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at the corner of the street,at dinner,at sixty miles an hour,be sold at three yuan a dozen,come at us

固定搭配:at one time,at the beginning of,at the post office,at the airport,at the weekend,at the age of 25,at the same time,at present,at any time,表示原因,表示“见/闻……而”。at the news

at 主要表示时间点

表示特定的时间at night a.m. 在九点钟表示不确定的时间at night, at that time, at Christmas在圣诞期间当天on

表示年龄段at the age of eight 在8岁

2.in:表示场所、时间与期限、状况、方向。主要用来表示较长的时间单位,如月份、季节、年份等in the 1990s in the late 19th century


in those days,in the daytime,in a short while,in no time,in time

.in 主要表示时间段

一般指相对较长的时间段里in the morning, in spring, in the past ten years

在…时间之后,用于将来时He will be back in a month.


1) 某些形容词/过去分词后接v-ing形式时,v-ing形式前的介词in可以省略。

be busy (in) doing be engaged (in) doing (忙于……)

2) 某些动词如busy等,常与反身代词连用,其后的in也可以省略。

busy oneself (in) doing

3) 某些动词如spend、pass、waste等与表示时间的名词连用,后面的介词也可以省略。

spend time (in) doing waste time (in) doing

4) 在have no difficulty in doing sth.、have no trouble in doing sth.、have no business in doing sth.等句型中介词也可以省略。

5) 在句型There is no use (in)doing sth.中,介词也可省略。

固定搭配:in the world,in (the)future,in the snow /rain / storm,in ink,in short,in public,in one’s opinion,in modern times,in surprise,in a queue,in the open air


固定搭配:on doing sth.,on the afternoon of October,on Tuesday evening,on foot,hit sb. on the head,on the right/ left,on fire,on duty,on sale,on the radio,on show,on earth,on one’s own



on 主要指具体某一天

表示是具体的日期和星期on Monday, on October 1st,1949. on my birthday

某一天特定的上午下午或半夜on the night of December 31,1999. on a fine day

在第几天on her first day to school, on the tenth day I was in Beijing.


固定搭配:by the village,by oneself,by foot(=on foot),by hand,learn … by heart,



固定搭配:make sth. for sb.,thank sb. for sth.,for example,for sale,for free,

for 表示一段时间

表示一件事延续的长短,一般接具体的时间I have lived in Nanjing for 2 years.



1)从属关系:the wheel of the car

2)局部----整体关系:some of the water

3)量化关系:a cup of tea

4)描述关系:a professor of learning(知识丰富的教授)

5)同位关系:the city of Beijing

6)动宾关系:the study of the map(研究地图)

7)主谓关系:the determination of the workers(工人们的决心)

固定搭配:be fond of,make fun of,be tired of,of one’s own,instead of,

7.to 主要表示方向、程度、结果、关系和位置。

固定搭配to one’s surprise / joy/ astonishment,to the east of,key to…,come up to,add up to,be open to the public,thanks to,stick to,refer to

8.during 表示一段时间


I studied in this university for 4 years, during that time most of my time was spent in learning English.

可接表示时间延续一段时间的名词during my visit to China, during my holiday

9.from 与to, till连用

Most people work from nine to five. 多数人过着朝九晚五的生活


He has been here since last Sunday. 自从上星期天起,她就在这里


1.be made of,be made from,be made into,be made in

2.call on = visit,call for = go and pick up

3.on business (出差)/ strike()罢工/ duty(值日)/ holiday / fire / vacation / watch(警戒)/ sale (出售)/ leave(请假)/ guard(警戒)

4.have some trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth.,have a habit / idea / plan of doing sth.

5.A is pleased to B,B is pleased with A(对……感到满意)

7.with the help of,under the leadership of

8.by means of(使用),by way of(经由),by heart(记住),by the way

9.out of question(毫无疑问),out of the question(毫不可能)

10.prevent / stop / keep sb. from doing sth.

11.be thankful to sb. for sth.

12.steal sth. from sb.,rob sb. of sth.

13.insist on doing sth.,persist in doing sth.,stick to,go on doing sth.

14.set about doing sth.,set out to do sth.

15.look sb. in the face,hit sb. on the face,lead the cow by the nose

16.do a favour for sb. = do sb. a favour


1.above all(首先),after all,at all(全然),in all

2.day after day,year after year,one after one,one after another

3.at peace(和平),at war(战争),at times(时常),at dinner

4.by oneself,by all means(尽一切办法、务必),by chance,by accident,

by no means(决不、并没有),by means of(用、依靠),by the way

5.in her teens(十几岁),in pain,in danger,in need

6.to one’s joy / sorrow / surprise

7.with care(仔细地),with joy / pleasure(高兴地),with one’s help,

with the best wishes(致以我们良好的祝愿),without difficulty(毫不困难地),without exception(毫不例外),without delay(立即、马上)

8.according to(依据),along with(和……一起),as to(至于……),because of,except for(除……之外),instead of(代替)

9.out of order(不正常),out of date,out of trouble(脱离困境),out of sight,

out of debt(还清了债务),out of touch(没有联系)

10.at the bottom of,at the centre of,at the end of,at the top of,

at the cost of(以……为代价)at the sight of,at the thought of,at a speed of

11.in memory of(纪念),in favour of(同意),in the habit of(有……习惯),in touch with(与……保持联系),on the left of,on the eve of(在……前夕)

12.from time to time(不时地),from day to day(天天),from hand to hand(一个传一个),from side to side(左右地),from car to car(一个车厢一个车厢地),from bad to worse(越来越差),from beginning to end(从头到尾),from hand to mouth(仅能糊口),from head to foot,from start to finish,from one to another 六.掌握方式、手段、工具的表达方法

1)in +文字、语言、材料名词

in English (ink, pencil, capital letters) write in pen, 用钢笔写speak in a low voice 小声说话

2)with +工具、机器;人体器官;情绪、情感、态度的名词

with a branch, with one’s nose, with pride, with satisfaction,

with the help of, with one’s permission

We can see with our eyes and write with our hands.

I killed a fly with a fly flap. 我用苍蝇拍打死了一只苍蝇

3)by 表示泛指的方式、手段

by bus, by land, by means of(用……方法), by way of(经由), by doing sth.,

by hand(手工), by post(由邮局传递), by letter(用写信的方式), by electricity, by hard work, by the year, by the hour(by + the + 单位名词)按……


through the radio / by radio / on the radio, through / by / from practice,

by telephone (on the telephone), on foot, on the train, in satisfaction, in surprise, in silence, in a low voice, in comfort, in sorrow, in high / good / poor spirits,

in anger, in safety, in debt, in good order, in good / poor health, in tears,

in use, in pain,


1)要求to:key, answer, visit, apology, introduction


belong to, come to(苏醒), look forward to, lead to, stick to, refer to, turn to, drink to(为……干杯), object to(反对), reply to the letter, help oneself to, sing / dance to the music(和着……在……声中唱/跳), devote oneself to

2)要求in:interest, satisfaction


ask for, call for(去接某人), care for(关心), go in for(从事), answer for(对……负责), send for, pay for, praise sb. for(赞扬某人某事), head for(向……方向移动), search for, take … for …(误以为), leave for, prepare for(为……准备), thank sb. for, make a dive for(向……猛冲), make up for(弥补……损失)4)以on为中心构成短语的归纳

come on来吧, call on拜访, pass on传递, carry on进行下去, live on sth.靠……生活, depend on依靠, have on 穿着, have pity on同情, look on … as …把……看作, push on推动, spy on窥探, switch / turn on旋开, wait on服侍, walk on继续走, spend…on …在……上花费时间、金钱, operate on给……动手术, take on a new look呈现新面貌


1)be afraid of 担心be afraid for替……而担心

2)be angry about / at sth.因……而生气be angry with sb.对……某人发怒

3)be anxious for sth.渴望be anxious about sth. / sb.担心

4)be different from 与……不同be indifferent to … ……不关心

5)be good at …擅长be good for …对……有益be good of sb. to do sth.友好

6)be strict with sb.对……严格be strict in sth.

7)be popular with sb.受到……欢迎be popular in some place流行在……be popular for因……而流行8)be pleased with + n.或what从句;be pleased at +抽象名词听、看到而高兴

9)be disappointed at sth. ;be disappointed with sb.对……失望

10)be known to sb. ;be known with + n.或从句;be known for因……而著名

11)be absent from缺席

12)be devoted to …献身于……

13)be open to …对……开放

14)be poor / clever / expert at …

15)be sorry for …替/为……后悔

16)be rich in … be interested in …

17)be proud of (take pride in)

18)be satisfied with / by … be sure of / about …

19)be fond of, be fit for, be busy with sth. (in doing sth.)

20)be late for, be ready for

21)be similar to … ;be wrong with …



A) fit, easy, hard, good, difficult, comfortable, heavy等形容后,常用吊尾介词。

e.g. The girl is easy to get along with.

B) be worth doing, be worthy of being done, be worthy to be done, want / require / need doing表反射,常用吊尾介词。

e.g. The problem is worth dealing with.

The book is worthy of being referred to.


e.g. There is nothing for us to worry about. a room to live in


e.g. He is the very man I just spoke to. This is the life he is used to.


e.g. I don’t know what you do it for.


e.g. It is the poor boy that we gave the books to.

What for?(为什么?)Where to?(去哪儿?)Who with?(和谁去?)


e.g. He was listened to come here. He has never been spoken to in this way.


1.about, on, of 关于



of作“关于”讲,表示提及、涉及某人(事)时,只表示事情存在或发生,并不涉及详情;有时与about 意义相近,但有时意义很不同,常与动词know、hear、learn(听说)、speak、talk、think、tell等连用。

2. at, on, in(表时间) : at表示时间的一点;in表示一个时期;on表示特殊日子

A. at后常接几点几分,天明,中午,日出,日落,开始等。如:

at five o’clock(五点),at down (黎明),at daybreak (天亮),at sunrise (日出), at noon (中午),at sunset (日落),at midnight (半夜),at the beginning of the month (月初), at that time (那时),at that moment (那会儿),at this time of day (在一天的这个时候)。

B. in后常接年,月,日期,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节,世纪等。如:

in 2006(2006年),in May,2004 (2004年五月),in the morning (早晨/上午),in the afternoon (下午),in the evening (晚上),in the night (夜晚),in the daytime (白天),in the 21st century (21世纪),in three days (weeks/month)三天(周/个月),in a week (一周),in spring (春季)。

C. on后跟某日,星期几,某日的朝夕,节日等,即具体某一天极其早\中、晚.

on Sunday (星期日),on a warm morning in April (四月的一个温暖的上午),on a December night (12月的一个夜晚),on that afternoon (那天下午),on the following night (下一个晚上),on Christmas afternoon (圣诞节下午),on October 1,1949 (1949年10月1日),on New Year’s Day.

(特别提示): 在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词之前一律不用介词

at, in in一般表示较大的地方at表示较小的地方

at home, at school, at the bus stop, at the doctor's,in a country, in a town, in the street,

3. between, among(表位置) “在…..之间”

A. between仅用于二者之间,但说三者或三者以上中的每两个之间的相互关系时,也可用between, 如

I’m sitting between Tom and Alice. The village lies between three hills.

B. among用于三者或三者以上之间。如:

He is the best among the students.

4.except, except for, except that, but, besides, beside


except for“除了,只有”,意思和except一样,主要指说明基本情况后,而在细节上加以修正,后面常接名词性短语。

except tha t“除了,只是”,意思和except、except for一样。但在用法上,主要指其后常接名词性从句,也可接when、where等词引导的其它从句。




【对比】如果在区别前后有同类的词语时,就用except,否则就用except for。

e.g.This book has no blunder except a few mistakes.

This book is interesting except for a few mistakes.(前面无同类词语)

Every one of us, except him, went to see the exhibition.

5. in the tree, on the tree

in the tree ,指动物或人等外来的东西在树上,

on the tree ,指果实或叶子等树本身长出来的东西

6. on the way, by the way, in this way

on the way 指在路上, on one’s way to .....

by the way 指顺便问一句

in this way 用这样的方法, in that way , in other way, in these ways

7. by bus, on the bus

by bus 是一般说法, 固定搭配, on the bus 特指乘某一辆车

8. across, through, over和past“通过, 经过”

across从表面经过, 如,road, bridge, river

through从内部空间经过, 如: city, woods, forests, window, gate

past , 从旁边经过.

through指“穿过…(门洞/人群/树林)”;across和over可以指“跨越…(街道/河流)”,可互换,但是表示“翻过…”时只能用over. 如:Just then a rat (鼠)ran across the road.(就在那时一只老鼠跑过路面)/ There is a bridge across/over the river.(河上有座桥)/ They climbed over the mountain and arrived there ahead of time.(他们翻过大山提前到达了那里)/ The visitors went through a big gate into another park.(参观者们穿过一个大门来到另一个公园)

8. on, above, over, “在…上”, up,

A. on指在某物表面上,有接触点 a book on the table

B. over指在某物垂直上方,无接触点,也可指覆盖在某物上, 与under相对under 表示在…下方I put the

money under the bed. 我把钱放在床底下

a cloth over the table , a fan over the table

C. above指在某物的上方即可,不一定是垂直上方是斜上方反义词为below ,

He lives above me 他住我家楼上(不一定就是头上一间)

The temperature today is above zero.今天气温零度以上.

D. up表示在往上的方向反义词down look up to the sky 抬头看天空

about与on的用法区别:都可以表示“有关…”,但是about的意义比较广,而on主要表示“有关…(专题/课程)”。如:Tom is going to give a talk on the history of America.(汤姆要作一个美国历史的报告)/ They are very excited talking about the coming field trip.(他们兴致勃勃地谈论着即将来到的野外旅游)

on 表示两事物表面接触Put away the books on the desk. 把桌上的书收好


There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥

9. for , since,

A. since仅说明什么时候开始,, 后常跟一个具体的过去的时间.

B. for 表示某动作或情况持续多久, 后常跟一段时间。

He has studied the piano for 5 years.. They have lived here since 1978.

since与for表示时间的用法区别:“since+(具体时刻/that-从句)”表示“自从…起一直到现在”,“for +(一段时间)”表示“总共有…之久”,都常用于完成时态;如:Uncle Li has worked in this factory since 1970.(李叔叔自从1970年起就在这家工厂工作了)/ Uncle Li has worked in this factory for over 30 years. (李叔叔在这家工厂已经工作了30多年)

10. after, behind, “在…之后”

A. after 主要用于表示时间

B. behind主要用于表示位置

11. in, after “……以后”

A. “in +段时间”表示将来的一段时间以后, 用在将来时态中., 常回答how soon的提问.

B.“after+段时间”表示过去的一段时间以后, 相当于一段时间+ later

My mother will come back in three or four days.

He arrived after five months. = He arrived five minutes later.

.in , after , later

in + 一段时间. 常用一般将来时。

after + 一段时间. 常用一般过去时。

after + 点时间. 用各种时态。

一段时间+later 过去时

12. 放在地点之前的介词:at, in, on

A. at (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在……附近,旁边”

B. in (1)表示在大地方; (2)表示“在…范围之内”。

C. on 表示毗邻,接壤

D. to 表示在……范围外,不强调是否接壤

⑵ after与in表示时间的用法区别:“after+(具体时刻/从句)”表示“在…时刻之后”常用于一般时态;“in+(一段时间)”表示“在(多久)之后”,常用于将来时态。如:He said that he would be here after 6:00.(他说他六点钟之后会来这儿)/ My father is coming back from England in about a month.(我父亲大约一个月以后从英国回来)

13. by, with, in , on 表示方式, 手段,工具,

A. by 以……方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具, 或跟V-ing形式.

B. with 表示用…工具,

C. in 表示用…方式,用…语言(语调、颜色)等

D. on 表示通过媒介, on the telephone, on the radio, on TV

by、in与with表示方式的用法区别:都可以表示“工具、手段”,但是by主要表示“乘坐”某个交通工具或“以……方式”,在被动句中可以表示动作的执行者;in表示“使用”某种语言/文字,with表示“使用”某个具体的工具、手段。如:We see with our eyes and walk with our feet.(我们用眼睛看东西,用双脚走

路)/ Please write that article(文章) in English.(请你用英语写那篇文章)/ Let’s go to the zoo by taxi.(我们打的去动物园吧。)/ It was written by Lao She.(那是老舍写的)


两个词都表示“像……”,但是as译为“作为……”,表示的是职业、职务、作用等事实,而like译为“像……一样”,表示外表,不是事实。如:Let me speak to you as a father.(我以父亲的身份和你讲话。)(说话者是听者的父亲) / Let me speak to you like a father.(让我像一位父亲一样和你讲话)(说话者不是听者的父亲)

15. at the end of、by the end of、to the end、in the end的用法区别:

at the end of…既可以表示时间也可以表示地点,译为“在…末;在…尽头”,常与过去时连用;by the end of…只能表示时间,译为“在…前;到…为止”,常用于过去完成时;in the end与at last基本等义,表示“终于、最后”,通常用于过去时;to the end译为“到…的终点为止”,前面往往有表示运动或连续性的动词。如:By the end of last term we had learned 16 units of Book III.(到上学期期末我们已经学习了第三册16个单元)/ At the end of the road you can find a big white house with brown windows.(在路的尽头你能找到一幢有棕色窗户的白房子)/ They left for Beijing at the end of last week.(上周末他们动身去了北京)/ In the end he succeeded in the final exams.(他最终在期末考试中考及格了)/ We should go on with the work to the end.(我们应该把工作干到底)/ Follow this road to the end and you will see a post office.(沿这条路走到底就能看见一家邮电局)

16.for a moment、for the moment、in a moment、at the moment的区别:

for a moment“一会儿、片刻”(=for a while),常与持续性动词连用;for the moment“暂时、目前”,常用于现在时;in a moment“一会儿、立即、马上”(=soon; in a few minutes),一般用于将来时;at the moment“此刻,眼下”(=now),用于现在进行时。如:Please wait for a moment.(请稍等)/ Let’s leave things as they are for the moment.(暂时就维持现状吧!) / I’ll come back in a moment.(我过会儿回来)/ I am very busy at the moment.(眼下我很忙)

17. but的问题:

用介词but引出另一个动词时,要注意:如果前面有do,后面就用原形动词,前面没有do时,后面的动词要加to。如:I could do nothing but wait.(我什么也做不了只能等) / They had no choice(选择) but to fight.(他们没有选择只有战斗)

18. in front of 与in the front of:

in front of“在…的前面”, 与in the front of“在…的前部”。如:A car was parking in front of the hall.(大厅跟前停着一辆汽车)/ In the front of the hall stood a big desk.(大厅前部立着一个大讲台) [12] except

与besides的区别:except“除了”,表示排除掉某人物,即不包含;而besides“除了”则表示包含,即“不仅……又……”。如:Everyone went to the Palace Museum except Tom.(除了Tom,大家都去了故宫博物院)(Tom没有去故宫)/ Besides Chinese he also studied many other subjects.(除了汉语之外,他还学其他许多功课)

19.till , until , to 的用法。

till / until 与延续动词连用,用于肯定句,与短暂动词连用用在否定句(在句首、强调句不用till ).


1.The plane arrived at London airport ______ Wednesday.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. for

2.What do you usually do ________ Christmas?

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. for

3.Mrs Brown worded in the west of Australia ________ last summer?

A. /

B. on

C. in

D. since

4.The first class begins _______ 8 o’clock ______ the morning.

A. at/on

B. at/in

C. on /in

D. on/on

5._______the past two months he has been busy with his school work.

A. For

B. On

C. Since

D. At

6.________last Saturday, we had had two football matches with Class Two.

A. For

B. /

C. By

D. During

7.We will be in Nanjing _____ Tuesday ______Thursday.

A. on/ through

B. on/to

C. from/to

D. on./till

8.Mr Black will visit our new school building ______ two days.

A. before

B. after

C. at

D. in

9._______ the end of last spring Wang Hai joined the army _______ the end.

A. At/at

B. By/in

C. In /at

D. At /in

10.We will have a football match _____ this Saturday afternoon..

A. on

B. /

C. in

D. for

11.He came to see you _____ the evening of May 10th.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. for

12.I’m afraid I gave you a lot of trouble ________ my stay here.

A. in

B. for

C. during

D. on

13.The singing group will have two performances ______ October.

A. after

B. since

C. /

D. for

14.The supermarket is open ______ midnight.

A. at

B. on

C. till

D. /

15.She didn’t go to work ______ that morning. She slept ______ noon.

A. /…till

B. on…till

C. at…at

D. /…at

16.He was ill _____ a week, and _______ the week he ate almost nothing .

A. for/at

B. for/during

C. during/during

D. for/for

17.Days are longer ______ summer than ___________ winter.

A. in/in

B. in/on

C. from/to

D. to/in

18.Children get presents ________ Christmas and ______ their birthday. Granny is coming for lunch________ Christmas day.

A. at/on/on

B. on/on/on

C. at/in/at

D. in/on/in

19.________ New Year’s eve people usually don’t go to bed until midnight.

A. At

B. On

C. For

D. In

20.Tom and Paul usually watch TV ______ weekends.

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. /

21.Every day the old man takes these children home _____ school.

A. at

B. to

C. from

D. after

22.Could you come to my office ________ the day after tomorrow.


B. on

C. in

D. at

23.We had built three bridges over the river _______ the end of 1994.

A. at

B. on

C. for

D. by

24.Life will be better _____ the 21st century.

A. at

B. on

C. for

D. in

25.Do you often work late _____ night.

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. during


1.I had a new card, and I didn’t write ________.

A. on it

B. it

C. in it

D. above it

2.There is a bridge ________ the river.

A. under

B. over

C. on

D. next

3.He said that he would meet us ____ the cinema.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. in

4.There is a book store________ the street corner.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. by

5.From the top of the teaching building we saw the lake ________ us.

A. under

B. over

C. below

D. above

6.There are many beautiful birds ______ the tree.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. besides

7.It was written _______ page 20.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. above

8.My house is _____ the two buildings, so we get little sunshine during the day.

A. between

B. among

C. in

D. at

9.Lucy is waiting _____ No.3 bus stop ________ her father.

A. for/for

B. for/at

C. at/for

D. at/at

10.Don’t talk so loud ________ table.

A. by

B. on

C. at

D. beside

11.Is there anything interesting ________ today’s newspaper?

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. /

12.Cars and buses travel _________ the road to the town.

A. on

B. along

C. in

D. by

13.Can you tell me who spoke ________ the meeting ?

A. at

B. along

C. in

D. for

14.My uncle lives ______ 208 Smith Street.

A. at

B. on

C. to

D. with

15.At last we reaches the village ______ the hill.

A. at the foot of

B. at foot

C. on foot of

D. in the foot from

16.Shanghai is _______ the east of China and Japan is _______the east of China.

A. to/to

B. to /in

C. in /to

D. in /in

17.________ the end of the street you can find the post office.

A. By

B. At

C. On

D. In

18.Do you often listen ________the programmes ________ the radio.

A. to/of

B. to /in

C. to/on

D. on /to

19.Please wait ________the office . Don’t come in until you are called.

A. in

B. into

C. inside

D. outside

20.Are you going to leave Guangzhou __________ Beijing?

A. for

B. to

C. from

D. in

21.The whale has a nose _______ the top of its head.

A. at

B. above

C. over

D. on

22.You must go _____ the bridge and then you will see the bank _________ the left.

A. over/on

B. to /by

C. to/on

D. over/at

23.There is a hole _______ the wall.

A. in

B. at

C. for

D. towards

24.Can you tell me the way ______ Shanghai Zoo?

A. to

B. at

C. for

D. towards

25.Bill kicked the ball too hard , and it went ________ the street ________ one of Mr. Smith’s windows.

A. across/on

B. through./on

C. across/through

D. to / through


1.Thank you _______ your coming.

A. to

B. of

C. by

D. for

2.He spent a long time ______ the maths problem.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. at

3.Mr Li is going to help him ________ his Chinese this afternoon.

A. with

B. on

C. by

D. at

4.How much did you pay ________ this book?

A. for

B. at

C. on

D. with

5.Please translate the sentence ______ English.

A. into

B. to

C. at

D. for

6.The price of the computer has been reduced________ 5%.

A. off

B. to

C. by

D. about

7.Please fill the bottle_______ tea.

A. by

B. with

C. for

D. in

8.The machines cut big pieces of metal ____small pieces.

A. in

B. by

C. to

D. into

9.Billy works hard at school and his teachers often praise him________ his hard work.

A. with

B. at

C. on

D. for

10.You must apologize _________ her for your rudeness.

A. to

B. at

C. on

D. with

11.I got angry and I threw a stone _______him.

A. to

B. towards

C. at

D. for

12.You can borrow the book ________ your school library.

A. from

B. to

C. for

D. at

13.I prefer coffee_______ tea.

A. over

B. to

C. for

D. than

14.Would you show me ________ your factory?

A. to

B. in

C. at

D. round

15.Don’t catch me ________ the arm. I have nothing to do ______the matter.

A. by/with

B. on/with

C. by/on

D. on/on

16.Help yourself_______ some fish. It tastes very nice.

A. with

B. on

C. in

D. to

17.Bill must deliver the newspapers________ people’s houses_________ all kinds of weather.

A. to/in

B. at/in

C. for/for

D. to/for

18.They haven’t decided________ the date for the next meeting.

A. for

B. by

C. in

D. on

19.Let me introduce her _______ you.

A. with

B. on

C. to

D. for

20.Li Ling fell _____ his bicycle this morning

A. on

B. down

C. off

D. to

21.I shouted______ her, but shi didn’t hear me.

A. to

B. at

C. on

D. for

22.Tom has made friends_____ many Chinese students.

A. with

B. to

C. by

D. among

23.After school, I often learn singing and dancing _______ hobbies.

A. /

B. on

C. in

D. for

24.LI Ming fell ill this morning, so he asked _______ leave.

A. from

B. for

C. on

D. in

25.I saw the man hit the boy _______ the face.

A. in

B. on

C. toward

D. by


1.Mr Li, shall I write _____ ink?

A. by

B. of

C. in

D. with

2.Can you find out the answer__________ these questions?

A. of

B. for

C. to

D. with

3.__________ his help, I passed the English test yesterday.

A. Under

B. Of

C. With

D. by

4.Don’t forget to bring your text book ______ you.

A. in B after C. with D. to

5.The people are waiting ____ the bus, and they ate standing ____ line.

A. for/on

B. for/in

C. at /on

D. at/in

6.Can you sing this song _____ English?

A. with

B. in

C. by

D. for

7.Who is the boy _____ blue trousers?

A. in

B. on

C. with

D. at

8.He decided to get some medicine_______ his cold.

A. to

B. of

C. on

D. for

9.The baby’s sleeping. Don’t speak_______ such a loud voice.

A. with

B. in

C. on

D. at

10.The old woman over there is blind _______ both eyes.

A. on

B. with

C. for

D. in

11.China is a large country _______ a long history.

A. for

B. in

C. by

D. with

12.We can’t live even for a few minutes______ air.

A. in

B. without

C. by

D. with

13.The soldiers are standing__________ a row.

A. in

B. on

C. by

D. with

14.She always serves her customers _______ a smile.

A. in

B. with

C. by

D. on

15.Don’t read _____ the sun. It’s bad _________ your eyes.

A. under/of

B. in/towards

C. in/ for

D. under/for

16.How many students go to school _____ foot?

A. by

B. in

C. on

D. with

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e3382512.html,e here, and I want to have a word _______ you.

A. with

B. for

C. to

D. on

18._ ______ his great surprise, the experiment has turned out a success.

A. In

B. To

C. With

D. At

19.The girl______ dark hair and bright eyes is LiLi.

A. with

B. in

C. on

D. by

20.I heard the song_______ the radio. If you want to learn it, you may watch the MTV _______ Channel 8 tonight.

A. in; on

B. on; on

C. on; at

D. in; in

21.I saw the great changes ________ my own eyes.

A. in

B. by

C. on

D. with

22.You can cook a fish______ many ways.

A. in

B. by

C. with

D. for

23.I like the cross talk ________ Class Two best.

A. in

B. by

C. for

D. /

24.You can see taxis ___________ different colours and sizes in big cities.

A. of

B. with

C. for

D. /

25.Fangfang, here is a letter ______ you. It’s ________ your brother.

A. from/ to

B. for/ to

C. for/from

D. for/for

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