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[经典散文英汉互译:厨房里的一场闹剧]英汉互译在线翻译句子 写作翻译网权威发布经典散文英汉互译:厨房里的一场闹剧,更多经典散文英汉互译相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。 Everything had gone wrong that morning. The chef had arrived late, nursing a hangover, and the kitchen hadn”t been cleaned properly the night before, which put him in a wor se mood.那天早晨,一切事情都不对劲。厨师来晚了,昨晚喝多了,还没缓和过来,同时,本该及时收拾干净的厨房还是一团糟,使得他心情更糟。The boss, having attended the same party, was in a similar state. He was holding his head and trying to do the accounts at the same time. Enclosed in his little glass-fronted office,Caroline could see his face growing more puce by the moment. He was just reaching for his first sherry.同他一起出席聚会的老板也是一样,昏昏沉沉的。他用手托着脑袋试图要结账. 卡若琳坐在由玻璃窗围着的办公室里,看着他的脸变得更紫了。他在仲手拿第一瓶雪利洒。Running backwards and forwards between the kitchen and the dining room, Caroline had no time to think for a while.卡若琳在后厨和前厅之间忙碌着,无暇思索。When shefd first managed to get the waitressing job in the restaurant, she was delighted, for she was at her first year at university and jobs were scarce. She sighed. She”d wondered at the time at her ease in getting employment. It now appeared that her boss’reputation had preceded him, and no one else had applied. However, she had no time to think of that now. A portly blue-eyed man was giving her furious looks as he waited for his order. Damn! What was it again? She had been caught up with thefussy woman who had been so particular about how her steak was cooked. In fact, the offending meal had been sent back to the kitchen twice. It was, the woman complained, too well done---she liked her steak “blue”. Yuk! thought Caroline. Give me a well-done piece of steak every time. The man continued to glower at her while he watched the gray-haired lady”s antics.当卡若琳首次得到餐厅服务员工作的时候,她非常高兴,因为那时她仅是一名大一学生,对于大一的学生来说,工作是很难找的。她又叹了口气,她在想当时怎么就那么容易得到这份工作,现在算是明白了,她的老板声名在外,没人来他这应聘.但是,她现在没时间考虑那么多了。一个胖胖的蓝眼睛的男子正怒视着她好像在抱怨没及时给他点餐。该死,这回又是什么?她又被那个挑剔的女人纠缠上了,那个女人对她烹饪的牛排总是挑三拣四的。事实上,这份让客人恼火的菜己经反厨两次了。那个女人抱怨说这牛排太过火了,她喜欢五分熟的牛排。卡若琳想切,要是我吃,每次我都点熟过了的牛排。此时,那个要点餐的男子一边看着那灰白发的女人那古怪样子,一边继续怒视着卡若琳。Sweetly Caroline went to hi


北外英语专业超全面翻译笔记(近10万 字)

第一部分:数词的译法 一、数字增减的译法: 1.句式特征:by+名词+比较级+than The wire is by three inches longer than that one.这根导线比那根长3英寸。 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+to+n.译为:增加到。。。。或减少到。。。。 Metal cutting machines have been decreased to 50.金属切割机已经减少到50台。 二、百分数增减的表示法与译法 1.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+% The output value has increased 35%.产值增加了35% 2.句式特征:表示增减意义的动词+by+% Retail salses should rise by 8%商品零售额应增加3% The prime cost decreased by 60%.主要成本减少60% 3.句式特征:表示减少意义的动词+to+%表示减少后剩余的数量 By using this new-process the loss of metal was reduced to 20%.采用这种新工艺,铁的损失量减少到20% 4.句式特征:%+比较级+than表示净增减的数量 Retail sales are expected to be nine percent higher than last year.今年零售额与去年相比,有望增加9%。 5.句式特征:%+比较级+名词表示净减数 The new-type machine wasted 10 percent engergy supplied. 新型机械能耗量净减10% 6.句式特征:a + % + increase表示净增数 There is a 20% increase of steel as compared with last year.与去年相比,今年钢产量净增20% 7.句式特征:%+ (of) 名词(代词)表示净减数,数字n照译 The production cost is about 60 percent that of last year.今年产值仅为去年的60%8.句式特征:%+up on 或over表示净增数 The grain output of last year in this province was 20% percent up on that of 1978.去年粮食产量比1978年净增20%。 第二部分倍数增加的表示法及译法 汉语表示“增加了几倍”时,英语的倍数表示倍数需减一,译成“增加了n-1倍”以表示净增加数。如果译成“增加到n倍”或“为原来的n倍”,则照译不误。 1.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+n times“表示成倍地增长,译成”增加到N倍“或”增加n-1倍“ 注:1倍 once; 2倍twice(或double);3倍thrice(或three times) 2.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+by+ n times,该句式与上述相同 3.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+to+ n times表示增加到N倍,译成”增加了n-1倍“


英汉互译精选散文阅读-互助 L君跻身文坛,盖有年矣,但总是红不起来,颇感寂寞。于是,他找到了各种关系,以盛宴重礼把的评论家J君招待了一次。J君有感于其情之盛,慨然允诺说:“现在他们对你太冷落了,就是不公平!我一定要写一篇推荐你的作品的文章,登到大报上,你的作品的优点是……” Mr. L. had been a member of the literary circles for years without attracting any public attention. He felt rather deserted, and so he managed through various personal connections to invite Mr. J., a famous literary critic, to an elaborate dinner besides presenting him with expensive gifts. Mr. J. was quite moved by Mr. L.’s hospitality and promised right away, "It's not fair that you have been so ignored! I must write an article for a key newspaper to recommend your works. The merits of your works are... L君不等I君说完,慌忙摆手摇头,他说:“千万不必!千万不必!我只乞求您写一篇义正词严的文章把我批一个狗血淋头!积数十年之经验,我深知凡被您批了的,都能够风行全国,名震环球!而您也能够获得另一方面的美誉和利益,那才叫相反相成,相得益彰!” Mr. L. hastily cut in, shaking his head and waving his hands," No! No! I only beg you to write a very severe criticism against me. From my years of experience, I have come to the conclusion that all articles you criticize mill become popular not only in our country but also in the world. Meanwhile, you gain greater fame and interests through your criticism. Ibis is indeed `extremes meet' and hill only end up with mutual help and benefit!"


考博英语翻译笔记 倒装和分割结构 为了强调句子的某些部分,或是为了保持句子平衡,英语中常常使用倒装。大体说来,倒装可以分为主谓倒装和非主谓倒装。主谓倒装里又分为完全倒装和部分倒装。在翻译的时候,既可以按照主谓语的顺序翻译,也可以按照字面意思翻译。非主谓倒装只是将强调部分前置,以保持句子平衡或是起强调作用。翻译时可以采用顺序译法或是倒序译法。 1. For example, they do not compensate for social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances. 分析:本句中had he grown up under more favorable circumstances 属于部分倒装。正常语序为:if he had grown up under more favorable circumstances 。在正式文体中,可以将虚拟条件句中的if 省略,并将助动词提前。 译文:例如,它们(指测试)并不弥补社会的不公,因此不能说明一个贫困青年,要是在比较有利的境况下长大,会有多大才干。 2. Nonstop waves of immigrants played a role, too and so did bigger crops of babies as yesterday's “baby boom ” generation reached its child-bearing years. 分析:该句中so did bigger crops of babies 属于语法倒装。用so 来代替前述肯定句谓语部分所说情况。 译文:不间断的移民浪潮也起了作用——而且随着昔日在“ 生育高峰期” 出生的 一代人达到生育年龄,婴儿的出生数量增加了,这同样起了作用。 3. Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness, whatever the job. 分析:该句的Much as I have traveled 是一个由as 引导的让步状语从句。相当于though I have traveled much ,但语气要比后者强。这种结构要求部分倒装。 译文:我虽然见多识广,但还从未见过比她细心的人,不管什么职业 4. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar can you write correctly. 分析:相信大家对这种结构都不陌生。Only 后加副词、介词、状语从句时要用部分倒装。但是要注意的是,如果only 修饰的不是状语,则不用倒装。 译文:只有很好地掌握了语法知识,写出来的东西才会正确。 5. Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West . 分析:当句首是否定副词或含有否定词的词语时,一般要部分倒装。 译文:1980 年哪里的人口普查统计资料也不如远西地区的更能生动地说明美国人对宽敞的生活环境的追求。 6. Hardly had he began to speak when the audience interrupted him. 分析:hardly…when的结构表示“冈U…就…”。含有这种结构的句子常将hardly 置于句首,而采用部分倒装的语序。此外,hardly分句中一般采用过去完成时,而when (或before )分句中使用过去时。还有,与hardly…when… 结构类似的用法还有barely (scarcely)…whe n … 译文:他刚开始讲,听众就打断了他的话。 7. To such length did she go in rehearsal that two actors walked out.

108篇散文佳作 要点笔记1

《108篇散文佳作要点笔记》 第一部分汉译英 1. 丑石(An Ugly Stone) 表达法 词汇: 2. 匆匆(Rush) 3. 冬夜(Winter Night) 4. 互助(Helping Each Other) 5. 黄昏(Dusk) 6. 盼头(Something to Look Forward to) 7. 媲美(Beauty) 8. 枪口(The Muzzles) 9. 鸲鹆(The Story of a Myna) 10. 铜镜(The Bronze Mirror) 11. 学校(The College) 12. 野草(Wild Grass) 13. 种梨(Planting a Pear Tree) 14. 哀互生(Mourning for Husheng) 15. 落花生(The Peanut) 16. 盲演员(A Blind Actor) 17. “孺子马” (An”Obedient Horse”) 18. 小麻雀(A Little Sparrow) 19. 雄辩症(A Case of Eloquence) 20. 大钱饺子(A Good-luck Dumpling) 21. 荷塘月色(Moonlight over the Lotus Pond) 22. 黄龙奇观(A View of Huangllong) 23. 枯叶蝴蝶(Lappet Butterfies) 24. 泡菜坛子(A pickle Pot) 25. 田水哗啦(The Irrigation Water Came Gurgling) 26. 我若为王(If I Be King) 27. 西式幽默(Western Humour) 28. 项脊轩志(Xiangjixuan) 29. 夜间来客(A Night Visitor——A True Story about a ”Celebrity”Being Interviewed) 30. 珍禽血雉(China‘s Native Pheasant) 表达法: 在…,有一座高…米的山,是…的主峰。…东西主要出产在这里,故称…: Sth ,also known as the …,lives mostly in the …of …high …—the main peak of the…秦岭山脉:Qinling Mountain Range 向后延伸羽冠:extend backwards to form a crest 以…为主:be predominantly +adv. 分布于:usually be found in the …(换一种表达法,比live要好) 接群性较强:move in groups of 数量+n.(名词转译成动词)


一天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(一) 4 英文中的介词可以翻成中文里的方位副词的动词 There is a book on the desk. 桌上有本书。 The teacher came into the classroom with a book and a dog.老师带着一本书和一只狗…… 6 一般8个单词以下定语从句前置,多于8个单词后置。定语从句翻译后置方法中,需要译出关系词。 63 非限制性定语从句需要后置译法,且翻译关系词。 7 循环套用1: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2+定语2的定语3+…… 翻译方法看长度: 定语1+2=3 前两者放在一起翻译 定语1=2+3 后两者放在一起翻译 14 循环套用2: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2 翻译时:2+1+含有中心词的句子 注: 10 which有时指前面整个句子; 14 有时定语从句远离先行词; where“在那里” 11 prior to(主张多用)=before 11 “其”是中文专门用来表示第三人称的词。 13 定语从句一般不可放在句首 13 被动语态:用“为”代替“被” 英汉差异: 13 英文中多用代词;中文多用名词,不怕重复 15 英文多用长句,不注重标定符号的使用;中文多用断句且多用标点 23 英文多用名词;中文多用动词(动词的过渡) 英译汉: 9 适时断句,避免长句 12 重要的句子在后面翻译,不重要的先翻译 15 适时增加表示逻辑关系的词,使句子更具逻辑性 第二天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(二) 18 并列套用:多个并列定语修饰一个中心词 后置译法,关系词只需译一次 18 本位词&外位词

本位词:这,这样,这些 外位词:被本位词所替代的部分 一般用定语从句的which/of来翻译本位词 ...women in novels were stereotype of lacking any features... 小说中的妇女都是这样一种模式,她们缺少…… This assumption rests on the fallacy of the ... 假设是基于这样一种谬论:…… 19 There are not a few of people. 有不少人。 There are very few people who would not like to do it. 没有多少人愿意做这件事情。 20 abnormally 不正常地;病态地;特别,尤其 21 短句翻译:剥洋葱 先次后主,有逗号 21 中文:事实+评论 英文:评论+事实 22 It is often said that...人们常说 it is believed that...人们相信 It is guessed that...人们猜测 It is thought that...人们认为 It is supposed that...人们推测 It is reported that...据报道 插入语 23 表示观点时,提到句首翻译 27 不表示观点时,保留在原来位置,用破折号连接 23 谓语动词的过渡 英译汉 keep one informed current events keep是过渡词,本身动词性很弱,它的存在是为了informed的存在,因此翻译时直接忽略keep翻译inform 汉译英 中文“副词+动词”——英文“副词变动词,动词变名词” 28 West Bejing人为划分的行政区域,西北京 Western Beijing自然地理意义上的范围,北京的西部 the West of Beijing不在北京范围内,北京的西边 29 一般英文的人名和地名都要求固定中文译法 White 怀特 Watt 瓦特 Walt 沃尔特

翻译 中英对译 英文散文赏析

原文 巷 柯灵译者-张培基 巷,是城市建筑艺术中一篇飘逸恬静的散文,一幅古雅冲淡的图画①。这种巷,常在江南的小城市中,有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺,轻易不肯抛头露面②。你要在这种城市里住久了,和它真正成了莫逆,你才有机会看见她③,接触到她优娴贞静的风度。 人耐心静静走去,要老半天才走完。它又这么曲折, 什么时候,你向巷中踅去,都如宁静的黄昏,可以清晰地听到自己的 斑斑驳驳的苔痕,墙上挂着一串串苍翠欲滴 的藤萝,简直像古朴的屏风。春来 小巷的动人处就是它无比的悠闲。无论是谁, 你的心情就会如巷尾不波的古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和肃杀⑩。它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。它可能是一条现代的乌衣巷(11),家家有自 己的一本哀乐帐, 使人忘忧。 译文 The Lane Ke Ling The lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity①.

a small the lane, a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make its appearance long time.③ The does not taste of the countryside at all. It is long and deep, so it will take you a long while to walk patiently and quietly through it from end to end. It is also so winding that it seems ⑤when you look far ahead, but if you keep walking until you take a turning, you’ll find it again lying endless and still more quiet. There is nothing but stillness there⑥. At any hour of day, you can even distinctly hear in the , which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity. Inside the walls are residents’ gardens with In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, ⑧waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians. The charm of the lane lies in its absolute serenity. No matter who you are, if you in the lane for a while⑨, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness⑩. There reigns peace and quiet in the midst of noisy bustle. It is a world of its own on earth. It may be a modern (11)where each family, secluded behind closed doors, has its own covered-up story of (12)The all-pervading and all-purifying atmosphere of water-like placidness makes one forget all cares and worries.


考研翻译重点词汇 Abstract n.摘要,概要,抽象 adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的 Accelerate vt.&vi.(使)加快,(使)增速, n.接受速成教育的学生 Account (1)看法,认识 (2)解释,说明 Account for 占…(多大)比重; 解释, 说明 Achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩,达到;完成 Acquire vt.得到,养成,vt 获得;招致,学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等),捕获, Action n.作用,动[操]作,行动,机械装置[作用],(小说等中的)情节 Activity n.活动,活动的事物,活动性,机能,功能 Actually adv.现实的,实际的;目前的;明确的,有效的 Additional adj.增加的,额外的,另外的 Advance vt.&vi.(使)前进,(使)发展;促进, vt.提出 Advantage n.利益,便利,有利方面,有利条件;优点;优势, (网球等)打成平手(deuce )而延长比赛后一方先得的一分(攻方所得称 advantage in ,守方所得则称 advantage out ) Agree vi.一致;相合同意,赞成约定,允诺,答应,相宜,调和,符合,和睦相处 Almost adv.几乎,差不多,差一点;将近 Amount n.量,数量,数额,总额,总数 vi.合计,共计 An immense amount of … 大量 An amount of … 一些 A certain amount of … 某些 Analogous 与…类似, 与…相似 And 而, 然而 Apply … to … ≈ lie with 存在于,发生于 Approach vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近; vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理; n.靠近,接近,临近 Appropriate adj.适当的,恰当的; vt.挪用;占用;盗用 Argue vt.&vi.争吵,辩论; vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明,说服,劝说 Arise vi.&link v.呈现;出现;发生; vi.起身,起来,起立 As 译为 (1) 像, 如 ; (2) 作为 As … as (比较的两者要一致) = not so … as 译成:“… 和 … 一样 ” As is mentioned above 如上所述, (如上所示,如图所示---作文可以写) Aspect n.方面,方位,朝向 Assert vt.声称,断言,维护,坚持 Assume vt.假设,认定, 臆断,猜想,假装,担,担任,就职 Attempt n.尝试,企图vt.尝试,企图 Augment vt.增加,提高,扩大; n.增加,提高,扩大 Availability n.可用性,有效性,实用性 Base n.基础,底座,基地,根据地 vt.把…建立在,以…为基础 Behavioral adj.动作的,行为方面的 Big bang 大爆炸理论 Branch n.树枝,枝条,支,分科,分系; vi.出枝,树叉 Breakthrough : 突破 Break prison (监狱)越狱 Break out v. 爆发 Out break: n. 爆发


English—Chinese Translation and Extensive Knowledge 第一讲(四课时)翻译的历史起源以及各大著名理论和概论 2012/09/18 第一节:翻译起源以及翻译大家(一) 1.1翻译事业在我国有着悠久的历史。 最早的佛经翻译是西汉哀帝元寿元年(公元前2年)贵霜帝国大月氏王遣使者伊存来中国口授佛经,博士弟子秦景宪协助使伊存得以记录的《浮图经》。 中国历史上出现过三次翻译高潮:东汉至唐宋的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译和鸦片战争至“五四”的西学翻译。佛经翻译是中国翻译事业的起点。中国的翻译活动可以追溯到春秋战国时代。中国真正称得上语际翻译的活动应该说是始于西汉的哀帝时期的佛经翻译。这一时期的佛经翻译活动还只是民间私人事业到了符秦时代,佛经翻译活动就组织有序了。当时主要的组织者是释道安。因此他主张严格的词对词、句对句(word for word, line for line)的直译。道安在此期间请来了著名的翻译家天竺(即印度)人鸠摩罗什。他翻译了三百多卷佛经文献,如《金刚经》、《法华经》、《十二门论》、《中观论》、《维摩经》等。其译文神情并茂、妙趣盎然,堪称当时的上乘之译作,至今仍被视为我国文学翻译的奠基石。 Representative:唐玄奘(西元600-664年)主要生活在初唐时期,一生共翻译了佛教大小乘经论75部1335卷,共计一千多万;玄奘的译著从数量和品质上都达到了中国佛经翻译史上的高峰;堪称:翻译家中的第一人;其成就主要在于是“新译”的创始人。他提出的著名的“五不翻”原则及“既须求真,又须喻俗”的标准,对我国翻译事业有很大影响。 ↓↓ (所谓“求真”就是指翻译必须忠实于原文内容并保持原文风貌;所谓“须喻俗”,就是指译文语言必须通顺易懂并符合其语言规范。玄奘将“须求真”和“须喻俗”有机地结合,使两者相辅相成,) (所谓“不翻”,不是不翻译,而是指“音译”。玄奘列举了5种应该音译的情况,即“五不翻”。其“五不翻”具体为:(1)秘密之,故不翻。佛经中有许多咒语,有其秘密的意思和作用,应该音译,如“陀罗尼”。(2)含多义,故不翻。即一词多义的梵文,在汉语中找不到合适的词汇来表达,因此保留原文,只作音译。如“薄伽梵”,在梵文里便有六层意思。(3)此方所无,故不翻。“此方”即“中国”,指在中国文化中没有的事物应该音译。如“阎浮”树,由于产于印度等地,而我国没有这种树,故保留原意。(4)顺于古例,故不翻。指有些约定俗成的词语应该遵循习惯采取音译。例如“阿耨多罗三藐三菩提”,本来意“指无上正等正觉”,但由于自东汉以来,历代译经家用“音译”翻译,因此保留前人翻译模式,不再翻译成“无上正等正觉”。(5)为生善,故不翻。指具有特殊意义或功能的词语也应当音译。如“般若”虽可意译为智慧,但却是佛教文化中蕴含着特殊意义的一种智慧,一旦把意思直接译出来,则会韵味尽失。“五不翻”原则对我国翻译事业影响极其巨大,直到现在,仍然具有深远的影响。) 1.2文学翻译阶段及其代表人物 文学翻译阶段大致在19世纪60年代到20世纪80年代


经典散文英汉互译大全:厨房 里的一场闹剧 Everything had gone wrong that morning. The chef had arrived late, nursing a hangover, and the kitchen hadn't been cleaned properly the night before, which put him in a worse mood.那天早晨,一切事情都不对劲。厨师来晚了,昨晚喝多了,还没缓和过来,同时,本该及时收拾干净的厨房还是一团糟,使得他心情更糟。The boss, having attended the same party, was in a similar state. He was holding his head and trying to do the accounts at the same time. Enclosed in his little glass-fronted office,Caroline could see his face growing more puce by the moment. He was just reaching for his first sherry.同他一起出席聚会的老板也是一样,昏昏沉沉的。他用手托着脑袋试图要结账. 卡若琳坐在由玻璃窗围着的办公室里,看着他的脸变得更紫了。他在仲手拿第一瓶雪利洒。Running backwards and forwards between the kitchen and the dining room, Caroline had no time to think for a while.卡若琳在后厨和前厅之间忙碌着,无暇思索。When shefd first managed to get the waitressing job in the restaurant, she was delighted, for she was at her first year at university and jobs were scarce. She sighed. She'd wondered at the time at her ease in getting employment. It now appeared that her boss’ reputation had preceded him, and no one else had applied. However, she had no time to think of that now. A portly blue-eyed man was giving her furious looks as he waited for his order. Damn! What was it again? She had been caught up with thefussy woman who had been so particular about how her steak was cooked. In fact, the offending meal had been sent back to the kitchen twice. It was, the woman complained, too well done---she liked her steak “blue”. Yuk! thought Caroline. Give me a well-done piece


?汉译英长句翻译的基本方法 ?合并法 ?正译法反译法 ?倒置法 ?插入法 例句: 1.我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:我们出口商品就是为了满足国外客户 消费方面的需要。 The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very simple. Our export commodities are to meet the need of the consumption of our foreign customers. 1.农民缺乏培训,许多农场生产效率低,是的绝大多数人=农村人口在国内处于不利的 地位。 Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the vast majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own country. 1.也许有些人很可恶,有些人很卑鄙。而当我设身为他想象的时候,我才知道:他比 我还可怜。所以请原谅所有你见过的人,好人或者坏人。 Some may be wicked some may be despicable. Only when I put myself in his position did I know he is more miserable than me. So forgive all that you have met no matter what kind of persons they are. 1.我们用自己动手的方法,达到了丰衣足食的目的。 By using our own hands we have attained the obxxxxjective of ample food and clothing.


《十二天突破英汉翻译-笔译篇》笔记 一、定语从句 1、sth. important (adj 修饰不定代词) 后置 a cat alive (asleep, awake, alike) a child adopted(V 过分,可以后置) 2、英文中介词可以译为方位副词和动词。 3、中文:先出主语+废话(定、状、补、插)+ 最重要成分 英文:先出主语+最重要成分+废话(定、状、补、插) 主语+废话+主句 4、否定转移:但凡是because 或by 或表原因的词引导的是(从)句子,它一定不转移;是短语 时一定转移。 5、译法:前置、后置、句首译法。 的关系词 6、一个人或者一群人后接动词+宾从;则此动词常译为认为。 (suggest, assume) 7、英汉互译过程中,为了让句子更加通顺,在不影响句意的情况下可适当增加虚词(如果、而、那么),实词的增减 必须要有明确的句意。 8、循环套用:中心词+定1 +定2 +定3 +…+定n-1 +定n [多个定从套用一定后置] 定 1 +定2 ≈定3 则将前两者放一起译←三个一样长 定 1 ≈定2 +定3 则将后两者放一起译 9、非限一定后置且译出关系词。(难在一定要判断关系词) 10、long before 在很久之前before long 不久后 11、inferior to 比…低级superior to 比…高级 junior to 比…年轻senior to 比…年长 prior to 在…之前 subject to doing 屈服于object to doing 反对 12、非谓语动词位于名词后相当于定从,需按定从处理。 13、abnormally=extremely 极其的,相当的 14、若句子译成中文不通顺则重新断句。 15、并列套用:中心词+定1 +定2 +定3 +…and+定n 后置,且关系词只需译一次 16、中文先事实后评论,英文先评论后事实。(差异一) 17、It is often said that…人们常说……It is believed that…人们认为…… It is guessed that…人们猜测……It is thought that…人们认为…… It is supposed that…人们推测…… It is reported that…据报道……According to static, 据统计……


英语读书笔记(15篇) 英语读书笔记第1篇: Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea 海底两万里 Story started in 。Aronnax,a natural historian,was studying for a large monster under the sea。At that time,the monster’s massagers were traveling around the world。After the investigation,he would return from aboard。And then he received an invitation from sea forces of America。So he was going to make the monster die out。 英语读书笔记第2篇: Alice in Wonderland 爱丽丝奇遇记 One hot summer day,Alice and her sister are sitting under the tree。Alice sees a white rabbit,and she run after it。The rabbit goes down a rabbit whole and Alice follows it,she is now in a strange wonderland。Alice eats some special things,and she changes her size!Everything is different and strange there。The animals there can speak!Alice meets many interesting things。At last,she wakes up。It’s just a dream! 英语读书笔记第3篇: The Jungle Book 森林王子 There is a family of wolf live in the jungle。They find a very young brown child,with big eyes and no

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