当前位置:文档之家› 外研社版高中英语必修一至必修五各单元语法总结(带高考真题)






Module 1 My First Day at Senior High

语法点:1. 一般现在时

(1) —Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?(2008 上海)

—Terry? Never! She ____ tents and fresh air.

A. has hated

B. hated

C. will hate

D. hates


(2). As you can see, the number of cars on our roads____ rising these days.(2006 全国一)

A. was keeping

B. keep

C. keeps

D. were keeping


(3). The machine ___. It’s hasn’t worked for years. (2006 浙江)

A. didn’t work

B. wasn’t working

C. doesn’t work

D. isn’t working



(1). Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues ________ with her stories.


B. amusing

C. to amuse

D. to be amused


(2). Tom sounds very much _______ in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it. (2006安徽)


B. interesting

C. interestingly

D. interestedly


(3). Mr. Smith, ______ of the ______ speech, started to read a novel. (2003,北京)

A.tired; boring

B. tiring; bored

C. tired; bored

D. tiring; boring


Module 2 My New Teachers


(1). While shopping, people sometimes can't help ____ into buying something they don't really need. (96年上海卷)

A. to persuade

B. persuading

C. being persuaded

D. be persuaded


(2). I really appreciate ____ to relax with you on this nice island. (04年上海卷)

A. to have had time

B. having time

C. to have time

D. to having time


Module 3 My First Ride on a Train


(1) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ___ the next year. (NMET 2 000) A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out

辨析:根据固定搭配 see sb do sth / see sth done, 本题中plan是that引导的定语从句中的先行词,做see的宾语。所以答案选C。

(2). Don't leave the water_while you brush your teeth. (04天津卷)

A. run

B. running

C. being run

D. to run

辨析:本题答案选B。leave v-ing 表示让某物处于一种状态。“让水一直流”在你刷牙时。

(3). After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, ____.(04春上海卷)

A. being exhausted

B. exhausted

C. exhausting

D. having exhausted

答案B. exhausted 感到精疲力尽的

Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood


1.(2012江西)--Look! Somebody ______ the sofa. --Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. A.is cleaning B.was cleaning C.has cleaned D.had cleaned

2.(2006重庆) I _____ in London for many years,but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.

A. lived

B. was living

C. have lived

D. had lived

3. (2007辽宁) ── Has your father returned from Africa yet?

──Yes, but he _____ here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.


B. has been

C. will be

D. would be

4.( 2007湖南)Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she ______ English for a year.

A. studies

B. studied

C. is studying

D. has been studying

5.(2008全国)If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it ____ all day.

A. rained

B. rains

C. has rained

D. is raining

答案1.C. 2. A 3. A 4.D 5. A


2. 据move back to China.可知,现在不在伦敦,即live 未持续到现在。

3.结合提供的情景,我父亲在非洲待了三年,后来又去了澳大利亚,即现在不在非洲,动作be here 未持续到现在;

4.据划线部分可知他现在仍在那所学校学习,即study 持续到现在;


Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab


(1). Mr. Smith owns _______ collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met. (2005山东).


B. a larger

C. the larger

D. a large


(2). The number of people present at the concert was _____than expected. There were many ticket left. (2004福建)

A. much smaller

B. much more

C. much larger

D. many more

解析:因为主语是“去参加音乐会的人的数量”,而数量是讲大小,而不是多少的,排除B 和D;又由后文还“有很多票剩下,可见参加音乐会的人比原来预计的要少,所以选A。

Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications


(1). The poor young man is ready to accept _____ help he can get.(2005 NMET)


B. however



答案:C. Whatever意为“任何...”,用作定语,后接名词。与whichever的区别为:whichever 范围内的无论哪一个,而whatever没有范围。

(2). The old tower must be saved, ______ the cost.(2005浙江)


B. whatever

C. whichever

D. Wherever



(1). (08全国卷II ) It’s not _____ good idea to drive for four hours without _____ break.

A. a; a

B. the; a

C. the; the

D. a; the

(2). (08重庆卷)In many places in China, bicycle is still poplar means of transportation.

A. a; the

B. /; a

C. the; a

D. the; the

(3). (08辽宁卷 ) My ne ighbor asked me to go for ____ walk, but I don’t think I’ve got ____ energy.

A. a; 不填

B. the; the

C. 不填;the

D. a; the

(4). (08山东卷)Students should be encouraged to use ____ Internet as ____ resource.

A. 不填;a

B. 不填; the

C. the; the

D. the; a

(5). (08江苏卷) We went right round to the west coast by _____ sea instead of driving across ____ continent.

A. the; the


C. the; 不填

D. 不填;不填



Module 1 Our Body and Heathy Habits


Module 2 No Drugs


(1). Simon made a big bamboo box ________ the little sick bird till it could fly. (2011·四川卷)

A. keep

B. kept

C. keeping

D. to keep

答案与解析:选D. 句意:Simon做了一个大竹筐饲养那只生病的小鸟,直到它能飞起来。此处用不定式做目的状语。


More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _____ people’s concern over food safety. (2011·重庆卷)

A. to raise

B. raising

C. to have raised

D. having raised

答案与解析:选 A.句意:根据政府官员的话,更多的电视节目将被制作来提高人们的食品安全意识。to raise people’s concern over food safety为不定式短语做目的状语。(3). If they win the final tonight, the team are going to tour around the city ______ by their enthusiastic supporters. (2011·浙江卷)

A. being cheered

B. be cheered

C. to be cheered

D. were cheered

答案与解析:选C. 根据语意:他们如果在今晚的决赛中获胜的话,他们队将环游城市,接受他们热情的支持者的欢呼。此处用动词不定式表示将来。


(1).The camera is __________expensive__________ I can't afford it.(2004年辽宁省)

A. so, that

B. such, that

C. so, as to

D. enough, that


(2).Miss Gao asked a question, but it was_________that nobody could answer it.(2001安徽省)

A.very difficult

B. too difficult

C. difficult enough

D. so difficult


(3).I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early ______ I can have time for a cup of tea. (05北京33)

A.as soon as

B.as a result

C.in case

D.so that 答案 D

解析本题考查动词so that引导目的状语从句。句意为:我早到20分钟的目的是能有时间喝点茶。as soon as一……就……,引导时间状语从句;as a result结果;in case以免,万一(发生……)。故答案为so that。

Module 3 Music


(1). (2010四川) Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break ______ she got to her office.

A. since

B. that

C. when

D. until

(2). (09江苏) Because of the financial crisis, days are gone______ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.


B. when

C. which

D. since

(3).(08福建) Nancy enjoyed herself so much ______ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.

A. that

B. which

C. when

D. where

(4). (08辽宁) I used to love that film ______ I was a child, but I don’t feel it that way

any more.


B. whe n

C. since

D. although

(5).(2007 安徽) The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _____ we meet them again.

A. after

B. Before

C. Since

D. when

(6).(2007 江西) He was told that it would be at least three more months ________he

could receover and retum to work.






Module 4 Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts

语法点:-ing形式和to do形式

(1). Volunteering gives you a chance ______ lives, including your own. (2013北京)

A. change

B. changing

C. changed

D. to change

(2).When we saw the road _______ with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. ( 2013北京)

A. block

B. to block

C. blocking

D. blocked

(3).______ basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies. (2013福建)

A. Known

B. Having known

C. Knowing

D. Being known

(4).The sunlight is white and blinding, ______ hard-edged shadows on the ground. (2013新课标I卷)

A. throwing

B. being thrown

C. to throw

D. to be thrown

(5). I got to the office earlier that day, _____ the 7:30 train from Paddington. (2013新课标


A. caught

B. to have caught

C. to catch

D. having caught




解析:考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词作宾补,动词block与see的宾语the road之间为被动关系,构成短语see sb/ sth done。故选D。


解析:考查非谓语动词。此句谓语为will help,因此所选非谓语动词做主语,故使用动名词,答案选C。


解析:考查非谓语动词。主语sunlight与throw shadows之间为主动关系,故选A。(5).答案D


Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines


(1).The girl had hardly rung the bell _____ the door was opened suddenly, and her friend r ushed out to greet her.(2010福建)

A. before

B. until

C. as

D. since

(2). Mary made coffee ________ her guests were finishing their meal.(2010全国I)

A. so that B although C. while D. as if

(3). John thinks it won’t be long _______ he is ready for his new job.(2010陕西)

A. when

B. after

C. before

D. since

(4). There were some chairs left over _____ everyone had sat down.(08四川)

A. when

B. until

C. that

D. where

(5).Peter was so excited _______he received invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.( 09重庆)

A. where

B. that

C. why

D. When



(1). I won’t call you, ______ something unexpected happens.(07全国Ⅰ26)





答案 A



1、下列各项中加点字注音有误的一项是()(2分) A宽恕(shù)胚(pēi)芽阔绰(chuò) 风雪载(zài)途 B收敛(liǎn)愧怍(zuò) 慰藉(jí) 妇孺(rú)皆知 C彷(páng)徨沉湎(miǎn) 繁衍(yǎn) 颔(hàn)首低眉 D哺(bǔ)育告罄(qìng) 馈(kuì)赠粗制滥(làn)造 2、下列加点字注音全部正确的一项是()(2分) A、峥嵘(zhēng)黝黑(y?u)地窖(jiào)头晕目眩(xuán) B、慰藉(jí)攫取(jué)羁绊(bàn)水皆缥碧(pi?o) C、胆怯(qiè)蹿升(cuān)蓦然(mù)随声附和(hè) D、嗔视(chēn)干瘪(bi?)怄气(òu)气息奄奄(y?n) 3、下列词语中加点字的注音有错误的一项是() A.觅食mì惧惮dàn 萧索xiāo 臆测yì B.山麓lù栈桥jiàn 惘然mǎnɡ煞白shà C.汲取jí诅咒zǔ孕育yùn 窒息zhì D.亵渎xiè搓捻cuō芳馨xīn 繁衍yǎn 4、下列各组词语中,加点字的注音不全正确的一项是()(2分) A. 扒(pá)窃枯涸(hé)背(béi)包小心翼翼(yì) B. 稽(jì)首嫉(jì)妒屏(píng)蔽迥(jiǒng)异不同 C. 哽(gěng)咽亢(kàng)奋豆豉(ch?)苦心孤诣(yì) D. 蜷(quán)伏星宿(xiù)空乘(chéng)毛骨悚(sǒng)然 5、下列词语中加点的字,读音全部正确的一组是(3分) A.落难(nàn) 确凿(záo) 触(cù)目伤怀长吁(xū)短叹 B.称(chèn)职勾(gòu)当百鸟啾(jiū)啾大彻(chè)大悟 C.嗤(chī)笑倒坍(tā) 一抔(póu)黄土苦心孤诣(yì) D.绮( qí)丽执拗(niù) 影影绰(chuò)绰味同嚼(jiáo)蜡 6、下列各项中书写有误的一项是()(2分) A瞻望深遂陨落翻来覆去 B疮痍伎俩迁徙沧海桑田 C嶙峋荒谬涟漪忍俊不禁 D点缀骸骨蓦然天伦之乐 7、下列词语书写全部正确的一项是() A.禀告滑稽险象叠生随机应变 B.归咎潺弱骇人听闻恪敬职守 C.鄙夷阴霾囊萤印雪肃然起敬 D.匀称酬和望眼欲穿鳞次栉比 8、下列词语中有两个错别字的一项是()(2分) A.高谈阔论坛花一现迫不及待窃窃私语 B.神采奕奕彬彬有礼破镜重圆月白风清 C.世外桃园晓风残月顺藤摸瓜事半功倍 D.四面楚歌挺而走险厚此薄彼貌和神离 9、下列词语中没有错别字的一项是 A.和谐其实是美丽的一种更高境界,它能够平和心境,净化心灵。 B.中华大地喜迎盛事,北京将张灯节彩迎接各地嘉宾。 C.正因为我们心中有盏红绿灯,我们的生活才能井然有绪,多姿多彩。


必修五Module 1 ⒉compare (v.)---comparison(n.) 把A 和B比较compare A with B 把A比作/比喻为B compare A to B 比起…,与…相比(作状语) compared with /to 比得上compare with 无与伦比beyond comparison 与…比较in comparison 相比之下by comparison ⒊differ (vi)different(adj.)difference (n.) 在…方面不同differ in = be different in 区分…和…Tell the difference betw een…and..不同于differ from = be different from和某人在…方面differ with sb. on sth. 有影响,使不同make a difference 对…有影响have an effect on=have an influence on =affect =influence It makes a big difference to your life whether you take an optimistic attitude or not. 你是否采取乐观的态度对你的人生有很大的影响。 ⒋common 有很多/有一些/ 几乎没有/ 没有共同点have much(a lot)/everything/ nothing(little) in common 和…一样in common with ⒌lead lead to +doing/n通往,通向;导致,招致lead sb to sp. 带领某人到某地 lead sb to do sth. 使某人做某事,领某人干某事 命题方向:1). lead to + doing/ being done 2).leading to 作定语或状语。 3).含介词的短语动词用在定语从句中,考察句中的谓语动词。 短语lead to 中,to为介词,总结一下“动词+介词to”的常用短语 pay attention to 注意devote… to… 献身于stick to 坚持be used to 习惯于belong to 属于object to 反对get down to开始认真做.. contribute to 为..做贡献pay a visit to 参观;拜访 ⒍difficulty have some/much/no difficulty (in) doing 做某事有一些/没有困难 There is some/no difficulty (in) doing sth. There is some/no difficulty with sth. (注意:difficulty 为不可数名词)have some/much/no difficulty (in) doing 做某事有一些/没有困难 There is some/no difficulty (in) doing sth. There is some/no difficulty with sth. (注意:difficulty 为不可数名词) ⒎attempt attempt to do/ attempt at doing. 试图做…;尝试做… make an/no attempt to do (没有)试图/打算做… at one’s first attempt (to do) 第一次尝试做… ⒏add


高中英语外研版必修五单词Module 1 1.have …in common 有相同的特点43. look n. 外观;外表;样子 2. linguist n. 语言学家44. criticize vt. 批评 3. make a difference 有影响,使不相同45. standard adj. 标准的 4. accent n. 口音46. reference n. 参考;查阅 5. obvious adj. 显然的;显而易见的 6. motorway n. (英)高速公路 7. underground n. (英)地铁 8. subway n. (美)地铁 9. get around 四处走动(旅行) 10. flashlight n. (美)手电筒;火把 11. queue vi. (英)排队(等候) 12. confusing adj. 令人困惑的;难懂的 13. preposition n. 介词 14. compare vt.比较 15. omit vt. 省略 16. variety n. 种类 17. differ vi. 不同;有区别 18. settler n. 移民;定居者 19. be similar to 与……相似 20. remark n. 评论;讲话 21. variation n. 变化 22. have difficulty (-in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 23. steadily adv. 不断地;持续地 24. satellite n. 卫星 25. flick n. 轻打;轻弹;抖动 26. l switch n. 开关 27. ead to 引起;导致 28. structure n. 结构;体系 29. rapidly adv. 迅速地 30. announcement n. 声明;宣告 31. linguistics n. 语言学 32. edition n. (广播、电视节目的)期;版 33. cute adj. 逗人喜爱的 34. add vt. 加;增加 35. in favour of 同意;支持 36. present vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等) 37. refer to ... as … 称……为…… 38. attempt n. 努力;尝试 39. simplify vt. 简化 40. combination n. 组合;结合 41.thanks to 幸亏,多亏 42. distinctive adj. 与众不同的


Unit 1 语法重点 一、动词不定式 不定式可以用来做主语、表语、定语、状语、宾语、独立成分,表示比较具体的意义。 (1)做主语 ①动词不定式短语 To master a foreign language is no easy job. To see this film is to waste time. To solve this problem is out of the question ②为平衡整个句子,避免头重脚轻,常用it做形式主语,而将真正主语不定式放后 面,用于这种形式是一些特定的结构。例如: 1)谓语部分是系表结构,表语是某些形容词或名词。例如: It is foolish to do in this way. It sounds reasonable to do it this way. 2)某些动词做谓语时。例如: It took much time to do this. It makes us excited to think about that. (2) 做表语 表示打算、计划、命令和要求,用于appear, seem, happen等系动词后面 Such questions are to be avoided. What he said proved to be true. He seems to be ill. (3) 做定语 做定语时不定式一般紧跟其所修饰名词或代词后面。例如: He was the first one to come this morning. He didn’t have the chance to go to school in the past. 如果不定式是不及物动词时,应注意其相应介词的搭配。例如: He has nothing to worry about. She is a very nice person to work with. (4) 作状语 不定式作状语可以表示目的、原因和结果。 ①表目的常用in order to, so as to,等结构但so as to只能放在主句之后。 Check your homework so as to avoid mistakes. She goes home (in order) to see her grandmother every week. ②表结果常用only to do, enough to do, too…to do等句型,不定式短语作结果状语具有 “意料之外”之意。 He is too excited to speak anything. I hurried to his house, only to find him out. ③原因 She seemed surprised to see us. He is sorry for what he did to think of his past. -不定式作方式状语时,通常采用as if 或 as though + to 的结构,其意为“好像要……”。 He raised his hand as if to hit me. She took out a pen and a piece of paper as though to write something. (5) 做宾语


急求外研社高中英语必修1到必修5及顺序选修6单词表 必修1 MODEL 1 academic 学术的 province 省 enthusiatic 热心的 amazing 令吃惊的 information 信息 wedsite 网站,网址 brilliant (口语)极好的 comprehension 理解,领悟 instruction 指示说明 method 方法 bored 厌烦的 embarrassed 尴尬的 attitude 态度 behaviour 行为 previous 从前的 decription 记述,描述 amazed 吃惊的,惊讶的 embarrassing 令人尴尬的 technology 技术 impress 使印象深刻 correction 改正,纠正encouragement 鼓励,激励enjoyment 享受,乐趣fluency 流畅,流利misunderstanding 误解disappointed 失望的disappointing 令人失望的system 制度,体系,系统teenager 少年 disappear 消失 move 搬家 assistant 助手 cover 包含 diploma 文凭,毕业证书MODULE 2 amusing 有趣的,可笑的energetic 精力充沛的intelligent 聪明的 nervous 紧张的,焦虑的orgaised 有组织的,有系统的patient 耐心的 serious 严肃的 shy 害羞的,羞怯的 strict 严格的,严厉的impression 印象

avoid 避开 hate 讨厌,不喜欢incorrectly 不正确地completely 十分地,完全地appreciately 感激 admit 承认 scientific 科学的 literature 文学 loudly 大声地 wave 挥手,招手 joke 笑话 summarry 总结,摘要,提要respect 尊敬,尊重 grade 成绩,分数deadmaster 校长deadmistress 女校长 period 一段时间 revision 复习 translation 翻译 timetable 时间表 toptic 话题,题目 vacation 假期 revise 温习功课 discipline 纪律 relationship 关系formal 正式的 relaxed 轻松的,松懈的,宽松的similarly 同样地,类似地 MODULE 3 helicopter 直升机 motorbike 摩托车 tram 电车 distance 距离 abandoned 被遗弃的 camel 骆驼 cassette 录音带 desert 沙漠 diamond 钻石 expert 专家 midnight 半夜 product 产品 scenery 景色 shoot 射杀 soil 土壤 journey 旅程 train 训练 circus 马戏团 seaside 海滨


高中英语外研版必修五单词表—中文 1.有相同的特点 2.语言学家 3.有影响,使不相同 4.口音 5.显然的;显而易见的 6.英)高速公路 7.英)地铁 8.美)地铁 9.四处走动(旅行) 10.美)手电筒;火把 11.英)排队(等候) 12.令人困惑的;难懂的 13.介词 14.比较 15.省略 16.种类 17.不同;有区别 18.移民;定居者 19.与……相似 20.评论;讲话 21.变化 22.做某事有困难 23.不断地;持续地 24.卫星 25.轻打;轻弹;抖动 26.开关27.引起;导致 28.结构;体系 29.迅速地 30.声明;宣告 31.语言学 32.广播、电视节目的)期;版 33.逗人喜爱的 34.加;增加 35.同意;支持 36.陈述;提出(观点、计划等) 37.称……为…… 38.努力;尝试 39.简化 40.组合;结合 41.幸亏,多亏 42.与众不同的 43.外观;外表;样子 44.批评 45.标准的 46.参考;查阅 47.脑力的;思维的,需用才智的 48.令人满意的 49.充满压力的;紧张的 50.会计 51.理发师 52.生物化学家 53.电工;电器技师

54.矿工 55.志愿者 56.主动)提出(愿意做某事) 57.信号 58.尤其;特别 59.垂直的;陡峭的 60.平均 61.理论上;从理论上来说 62.实际上;在实践中 63.遵守 64.事故、疾病等的)伤亡人数 65.弯曲处;弯道 66.圆形的 67.指挥 68.经过 69.以为……理所当然 70.相遇;邂逅 71.影响)深刻的;极大的 72.对……产生影响 73.任务;职责;使命 74.站好位置以备…… 75.垂直的 76.注意到 77.暂时的;临时的 78.冰箱 79.冻住;冻僵 80.合同;契约81.挣(钱) 82.长久的;永久的;永恒的 83.工资;薪水 84.全体职员;员工 85.签字;签署 86.代理人;经纪人 87.分析家;分析师 88.申请 89.推理;推断 90.组织的 91.工作;职位 92.厨师 93.需要 94.合同)可续签的 95.必不可少的;绝对重要的 96.模特 97.电影、电视或照片的)镜头 98.作为……的回应 99.感激的;感谢的 100.可获得的 101.数据库;资料库 102.要求;需要 103.生物信息学(研究)者104.传统的 105.年轻人 106.遭受(痛苦) 107.病理学家


Module 1My First Day at Senior High SectionⅠIntroduction,Reading&Vocabulary 一、写作词汇检测 (一)根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子 1.1)这个女孩热衷于帮助别人。 2)The player was welcomed by the fans .(enthusiastic) 答案:1)The girl is enthusiastic about helping others. 2)enthusiastically 2.1)The progress that he has made is . 2)这个男孩最终获胜,许多人对此大为吃惊。(amaze) 答案:1)amazing2)Many people were amazed that the boy finally won.或To many people’s amazement,the boy finally won. 3.1)I forgot his name,which made me greatly . 2)让她尴尬的是她不记得他的名字。(embarrass) 答案:1)embarrassed2)To her embarrassment,she couldn’t remember his name. (二)运用所学单词或短语造句 1.look forward to 2.be impressed with/by 答案:略 二、阅读词汇检测 阅读下列句子,说出黑体词或词组的意义 1.English and history are academic subjects. 意义: 答案:学术的 2.That’s quite brilliant!How did you do that? 意义: 答案:极好的 3.Someday you’ll answer for your bad behavior,so behave yourself. 意义:;


module1 外研版高中英语必修五module1 外研版高中英语必修五 1 have…in common 1 有相同的特点 2 n. linguist 2 语言学家 3 make a difference 3 有影响,使不相同 4 n. accent 4 口音 5 adj. obvious 5 显然的;显而易见的 6 n. motorway 6 (英)高速公路 7 n. underground 7 (英)地铁 8 n. subway 8 (美)地铁 9 get around 9 四处走动(旅行) 10 n. flashlight 10 (美)手电筒;火把 11 vi. queue 11 (英)排队(等候) 12 adj. confusing 12 令人困惑的;难懂的 13 n. preposition 13 介词 14 vt. compare 14 比较 15 vt. omit 15 省略 16 n. variety 16 种类 17 vi. differ 17 不同;有区别 18 n. settler 18 移民;定居者 19 be similar to 19 与……相似 20 n. remark 20 评论;讲话 21 n. variation 21 变化 22 have difficulty(in)doing sth 22 做某事有困难 23 adv. steadily 23 不断地;持续地 24 n. satellite 24 卫星 25 n. flick 25 轻打;轻弹;抖动

26 n. switch 26 开关 27 ead to 27 引起;导致 28 n. structure 28 结构;体系 29 adv. rapidly 29 迅速地 30 n. announcement 30 声明;宣告 31 n. linguistics 31 语言学 32 n. edition 32 (广播、电视节目的)期;版 33 adj. cute 33 逗人喜爱的 34 vt. add 34 加;增加 35 in favour of 35 同意;支持 36 vt. present 36 陈述;提出(观点、计划等) 37 refer to…as…37 称……为…… 38 n. attempt 38 努力;尝试 39 vt. simplify 39 简化 40 n. combination 40 组合;结合 41 thanks to 41 幸亏,多亏 42 adj. distinctive 42 与众不同的 43 n. look 43 外观;外表;样子 44 vt. criticize 44 批评 45 adj. standard 45 标准的 46 n. reference 46 参考;查阅 module2 module2 1 adj. intellectual 1 脑力的;思维的, 2 adj. satisfying 2 令人满意的 3 adj. stressful 3 充满压力的;紧张的 4 n. accountant 4 会计


必修一Module1 1.adj. 学术的 2.n.省 3.adj.热心的 4.adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 5.n.信息 6.n.网站;网址 7.adj. (口语)极好的 8.n.理解;领悟 9.n.(常作复数)指示;说明 10.n.方法 11.adj.厌烦的; 厌倦的 12.adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 13.n.态度 14.n.行为;举动 15.adj. 以前的;从前的 16.n.记述;描述 17.adj.吃惊的;惊讶的 18.adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 19.n.技术 20.vt.使印象深刻 21.n.改正;纠正 22.n.鼓励;激励 23.n.享受;乐趣 24.n.流利;流畅 25.n.误解 26.adj.失望的 27.adj.令人失望的 28.n.制度;体系;系统 29.n.少年 30.vi.消失 31.vi.搬家 32.n.助手;助理33.vt.包含 34.n.文凭;毕业证书 必修一Module2 35.adj.有趣的;可笑的 36.adj.精力充沛的 37.adj.聪明的 38.adj.紧张的;焦虑的 39.adj.有组织的;有系统的 40.adj.耐心的 41.adj.严肃的 42.adj.害羞的;羞怯的 43.adj.严格的;严厉的 44.n.印象 45.vt.(故意)避开 46.vt. 讨厌;不喜欢 47.adv. 不正确地 48.adv.十分地;完全地 49.adv.立即,即刻 50.vt.感激 51.vt.承认 52.adj.科学的 53.n.文学 54.adv.大声地 55.vt. 挥(手);招(手) 56.n.玩笑;笑话 57.n.总结;摘要;提要 58.vt. & n.尊敬;尊重 59.n.(美)成绩;分数 60.n.校长 61.n. 女校长 62.n.一段时间 63.n.复习 64.n. 翻译 65.n.时间表 66.n.话题;题目 67.n.假期 68.vt.温习(功课) 69.n.纪律 70.n. 关系 71.adj.正式的 72.adj.轻松的;松懈的;宽松的 73.adv.同样地,类似地 必修一Module3 74.n. 直升飞机 75.n.摩托车 76.n.电车 77.n.距离 78.adj.被遗弃的 79.n骆驼 80.n.录音带 81.n.沙漠 82.n.钻石 83.n.专家 84.n.半夜 85.n.产品 86.n.风景;景色 87.vt.射杀 88.n.土壤 89.n.旅程 90.vt.训练 91.n.马戏团 92.n.海滨 93.n.运动场;体育场 94.n.鹰 95.vt.使吃惊;惊吓 96.n.幼儿园


B5m5languagepoints 1. They called him the prince of gymnasts. call +宾语+宾补:此结构还经常用于被动语态 What do you call this kind of flower? Li Ning was called the prince of gymnasts. 2. win vt.&vi. 其宾语不是竞争对手而是war, game, prize, match, battle, competition之类的名词。beat/defeat/win over的宾语是竞争对手 Tom won the 100-metre race in the sports meeting. Our army won one victory after another. 3.It is +adj +for sb. + to do… 这个结构的形容词常 easy,difficult,hard,important, necessary等,常与事物的特征有关It is + adj. + of sb. + to do…这个结构的形容词常常是good, kind, nice, wrong, clever, silly, (im)polite等, 常与人的性格特点有关 It is important for us to learn English well. It was impolite of him to speak to the teacher like that. 4. make a list of 列出 5. six out of seven 七分之六,七中有六 6. gold medal, silver medal and bronze medal 金牌,银牌和铜牌 7. But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. 这个句是强调句型。强调句型的结构形式为“It + be的适当形


外研版高中英语必修五全册全英文教案Module 1 British and American English Period 1Introduction& Reading and speaking Teaching Aim: Help the students to know some differences between British English and American English. Teaching Important Point: Help the students to know some differences between British English and American English. Teaching Difficult Point: How to improve their speaking ability. Teaching Aid: the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step1. Read the quotations and answer the questions: 1) What is the topic of the quotations? 2) Whose opinion is the most optimistic? 3) Whose opinion is the most pessimistic? Step2. Read the emails and say what the writers have in common.

Step3. Check the true statements 1) People from Hong Kong can understand people from Beijing.( Open) 2) People from Shanghai sound the same as people from Xi’an.(Not true) 3) Chinese characters can be understood by all speakers of Chinese.(True) 4) American English is very different from British English.(Not true) 5) People from Britain can’t understand people from America.( Not true) Period 2 Reading& Language points Teaching Aim: Help the students to understand the text and some language points. Teaching Important Point: Improve the students’ reading ability. Teaching Difficult Point: How to improve their reading ability. Teaching Aid: the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Reading Read the passage and find out ways in which British and American English are different. Step 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases. Step 3. Language points 1、get around: 四处走动,到处旅游 eg. She gets around with the help of a stick. 2、differ from: 不同于… differ in: 在…方面不同 3、be similar to: 与…相似 4、have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 have difficulty with sth.



外研社版高中英语必修一至必修五各单元语法总结(带高考真题) 必修一 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 语法点:1. 一般现在时 (1) —Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?(2008 上海) —Terry? Never! She ____ tents and fresh air. A. has hated B. hated C. will hate D. hates 答案:D. (2). As you can see, the number of cars on our roads____ rising these days.(2006 全国一) A. was keeping B. keep C. keeps D. were keeping 答案:C. (3). The machine ___. It’s hasn’t worked for years. (2006 浙江) A. didn’t work B. wasn’t working C. doesn’t work D. isn’t working 答案:C. 2.以-ing和-ed结尾的形容词 (1). Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues ________ with her stories. A.amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused 答案:A. (2). Tom sounds very much _______ in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it. (2006安徽) A.interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly 解析:句中sounds意为“听起来”,是系动词,后接表语,要用形容词,排除C和D;又因表示“对……感兴趣”,用interested。答案是A。 (3). Mr. Smith, ______ of the ______ speech, started to read a novel. (2003,北京) A.tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring 解析:前空是“感到累”用tired,后空是“令人厌倦的”用tiring。答案是A。 Module 2 My New Teachers 语法点:后接V-ing的动词 (1). While shopping, people sometimes can't help ____ into buying something they don't really need. (96年上海卷) A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 答案:C. (2). I really appreciate ____ to relax with you on this nice island. (04年上海卷) A. to have had time B. having time C. to have time D. to having time 答案:B.


Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 1 How’s it going? = How is everything recently? 2 cover:包含,包括●be covered with 被……覆盖 3 at the end of …在……结束的时候Eg : Class 5 is at the end of the corridor. ●in the end = at last 最后,终于(一般时态)Eg: I am sure I will win in the end. ●by the end of …到……为止(后用完成时态) Eg :①By the end of this term, we will have learnt two English books. ②By the end of last year, we had finished our task. ●end up with 以……告终 4 receive 客观上收到; accept 主观上收到Eg :I received his invitation but did not accept it. 5 divide:划分,把整体分为若干部分Eg :The world is divide into five continents. ※比较separate:分隔,把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来 6 表参加活动的短语: take part in + 活动join the party join in the game attend + the meeting 7. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 表示“吃惊”的几个单词: ◆surprise指“由于出乎意料而感到惊异或诧异”。Eg: His coming surprised me. ◆astonish指“由于出乎意料而又不能理解而感到吃惊”,语意较强。 Eg: I was astonished to see he got up so early. ◆amaze指“由于认为似乎不可能或极少可能发生的事的出现而感到大为诧异、迷惑不解”, 语意较强。Eg :I was amazed at his confidence. 8. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. as … as…表示“和……一样……”。Eg: My book is as interesting as yours. 9. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Mr. Shen. called Ms Shen在此作定语。 10. We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. (1) 表示“方法、办法”的几个单词: ◆method作可数名词,指(系统的、逻辑的)方法、办法。后面常接of + 动名词,不接不定 式);作不可数名词,指秩序,条理,规律。 Eg :①He is a man of having accurate and strict methods. ②We must get some method into our office filling. ◆way为可数名词,后接不定式或of + 动名词。 Eg :①We must find a way to solve this kind of problem. ②The normal way of carrying out such a kind plan is very difficult. ◆means单复数形式相同,其前有a, one, this, that, every等有时表单数意义,其前有such, these, those, all等有时表复数意义,其多指抽象或概括性的含义,后可接不定式,也可接of + 动名词/名词。Eg: There is no means of finding out what happened. (2) nothing like + n./pron. ◆完全不像,一点也不像Eg :She’s nothing like her mother. ◆没有什么能赶得上Eg :There’s nothing like a holiday to make one feel rested. 11. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class! Think表示意见和看法,其后的宾语从句中的否定词not被移到主句中,该现象被称为“否定转移”。类似的动词还有:expect, believe, suppose, imagine等。 Eg :①I don’t suppose that she will be back until night.

高中英语必修五单词表(外研版) (山西也适合)

高中英语外研版必修五单词表 1. have …in common 有相同的特点 2. linguist n. 语言学家 3. make a difference 有影响,使不相同 4. accent n. 口音 5. obvious adj. 显然的;显而易见的 6. motorway n. (英)高速公路 7. underground n. (英)地铁 8. subway n. (美)地铁 9. get around 四处走动(旅行) 10. flashlight n. (美)手电筒;火把 11. queue vi. (英)排队(等候) 12. confusing adj. 令人困惑的;难懂的 13. preposition n. 介词 14. compare vt.比较 15. omit vt. 省略 16. variety n. 种类 17. differ vi. 不同;有区别 18. settler n. 移民;定居者 19. be similar to 与……相似 20. remark n. 评论;讲话 21. variation n. 变化 22. have difficulty (-in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 23. steadily adv. 不断地;持续地 24. satellite n. 卫星 25. flick n. 轻打;轻弹;抖动 26. l switch n. 开关 27. ead to 引起;导致 28. structure n. 结构;体系 29. rapidly adv. 迅速地 30. announcement n. 声明;宣告 31. linguistics n. 语言学 32. edition n. (广播、电视节目的)期;版 33. cute adj. 逗人喜爱的 34. add vt. 加;增加 35. in favour of 同意;支持 36. present vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等) 37. refer to ... as … 称……为…… 38. attempt n. 努力;尝试 39. simplify vt. 简化 40. combination n. 组合;结合 41. thanks to 幸亏,多亏 42. distinctive adj. 与众不同的(SH5 M1 P9)

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