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Great Leap Forward

The Great Leap Forward was the name given to the Second Five Year Plan, though the name is now generally limited to the first three years of this period.

Mao advocated that a further round of collectivisation was necessary in the Chinese countryside where the existing collectives would be merged into huge People's communes.

Mao saw grain and steel production as the key pillars of economic development. He forecast that within 15 years of the start of the Great Leap, China's steel production would surpass that of the UK.

It is now widely seen, both within China and outside, as a major economic disaster, effectively being a "Great Leap Backward" that would affect China in the years to come.

1. 开国大典founding ceremony (of a state); inauguration of a state

2.贪官corrupt official ,greedy officia,

【例】:A corrupt official who makes off with public money 卷款潜逃的贪官

3.三反运动(1951-1952)movement against three evils (corruption, waste and bureaucracy)【例】For example, the movement against the three evils, the movement against the five evils, the suppression of the counter-revolutionaries and the agrarian reform are shock movements. For another example, now it is our shock work to check floods.


【例】Their misdeeds are more serious than the crimes exposed in the days of the movements against the "three evils" and the "five evils".


4.户口本Household Register, permanent residence booklet, justification

【例】Adult is incognito now (registered permanent residence this getting on) possible, the program is more complex. Specific seek advice to police station of seat of registered permanent residence.


5.五年计划five-year plan

【例】We are working out our Sixth Five-Year Plan [1981-85] and have some tentative ideas regarding the Seventh [1986-90].


6.人民公社people's commune

【例】The people's communes came into being in 1958.


7.汉语拼音(拼音音译)pin yin, (中文标音字母)Chinese phonetic alphabet

【例】Pinyin is efficient in teaching the Chinese language and those who are familiar with it will be able to use pinyinised dictionaries to pick up new Chinese characters and terms.


8.求同存异seek common ground while reserving differences; put aside minor differences so as to seek common ground; seek common ground among us, while keeping our differences; seek common ground on (major questions) while reserving differences on (minor points); seek common ground on major issues while leaving aside minor differences

【例】We should promote the growth of China-U.S. relations in the spirit of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, seeking common ground while putting aside difference, and developing cooperation.


9.抗美援朝the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea; the movement to resist U.S. agression and aid Korea

【例】We fought the War of Resistance Against Japan for eight years and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea for three years. We have a tradition of defeating the enemy when we are outnumbered and weaker.


10.民族区域自治national regional autonomy

【例】China has instituted a system of regional autonomy in minority areas.


11.和平共处五项原则he Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (互相尊重主权和领土完整mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty; 互不侵犯mutual

non-aggression; 互不干涉内政non-interference in each other's internal affairs; 平等互利equality and mutual benefit; 和平共处peaceful coexistence)

【例】We must therefore take the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as the norms for the new international political and economic order.


12. 万隆会议Bandung Conference

13. 反右派运动Anti-Rightist Movement

【例】We are not going to launch an anti-Rightist campaign again. But on no account should we give up serious criticism of erroneous trends.


14.大跃进Great Leap Forward

Twenty million Chinese perished of hunger under Mao's Great Leap Forward.



Down to the Countryside Movement

The Down to the Countryside Movement (literally "Up to the mountains and down to the villages") was a policy instituted in the People's Republic of China in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

As a result of the anti-bourgeois thinking prevalent during the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong declared certain privileged urban youth would be sent to mountainous areas or farming villages, in order that they could learn from the workers and farmers there.

Essentially, Mao used the "up to the mountains and down to the villages" to quell unrest and remove the embarrassment of the early Cultural Revolution from sight.

As a result, many fresh high school graduates were forced out of the cities and effectively exiled to remote areas of China.

1.特赦special pardon; special amnesty

【例】The prisoners were set at liberty by the special amnesty of the President.


2.战犯war criminal

【例】Many war criminals were proceeded against following World War II.


3.大字报(拼音直译)Dazibao;(字号大的海报)big-character poster;

【例】We all remember that in 1980, after the defeat of the Gang of Four, the National People's Congress adopted a resolution to delete from the Constitution the provision concerning the right of citizens to "speak out freely, air their views fully, hold great debates and put up big-character posters".


4.三年自然灾害(三年自然灾害)Three Years of Natural Disasters (中国大饥荒)Great Chinese Famine

5.文化大革命(无产阶级文化大革命)the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution; the Great Cultural Revolution

【例】The "Cultural Revolution" was really a gross error.


6. 红卫兵the Red Guards; Red Guard

【例】And whenever Mao denounced one of his former comrades, the Red Guard made it their mission to eradicate the offender.


7. 上山下乡go to the mountainous areas and the countryside; go and work in the countryside and mountainous areas; go to the mountainous and rural areas; settle in the rural areas [the countryside]; go on trips to hilly and rural areas

【例】For example, the issues of implementation of the Party's policies, of employment, and of the return to our cities of educated urban young people who work in the countryside and in mountainous areas are all social and political problems that should be solved mainly from an economic perspective.


8. 中苏交恶(中国和前苏联关系破裂)Sino-Soviet split

9.统一战线united front

【例】Only by persevering in the united front can we persevere in the war;


10.勒紧裤带tighten [pull in] one's belt

【例】Because of unemployment many people had to tighten their belts.


【例】As food was scarce, they had to pull in their belts.



Ping Pong Diplomacy

The events leading up to the encounter began when Glenn Cowan missed his team bus one afternoon after his practice in Nagoya during the 31st World Table Tennis Championship.

As Cowan looked in vain for his team bus, a Chinese player waved to him to get on his Chinese team bus. Moments after his casual talking through an interpreter to the Chinese players, Zhuang

Zedong came up from his back seat to greet him and presented him with a silk-screen portrait of Huangshan Mountains. When it was time for them to get off the bus, hordes of photographers and journalists were waiting for them.

On April 10, 1971, nine American players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland.

1.实事求是seek (the) truth from facts; base on facts; be practical and realistic; be realistic and down-to-earth; call a pikestaff a pikestaff; call a spade a spade; come down to earth; do things in a down-to-earth manner; give due consideration to facts; in a matter-of-fact way;

in a practical and realistic way; use a practical approach

【例】Ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts


2. 两个凡是two whatevers(“两个凡是”是指“凡是毛主席作出的决策,我们都坚决维护;凡是毛主席的指示,我们都始终不渝地遵循”)

【例】As you all know, there is a doctrine known as the "two whatevers".Hasn't it become famous?


【例】I disapprove of the "two whatevers" because they don't represent Marxism-Leninism or Mao Zedong Thought.


3.高考college entrance examination

【例】After working in a factory for several years, he decided to dust off his middle school textbooks and sit for the college entrance examination.


4. 乒乓外交(20世纪70年代中国与美国之间改善外交关系的举措)Ping Pong Diplomacy 【例】Ping-pong diplomacy between Chairman Mao and Richard Nixon led to the resumption of ties between China and the United States.


5. 联合公报joint communique; joint declaration

【例】Both countries should cherish the three hard-won joint communiqu'es guiding the development of bilateral relations.


6.批林批孔\"Criticize Lin Biao, Criticize Confucius\" Campaign

7.包产到户fix farm output quotas for each household; the fixing of farm output quotas for individual households with each on its own; fix farm output quotas on the household basis 【例】Now that more flexible policies have been introduced in the rural areas, the practice of fixing farm output quotas on a household basis has been adopted in some localities where it is suitable. It has proved quite effective and changed things rapidly for the better.


8.杂交水稻hybrid rice

【例】The va"iriety of the most important grain crops has been renewed three to five times, each time resulting in increased yields of 10 percent or more. In the past decade the total area sown to hybrid rice has reached 160 million ha, with an increased output of 240 million tons;


9.四人帮Gang of Four

【例】They brought harm to millions upon millions of people.



Reform and Opening-up

The goal of Chinese economic reform, which refers to the program of economic reforms called "Socialism with Chinese characteristics", was to generate sufficient surplus value to finance the modernization of the mainland Chinese economy.

Economic reforms have helped lift millions of people out of poverty, bringing the poverty rate down from 53% of the population in the Mao era to 12% in 1981, and only 6% by 2001.

Generally, these reforms were not the results of a grand strategy, but as immediate responses to pressing problems.

Although it has been characterised by many in the West as a return to capitalism, Chinese officials have insisted that it is a form of socialism.

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