当前位置:文档之家› 八下新版人教版外语英文版



Unit 1


2.What’s the matter?


4.have a cold


6.have a stomachache







13.lie down





18.take one’s temperature


20.have a fever


21.take breaks (take a break)




25.get off

26.to one’s surprise




30.right away

31.get into










39.be used to


41.take risks





46.run out (of)


48.cut off



51.gt out of




55.bi in control of



58.give up


Unit 2

1.clean up


3.cheer up



https://www.doczj.com/doc/2c18526957.html,e up with

7.put off



10.hand out

11.call uo

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2c18526957.html,ed to


14.care for












26.fix up

27.give away

28.take after





33.set up


35.make a difference


















Unit 3


2.take out the rubbish






8.all the time


11.as soon as











22.in order to









31.take care of






Unit 4

1 allow 2.wrong

3. What’s wrong

4. midnight

5. look through

6 guess

7. deal

8 big deal

9. work out

10. get on w

11. relation

12. communication

13. argue

15. elder

16. instead

17 whatever

18. nervous

19. offer

20. proper

21. secondly

22. communicate

23. explain

24. clear

27. anymore

28. member

29. pressure

30. compete

31. opinion

32. skill

33. typical

34. football

35. cut out

36. quick

37. continue

38. compare

39. compar e…with

40 crazy

41. push

42 development

43. cause

44. usual

45. in one’sopinion

46. perhaps

Unit 5

1. rainstorm 2. alarm

3. go off

4. begin

5. heavily

6. suddenly

7. pick up

8 strange

9. storm

10. wind

12. report

13. area

14. wood

15. window

16. flashlight

17. match

18. beat

19. against

20. asleep

21. fall asleep

22. fall asleep

23. rise

24. fallen

25. apart

26 have a look

27. icy

28. kid

29. realize

30. make one’s way

31 passage

32. pupil

33 completely

34. shocked

35. silence

36. in silence

37 recently

38. take down

39. terrorist


41. tower

42. at first

43. truth

Unit 6

1 shoot

2 stone

3. weak

4. god

5. remind

6. bit

7. a little bit

8. silly

10. tur n…into

11 object

12. hide

13 tail

14. magic

15. stick

16. excite

17. Western

18. once upon 19stepsister

20 prince

21 fall in love

22. fit

23. couple

24. smile

25. mary

26. get married

27. gold

28. emperor

29. silk

30. underwear

31. nobody

32 stupid

33. cheat

34. stepmother

35. wife

36. wife

37. whole

38. scene

39. moonlight

40. shine

41. bright

42. ground

43. lead

44. voice

45. brave

Unit 7

1. square 2. meter

3. deep

4. desert

5. population

6. Asia

7. feel free

8. tour

9. tourist

10. wall

11 amazing

12. ancient

13. protect

14. wide

15. as far as Iknow

16. achievement

17. southwestern

18. thick

19. include

20. freezing

21.take in

23. succeed

24. challenge

25. in the face of

26. achieve

27 force

28. nature

29. even though

30. ocean

31. the Pacific

32. cm

33. weigh

34. birth

35 at birth

36 up to

37. adult

38. bamboo

39. endangered

40 research

41. keeper

42. awake

43. excitement

44. walk into

45. fall over

46. illness

47. remaining

48. or so

49 artwork

50. wild

51. government

52. whale

53. oil

54. protection

55. huge

Unit 8

1 treasure 2.island

3. full of

4. classic

5. page

6. hurry

7hurry up

8. due

9. ship

10. tool

11. gun

12. mark

13. sand

14 cannibal

15. towards

16. land

17. fiction

18. sciencefiction

19. technology

20. french

21. pop

22. rock

23. hand

24. country music

25. forever

26. abroad

27. actually

28. ever since

29. fan

30. southern

31. modern

32. success

33. belong

34. one another

35 laughter

36. beauty

37. million


39. introduce

40. line

Unit 9

1. amusement

2.amusement park

3. somewhere

4. camera

5. invention

6. invent

7. unbelievble

8. progress

9. rapid

10 unusual

11. toilet

12. encourage

13. social

14. peaceful

15. tea art

16. performance

17. perfect

18. tea set

19. itself

20. collect

21. a couple of

22. german

23. theme

24. ride

25. province


27. thousands of

28. on the onehand … on the other hand …

29. safe

30. simply

31. fear

32. whether

33. indian

34; japanese

35. fox

36. all year round

37. equator

38. whenever

39. spring

40. mostly

Unit 10


2.yard sale

3. sweet

4. memory

5. cent

6. toy

7. bear

8. maker

9. bread maker

10. scarf

11. soft

12.soft toy

13. check

14. check out

15. board

16. board game

17 junior

18. junior high school

19. clear

20. clear out

21. bedroom

22. no longer

23. own

24. railway

25. part

26. part with

27. certain

28. as for

29. honest

30. to be honest

31. while

32. truthful

33. hometown

34. nowadays

35. search

36. among 37crayon

38. shame

39. regard

41. century

42. according

43. opposite

44. especially

45. childhood

46. consider

47. close to

48. hold


Module 1 Unit 1 1 Listen and number the pictures. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 2 Daming: Ugh! This milk smells sour. Tony: Don’t drink it. 3 Betty: This bed feels a bit soft. Lingling: Try a harder bed. 4 Lingling: T om looks very strong! Daming: Yes. He does a lot of exercise. 2Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Lingling: Guess what it is! Betty: It tastes sweet. Is it a cookie? 21听录音,把图画标上序号。 1 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗?2 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 托尼:别喝了。 3 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4 玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮! 大明:是的。他做很多运动。 2再听一遍录音并完成句子。 1 玲玲:猜猜它是什么! 贝蒂:它尝起来很甜。是小甜饼吗?2 大明:呃!这牛奶闻起来酸了。 托尼:别喝了。 3 贝蒂:这张床摸起来有点儿软。 玲玲:试一张硬点儿的。 4 玲玲:汤姆看起来很强壮! 大明:是的。他做很多运动。 3听一听,读一读。 托尼:呣……好香的味道啊!你的比萨饼看起来很好。 贝蒂:谢谢!你想尝一尝吗? 托尼:好的。它看起来令人愉快,闻起来很香,呣,它尝起来很 好吃。 大明:顶上的是什么? 贝蒂: 噢,那是奶酪。你想尝一块吗?大明:呃!不,谢谢。恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。它闻起来不新鲜。它气 味太强烈并且尝起来有点儿酸。贝蒂:嗯,我的巧克力甜饼现在做好


2018新人教版新八年级语文下册生字词 第一单元 1、社戏 鲁迅 钳qi án 撮cu ō 偏pi ān 僻p ì 行h án ɡ辈b èi 照zh ào 例l ì 欺q ī侮w ǔ 嘲ch áo 笑xi ào 宽ku ān 慰w èi 怠d ài 慢m àn 礼l ǐ数sh ù 撺cu ān 掇du ō 凫f ú水shu ǐ 吩f ēn 咐f ù 潺ch án 潺ch án 踊y ǒn ɡ跃yu è 家ji ā眷ju àn 皎ji ǎo 洁ji é 好h ǎo 歹d ǎi 2、回延安 贺敬之 登d ēn ɡ时sh í 糜m éi 子z ǐ 白b ái 馍m ó 脑n ǎo 畔p àn 眼y ǎn 眶ku àn ɡ 3、安塞腰鼓 刘成章 畔 p àn 蹦 b èn ɡ跳 ti ào 闪sh ǎn 射sh è 同t ón ɡ仁r én 恬ti án 静j ìn ɡ 飞 f ēi 溅ji àn 困k ùn 倦ju àn 亢k àn ɡ奋f èn 晦hu ì暗àn 束sh ù缚f ù 羁j ī绊b àn 闭b ì塞s è 冗r ǒn ɡ杂z á 严y án 峻j ùn 搏b ó击j ī 震zh èn 撼h àn 磅 p án ɡ礴b ó 辐f ú射sh è 渺mi ǎo 远yu ǎn 大d à彻ch è大 d à 悟w ù 叹t àn 为w éi 观ɡu ān 止zh ǐ 戛ji á然r án 而ér 止zh ǐ

4、灯笼 吴伯萧 争zh ēn ɡ讼s òn ɡ领l ǐn ɡ域y ù斡w ò旋xu án 熙x ī熙x ī然r án 静j ìn ɡ穆m ù 思s ī慕m ù 怅 ch àn ɡ惘w ǎn ɡ 锵qi ān ɡ然r án 褪tu ì色s è 暖nu ǎn 融r ón ɡ融r ón ɡ 马m ǎ前qi án 卒c ù 燎li áo 原yu án 第二单元 5、大自然的语言 竺可桢 榆y ú 萌m én ɡ发f ā 次c ì第d ì 翩pi ān 然r án 孕y ùn 育y ù 农n ón ɡ谚y àn 海h ǎi 棠t án ɡ 悬xu án 殊sh ū 销xi āo 声sh ēn ɡ匿n ì迹j ì 周zh ōu 而ér 复f ù始sh ǐ 花hu ā香xi ān ɡ鸟ni ǎo 语y ǔ 草c ǎo 长zh ǎn ɡ莺y īn ɡ飞f ēi 6、阿西莫夫短文两篇 臀t ún 骨ɡǔ骼ɡé 两li ǎn ɡ栖q ī 漂pi āo 移y í 岛d ǎo 屿y ǔ 褶zh ě皱zh òu 彗hu ì星x īn ɡ 潮ch áo 汐x ī 劫ji é难n àn 致zh ì密m ì 陨y ǔn 石sh í 追zhu ī溯s ù 天ti ān 衣y ī无w ú缝f èn ɡ 7、大雁归来 利奥波德 雾w ù霭ǎi 缄ji ān 默m ò 迁qi ān 徙x ǐ 赌 d ǔ


八年级上册语文教案 学科:;任课班级:;任课教师:;

2019年月日 1 消息二则 【导学目标】 1.学习读新闻的方法。了解不同新闻体裁的特点,培养学生阅读新闻的能力。2.认真阅读课文,把握新闻的特点和结构。(重点) 3.能边读课文边揣摩作者的态度与倾向,培养学生独立思考的习惯。(难点) 4.感受人民解放军的排山倒海、所向披靡的气势和一往无前、压倒敌人的大无畏精神。 【课时计划】 2课时。 第一课时学习《我三十万大军胜利南渡长江》 学生齐读导学目标,圈点关键词,做到对学习任务心中有数。

教法指导: 1.自主学习,让学生围绕“自我研学”中的知识点进行自主学习。 (1)带着导学目标,认真阅读课文及相关参考资料,捕捉课文中的关键段落、句子、词语,尽量独立完成“自我研学”中的思考题,准备展示交流。 (2)记录疑难问题,将自主学习没有解决的问题记录下来,用于合作探究时解决。2.合作学习 (1)每个小组派1~2名代表展示“自我研学”中的答案,同小组内其他成员在小组长的统一安排下合作完成“合作探究”中的思考题。 (2)同桌之间互相讨论,有分歧不能达成一致的,小组讨论;小组内不能达成一致的,组长记录下来,以备全班讨论时交流。 (3)全班讨论时,教师不能一下子给出答案,在学生思维的火花充分碰撞后,再点拨引导,达到启发思维的目的。情景导入生成问题 随着科技的发展,人们的视野越来越开阔了。翻开报纸,打开电视扑面而来的就是国内外各种刚刚发生的新闻报道。新闻便成了我们了解世界的一个窗口,可真是足不出户,尽知天下事呀!今天我们就来学习两则新闻,它们高屋建瓴,大气磅礴,是新闻作品中不可多得的瑰宝,出自一代伟人毛泽东之手。 自我研学生成新知 步骤一知识梳理夯实基础 1.读准字音,记准字形,给加点的字注音。 芜湖(wú) 摧枯拉朽(kū) 溃退(kuì) 荻港(dí)


Recently, Jack and Tom had different problems. Jack had a fever and didn't feel well. I think he should go to a doctor and take some medicine. He shouldn't go out or be too tired. Tom fell down when he was running. He should get an X-ray and lie down to rest. He shouldn't exercise more or go to school. It is important for us to keep healthy. I hope Jack and Tom can be better soon. 范文2 Guo Jia says she is very weak and tired. She should go to bed early. She shouldn't watch too much TV in the evening. Tang Jie says he is stressed out and angry. He should listen to some music. And he should also eat more yin foods like tofu. He shouldn't study late. It's bad for his health. Liu Hong looks heavy. She may have bad eating habits. She should take more exercise and eat less meat and junk food. And I hope they get better soon. Unit2提供帮助及志愿者服务范文1 As a middle school student, I think it's best to be a volunteer. I would like to go to the school in poor areas in the summer holiday. I'm going to take some school things there. I know they don't have enough money to buy these things.


2014外研版初中八年级英语下册课文 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious. Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please. It looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Daming: What’s that on top? Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece? Daming: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It sme lls too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Daming: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie. Daming: Apple pie sounds nice. I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar? Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt. Daming: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Daming: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Questions: 1. Does Tony’s pizza taste good? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why doesn’t Daming like the cheese? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What’s Betty doing? _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Who has a sweet tooth? _______________________________________________________________________________


人教版八年级下册语文配套练习册答案 第一单元 1课藤野先生 一 1、fēi jìpájiésùdìng pōu qī piē 2鉴蔼畸逊寓匿疾诲聊3(1)借口。(2)指改朝换代后仍眷念前朝不肯归顺新朝的人。(3)这里是反语,丑陋。(4)这里是反语,指十分熟知一些无聊的事。(5)这里是反语,指那些为军阀政客张目而自命为“正人君子”的文人。(6)这里指学校里发生过的一些事情。4(1)周树人绍兴文学思想革命(2)《朝花夕拾》《阿长与<山海经)》《从百草园到三味书屋》《呐喊》《彷徨》《野草》(一)5“这样”指“清国留学生”的种种丑态丑行。“无非”是只不过的意思,表达了作者对东京的失望之情。这句话引出前两段内容,表达作者对“清国留学生”的厌恶和反感,为下文到别的地方去看看埋下了伏笔。 6厌恶、鄙弃的态度。通过描写“清国留学生”观樱花的丑态和学跳舞的丑行来表现的,并运用比喻、夸张、反语等修辞手法加强这种表达效果。 7“时时记起”是由于“在我所认为我师之中,他是最使我感激,给我鼓励的一个”“他的性格,在我的眼里和心里是伟大的”。藤野先生的伟大人格主要体现在两方面:一是对工作极为认真,对学生极为负责;二是毫无狭隘的民族偏见。 8答案举例:作者两次易地求学,两次辗转奔波,都贯穿着爱国主义情怀。文章开头写对东京的清国留学生的失望和厌恶,是作者爱国思想的表现;往仙台途中记得“日暮里”,也有“日暮乡关何处是”的家国愁思;记得“水户”,是因为这里是富有民族气节和爱国情感的抗清志士朱舜水客死之地,这也是作者爱国感情的表现。9略 10(1)这些词语表现了藤野先生对工作的热忱、负责、一丝不苟的品质,也写出了“我”的吃惊、对先生的感激及内心的不安。(2)“喝采”说明这些闲人已经麻木到令人震惊的程度,表现了作者极其沉痛的情感。“何尝”表达了作者强烈的愤慨。 (二)11有才学,工作极端认真,管理严格。善于教育学生,热爱学生。12详写了“我”犯错而被教育;略写了老师的严厉,“我”的造句受到表扬,老师带“我”吃油茶以及坐错车。好处是:突出老师对“我”的教育,同时也表现老师的其他方面的性格特点,使老师的形象鲜明而富有个性。13(1)对“我”犯错的不满,为“我”回避惩罚而生气、惋惜。(2)为犯错而脸红,为同学替自己辩护而感害羞,为自己逃避惩罚而惭愧,为有负华老师的希望而不安。14朴实、亲切、含蓄、委婉、平淡中蕴含深情。 2课我的母亲 一1shùshùbóshi zhōu zhìshùmó 2栗馈嶂漠 3(1)这里是相对文静而言,无贬义。指那些身体强健、敢于淘气,能在游戏中冒险的孩子。(2)形容人谈吐、举止文雅的样子。(3)指言语举止带有轻佻和玩弄的意味。(4)文中指卑劣、不道德。 4(1)指桑骂槐(2)心照不宣5《胡适自传》胡适胡洪骍(xīng)适之宽容、善良、温和、刚强怀念和感激之情6(1)《三国演义》如:诸葛亮借东风、空城计;刘备三顾茅庐等。司马徽、庞统、徐庶。(2)《水浒传》卢俊义活捉史文恭花荣大闹清风寨等。 二、(一)7文章前三段写作者的性格特点和童年生活,一方面写出了自己童年的爱好、快乐,另一方面也写出了儿童好玩的天性;既写了童年生活的单调和失落,也写出了环境与教育对一个人性格的养成所起的作用。总的来说,作者在前三段想表明他的童年生活,除了看书之外,是贫乏的,是有缺憾的,正是在这一背景下,是母亲“给了我一点儿做人的训练”,这不仅弥足珍贵,而且影响巨大。因此,前三个自然段非但不是闲笔,反而为写母亲起到很好的铺垫作用,并且与文末相呼应。 8三个“如果”,都是用假设的语气表现作者对母亲教育自己的感激之情。作者当时已经是一个著名的学者,然而他仍然这样谦虚地说自己在做人方面的态度,这足以表明母亲对作者做人方面的教育的重要作用。 9本文多以叙述性语言为主,在真切的语言中蕴含着真挚、发自内心的情感。如“每天天刚亮时,我母亲就把我喊醒,叫我披衣坐起。”“我母亲23岁做了寡妇,又是当家的后母。这种生活的痛苦,我的笨笔写不出一万分之一二”等等,字里行间饱含感情,充满了对母亲的敬爱之情。


八年级下册英语作文范文集锦 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 【话题?谈论健康和事故】谈论自己的健康,发生事故时怎么做及如何向他人提出建议和劝告,从而养成良好的饮食和生活习惯。具体到书面表达中要求同学们掌握描述人体的不适,并提出正确的建议。 范例1 ★★ Last week, I got sick. On Wednesday, I had a cold, but I still went to school. On Thursday morning, I had a fever. My mother took me to see a doctor in Renmin Hospital. Then we went back home and I had some chicken soup. My mother said chicken soup was very good. On Friday, I stayed in bed and had a good rest. On Saturday, I felt much better. 范例2 【Unit 1单元测试范文】★★★ Dear Sally, I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well these days. Are you still feeling tired now? I think you should drink a lot of hot water and have a good rest. You shouldn’t go to bed too late or work too late. Don’t be under too much pressure, and tr y to relax yourself. If you still don’t feel better, you should go to a doctor and take some medicine. I hope you will feel better soon. Yours, Julia Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 【话题?帮助他人和参加志愿活动】描述发生在我们身边相关的事情,提倡相互帮助,关心社会和谐发展。此类为常考话题作文,写作时应尽量用倡议或号召性的语句或者用自己、他人亲身经历的事件鼓励教育他人。


Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some? Tony: Yes, please, it looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Darning: What’s that on top? Betty: O h, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece? Darning: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Darning: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie and a cake. Darning: Apple pie sounds nice, I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar? Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt! Darning: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Darning: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to meet you. I hope you will know me from my photo whe n I arrive at the airport. I’m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I’ll also carry my warm coat. I’ve got your photo —you look very pretty. So I’m sure we’ll find each other! Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. You sound just like me! I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music — I love dancing! I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team —I’m very proud of him! He’s good at everything, but I’m not. Sometimes I get bad marks at school, and I feel sad. I should work harder. You asked me, “How do you feel about coming to China?” Well, I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I’m quite shy when I’m with strangers. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese, but I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m always sorry when I don’t know how to do things in the right way, so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, I’m afraid of flying too. But I can't tell you how excited I am about going to China! See you next week! Love, Sally


3 安塞腰鼓 1.有感情地朗读课文,把握文章基调,感受安塞腰鼓的恢宏气势。 2.理解文中短句及排比句的运用,体会文章的节奏美、诗意美。 3.理解文中一些句子的深刻含义,深入体会作者所歌颂的生命力量。 一、导入新课 请观看一段安塞腰鼓视频。(见光盘)刚刚欣赏的是有着“天下第一鼓”美称的安塞 腰鼓。这节课,我们学习陕北作家刘成章的散文《安塞腰鼓》,让我们一起去感受雄浑、壮阔、旺盛的生命的场面和磅礴的力量。 二、教学新课 目标导学一:朗读课文,整体感知 1.读课文。 (1)教师范读或放录音,学生听读,感受文章的感情基调。 (铿锵激越的朗读能深深感染学生,许多无法用语言表达的感情可通过读来悟出。) (2)指导朗读。 例段一:第7段 明确:本段描写安塞腰鼓表演开始时那种壮阔、豪放、火烈的场面,赞颂了那股喷 涌而出的、不可扼制的生命力。因此,“发狠了,忘情了,没命了”三个短句要读得简 洁有力;“骤雨一样……强健的风姿”这组排比句要用急促的、富有跳跃性的节奏,来 表现腰鼓场面的豪放、火烈、动力十足;最后,“多么壮阔、多么豪放、多么火烈”, 要读出对腰鼓场面,对人的生命力的赞美之情。 例段二:第25、26、27段 明确:写腰鼓表演达到了高潮,要把短句“愈捶愈烈!”的三次反复和一切都在“交织!……升华!”读得简洁有力、铿锵激越,使人体会到:腰鼓表演达到高潮,人的生 命力被尽情释放,生命的一切在这释放中得以超脱和升华。 第一部分是鼓声响起之前,用中速,也不乏力量。中间部分是鼓声响起来,语调就 应该激越、高昂。鼓声落,要读出悠远寂静、若有所思的情绪,语速稍慢。 (3)学生组内自主朗读,体会作品的情感、语调,然后推荐代表,比赛朗读。 2.知内容。 学生自由朗读课文,用“好一个________的安塞腰鼓”的句式对安塞腰鼓进行评价。可填词、短语、句子;最好用文中的内容。 (学生各抒己见,可能有如下一些答案:“壮阔”“豪放”“火烈”“有力”“元 气淋漓”“惊心动魄”“奇伟磅礴”“一捶起来就发狠了,忘情了,没命了”“容不得 束缚,容不得羁绊,容不得闭塞”“每一个舞姿都使人战栗在浓烈的艺术享受中,使人 叹为观止”“好一个痛快了山河、蓬勃了想象力”等等。) 3.明结构。 说明:文章按“鼓响前、腰鼓表演、鼓声止”可分成三大部分。第二部分为文章的 主体部分,分别从四个角度来展示腰鼓舞的艺术魅力,且这四个角度的分水岭都是一句 话。 学生会很快找出:“好一个安塞腰鼓!” 明确:这是文章内容与结构上的核心句。 目标导学二:精读文章,品味语言 1.寻美点。


八下英语作文集锦 (一)My hobby 1. My hobby is rich and colorful. I always read in the morning. I think reading is interesting. I can get a lot of knowledge from books.I like listening to English at noon. I think English is important and interesting. Sometimes I listen to popular music. Because music can relax myself.I often play basketball with my classmates after school.I think playing basketball is good for our health. It can get on with my friends.I like playing the piano very much. I practice playing the piano in the evening. Then I finish my homework.I am busy every day and I am very happy. 2. 你有集邮(collect stamps)的爱好吗?请谈谈你集邮的历史。如果没有,也可以谈谈你别的爱好,以此为内容写一篇60词左右的短文。 I like to collect many things, such as nice stones, names of movies, books, toys, photos of famous people. But I like collecting stamps best. I have been collecting stamps for five years. When I was very young, my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia. I loved it at once. Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it. I have more than one hundred stamps. Some were sent by my friends, some were collected by myself; some were from foiregn countries, some were Chinese. I like them. Often, I take them out and show them to my friends. (二)I want to be a player (my dream) Everyone has a dream.But I think my dream is to be a football star when I grow up.I liked playing football when I was a child. No matter what the weather is like, I often play football with my friends on the playground after school.I like Ronaldo best. Now I will do my best to study hard in the school. I believe my dream will come true in the future. At that time, I am not only proud of(为....而骄傲)my parents, but also proud of all the people in Yunnan. Now I am still a middle school student. I must try my best to work hard at my lessons. I think my dream will come true some day in the future if I work hard. (五)My lovely hometown My hometown is beautiful. White clouds can be seen in the blue sky. Each season is like a beautiful picture. When spring comes, the whole world turns green. Birds are singing and the rivers run happily ahead. Everything grows fast in summer. When autumn arrives, my hometown is colored golden. In winter, sometimes snow covers the top of the mountains. My hometown is colorful all the year around. I really love my hometown. (六)How do you get on well with your classmates?


外研版八年级下册英语课 文电子版新 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious 3 listen and read. Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some Tony: Yes, please, it looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good. Darning: What’s that on top Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece Darning: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try! Darning: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things You look very busy! Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie and a cake. Darning: Apple pie sounds nice, I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar Taste it first. It might be salt! Darning: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake. Darning: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day! Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. 2 Read Sally’s email and find out which is her picture. FROM: Sally TO: Lingling SUBJECT: Re: Welcome to China. Hi Lingling, Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to meet you. 1 hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. I’m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I’ll also carry my warm coat. I’ve got your photo — you look very pretty. So I’m sure we’ll find each o ther! Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. You sound just like me! I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music — I love dancing! I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team — I’m very proud of him! He’s good at everything, but I’m not. Sometimes I get bad marks at school, and I feel sad. I should work harder. You asked me, “How do you feel about coming to China” Well, I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I’m quite shy when I’m with strangers. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese, but I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m always sorry when I don’t know how to do things in the r ight way, so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, I’m afraid of flying too. But I can't tell you how excited I am about going to China! See you next week! Love, Sally Module 2


期末总复习一字词句基础知识 一、知识积累及考点分析 (一)字词积累 溃.退()阻遏.()荻.()港颁.()发仲.()裁.()掠.()过翘.()首悄.()然桅.()杆娴.()熟默契.()咆.()哮驿.()站瞥.()见畸.()形解剖.()诘.()责匿.()名杳.()然深恶.()痛绝顿挫.()粗糙.()堆砌.()消遣.()黝.()黑锃.()亮愚钝.()蒙昧.()甲胄.()滞.()留禁锢.()犀.()利侏儒.()尴.()尬.()藏污纳垢.()窒.()息差.()使交卸.()狼藉.()簌簌.()踌.()躇.()蹒.()跚.()颓.()唐琐.()屑奔丧.()坦荡如砥.()虬.()枝修葺.()秀颀.()臼.()齿菌.()子鲜腴.()牛犊.()茸.()毛凋.()谢洗涤.()飓.()风濒.()临俯瞰.()呼号.()择.()净推崇.()惟妙惟肖.() 绝伦.()轩.()榭重峦叠嶂.()嶙.()峋镂.()空斟.()酌.()相间.()隧.()道纤.()维喧嚣.()绢.()本题跋.()冗.()长遒.()劲络()绎.()不绝臃.()肿蜕.()皮徘徊.()田畴.()罅.()隙簇.()拥料峭.()酒肆.()岔.()道汴.()梁轧.()碎丘壑.()倔.()强.()婆娑.() (二)成语积累 摧枯拉朽:比喻腐朽势力或事物很容易被摧毁。 锐不可当:锋利无比,无法阻挡,形容勇往直前的气势无法抵挡。 如梦初醒:像刚从梦中醒来。比喻过去一直糊涂,在别人或事实的启发下,刚刚明白过来。 入木三分:形容书法笔力刚劲有力,也比喻对文章或事物见解深刻、透彻。 鹤立鸡群:像鹤站在鸡群中一样。比喻一个人的仪表或才能在周围一群人里很突出。 殚精竭虑:殚:竭尽;虑:思虑。形容用尽心思。 抑扬顿挫:抑:降低;扬:升高;顿:停顿;挫:转折。指声音的高低起伏和停顿转折。 为富不仁:为:做,引伸为谋求。剥削者为了发财致富,心狠手毒,没有一点儿仁慈的心肠。 藏污纳垢:污、垢:肮脏的东西。比喻隐藏或包容坏人坏事。 正襟危坐:襟:衣襟;危坐:端正地坐着。整一整衣服,端正地坐着。形容严肃或拘谨的样子。 诚惶诚恐:诚:确实;惶:害怕;恐:畏惧。非常小心谨慎以至达到害怕不安的程度。 筋疲力竭:筋:筋骨;竭:完。形容非常疲乏,一点力气也没有了。 妙手偶得:技术高超的人,偶然间即可得到。也用来形容文学素养很深的人,出于灵感,即可偶然间得到妙语佳作。 潜滋暗长:潜:暗中,隐藏;滋:生长。形容暗暗地不知不觉地生长。 张目结舌:瞪眼翘舌说不出话来。形容人窘迫或惊呆的样子。 巧妙绝伦:绝:没有。伦:同类。指精巧奇妙到了极点,在同类事物中没有能与之相比的。 惟妙惟肖:形容描写或模仿得非常逼真。 因地制宜:因:依据;制:制定;宜:适当的措施。根据各地的具体情况,制定适宜的办法。 自出心裁:心裁:心中的设计、筹划。出于自己的创造。指不抄袭、模仿别人。 无动于衷:衷:内心。心里一点儿也没有触动。指对应该关心、注意的事情毫不关心,置之不理。

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