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unit4Reading Communication: no problem?









步骤1:Lead in(8 minutes)

1.英文歌曲If you are happy

2.游戏Act and guess

The teacher invites four students to act some gesture by using body language.

Students guess what the body language means.

Be quiet! (请安静) I’m full! (我饱了)

Making a call. (打电话) Good luck! (祝你好运)

Goodbye! / See you! (再见) Stop! (停)

I’m thinking! (我在思考) You are great! (太棒了)

Come here! (到这里来) I’m tired! (我累了)


1.通过熟悉欢快的歌曲旋律,使课堂充满轻松愉悦的气氛,且Clap your hands ! Stamp your feet ! 与主题“Body language”密切相关。

2.游戏的方式极大地激发了学生参与课堂的热情,让学生了解“Body language”的传达信息的作用。

步骤2:Reading(30 minutes)

1.F ast reading(8 minutes)

Which is the main idea of the text?

A. There are different customs in different countries.

B. Foreigners should follow the customs of the country where they are visiting.

C. People use body language to send messages and different body language has different meanings.

D. The importance of knowing customs.

How many parts can this passage be divided into?

②复述情景Students retell the two cultural mistakes,attention to the sentence: “She stepped back, appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.”(The –ing form is used as Adverbial).

Presents some sentences with –ing form of verb as attribute or adverbial, e.g.

?They are visitors coming from several countries. (Paraphrase it by using attributive clause)

?Four people enter looking around in a curious way. (Divide it into two sentences) …

Students: Rewrite sentences.

Para3(3 minutes)

1. How do men from Muslim countries greet others?

To man: stand close, and shake hands

To women: nodding

2. How did Tony and Darlene greet each other?

They shook hands and kissed each other on each cheek, since that is the French custom when adults meet people they know.

Para4(3 minutes)fill in the chart.

Para5(2 minutes)

Which way of greeting is the best: kissing, smiling, handshaking or bowing?

These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

③判断正误(2 minutes)

1. English often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. (F)

2. All members of a culture behave in the same way. (F)

3. Learning English well can certainly help avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural crossroads. (T)

4. Japanese will bow to others as greeting. (T)

5. Body language in some countries is good while some in others is bad. (F)


(1) 学生分段朗读和听力训练:让学生分小组朗读课文段落,可以使学生都参与到课堂中,朗读之后,再来听课文录音,同学们可以模仿录音的语音语调,纠正他们的发音。

(2) 观看同学在录相中表演的两个cultural mistakes后,再重述情景,能锻炼他们的英语口头表达能力,同时讲解重要知识点,进一步领悟现在分词作状语和定语的用法。

(3) 通过细读的方式阅读课文,有利于学生理解文中具体细节。根据课文中每个段落的重要内容,设置难度适中的True or False 问题,让学生通过抢答的方式解决问题,能充分调动全体学生参与课堂教学的热情,要求学生做练习时找出其判断的依据,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。

步骤3:Discussion(5 minutes)


人教版高一英语教案 【篇一:人教版高一英语教案】 para. one: anne made her diary her best friend whom she could tell everything.para. tw anne’s diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had to hide away for a long time. para. three: having been kept indoors for so long, anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature. step 3 language points1. add (to) v. 1) to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, or importance; 2) to join (numbers or amounts ) so as to find the total.eg: the fire is going out; will you add some wood?the snowstorm added to our difficulties. add up these figures for me, please.2. ignore v. to take no notice of; refuse to pay attention toeg: his letters were ignored.even the best of men ignored that simple rule.my advice was completely ignored.3. concern v. 使担心;使不安 (+about/for); 涉及,关系到;影响到eg: the boys poor health concerned his parents.he is concerned for her safety.the news concerns your brother.he was very concerned about her. 4. loose adj. not firmly or tightly fixed. she wore loose garments in the summer.i have got a loose tooth. some loose pages fell out of the book.5. purpose n. [c] an intention or plan; a person’s reason for an action. what is the purpose of his visit?the purpose of a trap is to catch and hold animals. did you come to london to see your family, or for business purpose?6. series n. (of) a group of things of the same kind or related in some way, coming one after another or in order.then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.this publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks. they carried out a series of experiments to test the new drug.7. cheat. 1) v. to behave in a dishonest way in order to win an advantage;2) n. a person who cheats; dishonest personsthey cheated the old woman of her house and money.the salesman cheated me into buying a fake.he never cheated in exams. i see you drop that card, you cheat! i never thought that sam is a cheat.8. share 1) vt. vi. (in\with\ amount\between) to have, use or take part in something with others or among a group. 2) n. (in\of) the part belongs to, owed


UNIT 1 GOOD FRIENDS Period 1 Warming up, Listening and Speaking Teaching Aims 1.Train the students'listening ability. 2.Improve the students'speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion. Teaching Important Points 1.Train the students'listening ability. 2.Master the new phrases and sentence patterns and make the students be free to talk about their names, ages, hobbies and so on. Teaching Difficult Points 1.How to improve the students'listening ability. 2.How to finish the task of speaking. Teaching Procedure Step I Lead-in Ss listen to a song. Step II Warming up Learn the following words: quality n. brave adj. wise adj. smart adj. loyal adj. handsome adj. (pair work) Discuss the following questions: 1.What should a good friend be like? 2.What qualities should a good friend have? Helpful words: quality, brave, wise, smart, loyal, handsome, kind, happy, strong, beautiful, rich, funny, I ovely, tall, clever, … Useful sentence patterns: A good friend is …


高中英语语法“虚拟语气”的教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课是结合外研社版高中英语教材选修6中有关虚拟语气的语法内容,进行高三虚拟语气的复习,教学中将语法知识的传授和语言基本技能的学习结合到一起,注重复习语法与语言的运用。采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语言输入量及学生的语言输出量。 二、学情分析: 在高一和高二英语学习基础上,高三学生已经掌握基本的语言结构和一定程度的听说读写能力。在高三语法复习的过程中,结合学生原有的知识掌握水平,巩固基础强化正确使用语法知识,提高学生运用语言的深度和难度.但大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差,主动学习的动力不够,然而他们学习比较认真,渴求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师。只有设置使他们感兴趣的活动,因材施教,才能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 三、教学重点: 1.复习的重点---语法虚拟语气的句型结构. 2.语法虚拟语气的运用 四、教学难点: 1.结合复习的语法知识,以课堂教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,加强和提高运用英语的综合能力。 2.虚拟语气在真实的生活语境中的使用。 五、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 引导学生掌握情态动词在虚拟语气之中的使用。培养学生通读,分析,理解,综合的能力,教会学生体察语境,结合上下文,附和逻辑推理和合理的想象,结合语法和题干中的语境解决高考题。在运用语言过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力。 2.能力目标: 利用多媒体手段营造积极和谐教学氛围,使学生进入情景之中,充分调动学生的思维活动和情感体验,规范学生运用英语知识准确表达的能力,同时,发展学生综合语言运用的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力,培养学生自主学习。 3.德育目标: 用情态动词和虚拟语气的句子结构表达思想感情和正确的世界观、人生观。 六、教学策略:


Writing How to write an English diary Teaching aims: a) How to write an English diary. b) The form of English diaries. c) To improve the students’ writing ability. Important points: The skills of English writing. Difficult points: How to make every sentence appropriate and precise. Teaching procedure: Step I.Leading-in After exchanging greetings, talk about writing diaries and the advantages of writing in English.(As we know, most of the students, especially the girls, like writing diaries. But few of you write in English, which is a good way to improve your writing and speaking. So why not write English diaries? Today our topic is how to write English diaries.) Step II. Discussion First, give the students about three minutes to check their


Period 2 language points 重点单词突破 1.win v. 获胜赢 Who do you think will win the election? 你觉得谁会在竞选中获胜? win a battle/match 赢得战斗、比赛 win a prize 得奖 win through difficulties 克服困难 win sth from/of sb 从某人那里赢得某物 win sb sth 为某人赢得某物 辨析win beat defeat 三者都与“赢”有关,用法区别如下: (1)常指“赢得某物”它常跟的宾语有:game ,war,prize,fame等,表示“由于付出很大的努力或具备能力而获取”时,可与gain互换,如:gain/win people's approval(支持); gain/win the first prize 此外,win也可作不及物动词,其反义词为lose (2) beat 与defeat指“击败对手”,其宾语多为人或队伍。defeat比beat更正式。此外,beat还可指

“心脏跳动”“(连续地)打(某人或某物) I tried to beat/defeat him in the match. 即境活用 (1)The villagers were hostile(不友好的,敌对的)to us at first,but we __________their Friendship at last. A win B won C beaten D beat 答案:B (2) Their team was well_________and returned home early. A won B beating C beaten D winning 答案:C (3) Liu Xiang,the famous Chinese runner,________ all his opponents( 对手),_______ the 110m hurdles in the 28th Olympic Games. A winning; won B beating; winning C defeating;won D beating; won 答案:D


宾语从句和表语从句 1、掌握宾语从句的用法【重点难点】 2、掌握表语从句的用法【重点】 名词性从句包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句。(一)宾语从句 (1)宾语从句在句中作及物动词或介词的宾语。 ①We can learn what we did not know. 我们能够学习我们所未知的。 ②He was very pleased with what you had said at the meeting. 他对你会上所言十分满意。 如果主句的谓语动词是及物动词make, find, see, hear等,则把宾语从句置于宾语补足语之后,用it 作为形式宾语。 We find it necessary that we practise spoken-English every day. 我们发现每天练习英语口语是很必要的。 另外,某些带宾语的形容词,如sure, happy, glad, certain等之后也可带宾语从句。(注:有的语法学家认为是省略了形容词后的介词) 。 I am sure that he will succeed. 我相信他会成功的。 注意(1)关联词只能用whether 不能用if 表示“是否”的情况如下: A. 在表语从句和同位从句中。 ①The question is whether the film is worth seeing. 问题是这部电影是否值得一看。 ②The news whether our team has won the match is unknown. 我们队是否赢得比赛的消息还是未知的。 B. 在主语从句中,只有用it 作形式主语时,whether 和if都能引导主语从句,否则,也只能用whether。 ①Whether we shall attend the meeting hasn’t been decided yet.


A teaching design

T: do you want to know who my idol is? Ss:no T:have a guess .(then I will show them a picture of Jackie Chan’s profile ) Ss: he is Jackie chan. T: Ok, today, I will introduce my idol—Jackie Chan to all of you. First let us enjoy a video about Jackie Chan’s life. Then I will play a video about Jackie chan.

Step 2. Pre-reading (8 min) Task1. A small quiz (individual work,3 min) T: let’s check the following sentence using true or false .and I will pick up some students to say his or her answer and tell me why it is wrong or correct. Ss:ok. 1. Get Ss to know something about Jackie Chan. 2. Serve as a warm-up for the following tasks. Step 3 While-reading (22 min) Task 1. Skimming (group work, 15 min) T: do you want to know more about Jackie Chan? Ss:yes. T: ok.let we read an interview of Chan to know more about him. 1. Enable students to understand the given material


Unit 1 Festivals around the world I.单元教学目标 II.目标语言

1. 教材分析 本单元以节日为话题,介绍古今中外节日的种类、由来、意义以及人们的活动和习俗,旨在通过本单元的学习使学生不但了解我国的节日,而且对外国的节日也有所 了解,进而拓展社会文化背景、增加跨国文化知识;使学生复习和巩固运用请求和感

谢的表达法,掌握情态动词的用法;并尝试根据阅读的文章写一个不同的结局,能表达自己的观点和想法。 1.1 Warming Up 旨在通过表格引导学生讨论并列举出五个我国节日的日期、庆祝内容和民俗。可以刚刚过去的春节为话题导入对节日的讨论;使他们由自己的经历谈起,扩展到别的节日以及外国的重要节日,激发学生的兴趣,激活他们关于节日的背景知识,为本单元的学习做准备。 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading 的热身活动。主要通过两个问题引导学生思考并讨论自己最喜欢的节日及欢度方式,进而了解学生对节日的认识,以便为阅读作好铺垫。 1.3 Reading 的五篇小短文分别介绍古代节日、亡灵节、纪念名人的节日、丰收节、春天的节日等,使学生了解各种节日的由来及其存在的意义。此部分载有Festivals的重要信息,还呈现了大量的词汇和主要的语法---情态动词的用法。处理时应作为重点、整体处理,通过上下文来教词汇、语法,并引导学生分析长句、难句和复杂句。 1.4 Comprehending是考察对阅读内容的进一步理解。 练习一:六个问题让学生对文章内容有浅层理解并考察课文细节,但又不能仅仅拘泥于课文,要引导学生理解课文内容的基础上联系现实生活。 练习二:要求学生讨论哪些节日是最重要的,哪些是最有趣的,以表格的形式检查学生对所读节日的理解,并训练他们举一反三的归纳和推理能力。 练习三:要求学生找出各种节日共有的三件事,然后讨论为什么这些事对各地的人们都很重要。这就要求学生不仅要温习文章内容而且要结合实际,阐述自己的想法,挖掘学生的思维能力和语言表达能力。 1.5 Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分。其中Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元单词的英文释义练习和用文章中的词汇的适当形式填空;Discovering useful structures 是以文章内容为载体在语境中练习语法,掌握情态动词。由此可以看出本教材已明显地由结构为特征的传统语法训练转变到以交

高一英语上册 教学案全套 新人教版必修1

必修一 Unit 1 Friendship 单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点) Ⅰ.词语辨析(旨在提供完形填空所需材料)


Ⅲ.重点词汇(旨在提供综合运用所需材料) 1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的vt. (upset, upset) [典例] 1). Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit. 她一来把我们周末的安排给打乱了。 2). Don't upset yourself -- no harm has been done. 不要难过--并没有造成伤害。 3). He was horribly upset over her illness. 他为她的病而忧心忡忡。 4). The students really upset her. 学生们着实让她烦恼。 [重点用法] be ups et by… 被…… 打乱 upset oneself about sth 为某事烦恼 [练习] 用upset的适当形式填空 1). Is it ______ you, dear? 2). She felt rather ______ on hearing the news. 3). Is it an ______ message? 4). Don’t be ______. It will be OK. 答案: 1). upsetting 2). upset 3). upsetting 4).upset 2. concern v.担忧; 涉及; 关系到 n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系 [典例] 1). The news concerns your brother. 这消息与你兄弟有关。 2). The boy's poor health concerned his parents. 那男孩健康状况不佳,使他的父母亲忧虑。 3). That's no concern of mine. 那不关我的事。 [重点用法] as / so far as … be concerned 关于;至于;就……而言 be concerned about 关心 be concerned at / over sth. 为某事忧虑 be concerned in sth. 牵涉到,与……有关,参与 [练习] 用concern的适当形式填空 1). There is an article that _______ the rise of the prices. 2). The children are rather _____ about their mother’s health. 3). Officials should ______ themselves _______ public affairs.


高中英语语法专题复习教案大全(15个教案) 语法复习专题一——名词 一、考点聚焦 1.可数名词单、复数变化形式 (1)规则变化。 ①单数名词词尾直接加-s。如:boy —boys, pen —pens。 ②以s、x 、ch 、sh结尾的单词一般加-es。如:glass —glasses,box—boxes, watch —watches, brush —brushes。 特例:stomach —stomachs。 ③以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的变“y”为“i”再加“-es”。如: baby —babies, lady —ladies, fly —flies。 ④以“o”结尾的多数加-es。如:tomato —tomatoes, potato —potatoes, hero —heroes。但以两个元音字母结尾的名词和部分外来词中以o结尾的词只加-s。如:radio —radios, zoo —zoos, photo —photos, piano —pianos, kilo —kilos, tobacco —tobaccos。 ⑤以“f”或“fe”结尾的名词复数形式变“f”或“fe”为“v”,之后再加-es。如:wife —wives, life —lives, knife —knives, wolf—wolves, self —selves, leaf —leaves等。特例:handkerchief—handkerchiefs, roof —roofs, chief —chiefs, gulf —gulfs, belief —beliefs, cliff —cliffs。 ⑥改变元音字母的。如:man —men, mouse —mice, foot —feet, woman —women, tooth —teeth, goose —geese, ox —oxen。特例:child —children。 ⑦复合名词的复数形式。(A)在复合词中最后名词尾加-s。如:armchair —armchairs, bookcase —bookcases, bookstore —bookstores。(B)man和woman作定语修饰另一个名词时,前后两个名词都要变成复数。如:man doctor —men doctors, woman driver —women drivers。(C)与介词或副词一起构成的复合名词应在主体名词部分加-s。如:brother-in-law —brothers-in-law, passer-by —passers-by。 ⑧有的名词有两种复数形式。如:zero —zeros 、zeroes, deer — deers 、deer。penny的两种复数形式含义有所不同。如:pence(便士的钱数),pennies(便


U nit one Friendship Teaching aims: 1.能力目标: a.Listening: get information and views from the listening material; b.Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words. c.Reading: enable the Ss to get the main idea d.Writing: write some advice about making friend as an editor 2.知识目标: a.Talk about friends and friendship; how to make friends; how to maintain friendship https://www.doczj.com/doc/1417743130.html,e the following expressions: I think so. / I don’t think so. I agree. / I don’t agree. That’s correct. Of course not. Exactly. I’m afraid not. c. to enable the Ss to control direct speech and indirect speech d. vocabulary: upset , calm , concern , loose, Netherlands, German, series, outdoors, dusk, crazy , purpose , thunder , entire, entirely, power , curtain, dusty, partner, settle, suffer , highway, recover, pack, suitcase, overcoat, teenager, exactly, disagree, grateful, dislike, tip , swap , item add up \ calm down\ have got to \be concerned about \ walk the dog \ go through \ set down \a series of \ on purpose \ in order to \ at dusk \ face to face \ no longer\not …any longer\ suffer from\ get\be tired of \ pack sth. up \ get along with \ fall in love \ join in 3. 情感目标: a. To arose Ss’ interest in learning English; b. To encourage Ss to be active in the activities and make Ss to be confident; c. To develop the ability to cooperate with others. 4. 策略目标: a. To develop Ss’ cognitive strategy: taking notes while listening; b. To develop Ss’ communicative strategies. 5. 文化目标:to enable the Ss to get to know different opinions about making friends from different countries. Teaching steps: Period one Step1. Warming up 1. Ss listen to an English song AULD LANG SYNE. 2. Brainstorming: let Ss say some words about friendship – honest, friendly, brave, humorous, funny, wise, kind, open-minded, responsible, helpful….


高一英语教学设计 unit4Reading Communication: no problem? 新钢中学刘龙寿

3.使学生了解在各国相同身势语所表示的不同交际含义。增强对中外“身势语”差异的敏感性,培养世界意识;通过文化地域对比,加深对祖国相关知识的理解,增强对祖国热爱之情。 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点 1.训练学生的略读与扫读技巧是本课的重点。根据英语课程标准关于语言技能的教学建议,略读与扫读是阅读教学的基本技能之一,是学生必须掌握的。 2.提高学生把握文章篇章结构、把握文章细节和理解文章主题的能力,培养学生的阅读策略,使其形成快速获取信息的能力。 教学难点:怎样使学生理解不同国家的身势语,正确地使用身势语及比较各国身势语的不同是本课的难点。根据英语课程标准,文化意识是内容标准之一,要求学生掌握一些行为规范、风土人情等方面的知识,这有利于培养学生的世界意识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。 5.教学过程设计 步骤1:Lead in(8 minutes) 1.英文歌曲If you are happy 2.游戏Act and guess The teacher invites four students to act some gesture by using body language. Students guess what the body language means. Be quiet! (请安静) I’m full! (我饱了)

Making a call. (打电话) Good luck! (祝你好运) Goodbye! / See you! (再见) Stop! (停) I’m thinking! (我在思考) You are great! (太棒了) Come here! (到这里来) I’m tired! (我累了) 设计意图: 1.通过熟悉欢快的歌曲旋律,使课堂充满轻松愉悦的气氛,且Clap your hands ! Stamp your feet ! 与主题“Body language”密切相关。 2.游戏的方式极大地激发了学生参与课堂的热情,让学生了解“Body language”的传达信息的作用。 步骤2:Reading(30 minutes) 1.F ast reading(8 minutes) Which is the main idea of the text? A. There are different customs in different countries. B. Foreigners should follow the customs of the country where they are visiting. C. People use body language to send messages and different body language has different meanings. D. The importance of knowing customs. How many parts can this passage be divided into?


高一上学期英语教学计划 如何激发学生学习英语兴趣呢?高一教师快来制定教学计划吧!下面是 我收集整理关于的资料,希望大家喜欢。 一. 教材分析 教材是“课标”的具体表现,是学生学习的“蓝本”。现在使用的人教版英语教材每一个单元都围绕一个主要话题开展听说读写活动,共九个部分,即热身,阅读,理解,语言学习,语言运用,小结,学习建议和趣味阅读。语言知识和技能的呈现与训练,以及语法和句型等重点循序渐进,循环反复,符合学生的认知规律,有利于学生构建知识系统。新教材打破了传统的体系,用新的理念、新的方式、新的体系呈现出来。我们应当以积极的态度去学习新教材,研究新教材,理解新教材各个栏目的编写意图,最大限度地发挥各个栏目的作用。一方面我们要努力去理解新教材、适应新教材、用好新教材,一方面我们又要努力站在新教材之上使用新教材,要根据教学目标和学生实际对其进行大胆的取舍和重组,是教材为我所用,而不是被教材牵着鼻子走。 二. 教学目标 1、使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神; 2、做好初高中的教学衔接工作,让学生了解和适应高中的英语学习; 3、在培养学生的语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上发展学生综合运用语言的能力,培养学生在获取信息,处理信息,分析问题解决问题的能力,以及运用英语进行思维和表达的能

力。 4、优化学生的英语学习方法,使他们能通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。 三.学生现状分析 针对我所带的班级高一5,6班学生生员构成复杂,大部分来自农村,远到王坟,庙子,城区学生少,普遍英语底子差,基础薄,英语水平参差不齐,发音不标准的实际情况,打算在高一起始阶段的英语教学中,本着低起点,爬坡走,抓习惯的原则,长期不懈地抓好学生的学习英语的的兴趣和习惯养成。指导思想是坚持“狠抓双基,改进学法,激发兴趣,提高学习英语的能力”。 四. 工作措施 1、继军训后结合学生初中英语实际状况,用两个星期复习初中教材,为平稳向高中教材过度奠定基础,梳理初中知识,配发相应练习,通过习题讲练,激发学生对新知识的求知欲,顺利进入新教材的学习。 2. 为了使学生打牢基础不至于出现知识断层,本学期要有计划的把学生初中学过的但掌握不好的时态、句式、定语从句、状语从句、动词不定式以及部分掌握不好的词汇、短语、句型分插于新课教学中。 4、认真研究新课程标准,尤其与旧大纲不同的地方,清楚哪些内容是新增加的,哪些内容是已经删掉的,哪些内容初中已经学的。认真研究新教材,在集体备课的基础上认真备课、上课,认真进行自习辅导和批改作业。


高中英语语法课教学活动的设计 密云二中季李红 《英语课程标准》指出:英语语法是语言知识的重要组成部分,是发展语言技能的基础。语法教学是语言教学的重要内容之一。基于高中学生认知能力的发展,课标倡导语法教学应遵循的教学模式为:关注—归纳—操练—运用。相对传统的语法教学方式,学生不再是死记硬背语法规则,做大量的机械练习,而是积极参与课堂,通过观察、体验、实践、合作等方式学习语法,是课堂学习的主体。要实现学生角色的转变,培养学生的英语思维能力,教学活动的精心设计是高效课堂的重要保障。 笔者以课例研究的方式对语法教学进行了大量实践,认为语法课教学活动的设计应注意以下原则。 一、教学活动的设计与教学目标一致 教学活动的设计要与教学目标一致,为教学目标达成服务,因此每个教学活动要有明确的目的。以北师大版第五模块第13单元语法项目---情态动词表推测,第一课时的教学设计为例。笔者设计的教学目标 动学生的主动性,激发他们的思维活动;事实上,要学生关注目标语法结构前,教师应对语料进行必要的阅读理解处理,这有利于解决教学难点。此外,文中有18个含情态动词的句子;其中4个不是情态动词表推测的句子。若学生能将他们成功挑出,说明他们不但回顾了旧知识,理解了must, may, may not, might, can’t, could 表推测时,在上下文中表达的语气,而且更将注意力关注于目标语法。 本课的教学难点为:Use the proper forms of modal verbs to express guesses about what happened and what

学生通过以表达内容为依据继续对句子分类处理,既很好地理解了情态动词表推测的深层含义,同时又关注、归纳出了语法规则。 在归纳法语法教学模式中,学生首先接触的是包含语法规则的真实上下文情景,然后根据上下文的信息归纳出使用规则。这种教学法有助于培养学生的语感。通过分析归纳总结语言使用规律课深化学生对用法的理解,培养学生的逻辑思维能力。但教师必须提供充足的,以语境为依托的语料,教学活动的形式适合学生的认知水平,他们的观察、体验、探究、合作等主动学习行为才得以开展。 二、教学活动的设计是形式和意义的结合 高中阶段的语法教学,应从语言运用的角度出发,把语言的形式、意义和用法有机地结合起来。要引导学生在语境中了解和掌握语法的表意功能。例如:在强化巩固情态动词对发生了的事情表推测的句型时,笔者认为教材P13 Ex-8 的活动设计得很好,例如:A housewife is cheering. 针对这个情境,学生的语言产出为: 1)Her husband may be cooking. 2)She may have got a surprising gift. 3)Her husband may have been promoted. 4)She could be pregnant. 学生的表达多样,富于想象,不是对例句的机械模仿,他们在努力传达内心所想,这使得课堂气氛越来越活跃。 三、教学活动的设计具有层次性和梯度 变化是学习的调料,是教学的调节剂。由于学生水平的差异,课堂上活动任务应有一定的梯度,使各层次的学生都能学到东西。另外, 过于单一、没有挑战性的教学活动会使学生对语法教学产生厌倦情绪。 语法练习一般分为结构认知性练习、控制和指导性练习、交流性练习。教学过程中,教师的指令要简洁明确,做出清晰的示范,以保证练习效果。在本课例中,练习设计的层次和形式如表格所示: 忌含有分散学生注意力的动画和声效。 四、教学活动的设计保持话题一致性 运用得当的语法结构表达意思,离不开词汇的支持。为了实现语言的输入与输出的一致,教学活动的设计要保持话题的一致性。笔者认为话题应在贴近学生生活实际的前提下,尽量保持与单元话题一致。例如: 北师大版第二模块,第六单元—定语从句的教学设计。该单元话题为文学与艺术,如果要学生描写一位艺术家或作品,练习就不具有可操作性。因此,笔者设计了如下活动:


[标准高中英语教案]高中英语教案优秀教案 Unit3---A Master of Nonverbal Humour The Second Period Reading Teaching aims: 1.Enable students to learn what humor means and what is nonverbal humor. 2.To introduce the life and work of Charlie Chaplin. 3.To introduce the kind of humour we can all laugh at ---nonverbal humour 4.To train the students’ reading and understanding ability Difficult points: Find out the main ideas of every paragraph. Teaching aids: A recorder and a projector, multimedia Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Greetings and Revision Check homework: ask students to review what we learned in last period. Step 2. Pre-reading (通过展示几幅图片,使课堂气氛活跃了起 来,一下子调动了学生的积极性,然后顺势导入本课的主人公 ---Charlie Chaplin) Questions: 1.What do you know about Charlie Chaplin? 2.What do you know about his films? Step 3 Reading Task 1 :find out the main information about Charlie Chaplin


人教版高中英语必修三 unit 2 healthy eating教学设计 (一)教学内容分析 这是一篇介绍“饮食习惯”的文章,包括传统饮食习惯的改变日常饮食选择,旨在让学生明白健康的饮食习惯的养成是拥有健康体魄的前提。本篇文章生词量较大标题较抽象,各段主题句分布不太明显(大部分分布在段落中间)。且大部分学生对饮食与健康的关系(如人体每天必须摄入的六种基本营养成分的来源、健康饮食的重要性、什么是绿色食品等)了解较少。因此,本文的学习难度较大。 (二)教学目标 1. 语言知识目标: a)使学生了解protein, calcium等基本营养成分的来源和主要功能,健康的饮食习惯是健康的保证,以及素食主义等信息。 b)学习掌握有关营养成分与食物的词汇,如:protein、calcium 、carbohydrate 、fibre、mineral、 vitamin 、vegetarian & vegan、 green food and clean food 、eco-food and organic food等,以及 keep up with ,the same goes for?以及as 和only 引导的倒装句的用法。 2. 语言技能目标: a)使学生学会克服生词障碍,通过略读,寻找文章的主题句,理清文章的总体框架与脉络;通过查读,捕捉文章的重要细节,理解作者的写作意图。 b) 使学生学会运用各种猜词技巧,猜测部分生词在具体的语言环境的含义。 c) 使学生能够运用所学知识,用英语为自己所熟悉的一个人设计一份“healthy diet”,并阐明设计的依据。 3.情感态度与文化意识目标: a)使学生学会审视自己、审视食物,提高养成健康饮食习惯的意识。 b)使学生懂得:健康是做好一切事情的根本。要想有强健的体魄,除了合理安排好一天的生活以外,还需要有科学、卫生的饮食习惯,每天一定量的体育活动和体力劳动。青少年必须有健康的身体,长大以后才能成为一位具有现代科学文化,适合时代要求的合格劳动者。 c)使学生学会关心他人,体贴他人,并养成较强的合作意识。 d)让学生了解一些不同的饮食观念及主张,加深对世界饮食文化的了解,弘扬中华民族饮食文化的精髓,培养爱国主义精神。 (三)教学重点和难点: 1.重点 1)让学生认识到饮食对健康的重要影响。 2)侧重培养学生对文章的整体性结构的把握,突出培养学生以下3个方面的能力: a.文章中心把握能力。 b.根据主题快速捕捉文章重点细节的能力。 c.猜词能力。 3)重点掌握有关营养成分与食物的词汇,特别是人体每天必须摄入的六种基本营养成分的词汇以及这些营养成分的来源和主要功能。 2.难点 1) 如何使学生养成科学的阅读习惯,提高阅读理解能力和语言水平。 2) 如何使学生学会提取、筛选和重组文章中关于健康饮食的信息,并灵活运用于语言实践中,达到语言实践能力的扩展与提高。 二、教学方法与教材处理 1.任务型语言教学法

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