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一. 称呼

女士们,先生们Ladies and Gentlemen

朋友们/各位朋友Dear friends

各位嘉宾Distinguished guests

尊敬的来宾Honored Guests

各位同事Dear colleagues


青年朋友们Young friends

(中国)同胞们Fellow countrymen

(美国)同胞们My fellow citizens

(港澳台和海外华人)同胞们Dear Compatriots

老师们、同学们、朋友们Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends

同学们,老师们Dear Students and Faculty Members

各位老师,家长,毕业生们Members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates

Members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates 各位企业家朋友Members of the business community

亲爱的运动员们Dear athletes


Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families


Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses

各位使节及使团同事Excellencies and Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps

各位团长Heads of Delegations

各位议员朋友My Lords and MPs

中央政府驻港机构各位领导Heads of local offices of the Central Government

尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing

主席先生/总统先生Mr. President

总理先生Mr. Premier / Prime Minister

总统女士Madame President

尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

国王和王后陛下Your Majesties

各位殿下Your Royal Highnesses

尊敬的桑德罗·邦迪部长Respected Minister Sen. Sandro Bondi

尊敬的戴秉国国务委员Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo

尊敬的李省长Honorable Governor Li

尊敬的杨市长Honorable Mayor Yang

团中央第一书记陆昊先生First Secretary Mr. Lu Hao

高教授及夫人Professor and Mrs Kao

尊敬的内格罗蓬特常务副国务卿Honorable Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte

尊敬的阿姆鲁·穆萨秘书长Your Excellency Secretary General Amr Moussa

尊敬的刘立军处长Division Director Liu Lijun

尊敬的耶鲁大学校长理查德·莱文先生Dear Mr. Richard Levin, President of Yale University,

尊敬的(剑桥大学)理查德校长Vice Chancellor Alison Richard

二. 高兴出席活动

1. 自我介绍


Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight’s reception.

2. 问候朋友

今天很高兴和你们在这里。It is a great pleasure to join you all this morning.

很高兴再次见到各位新老朋友。It is a real pleasure to meet friends, both old and new, here. 3. 来到大学


It gives me great pleasure to come to Cambridge, a world-renowned university that I have long wanted to visit.

今天来暨南大学和大家见面,我感到很荣幸。It is an honor to be with you at Jinan University. 我荣幸地来到永恒的开罗古城,荣幸地受到两所著名学府的邀请。

I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. 今天,我很荣幸前来参加世界上最好的学校之一的毕业典礼。

I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.


It is a great pleasure to be able to speak to you today and celebrate –a little in advance –Tsinghua’s 100th anniversary.


It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you.


It is a pleasure to be back in China and to join you here today at this great university.

4. 友好访问


I'm glad to visit the United States in the lovely season of spring, at your invitation, Mr. President.


It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.

非常高兴在金秋时节访问贵国,来到美国著名的智库战略与国际问题研究中心与朋友们见面。It is my great pleasure to meet you, my friends, here at this prestigious think tank today during my visit to your country in this golden season of fall.


It is a distinct pleasure to meet you in the beautiful city of Geneva.


I am delighted today to have the opportunity to meet you, diplomatic envoys and Egyptian friends from various sectors, here at the headquarters of the League of Arab States.

5. 参加会议


I am very pleased to be able to pay a visit to this beaut iful country and hold the “China Tibetan Development Forum”.


Today I’m very happy to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of Globalization.


It is indeed an honour to have been invited to speak before the group assembled this evening.


Standing here today I feel very pleased to share thoughts with you with an introduction on Chinese military.

6. 参加活动


It is a great pleasure to join you all today to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


It is a great honor to be surrounded by so many of you today as we gather here to celebrate America’s 232nd Independence Day.

7. 出席宴会

我很高兴出席今天的晚宴。It gives me a great pleasure to attend tonight's dinner.

很高兴出席今晚的招待会。It is my great pleasure to join you at the reception.


I am delighted to join KEA China and your guests here in Beijing this morning.


I am very pleased to be invited to this breakfast meeting and exchange views on China-EU relations with friends of the bureau of the People's Party at the European Parliament.

三. 感谢

1. 感谢邀请

感谢邀请我发表演讲。Thank you for inviting me to speak here.


Thank you for letting me share this wonderful day with you.


I'm grateful for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the people of Egypt.


I would like to begin by sincerely thanking President Summers for his kind invitation.


Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony.


Let me begin by thanking you, Mr. Levin, for your kind invitation and the opportunity to come to Yale to meet young friends and teachers of this world-renowned university.

2. 感谢光临

感谢大家前来参加我们的活动。Thank you all for joining us this morning.

再次感谢各位的光临!Again, I thank you for coming tonight!

感谢大家今晚拨冗莅临。Thanks to all of you for taking the time to be here this evening.

3. 感谢介绍

韩市长,谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。Mayor Han, I appreciate the kind words of introduction.

顾校长,感谢你充满溢美之词的介绍。Thank you, President Gu, for that most flattering introduction.

4. 感谢款待

我和夫人为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸,感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University.


May I start by thanking China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) for hosting today's lunch.


First of all, I wish to express on behalf of my wife and my colleagues and in my own way, my sincere thanks to you, Mr. President, and Mrs. Bush for your thoughtful arrangements and gracious hospitality.


Thank you again for the invitation to speak this evening, and for your warm hospitality here in Shanghai.

5. 感谢工作


A special thanks to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and the Canada-China Business Council for co-hosting this evening’s event.


On behalf of the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China and the Confucius Institute Headquarters, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you!


Let me take this opportunity to pay tribute and express sincere thanks to you for your efforts.

在北京奥运会即将落下帷幕的时刻,我谨代表北京奥组委向国际奥委会、向各国际单项体育组织、各国家和地区奥委会,向所有为本届奥运会做出贡献的朋友们表示衷心的感谢!At the moment the curtain is about to fall on the Beijing Olympic Games, please allow me, on behalf of BOCOG, to express my sincere gratitude to the IOC, IFs, NOCs, and all friends who have contributed to the success of this Olympic Games.


I also thank the Planning Committee, organisers, volunteers and those working hard behind the scenes for their excellent preparations and arrangements for the Games.


Here on behalf of the Information Office of the State Council of China, I warmly welcome all guests present and give my sincere thanks to the Italian Government for its support and to the Italy-China Foundation for the effort and hard work it has done for this Forum.

6. 感谢荣誉


Let me begin by expressing sincere thanks to the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations (GSD) for awarding me this honorary doctorate.

四. 欢迎

1. 访问

我代表教职员工以及商学院的学生一起欢迎你们来到我们的校园。On behalf of the faculty and the staff and the students of the Harvard Business School I welcome all of you to our campus.


It is a real pleasure to join you this evening in welcoming Chairman Wu here to Washington.


I would like to extend my warm welcome to Mr Lu Hao and members of the Chinese youth delegation.


On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, I am honored to welcome again our leader President Hu Jintao to Macao and join us here tonight.

我对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎!I offer all of you my warmest welcome!

2. 活动

大家晚上好,欢迎各位莅临今晚盛会。Good evening and a big welcome to this special and festive gathering.


On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests.


At the same time, let me extend our cordial greetings and heartfelt gratitude to all guests and friends present.


It is a great honour to have Professor and Mrs Kao with us today.


On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests who have come to Beijing for the Games.

在北京2008年残奥会隆重开幕之际,我谨代表北京奥组委,向来自世界各国家、地区的运动员、教练员和各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎!On the occasion of the grand opening of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, please allow me, on behalf of BOCOG, to extend my warmest welcome to athletes, coaches and guests from all countries and regions around the globe.

3. 招待会


It is truly an honor to have you here with me to celebrate the first State Alumni reception in Wuhan.

首先,我代表国务院新闻办公室向出席招待会的驻华使节、新闻官员、中外传媒界及其他各方面的朋友们表示热烈的欢迎!First of all, on behalf of the State Council Information Office, I wish to extend warm welcome to foreign diplomats, press officials and friends from Chinese and foreign media circles.

欢迎大家出席中国驻欧盟使团举办的新年音乐会。Welcome to the New Year’s Concert.

欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。Welcome to the spring reception of the Home

Affairs Bureau.

首先,热烈欢迎并感谢各位出席中华人民共和国建国60周年国庆招待会。Welcome to our national day celebration. First of all, I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to you for your presence.


I would like to thank all of you for joining us in this celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

五. 祝贺


Let me begin by commending you all for the successful Olympic Games.


First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the General Administration of Sport of the P. R. C. and the Chinese Olympic Committee, to extend my hearty congratulations on the opening of the 24th General Assembly of the OCA.


I would like to extend warm wishes and congratulations to the People’s Republic of China on the 60th anniversary of its founding on October 1.


This year marks the 800th anniversary of the university. Please accept my warm congratulations. 祝贺各位,一切平安。Congratulations, and Godspeed. (毕业典礼结束语)

六. 祝愿

1. 活动

我祝愿此次图片展圆满成功。I wish this photo exhibition a success!

预祝本次展览圆满成功。I wish the exhibition a very big success.

我谨此祝愿第五届东亚运动会圆满成功。I wish the Fifth East Asian Games every success.


I wish the first round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues a crowning success.

2. 访问

祝愿中国青年代表团访英取得成功!I wish the Chinese youth delegation a successful visit.


To conclude, I wish you all a pleasant stay in China and great health.

首先,我代表中央政府和全国各族人民,向在座各位,并通过你们向全体澳门市民,致以诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿!Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Central Government and the people of all ethnic groups in China, warm greetings and best wishes to all of you here and through you, to all the citizens of Macao.

3. 友谊

祝愿我们的友谊长存。May I wish our friendship last forever.


May the relations between our two countries and the friendship between our two peoples grow even stronger.

我谨向伟大的美国人民转达13亿中国人民的诚挚问候和良好祝愿!I wish to convey to the

great American people the warm greetings and best wishes of the 1.3 billion Chinese people.


We bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.


On behalf of the Chinese government and the people, I wish to hereby extend our warm greetings and best wishes to you and through you to all the Americans who care about and

最后,请允许我代表我的国家,向中华人民共和国以及勤劳向上的中国人民献上美好祝福。In conclusion, let me extend all my best wishes for the Peopl e’s Republic of China and for its ambitious and hard working people.

4. 节日祝福


May I extend my New Year greetings to all of you.


Allow me to extend my warm welcome and new year greetings to all of you.


In this festive season, let me start by wishing you all good progress and good health in the Year of the Tiger.

在这个我们与全世界华人共同欢庆佳节的时刻,请将我最真诚的祝福带给你们的家人和朋友。As we join in the celebration of the New Year with Chinese communities all around the world, please do pass on my warm best wishes for the New Year to your family and friends.


On behalf of the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China and in my own name, I wish to extend warmest festive greetings to you all.


The New Year is only a few days away. On behalf of vice ministers and colleagues of the State Council Information Office, I would like to extend New Year’s greetings to all of you in advan ce. 七. 祝酒词

现在我提议大家举杯,干杯! Now, I propose a toast for the New Year. Cheers!


Now I propose a toast, to the success of the conference and the health of all the distinguished guests here, cheers!


May I ask you to join me in a toast, to the friendship and cooperation between our two companies, cheers!


May I propose a toast to all of you and to the National Day of China! Cheers!


I would like to propose a toast, to the prosperity and greater success of the Confucius Institutes; to a happy and successful New Year, to a happy family and to a year of good luck!

八. 结束语

谢谢大家!谢谢各位!Thank you.

谢谢大家对我的邀请!Thank you for having me here today. / Thank you for letting me come. 再次感谢总统先生对我们的热烈欢迎!Thank you once again, Mr. President, for your warm welcome.


Please join me in welcoming former Secretary Henry Kissinger.


And now, it is my great honor to introduce Vice Premier Wang.


Now, I have the honor of inviting Mr Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee, to speak.

现在我宣布会议开始!Now I would like to call the meeting to order.


Now I declare the opening of the 14th Forum on the Protection of Children and Women’s Rights!现在,我荣幸地邀请中华人民共和国主席先生宣布第29届现代奥林匹克运动会开幕。

I now have the honour of asking the President of the People's Republic of China to open the Games of the XXIX Olympiad of the modern era.


It now gives me great pleasure to invite the President of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Hu Jintao, to declare open the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

现在按照传统我宣布第21届冬季奥利匹克运动会闭幕,同时我号召青年人四年后在俄罗斯索契共同关注第22届冬奥会。In accordance with tradition, I declare the XXI Olympic Winter Games closed, and I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in Sochi to celebrate the XXII Olympic Winter Games.

谢谢诸位,现在我准备回答你们的提问。Thanks for your time, and I look forward to your questions.


Now I am ready to take your questions. / Now I'd be pleased to take your questions.

I look forward now to taking some questions from all of you.

九. 其他


The title of my speech today is "See China in the Light of Her Development".

现在,我请大家起立,与我一道默哀一分钟。May I now ask you to rise and join me in a minute of silence.

伟大的中华人民共和国万岁!Long live the great People’s Republic of China!

华支英雄们永垂不朽!Eternal glory to the Wha Chi heroes!


1. 公司自我描述: We are the largest and most global steel(automobile) producer in the world. The recognized global leader and pioneer in the regional aircraft. Revenue(turnover), operating income(运营利润): Annual shipments of 34 million tons (年装运量、销售量) Annual capacity of over 45 million tons; Our market capitalization amounts to $31 billion as of January 19, 2005 Global presence; We have operating facilities in 44 countries across the world. We have 15,000 employees from over 54 nationalities in our work force We aim to become the most admired electronic company in the world 成为全球最受尊敬的公司; Our strategy include: continued focus on cost; Capital expenditure program to optimize facilities; Participate in further industry consolidation;(进行进一步的产业重组)Enhance long-term shareholder value; 提升股东的长期价值 Our competitive advantage include: Integrated business model: 一体化的商业模型; unparalleled scale of economy and scope:无与伦比的规模经济和产品生产范围;High-margin low cost carrier; 高利润、低成本运营商; Strong financial profile/position/strength, statement, (balance sheet)-unique positioned for growth; 健康良好的财务状况-为实现增长幅度奠定基础;Proven management team; global marketing network and sourcing network; Strong track record of (organic) growth and integration:良好的有机成长业绩Award-winning research and development facilities: 现代化的研发设施;Complete portfolio of technologies: 拥有全套的生产技术; Committed and multicultural work force: 尽责、敬业、多元文化的员工 We achieve organic growth by implementing best practices in each discipline through inter-company and industry-wide benchmarking;


口译必备词汇 Unit 1 外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 Unit 2 礼仪祝词 第一篇: 阁下your Excellency... 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment, long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson


口译常用搭配及必备句型 常用搭配经济类 1、给……带来机遇和挑战p r e s e n t(b r i n g)b o t h o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d c h a l l e n g e s t o 2、给……带来积极影响b r i n g a m o r e p o s i t i v e i m p a c t o n... 3、给予财政资助s u p p o r t f i n a n c i a l l y 4、有巨大潜力h a v e h u g e p o t e n t i a l f o r 5、开发/青睐中国市场t a p/f a v o r t h e C h i n e s e m a r k e t 开发:explore、tap:little by little. 6、申请专利a p p l y f o r a p a t e n t/h a v e a n a p p l i c a t i o n f o r 7、阻碍……经济发展h a n d i c a p(h a m p e r)t h e e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t(s t o p\p r e v e n t) 8、增加农业投入i n v e s t m o r e i n a g r i c u l t u r e 9、有望达到(上升到)b e e x p e c t e d t o r e a c h(r i s e t o,b e u p t o) 10、造成很大压力p o s e a b i g p r e s s u r e o n 11、占领市场10%o c c u p y(t a k e,a c c o u n t f o r)10p e r c e n t o f t h e m a r k e t 12、缩小……间距离n a r r o w t h e g a p b e t w e e n 13、加快经济发展和结构调整s p e e d u p e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t a n d r e s t r u c t u r i n g 14、夺回失去市场t a k e b a c k l o s t m a r k e t 15、减轻……负担r e d u c e(l i g h t e n)t h e b u r d e n o f(o n) Burdon/pressure from 来自……的压力 16、采取反垄断措施t a k e a n t i-m o n o p o l y m e a s u r e s t o 17、加快努力s p e e d u p e f f o r t s t o 18、在……建立分公司s e t u p(o p e n/e s t a b l i s h)b r a n c h e s i n 19、促进改革p r o m o t e r e f o r m(凡是促进就用p r o m o t e) 20、面对可能压力和竞争f a c e p o s s i b l e p r e s s u r e a n d c o m p e t i t i o n 21、充分利用m a k e f u l l u s e o f 22、把…列为基本国策l i s t...a s f u n d a m e n t a l n a t i o n a l p o l i c i e s 23、发挥自身优势g i v e f u l l p l a y t o o n e's a d v a n t a g e s 24、开拓市场e x p l o i t m a r k e t s 25、扩大消费市场e x p a n d c o n s u m p t i o n m a r k e t 26、改善投资环境i m p r o v e t h e e n v i r o n m e n t f o r i n v e s t m e n t 27、加强风险防范p r e p a r e o n e s e l f a g a i n s t p o s s i b l e r i s k s


Unit1句子口译 第一部分 1. 这是您第一次来广西吗? 1. Is this your first visit to Guangxi﹖ 2. 很高兴见到您?我们一直期待着您的到来? 2. Glad to see you. We’ve been expecting your coming. 3. 在过去的几年里,广西发生了很大的变化?越来越多的外商开始来南宁投资? 3. Over the past several years, Guangxi has witnessed great changes. More and more foreign businessmen began to invest in Nanning. 第二部分 1. 这是一家五星级酒店,地理位置优越?交通方便? 1. This is a five-star hotel with an ideal location and convenient transportation. 2. 希望你们对这里的住宿和服务感到满意? 2. I hope you can find the accommodation and services here satisfactory. 3. 所有费用由公司报销/负担? 3. All the expenses will be borne by the company.

4. 如果您在这里遇到不便之处,或需要帮助,请立即与我联系? 4. If any inconveniences occur or you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me. 第三部分 1. 防城港位于广西南部北部湾北岸西端,是中国沿海24个主要港口之一? 1. Fangcheng Port is situated at the west end to the north coast of the Beibu Gulf in south Guangxi. It is one of the 24 major ports in coastal China. 2. 规划的港口岸线长50.3公里,可规划建设深水泊位200多个? 2. The planned port line is 50.3 kilometers. More than 200 deep-water berths can be built along the line. 3. 港口始建于1968年3月22日,1983年7月国务院批准对外开放? 3. The port was initially built on March 22, 1968 and was opened in July, 1983 with approval from the State Council. 4. 防城港地处华南经济圈?西南经济圈与东盟经济圈的结合部,是我国内陆进入东盟国家最便捷的出海门户? 4. Located at the conjuncture of South China Economic Rim, Southwest China Economic Rim and ASEAN Economic Rim, Fangcheng Port serves as the most convenient access of China’s mainland to ASEAN countries.



英语口译常用词语应试手册词汇 第一单元:会议致辞(1) 21世纪海上丝绸之路 the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 把握机遇,精诚合作 seize opportunities and cooperate in good faith 包容、乐观、向上 inclusive, optimistic and courageous 包容并蓄的美德 a virtue that enables people to accommodate each other 毕业典礼 graduation ceremony/commencement 表示诚挚的感谢 extend heartfelt thanks 表示真诚的欢迎 extend sincere welcome 表示祝贺 express warm congratulations 不断将友好合作提高到新的水平 bring friendly cooperation to a new high 畅所欲言 be fully engaged in forum discussions

诚挚的问候 sincere greetings 吃苦耐劳 long suffering and hard working 充满生机活力 full of vitality 崇高使命 a lofty mission 传达祝愿 convey the best wishes to 传统美德,世代相传 traditional virtues taught from generation to generation maritime /?m?r??ta?m/ 海事的 Maritime is used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships. 海事的 [ADJ n] ...the largest maritime museum of its kind. …同类型海洋博物馆中最大的。 commencement /k??m?nsm?nt/ 毕业典礼 Commencement is a ceremony at a university, college, or high school at which students formally receive their degrees or diplomas. [美国英语]


1.选择类经典句:leave sb. the choice of … or … 要么……,要么…… Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission. 敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。 The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor. 年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。 2.使动类经典句:be the instrument of sth. 引来某事物的人或事 The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them. 全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政/把他们从强加于身的暴政中解救出来,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。 The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall 他所建立的组织最终使他垮了台 If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings. 能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。 3.回忆类经典句:it was the memories of 追溯到…… Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development. 追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。 4.假设类经典句:on the premise / ground / prerequisite / proposition / hypothesis


口译中常用高频词汇(英汉对照) 口译中常用的高频词汇(英汉对照) A level playing field 公平竞争环境Accommodation 迁就型(处理冲突时) Accountability 问责性Adequate 足够Agriculture / Agricultural (adj.) 农业(的) Alienation 抽离/ 离群Americanization 美国化An alarming level 达警戒程度Anti-globalists 反全球化者Antisocial 反社会的Appalling consequences 可怕的後果Asset 资产Authoritarian parenting style 专制式的管教Authoritative parenting style 权威式的管教Autonomous regions 自治区Autonomy 自主性Avoidance 回避型(处理冲突时) Backward 落後Behavioral maturity 行为上成熟Beijing 北京Bias 偏见Biological clock 生理时钟Borderless World 无国界的世界Boycott 杯葛Capitalism 资本主义Carry out 实施Catastrophic effects 灾难性的/悲惨的後果Causation 起因/ 原因celebrity effect 名人效应Coastal cities 沿海城市

Collaboration 合作型(处理冲突时) Collusion between government and businessmen 官商勾结 commando 命令式Competitive edge 竞争优势compromise 妥协Consciousness 知觉,有意识Constitution / Constitutional amendments 宪法/ 宪法修订Constraint of time 时间限制Contemporary 当代的Core values 核心价值Correlation 相互关系County 县CSSA (Comprehensive Social Security Assistance) 综援Cultural imperialism 文化侵略Deforestation 过度伐林Dense population 人口密集Depletion of non-renewable resources 消耗非再生能源Desertification 沙漠化Developed countries 已发展/ 发达国家Developing countries 发展中国家Disadvantaged groups 弱势社群Disharmony 不和谐Disposable income 可用收入Disputes 纠纷distort 扭曲Diversification 多元化Diversity 多元性dogmatic 教条式Double-edged sword 有利有弊Drop out of school 辍学Dual identities 双重身份dynamic 活跃Ecological imbalance 生态不平衡Economic restructuring 经济转型Efficiency 效率Embargo 禁运Empathy 同理心/ 感同身受energizing feelings 增加精力(正面)的情绪energy-draining feelings 消耗精力(负面)的情绪Entrepot 转口港Equal opportunities Commission 平等机会委员会Ethnic groups 种族Exploit 开发/ 剥削Exploitation 剥削Export dumping 出口倾销feminine 女性化Financial Hub 金融中心Fiscal burden 财政负坦Fiscal deficit 财政赤字Foreign currency 外汇Frequent 频繁Gateway (e.g. HK is a gateway to China.) 大门口Geographical / functional constituencies 地区/功能议席Geographical boundaries 地域界限Gini Coefficient 坚尼系数Global icons 全球化的符号/象徵Global poverty 全球贫穷问题Global village 地球村Glocalization 全球在地化grandiose 夸张式


一. 称呼 女士们,先生们Ladies and Gentlemen 朋友们/各位朋友Dear friends 各位嘉宾Distinguished guests 尊敬的来宾Honored Guests 各位同事Dear colleagues 同志们Comrades 青年朋友们Young friends (中国)同胞们Fellow countrymen (美国)同胞们My fellow citizens (港澳台和海外华人)同胞们Dear Compatriots 老师们、同学们、朋友们Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends 同学们,老师们Dear Students and Faculty Members 各位老师,家长,毕业生们Members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates Members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates 各位企业家朋友Members of the business community 亲爱的运动员们Dear athletes 尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑和王室代表 Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families 尊敬的各位使节、代表和夫人 Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses 各位使节及使团同事Excellencies and Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps 各位团长Heads of Delegations 各位议员朋友My Lords and MPs 中央政府驻港机构各位领导Heads of local offices of the Central Government 尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing 主席先生/总统先生Mr. President 总理先生Mr. Premier / Prime Minister 总统女士Madame President 尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo 国王和王后陛下Your Majesties 各位殿下Your Royal Highnesses 尊敬的桑德罗·邦迪部长Respected Minister Sen. Sandro Bondi 尊敬的戴秉国国务委员Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo 尊敬的李省长Honorable Governor Li 尊敬的杨市长Honorable Mayor Yang 团中央第一书记陆昊先生First Secretary Mr. Lu Hao 高教授及夫人Professor and Mrs Kao 尊敬的内格罗蓬特常务副国务卿Honorable Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte 尊敬的阿姆鲁·穆萨秘书长Your Excellency Secretary General Amr Moussa 尊敬的刘立军处长Division Director Liu Lijun 尊敬的耶鲁大学校长理查德·莱文先生Dear Mr. Richard Levin, President of Yale University, 尊敬的(剑桥大学)理查德校长Vice Chancellor Alison Richard


商务句子口译常用表达 装运通知shipment advice 付款方式terms of payment 外商投资foreign investment 低税收政策low-tax policies 改进技术improve the technology 满足……需要meet/satisfy one’s demand 下定单place an order place substantial/large order 下大定单 place regular order 长期下定单 (产品)经得起任何考验meet any competition 最低价格the lowest/best/most favorable price 称职的员工qualified staff 先进的技术advanced/ the latest technology 没有存货out of stock 有存货in stock/ supply from stock/ available from stock 不再生产……sb. no longer produces sth. sth. be no longer in production 样品sample 取消合同cancel the contract 交货方式mode of delivery 详细讨论to discuss sth. in more details/ further discussion

满足市场的需要meet the market demand 提高产量increase the production/output 市场占有率market share 重视pay great efforts to 维护良好的客户关系maintain good relations with customers 同类产品one’s kind 在同类产品中among/in one’s kind 畅销best-selling find/enjoy/have a ready/an easy market 从事engage in 专门从事specialize in 零配件components 研发R&D 专利patent 产品升级product improvement/upgrade 为……赔偿某人meet one’s claim for 短重索赔claim for short weight 生产和销售production and marketing 通讯设备communication equipments 办公自动化office automation devices 品质好,体积小,操作简单be good in quality, small in size and easy to operate


(1)see/witness 用法:无生命(时间、地点或事物)成分作主语。 经济年均增长速度达到9.7%。(0303) China's economy has witnessed a strong/an impressive growth rate of 9.7%. 本公司成立于1988年。(0409) 1988 saw/witnessed the establishment of our company. 古老而美丽的“丝绸之路”,谱写了中欧千年往来的美好篇章。(0509) The ancient and beautiful Silk Roadsaw/witnessed the exchanges/communications between China and Europe in/over the past thousands of years. 上海建城有700多年历史,但最具人文发展历史的时期是开埠后的150年间。(1009)Despite a history of more than 700 years, the 150 years since it opened to foreign traders has witnessed the greatest humane development in Shanghai. (2)enjoy/boast 用法:表示人或物“有”好的东西。 现代传媒在信息的传播速度上有许多优势。(0103) Modern media enjoy advantages in the speed of information dissemination. 社会保持稳定。(0309) The society enjoys stability. 公司拥有一大批技术人员和管理人员。(0409) Our company boasts a large number of technical and managerial personnel. 香港有着其独特的文化氛围。(0503) (香港)还有8 所知名的大学。(0503) HK enjoys a unique cultural atmosphere. HK boasts eight prestigious universities. 在广州的百货业中新大新有自己独特的一面。(0809) Xindaxin boasts its uniqueness in the general merchandise industry in Guangzhou. (3)serve as sth/serve to do sth 用法:表示起到了某种功能作用,或者某物“能够怎么样”。关键是汉语原句中未必出现“起到…作用”之类的字眼。 西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁。(0303) The Great Western Development is sure to serve as a bridge between China and the rest world.


大会convocation 作开幕致辞give an opening address 荣誉主席honorary president /??n?r?r?/ 各国政要dignitary /?d?ɡn?t?r?/ 贵宾honorable guests 尊敬的各位来宾respectable guests 校长Vice-chancellor (英国高校校长) 副校长pro-vice-chancellor 工信部部长Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 广东省人民政府 the People’s Government of Guangdong Province 省长Governor 阁下Your Excellency 论坛symposium 座谈会seminar 在此hereby 圆满成功complete success 宣布·····开幕declare open ··· 做开幕致辞give an opening address 本人非常高兴/荣幸 I am very overwhelmed with joy to I am delighted to I am proud to I feel extremely honored to I count it a great privilege to

I take great pleasure in I give me great pleasure to I am very pleased and honored to I find it a pleasure and honor to 我/们衷心感谢/非常感谢 I owe a great debt of gratitude to I wish to thank I deeply appreciate ··· We are extremely grateful to My special thanks go to 我/们诚挚希望 It is our earnest hope that I sincerely hope that 交流思想exchange ideas 知名的/闻名遐迩的renowned 商贸中心center of business and trade 古城old city 丰富文化遗产rich cultural heritage 良好祝愿warm greetings 请允许我再次Please let me once again 致以诚挚的欢迎express/extend/convey my sincere welcome 友谊和热情friendship and hospitality 盛情好客的gracious /?ɡre???s/ 热情邀请cordial invitation /?k??d??l/ 周到的安排meticulous arrangements /m??t?kj?l?s/ 光临attendance 美好的回忆fond and happy memories


一.起居类分类词汇 1.卧室 blanket 毛毯 cushion 垫子 quilt 被子 cotton terry blanket 毛巾被 feather quilt 羽绒被 cotton quilt 棉被 bedding 床上用品 mosquito net 蚊帐 pillow 枕头 bolster 长枕 pillow case 枕套 tick 褥子 carpet 地毯(一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种) rug 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种) bed frame/bed base 床架 headboard 床头板 sofa bed 沙发床 folding guest bed 折叠床 loftbed frame 架在空中的床(下面可放沙发、桌子等) bunkbed frame 上下铺的床 slatted bed base 板条床 sprung base 弹簧床 bedspread 床罩 sheet 床单 mat 席子 mattress 床垫(厚的那种) mattress pad 床垫(薄的那种) bed canopy 支在床上的篷子(一般用于儿童床上的装饰) bedside table 床头柜 2. 厨房 refrigerator 冰箱 automatic rice cooker 电饭锅 steamer 蒸锅 oven 烤箱 grill 烧烤架 toaster 烤面包机 egg beater 打蛋器 ice crusher 刨冰机 food processor 食品加工机 paper towel 纸巾apron 围裙 tableware 餐具 plate 盘子 dish 碟子 bowl 碗 cupboard 碗橱 dining table 餐桌 larder 食品柜 drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子chopping board 案板 cutlery tray 装餐具的容器 3. 卫生间 bathroom 浴室,厕所 flushing system 冲水系统 flush toilet 抽水马桶 flush pipe 冲水管 foul drainage system 排污水系统drainage 排水道 ventilation shaft/pipe 通风管道toilet seat 马桶坐圈 toilet lid 马桶盖 squatting pot 蹲式马桶 urinal 小便池 toilet paper/tissue 卫生纸 toilet brush 马桶刷 4. 浴室 bathtub 浴缸 hand shower 手握式淋浴器shower nozzle 喷头 tap faucet 水龙头 plastic curtain 防水浴帘 shower cap 浴帽 bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋 bath mat 防滑垫 towel hanger/holder 毛巾架towel ring 毛巾环 bath towel 浴巾 soap stand 肥皂盒 comb 梳子 soap 肥皂 shampoo 洗发露 conditioner 护发素 dryer 吹风机 razor 刮胡刀 toothpaste 牙膏 toothbrush 牙刷


口译中需要强记住的句子及中翻英中的“地雷区” 分享 首次分享者:落雪*似花已被分享2次评论(0)复制链接分享转载举报Give the floor to 请…发言 It is a great pleasure for me to 我很荣幸… Relevant issues 相关问题 Updated research result 最新的调查结果 Attach the importance to 对…给予重视 Lead-edge technologies 领先技术 Minister Counselor 公使 Natural heritage 自然遗产 Shared concern 共同关心的问题 Well-deserved reputation 良好的信誉 express sincere gratitude to 对…表示衷心的感谢 Let's welcome...to give a speech 请…讲话 bilateral conference 双边会议 propose the warmest applause to 以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎 sponsor 主办单位 the Award Ceremony 颁奖仪式 greeting speech 贺词 observe the grand opening of 隆重举行 Let's invite sb to present the award 请…颁奖 achieve complete ceremony 取得圆满成功 global celebration ceremony 全球庆典 declare the closing of 宣布…结束 Please rise for the national anthem. 请全体起立,奏国歌 Collective stewardship 集体管理 Competitive job market 充满竞争的就业市场 Financial institutions 金融机构 Forward-looking 进取 Gross National Product 国民生产总值 Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 Public authorities 公共机构 Regulatory mechanism 法规机制 The threshold of our transition into the new millennium 跨越新千年的门槛 UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements) 联合国人居中心Urban residents 城市居民 Well-serviced formal city 服务齐全的高尚城市 place sth as the priority 把…列为重要内容 never neglect the work 不放松工作 water conservation 节约用水 extend our sincere congratulations on 对…表示衷心祝贺


口译常用词汇及表达 一、欢迎光临 (一)商务职衔 1.总裁/会长/理事长President 2.董事会主席/董事长 Chairman (board of directors) 3.董事Director 4.执行董事Executive Director 5.总干事Director-General 6.理事Trustee/Council Member 7.总监/主任Director 8.经理Manager 9.总经理General Manager(GM) 10.副总经理Assistant General Manager 11.总经理助理General Manager Assistant 12.公关部经理PR (Public Relations) Manager 13.销售部经理Sales Manager 14.市场部经理Marketing Manager 15.生产部经理Production Manager 16.研发部经理 R & D (Research and Development) Manager 17.厂长Factory Managing Director 18.车间主任Workshop Manager 19.高级工程师Senior Engineer 20.助理工程师Assistant Engineer 21.首席执行官/总裁 C.E.O (Chief Executive Officer) 22.首席财务官/财务总监 C.F.O (Chief Financial Officer) 23.财务主管Financial Controller 24.高级会计师Senior Accountant 25.会计师Accountant 26.助理会计师Assistant Accountant 27.注册会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 28.会计员Treasurer 29.出纳员Teller 30.首席信息官/ 咨讯总监 C.I.O (Chief Information Officer) 31.首席营运官/ 运营总监 C.O.O (Chief Operation Officer) 32.技术员Technician 33.程序员Programmer 34.设计师Designer 35.机械师Mechanic 36.推销员Salesman / Salesperson 37.采购员Purchaser 38.部长Minister 39.副部长Vice-Minister 40.部长助理Assistant Manager 41.省长Governor 42.市长Mayor 43.副(省长/市长)Vice- / Deputy 44.常务副(省长/市长) Senior (Vice-Governor / Vice-Mayor) 45.厅长/司长Director-General, … Department 46.局长Director-General, … Bureau 47.处长Director, ... Division 48.科长Section Chief 49.副(厅长/司长/局长/处长)deputy (二)机场词汇 1.国际航班International Flight 2.国内航班Domestic Flight 3.航班号码Flight Number 4.起飞/抵达时间Departure/arrival time 5.机场大楼Terminal Building 6.航班/飞机资料显示牌Flight Information Board 7.候机室Departure Lounge 8.贵宾室VIP Room 9.登记柜台Check-in Counter 10.问讯处Information Desk 11.办理出境/入境/海关手续 to go through / complete the (exit/ entry/ customs) formalities 12.出境登记卡Departure Card 13.入境登记卡Landing Card 14.安全检查Security Check 15.护照检查处Passport Control 16.签证种类Type of visa 17.一次性/多次性入境签 Single-entry/Multiple entry visa 18.再入境签证Re-entry visa 19.旅行/居留签证Travel/Residence visa 20.出境/入境/过境/访问签证 Exit/Entry/Transit/V isitor’s visa 21.签证有效期validity of visa 22.入境日期及口岸date and port of entry

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