当前位置:文档之家› 最全英语四级真题推荐,肯定有你适合的!









英语四级推荐用书(精华版) 一、英语基础薄弱考生适用资料 (一)词汇:《星火·图解速记》 推荐理由:轻薄便携,记忆量小。不仅是这本词汇书,其他轻薄浓缩的词汇书同样适合英语基础薄弱的同学。用最快的速度过一遍单词,然后赶快过真题吧,搞定真题文章中的生词,你的词汇量一定能快速提升! (二)真题:巨微英语《四级真题·逐句精解》 推荐理由:第一本“专为基础薄弱考生恶补基础”的英语四级真题。逐句注释文章词汇,还对词汇的常见考点(相关搭配,熟词辟义)做了归纳;为了帮大家攻克语法,逐句讲解文章,剖析句子结构,还用了结构图的形式,力求详尽透彻。只要这一本真题,完美替代词汇书语法书! (三)各题型专项:历年真题+真题详解 推荐理由:英语基础薄弱的考生,只需要针对性的、全面的研读真题即可。可以在某段时间,只针对一种题型进行专训,既可以快速掌握解题思路和解题技巧,又可以获悉英语四级的命题趋势和命题特点,可谓一举两得。 (四)课外阅读:英文原版《小王子》,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 推荐理由:对于英语基础薄弱的同学来说,带着趣味性学英语是再好不过的,这两本英文原版书都是入门级的,比外刊文章简单的多,

没有过多的难词。课余时间阅读这些书,不仅能学到生词,学到好的句子,也能培养学英语的兴趣。 二、英语基础的较好考生适用资料 (一)词汇:新东方《四级词汇·词根+联想记忆法》 推荐理由:对于英语基础较好的同学来说,词汇量应该也是比较好的。那么在备考四级的过程中,你要做的就是将这本全面的词汇书通读一遍,标记处少数还未掌握的词汇,然后对这些词汇重点记忆。 (二)真题:《大学英语四级真题·汇编王》 推荐理由:如果英语基础已经足够扎实了,最好的备考方法就是大量刷题了。这本真题包含今年的18套真题,是目前最全的真题了。此外,只要十几块钱,这么美丽的价格,多刷几遍也不心疼啊。 (三)各题型专项:华研系列 推荐理由:华研的真题不够尽善尽美,但是各题型专训做的很不错。至于为什么说适用于英语基础较好的同学呢?因为这个系列有一个特点,解析比较简略,解析包含了许多专业术语。英语基础较好的同学使用起来毫无压力,但是英语基础不够好的同学可能用起来会比较吃力。 (四)课外阅读:各类外刊杂志《时代周刊》《卫报》等 推荐理由:英语四级的考题的题源就是这些外刊,并且是近五年

[四六级] 不得不看:英语四级考试快速阅读解题步骤

[四六级] 不得不看:英语四级考试快速阅读 解题步骤 作者:潇如风 我这篇帖子,同学们照着一步一步做就是了,老师们照着一步一步教就是了。 首先要明白:快速阅读的文章虽长(1200字,仔细阅读平均每篇330个字),但是从内容上说,大都是通俗易懂的说明文,没有学术色彩和思想深度;从语言上来说,遣词造句都比较简单。所以,根本没必要害怕。个人以为,快速阅读应该比仔细阅读更容易拿分。 具体答题步骤如下: 第一步:浏览Skim ( 0。5分钟–2分钟) 1.分析大标题(Brainstorm the Title)(5 –10秒)目的:调动脑细胞,主动预测文章内容。 官方样题Landfills 的分析思路:land + fill = 土地填埋,加了s, 可能指多处填埋场地。在不认识这个单词的情况下(汉译:垃圾填筑地),能想到这一层就算漂亮。 2006年12月真题Six Secrets of High-Energy People的分析思路:secrets:多数人不知道,一定新颖有趣;high-energy people 只能是指精力充沛的人,不可能是X战警。文章要告诉我们,那些人

为什么精力充沛,希望我们学习他们的秘诀。 2006年6月真题Highways的分析思路:为什么要修建公路?怎么修建?公路有哪些功能?存在哪些问题?一般说明文的写作结构都是如此:计划–成形–功能–问题。例如:联合国的起因–联合国的成立–联合国的运作–联合国的问题。 2.分析小标题(Tidy the Subtitles)(20 –25秒) 目的:了解文章内容,把握总体结构。 官方样题: Sub 1:How Much Trash Is Generated? 一看该段字数少,忽视 Sub 2:How Is Trash Disposed of? 关键字:处理 Sub 3:What Is a Landfill? 引进主题,字数增加,进入重点。推理:landfill 肯定是上面提到的一种垃圾处理方法 Sub 4:Proposing the Landfill Landfill由新信息变成已知信息。关键字:Proposing 计划、建议 Sub 5:Building the Landfill 关键字:Building 修建 注意:前一段讲计划,这一段讲修建,联系紧密,可以合并 Sub 6:What happens to Trash in a Landfill? 关键字:What happens;字数少,忽视 Sub 7:How Is a Landfill Operated? 关键字:Operated 如何


阅读答案 Section A 选词填空(卷1) 26. E constructed 27. O undertaken 28. F consulted 29. M range 30. N scale 31. I eventually 32. K necessarily 33. L production 34. A cheaper 35. J height Section B 段落信息匹配卷1 36—K 37—D 38—M 39—G 40—B 41—L 42—H 43—F 44—J 45—C Section C 仔细阅读 Passage one 46. A. Seneca's thinking is still applicable today 问题:What are researchers rediscovering through their studies 解析:问题题干中的“researchers”和“today”是解题的关键,对应到文中第一段的“Now scientists are bringing this ancient wisdom up-to-date”。选项中“Seneca’s thinking “ 对应到“this ancient wisdom” ,而“still applicable”对应到“bring…up-to-date”,故答案为A。 47.B. It is a teaching tool under development 问题:What do we learn about “Betty’s Brain”? 解析:根据“Betty’s Brian”定位,定位到第三段,而该段的段首便强调“ But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the “teaching agent” “ ,意味着整段文字要叙述的主要是和“ tool “有关的信息,且选项中的”under development”和原文信息重合,故答案为B。 48 C. It helps them learn their academic subjects better.


2017年大学英语四级快速阅读技巧 2017年大学英语四级的3个试题特点 大学英语四级的试题特点1. 题干中的细节信息往往反映文章的主旨和段落主题。通过快速地阅读题干中的若干细节信息,考生可以迅速了解原文的主旨大意。 大学英语四级的试题特点2. 题干提供的细节信息中往往暗含一些说明文或议论文所必需的逻辑关系,考生可以利用这种关系预先对一些表达进行排序,这对于解答信息匹配题有着非常重要的意义。 大学英语四级的试题特点3. 提干提供的信息表达中通常包括如下三类:能够指示开头段的词,如overview, introduction, initiation, main idea, definition 等;能够指示结尾段的词,如future, solution, conclusion, suggestion, summary 等;能够帮助考生回原文定位的特殊词,如rate, ration, proportion, percentage, number, figure, statistical demographics 等。 4.有些试题题干中的细节信息往往会和原文的其他某一题目联系密切,考生可通过先解答原文的其他题目来获得解答题目的线索和提示性信息。 2017年英语四级快速阅读的6个解题技巧 快速阅读的解题技巧(1) 判定词性时可以重点分析动词的时态,即哪几个是一般时,哪几个是过去时又或者是过去分词。 因为根据样题,它对考生不做选项改写要求,所以我们可以根据上下文时态对应的原则,给自己进一步缩小选择范围。

如果选项中出现指代词时,往往该选项不能放在首句,要注意指代成立的条件。 快速阅读的解题技巧(3) 如果选项中出现一组反义词时,往往有一个是干扰选项,它注重考察的是对于文章框架结构的理解,要求考生理解整篇文章的语境色彩。 快速阅读的解题技巧(4) 如果选项中出现一组近义词时,往往也有一个是干扰选项,它注重考察的是词汇的精确理解,要求考生分析清楚其细微的区别。 快速阅读的解题技巧(5) 如果选项为连词时,要关注上下句内在的逻辑关系。常见的逻辑关系有:因果,并列平行,递进,强对比,前后意思一致等。 快速阅读的解题技巧(6) 要有总体观,不必按顺序作题。先把自己最有把握的词选出,然后删除该选项,为吃不准的选项缩小选择范围。 2017年快速判定英语四级文章主题3个技巧 快速判定主题的技巧(1) 读文章时重点关注文章的首段和首末句。按照西方人习惯性的思维方式和写作习惯,他们惯用的是演绎法:即文章一开始先扔出自己的核心观点,然后具体一步步论证。 根据统计,每一段的第一句、第二句和最后一句话为本段的主题句的概率分别为50%、20%、20%,三句话成为主题句的概率超过九成,当然也就成为我们阅读的重中之重。


Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. 【参考范文】 On June 14, Friday, a volunteer activity where many students took an active part in visiting the local Nursing House was organized by the Student Union and it turns out to be a big success. The activity was aimed at encouraging students to visit the elderly at the Nursing House and help elderly people deal with their troubles both physical and psychological. Many students volunteered to participate in this good deed and were engaged in helping the elderly here out by making their meals, washing their clothes and chatting with them. When asked about those volunteers’feelings about such an experience, all of them responded with a smile, saying “what a wonderful practice and I really appreciate this experience, for it makes me learn to care more for others in need.” All in all, the activity turns out to be a success not only for the visited elderly but for those students involved. 【参考范文译文】 6月14日,星期五,学生会组织了一个参观当地敬老院的志愿活动,许多学生都积极参与其中,该活动取得了巨大的成功。 此次志愿活动旨在拜访当地敬老院的老人们并对他们各个方面的困难提供帮助。许多学生主动加入到此次善举当中,帮老人们洗衣做饭、谈心解闷,竭尽所能提供帮助。问及参与此次活动的感想时,他们毫无例外地回道“真是太有意义了,很感谢这次经历,它让我懂得要去更加关爱那些有困难的人” 总而言之,此次活动取得了巨大成功,不仅仅对那些老人来说受益多多,对于参与的学生来说也是意义良多。 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section A The center of American automobile innovation has in the past decade moved 2,000 miles away. It has26 from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming into life. In a27to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers have introduced28 that could make their state the best place in the country, if not the world, to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road. “Michigan’s29 in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to 30our leadership in transportation. We can’t let happen,” says Senator Mike Kowall, the


2018年12月大学英语四级真题完整版(第3套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of studying abroad.You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. PartⅡListening Comprehension (25 minutes) Part ⅢReading Comprehension ( 40 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. R ead the passage t hrough carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage. Have you ever used email to apologize to a colleague?D elivered a 26to a subordinate (下属) with a voice-mail message? Flown by plane across the country just to deliver important news in person? The various communication options at our fingertips today can be good for 27and productivity---and at the same time very troublesome. With so many ways to communicate, how should a manager choose the 28when the message to be delivered is bad or unwelcome news one that’s best --- 29business communication consultants and etiquette for the recipient? We’ve (礼仪) experts to come up with the following guidelines for 30using the alterative ways of delivering difficult messages. First of all, choose how personal you want to be. A face-to-face communication is the most 31 .Other choices, in descending order of personalization, are: a real-time phone call, a voice-mail message, a handwritten note, a typewritten letter, and the most 32is email. Some of these may change order according to the 33 situation or your own preferences; for example, a handwritten note might seem more personal than voice mail. How do you decide on the best choice for the difficult message you’ve got to deliver? “My 34concern is: How can I soften or civilize this says etiquette expert Dana Casperson. “So when I apologize, I usually message?”  choose in-person first, or a phone conversation as my top alternative, and maybe a


英语四级什么资料好 英语四级考试是初入大学的一件大事,对于选用哪种复习资料向来众说纷纭,今天给大家一个清晰的建议:基础薄弱的话就用巨微英语《四级真题/逐句精解》。 这本书有以下特色: 一、6套真题逐句精讲 四级真题逐句精解有对最新的6套真题逐词逐句进行文章精解,对文中出现的所有考纲词汇和重点单词,都有超细致的解释,从发音、词性、各种义项到固定搭配经典例句,考生可以对照这些注释理解和辨析每个单词的意义,并且熟练掌握其用法。另外,因为存在真实而具体的语境,所以理解和记忆单词都很轻松,而且记得更准更牢。 对文章的每一个句子,四级真题逐句精解都有细致的讲解,尤其对于长难句,采用了分层图解的形式,达到了化繁为简,化难为易的效果,基础薄弱的考生也能很容易地看懂,从而以一己之力就能掌握句法结构和语法规则,并且学到一些特殊句式,这些都可以用到作文中,使作文增色不少。

二、12套真题满分演练 四级真题逐句精解还有最新12套配有解析的真题,考生可以用这12套真题来演练,又能从中查漏补缺,消除错误。 英语四级备考的关键就在吃透真题,学会如何做对题目。四级真题逐句精解的答案解析都是从考点解析、回文定位和干扰项分析等方面入手解析题干和答案的。考生在使用这些真题练习的过程中可以熟悉题目的设置类型,揣摩出题人的命题思路,参考解析总结答题技巧,就能够快速搞清楚英语四级怎么考,考什么,怎么答,从而做到知己知彼,一举克之。 三、海量免费资料任性送 四级真题逐句精解随书赠送了3套新听力模拟专训册子、4本各题型的满分兵法大总结,还有四级2000核心词汇、押题写作20篇、经典翻译20篇、语法专题26讲、词根词缀大总结和经典写作素材集锦等,涵盖各种题型,精选而成,能够帮助考生尤其是基础薄弱考生在考前储备足量的素材,对每种题型都做到有备无患。 另外,这些赠送的册子小而轻巧便于携带,还有PDF格式的资料可以直接在手机上学习,省去了很多麻烦。这些资料是对真题精解的补充和辅助,能教给考生很多实用的技巧。 通过以上介绍相信大家对巨微英语的《四级真题逐句精


大学英语四级快速阅读技巧 15分钟做完,先看小标题(现只看2-3个,多了也记不住),再通过1-7 小题的题干的名词、动词找出原句来做, 特别注意: 做题顺序,先看文章标题,直到文章主要内容,然后看第一小题,在小题部分的定位词先圈出来,在回原文找。找到第一小题后,再看第二小题。看一个题,作一个;不要把文章看完再做题,或题看完再读文章。 特别注意:比较容易定位的词是: A. 不能用中心思想词定位,因为整篇文章都说的是它。 B. 时间、数字、地点、大写字母的单词容易定位。 C. 比较长,难的名词容易定位,好找。 D. 定位词找2-3个就行,多了也记不住。最好是位置不同的两个词。 一般判断N0和NG的标准如下: NO题: (l)信息与原文相反 (2)将原文信息张冠李戴 (3)将原文中不确定的或未经证实的内容作为正确的或客观的来表述 (4)改变原文的条件、范围、频率、可能性等 NG题: (l)无中生有 (2)以个别代替整体,即将原文所举例子的特殊现象推广为普遍现象 (3)随意比较原文中提到的两个事物 (4)将原文具体化,即题目中涉及的范围小于原文涉及的范围 (5)原文中作者或某个人物的目标、目的、愿望、誓言等内容,在题目中作为客观事实陈述 Promote Learning and Skills for Young People and Adults This goal places the emphasis on the learning needs of young people and adults in the context of lifelong learning. It calls for fair access to learning programs that are appropriate, and mentions life skills particularly.


2017年12月英语四级真题 Part I Writing(25 minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension(25 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A)Her friend Erika.C)Her grandfather. B)Her little brother.D)Her grandmother. 2.A)By taking pictures for passers-by.C)By selling lemonade and pictures. B)By working part time at a hospital.D)By asking for help on social media. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3.A)Finding cheaper ways of highway construction. B)Generating electric power for passing vehicles. C)Providing clean energy to five million people. D)Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel. 4.A)They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements. B)They can be laid right on top of existing highways. C)They are only about half an inch thick.


What is Integrity? "Integrity" is defined as "adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty."The key to integrity is consistency--not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, r esponsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when m aking life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation. What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disap pointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships w ith others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals. Risky Business We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then explorin g ways to avoid similar problems in the future. Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsi ble choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may


大学英语四级考试真题及答案 Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes) 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Creating a Green Campus. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 建设绿色校园很重要 2. 绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境…… 3. 为了建设绿色校园,我们应该…… Creating a Green Campus Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For question 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Colleges taking another look at value of merit-based aid Good grades and high tests scores still matter—a lot—to many colleges as they award financial aid. But with low-income students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population in coming years, some schools are re-examining whether that aid, typically known as “merit aid”, is the most effective use of precious institutional dollars. George Washington University in Washington, D.C., for example, said last week that it would cut the value of its average merit scholarships by about one-third and reduce the number of recipients(接受者), pouring the savings, about $2.5 million, into need-based aid. Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa., made a similar decision three years ago. Now, Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether. No current merit-aid recipients will lose their scholarships, but need-based aid alone will be awarded beginning with students entering in fall 2008. Not all colleges offer merit aid; generally, the more selective a school, the less likely it is to do so. Harvard and Princeton, for example, offer generous need-based packages, but many families who don’t meet need eligibility(资格)have been willing to pay whatever they must for a big-name school. For small regional colleges that struggle just to fill seats, merit aid can be an important revenue-builder because many recipients still pay enough tuition dollars over and above the scholarship amount to keep the institution running. But for rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profits. “They’re trying to buy students,”says Skidmore College economist Sandy Baum. Studies show merit aid also tends to benefit disproportionately students who could afford to enroll without it. “As we look to the future, we see a more pressing need to invest in need-based aid,”says Monica Inzer, dean of admission and financial aid at Hamilton, which has offered merit scholarships for 10 years. During that time, it rose in US News & World Repor t’s ranking of the best liberal arts colleges, from 25 to 17. Merit aid, which benefited about 75 students a year, or about 4% of its student body, at a cost of about $ 1 million a year, “served us well,”Inzer says, but “to be


大学英语四级真题推荐 通过英语四级是大学生们拿到毕业证的必行之路,它影响着你是否能获得一份好的工作,现在社会好的的用人企业都会在乎员工的英语水平是否过了四级水平线。很多学生在四级路上是已将挂了好多次,那么如何才能通过英语四级呢?如下四招能够帮到你: 1.词汇和语法 英语四级跟高中英语还是有所不同的。主要体现在词汇量和语法上。四级要求的词汇量要比高中的多,语法上高中重视语法的学习,大学老师基本上就不讲英语语法的。但是要学好英语,想要通过四级考试必须要学好词汇和语法,这样才能读懂真题。 许多人在学习基础的时候会专门买单词书或语法书,其实完全没必要。四级大纲词汇基本上都是反复出现在英语四级真题中的,记单词和学习语法只要专研真题就可以了。为此,考虑到多数考生都是基础差的情况,这里向大家介绍巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》一书。该书把阅读文章的每一句话都拿出来详细讲解,核心词汇注释和语法讲解都有。词汇注释包括音标、词义、词性、近反义词和相关词组,俨然字典里的注解。句子解析有长难句的句子图解和简单句的句子讲解,句子图解清晰明了,很容易看懂语法结构;句子讲解是文字讲解,每一句的语法都讲解的很到位,很适合基础不好的人用来学习。用这本书进行复习的话,你根本不会觉得枯燥无味,因为在句子中记单词和学语法会更容易。 2.阅读 阅读是四六级考试的重中之重,建议复习的话夺下点功夫。在运用巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》一书夯实单词和语法之后,你还需要学习相应的做题技巧,这里建议反复使用真题。做完之后对照答案,找出自己的错误的原因并归纳记录,在这个过程中你可以穿插着学习巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》送的小册子的做题技巧。如果还有所不懂的话,你也可以去零元课的网站学习一下相关的视频课。这样子边学习边专研技巧,你的阅读得分必定能够提升。 3.翻译和写作 翻译的话建议你多加练习,就拿巨微英语真题进行练习就可以了。你可以先自己试着翻译,然后对照翻译的答案,找出不同,学习答案的翻译。如果有时间的话,你可以找找阅读的文章段落进行翻译,然后对照它的汉语翻译进行学习。巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》还送有翻译的做题技巧的小册子也是可以拿来学习的,一定要看看,对你有帮助的。 写作建议你先学习小册子进行写作技巧的学习,然后进行练习。拿到真题之后你要自己先构思、进行写,然后再对照参考答案,学习参考答案的优点,对自己的文章加以修改。参考答案还给出了一个参考模板,你应该尽力把它背诵下来。注意在平时的写作中多注意积累词组和优美的句子,方便写作时用。 4.听力 听力的复习很重要,要提早进行。高中的时候就不太注重听力的学习,现在是有点难度的。主要还是多听历年的真题,你可以把巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》附带的听力真题下载到你的手机上,吃饭时睡觉前都可以听,听的多了你的语感也就上去了。此外,你还需要学习听力的做题技巧,这个书中赠送了相应的小册子你可以直接使用,如果还是不太懂,可以再去看看零元课的相关的视频讲解,就可以更加明白了。 上面是我们专门为基础不好的考生研究出来的一套四级复习方法,希望能够帮助到你们。 下面这些资料也很有用:


大学英语四级考试中快速阅读的答题技巧 一:测试目的 快速阅读,顾名思义,它的目的在于测试考生单位时间当中的阅读量,其实四级对速度的考查是近几 年一直延续的一种结果。在2002年的时候,我们四级阅读平均每一篇文章阅读量是284个单词,2003年6月,每篇文章阅读量是300个单词。2005年一月份和六月份,平均阅读量是320到333个单词。这说明 一点,四级考试委员会对阅读速度这个能力早就有一个延续性的逐步的提高。同时,在解答题目方面,快 速阅读并不强调一定要像精读文章那样通篇认真研究,相反,快速阅读题目更强调测试考生在实践语言环 境中查询有效信息的能力,这也反映出四六级考试试图提升考生实际应用能力的改革方向。 二:测试形式 快速阅读要求考生在15分钟内完 成一篇1100字左右的文章和后面的10道题。前面7个题是判断正误(包括NOT GIVEN),后3个是填空题填根据阅读的理解,填三到四个单词(答案基本都是原文中出现的原词)。快速阅读的文章一般分为小标题+题目和无小标题+题目两种类型。这反映出四级考试从单纯的模仿托福的形式转向托福和雅思学习的融合。该题型需要通过略读和寻读法,乃至文章逻辑关系、标点符/号等方面的综合运用,实现对随后的题目有效的判断和填写。 三:基本要求 1.快速阅读的文章基本都是专业题材的文章,很多考生可能会觉得很陌生,但是对于CET-4 的快速阅读开始来说,只要求考生对题目所提到的信息在原文中能够找到即可,只是有时需要简 单的同义词替换 2.略读(Skimming)和寻读(Scanning)的能力在大学英语四级考试中显得尤为重要 3.快速阅读要求考生的阅读速度是每分钟110-140词

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