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中国石油大学 大物2-1 8章习题解答03--

中国石油大学 大物2-1  8章习题解答03--
中国石油大学 大物2-1  8章习题解答03--

习题 8


1.一定量的理想气体,分别经历习题8-1(1)(a) 图所示的abc 过程(图中虚线ac 为等温线)和习题8-1(1)(b) 图所示的def 过程(图中虚线df 为绝热线),试判断这两过程是吸热还是放热( )

(A) abc 过程吸热,def 过程放热 (B) abc 过程放热,def 过程吸热 (C) abc 过程def 过程都吸热 (D) abc 过程def 过程都放热

2.如习题8-1(2) 图所示,一定量的理想气体从体积V 1膨胀到体积V 2分别经历的过程是:A-B 等压过程;A-C 等温过程; A-D 绝热过程。其中,吸热最多的过程( )

(A) A-B (B) A-C

(C) A-D

(D) 既是A-B ,也是A-C ,两者一样多

3.用公式E =νC V ,m T (式中C V ,m 为定容摩尔热容量,ν为气体的物质的量)计算理想气体内能增量时,此式( )

(A) 只适用于准静态的等容过程 (B) 只适用于一切等容过程

(C) 只适用于一切准静态过程 (D) 适用于一切始末态为平衡态的过程

4.要使高温热源的温度T 1升高ΔT ,或使低温热源的温度T 2降低同样的ΔT 值,这两种方法分别可使卡诺循环的效率升高Δ1和Δ2。两者相比有( )

(A) Δ1>Δ2 (B) Δ1<Δ2

(C) Δ1= Δ2 (D) 无法确定哪个大

5. 理想气体卡诺循环过程的两条绝热线下的面积大小(如习题8-1(5)图中阴影所示)分别为S 1和S 2,则两者的大小关系是( )

(A) S 1 > S 2 (B) S 1 = S 2 (C) S 1 < S 2 (D) 无法确定 6. 热力学第一定律表明( )

(A) 系统对外做的功不可能大于系统从外界吸收的热量 (B) 系统内能的增量等于系统从外界吸收的热量

(C) 不可能存在这样的循环过程,在此循环过程中,外界对系统做的功不等于系统传给外界的热量 (D) 热机的效率不可能等于1 7. 根据热力学第二定律可知( )

(A) 功可以全部转换为热,但热不能全部转换为功

(B) 热可以从高温物体传到低温物体,但不能从低温物体传到高温物体 (C) 不可逆过程就是不能向相反方向进行的过程 (D) 一切宏观的自发过程都是不可逆的 8.不可逆过程是( ) (A) 不能反向进行的过程

(B) 系统不能回复到初始状态的过程 (C) 有摩擦存在的过程或者非准静态过程 (D) 外界有变化的过程




9. 关于热功转换和热量传递过程,有下列叙述: (1) 功可以完全变为热量,热量不可以完全变为功 (2) 一切热机的效率都只能小于1 (3) 热量不能从低温物体向高温物体传递

(4) 热量从高温物体向低温物体的传递是不可逆的 以上这些叙述中正确的是( ) (A) 只有(2),(4)正确 (B) 只有(2),(3),(4)正确 (C) 只有(1),(3),(4)正确 (D) 全部正确 8-2.填空题

1.一定量的理想气体处于热动平衡状态时,此热力学系统的不随时间变化的三个宏观量是 ,而随时间变化的微观是 。

2.处于平衡态A 的热力学系统,若经准静态等容过程变到平衡态B ,将从外界吸热416J ,若经准静态等压过程变到与平衡态B 有相同温度的平衡态C ,将从外界吸热582J 。由此可知,从平衡态A 变到平衡态C 的准静态等压过程中系统对外界所作的功为 。

3.同一种理想气体的定压摩尔热容C p ,m 大于定容摩尔热容C V ,m , 其原因是 。

4.常温常压下一定量的某种理想气体(视为刚性分子,自由度为i ),在等压过程中吸热为Q ,对外作功为A , 内能增加为?E , 则A Q

= ,E Q

= 。

5.习题8-2(5)图所示的卡诺循环中:(1)abcda ,(2)dcefd ,(3)abefa 的效率分别为 、 和 。

6.某卡诺致冷机的低温热源温度为T 2=300K ,高温热源温度为T 1=450K ,每一循环从低温热源吸热Q 2=400J ,已知该致冷机的致冷系数为22



T T =- (其中

A 为外界对系统做的功),则每一循环中外界必须做功为功为 。 7.有物质的量相同的三种气体:H e 、N 2、CO 2 (均视为刚性分子的理想气体),它们从相同的初态出发,都经历等容吸热过程,若吸取相同的热量, 则:

(1) 三者的温度升高 ;(相同或不同) (2) 三者压强的增加 ; (相同或不同)

8.由绝热材料包围的容器被隔板隔为两半,左边是理想气体,右边是真空。如果把隔板撤去,气体将进行自由膨胀过程,达到平衡后气体的温度_________(升高、降低或不变),气体的熵___________(增加、减小或不变)。 答案: 8-1.选择题

1.A ;

2. A ;

3. D ;

4. B ;

5. B ;6 .C ;7. D ;8 .C ;9. A 8-21.填空题

1. 温度,压强,体积;每个微观粒子的运动状态 2. 166J

3.在等压升温过程中气体要膨胀而作功,所以要比气体等体升温过程多吸收一部分热量 4.

22i +, 2

i i +


5. 13,12,23

6. 200J 7. 不同,不同 8. 不变,增加


=a a 为已知常数。试求: (1)气体从体积V 1膨胀到V 2所作的功;

(2)体积为V 1时的温度T 1与体积为V 2时的温度T 2之比。



? ??-===?




V V a dv v a pdv A v v v V (2)由状态方程 RT M


PV =

得 2



2212111 ,V V

T T RV a R V P T RV a R V p T =∴====


8-4. 0.02kg 的氦气(视为理想气体),温度由17℃升为27℃,假设在升温过程中 (1)体积保持不


解:氦气为单原子分子理想气体,i =3 (1)定容过程,V=常量,A=0 据Q=ΔE+ A 可知 J T T C M

E Q V 623)(m

12m =-=

=,? (2)定压过程,P=常量,

J 1004.1)(m

312m ?=-=


Q P , ΔE 与(1)同

417J A Q E =-?=

外界对气体所做的功为:A '=-A=-417J

(3)Q=0,ΔE 与(1)同

气体对外界做功:623J A E =-?=- 外界对气体所做的功为:A’=-A=623J.

8-5.如习题8-5图所示,C 是固定的绝热壁,D 是可动活塞,C ,D 将容器分成A ,B 两部分。开始时A ,B



想气体,它们的温度T ,体积V ,压强P 均相同,并与大气压强平衡。现对A ,B 两部分气体缓慢的加热,当对A 和B 给予相等的热量Q 以后,A 室中气体的温度升高度数与B 室中气体温度升高度数之比为7:5。试求:

(1)该气体的定容摩尔热容C V ,m 和定压摩尔热容C P ,m 。 (2)B 室中气体吸收的热量中有百分之几用于对外作功。 解:(1)对A, B 两部分气体缓慢的加热,皆可看作准静态过程,

两室内是同种气体 ,而且开始时两部分气体的P, V ,T 均相等,所以两室的摩尔数M/μ 也相同. A 室气体经历的是等容过程,B 室气体经历的是等压过程, 所以A, B 室气体吸收的热量分别为

(),A V m A m

Q C T T M =

- (),B P m B m

Q C T T M =-

已知B A Q Q = ,由上两式得

,,75P m A V m


C T C T γ?=



因为,P m C = ,V m C +R,代入上式得




V m P m C R C R =


(2) B 室气体作功为

B m A P V R T M =?=?

B 室中气体吸收的热量转化为功的百分比




P m P m B m

R T A R R M m Q C C T R M ?====?

8-6. 有一定量的理想气体,其压强按2



的规律变化,C 是常量。


(1) 将气体从体积V 1增加到V 2所作的功; (2) 该理想气体的温度是升高还是降低。 (1) 22




A PdV dV C V V V ??==

=- ???


(2)根据理想气体的状态方程有: PV RT ν=




C T RV ν=

11C T RV ν=,22

C T RV ν=

因为:21V V > 所以:21T T <


8-7. 1mol 单原子分子理想气体的循环过程如图8-7的T —V 图所示,其中c 点的温度为T c =600K ,试求:

(1)ab 、bc 、ca 各个过程系统吸收的热量;

(2)经一循环系统所做的净功;(3)循环的效率。(注:循环效率=A /Q 1,A 为循环过程系统对外作的净功,Q 1为循环过程系统从外界吸收的热量,ln 2=0.693)

8-8. 热容比=1.40的理想气体,进行如习题8-8图所示的ABCA 循环,状态A 的温度为300K 。试求:

(1)状态B 和C 的温度; (2)各过程中气体吸收的热量、气体所作的功和气体内能的增量。

8-9. 某理想气体在P -V 图上等温线和绝热线相交于A 点,如习题8-9图所示,已知A 点的压强P 1=2×105Pa ,体积V 1=0.5×10-3m 3,而且A 点处等温线斜率与绝热线斜率之比为0.741。现使气体从A 点绝热膨胀至B 点,其体积V 2=1×10-3m 3,试求B 点处的压强和在此过程中气体对外作功。 解:(1)等温线PV =C 得 V P dV dP T



绝热线 C PV =γ

V P dv dP Q





0.741V Q

dP dV P V dP dV P V γγ









= 由绝热方程



2211V p V p = 可得


12127.8510a V P P P V γ



(2) 2




161.41V V V V V PV PV A PdV P dV J V γ


== ?



8-10. 习题8-10图中所示是一定量理想气体所经历的循环过程,其中a b 和c d 是等压过程。bc 和da 为绝热过程。已知b 点和c 点温度分别2T 和3T ,试求循环效率,并判断这个循环是否是卡诺循环。 解:a-b 吸热

(),ab P m b a m



- a-b 放热

(),dc P m d c m



- 1ab dc c d ab b a

Q Q T T Q T T η--==--

1111,a a d d b b c

c P T P T P T P T γγγγγγγγ

--------== 上述两式相比得:

b a d

c T T T T =



11c d b a T T T

T T T η-=-=--




中国石油大学(华东)历年考研专业课真题目录: 中国石油大学(华东)历年考研 代码 真题年代 专业课真题科目 211 翻译硕士英语2011 212 翻译硕士俄语2011 242 俄语2008---2011 243 日语2008---2011 244 德语2011 245 法语2008---2011 357 英语翻译基础2011 358 俄语翻译基础2011 448 汉语写作与百科知识2011 703 公共行政学2011 704 数学分析2011 705 普通物理2011 706 有机化学2000,2005---2009,2011 707 无机及分析化学2007---2009,2011 708 生物化学2011 法学基础(法理学、民法学、刑 2011 710 法学)

711 中国古代文学2011 715 中国化马克思主义原理2008,2011 体育学专业基础综合(体育教育 2011 716 学、运动生理学、运动训练学) 801 沉积岩石学2005---2008 802 构造地质学2003---2010 803 地震勘探2003---2009,2011 805 电子技术基础2011 806 软件技术基础2011 808 地理信息系统2011 809 石油地质学2001---2011 810 测井方法与原理2005---2011 811 工程流体力学2001---2009,2011 812 理论力学2008---2011 813 材料力学2006---2011 814 物理化学1999---2009,2011 815 渗流物理2001---2009,2011 816 油田化学基础2011 817 工程热力学2008---2011 818 化工原理1999---2009,2011 819 生物工程2011


第一次作业 第1题 – hello. may i speak to mary? -- _________ 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:电话用语,常直接说,speaking,意思是我就是,您请讲。 第2题 – Can I talk with Mr. Wang? --___________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话常用语。 第3题 –I’d like to speak to Jessie, please. --___________ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话常用语。hold on 意思是请别挂断,稍等。 第4题 She wanted to go boating with Jack, but her father warned her ________. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:warn一词要求后用不定式,warn sb. to do sth.劝某人做某事,否定形 式为warn sb. not to do sth. 劝某人不要做某事 第5题 Her English is very good. She can speak English better than _________ in her grade. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5

批注:anyone else 其他任何人 第6题 They usually have less money at the end of the month than _______ at the beginning. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:注意比较的对象,是他们有钱的情况 第7题 Iron expands when____ . 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:当when 引导的时间状语中的主语与句子的主语一致时,主语和be动词都 可以省略。Iron expands when it is heated. 第8题 All the people here, whether ______, will get a present. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:wheather...or... 的用法 第9题 If you_________, I’ll buy the tickets. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:从句意来判断 第10题 This is one of the oldest buildings in town, ___________. 您的答案:A


第一次在线作业 单选题(共40道题) 收起 1.( 2.5分)-- How do you do, Mr. Wang? --_________________. A、How do you do? B、I’m doing fine. C、Nice to meet you. D、I’m OK. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分)-- What’s up? --______________. A、How do you do? B、Hello. C、Nothing much. D、What’s down? 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分)-- ______________ -- Quite well.And you? A、Good to see you. B、How are you doing? C、Hi! D、What’s up? 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 4.(2.5分)He responded with great anger ________this unfair treatment of his classmates. A、for B、at C、to D、with 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 5.(2.5分)You should take an umbrella with you when you go to school _______of rain. A、in case B、in the case C、in cases D、in the cases 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分)He works ______. A、lone B、lonely C、alone D、lonesome 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 7.(2.5分)He got up at 6:00 that day but he ________up at 7:00. A、usually getts


第一次在线作业 单选题 (共40道题) 1.( 2.5分)The question is still ______ d iscussion. A、in B、by C、for D、under 我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分)–hello. may i speak to mary? --_________ A、Sorry. B、Speaking. C、I don’t know you. D、Why? 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分)–Can I talk with Mr. Wang? --___________ A、He’s not in right now. B、He’ll come back.

C、He likes coffee. D、He has run away. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 4.(2.5分)–I’d like to speak to Jessie, please. --___________ A、I don’t know. B、Never mind. C、Hold on, please. D、Go on. 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 5.(2.5分)She wanted to go boating with Jack, but her father warned her ________. A、not go B、not C、not to D、don’t 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分)Her English is very good. She can speak English bette r than _________ in her grade. A、any one B、the one


第1题 —hello. may i SPeak to mary? 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:电话用语,常直接说,SPeaking, 意思是我就是,您请讲 第2题 -Can I talk With Mr. Wang? -- ___________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话常用语第3题 -I ' d like to SPeak to Jessie, please. -- __________ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话常用语。hold on 意思是请别挂断,稍等。 第4题 She Wanted to go boating With Jack, but her father Warned her ______ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:Warn 一词要求后用不定式,Warn sb. to do sth. 劝某人做某事,否定形式为Warn sb. not to do sth. 劝某人不要做某事第5题 Her English is very good. She can sPeak English better than _______________ in her grade. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:anyone else 其他任何人第6题

They usually have less money at the end of the month than beginning. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:注意比较的对象,是他们有钱的情况第7题 Iron expands when ___ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:当when 引导的时间状语中的主语与句子的主语一致时,主语和都可以省略。Iron expands when it is heated. 第8题 All the people here, whether _____ , will get a present. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:wheather...or... 的用法第9题 If you _______ , I 'll buy the tickets. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:从句意来判断第10 题This is one of the oldest buildings in town, __________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:这是镇上最老的建筑之一,如果不是最好的话第11 题 —Can I take a message? 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话时的常用语第12 题 - Good evening. This is Kevin Restaurant. 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:餐馆订餐时的常用语第13 题 All the machines _______ by the end of the following week. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:一般将来时中被动语态的用法第14 题 What we have done _______ useful to people. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 at the be 动词


一、汉译英 1、虽然我们周围都是空气,但我们看不见它 Although there is air all around us, we can't see it. 2、关键问题是如何把计划付诸实施 The key question is how to put the plan into practice 3、孩子们高兴得跳了起来 The children jumped for joy 4、你听见有人在敲门吗? Do you hear someone knocking at the door? 二、完形填空 A It was two o' clock in the morning and it was dark. Mr. Thompson woke up his wife. "Irene," he called softly, "the baby' s crying." Mrs. Thompson sat up in bed and listened. "That' s not the baby, Jim," she said. "It’ s a cat!" "It can' t be a cat," her husband said. "I' II go and look." Mr.Thompson got up and went to the window. "You' re right, Irene," he said. "There is a cat in the garden. Listen to it!" "You must stop it, Jim," Mrs.Thompson said. "That cat will wake up our baby." "What can I do?" Mr.Thompson asked. "Throw a shoe at it,” his wife said. "I can' t do that,” Mr Thompson said. "Why not?" his wife asked. "Can you see it?" "I can see it very well" said Mr.Thompson. "But I can' t throw a shoe at it. It’ s sitting on my green-house." B In Mount Berry, Georgia, people find a group of schools built specially for mountain children. The schools, as well as the mountain itself, are named after Martha Berry herself, a daughter of a Georgian mountaineer. Martha Berry was born in 1866. Luckier than most Georgian mountain children, she received an education. But she never forgot other children of the mountains whose parents couldn't afford to send them to school. In 1902 Martha Berry started a school for these children It was housed in a single small log cabin and was attended by only five pupils. Now, eighty years later, there are a score of Berry schools in the area, with a total of over one thousand students and waiting list of about five thousand.


1.( 2.5分)–It’s our great pleasure to have you visit our company. --_________________ ?A、Thank you. ?B、Nice to meet you. ?C、It’s our pleasure, too. ?D、Wonderful. 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分)–Would you mind giving me an introduction of your company? --__________ ______ ?A、Of course not. ?B、Thank you. ?C、I’m fine. ?D、You’re welcome. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分)–Are there any morning flights to Wuhan? --_______________ ?A、Which one do you like? ?B、Yes, there are two. ?C、Not at all. ?D、Thank you. 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 4.(2.5分)–How much is the air ticket? -- ________________ ?A、It’s 150 dollars. ?B、Which flight do you like? ?C、Nice talking with you. ?D、See you.

5.(2.5分)–Which flight do you want? -- _______________ ?A、I like flying. ?B、May I book a ticket? ?C、I’m sorry. ?D、The morning flight. 我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分)–Excuse me, how long can the taxi get here? -- _____________ ?A、Twenty meter long. ?B、Thank you. ?C、In ten minutes. ?D、It’s all right. 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 7.(2.5分)–How much do I owe you? -- _________ ?A、Thirty dollars. ?B、I don’t know. ?C、Excuse me? ?D、Thanks a lot. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 8.(2.5分)I saw them _________in the river. ?A、swam ?B、to swim ?C、swim ?D、were swimming


五、英汉互译 1. Those who accomplish their tasks carefully are worthy of praising. 那些认真完成自己工作的人都值得表扬 1.Children tend to believe that their fathers are infinitely resourceful and versatile.孩子们通常认为他们的父亲是足智多谋、多才多艺的人 3.He was shivering from fear as if he had seen a ghost.他恐惧的发抖,就好像看见鬼一样 4.His speech was constantly interrupted by applause.他的讲话不断被掌声打断 5.People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs have become extinct.人们提出各种各样的假说来解释恐龙为什么已经灭绝

6.He told me that he had lived in America for ten years before he came to China他告诉我他来中国之前他在美国生活了十年 7.John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant.约翰和他的兄弟尽管年龄上有显著差别,但性格不同 8.When she got back home, she showed her new beautiful hat to her husband.当她回到家时,她把她新的漂亮的帽子展示给她丈夫看 9.He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name .他总是匆匆忙忙,最后既损失了时间,也损失了好的声誉 10.When he began to work, his money was used up at the end of every month.在每个月末,他的钱用光时,他开始工作


第三次在线作业 单选题(共40道题) 收起 For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 1.( 2.5分)--How about taking a break?--______. ?A、Thank you ?B、Good idea ?For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use ? ?C、See you ?D、Good-bye 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分)Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past few years of working here. ?A、would I make ?B、did I make ?C、I did make ?D、shall I make 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分)Not until all the fish died in the river, _____ how serious the pollution was. ?A、did the villagers realize ?B、the villagers realized ?C、the villagers did realize ?D、didn’t the villagers realize 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分

4.(2.5分)--I just got promoted to sales manager. -- __________ ?A、When? ?B、How could you? ?C、Congratulations! ?D、That' s good 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 5.(2.5分)I have been to the doctor’s about my headache. He says there is_____ but I must lie up for a few days. ?A、something serious ?B、anything serious ?C、not serious ?D、nothing serious 我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分)He is ______ of an actor. ?A、anybody ?B、anyone ?C、somebody ?D、something 我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分 7.(2.5分)I don’t drink ______ water during the day. ?A、a few ?B、much ?C、little ?D、lots of

中国石油大学(北京) 大学英语(一)第一次在线作业

中国石油大学(北京)大学英语(一)第一次在线作业 第1题 -- How do you do, Mr. Wang? --_________________. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:陌生人初次见面的问候语,也用how do you do 来回答。 第2题 -- What’s up? --______________. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:What’s up? 打招呼时的常用语,询问对方“还好吗?”“最近怎样?”“有什么事情发生吗?”,回答常用nothing much或nothing,表示“没什么事情发生”。 第3题 -- ______________ -- Quite well.And you? 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:从回答Quite well.And you?可以猜测问的应该是身体状况,通常打招呼询问最近身体如何常用“how are you?"或”how are you doing?" 第4题 He responded with great anger ________this unfair treatment of his classmates. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:respond to固定短语,表示“对...做出反应”

Y ou should take an umbrella with you when you go to school _______of rain. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:本句意思是:“你上学时应该带上伞,以防有雨。”in case以防,免得 第6题 He works ______. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:这里考察alone和lonely的区别。alone表示“独自、单独、一个人”,而longly是带有感情色彩的“孤单地、寂寞地”,句子只说明他是独自工作。 第7题 He got up at 6:00 that day but he ________up at 7:00. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:句意:“那天他是6点钟起床的,通常他是7点起床”。usually 通常、平常、习惯地,常用于一般现在时。 第8题 The plane is scheduled to arrive ______ because of bad weather. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:arrive late 到得晚,这里指飞机晚点。late 在这里是副词,修饰动词arrive 第9题 -- I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Jeniff er. --_________________. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打招呼的常用语,当对方已经介绍过自己了,常用“很高兴见到你,很高兴认识你”来回答。

中国石油大学(北京)《大学英语(四)》第一阶段在线作业 答案

1.( 2.5分)– It’s our great pleasure to have you visit our company. --_________________ ?A、Thank you. ?B、Nice to meet you. ?C、It’s our pleasure, too. ?D、Wonderful. 2.(2.5分)– Would you mind giving me an introduction of your company? --________________ ?A、Of course not. ?B、Thank you. ?C、I’m fine. ?D、You’re welcome. 3.(2.5分)– Are there any morning flights to Wuhan? --_______________ ?A、Which one do you like? ?B、Yes, there are two. ?C、Not at all. ?D、Thank you. 4.(2.5分)– How much is the air ticket? -- ________________ ?A、It’s 150 dollars. ?B、Which flight do you like? ?C、Nice talking with you. ?D、See you. 5.(2.5分)– Which flight do you want? -- _______________ ?A、I like flying. ?B、May I book a ticket? ?C、I’m sorry. ?D、The morning flight.


1(5.0分) It’s bad _______ for you to smoke in the public places where s moking is not allowed. A) behavior B) action C) manner D) movement 参考答案:?A?? 解析: 无 2(5.0分) Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs ___ ____ day. A) other B) the other C) the third D) a third 参考答案:?D?? 解析: 无 3(5.0分)

—It’s a good idea. But who’s going to _______ the plan?— I think John and Peter will. A) carry out B) get through C) take in D) set aside 参考答案:?A?? 解析: 无 4(5.0分) The red flower goes from one to _______ in the class. A) the other B) others C) another D) other 参考答案:?C?? 解析: 无 5(5.0分) Will you _______ me a favor, please

do B) make C) bring D) give 参考答案:?A?? 解析: 无 6(5.0分) _______ her and then try to copy what she does. A) Mind B) See C) Stare at D) Watch 参考答案:?D?? 解析: 无 7(5.0分) There’s lots of fruit _______ the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree. A) in


《大学英语(二)》模拟题及答案单选题(共40道题) 收起 1. –I failed again. I give up. -- _______ A、I give up too. shock B、Did you fail again? C、I don’t believe you. D、Don’t lose heart. 2. –I got the first prize! --____________ A、I got a prize too. B、Well done! C、When did you get it? D、Come on! 3. –Look at the mess you’ve made! -- _________________ A、I’m sorry. B、I don’t know. C、I like it. D、OK. 4. -- I’m afraid I have a complaint to make. -- _____________ A、Sorry. B、Can I help you? C、What? D、Tell me about it. 5. –Do you like my sweater? -- ______________ A、I’m afraid not. B、I hate your sweater. C、I like not. D、I don’t have a sweater. 6. –Would you like pizza or pie? -- ________________ A、I like. B、I don’t like eating pizza. C、I don’t want pizza. D、Neither. 7. ________ when you cross the road. A、Do care B、Care C、Do be careful D、To be careful


中国石油大学(华东)研究生拟录取名 单 中国石油大学2013年硕士拟录取名单地球科学与技术学院070704海洋地质王晶张会娜郭飞李翔顾效源吴择070800 地球物理学郭成锋司道军潘新朋姚振岸闫月锋肖建恩王欣李宇航赵义平肖文杨安根张玉昕张松070900地质学王群贾贝贝葛毓柱王淼梁文栋张青青徐珂刘姚范莉红张晗马帅徐骁樊晓芳鞠传学刘贝贝080402测试计量技术及仪器门晓菲韩忠悦候颖081600测绘科学与技术雷洁霞李彦川鲁洋为陈晓琳刘金霞袁



黄丽娜刘兵卿邵鹏程郝冉冉刘超李礼王晓晨张瑞孙一芳于振南廉欢罗辑李诺赵迎杨富森黄欣芮姜梦奇李荣耀胡雪冰师萌张海洋刘岸明宋爽毕笑笑董夺武晓璐王世兴岳会雯陈如林任启强谢飞王鹏赵岳胡洪瑾张琳李晓彤孙思宇刘爽张璐葛雪莹杜阳阳胡瑜王志伟杨勇李兴丁烽娟管一鹤熊燚严一鸣沈跃范腾腾杨喜龙1 杨宇田娜王晓红顾明翔高镜涵张欣郭云龙郑镕钿闵春佳周延豪房贤云燕贲惠李海涛张冬旭王雪静宋立平吴赫蒋春雪张晓杰陈金金孙棋卢树参杨飞王新张飞飞董敏刘畅杨茜张鸿剑王亚楠马志洁



《大学英语1》2012年秋学期在线作业(二) 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. It’s not easy to_______ a foreign language A. catch B. make C. master D. conclude 满分:5 分 2. It was Columbus who _______ America in 1492. A. invented B. created C. discovered D. built 满分:5 分 3. We find _____ difficult that we should finish the work on time. A. that B. them C. us D. it 满分:5 分

4. I usually go there by train.---Why not _______ by boat for a change? A. try to go B. try going C. try go D. go to try 满分:5 分 5. Kate said that _______ A. She had finished writing the composition the night before. B. She had finished writing the composition last day. C. I finished writing the composition on the last night. D. she finished writing the composition before the night. 满分:5 分 6. He came by plane _______ by train. A. instead B. instead of C. insteaded D. insteaded of 满分:5 分 7. --Maria is wanted on the telephone. Where is she?—She _________ the library. You can find her there. A. has left B. will leave C. has been to D. has gone to 满分:5 分 8. Last summer I went to Qingdao. This summer I’m going to Dalian _______. A. but


第1 题 – hello. may i speak to mary? -- _________ 您的答案: B 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注:电话用语,常直接说,speaking, 意思是我就是,您请讲。 第2 题 – Can I talk with Mr. Wang? --___________ 您的答案: A 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注:打电话常用语。 第3 题 – I ’d like to speak to Jessie, please.--___________ 您的答案: C 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注:打电话常用语。 hold on意思是请别挂断,稍等。 第4 题 She wanted to go boating with Jack, but her father warned her ________. 您的答案: C 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注: warn 一词要求后用不定式,warn sb. to do sth.劝某人做某事,否定形式为 warn sb. not to do sth.劝某人不要做某事 第 5 题 Her English is very good. She can speak English better than _________ in her grade. 您的答案: C 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注: anyone else其他任何人 第6 题

They usually have less money at the end of the month than _______ at the beginning. 您的答案: C 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注:注意比较的对象,是他们有钱的情况 第7 题 Iron expands when____ . 您的答案: C 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注:当 when 引导的时间状语中的主语与句子的主语一致时,主语和 be 动词都可以省略。 Iron expands when it is heated. 第8 题 All the people here, whether ______, will get a present. 您的答案: B 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注: wheather...or...的用法 第9 题 If you_________, I’ll buy the tickets. 您的答案: A 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注:从句意来判断 第10 题 This is one of the oldest buildings in town, ___________. 您的答案: A 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5 批注:这是镇上最老的建筑之一,如果不是最好的话。 第11 题 – Can I take a message? --__________

中国石油大学石油英语初级教程课后答案Unit 3 Key to Exercises

Unit 3 Regional Development of Petroleum Industry Engineering Communicative Focuses I Language Task 1 Glossary Match Match the expressions on the left with its corresponding definitions on the right. 1 f 2 a 3 b 4 d 5 g 6 c 7 h 8 e Task 2 Words or Expressions Check Select one word or expression for the ten blanks from the twelve choices given in the table, and get it derived if necessary. 1 profile 2 volatility 3 extricate 4 vexing 5 artificial 6 surged 7 perpetual 8 acquisition 9 contriving 10 consolidation II Oral Presentation Task 1 Questions and Answers Answer the following questions according to the information from Text A, B or C. 1 In order to satisfy its growing consumption and higher oil imports, China is diversifying its suppliers and encouraging its national oil companies to invest in Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere. China is pursuing a long-term policy of energy security rather than following the approach of Western companies that tends to emphasize short-term profits. (Text A, para16) 2 It is true that African oil, minerals, and timber are important to maintaining China’s economy and they constitute nearly all of Africa’s expor ts to China. But the argument is disingenuous. The same argument could be made for the United States, Europe, and Japan. China purchased only 9 percent of Africa’s petroleum exports in 2006 while the United States took 3 3 percent and Europe 36 percent. The four major African suppliers to China in 2006 in order of importance were Angola, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea, and Sudan. The four largest African exporters of oil to the United

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