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Personal Information

What is your (full)name? May I have your full name please? could u tell me you

first name? How

My fullname is XX, XX is my family name, XX is my given name and you can call me

Mike, because Mike is my English name.

can I call you?

Most people call me Mike which is my English name.

还有我的名字有什么special meaning?

My given name has two parts. The fist part “XX” means… The second part “XX”

means … So taken together, my given name means “….”. My grandfather gave this

name to me because he hope…


Could I see your identification?

Yes. Here s my id card.


where are you from?

I am from Nanjing. It is the capital of Jiangsu province which is in east China

and is a famous historic city in China.

Are u a student or working in..? Do you work or study? What do u do,student or


I m working in XXX which is engaged to provide technical engineering support for

Microsoft Products as a software engineer. ,my responsibility s...blahblahblah



I am in charge of

DO YOU LIKE THE JOB? Why? 问工作,是否自己的选择?

I like it very much. My job offer me decent salary, good opportunity and enable

me keep touch in the latest technology in computer science. I enjoy challenge in

my job.


describe your work. 介绍一天典型的工作What?s your typical day?what s ur routine?

my daily work is like this: every day i come to my office, open my computer, 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英

connect to the internet through LAN, check my email account, and reply some

letter. you know i am a software engineer , so everyday there are always many

user of Microsoft software product send email to me to get technical

support ... mm, i also maintain the corporation?s database, so i login in

the database every day and check the system.

What do you think is the most attraction of your work? what s the advantage of

your work?

What s your future work plan?

What is your plan for

the next five years?

My short-term goal is to improve my English and immigrate and adjust to Canada..


I: ten years is a long time. i seldom think so far. maybe i can save a lot of

money, and start my own business. i m still not exactly sure what my company


focus on, but it must be in computer field.


Do you liketo change work?why? Do you plan to change your job?


if you want change your job, what do you want to do?

do you think the technology is changing our life ?

yes, i believe the technology is makeing our life more and more convenient. for

example, some years before we can only connect by mail, but now we can connect

others by email, or by cell phone. now every one has a cell phone. ...mm, since i

major in computer, i am always interested in computer field. for instance, you can

save your money in one bank and draw it from a other bank, because all the bank


connected by computer network system.

IT is developing rapidly in modern society. It?s playing a more and more important role in our daily life and work places. More and more operations and services are being computerized to increase productivity and efficiency. Our whole way of life will be probably be changed complete in the future.

S: but do you think there are some secure problem in computer net?

I: yes, of course there are a

lot of secure problem. for instance, we can buy


something through the line, but i seldom do such things. because i don t want


my credit card number and password . maybe there are some one ... mm... hacker


in the line, and sniff your password.

S: yes, it is happend to some of my friends.

I: it s terrible.




Describe your study ?

I graduated from XXX with a ba chelor?s degree in 1995. Then I worked for 3 years

in a computer

corporation before I went toXXXt University and continued my study, where I just

graduated last year with a master?s degree in Engineering.

Tell me sth about your study, advantage and disadvantage of your study, study

plan in the future?

What do u study in the uni.?


What do u like most in ur study?

The most important thing in your study


Our textbook and facilities can?t keep up to the latest development in computer

science. Sone courses are too old and not very useful. There are some compulsory

classes which I have no interest in and are not directly related to our field like politics and military. This, I feel, is a complete waste my time.But overall, I do think the university has provide me with a good foundational education.

Are update and either too theoretical or too academic so that they can?t de directly applied to the task of real life.

I think it emphasizes too much on theory and not enough practical application. Isn?t practical. Spend my time studying all kinds of abstruse theories, but have no use for future job.


say something about your high school; Let s talk about your second school and high school,could you tell your second school and high school to me?

what s the benefits did you got from


it; what s its disadvantage. what is advantages of your high school.

in your opinion, how to improve you high school

What did u like most in ur middle school?

What did u dislike in ur middle school?

How about your high school?

what did you like in your high school, what is your dislike in your high school. 你常常去你以前的中学吗?

问我能做什么帮助high school,我说将来有钱了捐款。

Is your senior school near your college ?

What do u think of the school should do to improve their teachers quality?

Have your high school teacher taught you some non-acadmic skills ? What are they

?(这个问题很古怪) 那我就说,中国教育体制不完善,很多技能都没有教授,比如交



BR>What?s your major?

My major is computer science, an important branch of modern science.

What do your major include? why do you choode it ?

Because I …d always enjoyed working with computers. It? s quite interesting and

is very demanding and challenging compared to other majored.





what do u want to learn about in the future.?

what do u think about ur course?

What advantage your teacher taught u ?



4 Study★

What do you want to learn


when do you want to learn it






Can you say something about your hometown? How about your hometown

Introduce your hometown, talk about your hometown


Nanjing is one of the major cities in China and the population is about 6

million. Nanjing was named the capital of China several times by many dynasties

and is famous as electron industy center.

where is your hometown located? where is your hometown located in your country?

Nanjing is located to the south (lower reaches) of Yangtse River which is the longest river in China.

so why you come here?

I: (未准备的问题,赶紧转换话题)i found a job in beijing. I am working in new oriental school

as a computer engineer now.

what s the advantages and disadvantages living in your hometown..

what is the advantages anf disadvantages of your hometown.

what is the best of your hometown?

What are the changes of your hometown?


my hometown has seen a big increase in the number of big department stores and

shopping complexs. High building and large mansions.

This changes will increased the gap between rich and poor.


tell me what do u like most in your homwtown?

climate, not too hot or too cold...

could u tell something about people in your hometown?

It is hard to say but I think one thing everyone says abo

ut people in my hometown is that they are very hospitable.

They are usually very friendly and straightforward. They still retain many

traditional virtues.If you ask someone for direction, they will try to help you

out or find someone else who can help you.

People in my hometown is very traditional, so they keep a lot of traditional

habit, just like hospitable, honest, thriftly.

To you learn more from them?

me:sorry,because I only had stayed there for 17years.and most of my time is in

school.so i dont have much time be with them.

What do u think which is better if you go from a small town or modern city?

What s the weather like in your hometown? .tell you weather of your hometown.

There are four seasons. Climate is different from season to season.

The weather is extremely hot in summer, sometimes reach 40 degrees centigrade.

It is fairly cold in winter in which the lowest temperature is about 10 degree 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英

centigrade below zero. The two seasons is extremely humid as well. It?s pretty miserable in the summer or winter unless you have air conditioning. The spring and autumn are both mild and pleasant, but they are two short only one or two months.

1. What is your hometowns shape ? Can you describe it for me ?



2. What is your hometowns history ? Could you tell me the history of your hometown?

fuzouh has been established 2200 year ago

It goes back to the spring and autumn period.




Nanjing is famous for its salt water dock.

5 Food

how about the food in china?

do you like cooking?(...Frankly,i m not good at cooking.) T:Can u cooking? no,because my work is very busy so I dont have time to cook myself.

No. I really hate cooking. I just don?t like to spend much time on cooking, so I 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英

usually eat in cafeteria although the food isn?t very tasty in the cafeteria. I

suppose I?ll have to marry someone who is a good cook.

what changes of food in china are happend?


People used to eat healthier food, but now you see people eating a lot of fast food.

Basically, because the food is so convenient and fast. Also young people like the informal atmosphere and like to experience new things.

What is the main meal in china? Do you think that Chinese eating habit has changed a lot?

What?s your main food? I mean in China.

What do you like to eat best?

I prefer Chinese food because it?s nutritious.

Do you often eat alone or with others? Do you like western food

Western food:

Can be co oked easily ,you don?t have to be a good cook to prepare your lunch or dinner.

is usually quick to prepare. It saves you a lot of time so that you can devote

more energy to your work.


is generally to sold by resteraunts

to be eaten quickly or taken away.

Less tasty and less nutritious

Chinese food:

Elaborately prepared,

usually at home,

using traditional methods

usually look and taste better. May enhance your appetite.

Color, smell taste and nutrition.

Time consuming, much more expensive.

what s the eating habits of chinese?

what s the difference of people meals today and in the past

could do tell me chinese food?

me:I think chinese food is the most delicious food in the world and most of chinese

people like and are good at cooking. And there are a lot of china restaurants around


Cafe or restaurant(70)


describe your favourite cafe or resaurant((it s name . the food style it offers), what does it like(good service ,nature food ,clean ,and so on----MY OPIONS)

where it is located?

Why you like it/why it is unique?

1Face the west Lake , appreciate good natural view, quiet and pleasant environment

2During and after meal the service is good. The waiter is considerable and all serives are timely

3Food is delicious including soup, vegetable and dessert. Especially the west Lake vinegal

Steak have a very good reputation.








第二段:主考官抽出一张题卡,卡上写明某话题,考生有一分钟准备时间,之后须根据要求对该话题进行2分钟个人观点阐述(约3-4分钟,包括1分钟准备时间)。 Part 2 Topics Describe : 1. A luxurious thing 2. An important Stage in your life 3. A period of time you enjoyed most in your life. When is it? What did you enjoy? Why? 4. An English Lesson you have attended. What is the content? Why do you remember it? 5. Clothing. 6. Which area(aspect) of life do you want to be successful in? Why? 7. The legal age for marriage in China. Do you think it is suitable?

8. An impressive speech you have heard. What is it about? Why do you remembe it so well? 9. A bicycle. 10. The person you are familiar with. 11. A Building. 12. An advertisement 13.what do people in different age do? 14. a thing you want to achieve Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion Key points: Graduation, school, pink dress, accessory, Actually, in my high school, students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】 No one's special. So after a while, we all have the similar physical features.


大学英语口语测试试题 1.Shopping 1)Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. I like to go shopping very much. It is so interesting. 2) What do you usually buy when you go shopping? I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleansing cream, soap, shampoo, washing powder… I like music/books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs/the recent bestsellers. 3) Where do you usually go shopping, supermarkets or department stores? Downtown or in campus stores ? I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby since they often have good buys/it saves time. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious /nice things. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket. I hate shopping in a supermarket. It’s always so crowded/the quality of goods is questionable/not so good/ not guaranteed. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better service. 4)When you buy a dress or a coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? I think price/color/style/quality is the most important. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me. I love buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal. 5) Do you enjoy bargaining? Are you good at it? I love sales/enjoy bargaining/am good at bargaining with street peddlers. I always/never ask for a discount. 2. Sports 1) Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? I like swimming/jogging/fishing/tennis, etc. My favorite sport is basket/volleyball/football, etc. 2)Do you like jogging? Why or why not? Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old/for people of all ages. Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise/can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. 3)Why do people need to play sports? Playing sports can help us to relax. Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport. I can meet some new friends when I play sports.


Part1: https://www.doczj.com/doc/2213462198.html, ●What is your full name? ●How should i address you? ●Have you got any English name? ●Are there any special meanings about your name? ●Who gave you this name? 2.Studies or work ●Which school are you studying now? what is your major? ●Who choose the major for you before you entering your university? ●What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university? ●Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most? Why? ●Do you like the school you are studying at? 3.Home ●Do you live in a house or a flat? ●Please describe the place where you live. ●How have you decorated your home (or, your room)? ●Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room)? (e.g., decorations) ●What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home)? 4.Hometown ●Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?) ●Do you think you'll always live there? ●Where do you live at the moment? ●Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?) ●What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? 5.Books & Reading ●Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?) C ●What (kinds of ) books do you like to read? C ●(Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do read (for enjoyment)? ●Are you reading any books at the moment? N ●Did you read much when you were a child? 6.Newspapers & Magazines ●What kind of newspaper do you have in China? ●What is your favorite magazine? ●When did you begin to read newspaper? ●What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers? ●Which one do you prefer to read, newspaper or magazine?


1.Is it possible for a woman to be a successful mother and have a successful professional career? Should society encourage or discourage women from combining the two? Yes, I think a woman can be a successful mother and have a successful professional career but it is a little difficult. Because women usually are the caregivers for husbands, children and, often, for ageing parents. And even in full-time employment, they are expected to continue to play this role. But I don’t think the two are conflicted. Society should encourage women from combining the two, because man and woman are equal. It is not just mothers’ obligation to care for the children. On the other hand, how difficult to find a job for a divorced woman in such a high-divorce society? Both men and women should learn to balance their work and family. 2. Should University students focus on their specialized areas or fundamental courses? I think university students should focus on their fundamental courses. Specialized areas are based on fundamental courses. For example, how can you build a tall building without a solid foundation? The same is true of learning. Usually the knowledge we learned in university are disjointed from development of society. So when we are applying for jobs after graduation, we may find the professional knowledge we have is out of date. It will be difficult to learn new things without a solid foundation. Despite all the apparent changes, what remains essentially the same are the fundamental courses. I believe fundamental courses are the roots of great innovation. 3.Should students choose their majors to meet their personal needs and interests or the need of society? I think students should choose majors to meet the need of society. Here are some reasons. First, from a personal perspective, the ultimate aim of going to college is to find a job and make money. So what we need to think about is how to meet the requirements of society and enterprises. Only in this way can we find a job easily so that we can realize our value. If we only consider personal needs and interests when choose majors, we are likely to fail to find a job after graduation.


Do you think “we all have a responsibility to be safe”? There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life. Recently our school has carried out a program aiming at increasing our safety awareness. I consider this as indeed a good practice, which will remind us that safety should always come first in our daily life, whether when we stay at school or outside it. For example, when we are doing sports, we should attach great importance to safety and avoid being hurt. Besides, we should follow the traffic rules when we are going to school or when we are on our way back home. I firmly believe that we should develop a good sense of safety and do everything safely. What measures have been taken to prevent driving infractions like drunk driving and speeding in China? Driving infractions cases have been increasing and have caused numerous deaths. A more severe punishment should be given to those who drive after they have drunk, especially to those who are drunk and have caused serious injuries or deaths while driving.In order to crack downdriving infractions, the government should introduce a more severe law. Besides, more measures should be taken to cultivate the drivers’ awareness of traffic laws and respect others’ lives as well as their own when they are driving on the road, which I think should be the key to decrease drunken driving cases. Can you tell us how to escape a fire, esp. when you are in a high-rise building? As we know, no one knows for sure when a fire will happen, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. To beginwith, checking the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it when lights have failed.What’s more, taking care not to be overcome by smoke, which containing monoxide gas, can kill you quickly. At last, cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth, and avoid getting into the smoke. In short, if you make preparations before and take precautions during the fire, chances are that you will survive in case of a fire if it really breaks out some day. What are the things you have to defend yourself so that you can have a peaceful and wonderful life?


第一节考试第一阶段话题总结 第一阶段主要是关于个人情况的介绍,考官会问一些具体的问题,内容涉及考生的工作、学习情况,家乡,爱好,以及关于身边的衣食住行等问题。 About yourself 1.What’s your full name? 2.What’s your English name? 3.Does your Chinese name have any special meaning? Literally:Lean on a sailing boat to see in the distance Make a good wish that Everything is going smoothly 4.Do you want to change your name? Smoothly & successfully Hometown and cities 1.Where do you come from? / Where are you from? / Where is your hometown? Wuhan, a large-sized city in the middle of china, and it is also a crucial city during revolution period in the history 2.Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people to live in? 3 aspects: @.local delicious food snack street : hot dry noodles , fried bread stick ,stinky tofu shrimp balls ,spicy hot noodles, hot hot hot, hot pot, spring rolls @shopping malls & amusement parks 国广&欢乐谷 @university city, esp.Wc district relatively high education standard 3.What aspects do you like best in your hometown? 4.What aspects do you dislike in your hometown? Larged-sized city large population crowded in the station competetion is fierce In the process of contruction of infrustracture ==road traffic jam 5.What landscapes surround your hometown? In the middle of china it is located in the jianghan plain the long river flows through crossover point of han river—tributary river view a place covered with lakes “city with thousand lakes” ---the east lake next to a basin named SICHUAN basin ---in the west of WH south direction ---old forest SHEN NONGJIA –tourist spot 6.What are the differences between your hometown and Beijing? Capital well-known boast of its long history political center More urbanized well-developed transportantion system\ **On the contrary, less modern , infrustractures are not completed in the middle snacks of north and south abundant choice tedious less stressed 7.What are the characters of local people in your hometown? Friendly and warm-hearted talkative esp. senor citizens


英语口语测试总结 为了达到素质教育的人才培养目标,课程改革逐步落到了实处,我校在环翠区统一组织安排下,对初四学生进行了英语口语测试。此次英语口语测试共检测了三个部分:教师提问、朗读短文、口头作文。我校全部九位英语老师担任了口语测试的评分老师,分三组对学生进行了测试。现对这次口语测试做一个总结: 1. 学校对这一次口语测试相当重视、准备充分,组织有序;大部分考生表现良好,能按要求准备话题,发音准确,有较好的语音语调,表达自如、语言流利,A等级达到90%以上。 2. 大部分学生在回答问题时,信心十足,声音洪亮,对英语的学习充满自信。 3. 三个部分的测试中,第三部分的口头作文测试不够理想,普遍存在时态问题,如在表达my family时有同学表述为my father very like playing football,应该是my father likes playing football very much.有语法上的混淆,也有汉语的思维习惯。 4. 英语口语存在两极分化和发展不平衡的现象。有的同学笔试成绩很出色,但是口语发音却极不准,究其原因是因为平常只注重了笔头,而忽视了口头。当然还有很多表现优异的学生,如5班的夏鹏飞同学在谈到my dream job的时候,说他想当一名像Kobe,James那样的职业篮球运动员,叙述中思路清晰,旁征博引,眼界开阔,可谓精彩。4班夏川谈到my life in 10 years 的时候,对未来的生活做出了切实精彩的计划和猜想。1班的曲莹莹同学用真切的语气叙述了和她my friend之间的故事,给老师们留下了深刻的印象。虽然大部分学生的英语口语水平不错,但每个班仍有一至二人基础较差。 5. 教学建议:(1). 加强单词、课文的领读教学,培养学生的朗读习惯、多用录音跟读,引导学生学习连读、失去爆破等发音方法。(2). 课堂多用英语教学,培养学生听和说的能力,把Chinglish变为English,夯实基础知识。(3).尽量调动所有学生的学习热情,重视对学习英语困难学生的自信心培养和个别辅导。总之,这次测试让每位老师认识到帮助学生树立信心,实现英语的实用性的重要性,认识到语言的教学,不管教什么,怎么教,一定要帮助学生把好基础关,没有基石,不可能有大厦,更不可能有理想的放飞,而这些,都将从帮助我们的学生大声地朗读 开始,从口语开始


雅思英语口语考试30个常见话题归纳 1. describe your favorite animal 2. describe relaxation method 3. describe communication method 4. describe al job you are interested in 5. describe sth old in your family(可以谈礼物或jewelry或clothes) 6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood 7. describe a library 8. describe a physical exercise 9. describe a store 10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper 11. describe an advertisement you like. 12. describe a school you attended. 13. describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special t ime? 14. describe your favorite room in your home.

15. describe a change in your life. 16. describe the part of day you like most 17.describe the city you enjoyed visiting. 18.describe an old man you are familiar with. 19.describe a river or lake you have seen. 20. describe something which was made by yourself 21.describe the best present you got in your life. 22.describe your favorite way of transport. 23.describe a famous person you admire. 24.describe your favorite movie. 26. describe your best friend. 27. describe an electric equipment you use in your life. 28. describe a subject you studied at school. 29. describe a building. 30. describe a club or team or organization you joined


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


Part1: https://www.doczj.com/doc/2213462198.html, What is your full name How should i address you Have you got any English name Are there any special meanings about your name Who gave you this name 2.Studies or work Which school are you studying now what is your major Who choose the major for you before you entering your university What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most Why

Do you like the school you are studying at 3.Home Do you live in a house or a flat Please describe the place where you live. How have you decorated your home (or, your room) Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room) ., decorations) What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home) 4.Hometown Where is your hometown (Or, what part of China do you come from) Do you think you'll always live there Where do you live at the moment Do you like your hometown (Why/Why not)


三年级英语非纸笔测试总结 辛店小学白艳艳为不断促进我校小学英语口语表达能力的提高,逐渐强化小学英语综合语言运用能力,激发学生说英语,用英语,学英语的兴趣,我们三年级应教研室及学校要求,在2018年一月四日进行了英语非纸笔测试,现将本次的情况总结如下: 一、非纸笔测试试卷 非纸笔测试试卷是考察学生实践操作能力,综合评价学生。试卷分字词朗读、句子朗读、角色扮演、看图识词,口语选择,朗读对话六个部分,每项测试内容分评价标准不同。每部分内容紧扣课本,按照上级要求,全面考察学生的英语素养。 二、非纸笔测试参与学生 三年级全体学生 三、非纸笔测试操作过程 1、三年级英语备 课组所有教师参与评 价,首先在备课组长 带领下集中学习非纸 笔测试评价方案,并 对本组老师进行非纸 笔测试评价培训,统 一评价意见。 2、分组进行评 价,在备课组长带领 下进行统一测试。 3、综合评价成绩 各班考评完毕后,老师把班上每组成绩汇总到一起,将成绩交给教导处。 四、非纸笔测试的反思

本次进行非纸笔试测试,孩子们很兴奋。主要是因为非纸笔测试与纸笔测试比较,孩子往往更喜欢前者。他们在准备和接受测试的过程中,享受到了学习的快乐。但也有部分同学由于程度差,感觉较难。 1、通过本次测试,我们更准确的了解到孩子们存在的问题: (1)字词朗读。部分 单词拿不准读音,尤其长 错误较多。 (2)句子朗读。能 达到准确朗句子,但不够 流利。 (3)角色扮演。这 部分孩子做的较好,可见 平时老师要求的都做到 了。当然也有10%的学生 完成较差。 (4)看图识词。这部分孩子做的较好。 (5)口语选择。这是本次测试较薄弱的环节。学生的英语表达能力不够好。 (6)朗读对话。能达到准确朗对话,但感情不够充沛。 2、从此次测试中了解到,平时对英语学科感兴趣的学生能一气呵成地 完成测试,但部分后进生则不敢开口,或是开口声音比较小;今后教师在教学中应多创设英语教学情境,营造英语学习氛围,开展丰富的课内、外活动,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,注重课堂40分钟教学的有效性,加强课后教学内容的复习与巩固,鼓励差生开口学说、唱英语,多读多练多唱; 教师要多检查、多督促、多指导。 五、反思与期待:这次口语测试能较好地反映出我校小学英语教学 的基本现状,客观上确实存在着一定差距。在今后的工作中,我们要及时总结经验、及时反思不足、不断改进教学,使今后的英语口语教学能更上一层楼。借鉴好的经验,祢补不足,认真搞好日常口语教学。

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