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Simple Discussion on Pricing Strategies in Business Marketing

1 Introduction

With more and more companies entering into the competition of marketing and countries becoming more open to each other, consumers are now facing ever more choices when they selecting the things they want to buy. How can companies stand out in this competitive market world and win the heart of its customers? The only answer to this question is to create more value on the products and services that going to sell to customers and price its products or services as low as possible. Take a glimpse around us you will see how important the price is to our daily lives. For instance, when people are intending to buy certain things, whether they are luxury items or daily necessities such as clothes, furniture, house, cars, books, everything. Normally, they would visit several places and check the prices. Therefore, there is an old Chinese saying, “When you buy things, you would not be cheated if compare the prices from three stores”. So price plays a very important role in attracting customers to buy the products you offer and the prices have to be set according your company’s Marketing Strategy and Product Positioning.

2 Basic concepts about Pricing Strategies in Business Marketing

The price is a amount of money charged for a product or the value exchanged for the benefits of the product or service. The price normally reflects the relative quality of the product, of course, covers all costs associated with production, marketing, after-sale service. A right pricing strategy will help you acquire the biggest profit. Furthermore, Pricing strategy is one of the four major elements of the marketing mix. It is related to product positioning, affects other marketing mix elements such as product strategy, channel strategy and sales promotion strategy.

3 Factors that Influence the Prices

3.1 Inner Factors that Influence the Prices

There are so many factors existing inside an organization that affect the setting of price and all of them can hardly be overcome, such as pricing target, raw material cost, production cost, transportation cost, sales cost. Though these factors are unremovable, we can maximize company’s profits by reducing the negative impact of these factors, optimizing the use of resources and lowering the relevant costs or finding alternatives. 3.1.1 Organization Policy

Every organization has its own policies, such as product policy, quality policy, environment policy, enterprise culture, etc. These policies, in the end would affect organization’s pricing strategy to some extent. For example, a pump manufacturer promises its customers that if the customer found the pump purchased from the company has any problems within five years they would replace the parts free of charge for its customers and send the repairmen to the application spot within 72 hours after receiving the call from the customer. This is a good phenomenon and the customer would be very satisfied because of good after-sale services. However, manufacturer, of cause had already added all the costs associated with replaced parts and quick after-sale services to the price of product itself before he promised his customers for the simple reason that the cost for replacing defective parts and cost for sending his repairmen to customer’ side could be much more expensive than the total price of pump itself. In other words, It is customer himself who paid for the replaced parts and quick services and the product price of this manufacturer is much higher than other manufacturers or agents due to free parts and quick services that manufacturer provides.

3.1.2 Pricing Target

To survive in today’s highly competitive marketplace, companies need pricing objectives that are specific, attainable, and measurable. Realistic pricing goals then need periodic monitoring to determine the effectiveness of the company’s strategy. Generally speaking, the pricing objectives can be divided into two categories: profit-orientated objectives, sales-oriented objectives. Therefore, profit-oriented pricing objectives include profit maximization, satisfactory profits, and target return on investment.

Profit maximization means setting price so that total revenue is as large as possible

relative to total costs, in other words, trying to make as much money as possible. In reality, profit maximization does not always signify unreasonably high prices because when an organization sets prices, the firm often prices its products based upon the type of competitive environment it faces, such as being in a monopoly position (being the only seller) or selling in a severely competitive marketplace.

Satisfactory profits are a reasonable level of profits. Rather than maximizing profits, many organizations strive for profits that are satisfactory to the stockholders and management, in other words, a level of profits consistent with the level of risk an organization faces. Typical example of Satisfactory profits is: In some countries including China , in order to maximize profits the shop owner would keep his store open for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, however, in some other countries, the shop owner may not want to work that hard and might be satisfied with less profit.

The most common profit objective is a target return on investment (ROI), sometimes called the firm ’s return on total assets. ROI measures the overall effectiveness of management in generating profits with its available assets. The higher the firm ’s return on investment, the better off the firm is. Many companies- including GENERAL MOTERS, VOLVE, BOCSH-- use target return on investment as their main pricing goal.

Return on investment is calculated as follows:

Return on investment=

Assuming that in 2004 Johnson Controls had assets of $4.5 million, net profits of $550,000, and target ROI of 10 percent . This was the actual ROI: 550,000


As you can see from the above, the ROI for Johnson Controls exceeds its target, which indicates that the company prospered in 2004. In practice, a company with target ROI can predetermine its desired level of profitability. The marketing manager can use the standard such as 10 percent or 20 percent to determine whether a particular Pricing and Marketing Strategy is feasible. In addition, however, the manager must weigh the risk ROI= Net profits after taxes

Total assets

= 12.2 percent

of a given strategy even if the return is in the acceptable range.

Sales-oriented pricing objective was based either on market share or on dollar or unit sales. Many companies believe that maintaining or increasing market share is an indicator of the effectiveness of their marketing mix. Large market share indeed often meant higher profits, so many companies would like to do their best to increase their market share by reducing product price and offering better products and services. Although companies who apply sales-oriented pricing objective may earn less profits for each product, they can make up the loss of reduced prices by selling more products and services to customers, The more products, services you sell to your customers, the more profits you earn and the bigger market share you occupy.

3.1.3 Research and Development Cost

R&D cost is a big factor that influences the pricing setting, in modern society, innovation and uniqueness plays a big part in attracting customers to buy the commodities you sell and price setting. The quicker you can innovate a new product and launch the product on to market, the more money you can earn and quicker return you can get. Of cause, the more complicated the product is, the quicker you want to get your products onto the market, the more cost you will have to spend on the research and development of new products, in the end, all of these costs have to be added into the final prices of new product and the costs have to be born by end customers.

3.1.4 Production Cost

Production cost is direct cost that the manufacturers and service providers have to pay, including the cost of raw material, machines, equipments, resources, labor, management, building, etc. The production cost is the direct cost and biggest cost that product or service providers have to bear. So the production cost is the biggest factor that affects the setting of price.

3.1.5 Sales Cost

Sales costs include making sales planning, hiring sales staff and selecting sales channel, hiring distributors or even setting a sales office abroad, etc. The sales processes can be very complicated and expensive. In order to lower the cost as much as possible and win bigger profits, to select right sales channel and sales staff are very important.

3.2 External Factors that Influence the Prices

3.2.1 Government Policy

Government policy has big impact on price setting, even affect the sales of the products. For instance, if government increases taxes or customs tariffs on certain commodities, or put a constraint on certain products, the sales and prices of the commodities would be greatly affected. Although in modern world, the countries are becoming more open to each other, the rate discriminations and unfairness are still existing, government policy changes frequently in some countries. So when an organization is planning to export their commodities to other country, or import the products from overseas, it is very important to make sure the situation of the country that the firm is going to deal with is stable, such as the political stability, government policy and economic status. For example, a firm signed a sales contract with a small country and delivered all the commodities that contract requires to the cooperated country, during the transportation period, there is a war broke out in that cooperated country, so it is almost impossible for the firm to get the money back or it has to spend much more efforts and costs to get the money back.

3.2.2 Market Conditions

When setting price it is extremely important to investigate market conditions. Market conditions include general market economic status, the status of current market competition, the status of supply and demand, the development status of the world economy, these factors are critical to a price setting. As everyone knows when there is crisis in the world economy, people in each country would be more careful with their money when buying things, or they would buy less expensive stuff or buying less things as possible. So in the time of economic crisis it is very important to set the price at a more reasonable level if you want to sell out your products and services. Another example to address the importance of market conditions when setting price is that competition status. Organizations have to adjust their pricing strategy according to the severity of market competitions. When these are a few competitors in the market or your products and services have unique features, you can set prices at higher level in order to get back the

returns as soon as possible, but when the competition is fierce and the market is filled up with competitors, you have to set a price which can be accepted by you and your customers, even you would have to explore diverse ways or methods to promote the sales in order to get back the costs and make profits.

3.2.3 Geographical Location

Nowadays, in order to meet the need of customers in different countries and keep the price low, the international organizations tend to set their factories, production plants and sales offices in customer’s country or city to avoid the high cost of delivery and distributions. This is a good practice for the delivery and distribution charges are becoming ever more expensive. For example, a Chinese manufacturer wants to export his products to Chicago, USA, he will have to price his products at higher level to some extent because he needs to consider the risk of transportation, risk of goods damage, and bears extra costs, such as delivery charges, insurance premium, customs tariffs and permission-certificate application fees due to geographical reasons.

3.2.4 Customers’ Tastes and Preferences

The people in different countries and different places have different tastes and preferences, even in a family, the members would have different tastes. For example, in China, people in some provinces like to eat spicy foods and dishes but in some other provinces, people don’t, so it is very difficult to sell the spicy foods to the people who don’t like the spicy foods. Though some people don’t hate the spicy foods and have little interests in the spicy foods, it is very hard to sell the spicy foods to them for high price. To understand the customers’ tastes and preferences is very helpful for the marketers to sell the products or services to their customers successfully and quickly.

4 SWOT Analysis for Pricing

SWOT is short for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to you and the Threats you face. Originated by Albert S Humphrey in the 1960s, SWOT Analysis is as useful now as it was then. You can use it in two ways as a simple icebreaker helping people get together to “kick off”

strategy formulation, or in a more sophisticated way as a serious strategy tool. By using SWOT analysis you can find below useful answers.


?What advantages does your organization have?

?What do you do better than anyone else?

?What unique or lowest cost resources can you draw upon that others can’t?

?What do people in your market see as your strengths?

?What factors mean that you “get the sale”?

?What is your organization’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

Consider your strengths from both an internal perspective, and from the point of view of your customers and people in your market.

?You should also be realistic—it’s far too easy to fall prey to “not invented here syndrome”. Also,if you’re having any difficulty with this, try writing down a list of your organization’s characteristics. Some of these will hopefully be strengths!

?When looking at your strengths, think about them in relation to your competitors.

For example, if all of your competitors provide high quality products,then a high quality production process is not a strength in your organization, it’s a necessity. Weaknesses:

?What could you improve?

?What should you avoid?

?What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses?

?What factors lose you sales?


?What good opportunities can you spot?

?What interesting trends are you aware of?

?Useful opportunities can come from such things as:

?Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale.

?Changes in government policy related to your field.

?Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, and so on.

?Local events.


?What obstacles do you face?

?What are your competitors doing?

?Are quality standards or specifications for your job, products or services


?Is changing technology threatening your position?

?Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?

?Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?

Finding above answers through using SWOT can be very useful when you deciding which pricing strategy you are going to use and help organizations to find their own right position in the market and set appropriate price accordingly.

5 Tactics of Setting Price

5.1 Psychological Pricing

Psychological pricing is a business concept supported by the idea that customers respond better to certain types of prices and will be more likely to buy items with these prices. Most often, such prices have end digits of nine, 99 or 95, which is believed that it would make people more assured and the customers would think they are getting a savings on what they buy. For some companies, pricing something at $19.99 instead of at $20 US Dollars (USD) will result in consumers believing they’re getting a savings, and even if that savings is only one penny, customers may feel more confident about making a purchase. For example: in the real estate market, properties are often priced at uneven dollars $239,000 instead of $240,000. The psychology of that pricing is that buyers will recognize t he $239,000 price as being much better (even though it’s only $1000 less) than $240,000. Another example lies in luxury car segment. An increase in price resulted in an increase in sales because buyers tied the price increase to a value. Psychological pricing can be ego-centric pricing.

5.2 Discount pricing

It is normal to offer quantity discounts to customers who purchase in large quantities. These discounts can be cumulative, such as discounts given to customers who place multiple small orders or loyalty cards that give a free item after a certain number are purchased. These discounts reward customer loyalty. Seasonal discounts are appropriate to reward customers who purchase during off-peak times. They often serve to increase sales at the beginning of peak seasons.

5.3 Skimming Pricing

As the name suggests, the market skimming pricing strategy seeks to skim away or churn out all those customers from the market who are willing to pay a higher price just to get access to the marketer’s products or servi ces before anyone else does. The skimming pricing is considered as the customer segment, the premium segment that has a very high consumer’s surplus in terms of their demand for the product or service and the customers are willing to pay a higher price for outstripping their contemporaries in owning such a product. Market skimming is a variant of discriminatory pricing strategy. The strategy of market skimming is to charge a higher price for a product during it’s initial launch in the market. Once the premium paying customer segment has been optimally exploited, the price of the product is, then, gradually lowered in order to exploit the other, lower paying consumer segments. Examples of skimming pricing strategy:Most prominent instances of skimming pricing strategies can be seen in the electronics and computer technology markets because upgrades come up every 6-8 months, pushing previous technology versions towards the maturity stage of the product life cycle. One such prominent example is the Sony PlayStation 3. When launched, it was priced approximately USD 600 but these days, it is available at around USD 300. Laptops and mobile phone handsets are other prominent examples of market skimming.

5.4 Promotional Pricing

Promotional pricing is a sales and marketing technique. It involves reducing the price of a product or service to attract more customers. This technique can be effectively used across numerous industries, including food services, cosmetics, and household

cleaning supplies. Promotional pricing often involves reducing prices to unsustainably low levels. In some cases, products and services may be sold at or below cost. A buy one get one free scheme may even be used. When this is done, interest in goods can be greatly increased, meaning sales are also likely to increase dramatically. For example, a clothing store may offer clothing at prices that are below the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. Shoppers attracted by the low prices, are likely to remember that store and visit again when they have apparel needs. A cosmetic company may offer two compacts of eye shadow for the price of one. When women need eye shadow again, it is hoped they will be motivated to buy that brand again.

5.5 Penetration Pricing

Penetration Pricing is a strategic move where a certain product of an organization is introduced to the market in an undeniably lower price value compared to the regular prices of this product in the market. One of the main goals of this strategy is to attract buyers or consumers to try this new product and likewise to promote it to the users in order to increase its demand. It believes in the principle that consumers or users will switch to a newer product in the market given that it has a lower price value. Thus, Penetration Pricing is commonly used as a strategic move by organizations who are aiming to join a new market, increase the volume of sales, and as well as earn a long term market share. However, this strategy is only feasible if it is sure that the demand for that certain product is highly elastic and consumers will be attracted to buy more products due to its undeniably lower price.

6 Advice and Suggestions on how to apply Pricing Tactics

Price strategy is an essential element in the marketing process. Price your product too low and you won’t earn a profit. Conversely, if you p rice goods and services too high no one will purchase them. The key is to research all available pricing strategies and select the best one for your particular situation. With proper diligence, you can identify the appropriate pricing strategy to achieve the maximum profit potential for each


营销活动中的定价技巧 目录 摘要 (3) 关键词 (3) 引言 (3) 一、产品定价的相关理论 (4) ㈠定价的含义 (4) ㈡影响定价的主要因素 (4) ㈢企业常用的定价方法 (5) 二、营销活动中的定价技巧 (5) ㈠产品生命周期定价策略 (6) ㈡心理定价策略 (6) ㈢高位定价策略 (8) 三、对企业定价的建议及策略 (9) ㈠对电子商务 (9) ㈡对中小企业 (9) 结语 (10) 参考文献 (11)

营销活动中的定价技巧 摘要营销活动的目的就是征服市场,推动企业规模扩张和利润的提高。而价格作为营销4p原则中最重要最敏感的因素之一对企业的发展极其重要。商品的价格关系着买卖双方的切身利益,在营销活动中,针对同一价格,有些消费者认为可以接受,有些消费者却难以接受。因此,企业在制定价格时应巧妙的运用定价技巧吸引顾客的购买欲望以提高企业产品的市场占有率及获得利润最大化的目的。 关键词营销活动产品定价定价技巧价格



市场营销中的定价策略探讨 在市场经济中,价格竞争是一种重要的竞争形式。价格竞争是一种市场竞争常见的重要手段,这种手段在特定的环境特定的时期会产生一定的效果。即便在西方国家,一些中小企业也时常以价格为武器,向居于市场领导地位的企业发起进攻,抢占他们的部分市场阵地。但也要承认,价格竞争毕竟是一种低层次的竞争手段,如把市场制胜的希望全部寄托在价格上,这样的企业也必定是死路一条。如何让企业既与恶性价格竞争保持一定的距离,又能使自己的产品在竞争中依然保持畅销局面,就成为国内企业迫切需要研究的课题。而这一课题的焦点,就是在未来竞争中,如何选择适合自己的定价战略。 一、定价的误区及存在的问题 市场营销中的定价要全面地考虑各方面因素,但制订一个合理价格,也不是一件容易的事。企业在其产品制订价格时,常存在许多误区和问题。 (一)过于“成本定位” 许多企业在制订价格时常常延用“成本加成”这一简单的价格制订方法,即在产品单位成本上加上一定的利润为销售价格。 但是,市场营销理论认为,产品的最高价格取决于产品的市场需求,最低价格取决于产品的成本费用。[1]在制订价格过程中,如果过于依靠成本,而忽略了需求弹性,很可能在市场需求旺盛,可以获得高额利润时,由于价格偏低而不能抓住良机。 (二)价格过分统一,缺少变化 价格没有根据不同地区的消费水平而制订。在高消费地区和低消费地区产品价格相同,导致高消费区利润不丰,低消费区销售不旺。 没有根据产品生命周期对产品价格进行适当调整,自始至终都保持一个价位,从而限制了销量。产品的生命周期为导入期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。导入期为向消费者介绍该产品的阶段,如果定价过高,不易被消费者接受(某些具有高科技成份的产品,由于产品的新颖性和多功能性,一投入市场即畅销,厂家往往采用“撇脂定价”,产品价格很高),而在产品已在市场站稳脚跟的成长期和成熟期,价格则可高些。在衰退期,由于该产品已不受欢迎,往往应降价销售以确保利润回收。 (三)价格的制订没有与企业的长期战略目标统一起来 企业为其产品所制订的价格要符合企业自身的发展策略。一般情况下,如果企业以获取税前最大利润为目标,则产品的价格可定得高些;如果企业的目标是获得最大的销售收入,则产品价格应低些;如果企业欲通过销售此产品获得最大的市场占有率,产品价格就应更低些。因为,根据商品的需求弹性理论,对于弹性需求的商品,低价可使产品销量大大增加。(但也有例外的情况,某种商品适当的提价可促使其销量增加,这在人均消费水平提高显著时容易出现)制订价格应以企业自身的发展战略为前提,而不能与其相左。 二、定价策略的原则与目标的确定 企业定价的基本目标都是追求利润。从长远来看,一个企业不盈利或者亏本,是无法生存下去的,也就谈不上发展和壮大。因此,企业的所有策略都是以追求利润为根本目标的,其它目标都是为最终获取利润服务的。所谓定价目标,是指企业通过制定特定水平的价格以实现其预期目的。定价目标的确定必须服从于企业营销总目标,并且与其他营销目标相协调。现代市场营销学对企业定价原则和目标的研究,一般可分为如下几种: (一)实现预期的投资收益率


1、思考题:补充案例分析 (1)一家彩电生产企业的经理,发现彩电在农村市场和城市市场的需求是不同的,他会采取差别定价策略吗?谈谈 实行差别定价策略的条件。 (2)在原材料价格上涨得很厉害,产品确实需要提价的情况下,你的老板因种种顾虑,又不想直接把销价提高,你 会给他什么建议?为消除和降低顾客的不满情绪,你还 有哪些比较好的建议? 2、单项技能操作训练 指出下列产品的定价策略。 1)单位产品总成本50元,销售价90元。 2)单位产品销售价格60元,七折出售。 3)一套产品八件,分别价格累计150元,成套购买130元。 4)某产品定价3.98元。 5)某产品定价1 188元。 3. 综合技能操作训练 某企业生产某种产品需要花去折旧费50 000元,管理费用30 000元,劳动保护及保险费用13 000元,制造每吨产品消耗的原材料535元,工人工资200元,该企业生产200吨产品刚好盈亏平衡,问每吨产品售价应为多少?其价格定在什么样的水平能保证企业盈利20万元?

4. 开发你的价格制定与调整能力 ●目标 该项目的训练帮助你掌握目标利润定价法。 ●内容 为“力力”利乐包豆奶设计“目标利润”定价方案。 ●步骤 1)提供资料: 根据财务部门提供的成本信息,“力力”利乐包豆奶的成本构成如下: ⑴厂部生产线提供上海地区30%的生产能力,每年可提供1 667万盒(每盒250毫升)。 ⑵分摊的固定费用为:①月折旧费20万元、年折旧费240万元;②月管理费用13.33万元、年管理费用159.96万元。 ⑶单位产品的变动费用为(按目前市场价格计算):①豆浆、牛奶配方原料,1 000毫升0.40元;②辅料费用,1 000毫升0.24元; ③包装费用,每盒0.10元;④人工费用,每盒0.10元;⑤储运费用,每盒0.07元;⑥销售费用,每盒0.08元;⑦考虑税金,每盒0.06元。 关于税金统计的说明。在实际单位价格计算中,税金指的是增值税。增值税是在(产品成本+目标利润)的基础上乘上国家规定的税


Simple Discussion on Pricing Strategies in Business Marketing 1 Introduction With more and more companies entering into the competition of marketing and countries becoming more open to each other, consumers are now facing ever more choices when they selecting the things they want to buy. How can companies stand out in this competitive market world and win the heart of its customers? The only answer to this question is to create more value on the products and services that going to sell to customers and price its products or services as low as possible. Take a glimpse around us you will see how important the price is to our daily lives. For instance, when people are intending to buy certain things, whether they are luxury items or daily necessities such as clothes, furniture, house, cars, books, everything. Normally, they would visit several places and check the prices. Therefore, there is an old Chinese saying, “When you buy things, you would not be cheated if compare the prices from three stores”. So price plays a very important role in attracting customers to buy the products you offer and the prices have to be set according your company’s Marketing Strategy and Product Positioning. 2 Basic concepts about Pricing Strategies in Business Marketing The price is a amount of money charged for a product or the value exchanged for the benefits of the product or service. The price normally reflects the relative quality of the product, of course, covers all costs associated with production, marketing, after-sale service. A right pricing strategy will help you acquire the biggest profit. Furthermore, Pricing strategy is one of the four major elements of the marketing mix. It is related to product positioning, affects other marketing mix elements such as product strategy, channel strategy and sales promotion strategy. 3 Factors that Influence the Prices


市场营销中的价格策略 一、从价格的产生机制看影响价格的几种因素(一)产品成本对其价格的基础性影响产品 价格的定位是在对产品在生产制作过程中所消耗的企业资金成本、厂房资源以及人力资源等成 本的宏观考量的基础之上进行的。 既然任何资源的价值都在市场中以货币的形式表现出来,那么产品成本无论其组成内容如 何复杂,最终都可以落实到货币,这就实现了与价格表现形式之间的链接。 当前市场资源配置的情形下,人力资源已经成为企业生产的主要资金投入内容之一。 此外,成本的计算范围不仅仅停留在生产环节,在市场营销和市场推广环节,企业为增加 产品知名度,扩大销量所付出的广告成本、公关成本以及线下活动成本等都是企业在为产品最 终定价时所必须考虑到的成本组成部分。 (二)供求关系对价格的根本性影响供求关系是市场利益杠杆作用机制的直接表现形态。 因此,供求关系所代表的利益追求行为直接对产品的价格产生根本性的影响。 不同的供求关系形态意味着不同的利益取得状况,这就意味着企业对产品的定价需要发生 变更以保持一定额度利润的保证,否则产品的定 1[1]叶莉,市场经济条件下的企业产品定价方法 研究[J].科技科学研究对策,2011(6):153·154.价行为与市场供求产生脱节之后造成企业利益的受 损。 比如供大于求的供求状态下,一味选择高价可能会带来产品滞销、成本无法回收等问题。 在保持定价高于成本的前提下,尽量让产品的定价情况符合实际的市场供求状态,藉此获 得最大程度的市场适应性和欢迎度,使得产品和服务取得良好的销量,占据尽可能多的市场份 额。 (三)市场竞争对价格的周边性影响市场经济体制的复杂性决定了企业产品的存在绝不是


市场营销中的价格策略 一、从价格的产生机制看影响价格的几种因素(一)产品成本对其价格的基础性影响产品 价格的定位是在对产品在生产制作过程中所消耗的企业资金成本、 厂房资源以及人力资源等成 本的宏观考量的基础之上进行的。 既然任何资源的价值都在市场中以货币的形式表现出来, 那么产品成本无论其组成内容如 何复杂,最终都可以落实到货币,这就实现了与价格表现形式之间的链接。 当前市场资源配置的情形下,人力资源已经成为企业生产的主要资金投入内容之一。 此外,成本的计算范围不仅仅停留在生产环节,在市场营销和市场推广环节,企业为增加 产品知名度,扩大销量所付出的广告成本、公关成本以及线下活动成本等都是企业在为产品最 终定价时所必须考虑到的成本组成部分。 (二)供求关系对价格的根本性影响供求关系是市场利益杠杆作用机制的直接表现形态。 因此,供求关系所代表的利益追求行为直接对产品的价格产生根本性的影响。 不同的供求关系形态意味着不同的利益取得状况, 这就意味着企业对产品的定价需要发生 变更以保持一定额度利润的保证,否则产品的定 1[1]叶莉,市场经济条件下的企业产品定价方 法研究[J].科技科学研究对策,2011(6):153·154.价行为与市场供求产生脱节之后造成企业 利益的受损。 比如供大于求的供求状态下,一味选择高价可能会带来产品滞销、成本无法回收等问题。 在保持定价高于成本的前提下,尽量让产品的定价情况符合实际的市场供求状态,藉此获 得最大程度的市场适应性和欢迎度,使得产品和服务取得良好的销量,占据尽可能多的市场份 额。 (三)市场竞争对价格的周边性影响市场经济体制的复杂性决定了企业产品的存在绝不是 孤立或者单一的,它与周边市场环境处在紧密的联系中,竞争就是其中的联系之一。 企业的每一款产品或服务一旦制作完成,面向市场就会面临着多方面的挑战或者机遇。 而同类产品或者同功能产品之间的竞争就是其所面临的周边环境中的最为强劲的方面。 在市场竞争中发挥企业产品自身优势,找准定位和面向的客户群,是在市场经济中立足的 基本条件。 但是当定位准确而有产品本身的质量等都没有突出的竞争优势的情形下, 价格战往往成为 商家的普遍选择。 通过与同类产品相比所具有的价格优势,帮助自家产品在市场中迅速扩大销量,占据大比 例市场份额,抢占市场竞争中的有利地位是价格战的最终目标。 所有产品在生产出来之后所面临的周边环境因素对于产品的定价行为同样具有一定的影 响。 (四)政策对价格的宏观性影响前三种对市场营销中的产品定价发生作用的因素都是从市 场经济体制本身的微观特征和实际运行特征来说的, 而我国实行的社会主义市场经济体制使得 政府作为市场经济运行和发展的监管者和调控者,能够对产品的实际定价行为产生政策、法规


营销组合中的定价策略——发展整体战略(1) 定价策略不能同公司的其他营销策略分离。产品的价格可能会影响市场对这一产品的认识,也会影响与此产品一起出售的其他产品的市场情况,还会影响广告的效果和分销过程中人们对这个产品的注意程度。它们之间的相互作用反映在两方面:一方面,产品、广告、销售渠道这三个因素会影响价格策略;另一方面,尽管定价过程是一个独特的营销行为,但是价格策略毕竟还是整体战略中的一部分。公司的营销组合包括四方面:产品设计、促销、价格和分销。只有这四方面互相协调,营销活动才能取得成功。 (一)定价策略和产品线 产品是影响定价环境的最有力的因素。如果一个公司想采用撇脂性策略(skimming strategy),则产品的设计,应使其能够吸引那些对价格不敏感的用户;如果想采用渗透策略(penetration strategy),则产品的设计应能够尽快收回成本。 大多数公司往往销售多种产品。如果一种产品的销售和其他产品无关,那么这种产品的价格就不会影响其他商品的价格。然而,通常的情况是:公司的一系列产品之间是相互影响的。如果希望获取最大的利润,则对一种产品的定价必须考虑它对其他产品的影响。 一种产品的销售对其他产品可能会产生有利的影响,也可能造成不利的影响。如果产生的是不利的影响,则这两种产品互为替代品(Substitute Products)。大多数替代品往往是同一类产品,但是品牌不同。例如,普通的和印花的纸巾就互为替代品,因为增加一种产品销售必然会导致另一种产品的销售量的下降。有时,替代品也可能是完全不同的产品。例如,牛肉销售量因涨价而减少时,通心面的销量明显地增大。 如果一种产品的销售会促进另一种产品的销售,则这两种产品互为互补品(Complementory Products)。有两种情况可以使两种产品互为互补品。一种情况是,这两种产品一起使用可以让用户感到更满意。例如,电影票和爆米花就是互补品。因为,对于大多数的人来说,边看电影边吃爆米花是件非常愉快的事情。喷气式飞机和它的零部件也是互补品。显然,飞机销售量越大,相应的零部件的销售量也会越大。当然,在最开始销售这些产品时竞争会非常激烈的。另一种情况是,如果一起购买某些商品非常方便。那么它们也成为互补品。例如,有些消费者为了节省时间,喜欢在一个商店购买很多的东西。比方说,他们按照广告上获得的信息,到某个商店去采购某种商品。他们可能还同时在这家商店购买其他的商品,或者购买同一厂家的其他产品。


营销策略之价格策略 相关概念: 成本导向定价法:成本导向定价法是以产品单位成本为基本依据,再加上预期利润来确定价格的定价方法。 价格歧视:按照两种或两种以上不反映成本费用比例差异的价格销售某种产品或劳务。价格折扣和折让:为鼓励顾客及早付清货款,大量购买或淡季购买,企业酌情调整其基本价格,这种价格调整称之为价格折扣和价格折让。 竞争导向定价法:企业通过研究竞争对手的生产条件、服务状况、价格水平等因素,依据自身的竞争实力,参考成本和供求状况来确定商品价格的定价方法。 密封投标定价法:买方在报刊上登广告或发出函件,说明需采购的商品的品种、数量、规格等要求,邀请卖方在规定期限内投标。买方在规定的时间内开标,选择报价最低的,最有利的卖方成交,签订采购合同的定价方法。 撇脂定价:新产品初上市,定以高价格,在短期内获得厚利,尽快收回投资。就像从牛奶中撇取所含奶油一样,取其精华,称之为“撇脂定价”。 认知价值定价法:主要依据消费者在观念上对该产品所理解的价值来定价的方法。 渗透定价:新产品初上市时,定以较低价格,以获得最高销售量和最大市场占有率为目标,称之为“渗透定价”。 需求导向定价法:根据市场需求状况和消费者对产品的感觉差异来确定价格的方法。也叫市场导向定价法、顾客导向定价法。 需求价格弹性:需求价格弹性指商品的需求对于价格的变动的反应。如果价格发生微小变动,需求量几乎不动,称为这种商品需求无弹性;如果价格的微小变动使需求量变化较大或很大,称为需求有弹性。 基础知识: 价格策略: 给所有买者规定一个价格是一个比较近代的观念。它形成的动因是十九世纪末大规模零售业的发展。在历史上,在多数情况下,价格是作为买者作出选择的主要决定因素在起作用;在最近的十年里,在买者选择行为中非价格因素已经相对地变得更重要了。但是,价格仍是决定公司市场份额和盈利率的最重要因素之一。在营销组合中,价格是唯一能产生收入的因素,其它因素表现为成本。 厂商面对卖者的三种主要的定价决策问题是:对第一次销售的产品如何定价;怎样随时间和空间的转移修定一个产品的价格以适应各种环境和机会的需要;怎样调整价格和怎样对竞争者的价格调整作出反应。 一、制定基本价格 在第一次制定价格时,企业要考虑以下因素:(1)定价目标;(2)确定需求;(3)估计成本;(4)选择定价方法;(5)选定最终价格。 一、定价目标 企业的定价目标是以满足市场需要和实现企业盈利为基础的,它是实现企业经营总目标的保证和手段。同时,又是企业定价策略和定价方法的依据。


市场营销中的定价策略探讨摘要:价格是企业确定市场营销策略的重要因素,与产品分销渠道与促销手段相比,价格也是企业最难于确定的因素,它在很大程度上影响着市场需求和购买者的购买行为。企业制定的价格适当,就有利于巩固和扩大市场,扩大销售和增加盈利,增强企业的竞争能力。本文首先对市场营销中定价的误区及存在的问题进行分析,表现为过于“成本定位” 、价格过分统一,缺少变化、价格的制订没有与企业的长期战略目标统一起来等。在此基础上,文章对定价策略的原则与目标的确定进行了阐述,提出了实现预期的投资收益率、追求最高利润、保持或提高市场占有率、保持价格稳定、应付或防止竞争、维护企业形象等具体原则和目标。最后本文着重对定价策略中的新产品定价策略、折扣定价策略、心理定价策略、产品组合定价策略、地区价格策略的选择作深入论述。关键词:市场营销定价策略误区市场目标Abstract: to determine the market price is an important factor in marketing strategy, distribution channels and product promotions as compared with the prices companies are also the most difficult factors to determine, to a large extent it affects the market demand and the purchaser's buying behavior. Enterprises to develop an appropriate price, there is conducive to consolidating and expanding the market, expand sales and increase profitability, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. This article first marketing in the pricing errors and problems of analysis, the performance for being too "cost orientation", the price too much unity, the lack of changes in prices with companies to develop long-term strategic objectives, such as unified. On this basis, the article on the pricing strategy of the principles and objectives have been identified on the proposed investment to achieve the desired yield, the pursuit of maximum profits, and maintain or increase market share and maintain price stability, to cope with or prevent competition, and maintenance of enterprise the image of the specific principles and objectives. Finally, this paper focuses on pricing strategies of new product pricing strategies, discount pricing strategy, psychological pricing strategy, product mix pricing strategies, pricing strategies areas for in-depth discussion of the choice. Key


营销策划之价格策划 俗话说“没有卖不出去的产品,只有卖不出去的价格”。价格策划是产品营销策划的关键。随着同质化竞争激励程度的加强和消费者需求的不断变化,产业和市场的逐渐成熟,理性的价格策划在市场搏击要素中的地位日益凸现。对于价格策划的熟练运作,需要掌握定价目标、定价方法、影响价格的因素、价格变动的合理时机和价格组合等等。 一、选择合适的定价目标 定价目标是整个价格策划的灵魂。一方面,它要服务于产品营销目标和企业经营战略;另一方面,它还是定价方法和定价策略的依据。常见的定价目标一般有利润最大化目标、市场占有率目标、树立企业形象目标、应付和防止竞争目标、获取当前最高收入或利润目标、维持生存目标等几种不同的形式。在选择不同的定价目标时,应该考虑到企业的实力、企业所处的阶段和发展战略,如利润最大化是许多企业的定价目标,为了追求高利润,企业会采取高促销或高价的措施,但一定要动态地分析企业的内部条件和外部环境,不能单纯定位于短期的利润最大化,忽视市场相关因素和公司经营战略,否则会欲速不达;以市场占有率为定价目标是一种志存高远的选择方式,市场占有率是指一定时期内某企业产品的销售量占当地细分市场销售总量的份额,市场占有率高意味着公司产品的竞争能力较强,说明公司对消费信息把握得较准确、充分,对于许多成长型的企业来说,愿意采用市场占有率定价目标,通过薄利多销的经营方式,达到以量换利,提高市场地位的目的;以稳定的价格赢得企业形象,有利于在行业中树立长期优势,某些产品其市场需求价格弹性不大,但受其他因素影响,需求量波动很大,如季节性产品、房地产等,采用稳定的价格给人以产品信誉高、公司经营稳健的印象。当然,在某些特殊时期,企业也需要制定临时性定价目标。如:当市场行情急转直下时,企业就要以保本销售或尽快脱手变现为定价目标;为了应对竞争者的挑战,企业也可能以牺牲局部利益遏止对手为定价目标。但是一旦出现转机,过渡性目标就应让位于其他长远定位目标。 二、选择合适的定价方法


一、从价格的产生机制看影响价格的几种因素(一)产品成本对其价格的基础性影响产品 价格的定位是在对产品在生产制作过程中所消耗的企业资金成本、厂房资源以及人力资源等成 本的宏观考量的基础之上进行的。
既然任何资源的价值都在市场中以货币的形式表现出来,那么产品成本无论其组成内容如 何复杂,最终都可以落实到货币,这就实现了与价格表现形式之间的链接。
当前市场资源配置的情形下,人力资源已经成为企业生产的主要资金投入内容之一。 此外,成本的计算范围不仅仅停留在生产环节,在市场营销和市场推广环节,企业为增加 产品知名度,扩大销量所付出的广告成本、公关成本以及线下活动成本等都是企业在为产品最 终定价时所必须考虑到的成本组成部分。 (二)供求关系对价格的根本性影响供求关系是市场利益杠杆作用机制的直接表现形态。 因此,供求关系所代表的利益追求行为直接对产品的价格产生根本性的影响。 不同的供求关系形态意味着不同的利益取得状况,这就意味着企业对产品的定价需要发生 变更以保持一定额度利润的保证,否则产品的定 1[1]叶莉,市场经济条件下的企业产品定价方 法研究[J].科技科学研究对策,2011(6):153·154.价行为与市场供求产生脱节之后造成企业 利益的受损。 比如供大于求的供求状态下,一味选择高价可能会带来产品滞销、成本无法回收等问题。 在保持定价高于成本的前提下,尽量让产品的定价情况符合实际的市场供求状态,藉此获 得最大程度的市场适应性和欢迎度,使得产品和服务取得良好的销量,占据尽可能多的市场份 额。 (三)市场竞争对价格的周边性影响市场经济体制的复杂性决定了企业产品的存在绝不是 孤立或者单一的,它与周边市场环境处在紧密的联系中,竞争就是其中的联系之一。 企业的每一款产品或服务一旦制作完成,面向市场就会面临着多方面的挑战或者机遇。 而同类产品或者同功能产品之间的竞争就是其所面临的周边环境中的最为强劲的方面。 在市场竞争中发挥企业产品自身优势,找准定位和面向的客户群,是在市场经济中立足的 基本条件。 但是当定位准确而有产品本身的质量等都没有突出的竞争优势的情形下,价格战往往成为 商家的普遍选择。 通过与同类产品相比所具有的价格优势,帮助自家产品在市场中迅速扩大销量,占据大比 例市场份额,抢占市场竞争中的有利地位是价格战的最终目标。 所有产品在生产出来之后所面临的周边环境因素对于产品的定价行为同样具有一定的影 响。 (四)政策对价格的宏观性影响前三种对市场营销中的产品定价发生作用的因素都是从市 场经济体制本身的微观特征和实际运行特征来说的,而我国实行的社会主义市场经济体制使得 政府作为市场经济运行和发展的监管者和调控者,能够对产品的实际定价行为产生政策、法规


市场营销策略 摘要:市场经济条件下,企业面临许多机会和风险。市场是社会分工和商品经济发展的产物。每个企业都生存与一定的市场环境中。市场营销就是企业通过积极主动地参与市场的活动。选择适应的市场营销策略,从而有效地引导消费者的欲望,影响消费者的行为,以最少的费用获得最大的营销效果。本文主要介绍了市场营销策略的概念,市场营销策略的发展,市场营销策略的目的,市场营销策略的影响因素及其企业如何进行市场营销策略,以及市场营销策略包括的价格策略、产品策略、渠道策略和促销策略并且适用中国的市场营销策略[M]。关键词:市场;产物;市场营销策略;营销效果 前言:市场营销策略对我国的中小企业的生存与发展产生了极其重要的影响,而市场营销是中小企业摆脱目前困境的关键。企业在选择目标市场营销策略时,必须根据主客观条件进行通盘考虑,充分考虑权衡利弊,做出明智的选择。因此基础上分析市场营销下的中小企业市场营销环境,并进一步指出市场营销对消费者心理及购买行为的影响,最后针对目前的现状提出中小企业应该选择的市场营销策略。 一市场营销策略的概念 市场营销策略是企业以顾客需要为出发点,根据经验获得顾客需求量以及购买力的信息、商业界的期望值,有计划地组织各项经营活动,通过相互协调一致的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略,为顾客提供满意的商品和服务而实现企业目标的过程[M]。 二市场营销策略的发展 在人类已进人21世纪的今天,由于信息科学技术高速发展,消费方式发生巨大的变化,现代市场行情变得更为错综复杂,市场竞争异常激烈。任何企业要想成功进入、占领、巩固和扩展市场,采用正确的营销策略显得尤为重要。随着市场营销理论研究发展,出现6Ps、10Ps、11Ps策略都是4Ps营销策略的扩展,其核心仍是4Ps。40多年来,每位营销经理在策划营销活动时,都基本从4Ps理论出发考虑问题,1990年美国学者劳特朋首次提出了用4Cs取代传统4Ps,为营销策略研究提供了新的思路,相比而言,4Cs更注重以消费者需求为导向,与市场导向的4Ps相比,4Cs在理念上有了很大进步与发展。但从企业和市场发展趋势看,4Cs抑制了企业的主动性和创造性。20世纪90年代中期,美国学者舒尔茨提出的4Rs阐述了一个全新的市场营销策略的4个新要素。4Rs以竞争为导向,在新的哲学层次上概括了营销的新框架,它将企业的营销活动提高到宏观和社会层面来考虑,提出企业与顾客及其他利益相关者应建立起事业和命运共同体,建立、巩固和发展长期的合作关系,强调关系管理而不是市场交易。20世纪90年代末提出的4Vs营销策略旨在培养和构建企业核心竞争能力的具体途径,是现代企业市场营销的新着眼点[J]。



摘要 价格是营销组合中一个十分敏感又很难控制的因素,它直接关系着市场对产品的接受程度,影响着市场需求量和企业利润的多少,涉及生产者、中间商、消费者等各方面的利益。因此定价策略是企业营销组合中一个机器重要的组成部分。 企业定价的目标是促进销售,获取利润。这要求企业既要考虑成本的补偿,又要考虑消费者对价格的接受能力,从而使定价策略具有买卖双方双向决策的特征。此外,价格还是市场营销组合中最灵活的因素,它可以对市场作出灵敏的反映。本文本浅谈对价格策略营销中适用的定价方法和价格策略,以期为管理者提供决策参考。 关键词:市场营销、定价策略、心理定价、差别定价

目录 绪论 (5) 一、影响定价的因素 (6) (一)市场需求及其变化 (6) (二)市场竞争况 (6) (三)政府的干预程度 (6) (四)商品的特点 (6) 二、企业定价方法 (6) (一)以成本为基准的定价方法 (6) (二)以竞争为目标的定价方法 (7) (三)需求导向定价法 (7) 三、定价策略 (8) (一)新产品价格策略 (8) (二)折扣价格策略 (8) (三)折扣价格策略 (8) (四)相关商品价格策略 (9) 结论 (10) 参考文献 (11)

绪论 在企业经营管理中产品的创新固然重要,但随着竞争的日益加剧,如何有效地促进销售,实现从产品到利润的转化,已经成为众多高层管理者不得不面对的难题和挑战。在市场营销方面,众多理论研究者和企业管理者总结出了许多行之有效的价格策略和非价格策略。本文对价格策略方面的研究作了系统地梳理和整合,研究了营销中适用的定价方法和价格策略,以期为管理者提供决策参考。


市场营销中的定价方法和价格策略研究 Study on the pricing method and price strategy in marketing 摘要:市场营销学在现代化历程中经历过多次的理论蜕变和实践转型。而定价方法与价格策略作为市场营销学中的传统重大课题,其理论内容与实践方法都在继承传统的基础上表现出浓厚的现代性色彩。由利润向顾客的营销重点转向使得价格定位和价格策略的选择更加复杂。本文将按照内因、外因以及方法论等逻辑节点,借用市场利益杠杆等市场学知识,结合当前的全球化、品牌化、信息化等世界经济发展趋势的大背景,分别论述市场营销学中的定价方法和价格策略。 关键词:市场营销;定价方法;价格策略;顾客与利润 前言:在市场经济中,一切价值都可以用货币来衡量,市场的正常运作也正是通过利益杠杆影响下不断变换的供求关系来实现。而市场营销行为的直接理论依据正是供求关系的变化,根据供求关系的变化来调整产品价格是传统市场营销学的定价方法的基本思路和原则。而现代化社会主义市场经济体制下,新型市场营销方法的革命和更新对产品的定价和营销的价格策略都带来了新的内容和方法的启示。 一、从价格的产生机制看影响价格的几种因素 (一)产品成本对其价格的基础性影响 产品价格的定位是在对产品在生产制作过程中所消耗的企业资金成本、厂房资源以及人力资源等成本的宏观考量的基础之上进行的。既然任何资源的价值都在市场中以货币的形式表现出来,那么产品成本无论其组成内容如何复杂,最终都可以落实到货币,这就实现了与价格表现形式之间的链接。当前市场资源配置的情形下,人力资源已经成为企业生产的主要资金投入内容之一[1]。此外,成本的计算范围不仅仅停留在生产环节,在市场营销和市场推广环节,企业为增加产品知名度,扩大销量所付出的广告成本、公关成本以及线下活动成本等都是企业在为产品最终定价时所必须考虑到的成本组成部分。 (二)供求关系对价格的根本性影响 供求关系是市场利益杠杆作用机制的直接表现形态。因此,供求关系所代表的利益追求行为直接对产品的价格产生根本性的影响。不同的供求关系形态意味着不同的利益取得状况,这就意味着企业对产品的定价需要发生变更以保持一定额度利润的保证,否则产品的定 1叶莉,市场经济条件下的企业产品定价方法研究[J].科技科学研究对策,2011(6):153·154.


市场营销价格策略大全 企业如何把产品的价值和价格统一起来,制定出既能吸引消费者。又能实现企业最佳利润的价格,成为市场营销中的重要一环。下面为你了一些市场营销的策略,希望对你有所帮助。 一、取脂定价策略 该策略是指在新产品上市之初,把价格定得较高。该策略的优点是提高了产品的身价,可以迅速实现企业的预期盈利目标。也给以后降价留有余地。如金利来领带一问世就制定了较高的价格:而对有质量问题的领带决不上市。更不会降价处理。使消费者认识到金利来领带绝不会有质量问题,低价销售的金利来领带绝非真正的金利来产品。这种策略的缺点是因价格较高。销路难以扩大,且会带来较多的竞争者。一般说来,高档商品、奢侈品、专利品适合采用该策略。当然,使用该策略时,企业一定要重视产品质量。千万不可以次充好甚至高价销售假冒伪劣产品,否则,定会受到市场和法律的惩罚。 二、渗透定价策略 它是指在新产品上市之初,把价格定得较低。其目的在于在短期内打开产品的销路,进而提高产品的市场占有率。如常州自行车厂生产的金狮自行车一上市就是采用平均低于上海车8%左右的渗透定价策略。使其产品很快打开市场。该策略的优点是薄利多销,且不易引来较多的竞争者。缺点是本利回收期限长,价格变化的余地小。一般说来,需求弹性大的商品如日用品适合采用此策略。我国不少平价商场采用该策略。

三、满意定价策略 该策略是介于上述两种定价方法之间的一种定价策略。它将商品的价格定得适中,使生产者、经营者、消费者各方都很满意。此策略优点是价格较稳定,在正常情况下仍可实现企业的预期盈利目标,且不会导致过于激烈的竞争。缺点是在日益激烈的市场竞争中,有些保守和被动。这一策略的适用范围较广。因为价格适中的商品会受到多数消费者欢迎。 四、统一定价策略 是指企业出售所有商品的价格是统一的。其优点是价格单一。方便了买卖双方。且能满足顾客的好奇心理,有利于扩大商品的销售。如在本世纪初。日本人盛行穿布袜子。石桥便专门生产经销布袜子。当时由于大小、布料、颜色不同。袜子品种多达100多种,价格也是一式一价,买卖很麻烦。后来,他将所有的袜子都以同样的价格出售,销路大开。此策略的缺点是忽视了不同质量商品之间价格的差异性。这种策略适合于小商品和日用品。如眼下“十元店”在我国不少地方已开始盛行。 五、分档定价策略 指按商品不同档次的质量相应地制定不同档次的价格。如云南玉溪卷烟厂曾对红塔山、阿诗玛、红梅等不同档次的香烟相应地制定了不同档次的价格。该策略给消费者质价相符、定价准确之感,有利于满足顾客需求在价格上的差异性。同时,也减少了顾客在选购商品时的时间。即使企业对各档次商品的价格有所调整。顾客也往往会按




浅谈企业市场营销中的定价方法与价格策略 摘要:市场营销学在在现代化历程中经历过多次的理论蜕变和实践转型。而定价方法与价格策略作为市场营销学中的传统重大课题,其理论内容与实践方法都在继承传统的基础上表现出浓厚的现代性色彩。这两者最关键的因素都是价格,价格通常是影响交易成败的重要因素,同时又是市场营销组合中最难以确定的因素。企业定价的目标是促进销售,获取利润。这要求企业既要考虑成本的补偿,又要考虑消费者对价格的接受能力,从而使定价策略具有买卖双方双向决策的特征。价格的制定和调整不仅直接影响消费者的购买行为,而且对市场竞争的格局产生重大影响,从而影响企业的利润目标及生存发展。价格是企业市场营销活动中最复杂也最灵活的一个因素,是企业确定市场营销策略的重要依据,不管是生产企业还是服务企业,定价方法与价格策略是企业应对竞争、扩大销售的重要手段,是影响企业产品交易成败的关键。基于此,本文旨在研究定价的依据与影响因素、定价方法和价格策略。 关键词:定价依据定价方法价格策略 目录 一.企业定价依据与影响因素 (3) 1.1市场需求及其变化 (4) 1.2市场竞争状况 (4) 1.3政府的干预程度 (4) 1.4商品的特点 (4) 1.5 企业自身的状况 (5) 二.企业定价方法 (5) 2.1 侧重成本的定价方法 (6) 2.2. 侧重需求的定价方法 (6) 2.3 侧重竞争的定价方法 (6) 2.4 中国的企业定价 (6) 2.5各种定价方法的运用 (7) 三.企业价格策略 (7) 3.1以顾客心理为导向的价格策略 (8) 3.2以市场实际为导向的价格策略 (8) 3.3 以企业让利为导向的价格策略 (8) 结论 (9) 参考文献 (9) 一.企业定价依据与影响因素 按照西方经济学的观点,成本是价格的基础,因为没有任何厂商愿意长期以低于平均成本的价格销售,因而企业正确地核算出包括机会成本在内的完全成本,是


市场营销活动中的定价策略与技巧 产品价格的高低直接关系到企业的财务收入情况和盈利水平。一个企业的产品质量再好、营销渠道再通畅,如果在产品定价方面出现大的错误,也会给企业带来不可挽回的损失。因此,企业应在市场营销活动中重视各种定价策略与定价技巧的研究与运用。 一、企业应依据产品生命周期进行定价 任何产品都有生命周期,也就是要经历一个从产品形成到不断成长、到成熟和衰退的生命周期。企业在产品生命周期的不同阶段,应采取的产品订价策略是不同的。 (一)有些产品上市之初应采用撇脂定价法 撇脂定价法也叫取脂定价法,意思是指在新产品开始上市时,要把价格定得很高。这样做可以提高产品的身价,目的是较快地实现企业的预定盈利目标,也可给以后降价留下余地。例如,新款的手机或家用电器上市,普遍采用这种定价方法。再如应季的新款服装上市也都采用撇脂定价法,最初制定较高的价格,让急于穿上新时装的人付出高昂的价钱,过段时间服装就可能降价。这种方法的缺点是,因为价格太高,可能销路难以扩大,还会带来较多的竞争者,所以只有奢侈品、专利品、高档商品等适合采用这种定价方法。 (二)渗透定价法也是上市之初常用的一种方法 渗透定价法是指在新产品上市之初把价格定得较低。这种方法与取脂定价法所适用的产品不同。取脂定价法一般来说适用于奢侈品、专

利品、高档商品等,而渗透定价法主要用于需求弹性较大的商品,如日用品。采用这种方法的主要目的在于要在短期内打开产品的销路,提高产品的市场占有率。这种方法的优点是价格低销路广,不容易引来更多的竞争者;缺点就是投资回收期较长,变动价格的余地较小。(三)处于产品生命周期不同阶段的产品应采取不同的定价策略 在产品处于市场成长期时,由于顾客对产品的了解和同类产品的竞争,可以适当降价,以促进产品的销售,占领市场份额。 在产品处于市场成熟期时,竞争最为激烈。这时候企业应当注意当前状况,并且要预期自己产品的衰退期。一方面要以一定的价格优势占有市场;另一方面也要开发新产品,为未来抢占市场做准备。 在产品处于市场衰退期的时候,如果不能以更低的成本去生产,则应该以新产品为主,老的产品则让它保持一个中低价位。这样一方面让顾客觉得该产品保值;另一方面可以保持利润,同时也让顾客对新产品有信赖感。如果老产品降价幅度太大,会让顾客觉得你的产品容易降价、不保值,到你出新产品的时候必将损失大量顾客。 二、企业应注意采用消费者心理定价策略 产品是用来满足消费者的需求的,产品价值的高低主要取决于消费者的心理感受,消费者感到物有所值就会购买。怎样让消费者感到其所购买的商品物美价廉呢?这就要学习消费者心理学,了解消费者对于价格的敏感度,运用心理定价策略与技巧,使得企业在定价时,有意识地将产品价格定得高些或低些,以满足消费者的心理需要,扩大市场销售,获得最大效益。

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