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The effect of capital structure on profitability : an empirical analysis of listed firms in Ghana Introduction

The capital structure decision is crucial for any business organization. The decision is important because of the need to maximize returns to various organizational constituencies, and also because of the impact such a decision has on a firm’s ability to deal with its competitive environment. The capital structure of a firm is actually a mix of different securities. In general, a firm can choose among many alternative capital structures. It can issue a large amount of debt or very little debt. It can arrange lease financing, use warrants, issue convertible bonds, sign forward contracts or trade bond swaps. It can issue dozens of distinct securities in countless combinations; however, it attempts to find the particular combination that maximizes its overall market value.

A number of theories have been advanced in explaining the capital structure of firms. Despite the theoretical appeal of capital structure, researchers in financial management have not found the optimal capital structure. The best that academics and practitioners have been able to achieve are prescriptions that satisfy short-term goals. For example, the lack of a consensus about what would qualify as optimal capital structure has necessitated the need for this research. A better understanding of the issues at hand requires a look at the concept of capital structure and its effect on firm profitability. This paper examines the relationship between capital structure and profitability of companies listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange during the period 1998-2002. The effect of capital structure on the profitability of listed firms in Ghana is a scientific area that has not yet been explored in Ghanaian finance literature.

The paper is organized as follows. The following section gives a review of the extant literature on the subject. The next section describes the data and justifies the choice of the variables used in the analysis. The model used in the analysis is then estimated. The subsequent section presents and discusses the results of the empirical analysis. Finally, the last section summarizes the findings of the research and also concludes the discussion.

Literature on capital structure

The relationship between capital structure and firm value has been the subject of considerable debate. Throughout the literature, debate has centered on whether there is an optimal capital structure for an individual firm or whether the proportion of debt usage is irrelevant to the individual firm’s value. The capital structure of a firm concerns the mix of debt and equity the firm uses in its operation. Brealey and Myers (2003) contend that the choice of capital structure is fundamentally a marketing problem. They state that the firm can issue dozens of distinct securities in countless combinations, but it attempts to find the particular combination that maximizes market value. According to Weston and Brigham (1992), the optimal capital structure is the one that maximizes the market value of the firm’s outstanding shares.

Fama and French (1998), analyzing the relationship among taxes, financing decisions, and the firm’s value, concluded that the debt does not concede tax b enefits. Besides, the high leverage degree generates agency problems among shareholders and creditors that predict negative relationships between leverage and profitability. Therefore, negative information relating debt and profitability obscures the tax benefit of the debt. Booth et al. (2001) developed a study attempting to relate the capital structure of several companies in countries with extremely different financial markets. They concluded that

the variables that affect the choice of the capital structure of the companies are similar, in spite of the great differences presented by the financial markets. Besides, they concluded that profitability has an inverse relationship with debt level and size of the firm. Graham (2000) concluded in his work that big and profitable companies present a low debt rate. Mesquita and Lara (2003) found in their study that the relationship between rates of return and debt indicates a negative relationship for long-term financing. However, they found a positive relationship for short-term financing and equity.

Hadlock and James (2002) concluded that companies prefer loan (debt) financing because they anticipate a higher return. Taub (1975) also found significant positive coefficients for four measures of profitability in a regression of these measures against debt ratio. Petersen and Rajan (1994) identified the same association, but for industries. Baker (1973), who worked with a simultaneous equations model, and Nerlove (1968) also found the same type of association for industries. Roden and Lewellen (1995) found a significant positive association between profitability and total debt as a percentage of the total buyout-financing package in their study on leveraged buyouts. Champion (1999) suggested that the use of leverage was one way to improve the performance of an organization.

In summary, there is no universal theory of the debt-equity choice. Different views have been put forward regarding the financing choice. The present study investigates the effect of capital structure on profitability of listed firms on the GSE.


This study sampled all firms that have been listed on the GSE over a five-year period (1998-2002). Twenty-two firms qualified to be included in the study sample. Variables used for the analysis include profitability and leverage ratios. Profitability is operationalized using a commonly used accounting-based measure: the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to equity. The leverage ratios used include:

. short-term debt to the total capital;

. long-term debt to total capital;

. total debt to total capital.

Firm size and sales growth are also included as control variables.

The panel character of the data allows for the use of panel data methodology. Panel data involves the pooling of observations on a cross-section of units over several time periods and provides results that are simply not detectable in pure cross-sections or pure time-series studies. A general model for panel data that allows the researcher to estimate panel data with great flexibility and formulate the differences in the behavior of the

cross-section elements is adopted. The relationship between debt and profitability is thus estimated in the following regression models:

ROE i,t =β0 +β1SDA i,t +β2SIZE i,t +β3SG i,t + ?i,t (1) ROE i,t=β0 +β1LDA i,t +β2SIZE i,t +β3SG i,t + ?i,t (2) ROE i,t=β0 +β1DA i,t +β2SIZE i,t +β3SG i,t + ?i,t (3)


. ROE i,t is EBIT divided by equity for firm i in time t;

. SDA i,t is short-term debt divided by the total capital for firm i in time t;

. LDA i,t is long-term debt divided by the total capital for firm i in time t;

. DA i,t is total debt divided by the total capital for firm i in time t;

. SIZE i,t is the log of sales for firm i in time t;

. SG i,t is sales growth for firm i in time t; and

. ?i,t is the error term.

Empirical results

Table I provides a summary of the descriptive statistics of the dependent and independent variables for the sample of firms. This shows the average indicators of variables computed from the financial statements. The return rate measured by return on equity (ROE) reveals an average of 36.94 percent with median 28.4 percent. This picture suggests a good performance during the period under study. The ROE measures the contribution of net income per cedi (local currency) invested by the firms’ stockholders; a measure of the efficiency of the owners’ invested capital. The variable SDA measures the ratio of short-term debt to total capital. The average value of this variable is 0.4876 with median 0.4547. The value 0.4547 indicates that approximately 45 percent of total assets are represented by short-term debts, attesting to the fact that Ghanaian firms largely depend on short-term debt for financing their operations due to the difficulty in accessing long-term credit from financial institutions. Another reason is due to the under-developed nature of the Ghanaian long-term debt market. The ratio of total long-term debt to total assets (LDA) also stands on average at 0.0985. Total debt to total capital ratio(DA) presents a mean of 0.5861. This suggests that about 58 percent of total assets are financed by debt capital. The above position reveals that the companies are financially leveraged with a large percentage of total debt being short-term.

Table I.

Descriptive statistics

Mean SD Minimum Median Maximum


ROE 0.3694 0.5186 -1.0433 0.2836 3.8300

SDA 0.4876 0.2296 0.0934 0.4547 1.1018

LDA 0.0985 0.1803 0.0000 0.0186 0.7665

DA 0.5861 0.2032 0.2054 0.5571 1.1018

SIZE 18.2124 1.6495 14.1875 18.2361 22.0995

SG 0.3288 0.3457 20.7500 0.2561 1.3597


Regression analysis is used to investigate the relationship between capital structure and profitability measured by ROE. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression results are presented in Table II. The results from the regression models (1), (2), and (3) denote that the independent variables explain the debt ratio determinations of the firms at 68.3, 39.7, and 86.4 percent, respectively. The F-statistics prove the validity of the estimated models. Also, the coefficients are statistically significant in level of confidence of 99 percent.

The results in regression (1) reveal a significantly positive relationship between SDA and profitability. This suggests that short-term debt tends to be less expensive, and therefore increasing short-term debt with a relatively low interest rate will lead to an increase in profit levels. The results also show that profitability increases with the control variables (size and sales growth). Regression (2) shows a significantly negative association between LDA and profitability. This implies that an increase in the long-term debt position is associated with a decrease in profitability. This is explained by the fact that long-term debts are relatively more expensive, and therefore employing high proportions of them could lead to low profitability. The results support earlier findings by Miller (1977), Fama and French (1998), Graham (2000) and Booth et al. (2001). Firm size and sales growth are again positively related to profitability.

The results from regression (3) indicate a significantly positive association between DA and profitability. The significantly positive regression coefficient for total debt implies that an increase in the debt position is associated with an increase in profitability: thus, the higher the debt, the higher the profitability. Again, this suggests that profitable firms depend more on debt as their main financing option. This supports the findings of Hadlock and James (2002), Petersen and Rajan (1994) and Roden and Lewellen (1995) that profitable firms use more debt. In the Ghanaian case, a high proportion (85 percent)

of debt is represented by short-term debt. The results also show positive relationships between the control variables (firm size and sale growth) and profitability.

Table II.

Regression model results


Profitability (EBIT/equity)

Ordinary least squares


Variable 1 2 3

SIZE 0.0038 (0.0000) 0.0500 (0.0000) 0.0411 (0.0000)

SG 0.1314 (0.0000) 0.1316 (0.0000) 0.1413 (0.0000)

SDA 0.8025 (0.0000)

LDA -0.3722(0.0000)

DA -0.7609(0.0000)

R20.6825 0.3968 0.8639

SE 0.4365 0.4961 0.4735

Prob. (F) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000


The capital structure decision is crucial for any business organization. The decision is important because of the need to maximize returns to various organizational constituencies, and also because of the impact such a decision has on an organization’s ability to deal with its competitive environment. This present study evaluated the relationship between capital structure and profitability of listed firms on the GSE during a five-year period (1998-2002). The results revealed significantly positive relation between SDA and ROE, suggesting that profitable firms use more short-term debt to finance their operation. Short-term debt is an important component or source of financing for Ghanaian firms, representing 85 percent of total debt financing. However, the results showed a negative relationship between LDA and ROE. With regard to the relationship between total debt and profitability, the regression results showed a significantly positive association between DA and ROE. This suggests that profitable firms depend more on debt as their main financing option. In the Ghanaian case, a high proportion (85 percent) of the debt is represented in short-term debt.









司价值。公司资本结构涉及该公司运作时使用的负债和权益的组合比率。Brealey 和Myers(2003)声称,资本结构的选择根本上是一个市场额问题。他们认为公司可以在无数的组合中发行许多不同的证券,但它试图找到以最大限度扩大市场价值的特定价值。Weston和Brigham(1992)认为,最优资本结构是指最大限度扩大公司已发行股票的市场价值的结构。

Fama和French(1998),分析税收、融资决策,公司价值之间的关系,得出结论:债务并不承认税负方面的优惠。此外,告杠杆效率在股东和债券人之间产生的代理问题预示杠杆效应和利润之间的负相关关系。因此负面的涉及债务和盈利能力的额信息掩盖了债务的税收优惠。Booth 等(2001)进一步对一些资本结构资本结构截然不同的国家的公司做了研究,试图找出资本结构与金融市场的关联。他们指出尽管金融市场有着巨大差异,但是影响企业资本结构选择的变量是相似的。此外,他们得出的结论是:盈利水平和债务程度、公司规模呈负相关关系。然而,他们发现:在短期融资和股本呈正相关关系。









该小组的数据特征允许使用面板数据方法。固定样板数据涉及基于时间集中观察几个单位提供的且不只是纯粹探测到的横截面或纯时序研究结果。研究者一般以面板数据模型,允许以极大的灵活性估计面板数据,并制定行为差异的横截面元素通过。债务和盈利能力之间的关系在接下来的回归模型中是如此估计的:ROE i,t =β0 +β1SDA i,t +β2SIZE i,t +β3SG i,t + ?i,t (1)

ROE i,t=β0 +β1LDA i,t +β2SIZE i,t +β3SG i,t + ?i,t (2)

ROE i,t=β0 +β1DA i,t +β2SIZE i,t +β3SG i,t + ?i,t (3)


ROE i,t 是指t时间点上i公司息税前利润除以该公司股票。

SDA i,t 是指t时间点上i公司短期债务除以资本总额。

LDA i,t 是指t时间点上i公司长期债务除以资本总额。

DA i,t 是指在t时间点上i公司债务总额除以资本总额。

SIZE i,t是指在t时间点上i公司的销售记录。

SG i,t 是指在t时间点上i公司的销售增长。

?i,t 是误差项。





Mean SD Minimum Median Maximum


ROE 0.3694 0.5186 -1.0433 0.2836 3.8300

SDA 0.4876 0.2296 0.0934 0.4547 1.1018

LDA 0.0985 0.1803 0.0000 0.0186 0.7665

DA 0.5861 0.2032 0.2054 0.5571 1.1018

SIZE 18.2124 1.6495 14.1875 18.2361 22.0995

SG 0.3288 0.3457 20.7500 0.2561 1.3597



在回归结果(1)中解释了SDA和盈利能力有着显著的相关关系。这表明,短期债务往往成本较低,因此一个相对低利率总价债务将导致增加利润水平。研究还表明,随着控制变量(规模和销售增长)盈利增加。回归(3)显示LDA和盈利能力有着显著的负相关性。这意味着,盈利能力伴随长期债务的上升而下降。这解释了债务由于相对比较昂贵,因此采用很高的长期债务比率会降低盈利能力的事实。这些早期的研究结果支持Miller(1997)、Fama和French(1998),Graham(2000)、Booth 等(2001)的结论。公司规模和销售增长均与盈利能力呈长相关关系。

回归(3)结果表明DA与盈利能力有着正相关关系。对债务呈显著正相关系数意味着负债状况提高与盈利能力提高有关:债务越高,利润越高。同样这表明公司的盈利更多的依靠债务作为主要融资选择。这支持Hadlock和James(2002),Petersen 和Rajan(1994)和Roden和Lewellen(1995)的结论:盈利的公司更多使用债务。在加纳案例中,高达85%的债务是短期的。研究结果还显示控制变量(公司规模和销售增长)与盈利能力呈正相关关系。



Profitability (EBIT/equity)

Ordinary least squares



中文参考文献格式 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识: M——专著,C——论文集,N——报纸文章,J——期刊文章,D——学位论文,R——报告,S——标准,P——专利;对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 参考文献一律置于文末。其格式为: (一)专著 示例 [1] 张志建.严复思想研究[M]. 桂林:广西师范大学出版社,1989. [2] 马克思恩格斯全集:第1卷[M]. 北京:人民出版社,1956. [3] [英]蔼理士.性心理学[M]. 潘光旦译注.北京:商务印书馆,1997. (二)论文集 示例 [1] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979. [2] 别林斯基.论俄国中篇小说和果戈里君的中篇小说[A]. 伍蠡甫.西方文论选:下册[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979. 凡引专著的页码,加圆括号置于文中序号之后。 (三)报纸文章 示例 [1] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27,(3) (四)期刊文章 示例 [1] 郭英德.元明文学史观散论[J]. 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),1995(3). (五)学位论文 示例 [1] 刘伟.汉字不同视觉识别方式的理论和实证研究[D]. 北京:北京师范大学心理系,1998. (六)报告 示例 [1] 白秀水,刘敢,任保平. 西安金融、人才、技术三大要素市场培育与发展研究[R]. 西安:陕西师范大学西北经济发展研究中心,1998. (七)、对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明性的注释,置于本页地脚,前面用圈码标识。 参考文献的类型 根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母标识: M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——研究报告 S——标准 P——专利 A——专著、论文集中的析出文献 Z——其他未说明的文献类型 电子文献类型以双字母作为标识: DB——数据库 CP——计算机程序 EB——电子公告


客户关系管理的应用和理论研究述评与展望 摘要:客户关系管理理论在近几年来受到国内外管理界和信息技术界的重点关注,随着全球一体化发展带来的全球化市场竞争和客户竞争,客户关系管理也受到了企业的广泛推崇,因此客户关系管理成为近年来管理界和信息技术界发展最为迅速的领域之一。本文主要从客户关系管理的产生、客户关系管理的概念与内涵、企业客户关系管理的应用研究和理论研究状况展开,并对客户关系管理的研究进行了展望。 关键词:客户关系管理;营销理论;关系营销;数据挖掘 前言 著名的管理大师“现代管理学之父”彼得·德鲁克在其著作中提出,“顾客是企业的基石,是企业存活的命脉,只有顾客才能创造就业机会。企业经营的真谛是获得并留住顾客”。 自客户关系管理概念被提出以来,许多学者从不同视角对CRM展开了研究,并取得了许多有价值的理论贡献,企业和机构也在客户关系管理功能的诱惑下开始实施客户关系管理。 一、客户关系管理的起源 CRM(客户关系管理)起源于20世纪80年代初提出的“接触管理”(Contact Management),即专门收集整理客户与公司联系的所有信息。在 1984 年, Ives 和 Learmonth 提出了客户生命周期(CRLC)的概念,旨在客户生命周期的不同阶段支持并满足客户的所有需求, 被视为CRM 思想的萌芽。到90年代初期演变成为包括电话服务中心支援资料分析的客户关怀(Customer Care)。而作为一个概念来说,客户关系管理最早由美国Gartner Group提出,Gartner Group 最初认为,客户关系管理就是为企业提供全方位的管理视角,赋予企业更完善的客户交流能力,最大化客户的收益率。 客户关系管理的理论基础来源于西方的市场营销理论,通过回顾市场营销理论的发展,我们可以对客户关系管理的发展有整体的把握和了解。营销学家菲利普·科特勒总结了营销观念发展的五个演变阶段,包括生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、营销观念、社会营销观念。 前三个阶段是以“生产者为导向”的传统营销观念,后两个阶段成为现代市场营销观念,从传统营销观念到客户关系管理观念,企业对客户的态度发生了巨变。传统营销观念中企业没


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超详细中英文论文参考文献标准格式 1、参考文献和注释。按论文中所引用文献或注释编号的顺序列在论文正文之后,参考文献之前。图表或数据必须注明来源和出处。 (参考文献是期刊时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。参考文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。) 2、附录。包括放在正文内过份冗长的公式推导,以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复性数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: [M]--专著,著作 [C]--论文集(一般指会议发表的论文续集,及一些专题论文集,如《***大学研究生学术论文集》[N]-- 报纸文章 [J]--期刊文章:发表在期刊上的论文,尽管有时我们看到的是从网上下载的(如知网),但它也是发表在期刊上的,你看到的电子期刊仅是其电子版 [D]--学位论文:不区分硕士还是博士论文 [R]--报告:一般在标题中会有"关于****的报告"字样 [S]-- 标准 [P]--专利 [A]--文章:很少用,主要是不属于以上类型的文章 [Z]--对于不属于上述的文献类型,可用字母"Z"标识,但这种情况非常少见 常用的电子文献及载体类型标识: [DB/OL] --联机网上数据(database online) [DB/MT] --磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape) [M/CD] --光盘图书(monograph on CDROM) [CP/DK] --磁盘软件(computer program on disk) [J/OL] --网上期刊(serial online) [EB/OL] --网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 很显然,标识的就是该资源的英文缩写,/前面表示类型,/后面表示资源的载体,如OL表示在线资源 二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号)起止页码. 【举例】 [1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星.对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2003(6):107-109. [2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业设计(论文)教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52. [3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 67. 2.专著类


XXX学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院:计算机与软件工程学院 专业:计算机科学技术(软件工程方向) 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:GoyKakus.THE RESEARCH OFCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY [J]. International Journal of Management Research & Review, 2017, 1(9): 624-635. 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 客户关系管理战略研究 Goy Kakus 摘要 客户关系管理解决方案,通过为你提供客户业务数据来帮助你提供客户想要的服务或产品,提供更好的客户服务、交叉销售和更有效的销售,达成交易,保留现有客户并更好地理解你的客户是谁。本文探讨了客户关系管理模型在获得、保持与发展策略方面的优势。然而,我们对其定义和意义还存在一些困惑。本文通过考察关系营销和其他学科方面的相关文献,解释了客户关系管理的概念基础,从而对客户关系管理的知识作出了贡献。 关键词:客户关系管理模型, 客户关系管理的博弈改变者与关键策略 引言 CRM 是客户关系管理的简称。它的特征在于公司与客户的沟通,无论是销售还是服务相关的。客户关系管理这一术语经常用来解释企业客户关系,客户关系管理系统也以同样的方式被用来处理商业联系, 赢得客户,达成合同和赢得销售。 客户关系管理通常被考虑作为一个业务策略,从而使企业能够: *了解客户 *通过更好的客户体验留住客户 *吸引新客户 *赢得新客户和达成合同 *提高盈利 *减少客户管理成本 *通过服务台等工具软件,电子邮件组织者和不同类型的企业应用程序,企业业务经常寻求个性化的在线体验。 设计精良的客户关系管理包括以下特征: 1.客户关系管理是一种以顾客为中心并以客户投入为基础的服务响应,一对一的解决客户的必需品, 买家和卖家服务中心直接在线互动,帮助客户解决他


本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 外文题目Earnings Management under German GAAP versus IFRS 外文出处 European Accounting Review 外文作者 Tendeloo, B.V., and Vanstraelen, A 原文: Earnings Management under German GAAP versus IFRS Abstract This paper addresses the question whether voluntary adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is associated with lower earnings management. Ball et al. (Journal of Accounting and Economics, 36(1–3), pp. 235–270, 2003) argue that adopting high quality standards might be a necessary condition for high quality information, but not necessarily a sufficient one. In Germany, a code-law country with low investor protection rights, a relatively large number of companies have chosen to voluntarily adopt IFRS prior to 2005. We investigate whether German companies that have adopted IFRS engage significantly less in earnings management compared to German companies reporting under German generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), while controlling for other differences in earnings management incentives. Our sample, consisting of German listed companies, contains 636 firm-year observations relating to the period 1999–2001. Our results suggest that IFRS-adopters do not present different earnings management behavior compared to companies reporting under German GAAP. These findings contribute to the current debate on whether high quality standards are sufficient and effective in countries with weak investor protection rights. They indicate that voluntary adopters of IFRS in Germany cannot be associated with lower earnings management. 1. Introduction The International Accounting Standards (IAS), now renamed as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), have been developed to harmonize corporate accounting practice and to answer the need for high quality standards to be adopted in


贯彻落实科学发展观大力发展节能与绿色建筑 (2005年2月23日) 中华人民共和国建设部 节能建筑是按节能设计标准进行设计和建造、使其在使用过程中降低能耗的建筑。 绿色建筑是指为人们提供健康、舒适、安全的居住、工作和活动的空间,同时在建筑全生命周期(物料生产,建筑规划、设计、施工、运营维护及拆除过程)中实现高效率地利用资源(能源、土地、水资源、材料)、最低限度地影响环境的建筑物。绿色建筑也有人称之为生态建筑、可持续建筑。 一、发展节能与绿色建筑的重要意义 建筑作为人工环境,是满足人类物质和精神生活需要的重要组成部分。然而,人类对感官享受的过度追求,以及不加节制的开发与建设,使现代建筑不仅疏离了人与自然的天然联系和交流,也给环境和资源带来了沉重的负担。据统计,人类从自然界所获得的50%以上的物质原料用来建造各类建筑及其附属设施,这些建筑在建造与使用过程中又消耗了全球能源的50%左右;在环境总体污染中,与建筑有关的空气污染、光污染、电磁污染等就占了34%;建筑垃圾则占人类活动产生垃圾总量的40%;在发展中国家,剧增的建筑量还造成侵占土地、破坏生态环境等现象日益严重。中国正处于工业化和城镇化快速发展阶段,要在未来15年保持GDP年均增长7%以上,将面临巨大的资源约束瓶颈和环境恶化压力。严峻的事实告诉我们,中国要走可持续发展道路,发展节能与绿色建筑刻不容缓。 绿色建筑通过科学的整体设计,集成绿色配置、自然通风、自然采光、低能耗围护结构、新能源利用、中水回用、绿色建材和智能控制等高新技术,具有选址规划合理、资源利用高效循环、节能措施综合有效、建筑环境健康舒适、废物排放减量无害、建筑功能灵活适宜等六大特点。它不仅可以满足人们的生理和心理需求,而且能源和资源的消耗最为经济合理,对环境的影响最小。 胡锦涛同志指出:要大力发展节能省地型住宅,全面推广节能技术,制定并强制执行节能、节材、节水标准,按照减量化、再利用、资源化的原则,搞好资源综合利用,实现经济社会的可持续发展。温家宝和曾培炎同志也多次指出,建筑节能不仅是经济问题,而且是重要的战略问题。 发展节能与绿色建筑是建设领域贯彻“三个代表”重要思想和十六大精神,认真落实以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,统筹经济社会发展、人与


中英文参考文献格式! (細節也很重要啊。。)来源:李菲玥的日志 规范的参考文献格式 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著C——论文集N——报纸文章J——期刊文章 D——学位论文R——报告S——标准P——专利 A——文章 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 常用的电子文献及载体类型标识: [DB/OL]——联机网上数据(database online) [DB/MT]——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape) [M/CD]——光盘图书(monograph on CD ROM) [CP/DK]——磁盘软件(computer program on disk) [J/OL]——网上期刊(serial online) [EB/OL]——网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点: ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母. 如:Malcolm R ichard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norri s, F. & I.Gordon.; ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码. 【举例】 [1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星.对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2003(6):107-109.


CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT As. univ. drd. Mihaela Cornelia Prejmerean Lect. univ. dr. Alina Mihaela Dima Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Abstract: After 17 years of economical and market development, Romanian companies face a new challenge: the tough competition from the European Union and the battle for the customers. The Romanian enterprises will have to learn not only how to attract customers, but also how to keep them. Marketing programs include now aspects regarding customer orientation, relationship management, loyalty and quality. In this paper, we will follow the main aspects, characteristics, dimensions and processes of Customer Relationship Management, and we will analyze the challenges that the local companies will have to face. Examples from the financial service sector will round the actual situation of the implementation of the CRM rules and principles in Romania. Keywords: marketing information system; customer relationship management; business asset, customer acquisition; customer retention. 1. Introduction In the last decade, the majority of the companies were preoccupied with production, recession, mergers, new technologies and business regulation. Romania’s accession in the European Union will bring many advantages for further development, together with membership in a Common Market with common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement for all the four factors of production (goods, services, capital and labor). This means that Romanian companies will compete with other companies from the EU directly in their home market. European companies are more flexible and mobile and will put a high pressure on the local companies in order to produce better products, launch better offers and services and orientate more towards their customers. High revenue equals important customer is a classic rule when the company organises its customer policy. “An imp ortant customer brings a gross amount of money for our enterprise” has become a reflex for many compa nies abroad and perhaps in Romania, too. But is this always true, or do we need more information than a simple figure reported at the end of the year? 2. Marketing information system A winning company is more productive in acquiring and retaining customers, to


企业会计准则外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 外文: On February 15, 2006, the Ministry of Finance issued 1 item of basic accounting standards and 38 specific guidelines, the new set of accounting standards system. Standards issued, the community gave wide attention, the securities industry, business circles, academic circles gave height the opinion, think this is the second in 1993 accounting reform after another is of great significance to the accounting reform, marking China's convergence with international financial reporting standards of enterprise accounting standards system formally established, to improve the China's socialist market economic system, improve the level of opening up and accelerate China's integration into the global economy has important significance. Also expressed their concerns and worries, mainly reflected in the following aspects: a fair value is difficult to "fair", and is very likely to become the profit manipulation tools; two is the enterprise may to adjust earnings manipulation debt restructuring, debt restructuring will once again become the darling of the securities market; three is the new standard published may induce "fair" phenomenon, which


动脉粥样硬化所导致的心脑血管疾病是目前发病率和死亡率较高的疾病之一。在动脉粥样硬化的形成过程中, 内皮细胞病变是其中极其重要的因素,最显著的变化是动脉内皮功能紊乱, 血管内皮细胞的损伤和功能改变是动脉粥样硬化发生的起始阶段。 Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis is one of diseases with higher mortality and morbidity at present . In the formation of atherosclerosis, the endothelial cell lesion is one of the most important factors, in which, the most significant change is endothelial dysfunction. In addition, the injuries and the changes of vascular endothelial cells are the initial factors of atherosclerosis. 许多因素会导致血管内皮细胞受损, 主要包括脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharides , LPS)、炎症介质、氧自由基等。其中脂多糖因其广泛的生物学作用, 越来越引起研究者的关注。LPS 是一种炎症刺激物, 是革兰阴性杆菌细胞壁的主要组成成分,其通过刺激血管内皮细胞,引起其相关细胞因子和炎性因子的表达紊乱,尤其是Ca2+ 和活性氧簇(Reactive Oxygen Species , ROS的合成和释放发生改变诱导细胞氧化应激内环境紊乱。大量研究表明, LPS 直接参与动脉粥样硬化的形成过程, 特别是动脉粥样硬化血管炎症的初始阶段, LPS可通过直接作用或间接影响的方式激活并损伤内皮细胞,从而引 起血管内皮细胞形态与功能的改变。 Many factors induce vascular endothelial cell damage, including lipopolysaccharides (LPS), inflammatory mediators and oxygen free


英文引用及参考文献格式要求 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著C——论文集N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章D——学位论文R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点: ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母.如:MalcolmRichardCowley应为:Cowley,M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:FrankNorris与IrvingGordon应为:Norris,F.&I.Gordon.; ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:MasteringEnglishLiterature,EnglishWeekly。 二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码. 【举例】 [1]王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58. [2]夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52. [3]Heider,E.R.&D.C.Oliver.Thestructureofcolorspaceinnamingandmemo ryoftwolanguages[J].ForeignLanguageTeachingandResearch,1999,(3):62–6 7. 2.专著类 【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码. 【举例】[4]葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42. [5]Gill,R.MasteringEnglishLiterature[M].London:Macmillan,1985:42-45. 3.报纸类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次). 【举例】 [6]李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N].光明日报,1998-12-27(3). [7]French,W.BetweenSilences:AVoicefromChina[N].AtlanticWeekly,198 715(33). 4.论文集 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码. 【举例】 [8]伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C].上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17. [9]Spivak,G.“CantheSubalternSpeak?”[A].InC.Nelson&L.Grossberg(e ds.).VictoryinLimbo:Imigism[C].Urbana:UniversityofIllinoisPress,1988, pp.271-313.


客户关系管理研究文献综述 摘要:客户关系管理(CRM)是最近几年管理界热烈讨论的话题,经济的发展与人民生活水平的提高,使得原来以产品为到现在为导向的企业经营模式已日益不能满足消费者多样化、个性化的需求,客户关系管理就成为企业界关注的领域,本文拟从信息的角度对当前客户关系管理研究进行总结,为今后的研究奠定基础。 关键词:客户关系管理(CRM)、信息技术(IT)、功能 近年来,“顾客满意”似乎已成为企业界人士最常挂在嘴边的用语,因为他们认识到顾客是最终评定产品及服务品质优劣,并能决定是否继续与该公司交易的人,也就是说顾客是公司利润的源泉。随着竞争日趋白热化,全球各公司获取顾客光顾的成本不断增高,加上顾客多样化选择的机会等因素,让人感觉生意越来越难做。面对越来越挑剔的顾客和激烈的同行竞争,吸引新顾客和保留现有顾客已成为企业必须面对的重要课题,因此研究客户关系管理(CRM 或Customer Relationship Management)对于满足客户个性化需求,提高客户忠诚度和保有率,实现缩短销售周期、降低销售成本、增加收入、扩展市场,从而全面提升企业的赢利能力和竞争力有着重要的作用。因此,本文旨在对客户关系管理的研究现状进行总结,以便在此基础上做更深入的研究。 1 客户关系管理的概念 所谓客户关系管理是一种以客户为中心的经营策略,它以信息技术为手段,并对工作流程进行重组,以赋予企业更完善的客户交流能力、最大化客户的收益率①。 客户关系管理是一个IT业术语,它涵盖了方法学、软件技术和网络技术,通过一种组织化的方式来帮助企业管理客户关系。 客户关系管理是一概念,它把管理理念和业务实践融合在一起,它继承了销售、定单管理、客户服务以及协调和统一在客户生命周期内与客户交互的所有信息。CRM帮助企业管理单个客户,通过快速响应和高效的服务建立同客户之间的牢固关系。 客户关系管理应用是一个前端应用工具,通过它能够很方便地捕捉、融合、分析和共享企业已有的和潜在客户的信息。此过程主要贯穿市场、销售和服务阶段,目的是为了更好地了解客户,精确地定位客户对企业的产品和服务提出的需求。CRM软件的实施主要有两个目标:第一,使得企业能更有效地定位、联系和赢得新客户;第二,使得企业与现有客户之间的关系更牢固。 CRM不是一个产品或服务,而是一种商业策略,通过它来有效管理企业客户关系,它为企业的每一个客户提供了一个完整的集成视图。 综合以上对客户关系管理的定义和有关文献可以看出:CRM是在信息技术支持下,依据一定的商业规则形成的软件工具,目的是为了更好地服务于客户和留住客户,增强企业竞争力最终达到赢利的目标②。 2 客户关系管理的研究现状 近年来,国内外的学者对客户关系管理理论、方法和实施做了多方面的研究。主要是针对客户关系管理的重要性、客户关系管理的基本功能和技术要求以及如何实现客户关系管理等。从信息的角度,客户关系管理的代表性的研究有:Hurwitz Group提出的CRM的六个主要的功能和技术要求;余军合,吴昭同(2000)提出的客户关系管理的三大基本功能;江波(2002)提出的客户关系管理的技术架构和典型功能以及技术实现;AMT网站客户关系管理研究小组提出的CRM系统具有的五大功能模块;以


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文翻译 平面设计 任何时期平面设计可以参照一些艺术和专业学科侧重于视觉传达和介绍。采用多种方式相结合,创造和符号,图像和语句创建一个代表性的想法和信息。平面设计师可以使用印刷,视觉艺术和排版技术产生的最终结果。平面设计常常提到的进程,其中沟通是创造和产品设计。 共同使用的平面设计包括杂志,广告,产品包装和网页设计。例如,可能包括产品包装的标志或其他艺术作品,举办文字和纯粹的设计元素,如形状和颜色统一件。组成的一个最重要的特点,尤其是平面设计在使用前现有材料或不同的元素。 平面设计涵盖了人类历史上诸多领域,在此漫长的历史和在相对最近爆炸视觉传达中的第20和21世纪,人们有时是模糊的区别和重叠的广告艺术,平面设计和美术。毕竟,他们有着许多相同的内容,理论,原则,做法和语言,有时同样的客人或客户。广告艺术的最终目标是出售的商品和服务。在平面

设计,“其实质是使以信息,形成以思想,言论和感觉的经验”。 在唐朝( 618-906 )之间的第4和第7世纪的木块被切断打印纺织品和后重现佛典。阿藏印在868是已知最早的印刷书籍。 在19世纪后期欧洲,尤其是在英国,平面设计开始以独立的运动从美术中分离出来。蒙德里安称为父亲的图形设计。他是一个很好的艺术家,但是他在现代广告中利用现代电网系统在广告、印刷和网络布局网格。 于1849年,在大不列颠亨利科尔成为的主要力量之一在设计教育界,该国政府通告设计在杂志设计和制造的重要性。他组织了大型的展览作为庆祝现代工业技术和维多利亚式的设计。 从1892年至1896年威廉?莫里斯凯尔姆斯科特出版社出版的书籍的一些最重要的平面设计产品和工艺美术运动,并提出了一个非常赚钱的商机就是出版伟大文本论的图书并以高价出售给富人。莫里斯证明了市场的存在使平面设计在他们自己拥有的权利,并帮助开拓者从生产和美术分离设计。这历史相对论是,然而,重要的,因为它为第一次重大的反应对于十九世纪的陈旧的平面设计。莫里斯的工作,以及与其他私营新闻运动,直接影响新艺术风格和间接负责20世纪初非专业性平面设计的事态发展。 谁创造了最初的“平面设计”似乎存在争议。这被归因于英国的设计师和大学教授Richard Guyatt,但另一消息来源于20世纪初美国图书设计师William Addison Dwiggins。 伦敦地铁的标志设计是爱德华约翰斯顿于1916年设计的一个经典的现代而且使用了系统字体设计。 在20世纪20年代,苏联的建构主义应用于“智能生产”在不同领域的生产。个性化的运动艺术在俄罗斯大革命是没有价值的,从而走向以创造物体的功利为目的。他们设计的建筑、剧院集、海报、面料、服装、家具、徽标、菜单等。 Jan Tschichold 在他的1928年书中编纂了新的现代印刷原则,他后来否认他在这本书的法西斯主义哲学主张,但它仍然是非常有影响力。 Tschichold ,包豪斯印刷专家如赫伯特拜耳和拉斯洛莫霍伊一纳吉,和El Lissitzky 是平面设计之父都被我们今天所知。 他们首创的生产技术和文体设备,主要用于整个二十世纪。随后的几年看到平面设计在现代风格获得广泛的接受和应用。第二次世界大战结束后,美国经济的建立更需要平面设计,主要是广告和包装等。移居国外的德国包豪斯设计学院于1937年到芝加哥带来了“大规模生产”极简到美国;引发野火的“现代”建筑和设计。值得注意的名称世纪中叶现代设计包括阿德里安Frutiger ,设计师和Frutiger字体大学;保兰德,从20世纪30年代后期,直到他去世于1996年,采取的原则和适用包豪斯他们受欢迎的广告和标志设计,帮助创造一个独特的办法,美国的欧洲简约而成为一个主要的先驱。平面设计称为企业形象;约瑟夫米勒,罗克曼,设计的海报严重尚未获取1950年代和1960年代时代典型。 从道路标志到技术图表,从备忘录到参考手册,增强了平面设计的知识转让。可读性增强了文字的视觉效果。 设计还可以通过理念或有效的视觉传播帮助销售产品。将它应用到产品和公司识别系统的要素像标志、颜色和文字。连同这些被定义为品牌。品牌已日益成为重要的提供的服务范围,许多平面设计师,企业形象和条件往往是同时交替使用。


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:国际会计准则第 37 号或有负债和或有资产文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

LNTU---Acc 附录A 国际会计准则第 37 号或有负债和或有资产 目的 本准则的目的是确保将适当的确认标准和计量基础运用于准备、或有负债和或有资产,并确保在财务报表的附注中披露充分的信息,以使使用者能够理解它们的性质、时间和金额。 范围 1.本准则适用于所有企业对以下各项之外的准备、或有负债和或有资产的会计核算:(1)以公允价值计量的金融工具形成的准备、或有负债和或有资产: (2)执行中的合同(除了亏损的执行中的合同)形成的准备、或有负债和或有资产;(3)保险公司与保单持有人之间签订的合同形成的准备、或有负债和或有资产; (4)由其他国际会计准则规范的准备、或有负债和或有资产。 2.本准则适用于不是以公允价值计量的金融工具(包括担保)。 3.执行中的合同是指双方均未履行任何义务或双方均同等程度地履行了部分义务的合同。本准则不适用于执行中的合同,除非它是亏损的。 4.本准则适用于保险公司的准备、或有负债和或有资产,但不适用于其与保单持有人之间签订的合同形成的准备、或有负债和或有资产。 5.如果其他国际会计准则规范了特定的准备、或有负债和或有资产,企业应运用该准则而不是本准则,例如,关于以下项目的准则也规范了特定的准备: (1)建造合同(参见《国际会计准则第11号建造合同》); (2)所得税(参见《国队会计准则第12号所得税》); (3)租赁(参见《国际会计准则第17 号租赁》),但是,《国际会计准则第17 号》未对已变为亏损的经营租质的核算提出具体要求,因而本准则应适用于这些情况; (4)雇员福利(参见《国际会计准则第19号一雇员福利》)。 6.一些作为准备处理的金额可能与收入的确认有关,例如企业提供担保以收取费用,本


中英文对照翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Policies for Development of Iron and Steel Industry The iron and steel industry is an important basic industry of the national economy, a supporting industry for realizing the industrialization and an intensive industry in technologies, capital, resources and energy, and its development requires a comprehensive balancing of all kinds of external conditions. China is a big developing country with a comparatively big demand of iron and steel in the economic development for a long time to go. China's production capacity of iron and steel has ranked the first place in the world for many years. However, there is a large gap in terms of the technological level and material consumption of the iron and steel industry compared with the international advanced level, so the focus of development for the future shall be put on technical upgrading and structural adjustment. In order to enhance the whole technical level of the iron and steel industry, promote the structural adjustment, improve the industrial layout, develop a recycling economy, lower the consumption of materials and energy, pay attention to the environmental protection, raise the comprehensive competitive capacity of enterprises, realize the industrial upgrading, and develop the iron and steel industry into an industry with

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