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Unit 4


The Suburban Century


The United States is a nation of suburbs. The 1990 census makes it official. Nearly half the 美国是一个年轻的国家的郊区。一九九○年的人口普查使它的官员。近一半的

country 's population now lives in suburbs, up from a quarter in 1950 and a third in 1960.


The third century of American history is shaping up as the suburban century. Until 1920 most 第三世纪的美国历史是塑造成郊区的世纪。直到1920年最

Americans lived in rural areas. By 1960 the country was a third urban, a third rural, and a


third suburban. That balance didn't last long, however. By 1990 the urban population had


slipped to 31 percent and the rural population was down to less than a quarter. We are now a 滑落至31%和农村人口是到不到一刻钟。目前我们为

suburban nation with an urban fringe and a rural fringe.


The first century of American life was dominated by the rural myth: the sturdy and self-


reliant Jeffersonian farmer. By the end of the nineteenth century, however, Americans were 支持杰斐逊来农民。到19世纪末,,然而,美国人

getting off the farms as fast as they could, to escape the hardship and brutality of rural




Most of the twentieth century has been dominated by the urban myth: the melting pot; New 大部分的20世纪占主导地位的城市神话:熔炉;新

York, New York; the cities as the nation 's great engines of prosperity and culture. All the


while, however, Americans have been getting out of the cities as soon as they can afford to 同时,然而,美国人已经逐渐从城市中只要能承受

buy a house and a car. They want to escape the crowding and dangers of urban life. But there 买一套房子和一辆车。他们想逃离拥挤的城市生活和危险。但是

is more to it than escape. As Kenneth T. Jackson argues in Crabgrass Frontier, a history of


suburbanization in the United States, the pull factors (cheap housing and the ideal of a


suburban "dream house") have been as important as the push factors (population growth and “梦想家郊区已经作为重要的推动因素(人口增长

racial prejudice).


The 1990 Census tells the story of the explosive growth of suburbs. That year fourteen


states had a majority suburban population, including six of the ten most populous states


(California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Florida, and New Jersey).


Suburban growth is not likely to end anytime soon. According to the polls, 43 percent of


Boston residents, 48 percent of people who live in Los Angeles, and 60 percent of those who 波士顿居民的调查显示,48%的人住在洛杉矶,和60%的那些

live in New York City say they would leave the city if they could. When the Gallup Poll


asked Americans in 1989 what kind of place they would like to live in, only 19 percent said 1989年,希望美国人民什么样的位置,他们希望能够安居乐业,只有19%的人说

a city.


Is there a suburban myth? Sure there is. It has been a staple of American popular culture


since the 1950s, from television shows like The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet and Leave It 20世纪50年代以来,从电视节目诸如《奥齐和哈里特和离开它

to Beaver to movies like E.T. The debunking of the suburban myth has now reached American 海狸电影像E.T.的疗程的郊区神话已经达到了美国人

popular culture, where television comedies about lower middle-class families like Roseanne 流行文化,在电视喜剧关于降低中产阶级家庭娜喜欢

and the Simpsons portray the harsh realities of suburban life—unemployment, troubled


families, and, above all, stress.


Adapting to the New World


Originally, I was born in South Korea and lived there all my life until I married and moved


to America. While living in America for five years now, I have tried to adapt to the rapid 到美国。而在美国生活五年了,我已经尽力去适应迅速

pace of change in my life. Although I felt worried at first, I doubted that I would find


many differences between our two countries. After all, we are much alike even though we 我们两国之间有许多不同之处。毕竟,我们很相似,即使我们

speak different languages, and have different traditions and cultures. People in both


countries wear blue jeans, love children, and seek freedom. Despite these similarities, I 国家穿著牛仔裤,爱孩子,并寻求自由。尽管有这些相似之处,

found it difficult to adjust, for so much was alien to me.


Most difficult for me was learning a new language. I discovered that American English


combines the influence of many other languages, mostly European but many of them global. The 结合其他各种语言的影响,大部分是欧洲但其中很多是全球性的问题。这

language is basically English, of course, for the English, who came over on the Mayflower,


settled here early, and in the largest numbers. On the other hand, the Korean language was


heavily influenced by Chinese until about 400 years ago. For Korean learners of English, the


different uses of noun and verb are hard to grasp, at first. For example, an English speaker


would ask a question by reversing the noun and verb, and often separating the verb, as in


"Where are you going?" However, in Korean, one would ask, "You go where?" Learning a new “你到哪儿去?”然而,在韩国,人会问,“你去哪里?”学习一种新

language was hard for me, but an essential part of beginning life in this wondrous land.


Next, I needed to adjust to American food, which is relatively mild, with the exception of


Cajun dishes. Generally, Korean food is very spicy, like Kimchi, which covers many types of 卡津菜。一般来说,韩国菜都很辣,像泡菜,内容涵盖许多类型的

pickled cabbage and other vegetables; Koreans cannot live without it, and often make their


own from old family recipes. In addition, Koreans enjoy low fat, mostly vegetarian diets.


The American diet, on the other hand, consists of high-fat, very salty items, like the fast


food and instant TV dinners which are so popular. These foods may account for the high rates 食物和即时电视速食餐都十分受欢迎。这些食物可能占了较高的利率

of heart attacks and strokes, cholesterol-clogged veins, and fatness among Americans.


Finally, Koreans and Americans treat marriage very differently. Even though we have entered 最后,而韩国人和美国人对婚姻很不同。虽然我们进入的

the twenty-first century, many Korean marriages are arranged by matchmakers hired by


parents. Or, parents of marriageable children will get together and arrange their marriages.


Of course, some marriages come about through dating just as in America—young people meet, 当然,某些婚姻发生的通过约会就像在America-young人的满足,

fall in love, and decide to marry. Yet, despite or because of arranged marriages, the Korean


divorce rate is very low compared with American divorces. This may be due largely to the


strong family bonds in Korea.


On the other hand, young people in America are allowed the greatest freedom in choosing


their partners; they base marriages almost entirely on love, never through matchmakers. And


a very strong trend, nowadays, is for two persons to live together for a while before


getting married, though many never formally marry.


Despite these differences between our cultures, I 've realized that Koreans and Americans


have much in common. We tend to seek freedom, share the same excitement at a new birth, and 有许多共同之处。我们倾向于追求自由,分享相同的而感到非常兴奋,新生

want to make good friends. Also, we place a high value on hard work, often spending long 想让好朋友。同时,我们很看重艰难的作品,往往花长

hours at our own businesses in order to send our children to good colleges; we want to give 时间自己的公司为了将自己的孩子送去不错的大学;我们想给你们

them opportunities earlier generations could only dream of. If we can learn to accept


cultural differences as unique values, the world may be more peaceful. We need to put aside 文化差异为独特的价值,世界可能更和平的。我们需要放在一边

our often unfounded attitudes of superiority and prejudice against other cultures.


The Jeaning of America and the World


This is the story of a sturdy American symbol which has now spread throughout most of the 这是一个坚实的美国象征,现在已传播在绝大部分

world. The symbol is not the dollar. It is not even Coca-Cola. It is a simple pair of pants


called blue jeans, and what the pants symbolize is what Alexis de Tocqueville called "a


manly and legitimate passion for equality ... " Blue jeans are favored equally by


bureaucrats and cowboys; bankers and deadbeats; fashion designers and beer drinkers. They 官僚和牛仔,银行家和胁迫欠税者、时尚设计师和啤酒饮用者。他们

draw no distinctions and recognize no classes; they are merely American. Yet they are sought


after almost everywhere in the world. They have been around for a long time, and it seems


likely that they will outlive even the necktie.


This ubiquitous American symbol was the invention of a Bavarian-born Jew. His name was Levi 这无所不在的美国符号是发明出一种Bavarian-born犹太人。他的名字是利未



He was born in Bad Ocheim, Germany, in 1829, and during the European political disorder of 他出生在坏Ocheim、德国、在1829年时,在欧洲的政治混乱

1848 decided to take his chances in New York, to which his two brothers already had


emigrated. For two years he was a lowly peddler, hauling sundries door-to-door to eke out a 移居别处。为两年,他就杂物,托运的低级小贩们挨家挨户上门推销

hand-to-mouth living. When a married sister in San Francisco offered to pay his way West in 只能现挣现吃的生活。当一个结婚的姐姐(妹妹)在旧金山愿意付他奔赴西部吗

1850, he jumped at the opportunity, taking with him bolts of canvas he hoped to sell for 1850年,他毫不迟疑地答应了,带著螺栓的帆布他希望卖

making tents.


It was the wrong kind of canvas for that purpose, but while talking with a miner, he learned 是错误的类油画为此,但你正和一名矿工之中,他就学会了

that pants—sturdy pants that would stand up to the rigors of the diggings—were almost pants-sturdy裤,会站起来的苛刻diggings-were差不多

impossible to find. Opportunity beckoned. On the spot, Strauss measured the man 's waist and 不可能找到了。机会示意。史特劳斯实地测量那个人的s腰

inseam with a piece of string and, for six dollars in gold dust, had the canvas tailored inseam用一根细绳,6美元的金砂,有了帆布剪裁

into a pair of stiff but rugged pants. The miner was delighted with the result, word got


around about "those pants of Levi 's," and Strauss was in business. The company has been in 大约有“利未的裤子的s,”和史特劳斯在业务。公司一直

business ever since.


When Strauss ran out of canvas, he wrote his two brothers to send more. He received instead 当史特劳斯跑出画布上,他写下他的两个兄弟派遣更多的。他收到相反

a rough, brown cotton cloth made in Nimes, France—called serge de Nimes and swiftly


shortened to "denim" (the word "jeans" derives from G ê nes, the French word for Genoa,


where a similar cloth was produced). Almost from the first, Strauss had his cloth dyed the


distinctive indigo that gave blue jeans their name, but it was not until the 1870s that he


added the copper rivets which have long since become a company trademark.


Over the following years the company prospered locally and by the time of his death in 1902, 在接下来的公司多年来发展当地及逝世1902年,

Strauss had become a man of prominence in California. For three decades thereafter the 史特劳斯长大中显著的加利福尼亚。此后,三十年

business remained profitable though small. From a company with fifteen salespeople, two 业务仍然有利可图的虽然小。从一家以15销售人员,两个

plants, and almost no business east of the Mississippi in 1946, the organization grew in


thirty years to include a sales force of more than twenty-two thousand, with fifty plants 30年销售人员包括了超过22万,五十植物

and offices in thirty-five countries. Each year, more than 250,000,000 items of Levi 's


clothing are sold—including more than 83,000,000 pairs of riveted blue jeans. They have


become, through marketing, word of mouth, and demonstrable reliability, the common pants of 成,通过市场营销、口碑及非凡的可靠性、普通的裤子

America. They can be purchased pre-washed, pre-faded, and pre-shrunk for the suitably


proletarian look.


The pants have become a tradition, and along the way have acquired a history of their own.


There was, for example, the Wyoming man who used his jeans as a tow-rope to haul his car out 有,例如,怀俄明的人,用他的牛仔裤作为一个tow-rope把他的车


大学英语四级答题技巧汇总 快速阅读技巧(第一篇) 15分钟做完,先看小标题(先只看2-3个,多了也记不住),再通过1-7小题的题干的名词、动词找出原句来做, 特别注意: 做题顺序,先看文章标题,直到文章主要内容,然后看第一小题,在小题部分的定位词先圈出来,再回原文找。找到第一小题后,再看第二小题。看一个题,做一个;不要把文章看完再做题,或题看完再读文章。 特别注意:比较容易定位的词是: A.不能用中心思想词定位,因为整篇文章都说的是它。 B.时间、数字、地点、大写字母的单词容易定位。 C.比较长,难的名词容易定位,好找。 D.定位词找2-3个就行,多了也记不住。最好是位置不同的两个词。 一般判断N和NG的标准如下: NO题: (l)信息与原文相反(2)将原文信息张冠李戴 (3)将原文中不确定的或未经证实的内容作为正确的或客观的来表述 (4)改变原文的条件、范围、频率、可能性等 NG题: (l)无中生有(2)以个别代替整体,即将原文所举例子的特殊现象推广为普遍现象 (3)随意比较原文中提到的两个事物(4)将原文具体化,即题目中涉及的范围小于原文涉及的范围 (5)原文中作者或某个人物的目标、目的、愿望、誓言等内容,在题目中作为客观事实陈述 快速阅读技巧(第二篇) 解决办法:掌握正确的阅读方法 考生平时阅读一般会采取两种阅读方法。一种是先看文章后看问题;另一种是先看问题,带着问题读文章。那么究竟哪一种方法比较好呢?笔者认为还是先看问题后读文章比较好。原因在于,先看问题,你可以熟悉出题人的出题角度。并且有题干,你可以划出题干的关键词,先看问题后刊文章的好处就在于,可以通过问题先把上述“核心词”在原文中划出,然后再读文章的过程中,一旦独到,注意历史高度集中的,这样有助于提高做题的准确性。由此得出正确的阅读方法就是“五步阅读法”: 第一步,扫描题干抓关键。 即首先看选项,划出题干中的的关键词。题干关键词包括:数字、人名地名、专有名词、引号里的词语等等。 第二步,快速浏览全文,把握文章主旨大意标重点。 即快速浏览文章。在快速浏览文章的时候,不需要每一个单词和句子都读得懂,没有时间也没有这个必要。在第二步的过程中,考生们所要做的就是首先弄清楚这篇文章的中心思想是什么;其次,用笔在试卷上面标记出考试要考的重点。那么很多考生就会问,如何把握文章的主旨大意,如何标记文章的重点呢? 首先,把握文章的主旨大意。 要解决这个问题,需要分两步走。第一步,仔细阅读文章的首末段的首末句。因为英语文章段落结构上面我已经讲过。此外,西方人说话向来喜欢开门见山。所以英语文章段落70%都是一上来交待作者的写作目的或意图。第二步,要仔细阅读其他个段落的首句。然后把这两步综合起来,英语文章的主旨大意就可以把握住。其次,如何标注文章的重点。 英语文章的重点主要有以下几点:


Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investigate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomena 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1. 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 2. 1)principal 2)principal 3)principle 4)principles 5)principal III 1.themselves 2.himself/herself 3.herself/by herself/on her own 4.itself 5.ourselves 6.yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercises I.cloze 1. (1)contrast (2)exaggerating (3)priority (4)on the other hand (5)promoting


新视野大学英语快速阅读第三册答案全 Unit1 Passage1 1—5 DCDCD 6—8 AAB Passage2 1 smart enough 2 enters the house 3 only one act 4 properly trained 5 race horses 6 500 to 600 7 because used to each other 8 family or food Passage3 1—5 ADDAD 6—7 AC 8 talking 9 direct commands 10 cultural,not personal Passage4 1—5 Y Y N NG N 6—7 N Y

8 the individual 9 responsible behavior 10 written budget Unit2 Passage1 1—5 Y Y N Y N 6—8 N NG Y Passage2 1 the use of drugs 2 dull and hopeless 3 more and more drugs 4 LSD 5 really able to do 6 long jail sentences 7 dangerous situations 8 full of tension Passage3 1—5 ACBDC 6—7 DA 8 skills courses 9 certificates 10 world communication Passage4 1—5 NG Y N Y Y

6—7 Y N 8 it is easier 9 confront different challenges 10 allowing everything Unit3 Passage1 1—5 BCBAC 6—8 CAC Passage2 1 900 miles 2 weeks of time 3 the kind of boats 4 getting into the mud 5 different levels of water 6 man-made lakes 7 the force of the water 8 the photographys taken from spaceships Passage3 1—5 DBCAB 6—7 AD 8 the chain store 9 th e firm’s expenses Passage4 1—5 N NG N Y N


2017年大学英语四级快速阅读技巧 2017年大学英语四级的3个试题特点 大学英语四级的试题特点1. 题干中的细节信息往往反映文章的主旨和段落主题。通过快速地阅读题干中的若干细节信息,考生可以迅速了解原文的主旨大意。 大学英语四级的试题特点2. 题干提供的细节信息中往往暗含一些说明文或议论文所必需的逻辑关系,考生可以利用这种关系预先对一些表达进行排序,这对于解答信息匹配题有着非常重要的意义。 大学英语四级的试题特点3. 提干提供的信息表达中通常包括如下三类:能够指示开头段的词,如overview, introduction, initiation, main idea, definition 等;能够指示结尾段的词,如future, solution, conclusion, suggestion, summary 等;能够帮助考生回原文定位的特殊词,如rate, ration, proportion, percentage, number, figure, statistical demographics 等。 4.有些试题题干中的细节信息往往会和原文的其他某一题目联系密切,考生可通过先解答原文的其他题目来获得解答题目的线索和提示性信息。 2017年英语四级快速阅读的6个解题技巧 快速阅读的解题技巧(1) 判定词性时可以重点分析动词的时态,即哪几个是一般时,哪几个是过去时又或者是过去分词。 因为根据样题,它对考生不做选项改写要求,所以我们可以根据上下文时态对应的原则,给自己进一步缩小选择范围。

如果选项中出现指代词时,往往该选项不能放在首句,要注意指代成立的条件。 快速阅读的解题技巧(3) 如果选项中出现一组反义词时,往往有一个是干扰选项,它注重考察的是对于文章框架结构的理解,要求考生理解整篇文章的语境色彩。 快速阅读的解题技巧(4) 如果选项中出现一组近义词时,往往也有一个是干扰选项,它注重考察的是词汇的精确理解,要求考生分析清楚其细微的区别。 快速阅读的解题技巧(5) 如果选项为连词时,要关注上下句内在的逻辑关系。常见的逻辑关系有:因果,并列平行,递进,强对比,前后意思一致等。 快速阅读的解题技巧(6) 要有总体观,不必按顺序作题。先把自己最有把握的词选出,然后删除该选项,为吃不准的选项缩小选择范围。 2017年快速判定英语四级文章主题3个技巧 快速判定主题的技巧(1) 读文章时重点关注文章的首段和首末句。按照西方人习惯性的思维方式和写作习惯,他们惯用的是演绎法:即文章一开始先扔出自己的核心观点,然后具体一步步论证。 根据统计,每一段的第一句、第二句和最后一句话为本段的主题句的概率分别为50%、20%、20%,三句话成为主题句的概率超过九成,当然也就成为我们阅读的重中之重。



Unit 1 > alliance n.联盟 > campaign n.战役,运动> conquest n.战胜,征服> crucial adj.重要的 > decisive adj.决定性的> declaration n.公告 > efficient adj.有效率的> engage v.吸引 > heroic adj.英勇的 > instruct v.指导,命令> invasion n.入侵 > launch v.发动 > limp v.一瘸一拐地走 > minus v.减 > occupation n.职业,占有> offensive adj.冒犯的 > raw adj.阴冷的 > reckon v.计算,认为 > region n.地区 > render v.使成为 > resistance n.抵抗

> catch sb. off guard 趁某人不备> drag on 拖延 > be engaged in (doing) sth. 参加> in the case of 在…的情况下 > press on/ahead 继续进行 > reckon with 处理 > stand/get/be in the way 妨碍 > take a gamble 冒险,从事 > take its/a toll 造成损失 > thanks to 幸亏 > turn the tide 局势扭转 > call off 取消 > due to 由于 > hold out 提供 > in case 万一 > on the eve of 在…前夕 > pay off 取得好结果 > pin down 把…困住 > prior to 在…之前 Unit 2 > alert v.使警觉 > apart adj.分离的


Unit 1 Johnny the Explorer 约翰尼探险家 Johnny was three when he ran away from home for the first time. Somebody left the garden gate open. Johnny wandered out, crossed some fields, and two hours later, arrived in the next village. He was just able to give his name and address. 当约翰尼第一次离家出走时,他只有 3岁。有些人的花园门口敞开着。约翰尼越过这些地段就漫步出去了,接着 2个小时后,他到了下一个村子。他只能说出他的名字和地址。 By the time he was seven, Johnny used to vanish from home two to three times a year. Sometimes he covered quite long distances on foot. On other occasions he got on a bus or even a train, and simply sat there until someone asked for his ticket. Generally the police brought him home. "Why do you do it?" they used to ask. "You aren't unhappy at home, are you? .... " "Of course not," Johnny replied. "Then why?" "I just like seeing places," Johnny told them. 等到他 7岁的以后,约翰尼经常离家出走,一年内有两到三次。有时他步行到很远的地方。其他时候,他通常坐公共汽车或甚至坐火车外出,并朴素地坐在里面直到有人来买票。通常警察来带他回家。“为什么你要离家出走?” 警察们问他,“你在家里是幸福的,不是吗? .... ”“当然不是不幸福,”约翰尼回答道。“那是为什么呢?”“我只是喜欢外出探险, ”约翰尼告诉他们。 Johnny continued to "see places" although everyone tried to stop him. His parents used to watch him closely, and so did his teachers; but sooner or later Johnny managed to slip away. As he grew older, his favorite trick was to hide on a long distance truck. Sometimes he used to travel hundreds of miles before anyone discovered him.


大学英语四级快速阅读技巧 15分钟做完,先看小标题(现只看2-3个,多了也记不住),再通过1-7 小题的题干的名词、动词找出原句来做, 特别注意: 做题顺序,先看文章标题,直到文章主要内容,然后看第一小题,在小题部分的定位词先圈出来,在回原文找。找到第一小题后,再看第二小题。看一个题,作一个;不要把文章看完再做题,或题看完再读文章。 特别注意:比较容易定位的词是: A. 不能用中心思想词定位,因为整篇文章都说的是它。 B. 时间、数字、地点、大写字母的单词容易定位。 C. 比较长,难的名词容易定位,好找。 D. 定位词找2-3个就行,多了也记不住。最好是位置不同的两个词。 一般判断N0和NG的标准如下: NO题: (l)信息与原文相反 (2)将原文信息张冠李戴 (3)将原文中不确定的或未经证实的内容作为正确的或客观的来表述 (4)改变原文的条件、范围、频率、可能性等 NG题: (l)无中生有 (2)以个别代替整体,即将原文所举例子的特殊现象推广为普遍现象 (3)随意比较原文中提到的两个事物 (4)将原文具体化,即题目中涉及的范围小于原文涉及的范围 (5)原文中作者或某个人物的目标、目的、愿望、誓言等内容,在题目中作为客观事实陈述 Promote Learning and Skills for Young People and Adults This goal places the emphasis on the learning needs of young people and adults in the context of lifelong learning. It calls for fair access to learning programs that are appropriate, and mentions life skills particularly.


首先我做题的顺序是: 1.听力 2.作文 3.选词填空 4.翻译 5.阅读理解(为什么这个要比6先做呢,因为这个题的分数比较高,而且多花点时间的正确率要高点,所以这个题先多花点时间来提高分数,对于6再用技巧快速解决,实在没有时间了还可以乱选) 6.段落大意选择 我先说一下总的方案。我重点强调一下,对于每套真题,不管什么题型,做完了都要把不认识的单词查出来写在卷子上,没事的时候就要去记忆,有很多次是反复出现的。技巧不是有了就能过四级的,还要靠你的一些努力。后面我会说给大家列举些词汇,还有我后面让你们记下来的词,不是记下来就好了,是要记忆的。 所谓技巧嘛,就是尽力让你花最少的功夫过四级! 1、听力 (1)使用具有增加信息接受方注意力功能的词汇,例如most, only, just, particularly, really, new, free, famous, strange , unusual, surprise, shocked, always , each, ever, every, little, few, any, nothing, full of, complete, throughout, all, almost, nearly, total, i mportant, must, stress, note, notice, range, insist, add , laugh, desperation, horror, fear, disaster, ke y, minimum等等; (2)使用特殊结构及句式,例如比较级、最高级、as…as结构、not so…as结构、different from、similar to、强调结构、否定结构、感叹句、if丛句、完成进行时态、as…as possible、make it clear that、you can imagine that、don’t forget that等结构; (3)含有数字、时间及相关词汇的句子,例如first(start, pioneer), second, millions of, figure, many,one day, years ago, today等等; (4)重复和自问自答; (5)引用:语气语调一般会有明显的变化。 因果原则: 含有表示因果关系的词汇的句子,命题的可能性很大,这些词汇包括because, why, reason, so, as a result, as a sign of, thanks to, therefore, due to等等。 转折原则: 含有表示转折关系的词汇的句子,命题的可能性很大,这些词汇包括but, however, whereas, otherwise, unfortunately, yet等等。 前8个题一般听到什么就不要去选他,这个8个题要靠推测,这8个题你用几天练习一下,很简单,应该就会对个5、6个。 把握关键词和关键句。在听录音的过程中,考生要注意把握一些关键词和关键句。首先要注意听表示转折关系的词汇,例如but、however、unfortunately、unexpectedly、to tell the truth 等。其次也要注意听关键句。在对话题中,往往会有一些表示建议或劝告的句子,例如“Why…?”“Why…not…?”“Why don’t you/we…?”“It would be better to do...”“Wouldn’t it be better to do…?”很多答案都是在这些词出现的


Unit 1 > allia nee n.联盟 > eampaig n n.战役,运动 > eonquest n .战胜,征服 > erueial adj .重要的 > deeisive adj .决定性的 > deelarati on n.公告 > effieient a dj .有效率的 > engage v.吸弓丨 > heroic adj.英勇的 > in struct v.指导,命令 > inv asi on n.入侵 > launch v.发动 > limp v.—瘸一拐地走 > mi nus v.减 > occupati on n.职业,占有 > offen sive adj.冒犯的 > raw adj. 阴冷的 > reckon v.计算,认为 > region n.地区 > ren der v.使成为> resista nee n.抵抗

> siege v.围攻 > stroke n.打击 > toll v.征收 > underestimate v.低估 > weake n v.使虚弱 > aboard adv.在船/飞机上 > ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的 > boast v.吹嘘 > can cel v.取消 > concern v.关心 > con test v.争辩 > objective adj.客观的 > obstacle n .障碍,干扰 > respon sible adj.负责的 > secure adj.安全的 > stiff adj.呆板;坚硬的 > withsta nd v.抵抗 > at the cost of 以…为代价> befaced of 面对 > be/get bogged down 陷入困境> bide one'stime 等待时机


Unit 6 第六单元 Karoshi 过劳死 You might be of the opinion that a little hard work never hurt anyone, but this old saying 你可能会认为有点努力工作不会伤害任何人,但这个老说 is wearing thin. Tokyo interiors fitter Nobuo Miuro, quite literally, died in his work boots 穿着瘦。东京的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感钳工Nobuo Miuro照字面上,死于他的工作的靴子 in the middle of a 17-hour shift: a Japanese doctor returned a verdict of death by overwork. 这场当中的改变:日本医生裁定死于加班。 It's a phenomenon that has become so common in Japan (where a typical office worker can 那是一种现象,已经非常普遍在日本(在一个典型的办公室工人可以 leave home at 7am, only getting back after 11pm) that they even have their own word for it: 早上7点离开家,只在晚上11点后打回到,他们甚至还有自己的的话:

"karoshi". “过劳死”。 Karoshi has yet to make it as a buzzword in current British usage, but that's not to say 还没有过劳死,在当前的热门话题,而英国的用法,但这并不是说 that long hours and work-related stress aren't taking their toll on us here. Self-reported 那么长时间和工作压力不重要,我们这里的代价。自报的 health problems in the past 12 months by people in the UK working 48 hours or more have 健康问题,在过去的12个月,英国人在48小时内工作 included mental exhaustion (54 %), difficulty sleeping (43 %) and range from chronic 包括精神的疲惫(5400 %),入睡困难(43 %)年龄从慢性 headaches and irritable bowel trouble to ulcers and drug or alcohol problems. 头痛和肠易激麻烦去溃疡和吸毒或喝酒的问题。


大学英语四级考试中快速阅读的答题技巧 一:测试目的 快速阅读,顾名思义,它的目的在于测试考生单位时间当中的阅读量,其实四级对速度的考查是近几 年一直延续的一种结果。在2002年的时候,我们四级阅读平均每一篇文章阅读量是284个单词,2003年6月,每篇文章阅读量是300个单词。2005年一月份和六月份,平均阅读量是320到333个单词。这说明 一点,四级考试委员会对阅读速度这个能力早就有一个延续性的逐步的提高。同时,在解答题目方面,快 速阅读并不强调一定要像精读文章那样通篇认真研究,相反,快速阅读题目更强调测试考生在实践语言环 境中查询有效信息的能力,这也反映出四六级考试试图提升考生实际应用能力的改革方向。 二:测试形式 快速阅读要求考生在15分钟内完 成一篇1100字左右的文章和后面的10道题。前面7个题是判断正误(包括NOT GIVEN),后3个是填空题填根据阅读的理解,填三到四个单词(答案基本都是原文中出现的原词)。快速阅读的文章一般分为小标题+题目和无小标题+题目两种类型。这反映出四级考试从单纯的模仿托福的形式转向托福和雅思学习的融合。该题型需要通过略读和寻读法,乃至文章逻辑关系、标点符/号等方面的综合运用,实现对随后的题目有效的判断和填写。 三:基本要求 1.快速阅读的文章基本都是专业题材的文章,很多考生可能会觉得很陌生,但是对于CET-4 的快速阅读开始来说,只要求考生对题目所提到的信息在原文中能够找到即可,只是有时需要简 单的同义词替换 2.略读(Skimming)和寻读(Scanning)的能力在大学英语四级考试中显得尤为重要 3.快速阅读要求考生的阅读速度是每分钟110-140词


大学英语四级选词填空和快速阅读复习攻略 选词填空: 首先:预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 其次:精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 第三:把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 记背选词填空选项的重点范围: 1.历年曾经考过的复合式听写的单词 2.历年曾经考过的完形填空的选项,仔细阅读态度题的选项 3.历年曾经考过的真题中的高频词汇 快速阅读: 建议做题方法:读题干并确定关键词(中心词)--去原文中定位关键词--分析定位句--分析题干--确定答案。 首先用“打包”方法对付乱序: 把整组题全部一次性吃透,然后去原文从头到尾定位。否则,考生如果按顺序逐题解答,时间会严重不足,最好是文章一遍看下来,能找到所有的信息。此外,考生应该注意定位原文的过程中,一定要脑、眼和手并用:眼是肯定要用的,不用脑会导致忽视同义转换,不用手(笔)会使我们处于走马观花的状态,然后会怀疑自己是不是漏掉了信息而不停地看。 其次:“吃透”题干,准确判断关键词(中心词)至关重要。如果没吃透题干,就无法准确判断关键词或中心词,就可能对原文中的重要信息没感觉。一般来说,题干关键词或中心词为实词以及一些数字、专有名词等。 最后,在解题的先后顺序上,采用先易后难的策略。采用由易到难的解题策略,可以提升考生的解题信心。对于那些答题线索较少的题干细节信息,考生可留在最后再解答。在解答这类较难的题目时,考生可快速阅读原文中仍未选过的段落的主题句(通常为第一句、第二句或最后一句),之后根据段落大意与题干中的细节信息进行匹配。


全新版大学英语综合教程4(第二版)习题答案 Unit 1 Vocabulary I. 1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future 2) has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike 3) will/should never get in the way of her career 4) caught the foreign minister off guard 5) of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date/obsolete 4. 1) Being faced with … the occupation of … regions 2) crucial to … efficient … to reckon with … weaken … be brought to a halt 3) a heroic … the decisive … turned the tide … siege … by launching II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3) I spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather. III. Usage 1) fall ill 2) lay dead at home for two weeks 3) dropped dead from a heart attack 4) fell asleep. 5) marrying young 6) to sit still for longer than a few minutes


P e t s There are different ideas about pets in different parts of the world. In most cultures, animals have an inferior position to human beings. In most instances, however, people treat their pets like members of their families, or perhaps better. In the United States, and Europe, where pets are very popular, there are special shops that sell jewelry, clothing, and g o u r m e t(美味的) food for cats and dogs. There are shops on fashionable streets in New York City, for example, that sell gold and diamond collars, fur jackets, hats and mittens for pets. In many countries of the world, there is special food for pets. It is common for supermarkets in many places to sell cat food and dog food. However, in Nice, France, there is a special restaurant for dogs. Dogs are the only customers. There is seating for 20 of them. On the menu, there are varieties of special gourmet dishes for dogs to choose from. There is a sausage dish, a turkey dish, and a pasta dish, among others. For dessert, there is a variety of French cheeses and, of course, dog biscuits. In the U.S., there is a very rich cat who can afford to go to any restaurant he chooses. His name is Kitty Cat. Kitty Cat inherited 100,000 dollars when


Unit 1 A-1 Alone in the Arctic Cold 一个人在北极严寒 Day had broken exceedingly cold and gray, when the man turned aside from the main Yukon 一天打碎了非常寒冷和灰色,当那个人偏离主要育空 trail and climbed the slope, where a dim and little-traveled trail led eastward through the 试验和爬上斜坡,在那里的是一个朦胧而过去向东穿过了踪迹 pine forest. The slope was steep, and he paused for breath at the top. There was no sun nor 松林之间。坡率陡峭,而且他停顿了一下喘不过气来保持最佳的状态。没有太阳和 hint of sun, though there was not a cloud in the sky. It was a clear day, and yet there 缕阳光,尽管他天空无云。这是一个晴朗的日子,但在那里 seemed to be a mist over the face of things, that made the day dark. This fact did not worry 似乎是一个蒙上了一层水汽表面看来,把这天黑暗。这个事实不担心

the man. He was used to the lack of sun. 那个人。他被用来缺乏阳光。 The man looked back along the way he had come. The Yukon River lay a mile wide and hidden 那人回头而且他已经来了。育空河打下英里宽藏起来了 under three feet of ice. On top of this ice were as many feet of snow. It was unbroken 以下3英尺的冰。这个世界上的冰一样多英尺的积雪。这是连续的 white, save for a dark hairline that was the trail that led south five hundred miles to the 白色的,除了一个黑暗的发际线了痕迹,向南延伸达500英里去的 Chilcoot Pass. 库特关口。 But all this—the mysterious, far-reaching hairline trail, the absence of sun from the sky, 但是,整个神秘,深远的发际线跟踪,没有太阳从天空,


大学英语四级考试快速阅读技巧 一.测试目的 快速阅读,顾名思义,它的目的在于测试考生单位时间当中的阅 读量,其实四级对速度的考查是近几年一直延续的一种结果。同时, 在解答题目方面,快速阅读并不强调一定要像精读文章那样通篇认真 研究,相反,快速阅读题目更强调测试考生在实践语言环境中查询有 效信息的能力,这也反映出四六级考试试图提升考生实际应用能力的 改革方向。 二.测试形式 快速阅读要求考生在15 分钟内完成一篇1100字左右的文章和后面的 10 道题。前面 7 个题是判断正误(包括NG),后 3 个是填空题填根据阅读的理解,填三到四个单词( 答案基本都是原文中出现的原 词)。快速阅读的文章一般分为小标题+题目和无小标题+题目两种类型。该题型需要通过略读和寻读法,乃至文章逻辑关系、标点符号等方面的综合运用,实现对随后的题目有效的判断和填写。 三.基本要求 1. 快速阅读的文章基本都是专业题材的文章,很多考生可能会觉得 很陌生,但是对于 CET-4 的快速阅读开始来说,只要求考生

对题目所提到的信息在原文中能够找到即可,只是有时需要简 单的同义词替换。 2. 略读( Skimming)和寻读( Scanning )的能力在大学英语四级考试中显得尤为重要。 3. 快速阅读要求考生的阅读速度是每分钟 110-140 词。 四.快速阅读方法 1.推测(prediction) 阅读正文前,就标题(如果有标题的话)来合理推测资料的 大概内容,也可在读了一段之后预测下段内容。这对快速理解和 整体把握文章内容以及推测出生词的词义范围有积极的意义。 2.读关键词句(key words and topic sentences) 在对文章的整体内容有了基本认识的基础上,我们学会抓主 要的词句,找出段落中的主题句,从而正确领会文章的主要内容。3.略读(skimming) 略读又称跳读 (reading and skipping)或浏览(glancing),是一种专门的,非常实用的快速阅读技能。 所谓略读,是指以尽可能快的速度阅读,如同从飞机上鸟瞰(bird ’s eye view ) 地面上的明显标志一样,迅速获取文章大意或中心思想。换句话说,略读是要求读者有选择地进行阅读,可跳过某些细节,以求抓住文章的大概,从而加快阅读速度。据统计,训练有素的略读者(skimmer) 的阅读速度可以达到每分钟 3000 到 4000 个词。

大学英语快速阅读课文A Mistaken Rapture带翻译 课后习题答案

A MISTAKEN RAPTURE A little woman was killed after leaping through her moving car's sunroof during an incident best described as "a mistaken rapture" by dozens of eyewitnesses. 13 other people were injured after a 20-car

pile-up resulted from people trying to avoid hitting the woman who was apparently convinced that the rapture was occurring when she saw 12 people floating up into the air, and then passed a man on the side of the road who she claimed was Jesus.

"She started screaming, 'He's back, He's back' and climbed right out of the sunroof and jumped off the roof of the car," said Everet Williams, husband of 28-year-old Georgann Williams who was pronounced dead at the scene. "I was slowing down but she wouldn't wait till I stopped,"

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