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A Bite of China

A Bite of China is a documentary television series that started on CCTV on May 14th, 2012. It introduces the history behind delicious foods from all over China, and teachers a lot about Chinese culture.

Britain’s Got Talent

Britain’s Got Talent is a British television talent show and competition which began in June 2007. Anyone of any age with some kind of talent can applky to perform on it. People compete against each other in order to win the top prize.

The Voice of China

The voice of China is a television singing competition. It started on July 13th, 2012 on Zhejiang TV. It is like th e Voce of Holland which started in Holland in 2010.


Mythbusters is a science-entertainment TV program. It is one of the oldest and the most popular shows on Discovery Channel. On the show, Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman take a scientific look at what people say or think, to see if it is true.

( )56. If you want to learn about ___, you should watch A Bite of China.

A. Chinese food

B. British singers

C. news

D. scientific knowledge

( )57. The Voice of China is a TV ____ competitions.

A. speech

B. painting

C. dancing

D. singing

( )58. ____ is the oldest of the four.

A. A Bit of China

B. Britain’s Got Talent

C. The Voice of China

D. The Voice of Holland

( )59. Adam Savage and Jumie Hyneman are ____.

A. cooks

B. singers

C. TV hosts

D. radio listeners

( )60. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the information above?

A. The voice of China is completely different from the Voice of Holland.

B. Only children have a chance to show their talents on Britain’s Got Talent.

C. The Voice of China started on Zhejiang TV.

D. MythBusters is one of the youngest shows on Discovery Channel.


People thought Jack was the most boring man in the world, but he didn’t know why. He thought he was an interesting man. After all, he had a hobby: collecting stamps. Jack thought that was enough.

Jack didn’t want people to think he was boring, so he decided to be famous for something else. He wrote a letter to a local newspaper, and asked them if they wanted to write an article about a local man with the biggest stamp collection in the world. The local newspaper wrote back to him,

telling him that actually the Queen of England had the biggest stamp collection in the world. Then Jack thought perhaps he could be the best account in the world! He told a friend that he was the best accountant in the world.

“How do you know?” asked his friend.

“Well…”Jack didn’t know.

“Jack,” said his friend, “perhaps you are the most boring man in the world!”

Yes! This was it. He phoned the newspaper, “Would you like to do an interview with the most boring man in the world?”

“That’s interesting!” said the man from the newspaper.

The next week there was a big article in the newspaper, The Most Boring Man in the World! There was a picture of Jack in his office with his stamp collection. After that, he was famous, and he was interesting because he was so boring.

( )1. Jack was interested in ___.

A. drawing pictures

B. writing articles

C. collecting stamps

D. playing football

( )2. Jack wrote to the local newspaper because he wanted to ___.

A. be interviewed by the newspaper

B. be a reporter for the newspaper

C. be the best accountant in the world

D. be famous for something else instead of being boring

( )3. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. There was a picture of Jack in the newspaper.

B. Jack thought he himself was boring.

C. Jack was good at writing.

D. Jack changed other people’s idea in the end.

( )4. We learn from the passage that ___.

A. the newspaper interviewed Jack because of his stamp

B. Jack’s friend worked in a post office and didn’t believe him

C. Jack got some stamps from the Queen of England

D. Jack became famous because he was boring

( )5. The best title for this passage could be____.

A. The Interesting Most Boring Man in the World.

B. The Best Accountant in the World.

C. The Most Famous Newspaper in the World.

D. The Biggest Stamp collection in the world.


I met an old couple at a party. The wife talked with me for a long time. She told me she was worried about her husband, who was waiting for a heart transplant. At the time I was working as a researcher in the same hospital as the one where her husband would be going for his operation, so I gave her my phone number and asked her to call me to let me know when her husband would be there.

A few weeks later, she called to tell me that her husband had been sent to the hospital. So, if I was at work, I would go and check on him when she was visiting him.

Weeks turned into months, and it just became part of my life to see them and ask about how things were going before, during and after the heart transplant. Sometimes I took food or a book

for him, and sometimes she shared a snack with me. Over time, it was like that I became part of the family.

Now, over ten years later, the couple is our son’s “local” grandparents. Since our parents don’t live nearby, we feel happy to have this wonderful couple as our “local” parents. Family sometimes comes out of the most unexpected places.

( )1. What was the writer?

A. A doctor.

B. A teacher.

C. A researcher.

D. A nurse.

( )2. When did the writer meet the old couple for the first time?

A. A few weeks ago.

B. More than 10 years ago.

C. Several months ago.

D. One year ago.

( )3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There was something wrong with the husband’s heart.

B. The writer often visited the old couple when she was at work.

C. The writer asked the wife to call her about her husband.

D. The writer went to take care of her father every day.

( )4. The third paragraph is mainly about ____.

A. how well the writer got along with the couple

B. the reason why the writer wanted to help the couple

C. what the heart transplant is

D. how the couple thanked the writer for her help

( )5. What is the best title for the passage?

A. A Successful Heart Transplant

B. Helping Others Is Helping Yourself.

C. Love from an Old Couple.

D. Finding Family in Unexpected Places.


The landscape is an important type of traditional Chinese painting. In early Chinese paintings, mountains and forests were drawn very small as the decoration for the human figures. But in the Spring Travel Painting, drawn by Zhan Ziqian in the Sui dynasty, mountains and water had become the main subject of the painting.

The new painting form developed into a more mature stage in the Tang dynasty, and several famous landscape painters appeared. They include the Li Sixun family, who specialized in Green mountain-water paintings, and We Yan and Zhang Zao, who were excellent at splashed-ink landscapes.

The mountain-water painting reached a top in the Song dynasty. Landscape painters of different styles came out in large numbers. Among them are the northern style landscape painters with their brave painting style and the southern style painters whose paintings had their soft beauty with light colors. The mountain-water paintings of the Song dynasty were very nature. The Yuan dynasty painters later developed landscape painting from the basis.

Huang Gongwang served as a junior officer when he was young but was put in prison because of someone else. Coming out of the prison, he began to study painting. Huang learned from his uncle Zhao Mengfu and other song dynasty painters.

( )1. The landscape Spring Travel Painting was drawn by ___.

A. Wei Yan.

B. Zhang Zao.

C. Zhan ziqian.

D. Li Sixun

( )2. The Li Sixun family appeared in the ___ dynasty.

A. Tang.

B. Song.

C. Yuan.

D. Ming.

( )3. What’s the basis of the landscape painting in the Yuan dynasty?

A. The new famous landscape paintings in the Tang dynasty.

B. The splashed-ink landscape paintings in the Tang dynasty.

C. The beautiful mountain-water paintings in the Sui dynasty.

D. The natural mountain-water paintings in the Song dynaty.

( )4. Huang Gongwang was a(n) ___ before he was put in prison.

A. farmer

B. officer

C. painter

D. emperor

( )5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. In early Chinese paintings, forests were the main subject of the painting.

B. Wei Yan and Zhang Zao specialized in green mountain-water paintings.

C. The northern style painters were famous for their brave painting style.

D. Zhao Mengfu learned painting from Huang Gongwang who is his cousin.

Even if you shop with plastic bags, always remember to recycle your bags, most families don't realize the importance of eco-friendly living –especially for a child. So how can you help children start seeing green? Well, you won’t have to teach them in a day .You may make your children’s lives a little more earth-friendly, here are a few suggestions.

1. Don’t buy toys - borrow instead. As far as kids are concerned, most toys start to lose their shine within ten minutes or so. Don’t let the unloved toys gather dust around the house

–instead, join a local toy library, give them to the library. And if you do buy new toys, try to buy toys made from wood and other earth-friendly materials, like the ones from Eco Green Kids Organics.

2. Spend time outside. Make sure your child spends time learning to love the great outdoors. Let her get involved with nature by planting a garden, building a birdhouse, or taking a bike ride in a nearby park.

3. Teach green. Even if your child doesn’t receive an environmental education in the classroom, there’s no reason you can’t spread the word at home. Let your kid help out with separating your recyclables.

4. Stick with eco-friendly entertainment. Most kids may not seem like interested in the subject on e nvironment, but put it in a TV show and they’ll change their minds. Gi ve them a taste of the online cartoon show, and you’ll finally find the children learn it happily and relaxingly ( )1. According to paragraph one ,what does "help children start seeing green " mean ?

A. help children see the green color.

B. tell children they should like green.

C. help children understand the importance of eco-friendly living.

D. teach children how to recycle bags.

( )2. How many suggestions the author mentioned in the passage?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

D. Six.

( )3.The meaning of the underlined word “recyclables”is ____.





( )4.According to the passage ,which of the following is NOT true ?

A.We can buy toys made from wood.

B.Parents shouldn't teach children environmental subject at home.

C.Most kids don't like to learn subject on environment.

D.Parents should teach their children build a birdhouse.

( )5. The author doesn't think that ___.

A. Parents should buy lots of toys for their children.

B.Parents should give the toys children unloved to the library.

C.We can teach children environmental subjects by TV.

D.Parents should spend time in the nature with their children.


Mrs Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade.

One day at lunch time, I was getting ready to eat my same old tuna fish sandwich and suddenly Mrs amatuli asked me if she could buy my sandwiches from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a hot lunch from the cafeteria.

I was thrilled. I never bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was too expensive for my family, and we always carried our lunch and brought the bag back home to use again the next day. My sandwiches were either bologna or tuna fish.

You can understand my delight when I had the opportunity to buy a hot lunch. Kids always complained about the cafeteria food but I was very envious of them. It sure looked good to me. When we finished lunch that day, Mrs Amatuli took me aside and said she wanted to explain why she had bought my sandwich. I really didn’t care why, but it gave me a few minutes of her precious attention so I was very quiet as she explained.

You see, she was catholic and she told me that Catholics didn’t eat red meat on Fridays—they ate fish on Friday.

Oh, I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my mom that from now on I wanted tuna fish on Friday. After my mom understood why, she gladly fixed tuna fish for me on Friday. She even fixed it on brown bread because she knew Mrs Amatuli liked brown bread.

From then on, every Friday I could get in line with the rest of the kids for a hot lunch. I didn’t care how many of the kids complained about the cafeteria food—it tasted divine to me!

I realized now that Mrs matuli could have fixed herself a tuna fish sandwich on Friday. But she bought my sandwich because she saw a little girl who was thrilled over the simple act of having a hot lunch.

I will never forget her for her compassion and generosity.

旅游、保护环境、Our sense\electricity

Long ago people knew very little about the world. The earth was thought to be 46 . Hence, if a person walked long enough in one 47 , he would finally reach the edge of the world and fall off.

Today, we know that the earth is not flat; it is 48 . We owe this knowledge to the explorers who made long voyages to find 49 roads and discover new lands. They kept records of the oceans they crossed and the strange lands they visited. From these records, they drew up

a map of the world. In this way, they ended the belief of a flat world.

Though we know the earth much better today, the spirit of exploration has not as a result come to an end. The desire for adventure, the urge to set foot on a wild shore are still alive. Besides, not all places on earth have been fully explored. Places like deserts, mountains, oceans and polar regions still have secrets and mysteries to amaze and surprise us. It is fortunate for us that there are still many things to be discovered which means that the earth remains rich and wonderful.

( )46. A. direction B. place C. position D. age

( )47. A. thick B. thin C. round D. big

( )48. A. rivers B. lakes C. countries D. oceans

( )49. A. old B. long C. short D. new

( )50. A. we B. they C. you D. he

( )51. A. began B. gained C. ended D. added

( )52. A. wrose B. better C. less D. fewer

( )53. A. reason B. result C. desire D. sense

( )54. A. plains B. zoos C. fields D. deserts

( )55. A. discovered B. left C. developed D. invented



G9 GRAMMAR 现在完成时 I.现在完成时的概念。 ①表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果 She has been ill for three days. (她病了三天了。) ②表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。 We've known each other since we were children. (我们从小就认识。) I have been a member of the Party for 10 years. II.构成:”助动词have, has + 过去分词” 练. 把下面变否定句、一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。 1. I have done my homework. 否定句:_______________________________________ 一般疑问句:___________________________________ 回答:_________________________________________ 2. The plane has arrived. 否定句:_______________________________________ 一般疑问句:___________________________________ 回答:_________________________________________ III.现在完成时用法归纳 1. 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作现已完成,对现在造成的影响和结果。(此种用法谓语动词用结束性动词) 如:The plane has arrived. 常用的时间状语和副词:


初三英语完型填空试题大全 以下是为大家整理的关于初三英语完型填空试题大全的文章,供大家学习参考! 【2012天津】三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。People all over the world celebrate the new year. However, not all countries celebrate in the same way, and in some countries, the new year doesn’t begin on the 46 date very year. In many countries, the new year begins on 1st January, but people start celebrating on 31st December, New Year’s Eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square. 47 they’re waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 o’clock, everyone 48 down from 10: 10, 9, 8…As soon as it’s 12 o’clock, everyone shouts very 49 , “Happy New Year!” New Year’s Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a 50 . On New Year’s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year. They 51 a list of things, such as “I will help out more with housework. I will work 52 at school than others.” or “I won’t spend so much time playing video games.” When they have made 53 list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to 54 their resolutions. So it doesn’t matter how they celebrate, 55 people in countries all over the world, it’s a time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new. 46. A. familiar B. same C. important D. normal 47. A. If B. Even though C. While D. Before 48. A. comes B. turn C. looks D. counts 49. A. loudly B. quietly C. sadly D. safely 50. A. walk B. secret C. job D. treatment 51. A. put on B. write down C. take away D. look after 52. A. quickly B. hard C. harder D. hardly 53. A. its B. his C. her D. their 54. A. follow B. make C. do D. give 55. A. by B. for C. with D. from 【答案】46. B解析:根据句意“新年不是在每年的同一天开始”。 47. C解析:while引导时间状语从句。 48. D解析:根据句意“大家倒数数”。 49. A解析:根据句意“大家都大声喊”。


牛津英语上海版初二英语上册知识点(短语、句型) MODULE1 1、如有always ,often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, once a....,every...用一般现在时,第一、二人称复数后跟动词原形,第三人称单数后跟动词加's'/'es'。 2、如有now ,look! ,listen, at the moment ....用现在进行时,结构是be (am, is, are) +v-ing 3、如有tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, from now on, in +一段时间, some day, next....用一般将来时,结构:will + v原\ be going to +v原(没有动词用be ) 4、如有yesterday, ......ago , last....just now.....用一般过去时动词加ed give sb. Sth.=give sth. to sb. 给某人某物every day每天, write down 写下,记下write it (them) down everyday每天的,日常的, how about doing sth.=what about doing sth.做....怎么样each other 互相. thanks a lot= thank you very much非常谢谢 回答That's all right. =You're welcome.= That'OK.= It's my pleasure.=Not at all.Why don't you+V原...=why not+...V原为什么不 help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助别人help sb. (to )do sth.帮助某人做某事with one's help=with the help of sb.在某人的帮助help oneself to sth.请自用食物watch sb. do sth. 看到某人做了某事,(现在没有做,做过) watch sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事(正在做)see, hear类似 remember to do sth.想起记得要做某事,未做事remember doing sth.相起记得做过某事 forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事forget doing sth.忘记做过某事welcome back欢迎回来, new term新学期 this term这学期, next term 下学学期, last term上学期, give you some advice给你一些建议 why not 为什么不, make a mistake=make mistakes犯错误correct spelling正确的拼写, what else?=what other things? 还有什么 a piece of advice 一条建议, follow /take one's advice采用别人的建议, send sth to sb.=send sb. sth. 寄给某人send for派人去请/取 send up发射. all the time一直 enjoy oneself=have a good time=have a great time=have fun, 玩得愉快 lots of =a lot of =many(可数)\much(不可数)许多, , spend : sb. spend some time on sth.某人花费时间做某事 sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间做某事 Sb. spend some money on sth. 某人花费钱买某物 Sb. spend some money (in) buying sth.某人花费钱买某物 Cost: sth. cost sb. some money 某物花去某人钱 pay: sb. pay some money for sth. 某人支付钱 Take: It takes (took) sb.some time to do sth.做某事花去某人时间 ask for 请求,要求, ask sb. for sth.向某人要某物 ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 a piece of一块 enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事.finish,practise, mind, miss ,consider,keep, continue,这些词语后跟动名词形式V-ing place sth.in =put sth. in 把某物放在…里面

九年级完形填空精选十篇 带答案解析

1 Charlie came from a poor village. His parents had __1__ money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad. Mr. King lived next to him. He found the boy __2__ and had pity on him and lent some money to him. So the boy could go to school. He studied hard and __3__ all his lessons. When he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work. Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon. The young man __4__ and several years later he married the girl. He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He was good at cooking and he cooked __5__ for her. So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk. And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart. Her husband wasn’t at home and she had to go to __6__ at once. The doctors looked her over and told her __7__ eat meat, sugar, chocolate and things like these. She was afraid __8__ the doctor’s words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper. When she got home, she put the list on the table and __9__. When she returned home that afternoon, she found many kinds of food: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. Charlie was busy __10__ there. As soon as he saw her, he said happily, “I’ve bought all the food you like, dear!” 1. A. no B. some C. much D. enough 2. A. lazy B. clever C. careful D. hard 3. A. did well in B. was poor at C. was working D. was good for 4. A. was angry B. thought hard C. agreed D. said “No.” 5. A. a little B. a few C. many D. a lot 6. A. rest B. sleep C. hospital D. work 7. A. should B. would C. to D. not to 8. A. to remember B. to forget C. to catch D. to teach 9. A. slept B. went out C. cooked D. ate 10. A. reading B. seeing C. cooking D. writing 1. A。查理家境贫困,父母没有钱资助他上学,故选no。 2. B。根据下文,查理不负众望,说明他聪明好学,故选clever。


牛津英语(上海版)七 年级下知识点 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 1 Writing a travel guide Unit 2 Going to see a film Unit 3 A visit to Garden City Unit 4 Let’s go shopping 1. How are you getting on with your travel guide get on with “进展”; “与……相处 (融洽)” I’m getting on well with the preparation. How are you getting on with your new classmates? 2. be famous for… (以 /由于……出名) be (well) known as…(以 / 作为….被人知晓) Shanghai is famous for its night views. Shanghai is also k nown as a “Shopping Paradise” becausethere are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres.上海被誉为“购物天堂”,因为上海有 很多百货商店和大型购物中心。 Qingpu is famous for its fish and rice. 3. It is + adj. + that (主语从句), 表示“……太……了” It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre. It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. It is + adj. + to do sth. It is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. =To travel between Pudong and Puxi is convenient. It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant. The food tastes awful. =To have dinner in this restaurant is terrible. 4. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons. 主句用一般将来(或can, may, must),从句用一般现在时。 2


牛津英语上海版八年级上册单词与短语 Unit 1: term n. 学期 publish v. 出版;发行 elect v. 选举;推选 chief adj. 主要的;首席的 editor n. 编辑 suggest v. 建议;提议 experience n. 经验;经历 vote v. 投票;选举 secretary n. 秘书 responsible adj. 有责任的;负责的section n. 部分;项 list n. 清单;目录 free adj. 免费的 pay v. 付费;付酬 consider v. 考虑 conclude v. 结束;下结论 fan n. 迷;狂热爱好者;风扇 library n. 图书馆 mayor n. 市长;镇长 march v. 齐步走;行进 (March n. 三月) circle n. 圈;圆形 air n. 天空;空中 activity n. 活动 stall n. 摊位 jar n. 罐子 instrument n. 器械;仪器 equipment n. 设备;装备 include v. 包括 band n. 乐队 congratulation n. 祝贺;恭喜 speech n. 演说;发言 nervous adj. 紧张的 confidence n. 自信心 fashion n. 时尚;流行 teenage adj. 青少年的 design n. 设计 feature n(报纸、电视等的)特写; 专题节目 present adj. 现在的;目前的 member n. 成员committee n.委员会 edition n. (报纸;杂志的)一期pleased adj. 高兴的 clinic n. 诊所 return v. 归还;返回 break n. 课间休息;暂停 department n. 部门 lonely adj. 孤单的 ever adv. 从来;在任何时候 polite adj. 有礼貌的 短语: take charge of= be in charge of 主管;掌管vote for / against 投票赞成;投票否决take notes 做记录;做笔记 be responsible for 负责;有责任 talk … over 详谈某事 make a list of 把……列成清单 be free for sb. 对(某人)免费 pay for 付费(买…) make a decision about…对……作出决定 in one week’s time 一周后 a copy of 一份 for free 免费的 from the air 从空中 of one’s own 某人自己的 have the habit of (doing sth) 有……的习惯try one’s best to do sth 尽力做某事 try to do sth 尽力做某事 believe in oneself 相信自己 once a week 每周一次 be pleased with 对…满意 keep fit 保持健康 have a high fever 发高烧 at break 课间休息时 not a bit = not at all 一点儿都不 get on well (with sb) (与某人)相处好 for this reason因为这样 Unit 2: detective n. 侦探;警探 innocent adj. 清白的;无罪的 guilty adj. 有过失的;有罪责的 recent adj.近来的;新近的 case n. 侦查的案情;调查的案件




九下Unit 6 单词短语归纳 1.实施,执行v 1. 承受压力 2.争吵n 2.集中于 3.集中(注意力、精力等)于v 3.解决,处理 4.压力n 4.dealwith 5.是否5.担心 6.风险n6.防止,提防7.守卫,保卫 7.抵消,对消 8.取消,撤退,终止8. 忙于做某事 9.有希望的9.把.....抛在后面 10.强迫,迫使(某人做某事)10.使.....振奋起来 11.音乐会,演奏会11.学着做,开始做 12.私人的12.持乐观的态度13.不说话的,沉默的13. 抵消,对消 14.危害物,大敌14.讲笑话 15.鼓励,鼓舞15.去听音乐会 16.牙科医生 17.沮丧的,消沉的,无精打采的adj 知识点 1.conduct v.实施;执行n__________指挥家 Conduct a survey about a healthy lifestyle.________________________________ conduct此处用作及物动词,意为“实施,执行”。 我决定去执行一个任务_______________________________ 2.quarreln.争吵 have a quarrel withsb.___________________ have a quarrel about sth.__________________________ 1)他刚刚和他的最好的朋友吵架了____________________________________ 2)他们为钱的事情吵架了______________________________________ 3.pleasure 不可数名词,________________ adj__________ Doingsomethingfor ________________.


1 These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy _1_ have changed into computer game houses in order to get more __2___ . These places are always crowded with people. In the computer game houses, people 3 a lot of money matching on the machines, It's 4 for one to beat a computer, but one can do well after trying again and again. People want to 5 when they play computer games. The more they 6 , the more they want to win, and at last they even can't 7 without it. The result is that some people don' t want to 8 and they play in computer game houses for hours and hours. For school boys, things are 9 . They don't want to have 10 . When school is over, they rush to the computer game houses near their 11 . Some of them can get enough money from their 12 . Some of them are_13_enough to get the money. So they have to steal or rob others' and become 14 . Computer game addiction(上瘾) is a 15 problem in our life. Something has to be done to stop it. ( )1. A. streets B. schools C. towns D. cities ( )2. A. boys B. money C. computers D. houses ( )3. A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay ( )4. A. possible B. easy C. good D. hard ( )5. A. read B. learn C. win D. download ( )6. A. lose B. try C. waste D. watch ( )7. A. come B. eat C. study D. live ( )8. A. watch TV B. go out C. stay there D. work ( )9. A. better B. exciting C. even worse D. interesting ( )10.A. lessons B. games C. families D. sports ( )11.A. classes B. rooms C. schools D. shops ( )12. A. classmates B. teachers C. sisters D. parents ( )13. A. lucky B. unlucky C. careful D. polite ( )14. A. good B. bad C. rich D. poor ( )15. A. important B. serious C. unusual D. wonderful

八年级英语上册上海牛津版 U1 课文

Unit 1 Penfriends text 1. know the name of 2. rugby 3. top-right corner 4. signature 5. above -- below 6. the whole day = all day 7. postcode 8. a group of letters and numbers 9. be part of 10. A postcode makes it easier for the post office to deliver letters. 11. tell you something about myself 12. You can call me Jon. 13. about one and a half meters tall 14. Playing chess is my hobby. 15. own a Chinese restaurant 16. be at university 17. during the holidays 18. be keen on = be fond of

19. My ambition is to be a/an ... 20. an ambitious man 21. It is beautiful, isn't it ? 22. a photo of myself a photo of mine 23. the meaning of 24. live a meaningful life 25. for example 26. play squash 27. even if 28. other/others/the other/the others/another 29. a kind of sport 30. idle = lazy 31. train sb to do sth 32. trainer 33. junior high school 34. senior high school 35. do well in = be good at 36. tick the boxes of the things he writes about 37. He often feels unhappy, _______ _______ ? 38. Find facts in the letter that tell you they are probably true.

牛津上海版初三九年级上英语 Unit4 知识点及练习

(Ox) 9A Unit 4 Computers PART ONE I.V ocabulary 1.screen 2.recognize 3.desktop https://www.doczj.com/doc/2518595432.html,ptop 5.palmtop 6.ting 7.unaware 8.depend https://www.doczj.com/doc/2518595432.html,mon 10.knowledge 11.rarely 12.print 13.importantly 14.operate 15.aeroplane 16.spaceship 17.meaning https://www.doczj.com/doc/2518595432.html,mand 19.CD-ROM 20.DVD-ROM 21.writing 22.aware 23.order 24.blank 25.supply 26.contract 27.reference 28.quantity 29.length 30.seat 31.peak 32.court 33.distance 34.contain 35.intelligent 36.leather 37.accuracy 38.sensible 39.retire https://www.doczj.com/doc/2518595432.html,plicated 41.overcome 42.gradually 43.scholars 44.continent

45.electronic 46.browse 47.instant 48.raise 49.concept 50.icon https://www.doczj.com/doc/2518595432.html,eful Expressions

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2518595432.html,eful Structures/Grammar 1.Other kinds of computers are so tiny that you may be unaware of them. 2.It’s common knowledge that computers are super calculators. 3.However, one day computers may be able to do most things that a human brain can do and even do them better. 4.You can buy a program which helps the computer recognize your voice. 5.Many of today’s computers have CD-ROM or DVD-ROl drives. 6.For example, you can use your computer to read about a famous person from history and you can see a photograph or video of him or her, and even listen to them speaking. 7.They are small enough to put in your pocket Iike a bar of chocolate. 8.It is quite popular to use online messenger services to send instant messages to people all over the world. 9.They wanted to have a system that would enable universities, research departments and the army to share resources with each other.


一 An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his 1 all the time, watering and fertilizing them. One day a young man went by the 2 . He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be 3 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 4 . He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers. 5 are you busy taking care of them every day?” The old man smiled and said, “I can tell you four 6 . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 7 I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them. 8 , I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s 9 .” “Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man. “Yeah, it’s 10 that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody 11 . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.” The blind man’s work opened our eyes, and 12 our hearts, which also made his life 13 . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t 14 his wonderful music, but his music ha s 15 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness? 1. A. flowers B. trees C. vegetables D. grass 2. A. balcony B. kitchen C. garden D. study 3. A. afterB. as C. before D. if 4. A. blind B. famous C. smart D. friendly 5. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Which 6. A. stories B. reasons C. excuses D. conclusions 7. A. although B. since C. because D. unless 8. A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth 9. A. me B. you C. my mother D. my son 10. A. true B. hard C. cool D. fair 11. A. greets B. doubts C. meets D. knows 12. A. broke B. hurt C. pleased D. treated 13. A. emptier B. busier C. luckier D. happier 14. A. write B. hear C. play D. believe 15. A. changed B. affected C. discovered D. encouraged 参考答案与解析: 1.A。由第2空后面的the beautiful flowers可以推出该空应填flowers。 2.C。本文以老人花园里的野花为题材,因此该空应填garden。 3.D。该空表示“如果”,因此应填if。 4.A。由下文You can’t see these flowers.可以推出该空表示“瞎的”,因此应填blind。 5.C。由You can’t see these flowers.可以推出该空表示“为什么”,因此应填Why。 6.B。下文介绍老人每天照料花的原因,因此该空应填reasons。 7.A。该空表示“尽管”,因此应直although引导让步状语从句。 8.C。由上文的First, Second可以推出该空表示‘第三”,因此应填Third。 9.B。由下文Me?可以推出该空应填you。


七年级英语期末试卷上海牛津版含答案的 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

初一英语期末试卷上海牛津版 【模拟试题】(答题时间:100分钟) I. Choose the best answer.(20%) 1. Mr Whiter thought ____ would be comfortable to work in an air-conditioned room. A. that B. this C. what D. it 2. Here ______ some milk for your mother. A. is B. has C. have D. are 3. The Earth is close ____ Mars. A. for B. to C. like D. the 4. _________ beautiful Park it is! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 5. Would you like _______ with me to watch the show in the theatre A. to going B. going C. to go D. go 6. We’re _________ going to watch some cartoons from America. A. too B. both C. also D. or 7. I don’t have too _______ Coke any longer. A. very B. much C. most D. many 8. —Your mother isn’t a doctor, is she


广东省广州高山文化培训学校学年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 听力部分(20分) 姓名:班级:学号: Ⅰ. 听对话,选出正确的图画。(每小题1分,计分5分)。 Ⅱ. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。(每小题1分,计分5分) ( ) 6. A. , I’m . B. . C. . ( ) 7. A. , . B. . C. 170 . ( ) 8. A. A . B. . C. . ( ) 9. A. B. a . C. . ( )10. A. . B. , ’t. C. . Ⅲ. 听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。(每小题1分,计分5分) ( )11. A. . B. . C. . ( )12. A. . B. A . C. A . ( )13. A. . B. . C. . ( )14. A. . B. . C. . ( )15. A. A . B. A . C. A . Ⅳ. 听对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,计分5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第16~17题。 ( )16. ? A. . B. . C. . ( )17. ? A. . B. . C. . 听下面一段对话,回答第18~20题。 ( )18. ’s ? . B. C. . ( )19. ? A. . B. . C. . ( )20. ? A. A . B. A . C. A . 笔试部分(100分) I. 单项填空 (满分15分) ( )21. — , ? — I . I . A. a; a B. a; C. ; a D. ; ( )22.— ? — a .

A B. C. D. ( )23. I’m . I ’ t . ? A. B. C. D. ( )24. a .. A. B. C. D. ( )25. — ?. — I . A. B. C. D. ( )26. ’s . A. B. C. D. ( )27. ? A. B. C. D. ( )28. . a . A. B. C. D. ( ( )29. . A. B. C. D. ( ) 30. , a . A. B. C. D. ( )31. , . A. B. C. D. ( )32. . I . A. . B. . C. . D. . ( )33. — 3 , ? —. , ’s . A. B. C. D. ( )34 a . . B. . . . ( )35.— ? — . , . , . ’t.’t. .完形填空. 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(满分10分) . 36 . 37 , . ’s , 38 39 . ’s , a . , 40 . 41 , 42 . “ 43 ” . 44 a 45 . ( )36. A. B. C. D. ( )37. A. B. C. D. ( )38. A. B. C. D. ( )39. A. B. C. D. ( )40. A. B. C. D. ( )41. A. B. C. D. ( )42. A. B. C. D. ( )43. A. B. C. D. ( )44. A. B. C. D. ( )45 A. B. C. D. . 阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分) A a China. . , 16, , 15, Chongqing, , 15, Hunan. . , . , . , . ’s , . “ ,” . . 8 . a (重点的) . a . a . , . (书法) . ? “I ,” . . I ’t . . ’s . 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( )46 ? A. 15. B. 16. C. 14 D. 17.

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