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“Cool”is a word with many meanings. Its traditional meaning is used to 1C a temperature that is fairly cold. As the world has 2A , however, the word has expanded to 3B many different meanings. “Cool”can be used to express feelings of 4B in almost anything.


When you see a brand-name car in the street, maybe you can’t help 5D , “It’s cool.”You might think, “He’s so cool,”when you see your 6C footballer.


We all enlarge the meaning of “cool”. You can use it 7B many words such as “new”or “amazing.”Here’s an interesting story we can see 8C illustrate the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to 9C the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one 10D , “It’s so cool.”11D he thought it was 12D to describe 13B he saw and felt.

我们扩大了“COOL”这一单词的意思。你可以用它来代替诸如“NEW”(新的)或者“AMAZING”(奇妙的)这样的单词。我们可以用一个有趣的故事来看看这个单词的使用:一个老师叫他的学生描述刚刚游览过的瀑布。有一个学生的试卷上就写了一句话:“It’s so cool.”(“太冷了”或者“太酷了”)也许他认为这是可以用来形容他的所见所感的一句话了。

14D the story also proves the shortage of words and expressions. 15A “cool,”some people have no words to express the same meaning. So it is 16B to improve our word strength to maintain some 17C .


As a popular word, “cool”stands for a kind of special 18B that people can accept easily. Excepting “cool,”can you think of many words that 19D your life as colorful? I can. And I think they are also very 20A .


1. A. find B. take C. show D. make sure

2. A. changed B. been developed C. been cleaned D. informed

3. A. turn out B. take on C. take in D. come into

4. A. satisfaction B. interest C. sense D. interesting

5. A. to say B. telling C. shout D. saying

6. A. famous B. out of date C. favorite D. modern

7. A. in stead of B. in place of C. to take place of D. exchange

8. A. is used to B. showing C. used to D. explaining


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


1. As is known to all, color-blind people often find it difficult to ________ between red and green. A.separate B. isolate C.contrast D. distinguish 2.Your advice would be ________ valuable to him, who is at present at his wit's end. A.exceedingly B. excessively C.extensively D. exclusively 3.The government has planned to ________ new industries in areas of high unemployment. A.concentrate B. focus C.center D. direct 4.Since the issue was extremely _________ , we dealt with it immediately. A.resistant B. intense C.urgent D. instant 5.The epidemic (流行病) was made worse when top leaders tried to hide the ________ of the disaster and present its impact as slight. A.scale B. rank C.range D. Having spoken of 参考答案 1.D) 考查近义动词的语义及搭配用法。各选项的意思及用法是:选项A)separate使分开,区分,区别,常用结构是“separate A from B”。如:separate cause from effect区分因果关系;选项B)isolate使隔离,使孤立,常用于isolate…from结构中。如:Several towns have been isolated from the outside world by the flood.有好几个城镇因洪水与外界隔绝了。选项C)contrast对比,对照,常用于“contrast A with B”结构中。如:contrast Europe with America 将欧美两洲做一番比较;选项D)distinguish区分,辨别,常用于“distinguish A from B/distinguish between A and B”结构中。如:distinguish between right and wrong/distinguish right from wrong明辨是非。根据题干中的介词及句意,可判断出选项D)应为正确答案。全句意思为“众所周知,色盲的人很难区分红色与绿色”。 2.A) 考查副词语义。各选项的意思分别是:选项A)exceedingly非常地,十分地;选项B)excessively过分地,过多地;选项C)extensively 广阔地,广大地,广泛地;选项D)exclusively独有地,独享地;排斥地。根据题意,不难判断出选项A)应为正确答案。全句意思是“你的建议对他将非常有价值,他现在已智穷计尽”。 3.A)


2018年成人高考模拟测试 第1卷(选择题,共105分) 一、语音知识:共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。 1.()A. handsome B. candle C. distance D. land 2.()A. meat B. ready C. heat D. seat 3.()A. bottom B. colour C. Monday D. ton 4. ()A. billion B. lab C. table D. comb 5.()A. tooth B. month C. father D.method 二、词汇与语法知识:共15小题;每题1.5分。共22.5分。从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. Johnson will phone his mother as soon as he in Kunming. A. arrived B. arrives C. will arrive D. is arriving 7. The young policeman asked her name was. A. when B. who C. why D. what 8. This song is very with young people.

A. pleasant B. popular C. favourite D. beautiful 9. The family at a small hotel for the night. A. put up B. went up C. got up D. jumped up 10. "We can't go out in this weather, "said Bob, out of the window. A. to have looked B. looked C. looking D. to look 11. --Let' s go to the concert tonight, Mary. --Sorry, I . I have to help my morn with the housework. A. needn' t B. can' t C. mustn' t D. shouldn' t 12. I chose this coat in the end because ones were all too expensive. A. the others


2019年成人高考高起点英语考试试题及解析 第1卷(选择题,共105分) 【一】略 【二】词汇与语法知识:共15小题;每题1、5分。共22、5分。从每题的四个选择项中,选出最正确的一项。 6. Johnson will phone his mother as soon as he in Kunming. A. arrived B. arrives C. will arrive D. is arriving 7. The young policeman asked her name was. A. when B. who C. why D. what 8. This song is very with young people. A. pleasant B. popular C. favourite D. beautiful 9. The family at a small hotel for the night. A. put up B. went up C. got up D. jumped up 10. "We can't go out in this weather, "said Bob, out of the window. A. to have looked B. looked C. looking D. to look 11. --Let' s go to the concert tonight, Mary. --Sorry, I . I have to help my morn with the housework. A. needn' t B. can' t C. mustn' t D. shouldn' t 12. I chose this coat in the end because ones were all too expensive. A. the others B. another C. others D. the other 13. We got to the cinema late the heavy traffic. A. because of


2017年成人高考专升本英语真题及参考答案 第1卷(选择题,共125分) I.Phonetics ( 5 points) Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and iden-tify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answerby blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. penalty B. moment C. quarrel D. absent 2. A. sympathy B. material C. courage D. analysis 3. A. starvation B. suggestion C. satisfaction D. situation 4. A. donkey B. turkey C. money D. obey 5. A. revise B. consist C. advertise D. visit Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 points ) Directions : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper. A. walk B. the walk C. wallks D. a walk 7. He pointed at the new car and asked, "___ is it? Have you ever seen it before?" A. Why B. Where C. Who D. Whose


2019年成人英语三级考试练习题及答案:完成对话Jack: ______ A. No, I don't think so. B. Let's mend them with a needle and a thread. C. Why don't you take them to the cobbler? D. Let's take them to the weaver. [答案]C 【精析】Milton说鞋子坏了,于是Jack建议他把它们拿到鞋匠那里去修补。A项是不同意别人的意见,D项的weaver是指织工,B项说自己拿针线修补,这不合情理。 Jeff: It is said that you are writing another book. What is the title and ______ Thomson: The title of the book is Human Nature and it will be published in October, 2006. A. what is the plot of this book? B. why is it a secret? C. when will it be out? D. where will it be published? [答案]C 【精析】(它什么时候出版?)Thomason回答的是书的名字和将要出版的日期。A项问的是书的情节,B项问为什么是个秘密,D项问的是在什么地方出版,所以这三项都不合题意。

Josie: Might I trouble you for a night? Justin: You ______ A. might indeed! B. may indeed! C. could indeed! D. certainly did! [答案]C 【精析】"Might I trouble you for a night?"的意思是:“我能够麻烦你一晚吗?”回答要用could。


2014年成人高高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 答案必须答在答题卡上的指定位置,答在试卷上无效。 一.语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。) 在下列每缉单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。 1. A. climb B. job C. disturb D. club 2. A. sweater B. meant C. pleasure D. pleased 3. A. drunk B. dusty C. duty D. drug 4. A. breathe B. nothing C. clothes D. weather 5. A. prove B. rose C. wrote D. broke 二、词汇与语法知识(共15小题,每题分,共分) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. Regular exercise can you against heart disease. A. fight B. protect C. keep D. support 7. Over a hundred people expressed their worries, but were willing to help. A. some B. many C. few D. little 8. You can't do anything else until you your homework. A. finished B. will finish C. have finished D. had finished 9. First draw a line the middle of the page. Then write a word in the space above the line. A. across 13. over C. between D. within 10, The managerhad Ms. Brunell the new assistant around yesterday. A. to show B. showed C. showing D. show 11. Send for a doctor quickly. The man A. will die B. isdying C. dies D. died 12. I enjoy listeningto Miss:: White; my English teacher, ,I can only understand about half ofwhat she says, A. when B. because C. if D. though 13. The bag is very heavy. Come and lend me a hand, ? A. should you B. do you C. can you D. will you 14. After working for two hours, I found impossible'to complete the paper in time. A. me B. this C. that D. it 15. It was very kind of you to clean the office, though you A. needn't do B. wouldn't have C. didn't have to D. mustn't have done 16. The faster anything goes up into the sky,


模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题! 成人本科英语考试试题及答案解析(二十) 一、Reading Comprehension (共14小题,共30.0分)There are serval passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 第1题 Almost every family buys at least one copy of a newspaper every day. Some people subscribe(订阅) to as many as two or three newspapers. But why do people read newspapers? Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings - battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown(推翻)or killed took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in far away countries on the some day they happen. Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful information. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories and, of course, advertisements. (76) The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for the advertising space, but it is worth the money, for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country. For those who produce newspapers, advertisements are also very important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still make a profit. (77) Newspapers often have information on gardening, cooking and fashion, as well as a small but very popular section on jokes and cartoons(漫画). The habit of reading newspapers is ______. A uncommon in the world B not popular in U.S.A. C widespread in the world D founded among a few families 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】


成人英语三级考试模拟试题及答案 英语试卷一 Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Louise: Would you like to go to a party this Saturday? Jackie: ______________. What kind of party? A. Feels great. B. Sounds good. C. Looks nice. D. Seems OK. 2. Customer: Hi, I’d like a double room for tonight Receptionist: ____________? Customer: Yes, I called you last week from Seattle. My name is Bob Woods. A. Do you have an appointment? B. Have you paid beforehand? C. Do you have a reservation? D. Have you made an order? 3. Sally: You look great in this red dress! Jennifer: __________. A. No, it’s not. Yours looks better. B. No, I don’t like it very much. C. I quite agree with you. D. Thank you. It’s my favorite. 4. Ginger: Hey, how was your vacation?


2016年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题 一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。) 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同,请找出这个单词。 1. A.notice B.practice C.British D.patient 2. A.income B.centre C.city D.bicycle 3. A.cloud B.round C.mountain D.country 4. A.hand B.honest C.habit D.behind 5. A.direct B.hotel C.basket D.express 二、词汇与语法知识(共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6.My friend Bob always __________ jokes whenever we get together. A.says B.speaks C.talks D.tells 7.Before Tom got to the cinema,the film__________. A.had begun B.will begin C.has begun D.begins 8.The driver kept one eye on __________ traffic and the other on __________ map. A.不填;a B.a;a C.the;the D.the;不填 9.I couldn′t find my black glov es __________. A.nowhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.anywhere 10.Mary picked up her children′s clothes that __________on the floor. A.lie B.will lie C.have lain D.were lying 11.Jane had already finished cooking __________ the time I got home. A.in B.on C.by D.at 12. Excuse me,where is the meeting room? --Just a s econd. I′ll have someone __________ you there. A.takes B.take C.taking D.to take 13.I′ll never forget the day __________ I became a doctor. A.that B.which C.where D.when 14.Your article is well written,but I think you should __________ it again.


2019年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试真题 第I卷(选择题,共125分) I. Phonetics(5 points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B. C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identity the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. land B. lamb C. father D. ladder 2. A. challenge B. cheap C. choose D. character 3. A. sweat B. please C. beat D. meat 4. A. rescue B. league C. pursue D. argue 5. A. action B. section C. solution D. question II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. There _______ no one to help me at this moment, I need to handle the work all by myself. A. be B. being C. to be D. been 7. Mary took a part-time job last summer , but her parents were unhappy about _____ she did. A. these B. which C. that D. what


成人英语三级考试阅读典型练习题3 高效备考!年成人英语三级考试课程火热开售中>> Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a home, so they have to borrow money from a bank. Borrowing money from a bank to buy a house is called “take a mortgage (抵押).”The bank usually lends money or gives a mortgae for twenty-five years. Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as $ 50 000. In other words, they will have a $ 50 000 mortgage. How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like, you go to a bank. The bank will research you financial (金融的) history and decide if. they think you are a good risk. They will want to know what kind of job you have, what kind of salary you make, and how long you have had the job. They will also want to know how much money you have. In addition, the banks will require a down payment. Depending on which state you live in, the bank may require as much as 30% of the-price of the house as a down payment. The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house. Many people are never able to buy a house because they cannot save enough money for the down payment. 1. What does a house mean in the United States?转自环球网校


2013年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试 《英语》真题及答案详解 一.语音知识(共5小题:每题 1.5分,共7.5分。) 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音 不同,找出这个词。 1. A. lab B. table C. math D. attack 2. A. cake B. custom C. center D. cover 3. A. rush B. duck C. truck D. butcher 4. A. check B. change C. chemistry D. chocolate 5. A. cousin B. south C. ground D. thousand 二.词汇与语法知识(共15小题:每题 1.5分,共22.5分。) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. Jack is news reporter and he likes job very much. A. a; the B. the; the C .the; a D. a; a 7. It has been almost five years we saw each other last time. A. after B. before C. since D. when 8. He knows about the city, for he has never been there. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 9. With all his homework , the boy was allowed to watch TV. A. finished B.to finish C. will finish D. having finished 10. ---Can I get you some more fish? --- . A. Yes, please B. I’m sorry C. That’s all right D. It doesn’t matter 11. Tom, hurry up, you will miss the school bus. A. and B. or C. but D. then 12. The room as a laboratory for nearly two years till now. A.is used B. was used C. has been used D. had been used


2016年全国各类成人高考专升本英语试卷(模拟) 试卷总分:150分答题时间:120分钟试卷年份:2016年 一、Phonetics(5 points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 第1题 A.chin B.bite C.alive D.side 第2题 A.gate B.hate C.made D.staff 第3题 A.either B.eight C.neither D.height 第4题 A.child B.character C.church D.chicken 第5题 A.trouble B.soul C.double D.enough 二、V ocabulary and Structure(15 points) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 第1题The committee is totally opposed any changes being made in the plans. A.of B.on C.to D.against 第2题We’ll visit Europe next year we have enough money. A.lest B.until C.unless D.provided 第3题The room is in a terrible dirty surroundings;it cleaned. A.can’t have been B.shouldn’t have been C.mustn’t have been D.wouldn’t have been 第4题That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but the police. A.called in B.calling in C.call in D.to call in 第5题It’s already 5 o’clock now.Don’t you think it’s about time ? A.we are going home B.we go home C.we went home D.we can go home


北京市5月成人英语三级真题答案 北京市2014年5月成人英语三级真题答案 1. D four 第一段第一句说美国的幼儿园一般在五到六岁开始,第二句说在富裕国家里这么晚才开始是十分奇怪的,所以是在五岁以前,综合答案选择D,四岁。 2. C Rich pre-school kids have a richer vocabulary than poor kids. 第一第四句中提到,根据调查,贫困家庭的孩子在词汇方面要落后于富有家庭的孩子,而这种差距往往会持续一生。所以选C。 3. D Two years of pre-kindergarten were better than one. 倒数第二段第三四句讲到,参加学前教育的孩子在读写能力、语言能力、数学能力和科学能力上均有更好的表现,而有两年的学前教育效果要好于一年,所以选D。 4. A choose 本句的句意是批评者们选择了一个叫做“头脑启蒙”政府计划来……其他的选项分别都B 考虑C计数D依赖 5. B Pre-school Education 本文通篇都在探讨的是学前教。A选项未提到,CD均为学前教育研究的一部分,所以选B。 6. B eight 第一段最后一句说计划在2022年送一组人上火星,可知答案是八年,选择B。 7. B He could not come up with the fund of Mars One. 第二段倒数第二句明确说明计划大约需要60亿美元。所以B选项描述有误。其他选项在第二段前半部分都有提到,即所有的条件均已具备。 8. D the four astronauts could return to earth after a few years’stay on Mars.


成人高考英语试题 成人高考英语试题篇一:2014成人高考高起 专英语试题及答案 成人高考英语试题篇二:2012成人高考英语真题试题电子版 word版 绝密?启用前 2012成人高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 一( 语音知识(共5小题,每题1.5分,共7.5分) 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线 部分的读音不同,找出这个词。 1.A.July B.hurry C.satisfyD.sky 2.A.lesson B.quesion C.recent D.several 3.A.call https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a1055585.html,cate C.coat D.sociey 4.A.visitB.task C.respectD.same 5.A.afraid B.captain C.failD.sailor. 二. 词汇与语法知识(共15小题,每题1.5分,共22.5分) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. —World you help me with these books, —_____ A.With pleasure B.Never mind C.it’s fine D.Don’t worry 7.Everyone_____to bring some food to the party on Sunday. A.supposes B.will supposes C.is supposes D.will be supposes 8.—Do you have these shoes in size eight?

.—I’m not sure.I’ll just go and_____our. A.sell B.send C.watch D.find 9.Lucy____ride a bike when she was three. A.should B.must C.could D.need 10.The police told ____to stay in their cars. A.anybody B.everybody C.nobody D.somebody 11.Something is wrong____my radio.Can you help fix it for me? A.for B.of C.on D.with 12.—Is Tom coming with us? —He can’t—he____for his exams. A.prepares B.is preparing C.has prepared D.prepraed 13.Follow me and I’ll show you____the library is. A.what B.when C.where D.which 14.At the end of the year there____a test on everything we have studied. A.was B.will be C.would be D.has been 15.The film star walked to his car,____by a crowd of fans. A.to follow B.following C.followed D.to be followed 16.____I admire most about Lee is his love of nature. A.What B.How C.That D.Where 17.Tim went to work on the farm last week,and____. A.his sister did so B .so his sister did C.did his sister so D.so did his sister 18.Mike’s health has been____improved since he gave up smoking.

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