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Research on Cold Chain Logistics of Characteristic Agricultural Products in Western



The article is written to summarize the problems of cold chain logistics of characteristic agricultural products in western China by analyzing the development status. It puts forward the measures of development by the way of combining with the features of western China, referencing the experience from developed countries, and give consultations to speed up the development of characteristic agricultural products in western China .

Key words:

Characteristic agricultural products; Western China; cold chain logistics; strategy

China's western region has rich agricultural resources, the output of major agricultural products in 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities occupying a considerable proportion across the country. In recent years, the development of pollution-free characteristic agriculture is very rapid, the western characteristics of agricultural products containing a huge market potential. While as a result of relative lag development, poor infrastructure, and lack of science and technology, the high-quality characteristics agricultural products are still unknown, and affected the formation of the agricultural industry as well as the local farmers' income. Since implementing the western development strategy, the state increased the intensity of support for ecological construction and infrastructure construction in the western areas, to markedly improve the communications, transportation, urban infrastructure and other hardware conditions, especially transportation condition, which provides a convenient conditions for the western region of agricultural products logistics development; at the same time, the development of cold chain logistics of agricultural products provides a new thought and method to further reduce the agricultural products loss and unnecessary economic loss, and bring hopes, opportunities and challenges in the development of modern logistics industry in western areas.

1. Overview the development of Chinese agricultural cold chain logistics

Cold chain logistics in our country, as produced in the '50s, has been promoted by "food hygiene law" promulgated in 1982. Since 1990s, our agricultural products cold chain logistics went through a rapid growth, and the overall level had greatly improved (table 1).Some leading enterprises of food industry had preliminarily set up agricultural products cold chain logistics system. The western development strategy which was implemented in 2000 promoted the development speed of the western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics, especially the improvement of traffic and information conditions, and infrastructure construction of power grids, communications, radio and television, greatly promoting the western characteristic agricultural products logistics industry.

In recent years, although the modern logistics of western agricultural products has a certain degree of development, it is still in its infancy. The concept of modern logistics has not yet been popularized in local, and logistics services is still in low level compared with the eastern areas. At the meantime, the number of western region logistics companies are far less than that in eastern region, including: the number of companies involved in rural logistics is less than 1/5 of the east, the total assets is far lower than eastern enterprises (table 2); and most of the enterprise can only provide the logistics services by individual or section, unable to form a complete logistics supply chain.

Agricultural products cold chain logistics is still a relatively new field for the western region. There is a big gap between China and developed countries in agricultural cold chain logistics, and the development of the western region is obviously lagging behind the east. Therefore, speeding up the pace of agricultural products cold chain logistics development in western China would gradually narrow the gap, and improve the competitiveness of agricultural products in the west.

Table 1 Agricultural products logistics development trend from 1992 to 2008

Data sources: China federation of logistics and purchasing: the China logistics yearbook 2008, Supplies press

Table 2 Analysis table of logistics enterprise number and size in East, Mid and West

Data sources: national supply and marketing cooperative information center "2004 annual national supply and marketing cooperatives system analysis of flow of goods"

2 Present development situation of characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics in western regions

The problems of characteristics agricultural products logistics in the west are outstanding

China's western region has appeared a certain size of fresh agricultural products logistics distribution centers, and infrastructure construction of characteristic agricultural products logistics has also strengthened. Because of good prospects for development in western characteristics of fresh agricultural products logistics, some large agricultural enterprises and retail enterprises start to actively invest in low-temperature supply chain distribution system at and fresh food distribution center, while some large chain enterprises also begin to establish higher difficulties of characteristics fresh agricultural products, such as fruit and vegetable distribution center, preliminary building up western characteristic agricultural products supply chain and logistics system. As the construction of characteristic agricultural products logistics distribution center in the west, government and circulations are actively using advanced logistics technology and equipment, which creates a certain material base for achieving the specialized operation of the western characteristic agricultural product logistics.

Although rapid growth of agricultural products logistics development and total cost of the agricultural products logistics, there are still problems. According to a survey of the Chinese food industry association, because of the cold chain, there are about 12 million tons of fruit and 130 million tons of vegetables wasted each year in our country, at least $10 billion, especially over-long distances cold chain logistics in the west. How to solve the problem of western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics in our country, to seek for countermeasure of western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics, is the key and difficult point for western characteristic agricultural product logistics in our country.

The overall level of the western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics is relatively low

Compared with the developed countries, overall level of our country’s agricultural products cold chain logistics is relatively low, and the circulation loss and logistics cost are high, relatively lags in the western region. Especially in the west, agricultural products logistics infrastructure is relatively backward and inefficient, storage and transportation conditions and tools, and information network platform and other facilities of agricultural products are relatively backward, causing severe loss in the circulation process of agricultural products; at the same time, the development of Chinese agricultural products logistics market

has the phenomenon of regional imbalance. Due to the gap between the western region and developed areas in economy and consumption, informatization level is low, and logistics information network system in some areas is still in the blank. Only a handful of enterprises possess logistics information system, and the vast majority of companies do not yet have the ability to use modern information technology to deal with logistics information (table 3), so the agricultural products cold chain logistics development relatively lag.

With the development of the agricultural products logistics industry, the demand for logistics professionals is also rising. Germany, the Netherlands and other countries attach great importance to the talent cultivation, but the logistics personnel training in our country has not been enough attention, especially in the west. Compared with other domestic regions, the number of logistics professionals, although there is no significant difference compared between eastern and western, but levels of physical handling and stevedore staff in the west significantly lower than practitioner with professional knowledge technical colleges and universities in the east (table 4).

Table 3 analysis table of logistics enterprise informatization level in East, Mid and West

Data sources: the research team of logistics industry development of Henan province in 2008, logistics industry development in Henan province and outlook

Table 4 Analysis table of personnel of quantity and quality in logistics enterprises in East, Mid and West

Data sources: national supply and marketing cooperative information center "annual national supply and marketing cooperatives system analysis of flow of goods in 2004"

The western agricultural cold chain logistics market potential is tremendous

In recent years, the cold chain logistics industry in our country rapidly expands from coastal regions to the central and western regions. Cold chain logistics industry has an obvious effect on promoting economic growth and improving the economic benefit. Fruit and vegetable cold chain logistics, and dairy products cold chain logistics, such market segments have maintained a sound momentum of development, gradually standardized. According to relevant data of China logistics network, the scale of Chinese agricultural cold chain logistics market have reached about $ trillion in 2008, and growing at 26% (figure 1).

To solve the problem of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", governments at all levels in particular put emphasis on fresh agricultural products logistics, strengthening the construction of the fresh agricultural products logistics network. Built in 2005, our country has basically built national fresh agricultural products circulation network named "five vertical and two horizontal green channel". This "green channel" skeleton is throughout 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly, to provide a quick and convenient main method for fresh agricultural products across regions, long-distance transportation. Cold-chain logistics has entered a new period of rapid development, and our country government puts more emphasis on agricultural products cold chain logistics and provides constant support.

From the point of overall level of cold chain logistics in our country, agricultural products cold chain logistics has not yet formed a complete system. At present, about 90% meat, 80% aquatic products, a lot of milk and soy products is basically distributed without a guarantee on cold chain. The lagged development of cold chain logistics influence the development of local agriculture and food industry in a great extent. The western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics market potential is much higher than other domestic areas.

3 Problems and strategy for western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics in China Problems of western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics in China

Cold-chain logistics infrastructure construction in west areas is relatively weak

According to a report by the China economic information network, because such as fruits and vegetables and processing agricultural and sideline products subjected to traffic conditions, weather and local dealers

and other aspects of reasons, rural areas in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces suffered direct economic loss of billion yuan in 2005, which not only seriously influenced the farmers' production and living and also hurt farmers' enthusiasm and confidence.

On the one hand, with the maturing and development of markets for agricultural products, western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics also goes through a rapid development. But on the other hand, the speed of construction of hardware and software is relatively a little slow. Logistics supply research center research that now more than 20% of food is wasted because of the cold storage problem in transit, with loss rate of 25% ~ 30% during harvesting, transportation, storage and logistics link in fruit, vegetables and other agricultural products, with about $ billion a year in agricultural losses in transit, and those losses can meet the basic requirements of 200 million people, which means our wastage is the highest in the world; while developed countries’ lost can be controlled under 5%. Food refrigerated transport rate in Europe, America, Japan and others is up to 80% ~ 90%, and the eastern European countries by about 50%, while only about 10% in our country. Because of the lack of completed cold chain, it also causes high retail prices of certain food, even there is as high as 70% in price of some perishable food to be used to compensate the loss of value of goods in the process of logistics. And according to the international standard, the highest perishable goods logistics cost do not exceed 50% of its total cost. At present, overall hardware equipment of China’s agricultural product refrigerated transportation is in obsolete backwardness, with low transport efficiency, mainly adopting two forms of roads and railways. Refrigeration equipment is shown in table 5.

Table 5 Cold-chain logistics refrigeration equipment at home and abroad

Technology of western characteristic agricultural products cold chain logistics is lagged behind

In a long period, fresh fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products are the main export products in our country, but rough package and backward preservation technology made tens of thousands of tons of vegetable and fruit rotted every year, with serious economic loss. After repackaging imported agricultural

product from other countries, entering domestic market price is far higher than when imported. Especially after China's accession to the WTO, with tariff cuts, foreign agricultural products pour into our market, more weaken the competitiveness of agricultural products in China.

Hardware facilities are falling behind, and refrigerated transport efficiency is low. At present our country’s agricultural products refrigerated transport mainly adopts two forms of highway and railway, with very few refrigerated transport and refrigeration insulation cars. Most of the railway refrigerated transport is old mechanical quick-frozen wagons, lack of specification of the type of heat preservation of fresh cold storage trunk. In addition, the original facilities are obsolete, and development and distribution is imbalanced, not for the agricultural product circulation system with low temperature protection, causing huge loss of agricultural products. A lot of cold storage function is unitary, with the result that the cold storage utilization rate did not increase with capacity and increase; when production off-season or short of raw material resources, cold storage are idle.

Western characteristic agricultural product logistics management needs to be completed

The agricultural products cold chain logistics management ability, on the one hand, is insufficient, with unsound system, weak management team, low-quality personnel business, lack of modern management knowledge and experience, combined with some unknown nature of the local agencies, unclear functions, lack of funds and hardware facilities, so it is difficult to adapt to the new situation. On the other hand, cold chain logistics in our country is with imperfect laws and regulations, facilities, equipment and operating rules, temperature control and so on are no unified standards and technical specifications; we also lack inspection in the process of shelf-life, packaging and temperature control of agricultural products transportation, and the system of social regulation also needs to be perfect.

Development strategy of characteristics agricultural products cold chain logistics for west China

The government needs to increase the control power

Governments at all levels and departments concerned should fully understand the importance of agricultural products cold chain logistics to circulation of agricultural products, promote agricultural industrialization, and increase farmers' income, carrying out from the policies and regulations, planning layout, promote, capital support, etc. to provide efficient organizational guarantee for the development of agricultural products cold chain logistics, and treat"nationallogistics industry restructuring and revitalization plan"implementation as an opportunity to promote agricultural product logistics management.

Increasing investment in logistics infrastructure and innovation of logistics technology

The virtuous development of the agricultural products cold chain logistics needs the support of good infrastructure, but equipment and equipment standardization degree of western characteristics agricultural products cold chain logistics is low, storage and transportation equipment of mechanization level is poorer. All those can lead unsound development of the infrastructure. Therefore, the relevant departments and units

should increase investment in the western characteristic agricultural products logistics infrastructure construction, making the logistics facilities, distribution equipment and technology in line with international standards.

Every link of agricultural products cold chain logistics must ensure that the product is in low temperature condition, and any omission will lead to the destruction of the quality, even causes the goods completely destroyed. Ongoing innovation of refrigeration method and packaging technology help to improve the overall level of agricultural products cold chain logistics development of west China. Therefore, we should use advanced technology to improve the existing refrigerated transport equipment, actively establish a unified, standard data computer management information system and electronic exchange system, conduct a comprehensive dynamic monitoring for a variety of refrigerator and cold storage, timely know the shelf life and libraries age of inventory products, actively develop mechanical cold plate refrigerated vehicles and refrigerated container, to satisfy the requirement of cold chain logistics.

Introducing and trainingcold chain logisticsprofessional and technical personnel, and establishingprofessional technical team

The lack of professional and technical personnel is a major shortness in the development of the western agricultural cold chain logistics in China. Limited by geographical condition, the logistics enterprises in western region use to engage in transportation and storage in the majority class. International logistics and port logistics enterprises are very few, so logistics employees more work in the low skills and labor intensity. But we should figure that putting forward the western development policy can play a positive role in development of logistics industry in western. With the further development of the western logistics industry, it will also provide broad space for development for the logistics personnel. At the same time, the experience of developed countries tells us that if we want to improve the comprehensive strength of the farming and animal husbandry in the western China and the ability of sustainable development, we must strengthen the training of professional and technical personnel.

The cultivation of logistics professionals in China starts late, and colleges and universities setting up with logistics are less, especially less colleges and universities specializing in agricultural products logistics. Vigorously develop agricultural products logistics personnel vocational education, establishing agricultural products logistics education training center, training unemployed personnel from farmers or society, to meet the talent needs of agricultural products logistics.

5 conclusion

Agricultural products market is still in its primary stage in our country, with low management level, poor comprehensive service ability, few multi-function market, so regions are different. Therefore, based on the experience of the Netherlands, we could establish a comprehensive, professional cold chain logistics center; or treat successfully established domestic agricultural products logistics center as the model, developing and

perfecting the western characteristic agricultural products logistics industry in our country. With western China's current level of development, to develop comprehensive cold chain logistics of third party, establish a complete cold-chain logistics system, we also need a certain time of accumulation and cultivation, taking developing mode of adjust measures to local conditions and step by step. Firstly, we build up agricultural products logistics distribution center as primary mode of development of the third party logistics service, then gradually building characteristic agricultural cold chain logistics system of west China.


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