当前位置:文档之家› 大15年6月《工业通风与除尘》考前复习题试卷(更新)







1. 粉尘

2. 相对湿度 3 . 职业接触限值 4.控制点



7. 动压


1. 粉尘:能在空气中浮游的固体颗粒。

2. 相对湿度:空气的绝对湿度与同温度下饱和绝对湿度之百分比。

3. 职业接触限值:是职业性有害因素的接触限制量值,指劳动者在职业活动过程中长期反复接触对机体不引起急性或慢性有害健康影响的容许接触水平。



6. 局部阻力:空气流经风管中的管件及设备时,由于流速的大小和方向变化以及产生涡流造成比较集中的能量损失,称为局部阻力。



号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12

案 C A C A A A C D B




声学 选择题 1.5个相同的声压级迭加,总声级较单个增加分贝。 ①3②5③7④10 3 2.4个相同的声压级迭加,总声级较单个增加分贝。 ①3②5③6④10 3 3.+10dB的声音与-10dB的声音迭加结果约为dB。 ①0②13③7 ④10 4 4.50dB的声音与30dB的声音迭加结果约为dB。 ①80②50③40 ④30 2 5.实际测量时,背景噪声低于声级分贝时可以不计入。 ①20②10③8④ 3 1 6.为保证效果反射板的尺度L与波长间的关系是。 ①L<λ②L≥0.5λ③L≥1.5λ④L>>λ 4 7.易对前排产生回声的部位是。 ①侧墙②银幕③乐池④后墙 4 8.围护结构隔声性能常用的评价指标是。 ①I a②M③α④L p 1 9.避免厅堂简并现象的措施是。 ①缩短T60②强吸声③墙面油漆④调整比例 4 10.当构件的面密度为原值的2倍时,其隔声量增加dB。 ①3②6③5④10 2 11.测点处的声压值增加一倍,相应的声压级增加分贝。 ①2②5③3④ 6 4 12.70dB的直达声后,以下的反射声将成为回声。 ①20ms65dB②70ms64dB③80ms45dB④30ms75dB 2 13.邻室的噪声对此处干扰大,采取措施最有效。 ①吸声处理②装消声器③隔声处理④吊吸声体 3 14.对城市环境污染最严重的噪声源是。 ①生活②交通③工业④施工 2 15.吸声处理后混响时间缩短一半则降噪效果约为dB。 ①2②5③3④10 3 16.凹面易产生的声缺陷是。 ①回声②颤动回声③声聚焦④声染色 3 17.厅堂平行墙面间易产生的声学缺陷是。 ①回声②颤动回声③声聚焦④声染色 2


湖南城市学院 2010-2011学年第2期 《固体废物处理与处置》试卷 3 卷时间: 120 分钟适应专业:环境工程【考试】【闭卷】 25分) 1.固体废物污染控制的“3R”原则指的是减少产生Reduce、再利用Reuse、再循环Recycle。 2.生活垃圾的收集、运输分为搬运与贮存(运贮)、清除与收集(清运)、转运三个阶段。 3.固体废物进行燃烧必须具备的三个基本条件是:可燃物质、助燃物质和引燃火源,并在 着火条件下才会着火燃烧。 4.目前在垃圾焚烧中应用最广的生活垃圾焚烧炉,主要有流化床焚烧炉、机械炉排焚烧炉、 旋转窑焚烧炉3种类型。 5.根据固化剂及固化过程的不同,目前常用的固化技术主要包括水泥固化、沥青固化、塑 料固化、熔融固化、石灰固化。 6.固体废弃物的水分存在形式有间隙水,毛细管水,表面吸附水和内部水。 7.浮选所需药剂有捕收剂,起泡剂,调整剂。 8.厌氧消化分为水解,产酸和产甲烷三个阶段。 20分) 1.城市生活垃圾的产污系数一般用每人每天的垃圾产量来表示,下面给出的数据,哪一个 更接近我国目前大中城市的实际垃圾产污系数 B kg/人.天 A. 0.5 B. -1.5 C. 重介质分选时,下列物质中常用来作为 重介质的为 B 。 A.粉煤灰 D. 硅铁 C. 粘土 D.炉渣 3.通常采用浓缩法去除的是污泥中的 A 。 A.间隙水 B.毛细水 C. 表面吸附水 D.内部结合水 4.生活垃圾焚烧过程中,停留时间最长的阶段是 C 。 A. 干燥段 B. 燃烧段 C. 燃烬段 5.中国颁布的“城市生活垃圾堆肥处理厂技术评价指标”中规定:堆肥产品的含水率必须 小于 C 。 A. 20% B. 30% % D. 40% 6.根据世界各国垃圾焚烧炉的使用情况, A 焚烧炉应用最广且技术比较成熟,其 单台日处理量的范围也最大。 A.机械炉排式 B. 流化床 C. 回转窑式 D. 熔融气化 7 对于高放射性的固体废物,主要采用 B 法进行固化处理。 A.水泥固化 B.玻璃固化 C.塑料固化 D. 自胶结固化 8 活性污泥法处理废水时,剩余污泥的体积通常只占到处理废水体积的 A 。 %以下 % % D. 10-15% 9. 固体废物焚烧烟气处理时,采用活性炭吸附法主要是为了去除 D 。 A. 烟尘 2 C. HCl D. 二噁英 10.医疗垃圾一般采用 A 方法进行处理。 A.焚烧 B.填埋 C.堆肥 D.消毒后填埋 15分) 1.我国实行二级处理的城市污水污泥产生量中,初沉污泥比生化污泥量大( 1 )。


四级考前冲刺试题一 1. 有人认为公交车上年轻人必须给老人让座 2. 有人认为年轻人没有义务给老人让座 3. 你的看法Is Offering Seats Compulsory for Young Passengers? Eat an Apple (Doctor’s Orders) The farm stand is becoming the new apothecary (药剂师), preparing and giving out apples — not to mention vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus and arugula — to fill a novel kind of prescription. Doctors at three health centers in Massachusetts have begun advising patients to eat “prescription produce” from local farmers’ markets, in an effort to fight obesity (when someone is very fat in a way that is unhealthy) in children of low-income families. Now they will give coupons (赠券) amounting to $1 a day for each member of a patient’s family to promote healthy meals. “A lot of these kids have a very limited range of fruits and vegetables that are acceptable and familiar to them. Potentially, they will try more,” said Dr. Suki Tepperberg, a family physician at Codman Square Health Center in Dorchester, one of the program sites. “The goal is to get them to increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables by one serving a day.” The effort may also help farmers’ markets compete with fast-food restaurants selling dollar value meals. Farmers’ markets do more than $1 billion in annual sales in the United States, according to the Agriculture Department. Massachusetts was one of the first states to promote these markets as hubs of preventive health. In the 1980s, for example, the state began issuing coupons for farmers’ markets to low-income women who were pregnant or breast-feeding or for young children at risk for malnutrition (营养不良). Thirty-six states now have such farmers’ market nutri tion programs aimed at women and young children. Thomas M. Menino, the mayor of Boston, said he believed the new children’s program, in which doctors write vegetable “prescriptions” to be filled at farmers’ markets, was the first of its kind. Doctors will track participants to determine how the program affects their eating patterns and to monitor health indicators like weight and body mass index, he said. “When I go to work in the morning, I see kids standing at the bus stop eating chips and drinking a soda,” Mr. Menino said in a phone interview earlier this week. “I hope this will help them change their eating habits and lead to a healthier lifestyle.” The mayor’s attention to healthy eating dates to his days as a city councilman. Most recently he has app ointed a well-known chef as a food policy director to promote local foods in public schools and to foster market gardens in the city. Although obesity is a complex problem unlikely to be solved just by eating more vegetables, supporters of the vegetable coupon program hope that physician intervention will spur young people to adopt the kind of behavioral changes that can help prevent lifelong obesity. Childhood obesity in the United States costs $14.1 billion annually in direct health expenses like prescription drugs and visits to doctors and emergency rooms, according to a recent article on the economics of childhood obesity published in the journal Health Affairs. Treating obesity-related illness in adults costs an estimated $147 billion annually, the article said. Although the vegetable prescription pilot project is small, its supporters see it as a model for encouraging obese children and their families to increase the volume and variety of fresh produce they eat. “Can we help people in low-income areas, who shop in the center of supermarkets for low-cost empty-calorie food, to shop at farmers’ markets by making fruit and vegetables more affordable?” said Gus Schumacher, the chairman of Wholesome Wave, a nonprofit gro up in Bridgeport, Conn., that supports family farmers and community access to locally grown produce. If the pilot project is successful, Mr. Schumacher said, “farmers’ markets would become like a fruit and vegetable pharmacy (药房) for at-risk families.” The pilot project plans to enroll up to 50 families of four at three health centers in Massachusetts that already have specialized children’s programs called healthy weight clinics. A foundation called CAVU, for Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited, sponsors the clinics that are administering the vegetable project. The Massachusetts Department of Agriculture and Wholesome Wave each contributed $10,000 in seed money. (Another arm of the program, at several health centers in Maine, is giving fresh produce coupons to pregnant mothers.) The program i s to run until the end of the farmers’ market season in late fall. One month after Leslie-Ann Ogiste, a certified nursing assistant in Boston, and her 9-year-old son, Makael Constance, received their first vegetable prescription coupons at the Codman Center, they have lost a combined four pounds, she said. A staff member at the center told Ms. Ogiste about a farmers’ market that is five minutes from her apartment, she said. “It worked wonders,” said Ms. Ogiste, who bought and prepared eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, summer squash, corn, bok choy, parsley, carrots and red onions. “Just the variety, it did help.” Ms. Ogiste said she had minced some vegetables and used them in soup, pasta sauce and rice dishes — the better to disguise the new good-for-you foods that she served her son. Makael said he did not mind. “It’s really good,” he said. Some nutrition researchers said that the Massachusetts project had a good chance of improving eating habits in the short term. But, they added, a vegetable prescription program in isolation may not have a long-term influence on reducing obesity. Families may revert to their former habits in the winter when the farmers’ markets are closed, these researchers said, or they may not be able to afford fresh pr oduce after the voucher program ends. Dr. Shikha Anand, the medical director of CAVU’s healthy weight initiative, said the group hoped to make the veggie prescript ion project a year-round program through partnerships with grocery stores. But people tend to overeat junk food in higher proportion than they undereat vegetables, said Dr. Deborah A. Cohen, a senior natural scientist at the RAND Corporation. So, unless people curtail (减少) excessive consumption of salty and sugary snacks, she said, behavioral changes like eating more fruit and vegetables will have limited effect on obesity.


2020小升初毕业考试语文冲刺试卷(十) 一、积累运用 1.下列加点下划线的读音有误的一项是() A. 稚子(zhì)旖旎(nǐ)玷污(diàn)秉性(bǐnɡ) B. 徘徊(huái)点缀(zhuì)无垠(yínɡ)华侨(qiáo) C. 萌动(ménɡ)倭瓜(wō)蚌壳(bànɡ)澄澈(chénɡ) 2.学习中遇到了生字,我会查字典。 (1)如果只知道读音,但不会写这个字,我就用________查字法; (2)如果很容易确定部首,但不确定这个字的读音我就用________查字法; (3)如果是独体字我就用________查字法。 (4)比如:查“拾”字,我们可以先查音序________,再查拼音________;也可以先查部首________,再查________画。“止”字,应用________查字法,共________画。“止”在字典中的注音是________。 3.下列词语没有错别字的一项是()。 A. 藕断丝连亭台楼阁不容争辩一如既往 B. 风期雪压倾盆大雨千篇一律低头折节 C. 夜以继日浮想连翩如饥似渴毫不忧豫 D. 囫囵吞枣不求甚解安然无样再接再厉 4.给加下划线字选择正确的解释。 同心协力() A. 和谐 B. 共同 C. 协助 5.选择恰当的关联词填空。 宁可......也...... 与其……不如……尽管……还是…… (1)桑娜一家________生活十分艰难,________决定收养西蒙的孩子。 (2)渔夫和妻子________自己多受些苦,________要把西蒙的孩子抱回家抚养。 (3)桑娜觉得________看着西蒙的孩子活活饿死,________自己多受些苦,把他们抱回家。 6.下列词语互为近义词的是() A. 轰响---轰鸣 B. 干燥---湿润 C. 急急忙忙---慢慢悠悠 7.读句子,根据母鸡的表现选择恰当的词语。 听吧,它由前院嘎嘎到后院,由后院再嘎嘎到前院,没完没了,并且没有什么理由。() A. 欺软怕硬 B. 拼命炫耀 C. 无病呻吟 8.读一读,连一连,再完成练习。


第一章绪论 一、名词解释: 1、固体废物——固体废物污染环境防治法:固体废物,是指在生产、生活和其 他活动中产生的丧失原有利用价值或者虽未丧失利用价值但被抛弃或者放弃的 固态、半固态和置于容器中的气态的物品、物质以及法律、行政法规规定纳入固体废物管理的物品、物质。 根据《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》中给出的定义,固体废物是指在生产建设、日常生活和其他活动中产生的污染环境的固态、半固态废弃物质。2、固体废物处理——通常是指通过物理、化学、生物、物化及生化方法把固体 废物转化为适于运输、贮存、利用或处置的过程。 3、固体废物处置——是指将固体废物焚烧或用其他改变固体废物的物理、化学、生物特性的方法,达到减少已产生的固体废物数量、缩小固体废物体积、减少或者消除其他危害成分的活动;或者将固体废物最终置于符合环境保护规定要求的场所或者设施并不再回取的活动。 4、城市生活垃圾——在城市居民日常生活中或为城市日常生活提供服务的活动 中产生的固体废物以及法律、行政法规规定视为城市生活垃圾的固体废物。 5、危险废物——危险废物是被列入国家危险废物名录或者被国家危险废物鉴定 标准和鉴定方法认定的具有危险性的废物。 二、简答题: 1、固体废物的定义?我国将固体废物分为几类? (1)根据《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》中给出的定义,固体废物是指 在生产建设、日常生活和其他活动中产生的污染环境的固态、半固态废弃物质。(2)我国制定的《固体废物污染环境防治法》中,将固体废物分为工业固体废物(废渣)与城市垃圾和危险废物三类。 城市生活垃圾:在城市居民日常生活中或为城市日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的固体废物 以及法律、行政法规规定视为城市生活垃圾的固体废物。 工业固体废物:是指在工业、交通等生产活动中产生的固体废物,又称工业废渣或工业垃圾。 危险废物:危险废物是被列入国家危险废物名录或者被国家危险废物鉴定标准和鉴定方法认


为进一步提升济南市城市形象,强化市区静态交通秩序管理,市区内的禁停路线在原来50条的基础上增加至100条。为全面提高机动车驾驶人对禁停路段的知晓度,市所对机动车驾驶人理论考试题库中的试题进行了调整,现将有关调整禁停路线学习内容和考试题库的要求通知如下: 全市新增50条禁停道路 玉函小区南路、历阳大街、八里洼路、二七南路 龙奥南路、龙奥北路 窑头路、文化东路、文化西路、经八路 解放东路、新泺大街、天辰路、山大南路、华龙路 无影山中路、师范路 凤凰路、开拓路 舜华东路、舜华西路、颖秀路 龙奥东路、龙奥西路、转山西路、洪山路、浆水泉路 华信路 燕子山路、闵子骞路、洪家楼南路 燕子山西路、山师东路 千佛山路、舜井街 东关大街、生产路 民生大街、顺河东街、济安街、 纬三路、济洛路

纬五路、纬九路、纬十路、 郎茂山路、阳光新路、无影山路 营市街、槐村街 “十纵十横”50条禁停道路 济大路、六里山南路、千佛山南路 旅游路(凤凰路口至历阳大街路口) 经十一路、马鞍山路 经十路(凤凰路口至段店立交桥东口) 和平路、泺源大街、经七路 解放路、泉城路、共青团路、经四路 经六路(纬一路至二环西)、经五路、经二路 黑北路、黑西路、趵北路、大明湖路 花园路(历山路至二环东路)、明湖东路、明湖西路、明湖北路、经一路山大北路、堤口路 舜华南路、舜华路、化纤厂路 二环东路(旅游路口至工业北路口) 山大路 千佛山西路、历山路、历山北路(北园大街至滨河南路) 舜耕路、青年东路、泺文路、榜棚街、省府前街 玉函路、青年西路、顺河西街、纬一路 英雄山路、大纬二路 建设路、纬六路、纬十二路

违法停车集中整治行动测试题 一、选择题 1.济南市交警支队组织开展集中违法停车专项整治行动,其整治的重点包括:在经公示禁停道路上、( A )、非机动车道、人行道违法停车的。 A、机动车道 B、停车位 C、专用停车场 D、车库 2.济南市交警支队组织开展集中违法停车专项整治行动,其整治的重点包括:交叉路口、铁路道口、急弯路、宽度不足4米的窄路、桥梁、陡坡、隧道以及距离上述地点(A)米以内的路段停车的。 A、50米 B、60米 C、70米 D、80米 3.济南市交警支队组织开展集中违法停车专项整治行动,其整治的重点包括:在公共汽车站、急救站、加油站、消防栓或者消防队(站)门前及距离上述地点(A )米以内的路段停车的。 A、30米 B、40米 C、50米 D、60米 4. 道路两侧设置了黄色路沿石或施划黄色实线的,表示该路段(B )。 A、临时停车 B、禁止停车 C、长时间停车 5.自2017年1月22日起,对于全市确定的禁停路段,依据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第九十条规定,对“违反禁令标志、禁止标线指示”(分别使用违法代码13440、13450)处罚款200元、计(C)分。 A、1 B、2 C、3 D、0 二、判断题 1. 对因机动车违法停车发生的道路交通事故,一律认定违法停车当事人的交通事故责任。(Y )


…………………密……………封……………线……………密……………封……………线………………… 2、“全过程”管理原则: 是指对固体废物的产生—收集—运输—综合利用—处理—贮存—处置实行全过程管理(2分),在每一个环节都将其作为污染源进行严格的控制(1分)。 固体废物处理与处置课程考试题及答案题号 得分 评卷人 一、填空(20分,每空1分) 1、危险废物的主要特征并在于它们的相态,而在于它们的危险特性,即具有毒性、腐蚀性、传 染性、反应性、浸出毒性、易燃性、易爆性等独特性质。 2、城市垃圾清运的操作方法分为移动式和固定式两种。 3、根据废物组成中各种物质的粒度、密度、磁性、电性、光电性、摩擦性及弹跳性的差异,将 机械分选方法分为筛选(分)、重力分选、光电分选、磁力分选、电力分选和摩擦与弹跳分选。 4、危险废物稳定化/固化处理产物为了达到无害化,必须具备一定的性能,即: 抗浸出性、抗干湿性、抗冻融性、耐腐蚀性、不燃性、抗渗透性和足够的机械强度。 5、影响固体废物厌氧消化的主要因素有厌氧条件、原料配比、温度、pH、添加物和抑制物、接种物、搅拌等。

6、现代化生活垃圾焚烧工艺流程主要由前处理系统、进料系统、焚烧炉系统、空气系统、烟气系统、灰渣系统、余热利用系统及自动化控制系统组成。 7、影响固体废物焚烧效果的主要因素有停留时间、温度、湍流度和空气过剩系数。 8、典型废轮胎的热解工艺流程为: 轮胎破碎—分(磁)选—干燥预热—橡胶热解—油气冷凝—热量回收—废气净化。 9、目前,污泥处置的主要方式有填埋、投海、焚烧和土地利用。 10、通常,干填埋气中CH 4体积分数为45%~60%,CO 2为40%~50%。 二、名称解释(18分,每小题3分) 1、固体废物: 是指在生产、生活和其他活动中产生的丧失原有利用价值或者虽未丧失利用价值 但被抛弃或者放弃的固态、半固态(1分)和置于容器中的气态的物品、物质(1分)以及法律、行政法规规定纳入固体废物管理的物品、物质(1分)。 一二三四五六七总分复核人 3、磁流体: 是指某种能够在磁场或磁场和电场联合作用下磁化,呈现似加重现象,对颗粒产 生磁浮力作用的稳定分散液(3分)。 4、稳定化:


一级建造师考试《铁路工程管理与实务》考前冲刺预测试题16 一、单项选择题(共20 题。每题1 分。每题的备选项中,只有1 个最符合题意) 1、垛码混凝土枕应上下同位,层间承轨槽处应垫以小方术或其他材料,其顶面应高出挡肩或预埋件()。 A. 顶面50mm B. 顶面40mm C. 顶面30mm D. 顶面20mm 2、MDZ作业车组分层上砟整道作业,起道工作以后进行的作业是()。 3、钢筋混凝土桩、预应力混凝土桩,在预计或有迹象();当落锤高度已达到规定最大值,每击贯入度≤2mm时,应即停锤。 4、钢轨温度在公式()范围时,为最佳铺轨时间,一般情况下,应安排在此条件下铺轨。 5、无缝线路轨道砟肩应使用碎石道砟堆高l5cm,堆高道砟的边坡坡度应采用()。 6、钻孔桩水下混凝土的灌注可采用()。 7、就地浇筑沉井施工时()。 A. 无围堰筑岛护道宽度不宜小于1m,临水面坡度可以采用1:2 B. 无围堰筑岛护道宽度不宜小于2m,临水面坡度可以采用1:2

C. 无围堰筑岛护道宽度不宜小于1m,临水面坡度可以采用1:5 D. 无围堰筑岛护道宽度不宜小于2m,临水面坡度可以采用1:5 8、在一般地区、浸水地区和地震地区的路堑,可选用()。 9、下列不符合瓦斯工区钻爆作业要求的是()。 10、铁路隧道围岩分级的主要目的是()。 11、堆载预压不得使用()。 12、隧道施工中,新奥法施工变形观测现场一般采用()观测。 13、下到()情况下应采用喷射混凝土堵水。 14、铁路建设工程安全风险管理中规定,()是风险防范的主要责任单位。 15、在铁路工程项目站前工程施工中,线上工程工期主要是指()的工期。 16、连续梁顶推施工通常用于()跨度的预应力混凝土连续梁。


出单员考试题库 一、单项选择题 C), 1、业务办理时对于资料不完整、填写错误的业务申请,应 (做好沟通工作。 A、拒绝办理 B、先办理后补资 料 C、当场、一次性告知补充更正 D、请经理协助解决 2、投保人重复投保交强险的,以下处理正确的是(B)。 A、解除起期在前的合同 B、解除起期在后的合同 C、两份合同都解除,重新投保 D、可以保留两份合同,但每次出险只能理赔一次 5、新车购买保险后,需在()个月内补录车牌。A A、1 B、2 C、3 D、不需补录 6、承保被保险人为自然人的()时应附加特别约定“该车使用性质为非营业用车,如从事营运活动时出险,保险人将不承担保险责任。”B A、营业货车 B、非营业货车 C、家用车 D、特种车 7、严禁空白有价单证(含标志)在系统外套打,每发现一次处罚()元。给公司造成经济损失或不良影响的,将进行全市通报,情节严重的,追究营业单位一把手的责任。D A、100 B、200 C、500 D、1000 8、已使用的单证要严格按单证印刷号从小到大,连同业务材料按顺序整理装订,以下装订顺序正确的是( A )

①投保单②保单③投保资料 A、①②③ B、②①③ C、①③② D、③②① 9、因保管不慎,出单员遗失空白单证的应在()小时内登报声明作废,同时每单扣罚()元。D A、12,100 B、24,200 C、36,400 D、48,500 10、下列属于特种车一类的是( C )。 A、起重车 B、消防车 C、液罐车 D、叉车 11、根据2017 年外设出单点管理办法规定,遗失已使用增值税发票记账联的,应及时登报申明,同时每单扣罚()元。B A、100元 B、200元 C、300元 D、400元 12、以下属于机动车特种车二类的是( B )。 A、气罐车 B、冷藏车 C、消防车 D、医疗专用车 13、出单员在建立客户档案时,哪一项资料不能作为个人客户建档的 身份证明。(A、护照 ) D B、港澳台来往内地通行证 C、军官证 D、工作证 14、投保人盖章最正确的是哪一条:(A) A、投保人对投保单及投保清单填写内容核对无误后,须在此处加盖公章,并填写填单日期。 B、投保人对投保单及投保清单填写内容核对无误后,须在此处加盖公司财务章,并填写填单日期。 C、投保人对投保单及投保清单填写内容核对无误后,须在此处加盖公章,无须填写填单日期。


固体废物复习题及参考答案(12题) 一、填空题 1、在固体废物污染环境防治法中,除了对工业固体废物和城市生活垃圾作出防治其污染的规定外,还对进行了特别规定。答:危险废物污染环境防治 2、把具有、、、和的废物作为废物处理处置。 答:爆炸性易燃性放射性毒害性腐蚀性危险 (摘自环保法) 3、判别固体废物是否有害的大致工作程序是:、、、、浸提液中毒性物质含量。答:布点采样制样样品浸提测定 4、固体废物是考虑固体废物在处理处置过程中,由于雨水淋溶对地表径流和地下水影响的毒性指标。 答:浸出毒性 5、固体废物的浸出毒性大小受以下浸出条件的影响:、、、、。 答:浸提剂固液比浸提时间振幅大小浸提温度 6、固体废物腐蚀性的判别方法是:纯水浸出液的。如果 或,应测定。 答:pH值pH<1 pH>12.5 酸碱度 二、判断题(正确的打√,错误的打×) 7、我国固体废物污染环境防治法适用于 (1)工业固体废物() (2)城市生活垃圾() (3)工业固体废物和城市生活垃圾()

答:××√ 三、问答题 8、我国“固体废物污染环境防治法”是哪年哪月公布?哪年哪月起施行。答:1995年10月30日中华人民共和国主席令第58号公布,1996年4月1日起施行。 9、固体废物无机毒性鉴别的制样程序是什么? 答:采集到的试样经干燥后混合均匀,粉碎、缩分、称出须要浸提的试样按规定程序进行浸提试验。 10、固体废物有机毒性鉴别的制样程序是什么? 答:将采集到的试样混匀后,缩分,称出须要浸提的试样按规定程序进行浸提试验。但要注意:(1)不能烘干,也不能自然干燥,要测定原始样品。在称样浸提时另称一份样品,烘干后计算失水量。(2)浸提时浸提瓶中不能有顶上空间。 11、固体废物的腐蚀性鉴别使用哪种浸提剂? 答:(1)0.1mol/L HCl (2)0.1mol/L HNO3 (3)pH5.0±0.2的HAc+NaAc缓冲溶液 (4)纯水 12、在浸提粉煤灰中的Hg时,发现随着浸出时间的增加,浸出量反而减少,试分析其原因。 答:(1)粉煤灰浸出液呈碱性,随着浸出时间的增加,Hg沉淀后与灰渣混合在一起,使浸出液中减少。 (2)浸出时温度过高,导致Hg挥发损失。


四级考前冲刺试题二 Care of Parents Also Means Taking Care of Finances Denise Egebrecht needed a break. It had been three years since her 86-year-old mother, Eleanor Schwartz, moved in with her and her husband in their home in Johnsburg, Ill. Mrs. Schwartz has Alz heimer’s disease (老年痴呆症) and has trouble moving around, so Mrs. Egebrecht helps her mother with her shower each day, makes sure she’s fed and takes her on small excursions (远足) to the mall in a portable wheelchair. The routine includes occasionally reminding her mother of what day it is and where she’s living. Mrs. Egebrecht does all this while also raising her 8-year-old daughter Jaqueline and juggling a full-time job. “My mom took care of me all of my life,” says Mrs. Egebrecht. “Of course I’m going to ta ke care of her now. She’ll live here as long as she’s able.” But money was an issue. For a time, Mrs. Egebrecht was out of work, having lost her job last year. Although her husband was still employed, without her salary she found it increasingly difficult to pay $180 a week for the adult day care center Mrs. Schwartz attends regularly. Then, through the Family Alliance office in her town, Mrs. Egebrecht heard about a $1,000 “respite care (临时看护)” grant sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA). Intended to give primary caregivers the break they so often need, the grant money must be used to pay for temporary substitute care, said Carol Steinberg, executive vice president of the Alzheimer’s Foundation. Mrs. Egebrecht applied for and received the grant, which meant her mother could continue to go to the adult day care center and Mrs. Egebrecht had time to find another job, which she has. Mrs. Egebrecht is one of the growing numbers of Americans facing the financial squeeze that can come from caring for elderly parents. About 30 percent of adult children in the United States contribute financially to their parents’ care, according to the Pew Research Center. On average these children pay $2,400 a year on everything from uncovered medical expenses to making sure the refrigerator is stocked each week. The money often goes to parents who diligently saved all their lives, but in the face of longer life spans and chronic illness, the savings just isn’t enough. With all of the overwhelming emotional an d medical aspects of caring for elderly parents, it’s natural to ignore the consequences of spending large amounts of money on them. But so often adult children end up ignoring their own savings and retirement accounts or, worse, go into debt, because they’re taking care of their parents, says Tim Casserly, a lawyer in Albany who specializes in issues of elderly care. And if you jeopardize (损害) your own finances now, you risk putting your children in the same tough spot down the line. One way out of this bind? Take full advantage of the hundreds of government and nonprofit programs and services geared to the elderly throughout the country. “There’s lots of help out there, but also lots of reasons why families don’t use it,” said Mr. Casserly. Some people may think their parents have too much money to qualify even though many of the programs are available to elderly people with incomes of more than $100,000. Or the parents may be too proud to accept help. What’s more, these services can be difficult and time-consuming to find. And it can be a challenge to deal with the paperwork and red tape, especially when you’re already overwhelmed by the daily demands of taking care of an older parent. To help make the search for help easier, here is expert advice and several resources that will help you find what you need to take care of your aging parents. THE FIRST STEP Have the hard talk. “So often I see clients who are in the middle of this situation but know very little about their parents’ finances,” said Henni F isher, a Brooklyn clinical social worker who specializes in geriatrics (老人病学). Your parents may be unwilling or unable to give details. Or you may be uncomfortable bringing up the subject. “It isn’t easy making the transition from the one being cared for to the one giving the care,” said Ms. Fisher. But you can’t put the conversation off any longer. Reassure your parents that you’re not trying to take control away from them. You’re simply trying to make sure that they have everything they need and that you understand everything they want.

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