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摘要:一个在一个芯片上定制设计的硬件。 address bus (地址总

线) A set of electrical lines connected to the processor and all of the peripher als wit hwhich itcommunicates。 The address bus is used by the processor to select aspecific memory location or register within a particular peripheral。 If the addre


ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit. 专用IC

CPLD: Complex Programmable Logic Device. 复杂可编程逻辑器件

EDA: Electronic Design Automation. 电子设计自动化

FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array. 现场可编程门阵列

GAL: Generic Array Logic. 通用阵列逻辑

HDL: Hardware Description Language. 硬件描述语言

IP: Intelligent Property. 智能模块

PAL: Programmable Array Logic. 可编程阵列逻辑

RTL: Register Transfer Level. 寄存器传输级描述)

SOC: System On a Chip. 片上系统

SLIC: System Level IC. 系统级IC

VHDL: Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language. 超高速集成电路硬件描述语言



Application-Specific Integrated Circuit. A piece of custom-designed hardware in a chip.专用集成电路。一个在一个芯片上定制设计的硬件。

address bus (地址总线)

A set of electrical lines connected to the processor and all of the peripher

als withwhich itcommunicates. The address bus is used by the processor to select aspe cific memory location or register within a particular peripheral. If the address bus cont ains n electrical lines, the processor can uniquely address up to 2^n such locations.一


application software(应用软件)

Describes software modules specific to a particular embedded project. The application software is unlikely to be reusable across embedded platforms, simply because each e mbedded system has a different application.



A software development tool that translates human-readable assembly language progr ams into machine-language instructions that the processor can understandand execute.


assembly language(汇编语言)

A human-readable form of a processor"s instruction set. Most processor-specific funct ions must be written in assembly language.




See board support package.

见board support package。

binary semaphore(二元信号)

A type of semaphore with just two states. Also called a mutex.


board support package(板卡支持包)

Part of a software package that is processor or platform-dependent. Typicall

y,sample source code for the board support package is provided by the package devel oper. The sample code must be modified as necessary, compiled, and linked with the r emainder of the software package.


bond-out processor (外合处理器)

A special version of a processor that has some of the internal signals brought out to ex ternal pins. A bond-out processor is most often found within an emulator and is nev er intended to be used in a production system.


Breakpoint (断点)

A location in a program at which execution is to be stopped and control of the process or switched to the debugger. Mechanisms for creating and removing

breakpoints are provided by most debugging tools.





Complex Instruction Set Computer. Describes the architecture of a processor family.

CISC processors generally feature variable-length instructions, multiple addressing fo rmats, and contain only a small number of general-purpose registers. Intel"s 80x8 6 family is the quintessential example of CISC. Contrast with RISC.



Central Processing Unit. The part of a processor that executes instructions.



A software development tool that translates high-level language programs into the ma chine-language instructions that a particular processor can understand and execute.


context (上下文)

The current state of the processor"s registers and flags.


context switch(上下文切换)

The process of switching from one task to another in a multitasking operating system.

A context switch involves saving the context of the running ask and restoring the prev iously-saved context of the other. The piece of code that does this is necessarily proce ssor-specific.


counting semaphore(计数信号)

A type of semaphore that is used to track multiple resources of the same typ

e. An attempt to take a counting semaphore is blocked only if all of the ava

ilable resources are in use. Contrast with binary semaphore.


critical section(临界段)

A block of code that must be executed in sequence and without interruption

to guarantee correct operation of the software. See also race condition.




A compiler that runs on a different platform than the one for which it produces o bject code. A cross-compiler runs on a host computer and produces object code for th e target.




Direct Memory Access. A technique for transferring data directly between two periph erals (usually memory and an I/O device) with only minimal intervention by the proce ssor. DMA transfers are managed by a third peripheral called a DMA controller.



Dynamic Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM that maintains its contents only a s long as the data stored in the device is refreshed at regular intervals.

The refresh cycles are usually performed by a peripheral called a DRAM control



Data bus(数据总线)

A set of electrical lines connected to the processor and all of the peripher

als with which it communicates. When the processor wants to read (write) the contents of a memory location or register within a particular peripheral, it sets th e address bus pins appropriately and receives (transmits) the contents on the data bus.



The time at which a particular set of computations must be completed. See also real-ti me system.一个特定计算必须被完成的时间。请看实时系统。


An unwanted software situation in which an entire set of tasks is blocked, w aiting for an event that only a task within the same set can cause. If a deadlock occurs, the only solution is to reset the hardware. However, it is usually possible to prevent d eadlocks altogether by following certain software design practices.


debug monitor(除错监视程序)

A piece of embedded software that has been designed specifically for use as a debuggi ng tool. It usually resides in ROM and communicates with a debugger via a serial port or network connection. The debug monitor provides a set of primitive commands to v iew and modify memory locations and registers, create and remove breakpoints, and e

xecute your program. The debugger combines these primitives to fulfill higher-level r equests like program download and single-step.



A software development tool used to test and debug embedded software. The debugge r runs on a host computer and connects to the target through a serial port or network c onnection. Using a debugger you can download software to the target for immediate e xecution. You can also set breakpoints and examine the contents of specific memory l ocations and registers.


device driver(设备驱动程序)

A software module that hides the details of a particular peripheral and prov

ides a high-level programming interface to it.


device programmer(设备编程器)

A tool for programming non-volatile memories and other electrically-programmable d evices. Typically, the programmable device is inserted into a socket on the device pro grammer and the contents of a memory buffer are then transferred into it.


digital signal processor(数字信号处理器)

A device that is similar to a microprocessor, except that the internal CPU has been opt

imized for use in applications involving discrete-time signal processing. In addition to standard microprocessor instructions, DSPs usually support a set of complex instructi ons to perform common signal-processing com

putations https://www.doczj.com/doc/1c18625969.html,mon DSP families are TI"s 320Cxx and Motorola"s 5600x seri es.




Electrically Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory. (Pronounced"Double-E"-P ROM.) A type of ROM that can be erased electronically.



Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be erased by e xposing it to ultraviolet light. Once erased, an EPROM can be reprogrammed with the help of a device programmer.


embedded system(嵌入式系统)

A combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanica l or other parts, designed to perform a dedicated function. In some cases, embedded sy stems are part of a larger system or product, as is the case

of an anti-lock braking system in a car. Contrast with general-purpose computer.




Short for In-Circuit Emulator (ICE). A debugging tool that takes the placeof

-emulates-the processor on your target board. Emulators frequently incorporate a spec ial "bond-out" version of the target processor that allows you to observe and record its internal state as your program is executing. 在线仿真器的简写。一个在你的目标板上放置仿真的处理器的调试工具。仿真器经常和一目标处理器的一种“外合”版本合在一起,这个版本的的处理器充许你运行程序时观察和记录它的内部状态。


A file containing object code that is ready for execution on the target. All

that remains is to place the object code into a ROM or download it via a de

bugging tool. 一个包含准备在目标机上运行的目标代码的文件。放置目标代码到ROM中或通过调试工具下载。



Embedded software that is stored as object code within a ROM. This name is most co mmon among the users of digital signal processors.


flash memory (闪存)

A RAM-ROM hybrid that can be erased and rewritten under software control. Such d evices are divided into blocks, called sectors, that are individually-er

asable. Flash memory is common in systems that require nonvolatile data storage at v ery low cost. In some cases, a large fash memory may even be used instead of a disk-drive.



general-purpose computer(通用计算机)

A combination of computer hardware and software that serves as a

general-purpose computing platform. For example, a personal computer. Contrast wit h embedded system.




See high-level language.



An area of memory that is used for dynamic memory allocation. Calls to malloc and fr ee and the C++ operators new and delete result in run-time manipulation of the heap.


high-level language(高级语言)

A language, such as C or C++, that is processor-independent. When programming in a high-level language, it is possible to concentrate on algorithms and applications with out worrying about the details of a particular processor.



A general-purpose computer that communicates with the target via a serial port or net work connection. This term is usually used to distinguish the compu

ter on which the debugger is running from the embedded system that is being developed.





In-Circuit Emulator. See emulator.



Input/Output. The interface between a processor and the world around it. The simplest examples are switches (inputs) and LEDs (outputs).


I/O device(IO设备)

A piece of hardware that interfaces between the processor and the outside world. Com mon examples are switches and LEDs, serial ports, and network controllers.


I/O map(I/O映射)

A table or diagram containing the name and address range of each peripheral addressa ble by the processor within the I/O space. I/O maps are a helpful aid in getting to kno w the target.


I/O space(I/O空间)

A special memory region provided by some processors and generally reserved for the attachment of I/O devices. Memory locations and registers within an I/O space can be accessed only via special instructions. For example, processors in the 80x86 family ha ve special I/O space instructions called in and out. Contrast with memory space.

一个由处理器提供的特殊内存区域,一般为为I/O设备的附件保留。在I/O 空间的内存位置和寄存器只能通过特殊的指定进行访问。例如:80X86家族的处理器有叫做in / out的特殊的I/O空间指令。相对内存空间而言。


See interrupt service routine.

instruction pointer(指令指针)

A register in the processor that contains the address of the next instructio

n to be executed. Also known as a program counter.



An asynchronous electrical signal from a peripheral to the processor. When the periph eral asserts this signal, we say that an interrupt occurs. When an

interrupt occurs, the current state of the processor is saved and an interrupt service rou tine is executed. When the interrupt service routine exits, control of the processor is re turned to whatever part of the software was previously running.


interrupt latency(中断延迟)

The amount of time between the assertion of an interrupt and the start of th

e associated interrupt service routine.


interrupt service routine(中断服务程序)

A piece of software executed in response to a particular interrupt.


interrupt type(中断类型)

A unique number associated with each interrupt.


interrupt vector (中断向量)

The address of an interrupt service routine.


interrupt vector table(中断向量表)

A table containing interrupt vectors and indexed by interrupt type. This table contains the processor"s mapping between interrupts and interrupt service routines and must be initialized by the programmer.



intertask communication(进程间通讯)

A mechanism used by tasks and interrupt service routines to share information and sy nchronize their access to shared resources. The most common building blocks of inter task communication are semaphores and mutexes.




An essential part of any multitasking operating system, the kernel contains

just the scheduler and context-switch routine.




A software development tool that accepts one or more object files as input a

nd outputs a relocatable program. The linker is thus run after all of the source files ha ve been compiled or assembled.




A software development tool that assigns physical addresses to the elocatab

le program produced by the linker. This is the last step in the preparation of software f or execution by an embedded system and the resulting file is called an executable. In s ome cases, the locator"s function may be hidden with in the linker.


logic analyzer(逻辑分析仪)

A hardware debugging tool that can be used to capture the logic levels (0 or

1) of dozens, or even hundreds, of electrical signals in real-time. Logic analyzers can be quite helpful for debugging hardware problems and complex pr

ocessor-peripheral interactions.



memory map(内存映射)

A table or diagram containing the name and address range of each peripheral addressa ble by the processor within the memory space. Memory maps are a helpful aid in getti

ng to know the target.


memory-mapped I/O(内存映射I/O)

An increasingly common hardware design methodology in which I/O devices are plac ed into the memory space rather than the I/O space. From the processor"s point of vie w, memory-mapped I/O devices look very much like memory devices.


memory space(内存空间)

A processor"s standard address space. Contrast with I/O space.



A microcontroller is very similar to a microprocessor. The main diffe rence is that a microcontroller is designed specifically for use in e mbedded systems Microcontrollers typically include a CPU, memory (a s mall amount of RAM and/or ROM), and other peripherals on the same chi p. Common examples are the 8051,Intel"s 80196, and Motorola"s 68HCxx series.

微控制器很像微处理器。主要的差别在于微控制器被特殊设计用在嵌入式系统中。微控制器典型地包括CPU、内存(很小的RAM或ROM),还有其他的外设,它们在同一块芯片上。常见的例子是:8051、Intel80196、Motorola68HCxx 系列。


A piece of silicon containing a general-purpose CPU. The most common examples ar e Intel"s 80x86 and Motorola"s 680x0 families.

一片包含通用CPU的硅片。常见的例子是:Intel80x86、Motorola 680x0系列。


In the context of this book, a debug monitor. However, there is a second meaning for t his word that is associated with intertask communication. In that context, a monitor is a language-level synchronization feature.



The use of more than one processor in a single computer system. So-called "multiproc essor systems" usually have a common memory space through which the processors c an communicate and share data. In addition, some multiprocessor systems support par allel processing.


Multitasking (多任务)

The execution of multiple software routines in pseudo-parallel. Each routine represents a separate "thread of execution" and is referred to as a task. The operating s ystem is responsible for simulating parallelism by parceling out the processor"s time.



A data structure for mutual exclusion, also known as a binary semaphore. A mutex is basically just a multitasking-aware binary flag that can be used to

synchronize the activities of multiple tasks. As such, it can be used to protect critical s ections of the code from interruption and shared resources from simultaneous use.


mutual exclusion(互斥现象)

A guarantee of exclusive access to a shared resource. In embedded systems, the share d resource is typically a block of memory, a global variable, or a set of registers. Mutu al exclusion can be achieved with the use of a semaphore or mutex.




Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM that retains its data even when the system is powered down. NVRAM frequently consists of an SRAM and a long-life battery.




See one-time programmable.

object code(目标代码)

A set of processor-readable opcodes and data. The output of compilers,assemblers, lin kers, and locators are files containing object code.


object file(目标文件)

A file containing object code. The output of a compiler or assembler.


one-time programmable(一次可编程的)

Any programmable device, like a PROM, that can be programmed just once by th

e end user. However, this term is used almost exclusively to refer to microc ontrollers with on-chip PROM.



A sequence of bits that is recognized by the processor as one of the instruc

tions in its instruction set.


operating system(操作系统)

A piece of software that makes multitasking possible. An operating system ty pically consists of a set of function calls, or software interrupts, and a periodic clock ti ck. The operating system is responsible for deciding which task should be using the pr ocessor at a given time and for controlling access to shared resources.



A hardware debugging tool that allows you to view the voltage on one or more electri cal lines. For example, you might use an oscilloscope to determine if a particular inter rupt is currently asserted.




Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be written (programmed

) with a device programmer. These memory devices can be programmed only once, so they are sometimes referred to as write-once or one-time programmable devices.


parallel processing(并行进程)

The ability to apply two or more processors to a single computation.


Peripheral (外设)

A piece of hardware other than the processor, usually memory or an I/O device. The p eripheral may reside within the same chip as the processor, in which case it is called a n internal peripheral.


physical address(物理地址)

The actual address that is placed on the address bus when accessing a memory locatio n or register.



A scheduler is said to be preemptive if it allows the running task to be sus

pended when a higher-priority task becomes ready. Non-preemptive schedulers are ea sier to implement but less appropriate for embedded systems.



A method of interfacing with hardware that involves repeatedly reading a status regist er until the device has reached the awaited state. Device drivers are either polling

or interrupt-driven, with the latter being more generally preferred.



The relative importance of one task compared to another.


priority inversion(优先转置)

An unwanted software situation in which a high-priority task is delayed while waiting for access to a shared resource that is not even being used at the time. For all practica l purposes, the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period.



A word that is often confused with task or thread. The crucial distinction is that all of t he tasks in a system share a common memory space. Processes, on the other hand, alw ays have their own private memory space. Processes are common in multi-user s ystems but are rarely, if ever, found in embedded systems.



A generic term that does not distinction between microprocessor, microcontroller, and digital signal processor.


processor family(处理器族)


一.电子元器件 Electronic Components 1.保险元器件safety device (1) fuse block (2) current fuse (3) other (4) temperature fuse (5) temperature switches (6) since the resumption of fuse 2. 变频器transducer (1) PLC transducer (2)High-performance Universal transducer (3)Constant Power Inverter (4)Constant Torque converter (5)Exclusive Inverter 3.变压器transformer

(1)Power Transformer (2)the isolation transformer (3)constant voltage transformer (4)pulse transformer (5)other transformers (6)Audio transformers (7)autotransformer (8)coupling transformer 4.场效应管voltage controller 5. 传感器sensor (1)Power Transformer (2)Photoelectric Sensors (3)Fiber Optic Sensors (4)Accelerometer (5)Proximity sensor

(6)Level, liquid level sensor (7)Pressure Sensor (8)Vibration Sensor (9)Gas Sensor (10)Acoustic sensor (11)Visual, image sensor (12)Moisture and humidity sensor (13)Displacement sensor (14)传感器Sensor sensor 6.传声器microphone 7.电容器capacitor (1)Glass capacitors (2)Glazed glass capacitors (3)Composite Dielectric Capacitors (4)Electrolytic capacitors


电力系统power system 发电机generator 励磁excitation 励磁器excitor 电压voltage 电流current 升压变压器step-up transformer 母线bus 变压器transformer 空载损耗no-load loss 铁损iron loss 铜损copper loss 空载电流no-load current 有功损耗active loss 无功损耗reactive loss 输电系统power transmission system 高压侧high side 输电线transmission line 高压high voltage 低压low voltage 中压middle voltage 功角稳定angle stability 稳定stability 电压稳定voltage stability 暂态稳定transient stability 电厂power plant 能量输送power transfer 交流AC 直流DC 电网power system 落点drop point 开关站switch station 调节regulation 高抗high voltage shunt reactor 并列的apposable 裕度margin 故障fault 三相故障three phase fault 分接头tap 切机generator triping 高顶值high limited value 静态static (state) 动态dynamic (state) 机端电压控制AVR 电抗reactance 电阻resistance 功角power angle 有功(功率)active power 电容器Capacitor 电抗器Reactor 断路器Breaker 电动机motor 功率因数power-factor 定子stator 阻抗impedance 功角power-angle 电压等级voltage grade 有功负载: active load PLoad 无功负载reactive load 档位tap position 电阻resistor 电抗reactance 电导conductance 电纳susceptance 上限upper limit 下限lower limit 正序阻抗positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗zero sequence impedance 无功(功率)reactive power 功率因数power factor 无功电流reactive current 斜率slope 额定rating 变比ratio 参考值reference value 电压互感器PT 分接头tap 仿真分析simulation analysis 下降率droop rate 传递函数transfer function 框图block diagram 受端receive-side


三维动画术语中英文对照 A Absolute Mode Transform Type-in对坐标方式变换输入Absolute/Relative Snap Toggle Mode绝对/相对捕捉开关模式Accelerated Montage加速蒙太奇 Activate All Maps激活所有贴图 Activate Grid Object激活网格对象;激活网格物体Activate Grid激活栅格;激活网格 Activate Home Grid激活主栅格;激活主网格 Activate活动;激活 Active Shade Floater自动着色面板;交互渲染浮动窗口Active Shade Viewport自动着色视图 Active Shade(Scanline)着色(扫描线) Active Shade实时渲染视图;着色;自动着色 Actual Sound真实声音 Adaptive Cubic立方适配 Adaptive Degradation Toggle降级显示开关 Adaptive Degradation自动降级 Adaptive Linear线性适配 Adaptive Path Steps适配路径步幅;路径步幅自动适配Adaptive Path自适应路径 Adaptive Perspective Grid Toggle适配透视网格开关

Adaptive适配;自动适配;自适应 Add as Proxy加为替身 Add Cross Section增加交叉选择 Additive Color加色法 Adopt the File's Unit Scale采用文件单位尺度 Adv. Lighting高级照明 Advanced Surface Approximation高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Advanced Surface Approx高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Affect Diffuse Toggle影响漫反射开关 Affect Neighbors影响相邻 Affect Region影响区域 Affect Specular Toggle影响镜面反射开关 AI Export输出Adobe Illustrator(*.AI)文件 AI Import输入Adobe Illustrator(*.AI)文件 Align Camera对齐摄像机 Align Grid to View对齐网格到视图 Align Normals对齐法线 Align Orientation对齐方向 Align Position对齐位臵(相对当前坐标系) Align Selection对齐选择 Align to Cursor对齐到指针 Align对齐 All Class ID全部类别 All Commands所有命令



灯饰英语 一、室内灯Residential lamp / light chandeliers枝状大吊灯 吊灯 pendant lamp / light 半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light table lamp / light台灯 wall lamp / light壁灯 floor lamp / light落地灯 ceiling lamp / light吸顶灯 palace lamp / light 宫灯 镜前灯 mirror front lamp / light picture lamp / light 镜画灯 tiffany lamp蒂芙尼灯(彩色玻璃灯) 风水灯 water fountain lamp / light hanging light吊线灯 flower/holiday lamp花/节日灯 clip lamp 夹灯 eye-protection lamp 护眼灯

music lamp 音乐灯 emergency light应急灯 二、商业灯Commercial lamp / light grille lamp / light 格栅灯track lamp / light 导轨灯down lamp / light 筒灯 spot lamp / light 投光射灯reflector lamp射灯 halogen wire lights走线灯 stage lamp舞台灯 三、户外灯Outdoor lamp / light street lamp / light 路灯pillar lamp / light 柱灯 组合灯assembled lamp / light garden lamp / light 庭院灯lawn lamp / light 草坪/地灯 户外壁灯outdoor wall lamp / light landscape lamp景观灯 high-pole lamp高杆灯


常用电气元器件英文单词(1)元件设备 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor 并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Busbar 输电线:TransmissionLine 发电厂:power plant 断路器:Breaker 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 分接头:tap 电动机:motor(2)状态参数 有功:active power 无功:reactive power 电流:current 容量:capacity 电压:voltage 档位:tap position 有功损耗:reactive loss 无功损耗:active loss 功率因数:power-factor 功率:power 功角:power-angle 电压等级:voltage grade 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 阻抗:impedance 正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 电阻:resistor 电抗:reactance 电导:conductance 电纳:susceptance 无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad 有功负载: active load PLoad 遥测:YC(telemetering) 遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator


一.电气名词 Electric items 二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 三.设备 Equipments 四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays 五.电气仪表 Electric instruments 六.防雷 Lightning protection 七.接地 Grounding , earthing 八.室、所 Room , Substation 九.电修车间设备 Equipments of electric repair 十.材料 Material 十一.图名 Drawings , diagrams 十二.表头 Tables 十三.标准图词汇 Terms from standard DWG 一.电气名词 Electric items 交(直)流 Alternating (direct) current 短路电流 Short-circuit current 起始次暂态短路电流 Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流 Impulse current 稳态短路电流 Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流 Critical current 切断电流 Rupturing current 熔断电流 Blow-out current 故障电流 Fault current 计算电流 Calculating current 极限有限电流 Limit effective current 过电流 Over current 逆电流 Inverse current 整定电流 Setting current 额定电流 Rated current 电流密度 Current density 短路电流最大有效值 Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压 High-voltage , High-tension 低压 Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压 Calculating voltage 激磁电压 Exciting voltage 冲击电压 Impulse voltage 临界电压 Critical voltage


LED照明专业术语中英文对照 1 backplane 背板 2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考 3 benchtop supply 工作台电源 4 Block Diagram 方块图 5 Bode Plot 波特图 6 Bootstrap 自举 7 Bottom FET Bottom FET 8 bucket capcitor 桶形电容 9 chassis 机架 10 Combi-sense Combi-sense 11 constant current source 恒流源 12 Core Sataration 铁芯饱和 13 crossover frequency 交叉频率 14 current ripple 纹波电流 15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期 16 cycle skipping 周期跳步 17 Dead Time 死区时间 18 DIE Temperature 核心温度 19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断 20 dominant pole 主极点 21 Enable 使能,有效,启用 22 ESD Rating ESD额定值 23 Evaluation Board 评估板 24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in perman ent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characte ristics section is not implied. 超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。建议不要工作在电特性表规定的参数范围以外。 25 Failling edge 下降沿 26 figure of merit 品质因数 27 float charge voltage 浮充电压 28 flyback power stage 反驰式功率级 29 forward voltage drop 前向压降 30 free-running 自由运行 31 Freewheel diode 续流二极管 32 Full load 满负载33 gate drive 栅极驱动 34 gate drive stage 栅极驱动级 35 gerber plot Gerber 图 36 ground plane 接地层 37 Henry 电感单位:亨利 38 Human Body Model 人体模式 39 Hysteresis 滞回 40 inrush current 涌入电流 41 Inverting 反相 42 jittery 抖动 43 Junction 结点 44 Kelvin connection 开尔文连接 45 Lead Frame 引脚框架46 Lead Free 无铅 47 level-shift 电平移动 48 Line regulation 电源调整率 49 load regulation 负载调整率 50 Lot Number 批号 51 Low Dropout 低压差 52 Miller 密勒53 node 节点 54 Non-Inverting 非反相 55 novel 新颖的 56 off state 关断状态 57 Operating supply voltage 电源工作电压 58 out drive stage 输出驱动级 59 Out of Phase 异相 60 Part Number 产品型号 61 pass transistor pass transistor 62 P-channel MOSFET P沟道MOSFET 63 Phase margin 相位裕度 64 Phase Node 开关节点 65 portable electronics 便携式电子设备 66 power down 掉电 67 Power Good 电源正常 68 Power Groud 功率地 69 Power Save Mode 节电模式 70 Power up 上电 71 pull down 下拉 72 pull up 上拉 73 Pulse by Pulse 逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse) 74 push pull converter 推挽转换器 75 ramp down 斜降 76 ramp up 斜升 77 redundant diode 冗余二极管 78 resistive divider 电阻分压器 79 ringing 振铃 80 ripple current 纹波电流 81 rising edge 上升沿 82 sense resistor 检测电阻 83 Sequenced Power Supplys 序列电源 84 shoot-through 直通,同时导通 85 stray inductances. 杂散电感 86 sub-circuit 子电路 87 substrate 基板 88 Telecom 电信 89 Thermal Information 热性能信息 90 thermal slug 散热片 91 Threshold 阈值 92 timing resistor 振荡电阻 93 Top FET Top FET 94 Trace 线路,走线,引线


multisim 元器件中文与英文对照表 1。Source库:包括电源、信号电压源、信号电流源、可控电压源、可控电流源、函数控制器件6 个类。 2。BASIC库:包含基础元件,如电阻、电容、电感、二极管、三极管、开关等; 3。Diodes:二极管库,包含普通二极管、齐纳二极管、二极管桥、变容二极管、PIN二极管、发光二极管等。 4。Transisitor库:三极管库,包含NPN、PNP、达林顿管、IGBT MOS管、场效应管、可控硅等; 5。Analog 库:模拟器件库,包括运放、滤波器、比较器、模拟开关等模拟器件 6。TTL库:包含TTL型数字电路如7400 7404等门BJT电路。 7。COMS库:COMS型数字电路女口74HC00 74HC04等MOS管电路。 8。MCU Model:MCU 模型,Multisim 的单片机模型比较少,只有8051 P I C 1 6的少数模型和一些ROM RAM 等 9。Advanee Periphearls库:外围器件库,包含键盘、LCD和一个显示终端的模型。 10。MIXC Digital:混合数字电路库,包含DSR CPLD FPGA PLD 单片机-微控制器、存储器件一些接口电路等数字器件。 11。Mixed :混合库,包含定时器、AC/DA转换芯片、模拟开关、震荡器等; 12。Indicators :指示器库,包含电压表、电流表、探针、蜂鸣器、灯、数码管等等显示器件。13。Power:电源库,包含保险丝、稳压器、电压抑制、隔离电源等 14。Misc:混合库,包含晶振、电子管、滤波器、MOS驱动、和其他一些器件等 15。RF: RF库,包含一些RF器件,如高频电容电感、高频三极管等 16。 Elector Mechinical :电子机械器件库,包含传感开关、机械开关、继电器、电机等。。


电影专业术语中英文对照 森森 来自: 森森2011-12-06 14:20:07 documentary (film) 记录片,文献片 filmdom 电影界 literary film 文艺片 musicals 音乐片 comedy 喜剧片 tragedy 悲剧片 dracula movie 恐怖片 sowordsmen film 武侠片 detective film 侦探片 ethical film 伦理片 affectional film 爱情片 erotic film 黄色片 western movies 西部片 film d’avant-garde 前卫片 serial 系列片 trailer 预告片 cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片 footage 影片长度 full-length film, feature film 长片 short(film) 短片 colour film 彩色片(美作:color film)

silent film 默片,无声片 dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片 silent cinema, silent films 无声电影 sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影 cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影 title 片名 original version 原著 dialogue 对白 subtitles, subtitling 字幕 credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名 telefilm 电视片 演员actors cast 阵容 film star, movie star 电影明星 star, lead 主角 double, stand-in 替身演员 stunt man 特技替身演员 extra, walker-on 临时演员 character actor 性格演员 regular player 基本演员 extra 特别客串


光通量luminous flux 光通量是指光源在单位时间里向周围空间辐射的,能引起视觉反应能量,即可见光的能量。它描述的是光源的有效辐射值,单位是1m(流明)。 同样功率的灯具的光通量可能完全不同,这是因为它们的光效不同的缘故。比如:普通照明灯泡只有10 1m/瓦,而金属卤素灯可以达到80 1m/瓦。 照度illuminance 照度是指在一个面上的光通密度,它是射入单位面积内的光通量,单位是Lx。 照度的定义和测量比较复杂,象平均柱面照度、等效球照度、标量照度等,它们的测量条件和计算方法有所不同。在建筑和装饰工程中经常会遇到、灯光系统中偶尔也涉及到照度概念。 发光强度luminous intensity 发光强度简称光强,国际单位是candela(坎德拉)简写cd。Lcd是指光源在指定方向的单位立体角内发出的光通量。 照明方式和种类例如: 1. 一般照明general lighting 2. 局部照明local lighting等 详细分类见《建筑照明术语标准》 电光源及其附件 例如: 1. 白炽灯incandescent lamp 2. 卤钨灯tungsten halogen lamp等 详细分类见《建筑照明术语标准》 灯具及其附件 例如: 1. 直接型灯具direct luminaire 2. 漫射型灯具diffused luminaire等 详细分类见《建筑照明术语标准》 采光技术例如: 1. 阳光;直射日光sunlight 2. 天空(漫射)光skylight等 详细分类见《建筑照明术语标准》 材料的光学特性和照明测量 例如: 1. 反射reflection 2. 透射transmisson 3. 漫射diffusion等 详细分类见《建筑照明术语标准》


一.电子元器件Electronic Components 1.保险元器件safety device (1)保险丝座 fuse block (2)电流保险丝 current fuse (3)其他保险元器件 other (4)温度保险丝 temperature fuse (5)温度开关 temperature switches (6)自恢复熔断器since the resumption of fuse 2. 变频器transducer (1)PLC 变频器 PLC transducer (2)高性能通用变频器High-performance Universal transducer (3)恒功率变频器Constant Power Inverter (4)恒转矩变频器Constant Torque converter (5)专用变频器Exclusive Inverter 3.变压器transformer (1)电源变压器Power Transformer (2)隔离变压器the isolation transformer (3)恒压变压器constant voltage transformer (4)脉冲变压器pulse transformer (5)其他变压器other transformers (6)音频变压器Audio transformers (7)自耦变压器autotransformer (8)耦合变压器coupling transformer 4.场效应管voltage controller 5. 传感器sensor (1)电磁传感器Power Transformer (2)光电传感器Photoelectric Sensors (3)光纤传感器Fiber Optic Sensors (4)加速度传感器Accelerometer (5)接近传感器Proximity sensor (6)料位、液位传感器Level, liquid level sensor (7)压力传感器Pressure Sensor (8)振动传感器Vibration Sensor (9)气体传感器Gas Sensor (10)声波传感器Acoustic sensor (11)视觉、图像传感器Visual, image sensor (12)水分、湿度传感器Moisture and humidity sensor (13)位移传感器Displacement sensor (14)敏感元件传感器Sensor sensor 6.传声器microphone 7.电容器capacitor (1)玻璃电容器Glass capacitors (2)玻璃釉电容器Glazed glass capacitors (3)复合介质电容器Composite Dielectric Capacitors


动画术语--中英文对照 ACTION.......................................................................... ...............动作 ANIMATOR.............................................................原画者,动画设计 ASSISTANT.................................................................... ...........动画者 ANTIC............................................................................. .......预备动作 AIR BRUSHING............................................................................喷效 ANGLE........................................................................... ................角度 ANIMATED ZOOM...................................................画面扩大或缩小 ANIMATION FILM...................................................................动画片 ANIMATION COMPUTER...................................电脑控制动画摄影 ATMOSPHERE SKETCH .....................................................气氛草图 B.P.(BOT PEGS) ...................................................................下定位 BG(BACKGROUND) ................................................... ................背景 BLURS............................................................................ ...............模糊 BLK(BLINK) ................................................................. ...............眨眼 BRK DN(B.D.)(BREAK-DOWN) ...........................................中割 BG LAYOUT......................................................................背景设计稿 BACKGROUND KEYS ........................................................背景样本 BACKGROUND HOOKUP...................................................衔接背景 BACKGROUND PAN...............................................................长背景 6


电子产品常用英文词汇 一、常见电子电气类英文单词 1.功率power 2.电压voltage 3.电流current 4.频率frequency 5.效率efficiency 6.波形waveform 7.交流alternating-current 8.直流direct-current 9.适配器adaptor 10. 转换器converter 11. 逆变器inverter 12. 充电器charger 13. 控制器controller 14. 启动器jump starter 15. 器件device 16. 元件component 17. 电容器capacitor 18. 电阻resistor 19. 电感inductor 20. 二极管diode 21. 稳压二极管zener 22. 三极管audion 23. 场效应管MOSFEET(Metel-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) 24. 变压器transformer 25. 光藕optical coupler 26. 保险丝fuse 27. 半导体semiconductor 28. 瓷片电容ceramic capacitor 29. 电解电容electrolytic C 30. 电感inductance 31. 电容capacitance 32. 电阻resistance 33. 感性的inductive 34. 容性的capacitive 35. 阻性的resistive 36. 阻抗impedance 37. 纯正弦波pure sine wave 38. 修正正弦波modified sine wave 39. 方波square wave 40. 恒流源constant current source 41. 恒压源constant voltage source 42. 纹波电流ripple current 43. 涌入电流inrush current 44. 空载电流no-load current 45. 电网power system 46. 死区时间dead time 47. 浮充电压float charge voltage 48. 正向电压forward voltage drop 49. 续流二极管freewheel diode 50. 肖特基二极管schottky 51. 整流桥bridge rectifier 52. 超快速整流器ultra fast rectifier 53. 检测电阻sense resistor 54. 振荡电阻timing resistor 55. 散热片thermal slug/heat sink/ radiator 56. 断路器breaker 57. 过流保护器circuit breaker 58. 自由运行free running 59. 满负载full load 60. 过载overload 61. 轻载light load 62. 加载upload 63. 静态static (state) 64. 动态dynamic (state) 65. 稳态的steady 66. 静电static electricity 67. 电源调整率line regulation 68. 负载调整率load regulation 69. 满载效率full load efficiency 70. 最佳效率optimum efficiency 71. 输出效率output efficiency 72. 峰值效率peak efficiency 73. 标称效率declared efficiency 74. 视在功率apparent power 75. 有功功率active power 76. 无功功率reactive power 77. 功率因数power-factor 78. 耗散功率power dissipation 79. 空载损耗no-load loss 80. 关断状态off state 81. 电源工作电压operating supply


LED照明常用词汇中英文对照专业照明 illumination 防爆灯 explosion-proof lamp/light 室内灯 residential lamp 台灯 table desk lamp/light 壁灯 wall lamp/light 落地灯 floor lamp/light 吸顶灯 ceiling lamp/light 镜前灯 mirror front lamp/light 户外灯 outdoor lamp 路灯 street lamp/light 庭院灯 garden lamp/light 草坪灯 lawn lamp/light 防水灯 waterproof /under water lamp 应急灯 emergency light 工具灯 utility light 浴室灯 bathroom light 灯饰附件 lighting accessories 灯饰配件 light fittings 灯泡 bulb 白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulbs

开关 switch 光源 light source 节能灯 energy saving lamp 荧光灯 fluorescent light/lamp 荧光灯管 linear fluorescent light tube 环形荧光灯fluorescent circular lamp 发光二级管LED 三极管 audion/dynatron 灯杯 lamp cup 灯罩 lamp shade/cover 灯头/灯座 lamp holder 灯头/灯座 lamp base 灯头型号base’s type 灯盘 lamp house 灯盘 lamp plate/metal pan 灯柱 lamp pole 压克力配件acrylic fitting 塑胶配件 plastic fitting 五金配件 hardware fitting 玻璃配件 glass fitting 压铸件 die-casting fitting 电线 electric wire/power cored


电气类专业常用英语词汇1000个 1. Personnel 人员职员 2. Voltmeter 电压表伏特计 3. Ohmmeter 欧姆计电阻表 4. Megohmmeter 兆欧表 5. Wattmeter 瓦特计电表功率 6. Watt-hour 瓦时瓦特小时 7. Ammeter 安培计电流表 8. calibrate 校正 9. scale 刻度量程 10. rated 额定的 11. interfere with 有害于。。。 12. indicating needle仪表指针 13. hazardous 危险的 14. pivot 支点 15. terminal 端子 16. spiral 螺旋形的 17. spring 弹簧 18. shunt 分流,分路,并联,旁路 19. rectifier 整流器 20. electrodynamometer 电测力计 21. strive for 争取 22. vane 机器的叶,叶片 23. strip 条,带,(跨接)片 24. crude 不精细的,粗略的 25. polarity 极性 26. fuse 保险丝,熔丝 27. rugged 坚固的 28. depict 描绘,描写 29. cartridge 盒式保险丝 30. blow (保险丝)烧断 31. plug fuse 插头式保险丝 32. malfunction 故障 33. deenergize 不给… 通电 34. insulation 绝缘 35. generator 发电机 36. magneto 磁发电机 37. humidity 湿度 38. moisture 潮湿湿气 39. abbreviate 缩写,缩写为 40. transformer 变压器 41. thumb 检查,查阅 42. milliammeter 毫安表 43. multimeter 万用表44. dynamometer 测力计,功率计 45. aluminum 铝 46. deteriorate 使….恶化 47. eddy current 涡流 48. gear 齿轮,传动装置 49. dial 刻度盘 50. semiconductor 半导体 51. squirrel 鼠笼式 52. diode 二极管 53. thyristor 晶闸管 54. transistor 电子晶体管 55. triac 双向可控硅 56. phase 相位(控制) 57. silicon 硅 58. crystal 晶体 59. wafer 薄片 60. anode 阳极,正极 61. cathode 阴极 62. collector 集电极] 63. emitter 发射极 64. schematic (电路)原理图符号 65. leakage 漏电流 66. rating 额定值,标称值,定额 67. dissipate 散发 68. breakdown 击穿 69. heat sink 散热器 70. self-latching 自锁 71. commutation 换向 72. geometry 几何结构 73. squeeze 压榨,挤,挤榨 74. light-dimmer 调光 75. capability 容量 76. studmounted 拴接式 77. hockey puck 冰球 78. fin 飞边 79. active 有源的 80. horsepower 马力 81. diameter 直径 82. in. (inch ,inches)英寸 83. extruded 型材的 84. clamp 夹住,夹紧 85. compound 紧密结合 86. wrench 扳手 87. torque 转矩,扭矩 88. enclosure 外(机)壳 89. ventilation 通风,流通空气 90. sealed-off 封的 91. thermal 热的,热量的 92. substantially 主要地,实质上地 93. aptly 适当地,适宜地 94. demystify 阐明 95. allude 暗指,直接提到 96. cease 停止,终了 97. line 线电压 98. ripple 脉动. 99. redundant 多余的 100. separately 单独励磁地 101. synchronous 同步电动机 102. circuitry 电路,线路 103. cost-effective 花费大的 104. capacitor 电容器 105. dictate 确定 106. trade-off 权衡,折衷 107. criteria 标准,判据 108. analog electronics电力电子学 109. saturate 使…饱和 110. active region 动态区域 111. due 应得到的 112. ratio 比,比率 113. signify 表示 114. encode 编码 115. resonance 共鸣 116. radiated 传播 117. molecule 分子 118. diaphragm 震动膜 119. acoustic wave 声波 120. wavy groove 起伏的沟槽 121. deflection 挠度,挠曲 122. strain gage 应变计量器 123. tachometer 转速计 124. thermocouple 热电偶 125. oscilloscope 示波器 126. analytical 解析的 127. numerical 数值的 128. integrate 求…的积分 129. scale 改变比例 130. frequency- domain 频域 131. random 随机的 132. audio 音频的 133. operation amplifier 运算放大器 134. summation 求和,加法 135. sophisticated 复杂的,完善的 136. mass-produce 大量生产 137. subtract 减去 8

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