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小学四年级英语作文:我的爱好 My hobby

小学四年级英语作文:我的爱好 My hobby

小学四年级英语作文:我的爱好 My hobby

I am Cendy. I am in Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I am in Class 9, Grade 4. I am tall and thin. I live in Dali. I have many good friends. I often play with them.

I have many hobbies, riding a bike, drawing pictures and reading books. But I like to read books the best. Because of reading books is good for my study. I also like riding bikes. Because of it does a lot of good to my body.

What’s your hobby? Can you tell me?






My hobby Everyone has his own hobby , it may give him a lot of happiness. My hobby is listening to music . when I was a child I enjoy listening to music especially the cartoon music ,though I'm not good at it, I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble , music can make me calm down. When I am very tired , it can make me comfortable . When I am angry with something , it aslo can make me happy again. Listening to music keeps me in a good mood and it's good for my health. Do you like listening to music? If not, I hope you can have a try,you will find it so good. My hobby I enjoy reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them. Two years ago, I didn't like reading very much. I had plenty of time, but I spent lots of time on playing with computers. When I was very young, I didn't think reading book was interesting, because I found nothing more interesting than the computer games. I've changed now. I enjoy reading novels, because there're lots of interesting stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That's a good novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England. I'm always lose myself in the interesting stories.


《我的爱好作文》 我的爱好作文(一): 我的爱好 每个人都有自我的爱好。我也不例外,我也有自我的爱好,此刻就让我来告诉你我的爱好吧。 我的爱好是画画,绘画是我最喜欢的爱好命根,所以我的房间堆满了许多画。 记得小时候,每当我在外面看到新奇的东西或者有好处的事情,我都会情不自禁地停下来认真观察,记住它们的特征,然后回家把它们画下来,几乎是见什么画什么。 我不仅仅爱好画画,而且还爱好动手做小手工。因为做小手工不但能开发智力、协调手脑配合潜力,而且还能培养创造力。 爱好是每个人的天赋,期望全世界的爸爸妈妈不要逼孩子去做自我不愿意的事,这样全世界都是快乐的! 我的爱好作文(二): 我的爱好 人人都有自我的爱好,我也有我的爱好,我的爱好是画画。 我爱画画,因为有一件事情让我对画画十分喜爱,又一次,班主任樊老师来到班级,说:咱班谁想画画,就选两个人,谁画的好,谁的画就能够去参见比赛。 举手的人有:我,宋娟,吴更林,唐艳新,孙刘乐,门中宇,史亚楠,徐晨和范雨薇。我怕老师不选我,所以就跑到老师面前说:老师,我能够参加画画吗?宋娟看我跑到前面,她也跑到前面跟老师说她也想参加,老师就给了我们每人一张素描纸。唐艳新看到我和宋娟参加了画画,她不服气,我心想:她不服气也没办法,我和宋娟已经参加了。老师给的素描纸一张是打完框的,一张是没打完框的,老师把打完框的给了我。晚上妈妈和爸爸带我去阿姨家看电脑上的图案照着画。我画的时候觉得就像在玩似的。画完以后,我看着我的画,又看了看电脑上的画,虽然有点区别,但是我觉得这是我画得最好的一幅画。我给爸爸妈妈看,爸爸和妈妈都夸我画的好看,爸爸还说:可欣,你以前是不是学过画画啊!画的真不错。到了第二天,我和宋娟的画,老师选了我的画。 临近艺术表演还有6天,老师给我们发了树苗纸,我们分别有自我喜欢的作品,我画了一幅毛毛虫画,每个毛毛虫都很可爱,再加上点颜色,就显得更生动了,这幅画我费了好大得劲才画出来。虽然画的不是那么好看,但是这是我努力


适合一年级小学生参考的英语作文素材【三篇】 (*) Flowers bloom on the corridor In my eyes, the sky is small, like a poem, like a beautiful exotic flower, that is, the corridor is also full of flowers. Our school corridor, there are many dazzling flowers, competing to open, fragrant flowers filled the whole campus. After class or school, you will be deeply attracted by the charming flowers and colorful flowers. The lilies on the other side rose up as if they had stretched their waists; the sunflowers on the other side seemed to be hanging their heads; and beside them, the roses mo*ed their graceful bodies, like graceful maidens... When I finished class, I walked to the hallway, closed my eyes, and felt the fresh air, sweet smell. When it came to a *iolet, it was attracted by its fragrance. The *iolets are about 30-60 centimeters tall. The whole plant is dark purple, soft, stalks erect and somewhat lignification. Lea*es wide, oblong or oblanceolate, apex obtuse. Racemes terminal or axillary, pedicel shaped. The


小学四年级描写季节的英语作文 In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesn't blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired--except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I can't study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly. 【篇二】小学四年级描写季节的英语作文 There are four seasons in a year. Spring, summer, fall and winter. In spring, the weather is windy and warm. In summer, the weather is hot and sunny. In fall, the weather is windy and cool. In winter, the weather is always windy and cold. They are all good. But my favourite season is summer. Do you know “why?” Because I can eat ice-cream and eat watermelons. I can swim in the lake. Expecially I can spend a good holiday. In the holiday,I can go hiking with my parents. I can play with my friends. I can watch TV and I can do everything that I want to do. So summer is my favourite season. What about you? 【篇三】小学四年级描写季节的英语作文词 Among the four seasons in the year, my favorite season is autumn. In autumn, the weather is very comfortable. It feels so great after the hot summer. Therefore, I like going outside for hiking in autumn. I can enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature. Besides, autumn is a season of harvest. Farmers are busy with their farm work. After such long time


六年级英语作文:我的爱好 每个人都有不一样的爱好,下面就来介绍一下你的爱好是什么吧。 I am Bob. I am 11 years old. I live in a tall building. It has twenty-nine floors. I live on the twenty-first floor. I am from China. I have small eyes. My favourite food is chicken. My favourite animal is dog,because it is lovely. My best friend is Ted. We often play together. But his house is very far from my house. He likes playing computer games. My hobby is playing football. I often play football with my classmates, because they like playing football, too. We often win. Why do I like football? Because it does a lot of good for my body. Do you like football? My hobby is lisetening to music. I like listening to music listening to music makes me I am tired,I will listening some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very favorite music is the music that has good lyrics can also make me learn Chinese or English well


小学一年级英语作文集锦 目录 1、Jim's family (3) 2、My New Teacher (4) 3、Good friend (5) 4、Something about me (6) 5、Mother and I (7) 6、This is me (8) 7、Who am I? (10) 8、My family (11) 9、A happy girl (12) 10、My Lovely Teacher (13) 11、Myself (13) 12、My dog (14) 13、Flying birds (15) 14、A flying fox (15) 15、My Teacher's House (16) 16、A cat and a bird (17) 17、Sea horse (18) 18、My dog (18) 19、My rabbit (18) 20、My cat (19)

21、City (19) 22、My home (20) 23、My Classroom (21) 24、My Teachers House (22) 25、My bedroom (24) 26、My home (24) 27、Clocks (25) 28、Sport Competition (26) 29、Last Sunday (26) 30、Spring is coming (28) 31、Xiao Ming had a dream last night (29) 32、How to make everybody happy (30) 33、My favorite fruit (31) 34、A busy day (33) 35、Children's Day (33) 36、Air (34) 37、The sea (34) 38、A day in my life (35)


小学四年级英语作文优秀范文 小学四年级英语作文 :城市绿化 Make Our Cities Greener Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title: Make Our Cities Greener. Your composition should be based on the following outline: 1.城市绿化的现状; 2.绿化的好处(如:清新空气,美化城市,改善气候……等等); 3.怎样才能实现绿化。 Your composition should be no less than 100 words. Write this composition on the Composition Sheet. Remember to write it clearly. Make Our Cities Greener (约 200 字) Many things have been done and great progress has been made in the greenization of our cities in recent years. Many trees have been planted and much care has been taken of the planted trees. But, in spite of all this, greenization in the cities in China is far from satisfactory compared with cities in other countries in the world. For example, the green space for every people in Shanghai is only 2 square meters while that of the people in London exceeds 20 square meters. We can benefit much from the greenization of our cities. First, trees absorb carbon dioxide which is harmful, but produce oxygen which is essential to human beings. Secondly, with trees all around, our cities will look more beautiful. Thirdly, trees can improve the climate of the cities, making it neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. Since we can get so much benefit from making our cities greener, we should spare no effort to do so. We should plant even more trees and take even better care of them while they are growing. Besides, we should not cut down trees any more. In a word, we should do everything to add to the greenization of our cities. 小学四年级英语作文:我房前的树 The Tree in Front of My House 我房前的树


我的爱好英语作文范文500字带翻译 每个人都有自己的爱好,我也不例外。然而,我的这个爱好是---跳绳。那么我就给大家介绍介绍吧! Everyone has their own hobbies, and I am no exception. However, my hobby is skipping rope. Then I will introduce it to you! 说起我为什么会有跳绳的爱好,那是出自于一次比赛。 When it comes to my hobby of skipping rope, it comes from a competition. 大约是一年级的时候吧,老师选我和李宇欣去双人跳。为了不让跳绳的时候死绳,于是我就每天下午去练一个小时的跳绳。久而久之,它变成了我的习惯,爱好了。 It's about the first grade. The teacher chose me and Li Yuxin to double jump. In order not to let the rope die when skipping, so I go to practice skipping for an hour every afternoon. Over time, it became my habit and hobby. 跳绳其实挺好玩的,可以练各种各样的花样。比如:弓步跳绳,向前辫花跳,双摇,单腿辫花跳……所以,跳绳便成我的不变的爱好。 Skipping rope is really fun. You can practice all kinds of tricks. For example: lunge jump rope, forward braid jump, double swing,


我的兴趣爱好 小学的时候,作业不多学业不重,比较闲,闲下来也是在玩,宁愿在家里四处游荡,我也不愿意看书,父母让我学个乐器我也不肯,可现在到中学就愁了。 六年级下半学期时,妈妈总鼓励我去学吉他,起初,我觉得学吉他太难太烦了,总是拒绝她,但后来在妈妈的鼓舞和自己的好奇心下我同意去学了,可因为周木偶太忙了,所以学习时间又推迟了。妈妈说只好等到暑假里再学吉他了。 时光飞逝,暑假已经过了几天,妈妈和我去了附近的琴行报了名,琴行的老师说过几天就开课了,我听了也很激动,我挑选了一只我喜欢的吉他。开课的那一天终于到了,我怯怯地走进教室发现有两位女生与我一起上课,心里轻松了许多。 前几节我们学了如何弹弦、按弦及音阶,觉得好简单哦,但是当老师问起do(中音)在哪,我们大家都懵了,只得一个个数过去,最后背出每个音的位置,接下来老师教了一些简谱里的符号:大复点、小复点、连线等,老师说现在我们可以弹《小星星》和《欢乐颂》了,我弹《小星星》时一个音一个音总是连不起来,发现吉他“想来没有那么简单”,回家后也经常练习这首曲子,终于可以弹得比较流畅。这也使我在学习《欢乐颂》时得心应手。后来我们又学了几首曲子,觉得越来越不容易弹顺了,老师说教我们和弦,可以更流畅,我们一听就想是何妙法可使曲子弹顺?老师先教C和弦,说是简单,可手指头跨三个品,同时按3根弦而且很容易压住了一根弦,按久了手指

头会很疼,但我还是努力练习,渐渐地克服了这个困难,后来我们也陆续地学习了Am、Dm、Em、F、G等和弦,可最要命的是G和弦,跨度有六根弦,还要用小拇指来按,因为许多歌曲里都有这个和弦,所以我必须要克服这个困难。下面我们应该练习换和弦,因为和弦与和弦之间有一点点的区别,所以换起弦来有些麻烦,但我相信我可以的! 我觉得只要我认真去学习吉他,就会发现它其实没有想象地那么难,因此我要哈哈学习吉他,我希望可以“更上一层楼”。


小学一年级英语作文 小学一年级英语作文 小学一年级英语作文1 Hello, everybody! My name is Michael. I'm a happy boy. Because I laugh every day. I have a big family. There are three people in my family, my mother, my father and I. My parents are managers and I'm a student. I study in Grade Seven, Class Eleven, Dongzhou Middle School. It's a nice place. There are many students in my class. I have a good teacher, Miss Jiang. My favorite lessons are English and Maths. I like dogs very much. I have only one dog. Its name is Doudou. It's a pretty dog. Oh, I forgot to tell you something about my old friend. His name is Tad. His hobby is playing basketball. So he is taller and stronger than I. He has two big eyes and long hair. He is my best friend. This is me, a happy boy. 【参考翻译】


四年级英语作文范文 (1——10篇) 目录 四年级英语作文范文——My winter holiday (2) 四年级英语作文范文——My winter vacation plan (2) 四年级英语作文范文——My winter vacation plan (2) 四年级英语作文范文——Winter Vacation Plan (3) 四年级英语作文范文——我的寒假 (4) 四年级英语作文范文——寒假的一天 (4) 四年级英语作文范文——喝酒有害健康 (5) 四年级英语作文范文——我的寒假计划 (6) 四年级英语作文范文——My winter holiday (6) 四年级英语作文范文——我们的梦想 (7)

四年级英语作文范文——My winter holiday My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them. Sometimes we go shopping. One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and French fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have a rest. Then we feel better. We go and play computer games! How mad we are! This is the only thing I can talk about in the holiday. 四年级英语作文范文——My winter vacation plan My winter vacation plan My winner vacation is coming soon .I am so happy I decide to make a winter vacation plan .First, I will do my homework carefully Second ,I am going to help my mother with housework.Then,I want to play with my best friend.I will also visit my grangparents with my parents .We will spend Spring Festival with them.I think every day during my winter vacation will be happy. I am sure I will have a wonderful vacation. I can not wait. 四年级英语作文范文——My winter vacation plan My winner vacation is coming soon .I am so happy I decide to make a winter vacation plan .First, I will do my homework carefully Second ,I am going to help my mother with housework.Then,I want to play with my best friend.I will


六年级我的爱好英语作文带翻译 我的爱好英语作文(1) Everyone has their own hobbies, some people like running, because can increase the lung capacity; Some people like kicking shuttlecock, because can increase the balance. And my hobby is reading. Some people say that I am bookworms because our class has a "love books Angle". Is called "love books Angle", because of the books here are all the books of his own household contribution out bit by bit. Is every day I take a book I am interested in, then their serious reading, joys and sorrows with the characters in the story. The topic of this story is the unfinished world "the content of the story is a stray dog can time travel, one day it went to a world of unfinished. He again to help the prince of this world with a have a wish. When I saw the end, it become someone else's angel, is also a very subtle feeling, I seem to think that I am the only curiosity great stray dogs, and share the happiness together, share the sorrow. Said I was a "nerd". Because once I see a lot of books, there are the wonderful universe the selective


小学四年级英语作文大全 英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,一起来看看四年级英语作文,仅供大家参考!谢谢! 四年级英语作文大全1 I have a dog. Its name is Doggy. I like it. Doggy has two big eyes, two small ears, a big nose and a small mouth. It’s black and white. It has a short tail. It’s cute and lovely. Doggy is strong. It likes bones, rice and meat very much. My dog is lazy. It can catch a ball. I love my dog very much. 四年级英语作文大全2 My father is a nice man.He likes to play computer games.He is an owner of a factory which produces many things .He is good at designing.He works very hard.I love him very much because, sometimes,I can help him to do something in his factory .He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time . Therefore, he doesn’t have any time to play with me butI don’t blame him for that.I often spend a lot of my time on the computer,soI have something to do.My mother is usually on the


关于我的兴趣爱好作文800字关于我的兴趣爱好作文800字: 每个人有自己的浓厚的兴趣,有的人喜欢绘画,他们把一张张单调乏味的白纸渲染成一件件五彩缤纷的艺术品;有的人热爱足球,他们奔跑在绿茵场上,汗水、激情、欢乐在这里荡漾;有的人喜爱阅读,他们啃食着“精神的粮食”,久久陶醉在心灵的盛宴里。而我,却对那一张张彩纸、剪刀、胶水、彩色笔情有独钟。 每个星期二是我最盼望的一天,每次我都怀着希望、惊讶和满足来到学校。因为第三节的手工课是我最向往的。课堂上,老师会教我们层出不穷的手工作品,每每我都有各种不同的收获。 还记得有一天,我正在畅游书海,“出去,又在家里吸烟,真讨厌!”妈妈的怒吼声把我拉回到现实中,并且心里觉得该要做点什么。我灵机一动,有了。说干就干,马上找来白色卡纸、彩色笔。先画了一个大大的圆圈,在里面又画了一个圈,接着把两圈之间涂上了鲜艳而醒目的大红色。在圈内最里面画上了几根点燃的香烟,打上了一个大大的禁止符号。最后用很粗的黑色勾线笔写上了醒目的“no smoking”和“吸烟有害健康。”用剪刀把这个圆整齐的剪下,哈哈,一个禁烟警示牌做好了。我把做好的警示牌悄悄地贴在了爸爸床头柜的墙壁上。当爸爸回家走向床头柜拿火点烟时,无意抬头看见了警示牌,他小声地叫了声:“亲爱的。”又指了指墙壁。妈妈顿时大笑,爸爸却无语的放下了火机和香烟。当我看到这一幕时,特别高兴,暗自庆幸自己帮助爸爸戒烟颇见成效。爸爸也因此下定了戒烟的决心。

在家里,我利用了很多空余时间做了许许多多的手工作品。还把妈妈爸爸的床头墙变成了五彩缤纷的世界:“会飞的爱心”、“山茶花”、“牡丹花”、“幸运星”……妈妈为此常常夸奖我心灵手巧,还感谢我装扮她的房间。我还会用一些废旧的宣传画,做很多“方便盒”,在生活中使用也特别适用、方便。 我对做手工有着浓厚的兴趣,它既可以让自己有一双小巧手,让大脑更灵活,有创新力,还可以装饰自己的家,在生活中也给家人带来便利。 这些彩色纸有魔法,一直吸引着我,把我带进了五颜六色的制作殿堂。


2020年寒假小学一年级英语作文6篇 寒假假来到,大家的学习可以暂缓一下了,但是别太偷懒,学习心态也不能太淡。下面就是小编给大家整理的2020年寒假小学一年级英语作文6篇,希望大家喜欢! My family lives on this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and all the children go to school. My mother takes us to school everyday. She does the housework. She always has her lunch at home, and sees her friends in the afternoon. In the evening all the children come home from school. They always get home early. My father goes home from work and he is often late. After supper my two brothers and I do our homework. We go to bed at ten. She is six years old. She knows how to walk. She knows how to run. She knows how to swim. She knows how to play soccer. She knows how to ride a horse. She knows how to walk her dog. She knows how to read. She knows how to write. My name is peter.I am six years old.I am from Taiwan.Many people ask me about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very interesting.But I hope myfriends can remember my English name rather than my Chinese one.My hobby is playing basketball.I usually play it with my friends after school,and I be lieve playing basketbal l will bring me goodhealth.I am atalka tive person.It is very difficult form etokeep quiet.Now I am studying in English,so I hope everyone can speak English to me.Other wise I will feel very bad ifI keep quiet. One evening, mother took me to buy clothes. Selected two clothes and two pairs of trousers, a clothes my mother said not good-looking, but I feel very good with my father. My mother will be selected clothes to buy back. I like banana very much. banana always grows in the warm area. it's nice to eat, and it is good for our healths. like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas. you can see th is in the zoo.


作文要求: 1)仔细审题,注意第一人称还是第三人称 2)前后内容连贯,有开头,结尾 3)至少6句话 一、仿照例文写作文 请仿照例文,向大家介绍一下你的周末通常是如何度过的 On Sunday I usually go to Changping library with my friend, Lily. There are many books there. I like English. I often read English stories. Lily likes Chinese. She usually reads Chinese books. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 二、仿照例文写作文 请仿照例文,向大家介绍一下你的一件新东西 I have a new bike. It’s very nice. It is blue and white. I go to school by bike every day. I like my bike. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 三、根据表格,写写你一天的生活 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


关于我的爱好高中英语作文 在人的一生中,总会有一些令人喜欢的项目。那,就是爱好。下面是为大家精心整理的关于我的爱好的高中英语作文文章,希望能够帮助到你们。 我的爱好 I have many hobbies, such as playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much. I have a friend. His name is JooZone. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. If we have free time, we often play pingpong together. 2010 summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost. He was very angry. He said to me, “I will beat you in a month.”“OK. We will have a match at that time.”After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered, “I forgot the thing! I don't want to have a match with you.”I was very surprised and angry and said, “Oh, you're a forgetful boy!” 我有许多爱好,比如玩网游,看漫画,购物。我也非常喜欢打乒乓球。我有一个朋友,他叫作文地带,他也是一个乒乓球迷。我们一

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