当前位置:文档之家› 英语词根词缀记忆法[全集]








acentric 无中心的(a+centric 中心的)

asocial 不好社交的(a+social 好社交的)

amoral 非道德性的(a+moral 道德的;注意:immoral 不道德的)apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political 政治的)

anemia 反常的(a+nomal 正常的+ous)


asleep 睡着的(a+sleep 睡觉)

aside 在边上(a+side 旁边)

ahead 在前地(a+head 头)

alive 活的(a+live 活)

awash .泛滥的(a+wash 冲洗)

2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等abnormal 反常的(ab+normal 正常的)

abuse 滥用(ab+use 用→用坏→滥用)

absorb 吸收(ab+sorb 吸收→吸收掉)

absent 缺席的(ab+sent 出现→没有出现→缺席的)

abduct 诱拐(ab+duct 引导→引走→诱拐)

abject 可怜的(ab+ject 抛→抛掉→可怜的)

abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract 拉→被拉开→心不在焉)abstain 戒绝(abs+tain 拿住→不再拿住→戒绝)

abscond 潜逃(abs+cond 藏→藏起来→潜逃)

abscind 废除(abs+cind 剪切→切掉→废除)

abscise 切除(abs+cise 剪→剪掉→切除)

abstinence 节制;禁欲(abs+tin 拿住+ense→不在拿住→戒除,禁欲)



accelerate 陪伴(ac+company 伙伴→陪伴)

accentuate 加速(ac+celer 速度→一再增加速度)

accomplish 强制(ac+cent 唱歌→一再唱出→强调)

accumulate 积累(ac+cumul 堆积+ate→堆积起来→积累)accustom 使习惯(ac+custom 习俗→习惯习俗)

addict 上瘾,入迷(ad+dict 说→一再说起→对……入迷)additive 上瘾的(addict 的形容词)

adduce 引证,举例(ad+duce 引导→一再引导→举例说明)affable 亲切的(af+fable 说话→不断可以说话→亲切)

afford 买得起(af+ford 拿出→一再拿出{钱}→买得起)

affirm 肯定(af+firm 坚定→肯定)

aggression 侵略,进攻(ag+gress 走+ion→一再往前走→进攻)aggrandize 扩大(ag+grand 大→一再大→扩大[权力]等)aggravate 恶化(ag+grav 重+ate 病加重)

announce 通告(an+nounce 通知→通告)

appal 使震惊(ap+pal 白色→[脸]变白→受惊)

applause 鼓掌(ap+pease 赞扬→一再赞扬→鼓掌)

appreciate 欣赏(ap+reci 价值+ate→一再给价→欣赏)appoint 指定,任命(ap+point 指→指定)

arrange 安排(ar+range 排列→安排

arrest 逮捕,阻止(ar+rest 休息→不让动→逮捕)

arrive 到达(ar+rive 河→到达河边→达到目标)

assault 进攻(as+saul 跳→跳起来→进攻)

assiduous 勤奋的(as+sid 坐+uous→一再坐着[学习] →勤奋)assist 帮助(as+sist 站→站过来→帮助)

associate 联合,结合(as+soci 社团+ate→结成团队→联合)assimilate 吸收;同化(as+simil 相同+ate→成为相同→同化)assure 肯定;确信(as+sure 确定→一不再确定→肯定)

attach 附上;依恋(at+tach 接角→接触上→附上)

attain 达到;获得(at+tain 拿住→获得)

attend(at+tend 关心→关心到了→出度)

attract 吸引(拉→拉过来→吸引)

attest 证实(at+test 试验→一再试验→证实)

4、ad-加在在单词或词根前,表示"做…,加强…" adapt 适应(ad+apt 能力→有适应能力)

adept 熟练的(ad+ept 能力→有做事能力→熟练的)

adopt 收养;采纳(ad+opt 选择→选出来→采纳)

adhere 坚持(ad+here 粘→粘在一起→坚持)

adjacent 邻近的(ad+jacent 躺→躺在一起→邻近的)

adjoin 贴近;毗连(ad+join 参加→参加在一起→贴近)administrate 管理;执行(ad+ministr 部长+ate→做部长→管理)admire 羡慕(ad+mire 惊奇→惊喜;羡慕)

adumbrate 预示(ad+umbr 影子+ate→[将来的]影子出现→预示)adjust 调整(ad+just+正确→弄正确→调整)

adventure 冒险(ad+venture 冒险)

admonish 告诫,警告(ad+mon 警告+ish→一再警告)

advent 来临,来到(ad+vent 来→来到)


amphibian 两栖动物(amphi+bi 生命+an→两个生命→两栖动物)amphicar 水陆两用车(amphi+car 车→两用车)


anarchism 无政府主义(an+arch 统治+ism→无统治→无政府主义)anharmonic 不和谐的(an+hamonic 和谐的→不和谐的)

anechoic 无回声的(an+echo 回声+ic→无回声的)

anonymous 匿名的(an+onym 名字+ous→匿名的)


analogy 类比;类似(ana+logy 讲话→再旁边讲→讲一样的东西→类


analogous 类似的(analogy 的形容词)

analysis 分析(ana+lysis 分开→分开来→分析)








vis看 --> visible 看得见的

log言 --> dialogue对话

flor花 --> florist种花者,花商

simil相同 --> assimilate同化

paci和平 --> pacific太平的,平静的

duc引导 --> introducer介绍人,引进者

我们看到,词根的意义代表了单词的中心意义,它在单词中占主导地位。词根加上前词的意义。所以,只要记住词根的意义,能从单词中辨认出词根的形体,面对一个新含义。比如你记住了vis看,就能明白visible 是看得见的意思


visible 看得见的

invisible 看不见的

visit 参观

vis television 电视

supervise 监视

previse 预见

visual 视觉的

visage 外观

… …


上例"invisible " 中vis是词根,其前面的 in-和后面的 -ible是什么呢?对,



1、前缀 + 词根

pro- + pel --> propel

( 向前 ) ( 推) 推进

2、词根 + 后缀

port + -able--> portable


3、前缀 + 词根 + 后缀

im- + mort + -al --> immortal


4、前缀 + 前缀 + 词根

re- + ex- port --> reexport


5、词根 + 后缀 + 后缀

cord + -ial + -ly --> cordially


6、前缀 + 词根 + 词根

tri- + gon(o) metry -->trigonometry


7 前缀 + 前缀 + 词根 + 后缀 + 后缀

un- + pre + ced + -end + -ed-->unprecedended



所以我们看到,同样是记忆单词"unprecedended(无先例的)"如果你是用"u、n、p 字母的去记忆的话,要记13组,肯定记得很慢很慢,而且还容易忘记。但如果你是用-ed"的方法记忆,只有5组,不但记得快,还容易保持记忆。




缀常规意义相差很大,无法再套用前面"复合意义"推理判断单词的含义了,比如下面 1) port (拿、带)--report 报告、汇报

2) vis 看--advise 作顾问、建议

3) mini 小--minister 大臣、部长

4) spir 呼吸--conspire 共谋、阴谋

5) sal 盐-- salary 工资



1)report:re- (回)+ port (拿、带)--把消息、情况"带回来"后做->"报告 2) advise:ad-(向)+ vis (看)-- "看"引申为"看法、意见":"向"别人提

看法->" 作顾问、建议"

3) minister :mini(小)+ -ster(人)-- 原义为小人、仆人。古代大臣对帝仆人"转为现今的"部长"之义。

4)conspire :con-(共)+ spir(呼吸)-- 共呼吸->互通信息->"共谋、阴谋 5)salary :sal (盐)+ -ary(表物的意思) --原为古罗马士兵所领取的"买贴,由此转为现在的"工资、薪金"后缀的同宗兄妹

英语中有很多后缀并不总是以一种面孔出现,常常会有很多变形,但都包含基本的几个大家庭中,兄弟姐妹虽有高矮胖瘦之别,但面部特征都会有相似、相同点一样。比是表示"...人"的后缀。但你知道吗:"-ster -yer -ier

-aster -eer"这些后缀也都是"-er"的兄妹,都是表示"…人"意思!例如: -er :worker工人

-ster: youngster年轻人

-yer :lawyer律师

-ier :hotelier旅馆老板

-aster :poetaster劣等诗人

-eer :mountaineer登山者






acentric 无中心的(a+centric 中心的)

asocial 不好社交的(a+social 好社交的)

amoral 非道德性的(a+moral 道德的;注意:immoral 不道德的)apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political 政治的)

anemia 反常的(a+nomal 正常的+ous)


asleep 睡着的(a+sleep 睡觉)

aside 在边上(a+side 旁边)

ahead 在前地(a+head 头)

alive 活的(a+live 活)

awash .泛滥的(a+wash 冲洗)

2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等abnormal 反常的(ab+normal 正常的)

abuse 滥用(ab+use 用→用坏→滥用)

absorb 吸收(ab+sorb 吸收→吸收掉)

absent 缺席的(ab+sent 出现→没有出现→缺席的)

abduct 诱拐(ab+duct 引导→引走→诱拐)

abject 可怜的(ab+ject 抛→抛掉→可怜的)

abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract 拉→被拉开→心不在焉)abstain 戒绝(abs+tain 拿住→不再拿住→戒绝)

abscond 潜逃(abs+cond 藏→藏起来→潜逃)

abscind 废除(abs+cind 剪切→切掉→废除)

abscise 切除(abs+cise 剪→剪掉→切除)

abstinence 节制;禁欲(abs+tin 拿住+ense→不在拿住→戒除,禁欲)3、ab-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-等加在同辅音


accelerate 陪伴(ac+company 伙伴→陪伴)

accentuate 加速(ac+celer 速度→一再增加速度)

accomplish 强制(ac+cent 唱歌→一再唱出→强调)

accumulate 积累(ac+cumul 堆积+ate→堆积起来→积累)accustom 使习惯(ac+custom 习俗→习惯习俗)

addict 上瘾,入迷(ad+dict 说→一再说起→对……入迷)additive 上瘾的(addict 的形容词)

adduce 引证,举例(ad+duce 引导→一再引导→举例说明)affable 亲切的(af+fable 说话→不断可以说话→亲切)

afford 买得起(af+ford 拿出→一再拿出{钱}→买得起)

affirm 肯定(af+firm 坚定→肯定)

aggression 侵略,进攻(ag+gress 走+ion→一再往前走→进攻)aggrandize 扩大(ag+grand 大→一再大→扩大[权力]等)aggravate 恶化(ag+grav 重+ate 病加重)

announce 通告(an+nounce 通知→通告)

appal 使震惊(ap+pal 白色→[脸]变白→受惊)

applause 鼓掌(ap+pease 赞扬→一再赞扬→鼓掌)

appreciate 欣赏(ap+reci 价值+ate→一再给价→欣赏)appoint 指定,任命(ap+point 指→指定)

arrange 安排(ar+range 排列→安排

arrest 逮捕,阻止(ar+rest 休息→不让动→逮捕)

arrive 到达(ar+rive 河→到达河边→达到目标)

assault 进攻(as+saul 跳→跳起来→进攻)

assiduous 勤奋的(as+sid 坐+uous→一再坐着[学习] →勤奋)assist 帮助(as+sist 站→站过来→帮助)

associate 联合,结合(as+soci 社团+ate→结成团队→联合)assimilate 吸收;同化(as+simil 相同+ate→成为相同→同化)assure 肯定;确信(as+sure 确定→一不再确定→肯定)

attach 附上;依恋(at+tach 接角→接触上→附上)

attain 达到;获得(at+tain 拿住→获得)

attend(at+tend 关心→关心到了→出度)

attract 吸引(拉→拉过来→吸引)

attest 证实(at+test 试验→一再试验→证实)

4、ad-加在在单词或词根前,表示"做…,加强…" adapt 适应(ad+apt 能力→有适应能力)

adept 熟练的(ad+ept 能力→有做事能力→熟练的)

adopt 收养;采纳(ad+opt 选择→选出来→采纳)

adhere 坚持(ad+here 粘→粘在一起→坚持)

adjacent 邻近的(ad+jacent 躺→躺在一起→邻近的)

adjoin 贴近;毗连(ad+join 参加→参加在一起→贴近)administrate 管理;执行(ad+ministr 部长+ate→做部长→管理)admire 羡慕(ad+mire 惊奇→惊喜;羡慕)

adumbrate 预示(ad+umbr 影子+ate→[将来的]影子出现→预示)adjust 调整(ad+just+正确→弄正确→调整)

adventure 冒险(ad+venture 冒险)

admonish 告诫,警告(ad+mon 警告+ish→一再警告)

advent 来临,来到(ad+vent 来→来到)


amphibian 两栖动物(amphi+bi 生命+an→两个生命→两栖动物)amphicar 水陆两用车(amphi+car 车→两用车)


anarchism 无政府主义(an+arch 统治+ism→无统治→无政府主义)anharmonic 不和谐的(an+hamonic 和谐的→不和谐的)

anechoic 无回声的(an+echo 回声+ic→无回声的)

anonymous 匿名的(an+onym 名字+ous→匿名的)


analogy 类比;类似(ana+logy 讲话→再旁边讲→讲一样的东西→类似) analogous 类似的(analogy 的形容词)

analysis 分析(ana+lysis 分开→分开来→分析)


antedate 提前写日期;先于,早于(ante+date 日期→提前写日期)anterior 前面的(ante+erior[…的] →前面的)

antecedent(aute+ced 走+ent→走在前面的[事] →前事)


antiwar 反战的(anti+war 战争)

antipathy 反感(anti+pathy 感情)

antithesis 对立;反论(anti+thesis 论文;观点)

antibacterial 抗菌的(anti+bacterial 细菌的)

antibody 抗体(anti+body 身体)


anthropology[anthropo 人类,-logy…学者]人类学

anthropologist[anthropo 人类,-logist…学者]人类学者anthropogeography[anthropo 人类,gegoraphy 地理学]人类地理学anthropomorphous[anthropo 人,morph 形,-ous…的]有人形的,似人的anthroposociology [anthropo 人类,sociology 社会学]人类社会学


关于学英语的英语对话10分钟四人 A:How is your English exam?大家英语考试准备的怎么样了 B:Ready. 好了 C:I've almost. 我也差不多 D:I haven't 我还没有 A:Today we can talk about how to learn English well。今天我们可以谈谈如何学好英语。 B:Good, I first said. My method of learning English is persistence, never stopped. English at least 10-15 minutes every day, morning and evening is the best time to learn English.好啊,我先说。我学习英语的方法是坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。 C:What do you see every day?你每天都看什么? B:I read some classic English article every day, and read them, it don not dry, and the effect is very good我每天都会看一些经典的英语文章,而且会诵读它们,这样不会枯燥,并且效果很好 D:This is a good method这是一个好办法 C:My method of learning English is listening to English songs, I like singing, so I learn a English song every week.我学习英语的方法是听英文歌曲,我喜欢唱歌,所以我每周都会学一首英文歌曲 B:Can recommend a few songs to me.可以给我推荐几首英文歌吗 C:Of course当然 D:How about you,A?你呢,A? A:I am learning English through a book, this book is new concept English, the book is a big help to me, every text can weave dialogues with several classmates, let himself into the role of the text, the nature will remember a lot of words and phrases。我是通过一本书来学习英语的,这本书是新概念英语,这本书对我的帮助很大,每一篇课文都可以与几名同学编成口语对话,让自己进入到课文的角色里,自然的就记住了很多单词和短语 B:I am learning English by listening to English radio, such as the BBC or any other regular radio, radio have very authentic English, I feel this kind of method to make my listening comprehension has improved greatly, at the same time also can learn many foreign news我是通过听英语广播来学习英语的,比如BBC或者其他正规的电台,电台的英语都很正宗,我感觉这种方法使我的听力有了极大的提高,同时还可以了解许多国外的新闻 A:This method is really great. Now it is just you.D,What is your method?这个方法太棒了,就剩你了D,你的方法是什么? D:Though my English is very poor, but I have a very good method, it is through the movies to learn English, because I like watching movies, so think to learn in the movie is full of fun.虽然我的英语很差,但我有一个很好的方法,那就是通过看电影来学习英语,因为我喜欢看电影,所以认为在电影中学习充满了乐趣 B:What do you think the film is suitable for learning English?你认为有什么电影适合学习英语吗? D:I think Friends 、House and How I met your mother very good.我认为。。。。。非常好。 B:I must be free to have a look.我有空一定要去看看。 A:Ways to learn English, in fact, the key is to practice speaking.事实上,学习英语的方法关键是练习说. C:I also think so, as much as possible of practice, and more applied to real life, they will become more natural.我也是这样认为的,要尽可能多的练习,而更多地运用到实际生活中,他们就变的越自然 D:Listen, imitate, practice听,模仿,操练 B:Listening and imitating should always go together.听和模仿一定要在一起 A:I hope everyone can find the right way to learn English well.希望大家都能找到合适的方法学好英语 C:In short, as long as not lazy, can learn English well 全体:哈哈哈哈 D;Seems I used to be too lazy.看来我以前太懒了 A:When you learn English what is the problem.?那大家在学习英语的过程中有什么问题呢? B:I started learning English from the fourth grade primary school, then the English are in conflict, that we are Chinese, what use would have to learn English? So to learn English has not been carefully. So English is not too good我从小学四年级开始学习英语,那时候就对英语很抵触,认为我们是中国人,学习英语有什么用呢?所以对学习英语一直不


英语词根词缀记忆法 令狐采学 1.-ability 表名词,“能…;性质” useability n 可用性(use 用) inflammability n 易燃性(inflame 点火+ablity) adaptability n 适应能力(adapt 适应)可靠性 dependability n 可靠性(depend 依靠) variability n 变化性(vary 变化) lovability n 可爱(love 爱) 2.-able 表形容词,“可…的,能…” knowable a 可知的 inflammable a 易燃的(inflame 点燃) trantable a 温顺的(travt 拉→拉得动→温顺的)conceivable a 想象得出的(conceive 设想,想象) desirable a 值得要的(desire 渴望) inviolable a 不右侵犯的(in 不+viol 冒犯+able ;参考:violate 违反,冒犯 impregnable a 攻不破的(im 不+pregn 拿住+able;参考:pregnant 怀孕的) 3.-ably 表副词,“能…地”

suitably ab 恰当地(suit 恰当) deoebdabky ab 可靠地(depend 可靠) lovably ab 可爱地(love 爱) 4.-aceous 表形容词,“具有…特征的” herbaceous a 草本植物的(herb 草) pa[uraceous a 似纸的(papyr 纸+aceous;参考:pspyrus莎草纸)curvacious a 有曲线美的(curve 曲线) foliaceous a 叶状的(foli 叶+aceous;参考:foliage 树叶) 5.-acious 表形容词,“有特征的,多…的” rapacious a 掠夺成性的(rape 掠夺,强奸) sagacious a 睿智的(sage 智者) capacious a 宽敞的(cap 能→的+acious;参考:capble有能力的)fallacious a 错误的(fall 错;参考:fallacy 谬误) vivacious a 活泼的(viv 活;参考:revive 复活) audacious a 大胆的(aud 大胆+acious;名词:audacity大胆)veracious a 真实的(ver 真;参考:verify 证实) lopuacious a 啰唆的(loqu 讲话;参考:eloquent 雄辩)salacious a 好色的(sal 跳→见到女人就跳起来→好色)tenacious a 固执的(ten 拿住;参考:tenable 防守得住的)sequacious a 前后连贯的(sequ=secu 跟随;参考:persecute 迫害) voracious a 贪婪的(vor 吃;参考:omnivorous 无所不吃的)6.-acity 表名词,“有…倾向” eapacity n 掠夺(rape 掠夺)


1. A; Are you enjoying your time at university? B: It's okay, but not as much as I expected. A: Really? Why not? B: I thought that the subjects would be easy, and I would have lots of time to play, but actually I have many assignments. A: What type of assignments are you having problems with? B: I find my accounting assignments very difficult. A: Have you considered asking a tutor to help? B: Hmm, I guess I could. Where would I find one? A: You can often find them advertising on the notice board in the library. B: Thanks, I'll go and check that out. Provided I don't get distracted on the way and end up in the gym instead! A: Ha! Have you joined a sports team? B: Yes, I'm playing for the university volleyball team. A: Hey, so am I! Which team are you on?


英语口语考试,提供了七个情景,要求四个人,抽取一个做一十分钟的长对话 情景简述。。。 1 How to remember more words 2 Should the school cancle the punishment 3 couple shoule stay with parents or not 4 job-hunting 5 How to save one company 6 arguments for or aganist smoking in restaurants 7 environment protection 人物: Xiao Ling (X), Lanlan(L) Yani,(Y) Songtao(S) 地点: 校园 Xiao Ling and Lanlan are on their way to the dormitory. Xiao Ling drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right behind them, pick up the book and give it back to them. Y: Excuse me, is this your book? X: Thank you so much. Y: You are welcome. Are you new admits? X : yes. We just came to register yesterday. My name is Xiao ling. Nice to meet you. This is my best high school friend Lanlan. Y: My name is Yani. Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend since childhood, Songtao. S: hi! We both came from xxx. L: really? I am from that city, too. We are all town fellows aren’t we?. It’s such a small world. S: absolutely. We both major in computer science. What’s your major? X: accounting. I don’t really like it. But my parents said this school offers excellent accounting programs and it will be easier for me to get a job later on. L: My major is education. I want to be a teacher. I think it is cool. S: I picked my own major because I know what I want. I just like computers a lot. I would like to be a computer programmer in the future. Y: Well, I don’t know wether I really like it or not. I just follow Songtao where he goes. X: I feel bad for those students who make it to the top but had to quit school because of financial problems. S: My parents paid some of my tution and I said to myself that I want to be a somebody. But no matter how much I do, I will never be able to repay my parents for what they have done for me. L: I think I will find some off campus jobs in summer. I don’t want to be a burden to my family . My parents have been working hard all their lives. X: Lanlan, you are great. S: look. The boys are playing basketball now. I will join them. See you ! X: let’s keep in touch, ok? L: I don’t have a cell phone. Can I send you e-mails? Y: Sure. Here is my cell phone number. 12345678 And this is my e-mail address. Please write to me. L: I will.


单词记忆词根词缀记忆法a- 使,离,向/awake使醒来,apart使分离auto- 自,自动 /automation自动化 ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al- 向,加强/accord依照,affect影响 anti- 反,防止/antitank反坦克的be- 在,使/beside在……旁,befall降临(于) bi- 双/bicycle自行车,bisexual两性的co- 共同,互相/cn- exist共存 com-,con- 共同,加强/combine联合,confirm使加强 de- 离,加强,降/detrain下火车,depicture描述dif- 分开,否定/differ差异,difficult 困难 dis- 否,离,安全/disallow不准,disroot根除,disarrange搞乱 en-,em- 在内,用于,使/encage关入笼,embed使插入 in- ,im-,il- 无,向内,加强/incorrect不正确,impulse冲动 inter- 在……间/international国际的kilo- 千/kilometer千米 micro-微/microbe微生物mini-微小/minibus小公共汽车 neg-不,非/neglect忽视,negate否定non- 不,非/nonparty非党派的 ob-,oc-,op-越过,包围,逆反/object目标,oppose反抗 out- 在外,除去/outlaw逃亡者,outroot根除over-超出,反转/overweight超重,overthrow 推翻 per-贯通,遍及/perform完成,perfect完美的post-在后/postwar战后的,porstern后门 pre- 在前/preface前言pro- 在前,拥护/prologue序言,pro- American亲美的 re- 重复,相反/recall回忆,react反应se-分离/separate使分离,select选出 sub-,suc-,sug-在下,次于/subway地铁,succeed继承 sur-超,外加/surface表面,surtax附加税tele-远/television电视 trans-超过,透过/translate翻译,transport运输un-否定/unfair不公平的 up-向上/upset推翻,upstairs在楼上uni-单一/united联合的,unit单位


大学英语情景对话 What kind of soup do you have tonight 你们今晚有什么汤? Cream of mushroom and clam chowder.忌廉蘑菇汤和蛤蛎浓汤。 Clam chowder, please. And I’ll have a baked potato and carrots.请给我蛤蛎浓汤。我还要一份烤土豆和胡萝卜。 I’ll be right back with your soup and salad.我马上给你们上汤和沙拉。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Excuse me. Could you help me I’d like to exchange this sweater.打扰了。你可以帮我吗?我想换这件毛衣。 What’s the problem with it 它有什么问题吗? It was a birthday gift, but I don’t really like it.它是我的一份生日礼物,但是我真的不喜欢它。 I think I want something plainer.我想要简单一点的。 I see ,Well, why don’t you look around 我明白。额,你为什么 不随便看看呢? I like these two, Allen. Try them on.艾伦,我喜欢这两件。试穿一下。 OK. So, which one do you like 好的。那么,你喜欢哪件? I like the red one much better than the black one.跟黑色那件相比,我更喜欢红色那件。 How are you 你好吗? Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。 How is Helen 海伦好吗? She’s very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。


大体情景就是买了个东西(MP3),第二天就坏了,A的朋友B陪A一起去退货,结果售货员支支吾吾一直不肯退,最后叫出来经理依然支支吾吾,然后B佯装打315求助,经理才给退了货。后面四句加了个joke就是中间打的不是315而是10086. 情景:A bought sth yesterday in the Buynow Mall(百脑汇),but it doesn’t work now. At this time, A’s friend B is coming. B: Good morning, A. A: Good morning, B,what did you do yesterday,I was planning to ask you for helping me to buy the MP3… B: That’s what I’m going to talking about,how do you like your new MP3,Ialso want to buy a new one. A: Don’t mention it. It worked very well yesterday,b ut now it doesn’t work. B:It sounds incredible. Have you checked the batteries? A:Actually,I have checked all the things including batteries,but it still doesn’t work. B:Let me have a look. A: Here you are. B:Er …..I think we can go to the mall and ask for returning. A: Let me pick the receipt.(发票) B: It’s a must. Then A and B go to the mall, C is the clerk and D is the manager. C: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes, We’d like to return this MP3. C:Is there something wrong with it? A: Yes, I bought i t yesterday, but it doesn’t work now. C: Well, our production’s quality is always very good. Maybe you did something bad to it. Hmm, let me have a check, perhaps we can repair it for you freely. B: Oh, no no no.. you didn’t get it, we want to return it, not repair it. C: Hmm, I know your idea, but you checked it yesterday when you buy it, and at that time, it worked well. I’m sure you have done something bad to it. A: I’m very sure that I didn’t. What’s more, I remember it clearly that you said I can return the MP3 in three days and exchange it in seven days. C: Hmm. I need to ask instructions from my manager. B: Can we talk to your manager face to face? C: Er... boss is very busy at the moment. B: Then we can wait here until he finished all works. C: All right, all right. Please wait a moment. C ask instructions from the manager; C: May I come in? D: Yes, what happened? C: Two customs bought a mp3 from our mall yesterday, but it didn’t work now, so they want a returning. D: What? It’s out of the question. Haven’t you made them realize that asking for


英语词根词缀记忆法(全集)前言 英语单词的构词规律也是有规可寻的。单词是由词素构成的,词素派生出词义。单词的数量虽然浩瀚,但构成其的词素的数量却是有限的。如果掌握了词素,懂得基本的构词方法,就能容易地识记单词,突破记忆单词这一难关。 词素又是由词根和词缀两部分组成的,而词缀又分为前缀和后缀。常用的252个词根和289个词缀,掌握了这些词素便可掌握绝大部分英语词汇。 词根的定义是什么?词根是一个单词的根本部分,是"根儿",是单词的核心,表示一个单词的基本意义。单词的意义就是由词根的意义产生、转化来的。比如: 词根单词 vis看--> visible 看得见的 log言--> dialogue对话 flor花--> florist种花者,花商 simil相同--> assimilate同化 paci和平--> pacific太平的,平静的 duc引导--> introducer介绍人,引进者 我们看到,词根的意义代表了单词的中心意义,它在单词中占主导地位。词根加上前、后缀即产生了一个单词的意义。所以,只要记住词根的意义,能从单词中辨认出词根的形体,面对一个新词你就基本能明白它的含义。比如你记住了vis看,就能明白visible 是看得见的意思 同时一个词根还能派生出很多单词,充分显示了"根儿"的含义,比如下组单词都是由"vis"派生出来的 词根单词 visible 看得见的 invisible 看不见的 visit 参观 vis television 电视 supervise 监视 previse 预见 visual 视觉的 visage 外观 … … 构词方法 上例"invisible " 中vis是词根,其前面的in-和后面的-ible是什么呢?对,分别就是前、后缀!词根、前缀和后缀三元素组成了词素!英语单词就是由这三元素构成的。三种元素的不同顺序的排列组合构成了千变万化的英语单词。由词根添加前缀、后缀而构成的单词的方法叫派生法。派生的方式有多种,有的只加一个词缀,有的则要添加多个词缀。 例如: 1、前缀+ 词根 pro- + pel --> propel ( 向前) ( 推) 推进 2、词根+ 后缀 port + -able--> portable (拿、带)(可…的)(可携带的) 3、前缀+ 词根+ 后缀


校园英语情景对话:与真理为友 真理是是很多人都愿意接受,愿意听的一种东西。以下是给大家整理的与真理为友的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 Han Meimei and Li Lei arrive at Hans home. H; Why dont you have a look at my new home. Come on in. H:不如看看我的新家,进来吧。 L: Thank you. Small but comfortable. I have to live on campus. L;谢谢。有点小但感觉很舒服,我就不得不住在学校。 H: Then you have the chance to know more people. H:那你可以有机会认识更多人。 L: Thats true. L:那倒是。 H: Make yourself at home. Tea or coffee? H:请随便,荼还是咖啡?

L: Just water, please. Thank you. L:水就行了,谢谢。 H: Excuse me for a second. I need to check my email, H:失陪一下,我要査收一下邮件。 L:Dont mind me. L:别管我。 (After a while) (过了一会儿) H: Its my older cousin, she complains about her life, again. H:是我表姐,她又在抱怨她的生活。 L: Does she encounter a lot of setbacks? L:她遇到很多挫折吗? H: Not really. Shes a graduate student. She said shes in a dilemma. She wants to focus on study but worries about her future because her classmates seem busy with making money. H:也不是。她在读研,说现在处在一个两难境地。她想学习,但又担心将来,因为她的同学好像都在忙着赚钱。



B:I think that we should study enough hardly, more knowledge may make us be easy on our studies. C:Not only learn the knowledge in class, but also learn the skills in our life. B:Yes, you are right. D:Study is not the only in universities, I think. We also need to get well along with our classmates, and we need to exchange with our parents heart by heart. A:Then, I think we should not compare with others. D:Yes, we should find out our advantages, we should try our best to enrich ourselves. B:Believe that you will success, and work hard for your dream. C:Go your own way, let others talk. A:That is right. And what are your views about the pressures of future career? B:We should do well in our major courses. C:I think we can go to some factories attached to a school. D: In a word, we should perfect ourselves and make full preparation.


英语词根词缀记忆法(全集) 第一部分通过词缀认识单词 (常用前缀一) 1、a- ①加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非" acentric 无中心的(a+centric 中心的) asocial 不好社交的(a+social 好社交的) amoral 非道德性的(a+moral 道德的;注意:immoral 不道德的)apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political 政治的) anemia 反常的(a+nomal 正常的+ous) ②加在单词前,表示"在…,…的" asleep 睡着的(a+sleep 睡觉) aside 在边上(a+side 旁边) ahead 在前地(a+head 头) alive 活的(a+live 活) awash .泛滥的(a+wash 冲洗) 2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等abnormal 反常的(ab+normal 正常的) abuse 滥用(ab+use 用→用坏→滥用) absorb 吸收(ab+sorb 吸收→吸收掉) absent 缺席的(ab+sent 出现→没有出现→缺席的)

abduct 诱拐(ab+duct 引导→引走→诱拐) abject 可怜的(ab+ject 抛→抛掉→可怜的) abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract 拉→被拉开→心不在焉)abstain 戒绝(abs+tain 拿住→不再拿住→戒绝) abscond 潜逃(abs+cond 藏→藏起来→潜逃) abscind 废除(abs+cind 剪切→切掉→废除) abscise 切除(abs+cise 剪→剪掉→切除) abstinence 节制;禁欲(abs+tin 拿住+ense→不在拿住→戒除,禁欲) 3、ab-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-等加在同辅音 字母的词根前,表示"一再"等加强意 accelerate 陪伴(ac+company 伙伴→陪伴) accentuate 加速(ac+celer 速度→一再增加速度) accomplish 强制(ac+cent 唱歌→一再唱出→强调) accumulate 积累(ac+cumul 堆积+ate→堆积起来→积累)accustom 使习惯(ac+custom 习俗→习惯习俗) addict 上瘾,入迷(ad+dict 说→一再说起→对……入迷)additive 上瘾的(addict 的形容词) adduce 引证,举例(ad+duce 引导→一再引导→举例说明)affable 亲切的(af+fable 说话→不断可以说话→亲切) afford 买得起(af+ford 拿出→一再拿出{钱}→买得起) affirm 肯定(af+firm 坚定→肯定)


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!


H: Hi ouyang, I am going to the video shop to buy some movie’s DVD, would you like to go with me? O: Oh, hi houliyuan, I’d love to. I also want to buy some DVDs, you know, many movies are worth to watch a second time. H: That’s good, thank you. I know you ha ve watched many movies, you can give me some nice suggestion. O: OK, I’m glad to introduce the movies which I liked so much. x:Hi houliyuan,ouyang we are finding you. H&O: Hi , what happened? x: Can you believe? I have won a lottery! O: Really? Congratulations! H: I think you always have good luck. N: I am agree with you. He is a lucky boy. x: ha haha, thank you. The prize is four movie tickets. I have invite niebiaofei to go to the theatre with me. would you like to join us? N: Yes, we know you two like watching movies and some new films were shown very often recently. H: I’d love to, but I prefer watching a movie than going to the theatre. O: So do I. I feel very sorry. x: You can buy the DVDs whenever you want, but you can’t see a movie in the theatre if you miss the date. H: Um, I think I agree with you. N: Yeah, and you may laugh when the whole audience bursts into wild laughter. x: We are going to see the new film, it’s a perfect movie that suits to watch on the theatre. Come with us, please. H: Ok, I’m glad to go with you, how about you Julia? O: Sure, I’ll go with you


口语对话 1赶时髦(go after fashion) A:Fashion show is around the corner,I’m so excited!时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B:Are there any good!这有什么好的! A:I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes;they looked pretty nice to me.I think you don’t like it!Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B:It was dumb.I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that.这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A:The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.仁者见仁,智者见智。B:Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets?你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A:Yes,I do.At least,some people certainly can.They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B:Well.I still think they're dumb.It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A:So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B:If you wear it I must speak nice!如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A:I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B:Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!

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