心理分析批评理论).

3.He is the father of the detective story.


Poe remained the most controversial and most misunderstood literary figure in the history of American literature.

Emerson dismissed him in three words ―the jingle man‖ (打油诗人),Mark Twain declared his prose to be unreadable. And Whitman was the only famous literary figure present at the Poe Memorial Ceremony in 1875.

―Master of horror; the father of the detective story ;―the greatest journalistic critic of his time‖ —Bernard Shaw

Henry James observed that admiration of Poe‘s work was ―the mark of a decidedly primitive stage of development‖;

Today, Poe‘s particular power has ensured his position among the greatest writers of the world. Poe worked in a variety of genres (1827-1849)

Criticism--he gained a national reputation as a virulently sarcastic(恶毒的讽刺的)critic, a literary hatchetman(文章作者/刀斧手) . The bulk of his writing consists of his criticism, and his most abiding ambition was to become a powerful critic.

Poetry--He was an experimental poet.

Detective Story--Poe created this form when he was 32, with all its major conventions complete. Psychological fiction--He wanted to produce the greatest possible horrific effects on the reader His Works

A: poems (48) B: short stories (68) C: novels (2) D: literary theory (3typical)


√1. The Raven 《乌鸦》★2. Annabel Lee 《安娜贝尔丽》

★3. To Helen 《献给海伦》 4. The Bells 《钟》

5. The City in the Sea 《海中之城》

6. The Sleeper 《睡美人》

7 .A Dream Within a Dream《梦中梦》8. Israfel 《伊斯拉菲尔》--音乐天使

9 .Sonnet – To Science 《十四行诗--致科学》

Short Stories

1. Mrs. Found in a Bottle 《瓶中手稿》

2. Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque 《荒诞奇异的故事》《述异集》

3. The Murders in the Rue Morgue 《毛格街血案》

√4. The Fall of the House of Usher 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》

5.The Cask of Amontillado《一桶白葡萄酒》

6 . Ligeia 《丽姬亚》7. The Purloined [p?:'l?in] Letter《窃信案》

8 .The Man of the Crowd《人群中的人》√9 .The Tell-Tale Heart《泄密的心》

10 .William Wilson《威廉.威尔逊》11. The Black Cat《黑猫》

12 .The Imp [imp] of the Perverse《变态的小鬼》13. The Gold Bug《金甲虫》

14. The Mystery of Marie Roger 《玛丽.罗热疑案》

√15. The Masque of the Red Death 《红色死亡的化妆舞会》

literary theory

1 The Poetic Principle 《诗歌原理》

2 The Philosophy of Composition 《创作哲学》

3 Review of Hawthorne‘s Twice-Told Tales 《评霍桑的―故事重述‖》

Poe’s Artistic theories

1.Poe argued for the creation of beauty and intensity of emotion, against the didactic motive for literature.

2.Poe felt that literature should have no social function or responsibility but should be an expression of the isolated artist.

3.Poe thought that the artist should be concerned solely with beauty, of imagination. The real world is cruel, ugly and fast into decaying. The artist‘s life is lonely, painful and hopeless. The only happiness arose out of the creation and contemplation of beauty.

Poe’s theories on Poetry

1.His poetry express the same deep hopelessness and rejection of the world as his prose, but in a different way. (passive )

2.He avoids the intrusion of ugliness and tries to create a vision of beauty and a melodious sound. The basic tone is melancholy.

3.The function of poetry is not to summarize and interpret earthly experience, but to create a mood in which the soul soars toward supernal超凡的; 崇高的, 神圣的beauty.

4.The creation of work of art requires the utmost concentration and unity, as well as the most scrupulous 小心谨慎的use of words.

Summary: theories on Poetry


1. Poems should be short, concise and readable at one sitting;

2. The aim of poem writing is beauty; the most beautiful thing described by a poem is the death of a beautiful woman; the desirable tone of a poem is melancholy;

3. He opposed didactic poems;

4. He stressed the form of poem, especially the beautiful and neat rhyme.

5. His poetry theory is not fair at all time. For example, according to him, Paradise Lost is not a good poem.

B. All his poems were written according to his poetry theory and his poems have strong dreamy color.

Poe's poems, it explores his favorite theme : the death of a beautiful woman, which Poe called "the most poetical topic in the world." Also like women in many other works by Poe, she is struck with illness and marries young. The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are jealous. He retains his love for her even after her death.

?Unlike "The Raven," in which the narrator believes he will "nevermore" be reunited with

his love, "Annabel Lee" says the two will be together again, as not even demons "can ever dissever" their souls.

?There has been debate over who, if anyone, was the inspiration for "Annabel Lee."

Though many women have been suggested, Poe's wife Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe is one of the more credible candidates.

★Features of his works (novels, stories)

? a. Gothic elements

? b. deep analysis of human psychology (He noticed subconscious of human mind nearly one hundred years before Freud. ) (He was also the first American author who took neurotic characters as main characters in his stories.)

? c. precursor of detective stories (e.g. ―The Murders in the Rue Morgue‖) and science stories

Poe and the Gothic

?Poe did not want to write Gothic stories; he started his career spoofing(讽刺) the Gothic.

?He transformed tales of terror into psychological stories; he delved into the mysterious recesses(幽深处)of the human mind.

Elements of Gothic in Poe‘s Fiction(了解)

?Grim setting:https://www.doczj.com/doc/1217831174.html,ndscapes are often reflections of character‘s mind. 2.Unusual buildings, extremes of nature, eccentric works of art. 3.Very few of his stories take place in America;

most take place in Europe or Never-never-land(An utopian dreamland and used when someone is dreaming unrealistically about an utopian future. ).

?Hidden evil: Unspeakable, mysterious crimes, including incest and parricide

?Obsession with Death:Ghosts, blood, body parts

?Maniacal Laughter

?The discovered manuscript: gives responsibility to someone else

?Deformity: the grotesque--people who don‘t look right are capable of activity beyond the norm

Poe’s C haracteristics

√Two kinds: 1.Horror―The Fall of the House of Usher‖ ―The Black Cat‖

―The Masque of the Red Death ‖《红色死亡的化妆舞会》―Ligeia‖ 《丽姬亚》

2.Ratiocination推理―The Purloined Letter《窃信案》


1. Death – predominant theme

―Poe is not interested in anything alive. Everything in Poe‘s writings is dead.‖

√2. Horror 3.negative thoughts of science


?style: ordinary, traditional

?language: mannerism矫饰主义; (尤指文艺上的)独特的风格、形式等

? a controversial figure in American literary history (Poe was criticized by several famous American writers, such as Emerson, Henry James and Mark Twain. However, his works was welcomed in Europe, especially in France.)

?great influence on aesthetism唯美主义, William Faulkner, Baudelaire(法国著名诗人波德莱尔,有著名诗集《恶之花》----The Flowers of Evil )


The Anti-Transcendentalism is known also as ―Dark romanticism" which rejected the optimism of the Transcendentalists. They held more pessimistic beliefs and believed that Transcendentalism was naive, selfish, and impractical.


Anti-transcendentalists focus on the dark and destructive forces of nature and support the concept of Original Sin, the belief that all humanity is inherently evil, because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve.

The most famous Anti-Transcendentalists were Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville. *Edgar Allan Poe.

They explored conflicts between good and evil, psychological effects of guilt and sin, and madness

1.Nathaniel Hawthorne displays anti-transcendentalist beliefs in "The Ministers Black Veil‖, and holds that guilt and sin are qualities inherent in man.

2.Herman Melville reveals his anti-transcendentalist views in his novel Moby Dick: man's blind ambition, cruelty, and defiance of God, his themes of madness, mystery, and the triumph of evil over good in the work make it notable example of the dark romanticism.

3.Edgar Allan Poe demonstrates anti-transcendentalist thinking in his poetry and prose which feature his characteristic interest in exploring the psychology of man, including the perverse and self-destructive nature of the conscious and subconscious mind.

In his short story "The Fall of the House of Usher. Much of The author states, "That the maiden who had been buried a few hours before, was come from her grave to be married" ; The Raven, symbol of his dark doubts and frustrated longing, ―Nevermore‖ etc.

Hawthorne/Poe----Hawthorne described the conflict between the intellect and heart;Poe described the conflict between two sides of the intellect.

★Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-1864)

Major Works

1. Two collections of short stories:

Twice-told Tales 《故事新编》Mosses from an Old Manse ?古宅青苔?

2. Novels:

1) The Scarlet Letter ?红字?----- masterpiece, which established him as the leading American

native novelist of the 19th century。

2) The House of the Seven Gables 《七个尖角阁的房子》

3) The Blithedale Romance 《福谷传奇》

4) The Marble Faun 《大理石/玉石雕像》

3. Short stories:

Young Goodman Brown 《小伙子古德曼·布朗》

The Minister‘s Black Veil 《教长的黑面纱》

The Birthmark 《胎记》


1. Romantic novelist, short-story writer.

2. Advanced the art of short story and gave to the form qualities that are uniquely American.

3. First great American writer of fiction to work in the moralistic tradition. Combined the American romanticism with puritan moralism

★Themes in Hawthorne’s Writings

1. Moral allegories——a story where everything is symbol, used commonly to instruct especially in religious matters

2. The sinful man;

3. Hypocrisy ;

4. The Dark side of human nature;

5. Religion in nature

★Hawthorne’s Style

1.Rich imagination, well-woven structure, psychological analysis, various symbols, delicate imageries, ambiguity, mystery.

2. Wide and well-controlled vocabulary, formal words with pleasant sound, long and complex sentences, fresh and effective metaphors and similes, summarized historical narrative, but links scenes dramatically.

Style – typical romantic writer

a man of literary craftsmanship,extraordinary in:the use of symbol(The symbol serves as a weapon to attack reality. It can be found everywhere in his writing),revelation of characters‘ psychology(He is good at exploring the complexity of human psychology. There isn‘t much physical movement going on in his works),the use of supernatural mixed with the actual.

√1. his stories are parable (allegory) – to teach a lesson

√2. use of ambiguity to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty – multiple point of view

The Scarlet Letter

1. In what century is the story of Hester Prynne set?

(A) The 16th century (B) The 17th century

(C) The 18th century (D) The 19th century

2. What is situated immediately outside the door of the prison in which Hester is kept?

(A) A rosebush (B) A pine tree

(C) A gallows (D) A graveyard

3. How does Hester support herself financially?

(A) As a prostitute (B) As a seamstress(earns a living from needlework)

(C) As a nurse (D) As a farmhand

4. Next to whom is Hester buried?

(A) Dimmesdale (B) Chillingworth

(C) Pearl (D) No one; her body is burned

5. Why does Pearl not recognize her mother when she sees her with Dimmesdale in the forest?

(A) Hester has removed the scarlet letter.

(B) Hester has removed her long cap to expose her long hair.

(C) Hester is not wearing her usual plain grey dress.

(D) Mistress Hibbins has cast a spell on Hester, changing her appearance.

6. How does Pearl acknowledge Dimmesdale as her father at his death?

(A) By calling him ―father‖

(B) By interrupting his sermon


(D) By announcing that she has seen him with her mother

7. What color of clothing does Hester always wear?

(A) Scarlet (B) White (C) Black (D) Gray

8. What does Chillingworth pretend to be?

(A)A minister (B) A doctor

(C) A madman (D) A scholar

9. What does Hester‘s letter ―A‖ eventually come to represent to the townspeople?

(A) ―Able‖ (B) ―Alone‖ (C) ―Avaricious (D) ―Absolutely Admirable‖

Major characters in The Scarlet Letter

Arthur Dimmesdale Hester Prynne

?The Scarlet Letter is a complex story of guilt/sin, its moral, emotional and psychological effects on various persons, and how deliverance释放is obtained for some of them.

?In the fiction, Hawthorne approached the question of evil more profoundly. He considered the effect on an individual‘s character of enforced penance忏悔, of hypocrisy, and of hatred.

What sin, how to deal with, Hawthorne‘s attitudes??

Hester: disloyalty, betrayal, deception, sexual desire, adultery. Face, correct, redeem拯救, purify. Praise, content, conform.

Dimmesdale: adultery, cowardice, hypocrisy, dishonesty, selfishness, too coward to confess, tortured by his conscience. Sympathetic, disfavor his hesitation, indecisiveness and cowardice. Themes:


2. The Nature of Evil

3. Identity

4. Hypocrisy

5. deal with moral or ethical problems.

Herman Melville 梅尔维尔(1819—1891)

an American novelist, short story writer, essayist and poet.

Major Works : Moby Dick----His titanic masterpiece

?Written under Hawthorne‘s influence

?Influenced by Greek tragedy, Shakespeare‘s tragedies, epic poetry, ancient and modern, Homer…

? A sea-haunted novel

?The whole book is about the pursuit of that phantom, an attempt to seek out the mystery, which seems to lie- malevolently or benevolently at the heart of human experience

?Epic in scope

?Contains several of the epic traditions: 1) the long and arduous journey

2) the great battle

Much of the novel is dramatically shaped, staged, having scenes with speeches and images

?Defined as an epic——a tragic drama, a tragedy of pride, and pursuit and revenge, also a tragedy of thought.

★Evaluation of Moby-Dick

1. an encyclopedia of everything (history, philosophy, religion, the whaling industry)

2. a Shakespearean tragedy of man fighting against fates

Moby Dick is, critics have agreed, one of the world’s greatest masterpieces. To get to know the 19th century American mind and America itself, one has to read this book. CHARACTERS

ISHMAEL 以实玛利------the narrator of the novel, a simple sailor on the Pequod who undertakes the journey because of his affection for the ocean and his need to go to sea whenever he feels ―hazy about the eyes‖. He is the only survivor of the Pe quod‘s voyage, living to tell the tale of Moby Dick.

QUEEQUEG 奎魁格------harpooner鱼叉手from New Zealand, son of a Maori king who renounced the throne to travel and learn about Christian society –NOBLE, BRA VE, HONORABLE, gives Ishmael a sense of serenity and ease (subversion of the dichotomy [dai'k?t?mi]二分法SA V AGERY vs. CIVILIZATION)

Moby Dick—The great white sperm whale. Moby Dick, also referred to as the White Whale, is an infamous and dangerous threat to seamen, considered by Ahab the incarnation of evil and a fated nemesis(复仇女神) .

Themes of Moby Dick(了解)

1.the sense of futility and meaninglessness


3.loneliness and suicidal individualism

4. rejection and quest

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 亨利.沃兹沃思.朗费罗(1807—1882)

Part ⅣThe Literature of Realism (1865—1918)

Literary Characteristics

? 1. Feminist movement.

Emily Dickinson, Harriet Beecher Stowe(Uncle Tom's Cabin ), Sarah Orne Jewett (A White Heron ),Kate Chopin (Awakening), Edith Wharton (The Age of Innocence), Ellen Glasgow, Willa Cather.

生态女性主义(ecofeminism, ecological feminism) 是种政治与社会运动。它相信对女人的压迫与自然的退化之间存在着某种关系。生态女性主义理论者考虑性别歧视、对自然的控制、种族歧视、物种至上主义(speciesism)、与其他各种社会不平等

Harriet Beecher Stowe

★Uncle Tom's Cabin----a book which helped build anti-slavery sentiment in America and abroad Sarah Orne Jewett (1849-1909)--美国乡土文学女作家

American writer noted for novels and stories concerning the simple lives of the country people in her native Maine.

Her stories show her love of nature as well as human nature.

Her finest work: The Country of the Pointed Firs《尖尖的枞树之乡》(1896) A White Heron

Kate Chopin

★Awakening--《觉醒》a novel about a woman‘s journey: away from her traditional u pbringing & towards her own personal needs

Willa Cather

★O pioneers;My A ntonia ;The song of the lark

Literary Characteristics

1. Decline of American Romanticism. (Walt Whitman--Leaves of Grass).

2. Appearance of American realism

3. Appearance of American naturalism.

American Realism(1870-1890)

? 1. Reasons: civil war, social development. People sought to describe the wide range of


浅谈儒道佛对中国文化的影响 内容摘要:对于我国文化及其整个社会有着重大影响的主要有儒家、道家、佛家。人类文化发展是一个连续不断的过程,传统文化和现代文化不可能完全割断。我们要汲取传统文化中一切有价值的精华来充实发展社会主义的民族新文化。中国传统文化也包括佛教文化在内。现在有一种偏见,一提中国传统文化似乎只是儒家文化一家,完全抹煞了佛教文化在中国传统文化中的地位,抹煞了佛教徒对中国文化的贡献。其实魏晋南北朝以来的中国传统文化已不再是纯粹的儒家文化,而是儒佛道三家汇合而成的文化形态。中国文化在悠悠五千的历史长河中得到了卓越的进步与完善,中国古典文学更是文人的智慧的体现,优秀文化作为中华民族的灵魂,推动着社会的常卓发展。 关键词:儒学;道学;佛学;文化;历史;影响 一、儒学 孔孟荀是主要代表人物,是作为诸子百家中的一派而出现的。西汉董仲舒批判吸收了先秦秦汉其余诸家学说,使儒学上升为国家意识形态,主要表现形式是经学。理学家出入佛老,返归六经,创建了宋明理学,主要表现形式即为理学从梁漱溟到杜维明,他们的时代课题是回应西方文化的挑战,复兴儒家文化传统,希望在中国现代化建设乃至全球文明中继续发挥她应有的作用与影响。 中国的儒学已有两千五百多年的历史了,这对中国的文化和文学思想产生了重大的影响,由孔子创立的儒家思想,倡导血亲人伦、现世事功、修身存养、道德理性,其中心思想是孝、仁、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻,其核心是“仁”。儒家学说经历代统治者的推崇,以及孔子后学的发展和传承,使其对中国文化的发展起了决定性的作用。他的修身、治国、平天下之理论贯穿于整个思想之中,万事以人为中心强调了人的主观动能性。儒家文化是中国的主流文化体系,它的目的是使人达到一种高度社会化的人格境界,这是通过“修齐治平”的过程实现的,最终达到“君子”、“圣人”的境界,儒家文化是包含了一套行为规范和伦理、道德规范在内的庞大的体系。 儒家的思想所传授的不外都是“四书”“五经”,传统的责任感思想、节制思想、忠孝思想都是它和封建统治者结合的结果,因此,儒家思想是连同我们当代在内的主流思想。儒家经典不仅只是思想统治工具,同时也是中国封建社会的主体,儒家学说不止是在中国,在东南亚世界也是占有重要的地位。儒学和汉字、律令以及佛教一样,很早就传播到了周围的国家,并对那里的思想和文化产生了重大的影响。例如,在韩国和日本,伦理和礼仪大多都受到了儒家的仁、义、礼等观点的影响,到了至今都还是很明显的儒学的历史发展。 二、道学 道教是中国土生土长的宗教。它具有包容性、开放性等特点,这使得道教文化博大精深,包罗万象,古人所谓“杂而多端”。在包罗万象的文化体系中,神仙理论(或生死观)可以说是道教的核心内容。但在道教发展的不同历史阶段,对长生成仙或者说对解脱生死的看法是有所变化的。大体而言,可分为从汉魏时期重视肉体成仙到隋唐偏重精神解脱,再到宋元时期的性命双修理论。 道家哲学首先摆脱了儒家社会哲学的道路,直接从天道运行的原理侧面切入,开展了以自然义、中性义为主的"道"的哲学。天道运行有其自然而然的原理


浅析佛教对中国的影响及现实意义 摘要:佛教自东汉明帝时期传入我国,至今已有漫长的2000多年的历史,在历史长河中虽曾经历三武一宗的法难,但直至今日,佛教依然相当兴盛。佛教对中国文化发生过很大影响和作用,在中国历史上留下了灿烂辉煌的佛教文化遗产。 关键词:佛教中国影响现实意义 正文: 佛教于公元前六世纪诞生在印度次大陆,西汉时期传入中国,与中国固有文化发生冲突和融合,使得中国传统文化变得更加丰富多彩,博大精深,逐渐形成了以儒家文化为主、以道家文化和佛教文化为辅的文化格局。这种文化格局几乎贯穿于整个中国封建时代。 佛教自东汉明帝时期传入我国,至今已有漫长的两千多年的历史,其对中国所发生的影响,对中国是深远而广泛的,一直到今天还在发生作用。本文就文化艺术以及道德这两方面的影响作较为详细的解析,并结合自身观点谈谈佛教对中国的现代意义。 一、佛教对中国古代文化艺术的影响 佛教的一大影响表现在文学艺术上,佛经浩如烟海,仅《大正藏》便收录了一万多卷经文。唐诗,宋词,元曲等都深受佛教尤其是禅宗的影响,佛教的传入,佛经的翻译带来大量的外来词汇,如般若,意识,禅那,摩诃,三摩地,丰富了我国汉字词汇。唐代诗人中如王维深受大乘维摩诘经的影响,田园诗富有禅意。宋朝的三苏他们的词赋洋溢着禅的味道。 佛经中的动人故事常常成为艺术家们绘画的题材,曹不兴、顾恺之、张僧繇、展子虔、阎立本、吴道子等历代名画家皆以擅长佛画而传世。中国画学中由王维一派的文人画而发展到宋元以后盛行的写意画,则与禅宗思想有关。由此可见佛教对绘画艺术所起的作用。 至于音乐方面,公元三世纪,中国已有梵呗的流行。唐代音乐又吸收了天竺乐、龟兹乐、安国乐等来自佛教国家的音乐,唐代音乐至今还有少部分保存在某些佛教寺庙中。 二、佛教对中国传统道德的影响 佛教传入中国,除了对中国文学思想等有直接间接影响外,对社会风尚习惯亦有潜移默化之功。 中国原有的儒家信仰,是着重于现实人生的建设,无暇推究生前与死后的问题,对于生前死后以及形而上的宇宙本体,都是存而不论。纵然讲到善恶的补偿及惩罚问题也只寄望于个人的后代子孙,所谓:“积善之家必有余庆,积不善之家必有余殃”;其实,从现实的史实上看,寄望于子孙的果报是不可靠的。因此,自从佛教传入之后,“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”的因果观,为中国民间带来了新兴而有力的希望。 佛教给我们指出了生死轮回的问题,均由各自负责;善恶报应的问题告诉我们,一切行为均由各自负责,善报属于自己,恶果也属于自己,现生不报,来生必报。这一点鼓励了人们,要积极地去除恶。这一观念,对于千百年来的中国民心社会的安定与影响之大之深,实在无法估量。 中国古人,立身处世,甚至齐家、治国、平天下,皆以孝道为本。佛教之传入,益使中国孝道内容扩大而充实,因为儒家论孝,不过是“生事之以礼,死葬之以礼,祭之以礼。”佛教言孝,不仅侍奉供养,继其志,展其业,更要使其止恶行善,进而了生脱死,离苦得乐。”佛教孝道之提倡,确可令社会充满孝敬与亲善,而人心之向善,前途之幸福,亦可指日可待。所以说,佛教之孝,不止使中国孝道内容扩大而充实,抑亦可以敦风化俗,有助于道德之发扬。 三、佛教对于中国现代社会的意义 根据佛教界的说法,佛教是关切人生、以人为本、帮助他人获得心灵拯救的宗教。尤其中国佛教更是具有积极入世,觉悟人生,奉献人生的人文主义精神,他通过教育和引导人自修、自悟、自证、从而在精神上得到自我解放,因此,禅宗六祖慧能大师说:佛法在世间,不离世间觉。离世觅菩提,恰如求兔角。是啊,走遍天下,哪儿找得到长角的兔子呢?这正是中国佛教的积极入世精神。


第二框博大精深的中华文化 【教学目标】感悟中华文化博大精深的特点。 【教学重难点】中华文化的独特性、区域性、民族性。 【教学方法】情景讨论法、小组探究法、分析讲授法、活动启发法。 【教学设计】 一、独树一帜,独领风骚——独特性 P68探究——请结合学过的历史知识回答, 中华文化的特色是什么?(中华文化从发展历程看具有源远流长的特点;中华文化从内涵看具有博大精深、无与伦比的特点。)中华文化对世界有什么贡献?(中国的四大发明输入欧洲,为欧洲科学文化带来了黎明。马克思说过:火药、指南针、印刷术——这是预告资产阶级社会到来的三大发明,火药把骑士阶层炸得粉碎;指南针打开世界市场并建立殖民地;而印刷术变成新教的工具。总的说来,变成科学复兴的工具。中国造纸术的西传结束了欧洲用羊皮纸的历史,加快了信息传播的速度,使文艺复兴成为可能。) 中华文化曾以博大的胸襟、精深的内涵、恢弘的气度以及蓬勃的生机长期走在世界的前列,对世界文明作出了杰出的贡献。中华文化在多领域取得辉煌成就。 P68探究——选择你最熟悉的一项,谈谈自己的见解。(从初创于商代、到真正创制于东汉时期的中国瓷器,是中国人为世界文明史的又一重要贡献。唐代瓷器的制作技术和艺术创作已达到高度成熟;明清时代从制坯、装饰、施釉到烧成,技术上又都超过前代。我国的陶瓷业至今仍兴盛不衰,质高形美,其中比较著名的陶瓷产区有江西景德镇、湖南醴陵、江苏宜兴、河北唐山和邯郸、山东淄博等。二十四节气是我国劳动人长期对天文、气象、物侯进行观测、探索、总结的结果。在我国广大农村开展农事活动有广泛的应用价值,一般更适用黄河流域一带的农事活动。)文学艺术对于反映人们的精神生活、展示人们的精神世界有独到的作用。科学技术是一个民族文明程度的重要标志之一。 1、文学艺术 《红楼梦》是中国古典小说中一部极品之作,也是世界文学之宝。作者架构出贾、王、史、薛四大家庭的兴衰史。《红楼梦》的叙述和描写就像生活本身那样丰富、深厚、逼真、自然。两千多年前,汉武帝爱妃李夫人染疾故去,武帝思念心切神情恍惚,终日不理朝政。大臣李少翁一日出门,路遇孩童手拿布娃娃玩耍,影子倒映于地栩栩如生。李少翁心中一动,用棉帛裁成李夫人影像,并在手脚处装上木杆。入夜围方帷,张灯烛,恭请皇帝端坐帐中观看。武帝看罢龙颜大悦,就此爱不释手。这个载入《汉书》的爱情故事,被认为是皮影戏最早的渊源。皮影戏艺人不仅手上功夫绝妙高超,嘴上还要说、念、打、唱,脚下还要制动锣鼓。演出时皮影紧贴屏幕活动,镂空的人影和五彩缤纷的颜色真切动人。《红楼梦》、皮影戏体现了中华文化中的文学艺术有什么特点和作用?(中华文化中的文学艺术的特点是历史悠久辉煌、内涵丰富绚丽、风格鲜明独特。展现了中华民族精神向往和美好追求,在世界文学艺术史上占有重要位置。) 2、科学技术 中国古代科学技术成就长期处于世界的前列, 对整个人类文明的发展作出了巨大贡献。在秦始皇陵兵马俑坑发现的数以万计的青铜兵器虽埋在地下两千多年,但挖出来后,仍然寒光闪闪,锋利无比。经过考古人员的现代技术分析和检验,发现兵器表面有一层致密的含铬化合物的氧化层,具有良好的防腐蚀功能。可见化学镀铬技术至迟在两千多年前的秦代就已经产生。而且青铜剑的锋利程度简直让人难以想象。现存于故宫博物院的青铜宝剑,有人曾作过实验,在桌子上放一叠纸,然后轻轻将剑从纸上拉过,一次居然划透19张纸。这把剑是用铜、锡、铅等金属制成的,各种金属的比例掌握得恰到好处,从而使秦剑坚硬锋利而富有韧性。中国古代的兵器制作技术在当时来说处于领先的地位。 公元前256年,郡守李冰率领蜀地各族人民在岷江中上游创建了都江堰这项彪炳史册千古不朽的水利工程。都江堰以其“历史跨度大、工程规模大、科技含量大、灌区范围大、社会经济效益大”的特点享誉中外。以都江堰为首构成了一个庞大的工程系统,担负着中西部地区农田的灌溉、成都

3.6.2 博大精深的中华文化教案

第六课我们的中华文化 6.2 博大精深的中华文化 【课标要求】 辨析中华文化的区域特征,说明中华文化是中国各族人民共同创造的; 展现博大精深、源远流长的中华文化是中华民族延续和发展的重要标识。¨ 【教学目标】 [知识目标]: 1、识记:文学艺术对中华文化的意义;科学技术是民族文明的重要标志。 2、理解:文学艺术、科学技术是中华文化博大精深的见证,是中华文化对世界文化的贡献;不同区域的文化形成原因、关系及对中华文化的意义;各民族文化特征、关系及对中华文化的意义。 [能力目标] 培养同学们理论联系实际能力,运用中华文化发展的典型事例,说明文化的力量深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中。 [情感、态度、价值观目标] 通过对本课的学习,理解中华文化的基本特征:源远流长,博大精深,是人类文明史上古老文明;不同区域的文化和各个民族的独特文化都是中华文化的重要组成,彰显着中华民族的文化标识;增强学生的民族自豪感、自尊心和自信心,增强爱国主义情感,为将来投射于社会主义现代化建设奠定良好的文化思想。 【教学重点、难点】 中华文化的博大精深的表现 【教学方法】: 自主探究法、情景设置法、讨论法、讲授法 【课时安排】: 一课时 【教具准备】: 多媒体 【教学过程】: (一)导入新课 回忆上一框题中华文化源远流长的知识导入,中华文化源远流长,而且博大精深。上节课我们学习了我国千古未绝、唯我无双的中华文化的特征之一源远流长,这节课我将带领同学们继续领略华夏神韵,走进博大精深的中华文化。 板书:博大精深的中华文化 (二)推进新课 【课件展示】幻灯片展示中国的瓷器、茶文化、戏曲、书法、武术等文化,让学生感受到中华文化不仅源远流长,而且博大精深,从而激发他们对祖国的认同感和归属感。

中国文化习俗方面的段落翻译 2

中国文化习俗方面的段落翻译 一 春节贴年画(pasting New Year Prints)的风俗源自于往房子外面的门上贴门神(Door Gods)的传统。随着木质雕刻品的出现,年画包含了更广泛的主题,最出名的就是门神,三大神—福神、薪神和寿神(Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity),寓意着庄稼丰收、家畜兴旺和庆祝春节。年画的四大产地分别是苏州桃花坞,天津杨柳青,河北武强和山东潍坊。现在中国农村仍然保持着贴年画的传统,而在城市里很少有人贴年画。 The custom of pasting New Year Prints in Spring Festival originated from the tradition of pasting Door Gods on the external doors of the houses. With the creation of board carvings, New Year paintings cover a wide range of subjects. The most famous ones are Door Gods and Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity, signifying the abundant harvest of crops, the prosperity of domestic animals and the celebration of Spring Festival. Four producing areas of New Year Prints are Taohuawu of Suzhou, Yangliuqing of Tian Jing, Wuqiang of Hebei and Weifang of Shandong. Now the tradition of pasting New Year paintings is still kept in rural China, while it is seldom followed in cities. 二. 在中国,小孩的满月酒(one-month-old feast)和抓周(one-year-old catch)仪式独具特色。小孩出生满一个月的那天,孩子的家人一般要招呼亲朋好友,邀请他们一起来庆祝孩子满月。小孩满周岁的那天,有抓周的仪式。按照中国的传统,父母及他人不给予孩子任何的引导或暗示,任孩子随意挑选,看他先抓什么,后抓什么,并以此为依据来预测孩子可能存在的志趣和将从事的职业及前途。 In China, one-month-old Feast and One-Year-Old Catch of a baby are of unique Chinese characteristics. On the day when a baby is a month old, the family of the baby will invite their friends and relatives to a ceremony to celebrate the occasion. On the day when a baby is one year old, there is a ceremony of One-Year-Old Catch. According to Chinese traditional custom, nobody will give any instruction or clue to the baby so that it is left free to choose by itself. Watching the baby catch the articles it likes, the family can then make predictions about its potential interest, future career


本科生课程论文 论文题目:佛学与儒家生死观念的相互影响课程名称:佛学与中国文化 任课教师:付优 专业:戏剧影视文学 班级:戏剧影视文学 学号:222013308022019 姓名:尹楚文 2014年12月20日 佛学与儒家生死观念的相互影响

一、以佛教的生死轮回说来补充,充当儒家道德教化的新佐证 佛教作为一种外来的宗教,能在中国生根发芽,流传千年,与其理论的深刻精致是分不开的。严格来说,它所探讨的主要是人死后的问题,关于死后的世界的描述吸引了芸芸众生。佛教的许多观念与儒家倡导是孑然对立的,如佛教宣称人生虚幻,鼓励人出家修行,这在倡导以孝为先,积极面对人生责任义务的儒家看来简直是大逆不道。所以,在中国几千年的文化发展史上一直是佛家和儒家思想的争斗。但是,佛教的很多理论,日渐深入人心,这些理论恰恰又能为儒家的很多主张提供佐证。因此,在世俗层面,在对社会人生的理解上就存在儒佛并存混用的局面。尤其是佛教的业报轮回观念。 (一)佛教的生死轮回理论,为个体“行善从德”提供了功利性依据佛教的生死轮回理论认为:人的生命并不是只有一次,而是有新一轮生命的继起。但是来世并不一定是人,要在六道也即天、人、阿修罗、恶鬼、畜生、地狱中轮回。这种轮回是无休止的。也没有规律可循,到底在哪一道中重新轮回。佛教认为,一个生命死后来生要生于何道,不是命定的,也不是偶然的,而是由做人是的行为决定的。做人时多行善事,死后会生于善道,做人时多行恶事,死后会生于恶道。要看你今生的所作所为,即佛家讲的“业”。 这种由生前行为的善恶决定下世生于何处的理论叫做“因果报应”。轮回也是因果报应的结果。 从佛教的立场看,生命是为了受报和还愿而存在的。过去许的愿,一定要实践承诺;过去造的业,必须要受报。因此,生命是因为因果的事实而存在。 佛教的这一理论,是对儒家学说的补充。儒家把人的贫富、贵贱、寿夭归结为气秉不同,与任梦在现世的作为无关。儒家只是让人们按照人的本性去做,不计得失,而佛教从另一个角度则看到了人们造善业的功利性结果:我今天的积德行善是会给自己带来好处的,会在下一阶段的人生正落得好的去处。即一定会有好报。元代的《三教平心论》中极力阐述了佛教的这种影响他说“释氏社教,非与儒相背驰,故释氏化人,亦与儒者无差等。儒者阐释诗书礼义之教,辅之以行政威福之劝,不过欲天下迁善而远罪耳。固然而又赏之而不劝,罚之而不惩,耳提面命,而终不率教者。及闻佛说为善有福,为恶有罪,则莫不舍恶而趋于善,是释者之教,亦何殊于儒者之教哉?”在他看来,尽管儒佛均劝善止恶,有益于社会的治化,但佛教在某种意义上比儒家更有效。因为“小人不畏刑,而畏地狱。若使天下之人,事无大小,以有因果不敢自欺其心,无侵陵争夺之风,则岂不刑措而为极治之世乎?” (二)佛教的业报轮回理论,为现实社会“义命不符”提供了前世姻缘儒家高举道德的旗帜,让人行善积德,宣称德福一致,“积善之家必有余庆”,但现实生活中,好人不得好报,坏人、做恶之人飞黄腾达的现象随处可见。儒家在这个问题上的回应就非常无力,有的学者就把这种情况归结为某些人天生的命好,秉受的是代表富贵的精而良的气。而佛教的这一因果报应生死轮回理论,就给现实生活中的福德不一致以较好的解释。“善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到。”一定的因,必定带来一定的果,所造的业,必然有果报。当时没有表现出来,会在下一阶段的轮回中体现出来,人要想未来有好的结果,就要在现世努力造善业,这个善业也是儒家一直倡导的。佛教的这一理论就给现世中许多德福不一致的现象找到原因,即这些人在前世做了善业,所以在今生得到了好的果报。这是一个较有说服力的解释。佛教的一整套关于轮回报应的理论虽然没


《博大精深的中华文化》教学设计 一、教学目标 【课程内容表现标准】 3.9 辨析中华文化的区域特征,说明中华文化是中国各族人民共同创造的;展现博大精深、源远流长的中华文化是中华民族延续和发展的重要标识。 《思想政治必修3——文化生活》第三单元第六课第二框。 【教学目标描述、预设达成及其评析】 本框内容是对第一框内容的承接,通过对中华文化的独特性、区域性、民族性来展现中华文化的博大精深。并由此而得出中华文化源远流长、博大精深的原因所在。以下是目标的描述和预设达成: 目标1:学生通过具体实例回忆中华文化丰富内容,理解文学艺术、科学技术的作用/意义、特点、地位。 目标2:学生通过典型具体例子的对比,理解中华文化的区域性形成的原因和不同区域文化之间的关系。 目标3:学生通过讲解具体实例,能够理解各民族文化与中华文化的关系及各民族文化对中华文化的贡献。(难点) 目标4:理解包容性的含义和意义,再现包容性的相关知识并运用到材料中。(重点) 评析以上四个教学目标在分类表中的位置:

二、教学任务分析 1、学生能力及学习动机分析: 高二的文科生已经具备了较为基础的文科思维和对问题的质疑能力,同时也具备学习本课《博大精深的中华文化》的知识准备。在相关课程方面历史的必修3也有非常丰富的内容,学生已经掌握了不少与中华文化相关史实资料。但是,历史展现出了多彩的现象,需要通过学习来感受和获得本质的理论,因此学生对本框的内容会有较强的学习动机。通过本框学习能增强学生对中华文化的认同感和归属感,领会文化的力量深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中。 2、本课表现标准类型及其学习条件分析: 1)本课属于理解、运用、分析性知识类别学习。 2)其学习条件是:高中的文科生已经具备一定的归纳总结的思维能力和分析能力,从而有够通过事例现象分析内在的本质的能力。 3、采用情景式体验教学程序: 情景体验——小组合作探究解决问题——学生自主交流、展示讨论成果——学生质疑与答疑——教师点拨——对应练习——学生的思维导图建构(课后) 4、课型:新授课。 5、教学时间安排:1课时。 三、教学过程


佛教与中国文学二 (一)文的题材 在中国的正统文学里,题材与佛教有关涉的文章,数量也很不少。其中有的是成部的著作,如北朝杨衒之的《洛阳伽蓝记》。作者在尔朱荣乱后重过洛阳,目睹“城郭崩毁,宫室倾复,寺观灰烬,庙塔丘墟”①,追忆当年佛寺兴盛时期的华美壮丽,写成这部怀旧的书。文笔清隽秀丽,到处流露着叹惋的情思,在中国文学史上是少见的优美作品。下面举《景明寺》一则为例。 ①《洛阳伽蓝记》原序。 景明寺,宣武皇帝所立也。景明年中立,因以为名。 在宣阳门外一里御道东。其寺东西南北方五百步,前望嵩山少室,却负帝城,青林垂影,绿水为文,形胜之地,爽垲独美。山悬堂光观盛(原有脱误),一千余间。复殿重房,交疏对霤,青台紫阁,浮道相通。虽外有四时,而内无寒暑。房檐之外,皆是山池。松竹兰芷,垂列阶墀,含风团露,流香吐馥。至正光年中,太后始造七层浮图一所,去地百仞。是以邢子才碑文云“俯闻激电,旁属奔星”,是也。妆饰华丽,侔于永宁。金盘宝铎,焕烂霞表。寺有三池,萑蒲菱藕,水物生焉。或黄甲紫鳞,出没于蘩藻,或青凫白雁,沈浮于绿水。硉磑舂簸,皆用水功,伽蓝之妙,最为称首。时世好崇福,四月七日京师诸像皆来此寺,尚书祠部曹录像凡有一千余躯。至八日,以次入宣阳门,向阊阖宫前受皇帝散花。于时金花映日,宝盖浮云,旙幢若林,香烟似雾,梵乐法音,聒动天地。百戏腾骧,所在骈比。名僧德众,负锡为群;信徒法侣,持花成薮。车骑填咽,繁衍相倾。时有西域胡沙门见此,唱言佛国……① ①周祖谟校释本卷三。 题材与佛教有关涉的零篇文章,历代的典籍里随处可见。 体裁是多种多样的。下面举几篇为例。 1.谢安《与支遁书》 思君日积,计辰倾迟。知欲还剡自治,甚以怅然。人生如寄耳,顷风流得意之事,殆为都尽。终日戚戚,触事惆怅,唯迟君来,以晤言消之,一日当千载耳。此多山县,闲静差可养疾,事不异剡,而医药不同。必思此缘,副其积想也。(慧皎《高僧传》卷四《支遁传》) 2.白居易《游大林寺序》 余与河南元集虚,范阳张允中,南阳张深之,广平宋郁,安定梁必复,范阳张时,东林寺沙门法演、智满、中坚、利辩、道深、道建、神照、云皋、息慈、寂然,凡十有七人,自

博大精深的中华文化 教案

博大精深的中华文化 一、教学目标 知识方面:(1)知道我国古代科技曾长期处于世界前列 (2)理解不同区域的文化既渐趋融合,又保持各自特色 (3)明确各族人民共同创造了灿烂的中华文化 (4)理解中华文化特有的包容性:求同存异和兼收并蓄 (5)感受中华文化的生命力创造力和凝聚力 能力方面: (1)提炼解读信息的能力。解读信息的能力本课信息量大,应注重培养学生提炼有效信息、(2)综合分析的能力。对文化的了解离不开历史和地理知识,要引领学生以“文化”为主线,整合不同学科知识,帮助学生加深对中华文化的理解 (3)理论联系实际的能力。运用相关事例,说明文化的力量深深熔铸在民族的生命力创造力和凝聚力中,中华文化是我国各族人民共同创造的 情感态度与价值观方面: (1)增强对中华文化和社会主义祖国的热爱之情 (2)增强对中华文化和中华民族的认同感,增强学生的民族自豪感自尊心和自信心 (3)增强坚定维护民族团结的信念 二、教学重点:理解包容性在中华文化发展中的作用 三、教学难点:感受文化的力量深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中 四、教学方法:引入实例法、讨论式教学法、讲授法、活动探究法 五、教学用具:多媒体 六、教学课时:1课时 七、教学过程 (一)视频导入(华夏文明之歌) 上堂课我们从发展历程的角度,向大家揭示出源远流长是中华文化的一个基本特征;那么就其本身来说,中华文化还有着什么样的基本特征呢?(视频:鸦片战争31分59秒—33分14秒)中华民族文化,像一块巨大的磁石,紧紧地将世界的目光吸住。她那灿烂的成就,对推动人类文明的进步,作出了杰出的贡献。 黑格尔认为:中国的诗词可以“比较欧罗巴文学里最好的杰作”。 英国皇家学会会员,科学家李约瑟博士说:在中世纪时代中国几乎所有的科学技术领域都遥遥领先于西方,中国的科技常常为欧洲人望尘莫及。 阅读以上材料请回答:中华文化的成就体现在什么方面?反映出中华文化有何基本特征? (二)课堂过程 一、独树一帜独领风骚 1.中华文学艺术展现了中华民族的精神向往和美好追求,在世界文学艺术宝库中占有重要位置 阅读课本第67页的相关链接,感受一下中华文学艺术辉煌而优秀的历史、丰富而绚丽的内涵、鲜明而独特的风格。 2.中国古代科学技术长期处于世界的前列是中华民族生命力、创造力的生动体现 阅读课本第67—68页的相关链接,感受一下中国人民勤劳、智慧和艰苦奋斗精神的结晶以及我国古代科学技术注重实际运用,具有实用性和整体性的特点。


精品文档 Unit 8 Chinese Literature Warm-up Activity Questions for discussion: 1)Look at the following pictures. They are all illustrations of the famous stories of the four great novels of Chinese literature. Do you know or can you tell any of these stories? a. Story 1: 颐和园长廊上的彩绘:桃园三结义 2008-04拍摄,绘画年代大约于19世纪末

精品文档. 精品文档Oath of the Peach Garden novel historical in the 桃园三结义) was an oath the The Oath of Peach Garden ( u, and Zhang Romance of the Three Kingdoms, by which the three warriors Liu Bei, Guan Y Fei became sworn brothers in a ceremony amid peach blossom trees. The original goal of the Peach Garden Oath was to protect the Han Dynasty from the Yellow Turbans. This act bound a to as and is often alluded the key men of future Shu-Han Kingdom of China the three happened, an event records suggest such of symbol fraternal loyalty. Nothing in historical though the three were noted to be close, to the point of sharing the same bed. Three the of Romance of it as appears in the Wikisource translation The oath, Kingdoms/Chapter 1, was this: are surnames although the Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, saying When the names Liu Bei, different, yet we have come together as brothers. From this day forward, we shall join forces for a common purpose, and come to each other's aid in times of crisis. We shall avenge the nation from above, and pacify the citizenry from below. We seek not to be born on the same day, in the same month and in the same year. We merely hope to die on the same day, in the same month and in the same year. May the gods of heaven and earth attest to what is in our hearts. If we should ever do anything to betray our friendship, may the gods in heaven strike us dead. In many other translations, only the section dealing with dying on the selfsame day is present. However, the three brothers do not die on the same day: Guan Yu is executed by Sun Quan, Zhang Fei is assassinated by his own men whom he treated with cruelty, and Liu Bei the province of dies of illness after the disastrous attempts to avenge Guan Yu and reclaim


浅谈佛教对中国文学的影响 摘要:佛教,作为宗教的一种,源远流长,它自印度传入中国以来,并不是单一、孤立着发展的,而是与我们所特有的传统文化相互吸收、相互斗争。在这样的一个过程中,佛教也逐步成为了中国式的宗教,并且尽情地在中国的文学领域里绽放异彩.。佛教教义借助文学的形式得到广泛传播,在中国生了根,而中国文学也受其影响,并且这种影响是多方面的,从而呈现出了佛教融入文学之中的一种发展态势。 关键词:佛教;文学作品;文人思想 佛教思想在中国文学里面扮演着一个相当重要的角色。自东晋以后,佛经在中国的翻译得到了广泛的传播,从而使中国文学的内在思维和表现形式都受到了深远的影响。佛经中很多富有深刻智慧和人生哲理的故事也都大大地开阔了中国文人之士的眼界,使他们的思想境界得以提高。而与之相伴着的,则是文学体裁在某种程度上的进一步发展与创新,比如明清白话小说的形成。 在我国古代留下的许多与佛教有关的文学作品中,尤其被人们所熟悉的就是《西游记》。《西游记》是中国四大古典小说之一。它的结构宏阔精美,语言也诙谐幽默,充满了各种神奇丰富的想象,在中国小说史上可谓是独树一帜。《西游记》还蕴涵了丰富的宗教思想,它的故事情节、主要角色等都包含着大量的宗教信息,客观地反映了佛教与道教之间既合作交融又暗争正统的微妙关系.因而,从宗教发展和融合的角度研究《西游记》所包含的历史文化信息对于解读其现实价值具有重要意义 [1]。基于这一点,我们可以看到,佛教对文学作品在某种程度上的影响。从另一方面来说,佛家讲求的是因果报应以及六道轮回等思想,而这种思想也正是《西游记》的主旨之一,这是佛教对名著本身内在影响的又一体现。而具体说来,比如书中最主要的角色孙悟空,他本乃天地之生灵,却因大闹天宫而犯下弥天大错,被如来佛压在五指山下。本以为从此结下厄运,但之后又因护送师傅西天取经有功而最终修成正果;再比如唐僧,只因一次没有认真听取佛祖讲法而被罚轮回转世,但最后却也成了东土大唐的玄奘大师得以去西天求取真经。另外还有猪八戒、沙僧,他们的前世皆为天神,只因犯了天条而被罚下界,又因他们心中还是有善念的存在所以佛祖又给了他们一次机会让他们帮助唐僧西天取经。如此种种,即是佛教中所谓的种善因,得善果,种恶因,则得恶果。 不仅仅是《西游记》,再比如《红楼梦》最后人亡家败的结局,以空梦一场来譬喻人生一世;《三国演义》开篇即以“滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄,是非成败转头空”为题词;元曲中的《西厢记》也更是以一场惊梦为终结,这些都是佛教中“人生无常”观念的体现。


中国文化博大精深,处处都有值得人去思考的地方,如果说中国文化是太平洋的话,那么余秋雨就是一个航海家,而我也勉强算得上是他的小追随者。 一路上,余秋雨引领着我去踏遍祖国的大江南北,领略着大自然的美好风光,深思着中国文化的发展。他的探索之旅不像陈景润那样在字母的世界中遨游,可以说是飞翔,从山脚飞向山顶,从江南飞向那更远的地方。 第一站,我们来到了道士塔。青砖黄泥,这再普通不过;细细探探,才知道它大有玄机,可是这也是一种耻辱。道士塔只是个普通的佛教地方,可当那王道士开掘了一门永久性学问的洞穴后,这儿再也不普通。王道士也成了达官贵人宠的“妃”,王道士的古文物,不,是正用在阿谀逢迎的官场的中国的古文物,它们的清白也渐渐被抹黑,更糟的是:外国友人的不客气,王道士的傻笑,中国古文物就此一车一车地安全运出国境,王道士与外国友人的寒暄,唉!伤心欲绝!经历如此难堪的旅途,思的多了,得的也多了。 再乘船去那个三峡吧,离开道士塔,去找李白和刘备罢了。也许三峡之流正是为了这两股主流而日夜不息地争流着。放眼现在,三峡大坝工程的逐步完工,中国人逐渐满足了自己对能源的需求,这无不是三峡的功劳。无论怎样,三峡蕴藏着无限的能源和智慧。 苦旅,也不算太苦,只是思想上受点儿跌宕而已。对文化的追思和探索是无休止的,那是因为人生也是个无休止的边界。就正如智者说“不在乎你拥有多少钱,就在乎你花了多少钱。”同样不在乎你有多聪明的头脑,就在乎了有多少有内涵的思想,好的思想多了,人就富了。 不管是春温秋肃,还是大喜大悲,最后都是要闭上眼睛,回归于历史的冷漠,理性的严峻罢了 “报纸上说我写书写得轻松潇洒,其实完全不是如此.那是一种很给自己过不去的劳累活,一提笔就感到年岁徒增,不 管是春温秋肃,还是大喜悦大悲愤,最后总得要闭一闭眼睛,平一平心跳,回归于历史的冷漠,理性的严峻。”这是余秋雨教授 在《文化苦旅》中的自序。 也难怪,看这本书要慢,要细,里面的思考,非常人所思,非常人所见。他笔下的《风雨天一阁》我记忆犹新,一个人, 不!一个家族背负着坚守一座藏书楼的命运,范钦让偌大的中国留下了一座藏书楼,保留到现在。别的藏书家有,藏书也有, 但没过几代,历史的风尘就将它们掩埋了。但是,范氏天一阁留下了,靠的是什么,是执着,坚定,还是如余秋雨说的“超越意气, 嗜好,才情,甚至时间的意志力。”这种意志力体现在哪儿?他曾毫不客气地顶撞过权势极盛的皇亲郭勋,为此遭廷杖,下监 狱,他似乎什么都毫不顾惜,在仕途上耿直不阿,最后连权奸严氏都奈何不了他。“一个成功的藏书家在人格上至少是一个强 健的人。”余秋雨在这里总结道。 看到这,反思一下,我们这些读书人,如果生在那个年代,身为一个藏书家,会像范钦一样吗?我想不会,范钦身上


Unit 8 Chinese Literature Warm-up Activity Questions for discussion: 1)Look at the following pictures. They are all illustrations of the famous stories of the four great novels of Chinese literature. Do you know or can you tell any of these stories? a. Story 1: 颐和园长廊上的彩绘:桃园三结义 2008-04拍摄,绘画年代大约于19世纪末 Oath of the Peach Garden The Oath of the Peach Garden (桃园三结义) was an oath in the historical novel

Romance of the Three Kingdoms, by which the three warriors Liu Bei, Guan Y u, and Zhang Fei became sworn brothers in a ceremony amid peach blossom trees. The original goal of the Peach Garden Oath was to protect the Han Dynasty from the Yellow Turbans. This act bound the three key men of the future Shu-Han Kingdom of China and is often alluded to as a symbol of fraternal loyalty. Nothing in historical records suggest such an event happened, though the three were noted to be close, to the point of sharing the same bed. The oath, as it appears in the Wikisource translation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms/Chapter 1, was this: When saying the names Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, although the surnames are different, yet we have come together as brothers. From this day forward, we shall join forces for a common purpose, and come to each other's aid in times of crisis. We shall avenge the nation from above, and pacify the citizenry from below. We seek not to be born on the same day, in the same month and in the same year. We merely hope to die on the same day, in the same month and in the same year. May the gods of heaven and earth attest to what is in our hearts. If we should ever do anything to betray our friendship, may the gods in heaven strike us dead. In many other translations, only the section dealing with "dying on the selfsame day" is present. However, the three brothers do not die on the same day: Guan Yu is executed by Sun Quan, Zhang Fei is assassinated by his own men whom he treated with cruelty, and Liu Bei dies of illness after the disastrous attempts to avenge Guan Yu and reclaim the province of Jing. The oath inspired the present day secret societies in Chinese communities, such as the Triad, to use a similar ritual when swearing in new members. "Though not born on the same day of the same month in the same year, we hope to die so" — the phrase the three brothers made during the oath —had also become popular among the present day secret society members. (392 words) (https://www.doczj.com/doc/1217831174.html,/wiki/Oath_of_the_Peach_Garden) Story 2: 颐和园长廊彩绘中的徐庶荐诸葛(三顾茅庐)故事 2008-04拍摄,绘画年代大约于19世纪末


浅谈中国佛教发展及其影响 姓名 学号 学院电气与自动化工程学院 专业自动化 电话

浅谈中国佛教的发展及其影响 【文摘】佛教自古印度传入中国以来,在吸收域外文化的同时,通过与中国传统文化的充分结合和发展,逐渐成为具有民族特色的中国佛教文化,同时有深刻的影响着中国的发展和人民的日常生活。中国佛教经过曲折的发展,最终成为我国文化不可或缺的一部分。 【关键词】中国佛教佛教发展佛教文化儒佛道关系 佛语曰:“一花一世界,一叶一菩提。”佛教文化对我们的生活和思想有着深刻的影响。佛教是世界三大宗教之一,它起源于古印度,但却在中国得到了发展,从而兴盛起来,影响了很多人。佛教文化听起来很高雅,但其实它渗透于我们生活的各个方面。佛教在经过了一个不断中国化的过程后,在中国社会历史条件的影响和制约下,在同传统思想文化的相互冲突与相互交融中,佛教逐渐发展成为中国的民族宗教,形成了富有特色的中国佛教文化。中国佛教文化作为传统文化的重要组成部分,千百年来对中国社会的政治、经济、道德、宗教、哲学乃至科学、文学和艺术以及各族人民的思想观念和社会生活都发生了极其广泛而深刻的影响。 佛教,现如今已成为中国的一种特色宗教,在我们的身边也经常可以接触到。但是关于佛教的争议也从未停止过。例如,北大高材生出家是好是坏,是否是对人才的一种浪费。又如一些出家人频频上镜是否符合佛家原则等等,都是人们讨论的热点话题。下面我将对佛教在中国的发展变化以及对中国以及后世的影响进行一些阐述。 佛教的发展历程 中国古代佛教历史从汉代开始到清代总共经历了一千多年的时间。但是佛教在这段时间的发展是可分为不同阶段的。 一、汉代时期,佛教初传,在相当长的一个时期内,它只是被当作黄老神仙方术的一种而在皇室及贵族上层中间流传,一般百姓很少接触,少量的佛寺主要是为了满足来华的西域僧人居住和过宗教生活的需要。到东汉末年,佛教开始在社会上有进一步的流传。随着西域来华僧人的增多,译经事业日趋兴盛,大小乘佛教都于此时传到中国。东汉时的佛事活动以译经为主,而在汉代佛经的翻译中,佛教对中国思想文化的迎合特别表现在对儒、道思想观念和名词术语的借用上,儒学化和老庄化的倾向十分明显,这直接影响到了百姓对佛教的理解和接受度。汉代译出的佛经还在许多方面为适应以儒家名教为主要代表的中国传统伦理道德观念而做出了调整。汉代译经出现的迎合中国儒家伦理的倾向在以后的译经中有更进一步的发展,乃至在唐代出现了中国人编的《父母恩重经》等专讲孝道的佛经,特别迎合了中国人重视家庭伦理的生活习俗要求。 二、三国时期,佛教徒提出了儒佛道三教一致论,这在成书于汉末或三国时的牟子《理惑论》中就有清楚的记载。自此以后,这种观点一直在中国佛教的发展中占有重要的地位,为佛教在中土的发展开拓着道路,并为中国佛教的发展创造了良好的氛围。 三、由于佛教毕竟是外来宗教,在与儒、道相调和的同时,佛教与儒、道的冲突和争论也一直没有间断过。早在初传之时,佛教就遭到了儒家的批评与反对。魏晋南北朝时期,随着佛教的广泛传播和势力日盛,儒家更从社会经济、王道政治、伦理纲常等多方面来排斥佛教。在理论上,儒家则展开了对佛教神不灭论与因果报应论的批判。面对儒家的种种攻击,

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