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高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案

高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案













How was 2019 for you? Was it pleasant and full of joy? Or was it unpleasant and full of sadness? Either way, some good things happened this year that can warm your heart. Let's take a look.

A Thailand supermarket came up with a great way to cut down the plastic packaging. It wraps the things in banana leaves instead of plastic.

South Korea is having the daytime disco parties for people over 65.The goal is to help fight loneliness and dementia in the elderly people.

There are only two northern white rhinos left in the world. They live in Africa. This year, scientists successfully fertilized seven of their eggs. This might help to save the dying ones!

Students at a primary school in Maine, the US, are learning the sign language. They are doing this in order to help a deaf

6-year-old girl feel welcomed at their school. They hope that she'll be happy every day.

1. The text is about ____________________________.

A. dangerous animals around the world

B. different cultures in different countries

C. exciting things that can warm our hearts

D. something special that happened in 2018.

2.What is the purpose of the daytime disc parties in South Korea?

A. to cut down the plastic packaging

B. to help a deaf 6-year-old girl

C. to save the dying ones.

D. to help the elderly people.

3. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A. A Chinese supermarket uses the leaves to wrap the things.

B. South Korea set up a disco club to help dementia people.

C. Scientists in Africa try to help save the white rhinos in danger.

D. Primary school students are learning the sign language to help a boy.

4. The text above might from the _______ column(栏目)in a magazine.

A. Language Corner

B. Magic World

C. Food Square

D. School Time


The two main islands, Jersey and Guernsey, are remarkable in that they present a combination of enjoyment peace and quiet. Neither island is very big (only ten miles long) and so all parts of these coasts are easily reached from the main centers — St. Helier and St. Peter Port. In both these towns and particularly in Jersey's St. Helier are concentrated (集中) the amusements of really big resorts (休养地). The nearness of France gives a continental atmosphere; the weather is far better than that in England. The other three islands, Jethou, Herm and Sark are small and quiet.

Isles of Scilly

The islands are really small and quiet; and the weather is warm but windy. The islands are excellent for those who enjoy exploring (探险) small inlets (水湾), creeks (小溪) and bays on foot, or even better in a boat.

Isle of Wight

The island is 24 miles across and therefore quite large. The scenery is good and varied. The resorts are neither overlarge nor showy. The crowds seem content with entertaining but quieter holidays. The island has the best sunshine record in Britain.

Isle of Man

An island with unique atmosphere —in some indefinable (难以描述的) way it is different from England, Scotland or Wales. Thirty miles long, with good roads and good public transport,the mountains,hills and glens (幽谷) are easily reached. Douglas is a major British resort and other resorts are lively.

5.Which is the largest of the islands mentioned?

A. Herm.

B. The Isle of Man.

C. The Isle of Wight.

D. Jersey.

6.If you want to be fairly sure you would have a lot of sun on holiday, which island would you choose?

A. The Channel Islands.

B. The Isle of Man.

C. The Isle of Wight.

D. The Scilly Isle.

7.If you are having a holiday on Jersey, where would you go for amusement?

A. Douglas.

B. Sandown.

C. St. Helier.

D. St. Peter Port.

8.In which way are the Channel Islands different from all the other island holiday places?

A. The coasts are easily reached from the main centers.

B. There are more islands there.

C. There is something French about them.

D. The weather is better.


Yosemite is a national park in California. It is very beautiful and big. The park includes more than 760,000 acres in the California Mountains. Most of the park is wilderness.

The part of Yosemite that everyone likes is Yosemite Valley. It is a tiny valley that is 7 miles

long and less than 1 mile wide. It has tall rock walls and streams that splash down in waterfalls. More than two million visitors come to the valley each year.

One ranger (守护人) says the number of visitors is more than the land can handle. The valley has 4,500 camping spots. It has a hotel that can hold 4, 000 families. This is still not enough to handle all of the visitors. The valley has grown so big that it has a lot of traffic and crime.

A worker says the park is trying to keep the beauty of the park and let everyone visit. Some areas have been fenced off from people and planted with seeds to try to keep them beautiful.

A former worker thinks Yosemite should get more money to take better care of the park. He would also like to teach people what the park service is trying to do.

Some people are trying to save Yosemite Valley. A plan has been made to get rid of some buildings. There will be fewer cars allowed inside the park. More buses will help get people around.

9.According to the passage, which of the following should be rid of?

A. Some of the trees.

B. Some of the water.

C. Some of the families.

D. Some of the buildings.

10.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Yosemite is a national park located in the California desert.

B. Some people think the amount of visitors is more than the land can handle.

C. The valley has 4, 500 parking spots and some hotels.

D. Most of Yosemite park is full of traffic and crime.

11.There are parts of the park that are closed ________.

A. so some visitors can stay there alone

B. in order to supply an area for camping

C. so visitors can go fishing and barbecuing

D. and workers will plant seeds

12.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A. Yosemite is a beautiful national park

B. Yosemite is faced with a new problem

C. Yosemite is wilderness

D. Yosemite attracts a great many visitors each year


At the beginning of the century there was a big farm called Hollywood Ranch. It was near Los Angeles in California. A few years later Hollywood was one of the famous places in the world. From the 1910s to the 1950s Hollywood was the film center of the world. Every family knew the names of its film stars — Charlie Chaplin, Grela Garbo,Bergman and hundreds more.

The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun. At first people made films in New York on the east coast of the United States. But then they heard about Los Angeles where there are 350 days of sun every year. As they made all the films by sunlight, the west coast was a much better place to work. Also near Hollywood you can find mountains and sea and desert. They did not have to travel far to make any kind of film.

When TV became popular, Hollywood started making films for television. Then in the 1970s they discovered people still went to the cinema to see big expensive films. After twenty years they are still making films in Hollywood and people watch them all over the world.

13.Hollywood used to be a ________.

A. cinema

B. big farm

C. park

D. market

14.Who was not mentioned as a film star in passage?

A. Charlie Chaplin.

B. Marilyn Mm.

C. Ingrid Bergman.

D. Grela Garbo.

15.People went to Hollywood to make films because ________.

A. it was a beautiful place

B. you can find many film stars

C. there was a lot of sunlight there

D. it was a famous place



Dear Boris,


After I had spent a week with my English family, I slowly began to understand their English a little better. __17__ Students in my group are from different cities of Britain and their dialects are different too! Some of their accents are quite strong and they also have their own words and expressions.

__18__ Before I came to England I had thought that fish and chips were eaten every day. That's quite wrong! I get rather annoyed now when I hear all the foolish words about typical English food.

I had expected to see “London fog”. Do you remember our texts about it? We had no idea that most of this “thick fog” disappeared many years ago when people stopped using coal in their homes. But the idea to speak about weather was very helpful. __19__ On the other hand, habits are different. People tell me what is typical British here in London is not always typical in Wales or Scotland. __20__

But what is ordinary for all British is that they follow traditions (传统). Probably Britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries. And people have always been proud of having ancient (古老的) buildings in capitals, big cities and the countryside.

I will tell you more about Britain in my other letters.

Love from Britain.

A. The weather in London is really changeable.

B. I have difficulty in understanding my classmates.

C. Thanks for your nice letter.

D. The family I live with are friendly.

E. It's very different from what I learned at school.

F. Local habits and traditions are not the same as what we knew.

G. But it's not the language that's different and surprising.




All kinds of people come in to have their shoes shined. Most folks are friendly. But this man was different.

“How much do you make a week, boy?” he asked me. I felt he was __21__ at me. He kept giving a sharp __22__ around every now and then. All the time I kept __23__ where I'd seen his face. Suddenly I knew. I'd seen his __24__ in the post office many times. He was the big robber __25__ by the police in three states!

“You know,” he was saying, “it's imagination that people lack. You'll never get anywhere as a __26__ boy.”

I kept brushing away on his shoes as __27__ as I could. The sooner I finished, the better. He

said, “When I was sixteen, I had __28__ $2,500 of my own.”

That reminded me of something. Was it $2,500 or $5,000 or $7, 500? I wasn't __29__. I knew a big reward was __30__ for him.

But what could I do about it? __31__ him with a can of shoe polish? A man of his __32__ could grind (碾碎) me into the floor. If only someone would come in!

He kept talking away. “Along with __33__,it takes courage. The courage to take a chance. Start something on a shoestring(鞋带).”

Suddenly I saw Officer Dailey __34__ across the street. Then, real fast, I began tightening the man's shoestrings.

The policeman was at the window when I cried out, “Officer Dailey, __35__!This man's a robber.”

“__36__,” the man shouted angrily. He started to jump off the stand. But he didn't go the way he __37__. He fell flat on his face and knocked himself out cold.

“That was pretty __38__ of you,” the officer said. “You'll get a reward of $7,500 for him.”

“Well, it really wasn't my __39__,” I said. “It was his. He told me if you had courage and imagination you could start something big on a __40__.”

22.A. look B. walk C. word D. tongue

23.A. considering B. remembering C. caring D. wondering

24.A. notice B. picture C. mail D. warning

25.A. wanted B. searched C. caught D. shown

26.A. clever B. small C. shoeshine D. stupid

27.A. carefully B. slowly C. well D. fast

28.A. made B. stolen C. borrowed D. gathered

29.A. curious B. sure C. interested D. clear

30.A. afforded B. offered C. suggested D. shown

31.A. Injure B. Warn C. Hit D. Avoid

32.A. size B. age C. height D. kind

33.A. money B. support C. cleverness D. imagination

34.A. wandering B. looking C. coming D. speeding

35.A. help B. danger C. stop D. attention

36.A. Mind you B. Shut up C. Hurry up D. Hands up

37.A. asked B. knew C. noticed D. planned

38.A. clever B. brave C. helpful D. lucky

39.A. business B. idea C. reward D. praise

40.A. stand B. table C. shoe D. shoestring




Body language is one of __41__ most powerful means of communication, often even more

powerful than __42___(speak)language. People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud. ___43__ is possible to “read” others around us, even ___44____they do not want us __45__ ( catch)their unspoken communication. Of course, body language can be misread, but many__46___(gesture) and actions are universal. The most universal ___47__(face) expression is, of course, the smile—its function is to show happiness and put people __48___ ease. It does not always mean that we are __49__(true) happy, however. Smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. There __50___(be) unhappy smiles, such as when someone “loses face” and smiles to hide it. However, the general purpose of

smiling is to show good feelings.









Not all cultures greet each others the same way, nor are they comfortable in same way with touching or distance between people. In the same way that people communicate to spoken language, they also express his feelings using unspoken “language” through physical distance, actions or posture. English people, for example, do not usually stands very close to others or touch stranger as soon as they meet. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touching them. Most people around the world now greet each other by shaking a hands, and some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the

Japanese, which prefer to bow.


Li Hua


假定你是杨明,作为一名交换生(an exchange student)刚结束在英国为期一个月的学习。学习期间,你和房东Mr.Wilson结下了深厚的友谊。请按下列要点给Mr.Wilson发一封邮件:






Dear Mr.Wilson,

Time flies! I’ve been back home.__________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __

Best wishes.


Yang Ming



1—4CDBB 5—8 BCCD 9—12 DBDB 13—15 BBC 16—20 CEGAF


21—25 CADBA 26—30 CDABB 31—35 CADCA 36—40 BDABD


41. the 42. spoken 43.It 44.if 45.to catch

46.gestures 47.facial 48.at 49.truely 50.are


1.others –other


https://www.doczj.com/doc/158943811.html,municate to中to 改为with





8. a hands前面的a 删除9.and—but 10.which-who


Dear Mr.Wilson,

Time flies! I’ve been home.How I miss the days we spent together! All I saw and experienced left a lasting impression on me.It was your help and kindness that made my study and life in the UK special and enjoyable.Thanks to your help, I got used to the life there soon.I still miss the delicious meals you prepared for me.Besides, I really appreciate your patience while talking with me.It was a wonderful time for me to improve my spoken English.

I hope we can stay in touch with each other so that we can communicate with

each other to know more about the Chinese and British culture.

In addition, it would be a great honor for me to invite you to come to my country in the near future, when you can experience the colorful Chinese culture.Best wishes.


Yang Ming

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