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Personal Statement


Iam writing to apply into theprogram of Comparative Literature at your prestigious university, believing that the study at University College London(UCL)would not only furnish me with world class know-how and practical ability, but broad my vision by experiencing a wealth ofdifferent culture and history.Moreover, I am fully convinced that the profound literary deposits and resourceful cultural heritage in UK would well prepare me to be anexcellent college professor or professional in culturalresearch and dissemination, which is also the career objective of my whole life.

Since I was young, I was obsessed with diverse vivid characters in Chinese masterpieces like Journey to the West, Romance of Three Kingdoms, and All Men are Brothers, etc. I spared most of my time in reading varied genres of fictions, novels, lyrics and history documentaries. The more books I read, the more fascinated I was by Chinese culture and literature. Sharing such cultural treasure with the outside world burgeoned in my mind since then. As time passed by, to be a cultural disseminator was haunting me again and again, which turned out to be more and more clear and tempting. In the last year of my high school, I chose teaching Chinese as foreign language (TCFL) as my college major and I succeeded in entering XX University, one of the top 10 universities in China. By virtue of my abundant previous extracurricular reading and diligent work, I achieved a GPA of 3.95 out of 4, ranking top in my class. Being cultivated by such a group of erudite professionals for four years, I was fostered to be proficient in both Chinese and foreign languages and literatures, learningfundamental cultural differences and the features of intercultural exchanges.

However, the more I learnt, the more pressing I felt to continue my study, for I realized that understandingonly the literature and culture of my nation cannot necessarily make Chinese literature and culture well understood, and there are occasions when I read foreign works I could not grab the essence of some phrases and idioms. I realized that language and literature might only be the carrier of a culture. The exchange of two different languages is in fact the exchange of two different literatures and cultures. In order to broaden my thinkings, I took the course of comparative literature and got the score of 87. During the whole semester, I have completed two projects: the comparison of girl’s image in Border Town by ShenTs'ung-wen and The Izu Dancer by Kawabata Yasunari, and comparison of tragedy in Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Harker and Rickshaw Boy by Shu Ch'ing-ch'un. I started each project with quantity reading of the author’s works, background, and even his cultural intendancy and religious beliefs. For instance, in the first project, the author Kawabata Yasunariwas deeply influenced by Japan Buddhism, while Japan Buddhism was introduced from China and developed differently. By participating in these two projects, I realized that in comparative literature studies, the valuable part lies in exploring the underlying culture, regime, value, religion, etc from the works. At the same time, a strong inductive and analytical ability to perceive the essence is equally necessary for comparative literature.

Fortunately, the learning of this course gave me useful inspirations for my further study. I

determined to pursue comparative literature so as to fulfill my future career objective. In terms of my understanding, comparative literature is an interdisciplinary subject in which researchers study the relationship between races, countries, literatures as well as other forms of art and ideologies by the method of comparison. The study of this discipline can be viewed as the research of diversified development features of different countries, regions and literatures as well as the exploration of inherent law of literature development and even human cultures. It is a feasible way for me to look into different cultural phenomena. Based on the literary works, comparative literature explores the history, presence and possibility of how people in various fields or cultures interact with each other, its inclusiveness determines that it can facilitate the communication of different culture, avoid conflicts deprived from cultural difference. In addition, the cross-national feature of comparative literature would expand my horizon to evaluate a culture, to acquire in-depth understanding of core cultural values so as to ensure the accuracy of cultural transmission. The openness of comparative literature would urge me to absorb the essence of other cultures while promote Chinese culture so as to achieve common cultural prosperity, which is in parallel with my future career objective.

Moreover, for a student who has strong passion for comparative literature, the United Kingdom is a holy land with special meaning, just like Mecca to Moslem and Jerusalem to Christian. As is known, China has a history of over 5,000 years,in contrast, UK has the longest literature history in west countries, which can be traced back to the medieval age. During its literature history, numerouswell-accomplished figures, like William Shakespeare, the romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in Renaissance, etc.produced great masterpiecesand greatlyprospered the improvement of world literatures and cultures. Many Chinese literary scholars like Ch'ien Chung-shu and Wu Mi also studied in the UK in pursuit of British literary and cultural heritage.

University College London, along with Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College and London School of Economics, are listed among G5 super elite universities and UCL is also one of the Golden Triangle universities. With its rapid development of scientific research, UCL scales up to top 10 universities around the world. As a student who is in fond of literature and culture, I’m convinced that the abundant literary a nd cultural heritage in the UK, the rich resources and distinguished teaching and research skills of UCL would enable me to fulfill my dream in my future endeavors. The Master Program of Comparative Literature at UCL is the next major chapter in the purposeful and explorative life I envision.


PS的写作应该是英国留学申请当中技术含量较高的一环,要到位地描述自己是一件很难的事情。 这套简易的教程主要是希望帮助到达家写好自我陈述,请仔细阅读,并按照这个步骤进行,你将能轻松度过这个写作关。 在进行PS写作之前,我们希望大家对专业及学校已经有了清晰的认识和明确的定位。 总体而言,英国的留学文书是非常具有针对性的,所以如果你决定转专业的话还需要重新再写PS。 以下的教程紧紧是一个指导和参考,同学们不要太死板地一步步套用,你可能有比任何教程都要到位的办法去自我营销,你可以有自己的行文结构以及自己的语言风格去表达自己,这一点当然童鞋们自己是比任何人都清楚的。 一、英国留学PS(personal statement)的主旨 很多英国大学无需面试申请人,所以他们唯一认识你的地方就是UCAS form(英国大学网上申请表格)。大部分表格涵盖了你的个人信息,包括大学感兴趣的你的学术/语言成绩、推荐信以及PS(留学个人陈述)。 PS(留学个人陈述)是这些材料当中唯一一个由你来控制的,所以这个是你给大学招生办留下一个良好印象的机会,这个印象是用分数无法反映出来的。尤其是当你申请的学校竞争特别激烈,所有的申请者都有很好的成绩的时候,PS就是唯一一种能凸显你的与众不同的材料,所以同志们,一定要尽可能地把PS 做到尽善尽美。 大学招生办和课程老师在看你的PS的时候,他们通常会问以下两个问题: 1、我们是否想要这个学生来学习这门课程? 2、我们是否想要这个学生来我们的学校学习? 这两个问题可以分解为以下几个小问题来解答: 1)这个学生是否适合他/她所申请的课程? 2)这个学生是否具备他/她所申请的课程需要的素质? 3)这个学生是否有足够的毅力、勤奋的品格以及不会轻易辍学? 4)这个学生是否会全力以赴地达到这门课程所要求的各项能力? 5)这个学生是否能在高压底下工作? 6)这个学生是否能很快得调整好自己融入到大学的新环境? 7)他们的交际能力如何?


英国留学申请书全英文范文 导读:本文英国留学申请书全英文范文,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 英国是世界上第一个工业化国家,首先完成工业革命,是西方国家中的老牌强国。英国资本高度发达,人民所得高,生活环境好,社 会福利好,教育制度优,是许多人留学移民的目标国家。2016 年 1 月20 日,全球最佳国家排名出炉,英国排名第3,可见英国在世界的影响力之大。今天为大家带来了英国留学申请的一则范文。 I have a few strong passions in life; Indie music, Chelsea FC and literature. Since there are no university courses for the former two my decision concerning what to study at university is a simple one. ' The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones mad to live' was once said by Jack Kerouac in his work On The Road; the opportunity to experience living while studying amongst s ome of the finest literary minds in the country is overwhelmingly exciting for me. Ifeel that for too long I have been confined to my suburban prison where my talent for English Literature is being wasted amongst the desolate, uninspiring confines of Mid Bedfordshire. Moreover, sidestepping the risk of sounding arrogant, I have been told I possess a flair for the subject and my grades would certainly


2021年英国留学申请材料及流程 准备申请2021年去英国留学的同学在哪里?你们对申请流程熟悉吗?今天我为你们奉上2021年入学的英国留学申请材料及流程,希望对大家有帮助。 一、材料准备 以下便是英国留学申请所需具备的材料,记住都要附有公章盖印 1.学校申请费(部分学校要求) 2.毕业证书,学位证书公证书或中英文对照的学校证明 3.大四在读学生提供在读证明公证书或中英文对照的学校证明 4.学业成绩单公证书或中英文对照的学校成绩证明 5.两封推荐信 6.推荐人信息(包括推荐人姓名,职务,职称,联系方式,与被推荐人关系) 7.个人陈述 包括个人学习计划,学习目的,未来发展计划、包括个人简历、包括个人综合素质优势,包括个人学业表现(是否获得过奖学金等)、包括个人社会活动经验(针对在校学生)、包括个人工作经历 二、学校申请 1.学校申请 2020 年 8 月开始 选学校 & 专业 >> 准备申请资料 >> 将准备好的资料扫描并分类 注意:网申需要用电子版材料,所以准备好纸质材料后要扫码成电子版

一般 9-10 月所有大学的申请通道都打开了,有些 7-8 月都已经开通了申请通道,所以要时刻关注学校动态并第一时间上传申请材料 2.等待学校结果 2020 年 9-11 月 耐心等待 4-8 周时间 >> 按照学校要求提交补充材料(如果有) >> 雅思准备 >> 努力提升或保持均分(在读学生) 3.接受录取 12 月 or 学校截止日期之前 在截止日期之前,确认好是否接受,不接受则视为放弃该学校;>> 如果接受,一般会要求支付学校要求的押金,也就是我们通常说的留位费。 4.雅思考试 2020 年 9 月 - 次年 3 月 读语言班:一般是在三月份开始,必须要有雅思成绩才能申请。如果预感自己考不到学校要求,可以在三月份的时候考,然后用合格的雅思成绩和有条件 offer 去申请语言班。 不读语言班:如果笃定不读语言班的话,那雅思成绩还可以再往后缓一缓。 5.担保金准备 2021 年 6 月上 在个人账户下存入担保金 >> 存满 28 天后,由银行出具存款证 明 >> 将存单及存款证明扫描 6.雅思达标 2021 年 7 月上 提供 UKVI 的雅思成绩单扫描件 >> 提供护照扫描件


PERSONAL DETAILS (please complete in black ink) 1.Surname/Family Name (Block Capitals) 2.First Names (Block Capitals) 3.Title (Mr/Mrs etc.) Day Month Year Male Female 6. Nationality 7. Country of Ordinary Residence 4.Date of Birth 5. Sex (√ ) 8.Home address 9. Correspondence Address (if different) Postcode Postcode Tel.Fax Tel.Fax E-mail E-mail Dates when Address is Valid FOR OFFICE USE. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE GRADUATE ADVISER/DEPARTMENTAL ADMISSIONS TUTOR ACCEPT REJECT WITHDRAWN Signature Date If “REJECT”, CAO to send a standard letter?YES NO If “ACCEPT”, please complete appropriate boxes below: 1.Qual. (MA, Diploma etc.) 2. Programme Title/Research Field of Study 3. Method of Study (√ ) FT PT Modular PT 4. Start Date 5. Research Acad/Cal Yrs Months (if not Sept.) Duration 6. First Research Supervisor 7. Second or Off-Campus Research Supervisor 8. Minimum Qualifications Required. 9. Other details/condititions for offer letter (eg. studentship or scholarship allocated/nominated for. If qualifying examination is to be set provide details here). 10. In section 15, overleaf, please tick which qualifications should be verified by the Registrar’s Division. WHEN COMPLETED, PLEASE RETURN TO THE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS OFFICE, REGISTRAR’S DIVISION. PROGRAMME OF STUDY FOR WHICH YOU WISH TO APPLY 10.UCLDepartment/Institute 11.Qualification Sought (MPhil/PhD, MSc etc.)12.Research Subject Area/Taught Programme Title 13.Method of Study (√ ) Full-time Part-time (where available) 14. Proposed Starting Date Month Year Taught programmes usually start in September or early October. Research students may begin in September, January,April or July. If there is an alternative programme for which you also wish to be considered, send a photocopy of your application and all supporting papers (except those in sealed envelopes) substituting the alternative details in this section.


申请英国大学事件管理专业PS范文赏析 赴英国留学的学生在准备申请材料的时候,PS的写作至关重要。如何写出吸引眼球,近乎完美的个人陈述直接影响着申请学校成功与否。以下是索引教育——留英直通车针对英国大学专业之事件管理专业所推荐的PS范文,希望对此专业有意向的学生可以借鉴。 Event Management Personal Statement Huge public events always fascinate me. I admire the people who have the opportunity to live a life with diversity and excitement. This is why I want to become a part of this business through studying Event Management at the University of East London. It is my ambition to learn about the complete process and everything necessary to work in Event Management. I am especially interested in the necessary financial aspects, how to plan a variety of events and all the layers that needs to be managed during these events. While I was educating myself about the degree programme at this University, I realized that this is what I want to master. In addition to learning about Event Management, I want to seize the chance to study in English. I think this is a very important part of my education in order for me to be successful in this type of business. It will help me to obtain work at an international company and this is what I have set myself as a goal.However, I do not plan to wait until I have completed my education to utilize what I am learning. I am planning to start immediately applying what I am studying to an internship in order to combine practical and theory. It is important for me to show future employers that I am able to easily translate theory into practical work. Therefore, I decided to apply at the University of East London because offering a part-time study makes it possible to combine both and that fits perfectly my interests. I understand to pursue this desire means I will have to give up my life in Germany and start over in a new country. I am willing to accept this


https://www.doczj.com/doc/131396147.html, 英国留学申请材料中的申请文书部分包括个人陈述(PS)、推荐信、简历,从这两年的申请情况来看,申请的文字材料极大影响留学申请人能否得到一个大学offer。 什么是个人陈述? 立思辰留学360介绍说,个人陈述(Personal Statement,简称PS)是申请英国大学时,由申请人写的一篇关于自我介绍的漫谈体文章,是申请英国大学本科课程和硕士课程必要且极其重要的申请材料之一,主要用于描述申请者的个人背景、申请目的、研究方向等信息,是申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的。 互联网留学360介绍,英国大学录取学生和发放奖学金,都是通过全面、综合考察申请人的条件来决定。一篇成功的个人陈述不但应该语言流畅、逻辑严谨、层次分明,更要充分显示申请人的才华,并抓住审阅人的注意力。 英国大学审核个人陈述时,通常会问以下问题: 我们是否想要这个学生来学习这门课程? 我们是否想要这个学生来我们的学校学习? 个人陈述应当包含以下内容: ◆为什么要申请这个课程? ◆对申请学校和专业是否了解? ◆是否有独特的人生经历? ◆为什么对这个专业有兴趣? ◆有哪些社会实践? ◆最终的事业目标是什么? ◆是否具备杰出的品格,比如诚实、可靠、善良、刻苦等等,能否提供真凭实据来加以证明?是否具备值得一提的很好的、特别的工作习惯和态度,以及禀性上的优势。 ◆具备什么样的特殊才能,如分析能力、领导才能和交流才能?为什么比别的申请者更具有在事业上成功的把握? 个人陈述的写作原则是什么? 在阅读完范文之后,可能申请者容易被别人的描述带走,那么,如何确立申请者自己的主旨呢? 这里给大家罗列一些要点供申请者参考:


华威大学本科预科 大家都知道,高中出国读英国大学读预科,英国有个著名大学:华威大学,综合排名一直在前10名,商学院也是英国10大商学院之一。预科也是口碑不错。 一、华威大学本科预科:HEFP (Higher Education Foundation Programme) 华威大学预科课程是华威大学设计和授权,由Warwickshire College和Strafford College(沃里克大学和斯特学院)两个学院负责。其中商科和社会科学专业在Strafford College授课,其余的法律、生化和工程科学在Warwickshire College授课。华威大学HEFP预科课程是英国最早开设的预科之一,有着非常高的知名度。 25年的国际学生教学经验 100%升入英国大学的记录 50%的2010年的学生进入英国前10名大学 二、华威大学的预科历史。 英国大学开展预科教育时间并不长,只有20多年的历史。华威大学开始预科有25年的历史,确实是比较早的,通过官方网站介绍,英国的索尔福德大学自称是英国第一个开设本科预科的学校,但做的最成功的应该是:华威大学、伦敦亚非学院,巴斯大学。 在2000年之前,著名大学开办预科的学校并不多,因为招生无法保障,学校没有额外的教育经费,预科的开展都小心翼翼的。伦敦大学亚非学院是唯一开展最成功的大学,因为是亚非学院,学校的专业都是侧重亚非类研究,本国学生选择少,倒是和亚非拉学生接触的多,正好专业对口,由于输送高质量的学生,而被伦敦大学系统广泛接受,曾经有1年7个进入伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)一下子火起来。曾被称为英国第一预科,就是今天这个成就也无人能超过。 伦敦亚非学院在中国 一直是不定期的招生和考试,很多高中学生并不能直接获得学校的信息和介绍。巴斯大学预科自己也非常清高,一直要求通过UCAS申请,门槛雅思6分,标准很高,虽然预科不错,可是在中国的推广力度不大。完全是靠学生自己选择。2010 年巴斯大学扩大了预科规模,针对中国学生也可以直接申请,不需要UCAS。 华威学校教育质量很好,学生质量也不错,基本没有负面新闻,都能去比较理想的大学。多年的推广,让华威在世界各地知名度一直很高。 三、华威的优势 华威知名度还在,吸引优秀学生去的质量很高,6.5分以上的学生比比皆是。 华威大学控制自己的国际学生比例,本校招生数量不大,录取难度很高。 如果华威不能进去,只能选择其他认可的学校 如果认可的学校录取标准很高,可能会去不理想的学校。 华威预科学习如地狱磨练,压力非常大。不适合普通学生。 那么我们的建议是: 如果你是雅思6.5分以上,本人十分优秀,非常渴望进入华威大学,那么你可以考虑读这个预科,毕竟每年有25%的机会进入华威大学,商学院有10%的机会。华威商学院是不招收外面预科学生的。 如果你想进入曼大,这个可以考虑,因为曼大比较喜欢华威预科的学生,有着传统的招生照顾。当然你的成绩也必须达到曼大的标准。(曼大的对华威的标准算是低的)。 如果预科不能毕业是非常糟糕的,如果你个人能力一般,就不要去挑战那些高排名的预科,每个成绩都是需要你付出艰辛努力的。或许在一个排名普通的大学你活的更健康。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/131396147.html, 近年来,去英国留学的人越来越多。立思辰留学360表示,英国教育制度历经数百年的发展,以高水准的教学质量而名扬四海。且英国作为现代大学的发源地,世界最古老大学坐落的地方,素以高水平的教育和严谨的学风为特色。 立思辰留学360介绍,英国留学申请会计与金融专业PS范文:Accounting & Finance personal statement会计与金融专业个人陈述。 Since studying Business at GCSE level and Economics at AS level, I have developed an interest in the role of finance within businesses. Alongside my studies at school, I have also taken inspiration from my involvement in my father‘s part-time business. I have helped deal with some financial aspects of this business, including banking and completing annual accounts, from which I have developed several skills in working with figures and the ability to accurately handle, organise and analyse information. From this experience, I am intrigued to learn more about finance and accounting. Currently, I am studying A levels in Psychology, Geography and English Literature. I chose not to continue Economics to A2 level as the specific aspects of my other courses were much more relevant to my personal interests. Each of these subjects has given me valuable knowledge and understanding which I can apply to many other general areas. Studying Psychology has given me an insight into behaviours and attitudes in everyday involvement with people, both relatives and friends as well as within society in general. The human aspects of my Geography course have provided me with the ability to better understand important issues on a global scale. In studying literature I have learnt to communicate ideas more clearly and confidently, both in speech and in writing.


在出国留学时,国外的院校一般会采取根据申请者属意的学校和专业提问题的方式,并且给申请者布置自述作文来进行自我介绍的作业,这种考核的形式被称为Personal Statement,又称为Statement of Purpose或Study Plan,简称PS。说到这里PS的重要性已经不言而喻了,它就像进入大学的敲门砖,以下是优越论文网老师对写作PS的建议。 首先是PS的深入介绍。 留学文书包括许多,其中自述是最重要的,也是最难准备的一部分。PS是海外的大学用于了解申请者的个人背景、学习目标、兴趣特长和工作社会经历等信息的重要依据,而国外大学对于申请者个人素质和语言表达能力十分看重,因此在没有面试机会的情况下,一份真实、个性化的作文能深深打动录取教授,能是申请者获益匪浅,成为有力竞争者。 其次是具体的写作。 什么样的内容能给读者留下深刻的印象呢?可以通过以下几个标准来判定: 1、新鲜。在众多的申请者中间,与同国人相竞争,除了向西方人展示中国的传统文化、风土人情、中国历史,还要显示出自己的个性,就是与众不同的方面。要做到这个除了对中国的悠久历史文明有比较清晰的了解外,还要学会自己观察和审视,同时要有深厚的英文表达功底,因为涉及独有文化一块一定要表达准确到位。 2、有思想和深度。与读的过程本质上就是读者通过文字和读者交流思想和感情的,所以一篇有思想有深度的文章能够让录取教授对作者的思想和情绪产生共鸣,引发联想并进而对申请者产生好感。 3、轻松。为什么要夸大轻松?因为许多的中国学生都喜欢写自己童年时的逆境,人生历经坎坷,类似的故事不要写得太多。申请者可以准备一些能够让读者放松下来阅读并从中享受申请者的情趣和思想的文章。 4、人文。人文二字并不是很高深,相反是很朴实的。凡是能触及人类本性和心灵层面的都可以归为人文,例如亲情、友情、爱情、责任、荣誉、责任、同情等。要记住,再严密的逻辑推理和再高深的科技,只能prove,但是人文的东西却能够Move大家。 以上所论述的问题,是优越论文网老师关于PS的建议整理,要写好一篇PS 看起来并不是很难,但是其重要性我们不能忽视,其中的奥妙还需要申请者在平时多加观察、多加发现、多加表达,将PS的写作模式摸清,就一定能成功。优越论文网是一家英国留学申请与论文作业辅导的正规机构,在过去的10年时间里,帮助了英国高校学生顺利申请了一大批英国名校,以及辅导留学生们完成了coursework, assignment, essay, assignment, research proposal, presentation等各种文书的辅导,得到成千上万的留学生的真正认可. 到2015为止,优越论文网实现了客服24小时在线一对一的客户沟通;我们拥有最专业的评估团队, 我们的turn-it-in系统检测帮助留学生朋友保证他们的论文原创性;同时, 我们还有着庞大的英国院校师资力量支持等优势.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/131396147.html,专业的在线论文写作平台 英国留学申请书范文 问:如何写好英国留学申请书?答:很多学生的个人陈述设计是非常失败的,他们的思路是典型的中国思维,在文书写作上往往是大而全,希望在申请文书中体现自身所有的内容。故此,无论是小时候的把一分钱交给警察叔叔的经历,还是大学抗洪救灾,都会一股脑的往上放,这使得文章整体的布局出现严重的思路不突出,内容不鲜明的特点。其实,申请人为什么不“换位思考”,看看录取委员会想要什么呢?如果自己是录取委员会的一员,期待着学生的文书是什么样子?到底是一个宽泛的自述,还是针对专业的一个有针对性的个人表达?其实,个人陈述就是一个围绕专业的表达,录取委员会感兴趣的就是和专业有关的内容,至于其他的内容并不是他们所关心的。一个学习计算机的学生,他的计算能力和编程经验,录取委员会会非常感兴趣,至于他参加抗洪救灾没有,除非是他参与了抗洪救灾的计算机程序设计,录取委员就不会太感冒了。故此,个人陈述的整体布局要以录取委员会的喜好作为基础,录取委员会希望看什么,就写什么,如果没有兴趣的,就不要花任何力气去写了,这一点来说非常重要。如何让使馆的工作人员看着舒服,不要花哨,但是要方便清晰,这个就是做材料。学校要求申请人提供文书材料,初衷还是想了解学生是什么样的人。尽管目前很多国内申请人为了上名校而一味地追求所谓的精英意识,在文书中夸大个人经历。但是对于绝大多数国外大学而言,学校最希望看到的还是学生能够通过4年的学习,成为一个真正的人,能够对社会有所贡献的人,而不是一群能够讲大话的毕业生。对于留学申请书而言,有几点是必须要写的,例如自我介绍,说明自己的在学情况;决定


Personal Statement By XXX Iam writing to apply into theprogram of Comparative Literature at your prestigious university, believing that the study at University College London(UCL)would not only furnish me with world class know-how and practical ability, but broad my vision by experiencing a wealth ofdifferent culture and history.Moreover, I am fully convinced that the profound literary deposits and resourceful cultural heritage in UK would well prepare me to be anexcellent college professor or professional in culturalresearch and dissemination, which is also the career objective of my whole life. Since I was young, I was obsessed with diverse vivid characters in Chinese masterpieces like Journey to the West, Romance of Three Kingdoms, and All Men are Brothers, etc. I spared most of my time in reading varied genres of fictions, novels, lyrics and history documentaries. The more books I read, the more fascinated I was by Chinese culture and literature. Sharing such cultural treasure with the outside world burgeoned in my mind since then. As time passed by, to be a cultural disseminator was haunting me again and again, which turned out to be more and more clear and tempting. In the last year of my high school, I chose teaching Chinese as foreign language (TCFL) as my college major and I succeeded in entering XX University, one of the top 10 universities in China. By virtue of my abundant previous extracurricular reading and diligent work, I achieved a GPA of 3.95 out of 4, ranking top in my class. Being cultivated by such a group of erudite professionals for four years, I was fostered to be proficient in both Chinese and foreign languages and literatures, learningfundamental cultural differences and the features of intercultural exchanges. However, the more I learnt, the more pressing I felt to continue my study, for I realized that understandingonly the literature and culture of my nation cannot necessarily make Chinese literature and culture well understood, and there are occasions when I read foreign works I could not grab the essence of some phrases and idioms. I realized that language and literature might only be the carrier of a culture. The exchange of two different languages is in fact the exchange of two different literatures and cultures. In order to broaden my thinkings, I took the course of comparative literature and got the score of 87. During the whole semester, I have completed two projects: the comparison of girl’s image in Border Town by ShenTs'ung-wen and The Izu Dancer by Kawabata Yasunari, and comparison of tragedy in Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Harker and Rickshaw Boy by Shu Ch'ing-ch'un. I started each project with quantity reading of the author’s works, background, and even his cultural intendancy and religious beliefs. For instance, in the first project, the author Kawabata Yasunariwas deeply influenced by Japan Buddhism, while Japan Buddhism was introduced from China and developed differently. By participating in these two projects, I realized that in comparative literature studies, the valuable part lies in exploring the underlying culture, regime, value, religion, etc from the works. At the same time, a strong inductive and analytical ability to perceive the essence is equally necessary for comparative literature. Fortunately, the learning of this course gave me useful inspirations for my further study. I


英国留学PS写作技巧 很多人提到留学PS时,都会甚是烦恼,因为可能第一次接触,很多细节方面没有做到位,而且不知道该写什么,那么如何又快又好的完成PS呢?跟着我来看看吧!欢迎阅读。 如何又快又好写好个人PS? 第一步:Reflection (反思) 所谓“反思”,就是要回顾自己的整个人生经历或者学习生涯,一般来说,PS只要写出自己大学阶段的经历就可以了,自己有哪些与众不同之处,找出自己身上的闪光点。我国的申请者大致都拥有相同的背景,都是大学毕业,希望到英国进一步深造。在PS里告诉对方毕业于中国的什么名牌大学,这多半是梦想。除个别院校由于招收的中国学生很多,对中国的大学有所了解以外,其他很多学校对国内大学的排行情况实在知之甚少。 很多申请者在谈到自己出国深造的动机时,常常会说“是为了获取更多的知识”。如果还有其它的内容,尽量不要这样讲。有的申请者说中国学生都喜欢出国,所以自己也要出国,也许这是一个事实,但是你没有展现出除此之外你还有哪些个人的理由。一个读MBA的同学在essay 中写到,他出去读书的目的是为了挣很多的钱。这种回答是不合适的,因为想挣很多钱是绝大多数人的共同愿望。你至少要说出“想挣很多钱”的理由或背景跟别人有什么不一样,都一样的东西你就不要再说了。 在一篇PS中,我们应该用心地追溯自己的个人历史,努力找出自己的闪光点。那么,如何才能找出自己身上的闪光点呢?写PS就某种意义而言类似于写新闻特写,在有限的篇幅内,通过精心的构思和生动的描述,使自己的形象栩栩如生、神采奕奕地跳将出来,从而在对方作为读者的教授们的脑海里,定格、扩大,等到评审委员会的成员集中在一起讨论诱人的奖学金“花落谁家”的时候,你才会作为他们心仪的“这一个”,成为offer得主。


英国留学申请文书 熟悉英国留学的同学都该知道,在申请英国大学的时候,学校都要求申请者提供申请文书。我们常说的申请文书包括:个人陈述、个人简历以及推荐信。那准备申请英国留学的同学如何写好这些文书呢? 一、个人陈述写作要点 个人陈述,简称PS,是西方国家的大学/研究生录取时由申请人写的关于自我的一篇漫谈体文章。学生在个人陈述中应注意的事项有: 1、文章不要太长,适合最好,一般在600-800之间 2、尽量不要以“I”开头展开句子描述;尽量用有趣的词组做开头和结尾 3尽量不要引用报纸杂志书籍上的名言警句,感觉像是表示你多么地饱读经书然后故意秀出来一样 4一定不要撒谎,要真实诚恳 5要尝试在ps里面故作滑稽开玩笑 6不要谈与你的申请无关的兴趣爱好 7不要用生僻词汇 8不要重复那些在大学申请表格上就有的内容 9不要提及任何政治立场 二、推荐信写作要点 1、推荐信,跟PS也有共同点,就是篇幅亦然不宜过长,一封成功的推荐信最好不超过1页。 2、推荐信目的要起到推荐的作用:推荐信是录取委员会除想借着推荐者的

文字描述了解申请人客观的背景状况的申请材料,所以目的需要集中在于有利于申请人申请的专业,如体现申请人数学能力,研究能力,分析能力,交流能力,团队合作精神等等。 3、推荐信的内容:推荐信的内容包括但不限于 1)申请人与推荐人的关系、认识时间 2)申请人的长处和不足 3)申请人的关键品质和独特个性,如智力、创造力、自信心、人格魅力及在其所属群体中的突出程度 4、关于推荐人的选择:到底选择什么样的人写推荐信最合适呢?首先,避免亲属或家庭成员。其次,推荐人的职位并不是越高越有利。最后,推荐人的选择应相辅相成,避免重复。 三、个人简历写作要点 一般来说,个人简历是个人经历的简单的描述,对学生的多往学历较为看重。 1、简历长度中2页是通常最长的篇幅。如果工作专业经验不多的话,1页会更有意义。 2、简历的目的是让对方清晰地了解申请者的全面情况,应力求在真实、全面、简明的基础上准确地反映自己受教育和从事专业工作的经历,特别是近年来的工作方向、研究兴趣及成果。 3、建立是一个人所经历过的各种活动、荣誉以及其他信息的列表。CV应该包括你的名字、联系信息、受教育的经历、技能以及工作经验。除了这些它还应该包括你的科研或者教学经历、论文以及专著的列表、曾经获得过的各种奖励和荣誉、曾经得到的专业证书、获得的专业协会资格、你的兴趣所在、未来的发


英国本科留学申请个人陈述优秀范文 在申请英国留学过程中,申请文书必不可少,且扮演者至关重要的作用,那么申请文书怎么写呢?应该有哪些要注意的呢,和我一起来看看英国本科留学申请个人陈述优秀范文。 Personal Statement My strong interest in the field of materials has accompanied me since I was a little girl, but I have been able to begin fully developing it as a result of the subtle influence on me exerted by my parents. Both of my parents are engineers in their factory. They enjoy their work in design with cloth materials and are happy to see that I am interested in materials, especially polymers. As the rudimentary teachers of mine, my parents made every effort to cultivate me to become an engineer of the highest quality and set up an excellent model for me. Such a wonderful environment for my growth inspired me a lot and enhanced my interest in this field. Thus, I chose materials and engineering without hesitation as my major during my undergraduate study in Beijing University of


英国本科预科四大院校推荐 语言不够怎么办?许多去英国留学的学生选择读一年预科,然后再升入本科,不失为一种好方法。今天,中青留学小编为大家四所英国名校的预科,供大家参考。 格拉斯哥大学 格拉斯哥大学始建于1451年,是英国第四古老的大学,同时也是最现代的大学之一,其学术活动至今有六百年的历史,在校生约20000人。 格拉斯哥国际学院有着一流的教学和科研水平,每科课程都经过格拉斯哥大学的严格审核,并且衔接格拉斯哥大学近280个专业,课程衔接性好,循序渐进,专业授课,特殊教师辅导;顺利完成预科后,可升读大学学位课程,无需重考雅思。学生享受世界一流的大学预科教育。在格拉斯哥大学校内上课,住宿,注册有学生卡享用大学一流的学习和生活资源。 注:因为苏格兰的本科是4年制,因此格拉斯哥大学预科毕业直接升读大二,时间上并不晚于英格兰地区3年制本科。 可衔接本科专业: 人文:经济学、商务经济与经济学及社会历史、商务经济与政治学、经济学与政治学、中东欧研究、经济学及社会历史与经济学、社会学、商务与管理等 工程:航天工程、土木工程、机械工程 生物:解剖学、生物化学、生物医学、生物工艺学、遗传学、免疫学、海水及淡水生物学、微生物学、药理学、生理学、生理学与运动科学 华威大学 华威大学位于英格兰中部考文垂市郊,于1965年获得皇家特许,名列英国十大著名学府之一。华威大学在各专业的研究和教学评估中名列前茅,其中有口皆碑的专业包括:商科、工程、经济学与计算机科学,尤其是商学院更是获得世界3大MBA协会认证,毕业生更是炙手可热。其他专业也受高度评价。华威大学的毕业生就职率也在英国大学中名列前茅。 华威大学的预科成立于1983年,经过20多年的发展,已经成为了英国预科教育的佼佼者。作为历史最长的大学预科课程之一,办学经验丰富,教学质量非常有保证,深受其他顶尖大学的认可。 华威大学毕业后的升学率可以达到100%,所有学生都可以升入自己理想的大学。即使进不去华威本校的,也可以进入英国比较好的其他大学。 入学要求: (1) 高三学生,且成绩优异 (2) 雅思5.5(写作5分)或者参加内部测试并达到学校要求。没有达到语言要求的学生可提前到英国学习学校安排的相应周数的语言课程 (3) 1年制,每年9月份开学 伦敦大学学院(UCL) 伦敦大学学院简称UCL,是英国精英G5大学之一,也是位列世界大学前20,伦敦大学学院UCL的预科开始的历史比较短,从2006年在中国招生以来,以英国前五名的大学,排名最高的综合大学开设预科而出名,在UCL之前最有名的是华威大学预科,现在UCL开始了本科预科的招生,但是无论从声誉还是入学要求,以及毕业考核,都堪称严格,尽显名校风范。 细分方向分为: UPCH 人文方向 雅思均分6,单科不低于6,高中平均分80%以上,需要面试、笔试。 UPCSE 科学和工程方向

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