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the relation between semantics and pragmatics

the relation between semantics and pragmatics
the relation between semantics and pragmatics


the relation between semantics and pragmatics Introduction

Language is the bridge connecting the man and the physical world .in other words, language is the reflection of man’s knowledge about the objective world, by the language, we are able to express our ideas so as to communicate with others for kinds of purposes. And whether with body language or formal written or spoken language, the meaning is the core of the language.but meaning varies in the different situations or context even with the same syntactic form of a language.so what makes these differences ? Among the study of linguistics on the meaning, the are two main kinds study of meaning, semantics and pragmatics. The two are close but different in the study of meaning. Over the past years ,many linguists do many research on the study of the meaning and make attempt to take semantics ,instead of the syntax,s the prerequisite of the study of the linguistics . But the deeper the study ,the more they find the necessity of relating the semantics and the context, which produce the existing of pragmatics. So this paper is mainly dealing with the relation between the semantics and pragmatics.

1.The definition of semantics and pragmatics.

Semantics is the study of meaning, which focuses on the relation between signifiers, such as words, phrases, signs, and symbols, and what they stand for.

Linguistic semantics is the study of meaning that is used to understand human expression through language. Other forms of semantics include the semantics of programming languages, formal logics, and semiotics.

Pragmatics is the study of meaning, which focuses on the specified conversational context.

In a given languages, linguistic pragmatics is the study of meaning that the transmission of meaning depends not only on structural and linguistic knowledge (e.g., grammer, lexicon, etc.) of the speaker and listener, but also on the context of the utterance, any preexisting knowledge about those involved, the inferred intent of

the speaker, and other factors. In this respect, pragmatics explains how language users are able to overcome apparent ambiguity, since meaning relies on the manner, place, time etc. of an utterance.

The inner relation between semantics and pragmatics.

In conclusion, semantics is the level of linguistics which has been most affected by pragmatics, but the relation between semantics (in the sense of conceptual semantics) and pragmatics has remained a matter of fundamental disagreement. Three logically distinct positions in this debate can be distinguished (Leech, 1981). 1) Pragmatics should be subsumed under semantics. 2) Semantics should be subsumed under pragmatics. 3) Semantics and pragmatics are distinct and complementary fields of study. The reductionist approach, runs counter into the fact that there are linguistic phenomena such as entailment which are relatively uncontroversially semantic, and there are also linguistic phenomena such as conversational implication which are relatively uncontroversially pragmatic(Huang, 2007).The complementarist viewpoint is more widely accepted in which semantics and pragmatics is considered as two different components in language system. They are independent and complementary. It is on the basis of complementarism that there becomes the boundary between semantics and pragmati cs.

2,The difference between semantics and pragmatics.

The difference can be divided in two ways .

firstly, it is the relation between language and context. Semantics is the study of meaning isolating from the context,is purely the linguistic meaning ,which just concerns the language only while pragmatics is the study of meaning related to language users, to conversational context. We can include that semantics concerns the relation between the symbols and reference,and pragmatics deals with the relation between symbols and users. For example, when A say,---you are a fool .B say what does fool means? And C say what do you mean by a fool? In this case ,b actually want to know the literary(conceptual) meaning of the word FOOL. And c want to know the situational meaning of a fool.to a extent , we can say ,pragmatics not only conclude the linguistic meaning but extra meaning implied by the speech users.

Second,according to Huang’s criticism on the distinction between semantic s and pragmatics.The distinction between semantics and pragmatics has been formulated in a variety of different ways. Of these formulations, three, according to Bach (1999a, 2004), are particularly influential. They are (i) truth-conditional versus non-truth-conditional meaning, (ii) conventional versus non-conventional meaning, and (iii) context independence versus context dependence (Huang, 2007).

1)Truth-conditional versus non-truth-conditional meaning

According to this formulation, semantics deals with truth-conditional meaning, or words-world relations , semantics is just the linguistic meaning ,it do mot denote anything ; pragmatics has to do with non-truth-conditional meaning. But the meaning in pragmatics often implied in a indirect way.----the conversational implicatures ,meaning implied by the speakers under a particular circumstance.so it violates the manner of quantity in cooperative principles. It is the non conditional meaning.

2)Conventional versus non-conventional meaning

On this view, semantics studies the conventional aspects of meaning; pragmatics concerns the non conventional aspects of meaning. Consequently, while a semantic interpretation, being conventional in nature, can not be cancelled, a pragmatic inference, which is non-conventional in nature, can but, as pointed out by Bach, among others, this way of invoking the semantics-pragmatics division runs into trouble with the fact that there are linguistic expressions that whose conventional meaning is closely associated with use.

3)Context independence and context dependence

Semantics is concerned with isolated word meaning and sentence meaning, meanings predictable from linguistics knowledge alone.and pragmatics deals with the relation between the language and context that are basic to an account of language understanding.


Pragmatics and Semantics are completely separable from each other. What is more,

Pragmatics could not manage without Semantics.with both two in cooperation ,it can deepen our understanding of the function of language and the world,in which Semantics help us master the conceptual meaning and pragmatics facilitate the conversational meaning in actual use.

Reference \

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2c743577.html,/s/blog_4c00a2ac0100qq5z. html




Leech G. Semantics [M].Penguin Books, 1981.

Huang, Y. 2007.Pragmatics [M]. Oxford: OUP.


从语义学角度谈汉语中的歧义现象 摘要:语言学家普遍认为, 歧义现象是指一个句子的含义模棱两可, 可以作两种或多种解释。歧义是一种普遍的语言现象,存在于一切自然语言之中。本文尝试从语义学角度对汉语中的歧义现象进行分析,对引起歧义的各种因素进行剖析,指出歧义在实际的语言应用中的影响,并提出一些消除歧义的手段。 关键词:语义学,汉语歧义,歧义成因,消除歧义 一、文献综述 语义学是研究语言意义以及语言表达之间的意义关系的学科。语义学研究自然语言的语义特征;它把语义作为语言的一个组成部分去研究,探讨它的性质、内部结构及其变异和发展以及语义间的关系等。 “语义学”这一术语是由法国语言学家Michel Breal 在1893 年首先提出来的。1897 年,Breal 编著的《语义学探索》一书问世,标志着今天所理解的语义学开始逐步形成。1900 年,这本书被译成英文,书名为Semantics : Studies in the Science of Meaning。这本书是第一部语言语义学著作,其研究的重点在词义的历史发展方面,兼顾词汇意义和语法意义。随后,语义学的发展经历了一个曲折的过程。语义学在19 世纪末、20 世纪初开始成为一门独立的学科,50 年代逐步显露发展势头,从70 年代起才获得了充分的发展。随着越来越多的语言学家开始关注和研究语义学,发表关于语义学的著作,语义学逐渐成为一个成熟的体系。 近十年来,现代语义学呈现出多学科、跨学科、多纬度和多层次的几个显著的特点。如果说传统的语义学研究主要局限在词汇意义层次的话,现代语义学的最大特点之一是对语言意义的多层次的考察。笔者经过对近十年的文献研究发现,认知语义学和规范语义学是当代国际语义学研究的两大主流取向。认知语义学就是在认知学的框架内研究语义,对心智进行经验性的研究,它对传统形式语义学的外部缺陷有着深刻的认识,是当代一个热门的研究方向。规范语义学的核心概念是形式体系,即一种抽象的模型结构,模型的抽象性意味着广泛的语义空间,进而彰显出语义自身的自由度。从蒙塔古最初建立规范语义学到后来克里普克等人的继续发展,出现了诸如类型理论,模态理论范畴语法,博弈语义学等新的学说,特别是后来帕蒂等人对蒙塔古语义学的不断完善,充分表明了规范语义学具有极强的生命力。 而国内近十年的语义学研究也遍布了语言研究的各个方面。主要有以下几个方向:对认知语义学的研究,例如张辉的《认知语义学述评》;对框架语义学的研究,例如陶明忠、马玉蕾合著的《框架语义学———格语法的第三阶段》;语义学在对隐喻的研究中的应用,例如于莹的《认知语义学框架下的隐喻研究》;对语义学与语用学之间的关系的研究,例如康灿辉的《试论语义学与语用学的互补性》;对语义学的实际应用的研究,例如王向君的《浅谈语义学与语法教学》。而对于歧义现象的语义学研究主要是对英语中的歧义现象进行研究,例如高桂莲、陈颖、王海岩合著的《对英语歧义现象的语义分析》,却鲜有对汉语中歧义现象的语义分析。所以本文尝试从语义学角度对汉语中的歧义现象进行分析,对引起歧义的各种因素进行剖析,指出歧义在实际的语言应用中的影响,并提出一些消除歧义的手段。 二、歧义的成因 语言学家普遍认为, 歧义现象是指一个句子的含义模棱两可, 可以作两种或多种解释。语言是一种约定俗成的社会现象, 而不是人们根据科学规律创造出来的, 因此, 不论哪种语言都存在大量的歧义现象。引起歧义的原因有很多,下面笔者将对歧义的主要成因进行分类和剖析。 (一)、语音歧义 汉语中的语音歧义多是由于汉语的一个音节可以对应多个不同的语素引起的,一般存在于口语中。语音歧义主要可以分成以下三种情况。 1、同音字引起的歧义 例句:甲:“请问您贵姓?” 乙:“免贵姓zhang。” 在这个例句中,zhang既可以是“张”,也可以是“章”。在汉语中,有很多读音相同但拼写和意义不同的汉字,因此容易产生语音歧义。 2、一词多音引起的歧义


第一章作为语言学一个分支的语义学 语义学的建立以法国学者米歇尔·布勒阿尔1897年7月出版《语义学探索》为标记。 该书1900年翻译为英文“语义学:意义科学的研究(Semantics:Studies in the Science of Meaning)”。 这本专著材料丰富,生动有趣,重点在词义的历史发展方面,兼顾词汇意义和语法意义。 全书共三编:1,讲词义变化的定律,介绍变异、扩散、类推等概念;2,讲如何确定词义,介绍释义、比喻、多义、命名等;3,讲词类、词序、组合规则等,涉及语法意义。 除了语言学的语义学,还有逻辑学的语义学,哲学的语义学,还有心理学家对语义的研究。 a,逻辑学的语义学是对逻辑形式系统中符号解释的研究,又称“纯语义学”,对象并非自然语言的语义。 b,哲学的语义学围绕语义的本质展开涉及世界观的讨论。“语义学”或“语义哲学”又是本世纪前半叶盛行于西方的至今仍有影响的一个哲学流派的名称。 c,心理学家研究语义,主要是想了解人们在信息的发出和接收中的心理过程。 d,语言学的语义学把语义作为语言(乃至言语)的一个组成部分、一个方面进行研究,研究它的性质,内部结构及其变异和发展,语义间的关系等等。 布勒阿尔的书给语义的发展以重要地位,声称研究语义的变化构成了语义学。同时它把语义限制在“词语”的意义上,主要是词义上。这两个特点一直贯穿在他以后半个多世纪的若干代表性著作里。 继布勒阿尔之后,一部有世界影响的语义学专著是两位英国学者奥格登和理查兹合写,1923年出版的《意义的意义》(The Meaning of Meaning)。这两位学者还曾共同创制了后来遭到各种非议的“基本英语”(Basic English).


一、语言和语言学 1、语言的区别性特征:Design of features of language 任意性arbitrariness 指语言符号和它代表的意义没有天然的联系 二重性duality 指语言由两层结构组成 创造性creativity 指语言可以被创造 移位性displacement 指语言可以代表时间和空间上不可及的物体、时间、观点 2、语言的功能(不是很重要) 信息功能informative 人际功能interpersonal 施为功能performative 感情功能emotive function 寒暄功能phatic communication 娱乐功能recreational function 元语言功能metalingual function 3、语言学主要分支 语音学phonetics 研究语音的产生、传播、接受过程,考查人类语言中的声音 音位学phonology研究语音和音节结构、分布和序列 形态学morphology研究词的内部结构和构词规则 句法学syntax 研究句子结构,词、短语组合的规则 语义学semantics 不仅关心字词作为词汇的意义,还有语言中词之上和之下的意义。如语素和句子的意义 语用学pragmatics 在语境中研究意义 4、宏观语言学macrolingustics 心理语言学psycholinguistics社会语言学sociolinguistics 人类语言学anthropological linguistics计算机语言学computational linguistics 5语言学中的重要区别 规定式和描写式:规定式:prescriptive说明事情应该是怎么样的 描写式:descriptive说明事情本来是怎么样的 共时研究和历时研究:共时:synchronic研究某个特定时期语言 历时:diachronic 研究语言发展规律 语言和言语:语言:langue指语言系统的整体 言语:parole指具体实际运用的语言 语言能力和语言运用:乔姆斯基(chomsky提出) 能力:competence用语言的人的语言知识储备 运用:performance真实的语言使用者在实际中的语言使用 二、语音学 1、语音学分支 发音语音学articulatory phonetics研究语言的产生 声学语言学acoustic phonetics研究语音的物理属性 听觉语音学auditory phonetics研究语言怎样被感知 2 IPA(国际音标)是由daniel Jones琼斯提出的 三、音位学 1、最小对立体minimal pairs 2、音位phoneme


一、填空题:(每空1 分,本大题共10 分) 1. ()语言学是在19世纪逐步发展和完善的,它是语言学 走上独立发展道路的标志。 2. 人的大脑分左右两半球,大脑的左半球控制( 掌管不需要语言的感性直观思维。 3. 进入20世纪以后,语言研究的主流由历史比较语言学转为 ()。 4. 俄语属于印欧语系的( 5. 一个音位包含的不同音素或者具体表现出来的音素叫做 ()。 6. 语言中最单纯、最常用、最原始和最能产的词是( 7. 现代大多数国家的拼音文字的字母,大多直接来源于()字 母。 8. 言外之意之所以能够被理解是因为()起了补充说明的 作用。 9. 方言在社会完全分化的情况下,有可能发展成(? )?; 在社会高度统一的情况下,会逐渐被共同语消磨直到同化。 10. 南京方言的“兰”、“南”不分,从音位变体的角度来说,[n ]和[l]是 属于()变体。 二、单项选择题: 码填在题干上的括号内。(每小题1 分,本大题共15 分)

1. 在二十世纪,对哲学、人类学、心理学、社会学等学科产生重大影响 的语言学流派是() A.历史比较语言学 B.心理语言学 C.结构主义语言学 D.社会语言学 2. “人有人言,兽有兽语”中的“言”属于() A.语言 B.言语 C.言语行为 D.言语作品 3. “我爱家乡”中“爱”和“家乡”() A.是聚合关系。 B.是组合关系。 C.既是聚合关系又是组合关系。 D. 4. 一种语言中数量最少的是 A.音素 B.音位 C.语素 D.音节 5. 英语的man—→men采用的语法手段是 A. 屈折变化 B.变换重音的位置 C. 变化中缀 D.异根 6. 在汉语普通话中没有意义区别功能的声学特征是() A.音高 B.音强 C.音长 D.音质 7. [ε]的发音特征是 A.舌面前高不圆唇 B.舌面后高不圆唇 C.舌面前半高不圆唇 D.舌面前半低不圆唇 8. 构成“语言、身体”这两个词的语素的类型() A.都是成词语素 B.都是不成词语素 C.“语”和“言”是成词语素,“身”和“体”是不成词语素 D.“语”和“言”是不成词语素,“身”和“体” 9. 广义地说,汉语动词词尾“着”、“了”、“过”属于语法范畴中的 ()


北语汉语国际教育学部考研复试经验 北语汉语国际教育学部考研复试公共课的复习 对于公共课的复习,我想最重要的是要控制自己的贪欲,不要在海量的资料中迷失。时间有限你不会看完所有的资料,即便它们看上去都很美很真实。选择被时间验证过的经典书目可以有效避免浪费宝贵时间,最好的方式是向前辈咨询而不是听信各种宣传。 无论英语政治还是专业课,最基础的教材都是第一位的,任何技巧都是在基础知识之上的。技巧并非投机取巧,它可以让你用最短的时间掌握对考试最有价值的东西,而努力仍是必须的。课本和历年真题是基础,其他的资料只是帮助你更好的理解考点。 (一)北语汉语国际教育学部考研复试英语 在英语方面我不是牛人,但近两年的学习自己也深得体会。不论你之前的英语功底有多好,考研英语都不能怠慢。因为考研英语是几位灭绝师太凑在一起将一篇浅显的文章修改地千疮百孔之后拿来考我们,所以有时是不能用正常的思维顺序去思考的。读懂文章是一方面,做对题是另一方面。而对考研单词的熟悉程度、阅读速度和对真题逻辑的研读是应对一切的法宝。首先,单词是重中之重。 考研阅读本身就包含大量生词,需要联系上下文猜测,试想,如果你连最基本的单词都不认识,还怎么猜测。我习惯背小一点的单词书,总觉得大的单词书虽然每个词的意义概括的很全面,但是不方便记忆,常常是看了半天才翻过去一页,效果不好,也没有成就感。如果你不放心,可以买两种,小的用来记忆,大的当字典用来查阅。我当时买了星火的便携本。每天用一小时的时间记两三单元,前几遍先记基本意思和自己原本知道的偏义,因为考研英语虽然很少考基本意思,但考察的引申义从语境中也能根据基本义进行推断。这样反复过多次之后,我用书签盖住意思,然后看单词想它的意思,开始反应有点慢,反复过几次后逐渐快了。我觉得这个过程很重要,因为对单词的反应程度会决定阅读的速度。这之后仍有一些顽固的单词记不住,我把他们写在五颜六色的小卡片上,正面是单词,背面是意思,前前后后整理了近二十摞。 每天快下自习的前几分钟就拿出来看一小摞,感觉效果很不错。对于真题中的单词我也是用这种方法记,不知道单词书和小卡片被我翻了多少遍,到最后一两周,为了节省时间背政治,我只看自己小卡片上不熟的单词,直到考研的前一天我还在背单词,不是因为还没记住,只是想保持看到单词的灵敏度和熟悉度。这种记单词的方法真得很受用。


Vol.28No.3 M ar.2012 赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)Journal of Chifeng University (Natural Science Edition )第28卷第3期(下) 2012年3月英语习语凝聚了英语民族人民的勤劳和智慧,是英语语言国家历史文化发展的结晶,体现了英语国家丰富的历史文化背景.学习英语习语可以成为英语专业学生学习和了解英语语言文化的一扇窗.可是,英语习语却因其结构与语义之间的差异,涉及面广泛繁杂,大多与民族历史发展、地理环境、传统习俗、宗教信仰,神话传说有关,而使学生深感习语语义难以理解,难以记忆,用法难以掌握.认知语义学研究表明,语言的意义与人的认知经验密切相关,习语的意义也是在人类在认知世界的过程中,通过一定的认知机制发展起来的,本文拟从认知语义学的角度出发来揭示英语习语的本质,并运用概念隐喻、转喻与常规知识等主要认知机制分析英语习语的语义.1 传统语义学对习语语义的阐释 传统语义学认为,习语是具有固定的结构,在语义和语法上能独立运用的词组.它的意义一般不能由各组成部分推断出来(王宗炎,1988).习语是独立于大脑理性思维和人类认知经验之外的抽象符号,它的本质是词汇,是语言系统的一个部分,而不是概念性的. 习语语义具有完整性,我们必须把习语作为一个整体来理解,构成习语的各个词汇失去了它们独立的语义,正如构成单词的每一个字母一般,分开以后毫无意义可言.习语的意义不是构成它的各个单词的意义的相加;如果将其拆分开,尽管可以理解每个单词的意义,但是仍然无法理解这个习语的意义.比如,“I am under the weather ”一句中,un-der the weather 意指“unhappy ”,单从字面意思来理解,毫无无法解释,一个人怎么能“在天气之下”呢?这也正是传统语言学家从习语的语义整体性来研究习语的原因. 习语具有结构的固定性,一般不能用别的词来代替,即使是同义词也不可以,比如,have an axe to grind (另有打算),不能换成“have a hatchet to grind ”.还有,习语中冠词的用法,名词单复数的用法,动词的主动或被动形式等都是固定的,大部分都不能随便进行句法转换.传统语义学认为,习语是一种约定俗成的习惯用法,是一种死喻,对于习语的学习就是死记硬背,模仿和记忆.2认知语义学视角下的习语意义阐释 2.1 习语是概念化的产物 针对传统的客观主义语义学观点,Lakoff &Johnson (1999)提出了基于体验哲学的认知语义观.他们认为人类的知识结构并非符号结构,也不能与客观世界直接对应,人类的知识结构,是概念结构,是人客观世界互动过程中逐渐获得.意义是基于体验的心智现象,是主客观互动的结果.意义需依靠原型范畴,概念化、意象图示来限定的.范畴、概念、推理和心智并不是外部现实客观的、镜像的反映,也不是先天就有的,而是人们在对客观外界感知和体验的基础上认知加工而形成的.完全可以想象,我们的祖先是从认识空间和自身开始认识世界的.人们在经验和行为中形成了范畴和概念,与此同时也就形成了意义(王寅,2007). 从这个意义上来看,习语也是人类认知和体验的结果.因此,我们可以这样认为,在语言和现实之间存在思维和认知这一中间层次,如果不依赖范畴知识、概念结构和认知方式,就无法接近现实.习语是人类概念体系的产物,不仅仅属于语言本身的问题.习语确实有它的特殊意义,我们应看到这些特殊意义正是来源于人类对客观物质世界的认识,而我们的概念体系正体现了这种认识. 在日常生活中,人们往往参照他们熟知的,有形的,具体的概念来认识、思维、经历、对待无形的、难以定义的概念,形成了一个不同概念之间相互关联的认知方式.以head 一词为例,the head of deparment,head of state,head of government,head of page,head of queue,head of a flower,head of stairs,head of a bed,head of a tape recorder,head of syntactic construction …在head 的所有例子中,所表达的概念都与“头”这一概念紧密联系,表达“the front part of …”或“the vitally important part ”. 比如,在英语中有大量这样以身体词汇概念,产生的习语,play it by ear(随机应变,见机行事),rack your brains (绞尽脑汁想),turn a blind eye (熟视无睹),a stiff upper lip (泰然自若,坚定不移),keep your mouth shut and your eyes open (多看少说),从这些习语的语义,可以看出人类的认知 英语习语解析———认知语义学视角 李红珍 (孝感学院外国语学院,湖北孝感432000) 摘要:认知语义学为我们提供了探索习语语义的新视角。传统的习语意义观认为习语是不可分析、任意的.认知语义学则认为习语是概念体系的产物,其意义有理据和可分析性.在英语教学中运用认知语义学理论解释和分析英语习语的语义,可以提高学生准确运用习语的能力. 关键词:习语;认知语义学;认知机制中图分类号:G642.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-260X (2012)03-0250-02 250--


1 学方法、转换生成语言学方法和综合性的方法。指出了语言研究应由“表层结构”向“深层结构”转换, 通过循序渐进的层次对比研究,抓住寓于语言深部的综合特征, 从而准确把握对比中的语言特征, 充分发挥对比语言的对策性。 对比语言学(contrastive linguistics. Contrastive analysis) 在1980 年上海辞书出版社的《语言与语言学辞典》中, 将contrastive analysis 只译作“对比分析”, 许多属于对比语言学范畴的我国学者们的论著, 也大都冠以“比较”二字, 归在比较语言学的领域。也就是说, 对于对比语言学这门学科, 人们还缺乏充分认识。然而就方法论而言, 对比语言学是一门共时语言学(synchronic), 它只是共时地对两种或两种以上语言进行考查分析, 指出它们之间的语音、语法、词汇等各个部门里的同异点, 并努力运用哲学、心理学、民族学等各学科的知识与理论去说明这些同异点之所以产生的根源。 一、对比语言学的历史演变 虽然对比语言学的研究经历了较长的孕育期, 但真正的研究史只有短短的五十多年。如果要讨论对比语言学的雏形, 我们可以追溯到非常久远的年代。公元初年,佛教开始传入我国; 接着, 我们中华民族光辉灿烂的古代文化传播到日本、朝鲜等国, 形成了举世瞩目的汉字文化圈。在这种吸收消化异族文化与学习吸取异邦文明的过程中, 无疑将首先对其运载工具—— 语言进行研究, 而这种研究也只能是建立在同民族的语言比较对比的基础上。因此, 从这个意义上来说, 我国古代的先哲们译释佛教经典, 五六世纪的日本人“训读”我们的古文的工作都可以认为是对比性的。不过, 事实告诉我们, 这种译释或“训读”远远不是一种建立在严格的语言科学基础上的成体系的工作, 因此, 我们无从把它划入对比语言学的范畴。 而真正的对比语言学诞生于20 世纪50 年代, 它是结构主义语言理论和外国语教育发展的联合产物。19世纪末, 索绪尔树立起语言学史上第一座划时代的丰碑, 他的语言理论影响了包括布龙菲尔德在内的众多的语言学家。


英语语言学试题(1) I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%) 1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___. A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible. A、mouth B、lips C、tongue D、vocal cords 3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___. A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause. A、coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator 5、"Can I borrow your bike?" _____ "You have a bike." A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes 6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___. A、semantics B、pragmatics C、sociolinguistics D、psycholinguistics 7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization. A、elaboration B、simplification C、external borrowing D、internal borrowing 8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication. A、Lingua franca B、Creole C、Pidgin D、Standard language 9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ . A、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus B、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortex C、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neurons D、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area 10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. A、learning B、competence C、performance D、acquisition II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%) 11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user's k_______ of the rules of his language. 12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b______ . 13、M_______ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 14、A s______ is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command. 15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances are called c______ synonyms. 16、The illocutionary point of r_____ is to commit the speaker to something's being the case, to the truth of what has been said. 17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c______.

Semantics 语义学

Semantics 1. What is Semantics? Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences.语义学是研究单词、短语和句子的意义的学科 2.Geoffrey Leech利奇Seven types of meaning7种意义类型: ①Conceptual meaning概念意义 ②Connotative meaning内涵意义 ③Social meaning社会意义 ④Affective meaning 感情意义Associative Meaning联想意义(②——⑥) ⑤Reflected meaning反射意义 ⑥Collocative meaning搭配意义 ⑦Thematic meaning主位意义 3.Conceptual meaning(概念意义)is also called “denotative”(外延义)and it is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it refers to.概念意义也叫外延义,它关注词语跟它所指称事物之间的联系 Conceptual meaning is meaning given in the dictionary. 4.Associative meaning (联想意义) is the total of all the meanings a person thinks of when they hear the word Associative meaning is the meaning which a word suggests or implies. 5.Thematic meaning (主位意义) is “what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis.”它是由词序和词语重音所决定的 6. The Referential Theory(指称理论): ① The Referential Theory ② The Semantic Triangle ③ Sense and Reference 7.The referential theory指称理论 is the theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to.指称论是把词语意义跟它所指称的事物联系起来的理论 8. The semantic triangle语意三角 is the indirect relation between a word and a thing it refers to and it is mediated by concept.语意三角指词和所指事物之间没有直接关系,它们是以概念为中介的 9.Sense (涵义) is a set of properties possessed by a name. 10.Reference (指称) is the symbolic relationship that a linguistic expression has with the concrete object. 11. The sense of an expression is the thought it expresses, while its reference is the object it represents Every word has a sense, but not every word has a reference. 12. Sense Relations涵义关系 ①Synonymy(同义关系) ②Antonymy(反义关系)(Gradable、Complementary、Converse) ③Hyponymy(上下义关系) 13.But total synonymy is rare. They may differ in style, connotations and dialect.


从词汇语义学角度对比分析《呼啸山庄》的中译 【摘要】滋生于欧美的当代比较语言学,并不一定能成功解决所有语言教学难题,但其重要性却不容忽视。文章从词汇层次,特别是从语义学角度的词义分类和动机方面对《呼啸山庄》的中译进行对比分析。此外,这项研究的局限性可为进一步作这方面的研究起一定的铺垫作用。 【关键词】对比分析《呼啸山庄》语义学动机词义分类 词汇的对比研究包括分析词态学和语义学。本文从后者,即语义学的角度出发,对《呼啸山庄》的中译进行对比分析。语义学是法国语言学家Michel Breal 1984年在美国举行的一 次研讨会上提出来的,六年后英文本《语言学》出版。Breal 在书中首次对语义学的研究从目标和方法角度作出了系统 分析。语义学被确立为一门分支学科后,经历了四个发展阶段,即早期语义学、语源学、结构语义学和多元语义系统研究。与传统语义学不同,现代语义学注重对词汇语义学和句法语义学的研究。本文把重点放在词汇语义学上,这对于从词汇角度对比研究《呼啸山庄》的中译很重要。 许余龙曾对比较语言学这样下定义:比较语言学是一门针对两种(或两种以上)语言进行有系统的共时描述,旨在为与语言相关的活动确定它们之间的相似和相异之处,并找

出这种相似和相异含义的语言学分支。这为一些语言学家所接受,比较语言学也在语言教学过程中开始起到了一定的作用。因此,国内外的语言学家们关注过或一直重视着比较研究这一课题,如赵元任、吕淑湘、刘糜庆、王宗言、许国璋和B.L.Worf,Robert Lado(1957), Catford, Holmes, Hatim。《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)英文原版是英国文学史上的一位杰出人物艾米莉?q勃朗特的作品,艾米莉?q勃朗特因所写小说的独特而被英国著名小说家和评论家William Somerset Maugham 称为十大杰出人物之一,中国大陆上出现了三种中译版本,其中以杨苡和张玲、张扬两种译本最为流行,本文选这两种译本作为对比研究的对象。 一、文献回顾 1、词义的分类 毋庸置疑,现代语义学的研究目标是词汇意义,而词义是难以定义和分类的。根据现代朗文英语词典,“meaning”(意义)一词指的是:①意思;含义。②重要性;价值;意义。 ③意味深长的。[1]684本文在此采用第一种定义。一般而言,西方语言学界对词义有三种典型的分类。Grice从应用语言的角度把语义分为四种类型:永恒意义、应用永恒意义、场景意义和说话场景意义。而Kitty则在Grice的研究基础上把句


练习1 1. There is no logical connection between meaning and sounds. A dog might be a pig if only the first person or group of persons had used it for a pig. This is one of the design features of language.A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 2. Language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is . It makes people possible to talk everything within his knowledge. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 3. ___ refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one’s native language, including those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation .A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 4. __ __ refers to the fact that one can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. The dog couldn’t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for some lost love or a bone to be lost. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 5. ______ means language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but the linguistic system must be learnt anew by each speaker. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 6. ______ means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 7. To say “How are you.” “Hi” to your friends is the ____ __of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 8. “Tell me the result when you finish.” If you want to get your hearer to do something, y ou should use the _____ of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 9. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __ ___. A. unnatural B. something to be feared C. natural D. abnormal 10. A linguist is interested in ___A. speech sounds only B. all sounds C. vowels only 11. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? A. [t] B. [m] C. [b] D. [p 12. Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate? A. [y] B. [t∫] C. [z] D. [dЗ] 13. Which of the following sounds is a central vowel? A. [ ? ] B. [ i ] C. [ou] D. [a: ] 14. In the following sounds , ______ is a palatal fricative ? A. [ s ] B. [∫] C. [ l ] D. [θ] 15. In the following sounds, _____ is a voiceless affricative? A. [dЗ] B. [v] C. [t∫] D. [θ] 16. In English if a word begins with a [ l ] or [ r ],then the next sound must be a __ __. A. fricative B. nasal sound C. semi-vowel D. vowel 17. Of the “words” listed below___ is not an English word A. [r∧b ] B. [ l? b ] C. [m?sta:∫] D. [lm?p] 18. ___ are produced when the obstruction created by the speech organs is total and audibly released. A. Back vowels B. Stops C. Fricatives D. Glides 19. The International Phonetic Association devised the INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET in _____. A. 1965 B. 1957 C. 1888 D. 1788 20. ___ is a phonological unit , and it is a unit that is of distinctive value. A. Phone B. Phoneme C. Allophone D. Sound 1. [ f ] is a dental consonant. F 2. Phonology studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. F 7. The three / p / are allophones. T 3. Phoneme is a phonological unit. T 4. Phone is a phonetic unit. T


2008-01-06 14:24 许国璋先生在《中国大百科全书》(语言文字卷)对语言作了这样的解释:“语言是人类特有的一种符号系统。当作用于人与人的关系的时候,它就表达相互反映的中介;当作用于人与客观事件的关系的时候,它是认知事物的工具;当作用于文化的时候,它是文化作息的载体。”在这个定义之后,许先生从自己所定义的语言特色、语言的功能、语言的发生、语言的模式等四个方面作了较为详细的论证。传统语言观受到了来自各个方面的挑战。其中一个最为重要的挑战就是语言和思维到底是一种什么样的关系。 语言与思维的关系问题是多种学科,如哲学、心理学、病理学、生物学、人类学和信息科学等都密切关注和长期争论的重大理论问题,当然更是心理语言学或语言心理学的一个重要课题。沈阳说要讨论语言和思维的关系,先要搞清楚两个问题:一是什么是“思维”;二是“语言与思维的关系”是一个什么样的问题。

那么什么是“思维”呢?沈阳在《语言学常识十五讲》中总结说:“狭义的‘思维’可以说就只是‘思考’,即只包括‘想的活动’,但是较广义的‘思维’可以说是包括‘思考’和‘思想’两个方面,即不但指不同程度或不同阶段‘想的活动’,也指不同程度或不同阶段‘想的结果’。”(1) 那么“语言与思维的关系”又是一个什么样的问题呢?这实际上就是要搞清楚人是怎么“想问题”的,或者说是人们在进行“想的活动”和了解“想的结果”的时候,到底主要靠的是什么。其实语言就是思维的工具,思维的各个方面,即“想的活动”和“想的结果”,实际上都离不开语言。人们正是靠了语言才能够知道大家都想了些什么,同时也才能把思维的结果固定起来和传递下去。(2) 不过仅仅说语言是思维的工具,思维离不开语言,这还比较笼统。因为从地位和作用上说,我们还不知道语言和思维是相互作用

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