当前位置:文档之家› 冀教版-英语-七上-导学案第14课




冀教版七年级英语上册教案全集 Lesson 1 Hello 一、Teaching content: 1. Greetings: hello, hi 2. Self-introduction: My name is… 3.Asking for others’ names: What’s your/his/her name? 二、Teaching goals 1. Understand the text 2.Remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, I, is, what 3. Make sure the Ss can introduce each other in English 三、Key points: What’s your/his/her name? My /his/her name is … 四、Difficult point: What’s his/her name? 五、Preparation:A map of China and a map of Canada; some pictures of characters such as Sun Wukong, LanMao and so on. 六、Teaching aids: Recorder, pictures or cards 七、Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking 八、Teaching procedure Step 1.Warming up. Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese 1. Why do we learn English? 2. Where is English spoken? 3. Do you know any English words? 4. Is English interesting? 5. Do you often come across English words? Step 2. Lead in. Discuss these questions: 1. What do you say when you meet someone? 2.Do you know what Canadians say when they meet? 3. How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese? 4.Do you know how to introduce someone in English? Today we’re going to learn something about them. Do you want to know? Step 3. New lesson: No. 1 Hello/Hi, my name is 1. Presentation Pretend to meet someone. Say “Hello” or “Hi”, my name is…. Make sure the Ss can understand it. Encourage them to repeat. 2. Practice Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out. No. 2. What’ your/his/her name 1. Presentation Say “My name is___. What’s your name?” Translate if necessary. Then repeat a few times. Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly. 2. Practice Work in chain like this: A: (to B) My name is ___. What’s your name? B: My name is ___. (to C) What’s your name? C: … Then ask some Ss to act it out. 3. Presentation and practice: What’s his/ her name? Show a picture of LAN Mao and say, “What’s his name? His name is Lan Mao”. Ask the question and help the Ss to answer. Then repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out.

冀教版-英语-七上-2单元 Colours and Clothes-第13课教案

Lesson 13: Skirt and Shirt ◆课程导航 【教学目标】1. 学习我们生活中常见的四种服装类的名词 2. 掌握含有be动词句子的一般疑问句的构成 3.了解别人对你夸赞时,所用的答语,了解中西方文化的区别 【教学重点】1. New words and phrases of the section. 2. Express an old thing and a new thing 3.. Express that your like …… 【教学难点】1. Understand the meaning of the text 2. Alternative Questions. 3. General Questions. ◆教学情景导入 Good morning, class. Young girls like talking about clothes in their lives. What clothes do they like best? I think dresses and skirts are their favourite clothes. What about you ? Do you often ask your parents to buy clothes for you? What clothes do you like? This lesson, we will learn some nouns about clothes. ◆教学过程设计 Step 1. Demonstrate: Hold up real clothing you have brought to class, or point to clothing that the students are wearing and introduce skirt, shirt and sweater. Repeat each word several times with the class. Make sure they understand the meaning of each word. And then let them read after you many times. Step 2. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. With the following questions. T: Look at the Picture One, what is it? S: …… T: Look at the Picture Two, what is it? S: …… T: Look at the Picture Three, what is it? S: …… Step 3. Hold up a picture of clothing or point to clothing the students are wearing and ask “ What is it?” Make them answer with right word. You can also use other questions such as “Is it a ____ ?” “What colour is it?” Step 4. Show two shirts to the students. One is new, the other is old. Point the old one, say “old”, point the new one, say “new”, say the words many times. Let the know about their meanings. And then you ask the students pointing one shirt. New or old?/Is it new or old? Choose “old” or “new”. And then explain alternative questions. Is it new or old? It’s new./It’s old. Step 5. Lead them to answer the following questions. T: Are you a student or a teacher? S1: I am a student. T: Am I a student or a teacher? S2: You are a teacher. T: Is this a book or a pen? S3: It is a book. T: Is this book new or old? S4: It is new.


冀教版(三年级起点)四年级上册《How old are you?》导学案 学习目标 1.能听、说、读、写四会单词:am,when,birthday并能灵活运用。 2.能灵活运用句型:“How old are you?I′m +数字+years old.”“When is your birthday?My birthday is …….” 3.学生熟练地朗读对话,并学会运用。 学习重点 1、数字类单词。 2、句型“——How old are you?——I′m+数字+years old.”“——When is your birthday?——My birthday is…….” 学习难点 表达年龄句型:主语+be动词+数字+year(s)old,数字超过一,year用复数形式,通常year(s)old可以省略。 自主学习 1.学生预习the part one,标记不会的单词,句子。 2.书写第一部分内容,并翻译。 3.Learn the part two.根据所学句子同桌互相提问年龄、及生日。Write the part two. 探究新知 活动一

1.小组成员用自己喜欢的方式读写单词:am、when、birthday. 2.小组成员讨论自己不懂得地方,并向他人请教。 3.小组成员有感情色彩的排演对话。 4.小组派学生上台展示、交流。 活动二 1.每两人一组,相互询问其他人的年龄及生日。 2.小组成员上台展示、交流。 3.跟读录音,和你的小伙伴选择不同的形式(自由读、两人对读、分角色朗读)朗读对话。 小知识 Be动词:I用am,you用are,is跟着he,she,it. Practice 用“am,is,are”填空。 1.—How old __________ you? —I __________ ten years old. 2.It _________your birthday,Danny.Here ________a gift for you. 3.There ________many pencils in my pencil box. 4.She ________my new teacher. 5.They _________my friends. 课时小结 这节课我的收获是:_________


冀教版七年级英语下册导学案 冀教版七年级英语下册导学案 Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming! lesson 43 Have a Good Summer ! 【学习目标】 1、知识与能力目标:学会一些国家与城市的英文名称,:会用所学知识,询问与回答人们来自哪里。 2、过程与方法目标:学会理解与尊重异国文化、 3、情感态度与价值观目标: 【学法指导】 1、联系生活学习英语。敢于用英语表达,用英语进行交际。 2、听力策略:A、放松心情。B、注意关键字 【学习重点】 【学习难点】 【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测 (一)预习指导 1、预习第1-2页的生词,根据音标会读知意、 2、朗读第1-2页的句型,能英汉互译、 (二)知识点拨 1 Go on a trip to A 去A 地旅行 、2 May表示允许,无人称与数的变化、 3 Too+形/副to do sth表示否定的含义,就是太…不能干、 4 Be busy doing sth(动名词)就是忙于做某事,就等于be busy with sth (名词) 5 A be far from (away) A 离B 远 6 Two hundred / thousand / million/ billion 两百/ 千/ 百万 /亿Hundreds/ thousands / millions/ billions of 成百 /千 /百万/亿 7 From A to B 从A 到B、 8 Work hard at A 努力干A(介+ doing ) 9 Too many +可数名词的复数。Too much +不可数名词 10 live in +大地方(城市)Live at +小地方(农村) 二、重点知识点巩固练习 1 He may(go) home -------------------------------- 一(一般疑问句) ---------------------------------- (否定句) 2 He wants(go)a trip Beijing、 3 He is too young(go) to school、He is too old to(climb ) the tree 、 4 The coat is(thousand )of yuan、 5 We go to school Monday(介词) 6 Do they go to school Monday Friday (介) 7 Mary is working hard English 、 8 Let us go(boat)、


冀教版英语七年级上册重点知识总结 Unit 1 四会:Canada four five over around classroom office lab eraser wall OK two three later thing list ten six seven one nine eight classmate plan guess may borrow need student show fun first excuse store 三会:thanks home room visiting 常考短语:be from=come from over there have lessons/have classes have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself good morning show …around play sports shopping list make a plan (for…) go first borrow …from… homeroom teacher visiting student guessing game 经典句型:What’s your name ? My name is Wang Mei.=I’m Wang Mei. How are you? I’m fine, and you? Excuse me. May I have a book,Jenny? What about your new school?(what about doing sth) Nice to do sth. plan to do sth. have fun doing sth. It’s one’s turn (to do sth.take turns to do sth. need sth./ need to do sth. want sth./want to do sth./want sb. to do sth. how to do sth与what to do tell sb sth =tell sth to sb /tell sb (not)to do sth introduce sb to sb/introduce oneself(to sb) Let sb do sth Sb be in +班级/年级

冀教版-英语-七上-教案3单元 第13课 Body Parts

冀教版七上英语参考教案 Unit 3 lesson 13 Body Parts 课时目标 重点单词 part n . 部分 feeling n . 感觉;情感 robot n .机器人 camera n .照相机 smell v . 嗅;闻起来 finger n . 手指 player n . 运动员;比赛者;选手 homework n . 家庭作业 重点短语 see with 用……看 smell with 用……闻 talk with 用……说 play with 和……一起玩 turn around 转圈 重点句子 1.I can smell with my nose. 我可以用我的鼻子闻。 2.And I can talk with my mouth.并且我可以用我的嘴讲话。 3.I don’t have ears but I can hear you.虽然我没有耳朵,但是我可以听见你说话。 4.I can make noodles with my long arms and small hands. 我可以用我长长的手臂 和小巧的双手做面条。 5.I can write with them. 我可以用他们来写字。 6.I like to play and have fun! 我喜欢玩耍。 7.Do you want to play with me?你想和我一起玩吗? 教学目标 1.让学生了解如何介绍身体部位。 2.让学生了解如何介绍身体部位的功能。 4.让学生理解介词with 的基本用法。 教学难点 1.掌握一些与介绍身体部位有关的词汇 2.激发学生兴趣,让学生运用所学知识介绍身体各部位能做的动作。 教学过程 环节1 新课导入: 教师在PPT 上展示几组照片,然后提出下列问题,同学们讨论并口头作答: (1)What are these ? (2)We can see with .


三年级英语下册全册导学案(一)(冀教版) 三年级英语下册全册导学案 Lesson1I’Hungry! 一、教学目标: 知识目标 要求学生掌握下列单词eat、drin、table、food 能理解并能口头运用句子I’。Iantto; 能力目标:能够在真实的环境中表达自己的需求。 情感目标:初步了解中西方饮食差异,注意饮食卫生及营养。 二、教学重点和难点:本课的四个单词和句子。 三、教具:录音机和磁带,手偶,教师用卡片和张贴画,实物,奖励用的金星。 四、学具:学生用小卡片。 五、教学过程: Step1、Greeting:Hello,boysandgirls!Hoareyoutoday? 师生同唱“ILoveyou”, Step2、引入课题:用张贴画出示本课主题图,引导学生:hoarethey?学生可以说出一些家庭成员的身份,.hataretheydoing?学生可以用汉语回答,从而引出本

课要学的有关饮食的内容。 Step3、利用卡片出示桌子,放录音。学生模仿读音,找同学领读,分组读。依次学习food,eat,drin,鼓励发音不标准的学生多练习几遍,至读音标准。采用多种形式全班练习,利用小卡片组长组织练习,直至读熟。 Step4、Gae:Quiclyanser. Guessingords. Step5、Practiceingroups。 Step6、Deonstrate: T:Iantapencil.Iantapencil.ayIhaveapencil?Iantaboo,s aytogether,class! Ss:Iantaboo. Step7、Useactionstodeonstratethenephrases。 T:I’hungry.Ianttoeat.Eat,eat. I’thirsty.Ianttodrin.Drin,drin.. Step8、Drill:练习举着有食物和饮料的卡片,引导学生完成下列句子。 T:I’hungry.Iantto… Ss:Eat. T:I’thirsty.Iantto… Ss:Drin.


七年级上册英语单词paint v.&n. 画;绘画颜料wave v. 挥手;招手 mix v. 混合;调配mean v. 意思是 adj.刻薄的 UNIT 1rain bow n. 虹,彩虹metre n. 米 purple adj.&n. 紫色(的)bit n. 小量;少量 Canada加拿大(地名)out adv.& prep. 在外面;在..... 夕卜against prep. 倚着,靠着;反对,tha nks n.谢谢面违反 four num. 四sky n.天空toil n. 尾部:尾巴 five num. 五scarf n. 围巾;头巾flat adv. 水平地 over adv.在那边;在另一处glove n. 手套upon prep. 在…上面 homeroom n .年级教室(学生定期接maybe adv. 也许;大概ground n. 地面 受导师指导的教室)Lynn 琳(人名)oh int. 哦 stude nt n.学生just adv. 恰恰;差不多;刚刚hurt adj. 痛的;受伤的 ;伤害;疼痛classmate n.同班同学catch v. (疾病);接住;抓住;抓donut n. 面包圈 visiting adj. 访问的;参观的球(游戏)enough adj.& adv. 足够的(地) show v. 指示;带路ready adj. 准备好的laugh v. 笑 around prep .至U处;在附近dinosaur n. 恐龙stomachache n. 肚子痛 ;胄痛classroom n.教室T-shirt n. 短袖汗衫better adj.& adv. (good/well 的比office n. 办公室;职务jacket n. 夹克;上衣较级)更好的(地) plan n.&v. 计划forget v. 口忘记matter n. 问题 fun n. 有趣的事;玩笺hat n. 帽子(多指有边的帽子)headache n. 头痛 lab n.实验室pants n. 裤子medicine n. 药 eraser n. 橡皮擦colorful adj. 丰富多彩的stay v. 停留;留下;待一段时间guess v. 猜测so adv. 非常;那么;很rest n& v. 休息 first adv. & num. 第一;首先bright adj. 明亮的;耀眼的different adj. 不同的 wall n. 墙world n. 世界cute adj. 逗人喜爱的;漂亮的 may aux. 可以;可能report n.& v. 报告twelve num. 十二 excuse v. 原谅traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的blond adj.&n. 金色(的);浅黄OK adj.& adv.&int. (口语)好;India 印度(地名)色(的) 对;不错;可耻uniform n. 制服thirteen num. 十三 borrow v. 借pretty adj. 漂亮的;可爱的almost adv. 几乎;差不多 two num. 二centre n. 中心;中央funny adj. 有趣的;可笑的 three num. 三Saturday n. 星期六glass n.眼镜(glasses);玻璃,store n. 商店will aux. 将要玻璃杯 later adv. 后来;以后pair n. 双;对 UNIT 4 thing n. 东西;事情 UNIT 3 need v.&n. 需要restaurant n. 餐馆 list n. 列表;名单;目录part n. 部分fifteen num. 十五 ten num. 十feeling n. 感觉;情感(常用作cereal n. 谷类食物(如麦片等);six num. 六复数)麦片粥 seven num. 七robot n. 机器人would aux. 将;愿意(用以提出建one num. 一camera n. 照相机议或邀请) nine num. 九smell v. 嗅;闻起来salad n. 色拉(凉拌生菜) eight num. 八finger n. 手指(大拇指除外)sugar n. 糖 UNIT 2player n. 比赛者;选手delicious adj. 美味的;可口的homework n. 家庭作业cup n. 杯子 sure adv. 当然singer n. 歌手full adj. 满的;充足的blouse n. 女衬衫;短上衣question n. 问题cookie n. 饼干 really adv. 真正地;确实地;(表sick adj. 病的;生病的chocolate n. 巧克力 示惊讶、怀疑等)真的吗scared adj. 恐惧的everything pron. 一切事物pink adj.&n. 粉色(的)smile v.& n. 微笑meat n. 肉


2017-2018冀教版英语七上Lesson 13同步测试题(B)及(解析)答案 Lesson 13Body Parts 同步练习B卷 Ⅰ.单项选择。 1.My ________ are very small. A.foot B.foots C.feet D.feets 2.—What's this? —It's ________ camera. A.a B.an C.two D./ 3.I can see ________ my eyes. A.at B.with C.to D.for 4.You must do your ________ first. A.homework B.homeworks C.a homework D.the homework 5.We have one ________ and one ________. A.heads;nose B.head;noses C.heads;noses D.head;nose 6.The girl's ________ is big,and her ________ is big,too. A.body;eyes B.head;hair C.head;face D.nose;ears Ⅱ.连词成句。 7.a,football,I'm,player,good ___________________________________________________. 8.mother,me,noodles,my,makes,for

___________________________________________________. 9.don't,ears,I,have,I,hear,but,can,you ___________________________________________________. 10.you,my,for,can,me,do,homework __________________________________________________? Ⅲ.根据图片及首字母提示完成短文。 This is Yao Ming.He is a good basketball (11)p________.He is very (12)t________.He has long arms and (13)l________.His (14)f________ are so big.He can (15)s________ English very well. Ⅳ.阅读理解。 Hello,my name is Bob.I'm a student.I'm ten years old.I have a round face,a small nose and big black eyes.My hair is short.I have a friend.His name is Bruce.He is ten,too.He is a student,too.He has a big nose.His eyes are big and blue.He has short yellow hair. 16.Bob's nose is ________. A.big B.long C.short D.small


Lesson7 Always Have Breakfast! 导学案 教材分析:本课是第二单元的第一课,本单元的标题是:Good health to you!本单元的每一课都是围绕这一标题展开的,教给学生怎样养成好习惯。第7课从每个人都想健康又强壮导入,使学生认识到健康身体对我们有好处,来设计句型How often do you … ? ... times a 重点培养学生养成良好的饮食习惯和应用能力。 学习目标:1、能听说读写单词:healthy, strong, weak, sick, weak, health.并且能区分healthy ,strong,weak ,sick 四个单词的意思知道哪两个作反义词比较合适。 2、会正确使用句型:How often did(do does)somebody do something? times a 能听懂good for you和bad for you 3、知道last和next的意思,明白它们用于什么时态。 4、能正确理解课文内容,培养学生养成良好的饮食习惯。 5、能流利地读课文。 教学方法: 结合投影讲单词,分析课文 自主学习、查找问题 【学法指导】:1.自读课文2—5遍,勾画出重点词句。自学练习册习题。 2.经过预习你一定会将下列练习完成的很好。 一、选择适当的字母组合完成单词。 ()1 h_ _lthy(健康的)A.eeB.eaC.auD.ou ()2 str__g(强壮的)A.anB.unC.onD.oo()3 w__k(虚弱的)A.eaB.eeC.ieD.ae()4 __ce(一次)A.enB.onC.auD.un()5s__k(生病的)A.icB.iaC.auD.ou()6__ice(两次)A.whB.hwC.wtD.tw 二、写出下列词的正确形式。 1. strong(反义词)________ 2.healthy(反义词)___________ 3.eat(过去式)_______ 4.do(过去式)________________ 5. eat(单三) ___________ 6. want(单三)______________三、选词填空。 ( )1.Kim___ breakfast six times last week. A.eat B.ate C.eated ( )2. -----How often did you watch TV last week? - ----- ________ a week. A.Two time B.Two times C.Twice ( )3.She usually eats supper _____ 6:30 A.on B.In C.at ( )4. He wants to ______ a good boy. A.is B.are C.be ( )5 -----______ do you do your homework? A.How often B.How many C.How much ( ) 6、I eat breakfast__________ 7:30__________the morning. A. in, at B. at, in C. at, on D. on, at ( ) 7、____________breakfast is good for you. A. Eat B. Eats C. Eating D. Eatting ( )8、--_______________do you eat porridge ----Every day. A. How much B. How many C. How about D. How often ( )9、What do you eat_____________supper? A. to B. on C. in D. for ( )10、I don’t know__________________________________ . A. how to learn English B. how do learn English C. how learn English D. how English learn


泾阳县兴隆中学班级:组别:姓名: 编写人:王亚娟审核人:上课:2014年9 月 2 日 - 1 - :Lesson 1 What’s Wrong ,Danny ? 【学习目标】 1、掌握本节课中的9个单词及10个短语 2、运用看病用语的英文表达法 【预习案】(约分钟,) Ⅰ. 基础单词 1.胃 2.惋惜 3.发烧 4.苍白的 5.疼痛 6.X射线 7.检查8.考试9.原谅 Ⅱ. 核心短语 1. 后悔做了 2.发烧/ 3. 穿衣服 4.发高烧/ 5.照X光片 6.叫醒 7.需要做8.带某人去某地 9.担心10.开车去某地 11.一般将来时态 12.反意疑问句 【探究案】(约分钟) (合作是一种能力、是一种胸襟、更是一种智慧!). 【探究A】后悔做了regret doing ... 李明后悔放弃了那次机会。Li Ming that chance. 我现在后悔当初那么年轻就辍学了。 I now school so young. 【探究B】 examination缩写为exam 1. The students are getting ready for the .学生们正在为考试做准备。 2. Y ou can’t use this machine before careful . 在进行仔细检查之前你不能使用这台机器。 3这台电脑还需要多少检查?does this computer need? 4 She needs two (检查) in the hospital this morning. 【探究C】get dressed 穿衣服;be dressed in穿着···的衣服 1.穿上衣服后,我将吃早饭。After I , I will have breakfast. 2.她穿着蓝色的衣服。She blue. 【检测案】(约分钟,赋5分) 不翻资料、不看导学案、不交流、独立完成。本题赋5分



《Lesson 1 Look!》导学案 教学目标: 1.知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词; 2.能力目标:能灵活使用句子I see ___________.能运用所学的英语词汇和句式解决描述观察中所看到的东西。 3.情感目标:培养学生观察能力,提高学生对事物的探究兴趣。 教学重、难点: 要求四会的单词look, see, point和要求掌握的句式I see ___________.。 教具、学具准备: 1.单词卡片。 2.录音机或课件。 教学过程: Class Opening and Review 1. 做游戏:“Colour point” 教师提前在黑板上放上不同颜色的纸,指明几个学生到前面做游戏,其他学生一起说歌谣,指颜色。 (设计意图:这个环节的设置既复习了一些颜色,又引出了本课中提到的颜色。) 2. 做游戏“Name it” 教师说出颜色名称和表示词汇的类别,如Rde:food,这时学生必须写下他们所能想起来的红色的食品。(如:肉,苹果,草莓)谁写的最多就算赢。 教师拿出准备好的一些食物,说:“I’m hungry. I want to eat some bread. I like to eat some bread. What do you like to eat?” “I like to eat____.”复习表示实物名称的词汇。利用单词卡片What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is ____.也可用此句型复习动物词汇。 (设计意图:这个环节的设置用来复习以前学过的食物词汇和动物词汇,同时复习What’s your favourite ____?这个句式。) 3. 教师指着教室中的某个物品,说Look, I see _______. (引出新概念。) New Concepts 1.本课的新概念look, see, point学生曾多次接触,比较熟悉,让其表演looking, seeing, pointing. 教师要向学生说明look和point的区别,look表示看的动作,see表示看见,是看的结果。让学生多运用这些单词说句子。 2.学生熟悉句式后,再利用实物和单词卡片学习。 让学生看卡片,练习句型,Look! I see a _______. 3.运用实物进行练习。 让学生向周围或窗外看,练习句型Look! I see a _______. _______is piointing. 4.两人一组做问答练习。What do you see? Look! I see ________. (设计意图:利用已有知识引出新知识,减小教学的难度,同时可以放手让学生


冀教版七年级英语知识 点归纳上 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

第一单元句型和短语知识点归纳 1、g o o n a t r i p t o+地点去某地旅行 2、t h e c a p i t a l(c i t y)o f o u r c o u n t r y我们的首都 3、“too + 形容词或副词+to + 行为动词原型”——表示“太……而不能……”, 4、b e b u s y w i t h/a t s t h忙于干某事 5、f a r(a w a y)f r o m+地点远离某地; 6、s h o p ①、名词——商店:go to the shop;?手工艺课 ②、动词——购物:go shopping / do some shopping . 7、live in 居住在 8、work hard in/at 努力学习(工作) 9、invite sb to do sth 邀请某人干某事; invite sb to +地点邀请某人去某地 9、want to do sth 想要干某事 want sb to do sth 想要某人干某事(同would like)? 10、talk to/with sb 和某人交谈、和某人谈话 talk about sth 谈论某事? 11、call 喊、打电话 call sb (on the telephone) 给某人打电话 call sb from spl 从某地打电话给某人? 12、leave for 动身去某地? 13、stay with sb 和某人住在一起 14、交通方式: ①by bus/bike/car/train/plane/sea /motor bike/boat/taxi ②on a bus/bike/train/plane/motor bike/boat ③take a bus/bike/car/train/plane/ motor bike/boat/taxi ④其它:in a car/ boat/taxi ; on foot ; ride a bike . 15、may I……表示请求 肯定回答:Yes, you may /Yes,please /Yes,of course /Sure . 否定回答:No, you may not /No,you can`t /No,you mustn`t .


. 七年级期末单元知识要点归纳总结 (Unit1-2) 1介绍自己要用My name is . . . 或I am. . . ,介绍别人则用His/Her name is. . .或This is. . ..询问别人的用What’s your/his/her name? 2.表示“我生活/住在某地。”要用I live in +地点。如: I live in China. 3.询问对方的身体健康状况,要用How are you? 答语为:I’m fine/Fine,thanks. 4.人们见面时的寒喧话常用Nice to meet you.答语为:Nice to meet you, too或Me,too. 5.询问单数物品时,要用What’s this/it? 答语为It’s a/an +单数名词。其中,this为指示代词,表示离说话人较近的事物。在答语中,一般要用it 代替this. 6询问某人或某物在某地,要用Where is. . .?如:Where is the school?There it is. 7询问数量多少要用How many. How many后面必须接复数名词。如:How many markers do you have? I have four./Four. 8.He,she,it都是人称代词主格形式,都是第三人称单数。学过的物主代词有my,your ,his,her. . .资 料. ..

. 9.表示客气的请求要用May I…,please?答语为Sure./OK (Here you are.) 10.borrow 与have.都可以表示“借”之意,区别在于:前者表示借了要还;而后者则指借了不必还。如:May I borrow your book, please? May I have a piece of paper? 11.Thanks之类的感用语的答语为You’re welcome. 12.“打开。。.”用Open the …,open的对应词为close.如:Open the window./Close your book,please. 13.询问物品的颜色时,要用What colour is/are…? 答语为It’s/They are+颜色。如:What colour is your skirt ? It’s pink. 14.询问物品是谁的,要用whose . whose 可以作定语,也可以作表语,两种句型常可以进行同义转换。如:Whose shots are these?=Whose are these shorts? 15.询问别人喜欢什么,用Do you like…?答语用Yes,I do.或No,Idon’t。 16.名词的复数是指名词的数量超过了1,名词的末尾别忘加s。如:two desk , six pencils但是fish的复数可以是原形。 17.Are these…?是”这些是……吗?”,其中单数形式是Is this…?”(这是…….吗?) 18.英语国家的名字是姓氏(surname)在后,名(given name)在前.如:Jim Green中Jim是名字,Green是姓 . .资 料. ..

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