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Paper One 试卷一

(120 minutes)

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes, 15 points) (略)

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes,10 points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

16.If the work by the end of this month is delayed,the construction company will be heavily fined.

A.is completed B.to be completed

C.will have been completed D.will be completed

l7.Had Paul received six more votes in the last election,he our chairman now.A.must be B.would have been C.shall be D.would be

18.pollution control measures tend to be money consuming,many industries hesitate to adopt them.

A.Although B.However C.When D.Since

l9.is often the case with a new idea,much initial activity and optimistic discussion produce no concrete proposal.

A.It B.Which C.As D.That

20.According to the of the contract,employees must give six months’ notice if they intend to leave.

A.laws B.rules C.terms D.details

21.All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants in the wild.

A.once they grew B.that once grew

C.they grew once D.once grew

22.The meter can detect even a very small amount of gas in the room.A.sensible B.sensitive C.sensing D.sensed

23.Not until recent years a popular means of communication.

A.e-mail became B.e-mail has become

C.did e-mail become D.will e-mail become

24.Mobile phones have proved to with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety.

A.interfere B.disturb C.interrupt D.trouble 25.Although there are many predictions about the future,no one knows for sure the world would be like in 50 years.

A.how B.that C.which D.what

26.The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to the investment plan within a week.

A.work out B.put out C.make out D.set out

27.I was speaking to Ann on the phone about our tour plan suddenly we were cut off.A.that B.while C.before D.when 28.Television will provide information on prices at the nearby shops news and entertainment.

A.as many as B.as far as C.as well as D.as long as

29.,the researchers cannot concentrate on that very precise experiment.A.With you standing there B.On your standing there

C.You are standing there D.You stand there

30.Jane takes an interest in clothes and is very particular about what she wears.A.exhaustive B.excelling C.executive D.excessive

31.She went to Europe on vacation but her happy time ended in when their hotel caught fire.

A.tragedy B.crisis C.drama D.misfortune

32.You could become a good musician,but your lack of practice is you .A.taking...over B.holding...back

C.making...up D.leaving...out

33.Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57.8% and 46.8% last year.A.individually B.respectively C.correspondingly D.accordingly 34.The managing director took the for the accident,although it was not really his fault.A.guilt B.blame C.charge D.accusation

35.It is requested that all the students present at the meeting tomorrow.A.were B.will be C.are D.be

Part III Reading Comprehension (55 minutes,40 points)

Directions:There are four passages in this part.Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage One

In ancient Greek, the term euthanatos meant “easy death”. Today euthanasia (安乐死) generally refers to mercy killing,the voluntary (自愿) ending of the life of someone who is terminally ill.Like abortion,euthanasia has become a legal,medical,and moral issue over which opinion is divided.Euthanasia can be either active or passive.Active euthanasia means that a physician or other medical personnel takes an action that will result in death,such as giving an overdose of deadly medicine.Passive euthanasia means letting a patient die for lack of treatment,or stopping the treatment that has begun.Examples of passive euthanasia include taking patients off a breathing

machine or removing other life-support systems.Stopping the food supply is also considered passive.

A good deal of the debate about mercy killing originates from the decision-making process.Who decides whether a patient is to die? This issue has not been solved legally in the United States.The matter is left to state law, which usually allows the physician in charge to suggest the option of death to a patient’s relatives,especially if the patient is brain dead.In an attempt to make decisions about when their own lives should end, several terminally ill patients in the early 1990s used a controversial suicide device,developed by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, to end their lives.

In parts of Europe, the decision-making process has become very flexible.Even in cases where the patients are not brain dead,patients have been put to death without their approval at the request of relatives or at the suggestion of physicians.Many cases of passive euthanasia involve old people or newborn infants. The principle justifying this practice is that such individuals have a “life not worthy of life”.

In countries where passive euthanasia is not legal, the court systems have proved very tolerant in dealing with medical personnel who practice it.In Japan, for example, if physicians follow certain guidelines they may actively carry out mercy killings on hopelessly ill people. Courts have also been somewhat tolerant of friends or relatives who have assisted terminally ill patients to die.

36.A terminally ill patient is one who .

A.gets worse every day B.can never get well again

C.is very seriously ill in the end D.is too ill to want to live on

37.The difference between active and passive euthanasia is whether .

A.there is an action that speeds up the death of the patient

B.the breathing machine is taken off the patient

C.an overdose of deadly medicine is used

D.the patient is denied food supply

38.According to the passage,who has/have the legal responsibility to decide on euthanasia?

A.The national or state government.

B.The patient’s relatives.

C.Physicians in charge of the patient.

D.The answer varies from country to country.

39.The principle justifying passive euthanasia in Europe is that terminally ill patients are .

A.living a life without consciousness

B.living a life that can hardly be called life

C.too old or too weak to live on

D.too old or too young to approve of euthanasia

40.The attitude of the writer toward euthanasia is .

A.negative B.positive C.objective D.casual

Passage Two

Next week, as millions of families gather for their Thanksgiving (感恩节) feasts,many other Americans will go without.According to the United States Department of Agriculture,more than 12 million households lack enough food for everyone in their family at some time during the year—including holidays.

Hunger is surprisingly widespread in our country—one of the world’s wealthiest—yet the government estimates that we waste almost 100 billion pounds of food each year,more than

one-quarter of our total supply.

Reducing this improper distribution of resources is a goal of America’s Second Harvest,the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization.Last year,it distributed nearly 2 billion pounds of food to more than 23 million people in need.

America’s Second Harvest is a network of 214 inter-connected food banks and other organizations that gather food from growers,processors,grocery stores and restaurants.In turn,

the network distributes food to some 50,000 soup kitchens,homeless shelters and old people’s centers in every county of every state.

A great deal of work is involved in distributing tons of food from thousands of donors (捐赠者) to hundreds of small, nonprofit organizations.Until a few years ago,America’s Second Harvest lacked any effective way to manage their inventory.Without accurate and timely information,soup kitchens were sometimes empty while food was left to spoil in loading places.

In 2000, America’s Second Harvest began to use a new inventory and financial-management system—Ceres.It is software designed specifically for hunger-relief operations.It is used by more than 100 America’s Second Harvest organizations to track food from donation to distribution.Ceres has helped reduce the spoiling of food and improve distribution.An evaluation found that the software streamlined food banks’ operations by 23 percent in the first year alone.With more accurate and timely reports,Ceres saves time,flees staff members to focus on finding new donors,and promises more efficient use of donations.

Hunger in America remains a troubling social problem.Technology alone cannot solve it.But in the hands of organizations such as America’s Second Harvest, it is a powerful tool that is helping to make a difference—and helping more Americans to join in the feast.

41.According to the passage,the total supply of food in America every year reaches .

A.12 million pounds B.more than 12 million pounds

C.almost 100 billion pounds D.about 400 billion pounds

42.By “this improper distribution of resources” in Paragraph 3,the writer means that many Americans lack enough food while .

A.their country is one of the richest in the world

B.much food is left to spoil

C.others waste too much food

D.others consume too much food

43.A problem for America’s Second Harvest a few years ago was that .A.it did not get enough food from donors

B.it did not have a large enough network

C.it did not have enough soup kitchens

D.it did not have a good way to manage its food stock

44.With Ceres,America’s Second Harvest is now able to .

A.enlarge its network

B.prevent food from spoiling

C.give out food more efficiently

D.solve the hunger problem in the country

45.The main idea of the passage is that .

A.technology can help in the fight against hunger

B.America’s Second Harvest has found more donors

C.America’s Second Harvest promotes the development of technology

D.hunger is a problem even in the wealthiest country in the world

Passage Three

The differences in living standards around the world are vast.In 1993, the average American had an income of about $25,000.In the same year,the average Mexican earned $7,000,and the average Nigerian earned $l,500.Not surprisingly,this large variation in average income is reflected in various measures of the quality of life.Changes in living standards over time are also large.In the United States,incomes have historically grown about 2 percent per year (after adjusting for changes in the cost of living).At this rate,average income doubles every 35 years.In some countries,economic growth has been even more rapid.In Japan,for instance,average income has doubled in the past 20 years,and in South Korea it has doubled in the past 10 years.

What explains these large differences in living standards among countries and over time? The answer is surprisingly simple.Almost all variation in living standards is attributable to differences in countries’ productivity—that is,the amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time.In nations where workers can produce a large quantity of goods and services per unit of time,most people enjoy a high standard of living;in nations where workers are less productive,most people must endure a more meager existence.Similarly,the growth rate of a nation’s productivity determines the growth rate of its average income.

The fundamental relationship between productivity and living standards is simple, but its implications are far-reaching.If productivity is the primary determinant of living standards,other explanations must be of secondary importance.For example,people might think that labor unions or minimum-wage laws contributed to the rise in living standards of American workers over the past century.Yet the real hero of American workers is their rising productivity.

The relationship between productivity and living standards also has great implications for public policy.When thinking about how any policy will affect living standards,the key question is how it will affect our ability to produce goods and services.To improve living standards,policymakers need to raise productivity by ensuring that workers are well educated,have the tools needed to produce goods and services,and have access to the best available technology.46.Which of the following countries has enjoyed the fastest economic growth in history?

A.Mexico.B.The United States.

C.Japan.D.South Korea.

47.The word“meager”in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “”.

A.modest B.poor C.meaningless D.plentiful

48.What is the most important factor that leads to the rise in living standards of average people?

A.Labor unions.B.Minimum-wage laws.

C.Rising productivity.D.Favorable public policy.

49.The study of the relationship between productivity and living standards is significant in

that .

A.it calls policymakers’ attention to a qualified work force

B.it encourages workers to get better education

C.it helps improve the workers’ ability to produce goods and services

D.it enables policymakers to access the latest technology

50.The passage mainly discusses .

A.the differences in average income among countries

B.the relationship between productivity and living standards

C.the causes of the rise in living standards

D.the importance of raising productivity

Passage Four

Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree could find a good career quite easily.Companies toured the academic institutions,competing with each other to select graduates.However,those days are gone,even in Hong Kong,and nowadays graduates often face strong competition in the search for jobs.

Most careers organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a suitable career:recognizing abilities,matching these to available jobs and presenting them well to possible employers.

Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own abilities.One area of assessment should be of their academic qualifications,which would include special skills within their subject area.Graduates should also consider their own personal values and attitudes.An honest assessment of personal interests and abilities such as creative skills,or skills acquired from work experience,should also be given careful thought.

The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment and to think about how the general employment situation is likely to develop in the future.To do this,graduates can study job and position information in newspapers,or they can visit a careers office.write to possible employers for information or contact friends or relatives who may already be involved in a particular profession.After studying all the various options,they should be in a position to make informed comparisons between various careers.

Good personal presentation is essential in the search for a good career. Job application forms and letters should,of course,be filled in carefully and correctly,without grammar or spelling errors.Where additional information is asked for,job seekers should describe their abilities and work experience in more depth,with examples if possible.They should try to balance their own abilities with the employer’s needs,explain why they are interested in a career with the particular company and try to show that they already know something about the company and its activities.When graduates go to an interview,they should prepare properly by finding out all they can about the possible employer.Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also important.Interviewees should try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask questions about anything they are unsure about.This is much better than pretending to understand a question and giving an unsuitable answer.

51.“Those days are gone,even in Hong Kong”in Paragraph 1 suggests that .A.finding a good career used to be easier in Hong Kong than elsewhere

B.now everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good job

C.graduates now face stronger competition in Hong Kong than elsewhere

D.even in Hong Kong companies tour universities trying to select graduates

52.It is implied in Paragraph 3 that graduates should .

A.aim to give a balanced account of what the employer needs

B.consider careers which suit their values,interests and abilities

C.recognize their own abilities regardless of what the employer looks for

D.stress their personal attitudes and values in job applications

53.According to Paragraph 4,graduates should .

A.find a good position and then compare it with other careers

B.ask friends or relatives to secure them a good job

C.get information about a number of careers before making comparisons

D.study the opportunities and the kinds of training that will be available

54.In the last paragraph,the writer seems to suggest that .

A.interviewees should appear humble if they can’t give an answer

B.dressing properly is more important than being able to give an answer

C.it is better for interviewees to be honest than to pretend to understand

D.it is a good idea for interviewees to be boastful in their answers

55.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

A.Until recently it was quite easy for graduates to get good jobs in Hong Kong.

B.Job seekers should consider as many related factors as possible.

C.Businesses used to visit the universities in Hong Kong to select graduates.

D.Graduates used to compete with each other for a good job in Hong Kong.

Part IV Cloze Test (15 minutes,5 points)

Directions:There are ten blanks in the following passage.For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Adult education is the practice of teaching and educating adults.This is often done in the workplace,or 56 “continuing education” courses at secondary schools, or at a college or university.Educating adults differs from educating 57 in several ways.One of the most important 58 is that adults have gained knowledge and experience which can 59 add value to a learning experience or interfere with it.

Another important difference is that adults frequently must apply their knowledge in some 60 fashion in order to learn effectively;there must be a 61 and a reasonable expectation that the new knowledge will help them further that goal.One example,62 in the 1990s,was the spread of computer training courses in 63 adults,most of them office workers,could enroll.These courses would teach basic use of the operating system or specific application 64 .Because the skills 65 to interact with a PC were so new,many people who had been working white-collar jobs for ten years or more eventually took such training courses,either of their own will(to gain computer skills and thus can higher pay)or at the request of their managers.

56.A.by B.from C.on D.through 57.A.children B.students C.workers D.employees 58.A.signs B.features C.differences D.practices 59.A.either B.neither C.both D.so

60.A.probable B.practical C.modern D.routine

61.A.plan B.prospect C.goal D.possibility 62.A.normal B.common C.regular D.profitable

63.A.that B.which C.those D.whose 64.A.software B.hardware C.technology D.framework 65.A.related B.designed C.expected D.required

Paper Two 试卷二

(60 minutes)

Part V Transl ation (3 0 minutes,l 5 points)

Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET

One of the really nice features about e-mails is that they allow us to send files as attachments to other users.This is a very good thing.If I’m working with a colleague and want to send him an image file or a word file,I can do so very quickly and easily,without having to fax it to him.This saves on long distance bills and printing costs.It also,however,presents a problem,because attachments can take a long time to download.For those of us who pay by the hour for Internet service,unwanted attachments can be quite costly and time-consuming.I once had someone send me fifteen large image files,and it tied up my computer for 20 minutes just to download one of them.So,in short,if you’re going to send an attachment,get permission first.

Part VI Writing (30 minutes,15 points)

Directions:You are to write in no less than 120 words on the title of “College Students Should (Not)Be Permitted to Live Off Campus”.You are to take a position, either for or against the matter, and give your reasons.You should base your composition on the following Chinese outline.近年来大学生在校外租房居住的现象越来越多,这个问题已引起社会各界的关注。人们对这一现象的看法不一,各持己见。





Paper One

Part II Vocabulary and Structure

16-20:B D D C C 21-25:B B C A D

26-30:ADCAD 31-35:A B B B D

Part III Reading Comprehension

36-40:D A B D C 41-45:D C D C D

46-50:D B C C B 51-55:A B C C D

Part IV Close Test

56-60:A A C A B 61-65:C B B A D

Paper Two

Part V Translation



Part VI Writing (30 minutes,15 points)


In recent years, the number of college students who live off campus has been increasing, which attracts the widespread attention in the whole society. As to this special phenomenon, different

people have different opinions. As a person who was a student, I think this behavior should be banned. My reasons are as follows:

The first and the most important one is that living off campus is not beneficial to study. Being college students, young people should spare no effort to study hard to broaden their horizons. Living off campus means they are away from classroom, library and laboratory. So it may bring much more trouble to them. Second, when college students live off campus they will be estranged from their classmates, which is harmful to their ability to communicate with others. Thus, majority of them don’t have good friends so that they are easy to feel lonely and unhappy. Third, their living off campus will put a financial burden on their family and themselves. In general, college students are still financed by their family. If they want to live off campus, they have to ask more money from their family and make money in their spare time. It is a heavy burden they have to shoulder.

In a word, I don’t approve of college students’ living off campus. It will disturb the students’normal life. Therefore colleges should establish rules to ban college students’ living off campus.


2006年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语试题 Part I Dialogue Communication(1 5 minutes,1 5 points) Section A: Dialogue Completion Directions:In this section,you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers,each followed by four choices marked A,B,C,andD. Choose the answer that best suits the sit-uation to comple the dialogue .Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single linethrough the center. 1.Speaker A:Excuse me,but can you tell us where the conference room is? Speaker B:The conference room is located on the third floor of the hotel A.Of course,si r.B.Yes,please. C.Right,sir.D.You are welcome 2. Speaker A:______ Speaker B:I’m running a temperature,and feel sick. A.What can I do for you? B.What seems to be the trouble? C.What are you doing these days? D.How long has this been going on? 3.Speaker A:Nancy,you look very well Speaker B:Thank you,Jane.You look wonderful too.Your weekend swimming must havedone good to you. Speaker A:—— A.You think so?That’s encouraging. B.That’s very kind of you C.Are vou serious?Thank you anyway. D.Are you kidding?I don’t believe it 4.Speaker A:It took me ten years to build up my business,and it almost killed m e Speaker B:Well,you know what they say:—— A.There is no smoke without fire. B.Practice makes perfct. C.All roads lead to Rome. D.No pains,no gains. 5.Speaker A:Don’t you smoke? Speaker B.——


港澳台联考模拟试卷 英语 考生须知: 本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,满分150分,考试时间150分钟。 第一部分:听力(30分) 略 第二部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 16. I received an invitation ___Jack ___ his wedding yesterday. He'll get married next week. A. of; to B. from; to C. of; at D. from; at 17. ______ your exercises _____ Jack's and you'll realize you should work harder. A. Compare; with B. Compare; to C. Comparing; with D. Comparing; to 18. He promised ____ he would visit me and ____ he would try his best to help me. A./; / B. that; / C./; that D. if; that 19. If the way _____ you do the job is wrong, you'll surely fail ____ good your idea may be. A. how; however B./; however C. that; whatever D. in which; how 20. _______ little children made _______ many toys. A. Such; so B. So; such C. So; so D.


【MBA英语】联考英语(二)真题解析系列16弹 【MBA中国网讯】联考英语(二)真题解析系列16弹: So what does work? Perhaps surprisingly, scheduling regular times for reading. You'd think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set, but in fact, Eberle notes, such ritualistic behaviour helps us “step outside time's flow”into “soul time.”You could limit distractions by reading only physical books, or on single-purpose e-readers. “Carry a book with you at all times”can actually work, too-providing you dip in often enough, so that reading becomes the default state from which you temporarily surface to take care of business, before dropping back down. On a really

good day, it no longer feels as if you're “making time to read,”but just reading, and making time for everything else. 34. “carry a book with you at all times”can work if______ A. reading becomes your primary business of the day B. all the daily business has been promptly dealt with C. you are able to drop back to business after reading D. time can be evenly split for reading and business 参考译文 那什么方法管用呢?也许让人惊讶的是,规定时间阅读。你可能觉得这样做,会使得让时间变得有效的这一思维定式更变本加厉了,但实际上,Eberle提到,养成这种习惯能帮助我们“跳出时间流逝”的思维模式,进入到“灵魂时间”。可以只读实体书,或者只有单一功能的电子阅读器,以避免分心。“随身带书”也真的会有用,只要你经常沉浸其中,阅读就成为了你的默认状态,你可以冒个泡,临时处理一下业务,再继续沉浸其中。在一个美好的一天,就不再觉得是“利用时间阅读了”,而只有阅读,时间也变得无所不能。 【核心词汇】


2008年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语试卷(B卷)及答案 Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points) Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Speaker A: Here’s a gift for you. I bought it in China. Speaker B: _____ A. How much did it cost? B. Wow, it is great! Thank you. C. It must be very expensive. D. Sorry to have bothered you. 2. Speaker A: Can you tell me something about your company? Speaker B: _____. Our company was established in 1953. We produce a wide V ariety of electronic equipment. A. I am glad. B. Good idea. C. Y ou are welcome. D. My pleasure. 3. Speaker A: Aren’t you excited about your new job? Speaker B: _____, but it’s too demanding. A. It’s OK. B. I am fine. C. Sure I am. D. I think so. 4. Woman: I’ve just been reading through your last project. Man: I hope you didn’t find much wrong in it. Woman: _____, you’ve done a fantastic job. A. On the contrary B. On the other hand. C. Don’t forget D. Don’t be silly. 5. Speaker A: Could you pass me the jobs page? Speaker B: _____ A. What’s the matter with you? B. Why should I? C. Y ou don’t have to ask. D. Sure, here you are. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices give and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6. Man: Jennifer is really pretty, isn’t she? Her skin looks so badly smooth! Woman: Well, it’s just that she puts lots of make-up on her face. Actually, natural beauty comes from within. Man: Ah, I can smell jealousy in the air! Question: What does the man imply? A. The woman looks ugly. B. The woman had a bitter feeling. C. The woman should apologize. D. The woman was upset. 7. Man: My father can do cooking, carpentry, and a bit of gardening. Woman: He’s a Jack of all trades, really. Question: What does the woman mean? A. The man’s father has talent in trade. B. The man’s father works for Jack.


2014年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语(二)试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Thinner isn’t always better. A number of studies have __1___ that normal-weight people are in fact at higher risk of some diseases compared to those who are overweight. And there are health conditions for which being overweight is actually ___2___. For example, heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women. ___3___ among the elderly, being somewhat overweight is often an ___4___ of good health. Of even greater ___5___ is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define. It is often defined ___6___ body mass index, or BMI. BMI ___7__ body mass divided by the square of height. An adult with a BMI of 18 to 25 is often considered to be normal weight. Between 25 and 30 is overweight. And over 30 is considered obese. Obesity, ___8___,can be divided into moderately obese, severely obese, and very severely obese. While such numerical standards seem 9 , they are not. Obesity is probably less a matter of weight than body fat. Some people with a high BMI are in fact extremely fit, 10 others with a low BMI may be in poor 11 .For example, many collegiate and professional football players 12 as obese, though their percentage body fat is low. Conversely, someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a 13 BMI. Today we have a(an) _14 _ to label obesity as a disgrace.The overweight are sometimes_15_in the media with their faces covered. Stereotypes _16_ with obesity include laziness, lack of will power,and lower prospects for success.Teachers,employers,and health professionals have been shown to harbor biases against the obese. _17_very young children tend to look down on the overweight, and teasing about body build has long been a problem in schools. Negative attitudes toward obesity, _18_in health concerns, have stimulated a number of anti-obesity _19_.My own hospital system has banned sugary drinks from its facilities. Many employers have instituted weight loss and fitness initiatives. Michelle Obama launched a high-visibility campaign _20_ childhood obesity, even claiming that it represents our greatest national security threat. 1. [A] denied [B] concluded [C] doubled [D] ensured 2. [A] protective [B] dangerous [C] sufficient [D]troublesome 3. [A] Instead [B] However [C] Likewise [D] Therefore 4. [A] indicator [B] objective [C] origin [D] example 5. [A] impact [B] relevance [C] assistance [D] concern 6. [A] in terms of [B] in case of [C] in favor of [D] in of 7. [A] measures [B] determines [C] equals [D] modifies 8. [A] in essence [B] in contrast [C] in turn [D] in part


2018年华侨港澳台联考英语真题分析2018年华侨港澳台港联考于2018年5月20号圆满结束。上海心叶教育英语组对此次考卷进行了系统分析。就考卷难度而言,试卷整体的比去年难度系数降低。注重考查基础知识与语言综合能力的运用,考察的形式较为灵活,体现了英语学科的工具性,交际性和文化性。所选的语篇符合时代的发展和背景,体现了科学命题,与时俱进的特点。题型与往年无异,依次为听力、单选、完形填空、阅读理解、改错、写作共六个答题部分,满分150分,考试时间为2小时。 一、听力: 侧重理解和交际的形式,选材贴近学生的生活。心叶教育一直以来都注重培养学生英语学科的听、说、读、写等全方位的能力。所以在过去将近一年的备考中,心叶教育的学生在不同音效的背景下进行听力训练,例如听过不同语速,不同发音和语调的听力资料,日常教学中,心叶教育的老师师更是潜移默化地增强学生对英美国家社会文化和制度习俗的了解等。所以虽然考场的听力音效不是很好,但是对心叶的学生影响不大,因为平时英语教学设备就刻意选择不是最佳的。 二、单项选择 单项选择,主要考查考生的语法和词汇等基础知识。本次港澳台联考单项选择的考点有:情景交际,定语从句,状语从句,虚拟语气,时态与语态,强调句,非谓语动词,动词mean 用法等。这主要得益于心叶教育的老师们精心编写的教材。这本教材上的知识点安排重点突出,详略得当,能够让学生有条不紊且有的放矢地备考港澳台联考的考点。我们更注重学生的理解和记忆,同时辅以大量的习题、周考、周测、月考等考查形式来巩固。做到讲练结合,及时发现,及时订正错题笔记。所以心叶的学生面对单选题目当然信心十足。 三、完型填空 2018年港澳台联考的完形填空注重考查学生结合词汇、语法、语篇知识、生活常识和文化背景进行逻辑推理和综合判断的能力,在过去一届的备考中,心叶英语组在教学中,一直立足于以记叙文或者夹叙夹议的文体来考查学生的这一能力。例如2018届港澳台联考第三次月考的完形填空是记叙文,2018届港澳台联考的第一次模拟考试的完型填空是夹叙夹议等等。通过这样的训练,我们的学生准确把握题型特点,学习中融会贯通,举一反三,具备了极强的应试技巧,这一题目完成得理想当然不足为奇。 四、阅读理解 心叶教育历来十分重视英语阅读能力的培养。在日常教学中,包括常规的练习,周测,月考,模拟考,我们都是立足于港澳台联考大纲对阅读理解的要求,重点训练应用文,议论文,说明文,记叙文,夹叙夹议文这五大体裁。在此基础上,我们所精心挑选原汁原味的英文语篇,既能够体现英美国家人文、社会、地理、政治经济等方面的现实,又能培养学生对


在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语考试大纲 一、考试性质 在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语考试是国务院学位办组织的国家级选拔性考试,其目的是为了客观、科学、公正、规范地测试考生的英语语言知识和使用语言的相关能力。 二、考试范围及要求 在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语考试要求考生能够较熟练地掌握英语的基本语法和常用词汇,具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、写、译的语言运用能力。与全国统招硕士研究生入学英语考试相比,在职硕士研究生入学英语考试充分考虑了该类考生的实际情况以及工作需要等方面的特点。 在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语考试的考查范围包括口语交际能力、词汇和基本语法的运用能力、阅读理解和完形填空能力、英译汉和写作能力。考生在上述方面应分别达到以下具体要求: (一)口语交际 能用英语进行日常会话。对于生活、学习和工作中的常见英语会话,能理解会话时的情景、说话人的意图和对话的含义,并能恰当地进行口语交流。能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法。 (二)词汇 应掌握本《考试大纲》词汇表中所规定的英语词汇量和需要达到的应用程度,即:1.领会式掌握4 500个英语单词和500个常用词组: 2.复用式掌握其中1 800个左右的常用单词和200个常用词组; 3.掌握一定数量的常用词缀,并能根据构词法和语境识别常见的派生词。 (三)语法 掌握的基本英语语法知识,能在阅读、写作等过程中正确运用这些知识,以达到获取有关信息和交流思想的目的。 具体需要掌握的内容如下: (1)名词、代词的数和格的构成及其用法 (2)动词的基本时态、语态的构成及其用法; (3)形容词和副词的比较级\最高级的构成及其用法; (4)常用连接词、冠词的词义及其用法; (5)非谓语动词(不定式\动名词\分词)的构成及其用法; (6)虚拟语气的构成及其用法; (7)各类从句的构成及其用法; (8)强调句型的结构及其用法; (9)常用倒装句的结构及其用法; (四)阅读理解 考生能够综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能,读懂难度适中的一般性题材(经济\社会\政法\历史\科普\管理等)和体裁(议论文\说明文\记叙文\应用文)的语言文章。能够基本上掌握文章大意并能领会作者的意图和态度。阅读速度达到每分钟60~70个词。具体的要求为: (1)掌握文章的中心思想、主要内容和细节 (2)具备根据上下文把握词义的能力;理解上下文的逻辑关系; (3)能够根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论;


2014年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语二试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark[A],[B],[C]or[D]on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points) Thinner isn’t always better.A number of studies have1that normal-weight people are in fact at higher risk of some diseases compared to those who are overweight.And there are health conditions for which being overweight is actually2.For example,heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women.3among the elderly,being somewhat overweight is often an4of good health. Of even greater5is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define.It is often defined 6body mass index,or BMI.BMI7body mass divided by the square of height.An adult with a BMI of 18to25is often considered to be normal weight.Between25and30is overweight.And over30is considered obese.Obesity,8,can be divided into moderately obese,severely obese,and very severely obese. While such numerical standards seem9,they are not.Obesity is probably less a matter of weight than body fat.Some people with a high BMI are in fact extremely fit,10others with a low BMI may be in poor 11.For example,many collegiate and professional football players12as obese,though their percentage body fat is low.Conversely,someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a13BMI. Today we have a(an)14to label obesity as a disgrace.The overweight are sometimes15in the media with their faces covered.Stereotypes16with obesity include laziness,lack of will power,and lower prospects for success.Teachers,employers,and health professionals have been shown to harbor biases against the obese.17very young children tend to look down on the overweight,and teasing about body build has long been a problem in schools. Negative attitudes toward obesity,18in health concerns,have stimulated a number of anti-obesity 19.My own hospital system has banned sugary drinks from its facilities.Many employers have instituted weight loss and fitness initiatives.Michelle Obama launched a high-visibility campaign20childhood obesi-ty,even claiming that it represents our greatest national security threat. 1.[A]denied[B]conduced[C]doubled[D]ensured 2.[A]protective[B]dangerous[C]sufficient[D]troublesome 3.[A]Instead[B]However[C]Likewise[D]Therefore 4.[A]indicator[B]objective[C]origin[D]example 5.[A]impact[B]relevance[C]assistance[D]concern 6.[A]in terms of[B]in case of[C]in favor of[D]in of 7.[A]measures[B]determines[C]equals[D]modifies 8.[A]in essence[B]in contrast[C]in turn[D]in part 9.[A]complicated[B]conservative[C]variable[D]straightforward 10.[A]so[B]while[C]since[D]unless 11.[A]shape[B]spirit[C]balance[D]taste 12.[A]start[B]qualify[C]retire[D]stay 13.[A]strange[B]changeable[C]normal[D]constant 14.[A]option[B]reason[C]opportunity[D]tendency 15.[A]employed[B]pictured[C]imitated[D]monitored 16.[A]compared[B]combined[C]settled[D]associated


港澳台联考试卷 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

伟鹏教育金圆梦教育港澳台联考测试 中 文 满分150分,考试用时150分钟。 第一部分 本部分为选择题,共18题,每小题3分,共54分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后括号内。 一、 语文基础知识(30分) 1.下列各句中,加点的虚词使用正确的是 ( ) A.保护知识产权是为了促进创新,促进发展,如果.. 做好了这项工作,研究人员会更有动力创造出新的成果。 B.熟悉王厂长的人都摸到了一条规律:如果上午十点找他,不要到厂长办公室,而要到车间和. 图书资料室。 C.那些在求职简历里弄虚作假甚至伪造证书的学生,只要.. 被用人单位录用,一旦查出,也要立刻停止协议 D.不可否认,中国正在成为全球经济的重要参与者,不仅在亚洲地区,即便.. 在全世界,也具有日益重要的影响力。 2.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一项是 ( ) 学校网络中心报告说,电子邮件已经跃升为计算机病毒的主要传播________。 他几次提起出国深造的话题,希望与父亲好好谈谈,可是父亲的_________却很冷淡。 掀开到稻草,铲去浮土,搬开下面的青砖,她发现了一个_________得很巧妙的洞口。 A .媒体反应隐匿 B. 媒介反应隐蔽 C .媒介反映隐蔽 D. 媒体反映隐匿 3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是( ) A.在导游的领导下,这批游客便登堂入室.... ,津津有味地欣赏起博物馆的文物来。 B.虽然室外又闷又热,但由于工作间安装了空调,舒适的温度使大家如坐春风....。 C.喜好在名胜古迹上刻字留言,这种不文明之风不知起于何时,始作俑者.... 是谁。 D.当年他只身闯京城,前倨后恭.... ,凭借过人的毅力和吃苦精神,创下这份家业。 4.下列各句中,有病句的一句是( ) A .谢灵运又称大谢,谢朓又称小谢,他们叔侄两人都擅长山水诗的写作,大谢在宋,小谢在齐,俱为南北朝时一代诗宗。 B .随着改革开放的进一步深入,我国人民的消费观念、消费水平和消费方式都有了明显的提高和转变。 C .语文教师应具有“大语文”、“大课堂”的理念,不断引导学生在平时的社会实践中学习语文,应用语文。


2018年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试管理类专业硕士学位联考 英语试卷二 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark, A.B.C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to ___1___ uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will ___2___ to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will___3___. In a series of four experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago Booth School Of Business and the Wisconsin School of Business tested students' willingness to ___4___ themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. For one ___5___, each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens would ___6___ an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told which pens were rigged; another twenty-seven were told only that some were electrified. ___7___ left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more jolts than the students who knew what would ___8___. Subsequent experiments replicated this effect with other stimuli, ___9___ the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. The drive to ___10___ is deeply ingrained in humans, much the same as the basic drives for ___11___ or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago, a co-author of the paper. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can ___12___ new scientific advances, for instance—but sometimes such ___13___ can backfire. The insight that curiosity can drive you to do ___14___ things is a profound one. Unhealthy curiosity is possible to ___15___, however. In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to ___16___ how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to ___17___ to see such an image. These results suggest that imagining the ___18___ of following through on one's curiosity ahead of time can help determine ___19___ it is worth the endeavor. “Thinking about long-term ___20___ is key to mitigating the possible negative effects of curiosity,” H e says. In other words, don't read online comments.


2012在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语试卷(A)卷 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Speaker A: I am so glad I caught you at home. I need your help! Speaker B: ___________, Robin? A. Can I B. Do you C. What's that D. What's up 2. Speaker A: I don't have the slightest idea what you want to say. Speaker B: You don't have to.___________ A. Forget it. B. Just follow my lead. C. I'll say it later. D. If only you wanted to. 3. Speaker A: Nobody listened to what I have to say. I feel like a fool. Speaker B: Don't worry._________ A. I'm with you. B. I like you. C. They are fools themselves. D. They are no better. 4. Speaker A: Oh, hi Dr. Hill. Can I discuss my grade on my term paper with you now? Speaker B: Sure.__________ A. What seems to be the problem? B. That seems to be a mistake. C.I really appreciate it D. Could I check back with you later? 5. Speaker A: Mr. Jacob, you are a great help. How can I pay you back? Speaker B: OK, you buy me a coffee, __________. A. and there is no problem B. and we are even C. and you'll feel better D. and 1 won't say anything Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: in this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A, B. C and O, Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSW ER SHEET with a sin file line through the center. 6. Woman: Mr. Simpson, all the department managers are here except John. Man: Let's get the meeting rolling. Question: What does the man mean? A. Cancel the meeting B. Start the meeting C. Put the meeting off D. Continue the meeting 7. Woman: Protecting the environment should be on the agenda of every one of us. Man: You took the words right out of my mouth. Question: What did the man mean? A. He agreed with the woman. B. He didn't believe the woman. C. The woman's words hurt him. D. The woman was talking nonsense. 8. Woman: I can't forgive myself for that terrible mistake I have made. Man: Well, don't be too hard on yourself. It happens to the best of us. Question: What does the woman mean? A. The man should not be forgiven. B. Smart people make few mistakes C. The mistake is not serious D. The man needn't feel that 9. Woman: Here you are. Do it by six o'clock, OK? Man: By six o'clock? Give me a break. I'm not a superman. Question: What does the man mean? A. He wants to take a break. B. He has to work like a superman. C. There is not enough time for him. D. The work is too difficult for him. 10. Woman: I'm clueless and, quite frankly, I'm getting worried about the future. Man: We're all in the same boat. Leaving school's a big step. Question: What's the issue they are facing now?

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