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此次英语月考试卷总分共120 分,题目难易结合,其中选择题占70分,书写作文占到50分,基础性知识考的多。由此可以看出学生的基础不够扎实,以后还要加强这方面的训练。























七年级英语下册第一次月考一 .听力理解(20分)

二.单选题(20分)。 ()1. It’ time lunch. A. to B. have C. for D. in ()2. His bike is new. What about ? A. your B. you C. me D. yours ( ) 3. We have English lessons _______ Monday ________ Friday. A.on; to B.at; on C. from; to D. from; on ( ) 4.They often go to the park _____________. A. take a taxi B. by taxi C. take taxi D. by a taxi ( )5.------ Which is your sister? ------ The one _________ white shirt. A. in B. on C. of D. with ()6. — does the math class finish? —A t about 5 o’lock. A. How B. How often C. What time D. Where ()7. — can I keep this book? —F or two weeks. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How many ( )8. I can speak English, but ______________________. A. very much B. a lot C. not much ()9.grade do you teach, Mr.Lee? —Grade Seven. A. How B. Who C. Why D. Which ()10. —What’re you doing ? —I’m my pencil. A. finding B. looking C. reading D. looking for ()11. Let my son ________you, will you? A. to helps B. help C. helps D. helping ()12. My sister takesin the gym every day. A. exercise B. exercises C. Exercise D. an exercise ()13. 1.Jim,don’t talk Bill and listen me,please. A.with;at B.to;with C.to;to D.at;to


高一第一次月考质量分析会发言稿范文 尊敬的各位老师: 大家下午好!在我们大家的共同努力下,我们高一年级度过了紧张而繁忙的开学过渡期,过去的一个多月,各项教育教学工作开展顺利有序,在此,我感谢在座的每位老师,你们辛苦了!这次的会议我想谈两方面的内容,一是月考情况的分析,二是在高一教育教学工作中的几点所感与大家分享。 一、月考分析 1、各科成绩对比,最好与最差的班级相比 文科班:语文相差,数学相差,英语相差,政治相差,历史相差,地理相差,除数学、历史拉的距离较大外,其他各科的成绩都相对均衡; 理科班:语文相差,数学相差,英语相差,物理相差,化学相差,生物相差,除物理、数学、化学的距离较大外,其他各科的成绩也相对均衡。 希相关科目加强集体备课,互通有无,力争在期中考试缩小差距,实现共赢。 2、各班成绩对比, 文科班的前三名分别是1、2、4班,第一名与第六名相差,

理科班的前三名分别是7、8、12班,第一名与第六名相差, 将月考六科成绩与分班成绩对比,差距明显增大,这一结果是多种原因造成的,请相关班任与同办公室老师一起找出问题症结,共商对策,我相信只要我们齐抓共管,从提高学生的认识和加强学风建设,定能有所好转。熟睡的雄师总是能觉醒的,别怕。 3、高一是高考的基础铺垫,没有高一的成功,绝对不会有高三的辉煌。 因此,请注意对前250名学生的培养。将月考与分班对比,1、2、4、7班的进步学生较多,尤其是7班,比分班多出8人,但从拔尖的情况看,即使是理科全级第一名的学生邓嘉明语文、生物都不太好,而文科的第4、5名刘颖琳、王伊琪的地理都有所蹩脚,这需要引起我们关注,并有针对性地强化薄弱科目的帮扶。 4、体艺生的进步是我们级组新的力量增长点,也是班级进步的关键点。 我们今年的体艺生合共有80人,在今次的月考中,最大的亮点是高一1班冯薇(137名)、黄家琳(109名),高一高一11 班冉龙珠(135名),高一6班刘丽敏位列文科级前9名,赖开敏(96名)。对他们的管理和帮助他们学科成绩的提高,非常重要。


郑州一中国际航空港实验学校2019-2020学年下学期第一次月考 一听力20分略 二.单项选择(共15小题,每题1分) 21.---Can Tim play_____chess? —Yes.And he can play_____drums,too. A the the B the / C / the D/ / 22.I always have my sister _____her history A with B of C for D in 23.He can ______. He want to join the art club. A swim B draw C write D sing 24---Can you _____English? ----Yes,I can. A say B speak C talk D tell 25.______look outside, Bruce.Look at the blackboard. A Not B Don’t C Can’t D Doesn’t 26.Nancy can’t come here,because she _____do her homework. A has to B doesn’t have to C can’t D can 27.---_______Does your father go to work? ----He rides his bike. A Where B When C How D Why 28.-----______Is it from your school to the train station? ——Five kilometers. A How’s B How old C How long D How far 29.For some students,it’s difficult ______school. A to get to B get to C to get D get 30.Gina can’t sing _____dance . A or B and C but D because 31.—What can Bob do? —He ______. A can sing and dance B plays volleyball well C likes soccer very much D wants to be in our club 32.Alan always gets up late and then goes to school,so he _____eats breakfast. A always B usually C never D sometimes 33.—What time do you take a walk in the morning? —________. A On weekends B At about 6:30 C With my friends D For an hour 34—_______do you go to school everyday? —I go to school at half past seven. A Where B Who C What D When 35—How long does it take you to go to the bus station? —_________. A About twenty kilometers B I ride my bike C About half an hour by subway D I get there quickly


七年级第一次月考英语试题 一、词语使用(请根据句意和首字母或所给信息将句子补充完整。)共10分,每小题1分。 1. How many __________ (颜色) do you like? 2. Don’t forget your __________ (夹克). 3. Jack is my _________(同班同学). 4. ---W_________ book is this? ---It’s Li Ming’s. 5. Her ____________(女式衬衫)is very nice. 6. I ___________ (真地)like apples. 7.Jim has two ___________ (围巾).They are new. 8. Are you __________(准备好的)for class? 9. These are my shoes. Look! They are _________ (恰恰,差不多) right for me. 10.These women are ____________(漂亮的)in the black and white uniforms. 二、单项选择。共20分,每小题1分。 ( )1. ---Hello! My name is Lucy. ---____! My name is Kate. A Hello B Fine C Goodbye D Thanks ( )2 This is _____ eraser and that is ____ ruler. A a,a B an,an Ca,an D an,a ( )3 The red skirts ____ Betty’s. A be B am C is D are ( )4 ---_______ ---I’m fine,thanks. A How are you? B What’s your name? C Good morning. D See you later. ( )5---I like the dress. --- ______. A Me, too. B I do C I am D I too. ( )6---_______! Where is the school?---Here it is. A Excuse me B Hello C Sorry D Thank you ( )7---Do you have a blue shirt? ---No, I ____. A isn’t B don’t C doesn’t D aren’t ( )8 Let’s go ____ to buy some pencils. A shop Bshops C shopping D shoppings ( )9 ---Is this sweater new?---No. It’s ____. A big B small C old D nice ( )10 Your ____ are over there. A blouse B shoes C skirt D shirt ( )11 He looks nice ____green. A at B in C for D with ( )12 ---What’s that? --- It’s _____ sweater. A she B her C he D me ( )13_____ hats are Lucy’s. A These B This C That D Her ( )14 The ___ are in my bag. A hat B apple C keys D boy ( )15 ____ book is here. _____ can read it. A I, You B MY, Your CMy, you D I, your ( )16 We have ____ in our classroom. A lesson B lessons C class D classes ( )17 You can’t buy all the things ___ your list. A in B on C for D with ( )18 ---Can I help you? --- Yes, I want to buy some things ____ my class. A for B in C to D at ( )19 The boy ___ a good student. ____ name is Wu Bing. A am, He B is, His C are, His D is, He ( )20 ---Green is my favourite colour. _____?


七年级英语下册月考试题Array 一、选择、(20分) 1.Please write ____ me in English. A. to B .at C.about D.in 2.I know English and _____Japanese. A. little B .a little C. few D. a few 3.I like dancing and ____ sports. A.play B.plays C. to play D. playing 4.Is there a bank in the street? A .Yes, it is B. No,there is C .Yes,there is D .No,it is 5. Let me tell you the way ____ my school A. in B. to C. with D. about 6. There ____ a book and two pens on the desk. A. is B. are C. be D. have 7. I don’t have ___ brothers _____ sisters A. any and B. some and C .some or D. any or 8. ____ you are hungry,you can buy some food in the supermarket. A .Because B. So C .If D. But 9. Let's see the tigers,______? A . will you B. shall we C. won't you D. don't you 10.What ____ animals do you like ? A .other B. another C. others D. the other 11.Can you ______ ,please ? A. give me some water B. give some water me C. give some water for me 12. Does she come from Japan or America? A. Yes,she does B . No,she doesn't C. She comes from America D . Japan or America 13. Please _____ it in English. A .say B. speak C .talk D .say to


2017~2018学年度第一学期第一次月考 七年级英语试卷 (全卷满分150分,考试时间105分钟) 一、找出每组划线部分发音不同的单词(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分)( ) 1. A. ice B. listen C. him D. it ( ) 2. A. mum B. music C. but D. cup ( ) 3. A. hot B. over C. not D. long ( ) 4. A. red B. help C. these D. pen ( ) 5. A. cake B. cat C. bad D. map ( ) 6. A. minute B. like C. with D. milk ( ) 7. A. much B. run C. lunch D. supermarket ( ) 8. A. does B. clock C. come D. colour ( ) 9. A. every B. egg C. elephant D. evening ( ) 10. A. man B. apple C. dad D. name 二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分) ( ) 11. Where ______ he ______? A. is, come from B. is, born C. does, comes from D. does, come from ( ) 12. I like reading. I often go to ___________. A. the classroom B. the Reading Club C. the bus D. the teacher’s office ( ) 13. ---- What shall we do this Sunday? ---- What about ________? A. go swimming B. going swimming C. go to swimming D. go to swim ( ) 14. ---- __________? ---- He looks strong. A. How does he look B. What does he like C. What is he D. Where is he from ( ) 15. ---- ______ the boys enjoy _______ the World Cup? ---- Yes, they_______. A. Does, watching, does B. Do, watch, do C. Do, watching, do D. Does, watch, does ( ) 16. Everyone ______ here. Let’s ________. A. are, begin B. are, to begin C. is, to start D. is, start. ( ) 17. I can speak English ________, but my sister isn’t ________ at it. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good ( ) 18. There is ________ water in the sea. A. a lot of B. a lots of C. many D. more ( ) 19. He likes _______ because he is good at _______.


2020年七年级英语下册(units1-3) 月考试题(总分120分) 亲爱的同学们,在这明媚的春日里,我们迎来了新学期的第一次英语测试。我们相信在新的起点上,每个人心中都充满了期盼:期盼着更多的成功,期盼着更多的挑战,也期盼着自己能拿出一份满意的答卷。 听力能力(共20分) 听音辨图 1、 A B C 2 、 A B C 3、 A. B. C. 4、 A. B. C. 5、 A. B. C. 第二节、听对话及问题,根据对话内容,选择恰当的答语。 听下面的对话,回答第6小题 6.Can Tom speak English? A.Yes,he can. B.No,he can’t. C No ,she can’t. 听下面的对话,回答第7小题 7. When is Rose free? A This afternoon B This morning C This evening 听下面的对话,回答第8小题 8. 15 How many children are there? A 215 B 250 C 520 听下面的对话,回答第9小题 9.What does the man think of the book?

A boring B interesting C fun 听下面的对话,回答第10小题 10.Whose ruler is this ? A Peter’s B Jim’s C Tom’s 听下面的对话,回答第11,12小题 11. What’s Mary’s favorite subjet? A Chinese B math C history 12.What club does Jim want to join? A.The art club B.The music club C.The basketball club 听下面的对话,回答第13至15小题 13. How does Peter go to school? A.He takes a bus. B.He rides a bike. C.He walks to school. 14.How long does it take him to go to school? A.Thirty minutes. B.An hour. C.An hour and thirty minutes. 15.How far is it from your home to school? A twenty kilometers B two kilometers C twelve kilometers 第三节、听短文,选择正确答案。 16.The children usually go to school . A.by bus B.by car C.on foot 17.Mrs. Brown has lunch . A.at school B.with Mr. Brown C.at home 18.Mrs. Brown . A.goes to work with her friends every day B.does housework at home C.goes to cook supper for her friends 19.Mr. Brown usually . A.drives to work https://www.doczj.com/doc/2613413915.html,es back home by bus C.has lunch at home 20.The children usually go home . A.by bus B.by car C.on foot 二.完形填空,从A、B、C三个选项中,选出空白处的选项。(每题1分,10分) Frank and Dale _21_ students. They are good _22. They want to join some _23_ . There are _24_ clubs in the school. They are the _25_ club, math club, _26_ club, music club _27_ chess club. Frank wants to join the swimming club. “ I know I _28_swim very well, but I want to join the swimming club. I want _29 how to swim well.” “ _30 club do you want to jo in, Dale?” “Well, I want to join many clubs. I want to join the


高二(x)班质量分析报告 一、班级基本概况: (1) 参考人数:37人 (2) 考试科目:语文、数学、英语、文综(历史、地理、政治) (3) 卷面总分:750分 (4) 考试时间:语文150分钟;数学120分钟;英语120分钟;历史90分钟;地理90 分钟;政治90分钟。 (5)学情分析:本学期开学初,高二年级进行了文理分科,年级共有2个文科班,6班是文科重点班,7班的整体水平相对较低。除了普通学生还有挂读生、音乐生、美术生,所以7班的学生成分相对复杂一些。开学至今,在各位领导和老师的帮助下,家长们的配合下,我一直致力于抓班级的常规管理,效果虽然没有达到预期的良好,但是目前为止也初见成效,许多同学态度有了明显的改善,学习的积极性也有了提高。 在班级的构成上来看,全班共有学生38人,其中男生12人,女生26人,从开学至今,7班总体状况良好,学生也迅速适应了新班级的管理方式,大多数学生以较高的标准来要求自己,同时也有少数学生步伐比较慢,一直找不到状态,例如xx等同学。通过对学生高一的班主任和课任老师的了解,这个班学生成绩差距较大,整体学生基础比较差。但是这个学期以来,包括xx在内的很多学生已经意识到学习的紧迫性,自我要求在逐步提高。但同时也出现一些问题,个别学生退步比较严重,偏科严重,希望各位科任教师严格把好教学关、纪律关,齐心协力,多引导可造生,多关心偏科生。 在思想状态方面,从建班至今,7班整体状态一直在进步,由于个别男生纪律意识薄弱具有反复性,没有从根本上转变自己的思想意识,表现在手机问题上xx严重违反学校的纪律,纪律问题出现极端化,慢性问题主要在部分女生身上,学习目标不明确,例如xxxx等。 本次考试的亮点:第一是总分年级排名前20名1个;前50名13个;第二是这次月考又出现了一些新的可造生,例如xx(数学106分年级第三)、xx(文综成绩202分)xx(主课总分302.5分)等,而xx等同学这次退步较大;在班级前10名中,有几个学生偏科严重,而班级后10名中,部分学生部分科目到了严重警示的地步,特别关注艺考生xxx等,他们在精心培养下能冲击重点,希望各科任老师可以多多关注并给予指导。 二、成绩分析:


2019-2020 年七年级下第一次月考英语试卷及 答案 注意事项: 1.全卷共 12 页,满分 120 分,答题时间为 120 分钟。 2.卷 I 的答案填到卷 II 相应的位置,卷 II 的答案直接写在卷 II 的试卷上。 第I 卷 听力部分( 20 分) 一、听力部分(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 一、听句子,选图片。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听下面五个句子 , 根据你所听到的句子的顺序选择相应的图片,每个句子听两遍, A B C D E

1. _______ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 二、听对话,选答案。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 6. A. At school B. At home C. In the libraries. ( ) 7. A. By radio B. By mail C. By email ( ) 8. A. Because it’s expensive and comfortable(舒适的 ). B. Because it’s cheap and comfortable. C. Because it’s cheap and safe(安全的 ). ( ) 9. A. Yes, he will B. No, he won’t C. Robots will do it ( ) 10. A. Do her homework B. Do the housework C. Go shopping 三、听短文,选信息。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 11. Tom A. can speak English well ( ) 12. His father B. can cook delicious food ( ) 13. His mother C. can play football well ( ) 14. His grandmother D. can sing and dance ( ) 15. His sister E. can play the piano well 四、短文理解。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 16. This is ____ lost and found office. A. a city B. a school C. an airport ( ) 17. Daming lost his ____. A. tapes B. football C. crayons ( ) 18. Tony’s wallet is ____. A. red B. green C. purple ( ) 19. ____ lost her watch. A. Lingling B. Miss Li C. Betty ( ) 20. Maybe the gloves are ____. A. Tony’s B. Miss Li ’s C. Lingling ’s 笔试部分( 100 分)


初一下册英语月考试卷及答案 【导语】下面是为您整理的初一下册英语月考试卷及答案,仅供大家查阅。 笔试部分(80分) 五、辨音题(5分) 21.()A.teach B.teeth C.leave D. live 22.()A.life B.ride C.dress D.outside 23.()A.for B.very C.life https://www.doczj.com/doc/2613413915.html,ugh 24.()A.quilt B.look C.week D.clock 25.()A.wait B.way C.what D.violin 六、单项选择(15分) 26.()—How do you get to school?—I _______ to school. A. on foot B.walk C.take the walk D.foot 27.() What ______ can you play.—Basketball. A.club B.food C.ball D.sports 28.() I like ________ chess after school. A.to play B.playing the C.play D.play the

29.() He is _______ old people. A.good for B.good C.good with D.good at 30.() He can’t play basketball, I can’t play it, ________. A.either B.too C.or D.also 31.() Who _______ healthier? A.be B.does C.is D.are 32.() He swims very _______! A.quickly B.good C.club https://www.doczj.com/doc/2613413915.html,te 33.() Please _______ the singing center! https://www.doczj.com/doc/2613413915.html,ing to https://www.doczj.com/doc/2613413915.html,e to https://www.doczj.com/doc/2613413915.html,ing https://www.doczj.com/doc/2613413915.html,e 34.() We ______ they’er good for___ health. A.knows\us B.know\us C.know\our D.knows\our 35.() _______ do you think of the schoolbag? A.What B.How C.Who D.Why 36.() I can_____ you stories. A.tell B.talk C.speak D.say 37.() Please _____ to Mr. Liu after school. A.tell B.talk C.speak D.say


高一第一次月考总结与反思 导读:高一第一次月考总结与反思【1】 高一本次月考的考查范围是必修一第一专题和第二专题的知识,也涉及到第三专题的一些知识。对于这次月考,我感慨颇多。现把本次月考情况分析如下: 一、成绩方面: 我教的三个班中,学生成绩从62分到111分不等。二班考得较好,及格率在四个重点班中名列第一,平均分也超过四个重点班平均分0.61分;四班成绩和二班相比稍差,这大概和班级调整有关,班内进了十名学生,老师和同学一时还不能适应;一班成绩最不理想,相当一部分学生考试不及格。 二、存在问题: 从这次月考中,我发现学生中存在的问题很多,有些学生选择题失分较多;有些学生不会做笔答题,特别是不会运用文学术语;有些学生作文字数不够;有些学生上课不会听课,不会做笔记,卷面不整洁等等。 三、具体应对措施: 面对这种种问题,我该如何去应对?我知道养成良好的学习习惯绝非一日之功,首先还是要从思想入手,解决思想问题,让他们对语文足够重视。只有重视了语文学科学习,才能投入课堂听课,才能主动学习。目前学生还是缺乏这种劲头。

基于这种现象,在未来的教学中,我要及时对学生的学习进行辅导,通过考查了解学生的学习情况,及时调整授课进度。课堂内巧妙引入能激发学生学习兴趣的内容,有效利用时间。还要多做个别学生的思想工作,避免因为这考试的失利而失去学习兴趣! 下一步用什么方法让学生学习语文,而且使他们愿学语文?我想采用鼓励法:当看到学生有点进步时,我大加表扬;当看到学生生字、生词和诗文记得好时,我在全班鼓励;当发现学生能够齐答问题时,我也要大加赞扬…… 我以后尽量用课件上课,在每一个幻灯片上尽量多打内容,将课讲细讲透,减少写粉笔字的时间消耗,多增加课堂练习。语文成绩的提高关键靠平时的积累。对此,我有一些想法: 1、一定要让学生动手写,尤其是重点与难点。通过这种形式把应掌握的知识梳理一遍,同时也达到了记忆的目的。 2、重视教学反馈,及时了解学生对课堂教学内容的掌握情况,以及作业完成情况。 3、鼓励他们拓展积累课外知识,提高阅读分析能力和写作能力,以适应当今高考。 我要用老师的“勤”来弥补学生的“惰”,对他们多督促。我相信只要努力,学生的成绩一定会提高! 高一第一次月考总结与反思【2】 紧张有序的高一月考已经结束,学生成绩也已揭晓,根据我们3


基础义务教育资料欢迎使用本资料,祝您身体健康、万事如意,阖家欢乐!愿同学们健康快乐的成长。早日为祖国的繁荣昌盛奉献自己的力量。 初一英语第一次月考试题 一、听力(20分) A. 根据所听的内容,选择正确图片,每段对话读两遍。 3.What’s this ?欢迎使用本资料,祝您身体健康、万事如意,阖家欢乐。愿同学们健康快乐的成长。早日为祖国的繁荣昌盛奉献自己的力量 A. B. C. 欢迎使用本资料,祝您身体健康、万事如意,阖家欢乐。愿同学们健康快乐的成长。早日为祖国的繁荣昌盛奉献自己的力量 1. What is Jim’s uncle?欢迎使用本资料,祝您身体健康、万事如意,阖家欢乐。愿同学们健康快乐的成长。早日为祖国的繁荣昌盛奉献自己的力量 A. B. C. 欢迎使用本资料,祝您身体健康、万事如意,阖家欢乐。愿同学们健康快乐的成长。早日为祖国的繁荣昌盛奉献自己的力量 2. What are the boys doing? A. B. C. 4.. Amy, what’s in the picture? A. B. C.

B. 根据所听的内容,选择正确答案。 5. Is Millie swimming? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know. 6. What’s her telephone number? A.84351978 B. 84561968 C. 83561958 7. What colour is Lily’s blouse? A. White. B. Red. C. Black. 8. How many students are there in Class One? A. 35. B. 43. C. 42. 9. Who has a yellow ruler? A. Tom. B. Mike. C. David. 10. What class is Li Lei in? A. Class 3. B. Class 4. C. Class 5. C. 听对话和短文,选择正确答案. 听两遍。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. What color is the kite? A. It’s in the picture. B. It’s Nick’s. C. It’s yellow. 12. What does Nick often do at the weekend? A. He does his homework. B. He flies a kite. C. He cleans the wall. 听第一篇短文,回答13-15题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Miss Wu Job 13 Way to go home She goes home 14 Hobby She likes 15 13. A. A teacher B. A policeman C. A doctor 14. A. in her car B. by bus C. on foot 15. A. dancing B. cooking C. singing 听第二篇短文,选择正确答案,共听两遍。 16. What are they good at ? A. English B. Math C. Chinese 17. What do they like to do in their holiday ? A. Play ping-pong and run. B. Swim and ride bikes.


七年级英语下册第一次月考测试题 I、词汇题。 英汉互译。(10分) 1.来自 2.图书馆 3.向左转 4.在...的对面 5.大象 6.医院 7.newspaper 8.write to sb. 9.go through 10.work hard 按要求写出下列单词。(10) 1.leaf(复数) 2.meat(同音词) 3.relax(单三形式) 4.beautiful(反义词) 5.danger(形容词) 6.child(复数) 7.clean(反义词) 8.French(国名) 9. Englishmen(单数) 10.friend(形容词) II、单项选择。(20分) ( ) 1. Where Lily and Lucy from? A. is B. are C. come D. comes ( ) 2. He English and French. A. speaks B. tell C. says D. talks ( ) 3. –do you live ? --I live in Beijing.. A. What B. How C. Where D. Why ( ) 4. –What language does he speak? -- . A. Australian B. France C. Japanese D. China ( ) 5. , where’s the park? A. Hi B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Excuse ( ) 6. Go down this street and . You can see the post office. A. turn the left B. turn to left C. turn a right D. turn right ( ) 7. There many students in the library after school every day. A. has B. have C. is D. are ( ) 8. Xi’an is old city; we want to travel there. A. an B. a C. the D. / ( ) 9. It’s a small house a small garden. A. has B. to C. with D. have ( ) 10. Why do you want to Beijing this year? A. go B. going C. to go D. goes ( )11. We know dogs are very animals. Many people like them. A. friends B. friendly C. ugly D. shy ( )12. What subjects does Jim like? A. other B. others C. the other D. the others ( )13. Does Tom sit Ann’s right? A. in B. on C. at D. under ( )14. I read English . A. every day , everyday B. everyday , every day C. every day , every day D. everyday , everyday ( )15. --Aren’t the koalas cute? --Yes, . A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of D. all kind of ( )16. She wants a shop assistant. A. am B. is C. be D. to be ( )17. I a white uniform every day. A. wear B. put on C. wearing D. puts on ( )18. A reporter likes to people and them questions. A. talks , asks B. talk , ask C. talking , asking D. to talk , asking ( )19. At the of the garden tour, you can go Green Street. A. begin, across B. begins, through C. beginning, down D. begining, down ( )20. My brother usually works night and sleeps the day. A. in, in B. at, in C. at, at D. in, at III、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 21. My new pen pal (live) in Toronto. 22. The policeman catches many (thief) every week. 23. The bank is on the (two) Avenue. 24. My grandpa enjoys (read) newspaper after breakfast.

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