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澳新紧密经济关系协定ANZCERTA:Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement

摆脱亚洲金融危机的影响shake off the impact of the financial crisis

帮助人才脱颖而出help excellent talents find way to distinction

备件spare parts

部长级会议ministerial meeting

采取积极财政政策proactive fiscal policy

出口创汇型/外向型产业export-oriented industry

垂直兼并vertical merger



东盟自由贸易区AFTA:ASEAN Free Trade Area

东南亚国家联盟ASEAN:Association of South-East Asian Nations

对外项目承包foreign project contracting

反倾销措施anti-dumping meas ures against ……

防伪标志anti-fake label

放松银根ease monetary policy

非配额产品quota-free products

非生产性投资investment in non-productive projects

风险管理/评估risk management/ assessment

风险基金venture capital

风险准备金loan loss provision/ provisions of risk

岗位培训on-the-job training

港元的联系汇率制the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar

搞活国有大中型企业revitalize large and medium-sized state owned enterprises

工程项目engineering project

工业增加值industrial added value

公正合理equitable and rational

固定资产投资investment in the fixed assets

广开就业门路increase employment opportunities; create jobs in every possible way; open up more channels of employment

规模经济scale economy/ economies of scale

国合企业(即国有合作社)state-owned cooperatives

国际清算international settlement

国际收支平衡balance of international payments/ balance of payment

国际收支不平衡disequilibrium of balance of payment

国家补贴public subsidies

国家鼓励项目projects listed as encouraged by the state

国家科技创新体系State Scientific and Technological Innovation System

国家现汇结存state foreign exchange reserves

合理引导消费guide rational consumption

横向兼并horizontal merger

坏帐、呆帐、死帐bad account/ dead account/ uncollectible account/bad debt/ bad loan

货币市场money market

机构臃肿overstaffing in (government) organizations

机构重叠organizational overlapping

技工贸结合的科技型企业scientific and technological enterprises that integrate scientific and technological development with industrial and trade development

季节性调价seasonal price adjustments

既成事实established/accomplished facts

减免债务reduce and cancel debts

建材building materials

进口环节税import linkage tax

经常项目current account

经常性的财政收入regular revenues

竟价投标competitive bidding

就业前培训pre-job training

控股公司holding company

垃圾融资junk financing

劳动密集性企业labor-intensive enterprises

劳务合作labor service cooperation

累计实现顺差143.4美元accumulatively realizing trade surplus

利改税substitution of tax payment for profit delivery

流动人口floating population

龙头产品lagship product

乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises/ unauthorized pooling of funds, compulsory donations and random levies on enterprises

慢性萧条chronic depression

农业技术合作ATC:Agricultural Technical Cooperation

盘活存量资产revitalize stock assets


皮包公司flying-by-night company; bogus company

平等互利、讲求实效、形式多样、共同发展的方针pursuing practical results, adopting various waysand seeking common development/ the principle of equality, mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity and mutual development

瓶颈制约“bottleneck” restrictions

企业的自我约束机制self-regulating mechanism of enterprises

企业技术改造technological updating of enterprises

企业亏损补贴subsidies to cover enterprise losses

企业所得税corporate income tax

千年问题、千年虫millennium bug

抢得先机take the preemptive opportunities

清理、修订screen and modify

求同存异overcome differences and seek common ground

商住和公益设施建设commercial, residential and public utility construction

申报制度reporting system; income declaration system

实行股份制enforce stockholding system

实行国民待遇grant the national treatment to, treat foreign investors as quals to the Chinese counterparts

市场准人的行政管理措施AAMA Administrative Aspects of Market Access

适销对路的产品readily marketable products

双重轨制two-tier system / double-track system

水利water conservation

所有制形式forms of ownership

贪图安逸crave comfort and pleasure



同步增长increase in the same pace

外援方式modality of foreign aid

无氟冰箱freon-free refrigerator

无纸交易paperless transaction

现代企业制度modern corporate system

消费膨胀inflated consumption

协议投标negotiated bidding


形成统一、开放和竞争有序的市场establish an unified, open market with orderly competition 亚欧会议ASEM:Asia-Europe Meeting

亚太法定计量论坛APLMF:Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum

亚太工商咨询理事会ABAC:APEC Business Advisory Council

亚太计量程序APMP:Asia Pacific Metrology Program

亚太经合组织部长级会议AMM:APEC MinisteriaI Meeting

亚太经合组织经济领导人会议AELM:APEC Economic Leaders Meeting

亚太经济合作组织APEC:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

亚太能源研究中心APERC:Asia Pacific Energy Research Center

亚太商业论坛ABF:APEC Business Forum

亚太商业网络APB-Net:Asia-Pacific Business Network

亚太实验室认可合作APLAC:Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation

亚太通讯与数据系统ACDS:APEC Communications and Database System

亚太信息基础设施APII:Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure

亚太中小企业技术交流与培训中心ACTETSME:APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises

亚洲开发银行ADB: Asian Development Bank

以试点的形式实行外贸权自动登记制度implement an automatic registration system of foreign trading rights on a trial basis

营业税turnover tax

在巩固公有制主体地位的同时,促进多种所有制经济共同发展alongside fortifying the status of the public ownership as the mainstay, it is also encouraged to witness common development of different systems of ownership

债转股debt-to-equity swap

中华人民共和国保护台湾同胞投资实施条例Implementation Rules of the P.R.C. on the Protection of Investments by Compatriots from Taiwan

中介服务组织intermediary service organization

注入新的生机与活力bring new vigor and vitality into

转化经营机制change the method of operation

资本项目capital account

自1999年1月1日起实行come into official enforcement as of January 1, 1999

自由浮动汇率free floating exchange rate; variable exchange rate

自驻经营,自负盈亏responsible for their own management decisions, profits and losses

走上良性发展的轨道going on the track of sound progress

shipping service company 船务公司

generic products非商标(非专利)产品

prudent monetary policy稳健的货币政策

deficit spending超前消费

run on banks(到银行)挤兑

domestic support to agriculture 对农业的国内支持

special bonds特种债券

economy of abundance 富裕经济

Animal-based protein动物源性蛋白

dual purpose exports军民两用品出口

dual-use goods and technology 军民两用产品和技术

NAFTA North American Free Trade Area北美自由贸易区

global quota全球配额

grandfather clause祖父条款

Animal-derived food动物源食品

EVSL (Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization)部门提前自愿自由化

TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation)贸易和投资自由化和便利化


C&F(cost & freight)成本加运费价T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇

D/P(document against payment)付款交单D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单

C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制


DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等WT(weight)重量G.W.(gross weight)毛重N.W.(net weight)净重(customs declaration)报关单

EA(each)每个,各W (with)具有w/o(without)没有FAC(facsimile)传真IMP(import)进口EXP(export)出口MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度

M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的M/V(merchant vessel)商船S.S(steamship)船运

MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨DOC (document)文件、单据INT(international)国际的

P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表INV (invoice)发票PCT (percent)百分比REF (reference)参考、查价

EMS (express mail special)特快传递STL.(style)式样、款式、类型T或LTX或TX(telex)电传

RMB(renminbi)人民币S/M (shipping marks)装船标记PR或PRC(price) 价格

PUR (purchase)购买、购货S/C(sales contract)销售确认书L/C (letter of credit)信用证B/L (bill of lading)提单FOB (free on board)离岸价CIF (cost, insurance & freight)成本、保险加运费价

GMO (genetically modified organism)转基因组织

CAGA (compound annual growth average)年复合增长率


opening speech 开幕式致辞small- and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业

farmer-turned-entrepreneur 农民企业家clean energy 清洁能源

basic medical insurance 基本医疗保险

crops' minimum purchase prices 粮食最低收购价per-capita income 人均收入

window guidance 窗口指导(监管机构利用其在金融体系中特殊的地位和影响,引导金融机构主动采取措施防范风险,进而实现监管目标的监管行为。)

propel/expand domestic demand 扩大内需proactive fiscal policy 积极的财政政策moderately easy monetary policy 适度宽松的货币政策rural-urban development divide 城乡差距

government work report 政府工作报告dairy product standards 乳制品标准

scattered production model 分散生产模式(Such a scattered production model is the fundamental reason that there have been so many food safety incidents.这种分散生产模式是诸多食品安全问题的根源。)

administrative transparency 政务透明

bridging loan 过渡性贷款(Bridging, or a bridging loan, is short-term financing made available pending arrangement of intermediate or long-term financing.过渡性贷款是一种在中期或长期融资安排确定前的短期融资)

comfortable Housing Project 安居工程

careers guidance 就业指导

three Direct Links “大三通”(通邮、通航、通商)

healthcare reform package 医改方案basic medicine system 基本医疗体制

home appliances going to the countryside 家电下乡equal Access to Education 教育公平golden September and silver October 金九银十rural left-behind population 农村留守人口issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area 三农问题

three insurances and one fund “三险一金”(养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险和住房公积金)administrative accountability 行政问责制defense budget 国防预算disaster relief 赈灾defense expenditure 国防开支

safeguarding our sovereignty and territory 保卫主权和领土完整top legislative body 最高立法机关

social welfare system 社会福利制度minimum living standard 最低生活标准

the imbalance between urban and rural areas 城乡发展不平衡

state-run/owned company/enterprise 国有企业

大三通Three Direct Links安居工程Comfortable Housing Project 政务透明administrative transparency


英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(15) (1/1)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese. Part A Compulsory Translation 第1题 This week and next, governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are gathering in Mexico City at the World Water Forum to discuss the legacy of global Mulhollandism in water—and to chart a new course. They could hardly have chosen a better location. Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment. The result: the city is subsiding at the rate of about half a meter every decade. You can see the consequences in the cracked cathedrals, the tilting Palace of Arts and the broken water and sewerage pipes. Every region of the world has its own variant of the water crisis story. The mining of groundwaters for irrigation has lowered the water table in parts of India and Pakistan by 30 meters in the past three decades. As water goes down, the cost of pumping goes up, undermining the livelihoods of poor farmers. What is driving the global water crisis? Physical availability is part of the problem. Unlike oil or coal, water is an infinitely renewable resource, but it is available in a finite quantity. With water use increasing at twice the rate of population growth, the amount available per person is shrinking—especially in some of the poorest countries. Challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. The 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability. Across the world, water-based ecological systems—rivers, lakes and watersheds—have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over-exploitation. We need a new model of water management for the 21st century. What does that mean? For starters, we have to stop using water like there's no tomorrow—and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. The buzz-phrase at the Mexico Water forum is "integrated water resource management." What it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest. 下一题 (1/1)Section ⅡChinese-English Translation This section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2". 第2题 能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。纵观人类社会发展的历史,人类文明的每一次重大进步都伴随着能源的改进和更替。能源的开发利用极大地推进了世界经济和人类社会的发展。


河南科技大学 2013年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础 (如无特殊注明,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,否则以“0”分计算)I. 词汇短语或习语英汉互译(40分) 1.disintegration 2.ardent 3.far-sightedness 4.careful consideration 5.perfect harmony 6.feed on fancies 7.with great eagerness 8.lack of perseverance 9.make a little contribution 10.on the verge of destruction 11.黄头发 12.小心台阶13.百里挑一14.一饮而尽15.赤字 16.吃一堑,长一智17.覆水难收18.进退维谷19.顺其自然20.不可否认…… II.句子英汉互译。(30分) 1.Balance is the key to life. Focus is the key to success. Contentment is the key to happiness. 2.You can’t make progress until you get clear as to where you currently are.Remember, success is not a sprint, it is a marathon. 3.Don’t read more than what was intended into what he said. 4.Timeout is better than burnout. Learn to rest before you get exhausted. 5.Focus on the critical tasks that will give you the results you need. Postpone everything else. 6.你休想欺骗我。 7.夺取这个胜利,已经是不要很久的时间和不要花费很大的气力了;巩固这个胜利,则是需要很久的时间和要花费很大的气力的事情。 8.他很厚黑啊! 9.人在屋檐下不得不低头。 10.你和他简直有一拼! III.请写出下列缩略词英文全称并译为汉语。(20分) 例如:PC:Personal Computer 个人电脑 1.ICU 2.BRT 3.CBD 4.W.W.W. 5.AIDS 6.D/P 7.IOC 8.SCI 9.SOS 10.I.P. IV.篇章英汉互译。(60分) A. 英译汉(30分)


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编88 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.civil law (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:民法) 解析: 3.mass transit (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公共交通;大容量公共运输(工具)) 解析: 4.wage theory (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:工资理论) 解析: 5.mock epic (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:讽刺史诗) 解析: 6.counterespionage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:反间谍活动) 解析: 7.high seas (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公海;远海) 解析: 8.CYO (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:首席元老(Chief Yearly Officer)) 解析: 9.irrigation and drainage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:灌溉与排水) 解析:


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编74 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: https://www.doczj.com/doc/3111063024.html,ernment watchdog (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:政府监督) 解析: 3.carbon footprint (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:碳足迹,碳排放) 解析: 4.Twitter (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:推特) 解析: 5.funemployment (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:失业乐活) 解析: 6.Diesel oil (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:柴油) 解析: 7.汉译英 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 8.借词 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:loanword) 解析: 9.全球暖化 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:global warming) 解析: 10.经济不景气 (分数:2.00)


翻译二级笔译实务模拟28 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Section Ⅰ English-Chinese Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Compulsory Translation(总题数:1,分数:30.00) 1.This week and next, governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are gathering in Mexico City at the World Water Forum to discuss the legacy of global Mulhollandism in water—and to chart a new course. They could hardly have chosen a better location. Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment. The result: the city is subsiding at the rate of about half a meter every decade. You can see the consequences in the cracked cathedrals, the tilting Palace of Arts and the broken water and sewerage pipes. Every region of the world has its own variant of the water crisis story. The mining of groundwaters for irrigation has lowered the water table in parts of India and Pakistan by 30 meters in the past three decades. As water goes down, the cost of pumping goes up, undermining the livelihoods of poor farmers. What is driving the global water crisis? Physical availability is part of the problem. Unlike oil or coal, water is an infinitely renewable resource, but it is available in a finite quantity. With water use increasing at twice the rate of population growth, the amount available per person is shrinking—especially in some of the poorest countries. Challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. The 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability. Across the world, water-based ecological systems—rivers, lakes and watersheds—have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over-exploitation. We need a new model of water management for the 21st century. What does that mean? For starters, we have to stop using water like there"s no tomorrow—and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. The buzz-phrase at the Mexico Water forum is "integrated water resource management." What it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest. (分数:30.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:本周,世界水论坛在墨西哥城开幕,论坛将一直持续到下周。来自政府、国际机构和非政府组织的代表们齐聚一堂,探讨全球用水遗留问题,共商未来用水大计。 会议选址墨西哥城再合适不过。墨西哥城地下蓄水层的开采速度是地下水补给速度的2倍,由此造成墨西哥城以10年50厘米的速度不断下沉,现在,这里的许多教堂出现裂隙,艺术宫日益倾斜,水管和排污管道开裂。 世界上每个地区都面临水危机,只不过表现形式不同而已。在过去30年间,印度和巴基斯坦的部分地区大肆开采地下水用于农业灌溉,致使水位下降了30米,开采成本随之升高,给当地贫苦农民的生计带来严重影响。 全球水危机的成因是什么?部分原因是实际可用水资源短缺。水不同于石油或煤炭,是一种无限可再生资源,但是可用水资源却十分有限。目前,用水增加速度是人口增速的2倍,人均可用水资源在不断减少,一些最不发达国家尤其如此。


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编6 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00) 1.英译汉(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.The 1992 Rio conference was a high watermark for environmental law. Despite all the many accomplishments since then, we must now acknowledge that Rio has not fulfilled the promises with which the world invested it. After 50 years of diligent and sophisticated work by environmental lawyers on legislation, regulation, principles, treaties, and judicial decisions, how is it that the " actual landscape" of the world"s resources is still "slipping two steps backward for each forward stride"? Part of the explanation for that disappointing result can be found in the statements issued by a distinguished international collection of prosecutors, judges, and legal scholars at the Rio + 20-re-lated World Congress on Justice, Governance, and Law for Environmental Sustainability. They focused almost exclusively on matters of substantive doctrine and legal procedure. Recommitment to enhancing "law" in this narrow sense—a body of formal rules and principles and the judicial and prosecutorial mechanisms for their application and enforcement—certainly has great value, and that work should go forward vigorously. But the ongoing ecological deterioration is traceable in large part to pervasive social and political attitudes favoring a growth-based model of economic "development" that steadily intensifies human appropriation of planetary resources. To address the root of the problem, it will be argued here, environmental law needs a more expansive society-based conception of "law", one that activates law as a social institution engaged broadly with the habits and customs, the expectations and aspirations, of people and organizations in their daily lives. Environmental lawyers, then, need a fresh and bold reimagination of their mission, to hone and use their persuasive and analytical skills in creative ways to alter the social dynamic underlying environmental change and to foment a deep commitment to effective stewardship of resources. (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: 1992年的里约会议标志着环境法达到了最高水平。尽管此后环境保护硕果累累,但我们现在必须承认,对于世界人民给予资金支持的诺言,里约会议并未实现。50多年来,环境法的律师制定或修改法律、规章、准则、条约并做出司法判决,他们勤奋地做着这些高深复杂的工作,但是世界资源的“现状”仍然“每前进一步都倒退两步”是怎么回事? 这一结果令人失望,其中部分原因可以在全世界杰出的检察官、法官和法律学者发布的言论合集中找到,他们在里约+20的相关世界会议上就司法、管理和环境可持续发展的法律发表了看法。他们几乎完全侧重于实际法令及法律程序等事宜。他们再次决心加强狭义的“法制”——一整套正规的规定和准则以及实施、强化这些法律的司法和执法机制——这当然意义重大,这项工作也应如火如荼进行。但在很大程度上,持续的生态恶化应归结于普遍存在的社会和政治态度,这一态度支持以增长为基础的经济发展模式,而这又使人类不断加强对地球资源的利用。为了从根源上解决这一问题,我们将在这里讨论环境法需要“法律”概念在社会上得到更广泛的普及,这样才能促使法律作为一种社会制度广泛地融人到习惯和习俗、期望和愿望以及人和组织的日常生活中去。然后,环保律师需要对自己的使命有着全新的明确认识,锻炼自己的说服技巧和分析技巧,并创造性地利用其来改变环境变化的基础,即社会动力,以此激发人们深深致力于资源的有效管理。) 解析: 3.Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of the


英语翻译二级笔译综合能力模拟试题及答案解析(7) (1/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第1题 All the students of this university have free________to the Internet via a broadband connection. A.access B.entrance C.permission D.passageway 下一题 (2/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第2题 We can find a full______of his political belief in his newly-published books. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3111063024.html,position B.exposition C.deposition D.disposition 上一题下一题 (3/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第3题 He was always finding________with his daughter′s friends. A.blame B.error C.mistake D.fault 上一题下一题 (4/20)Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 第4题 This silk has gone right ________ and we have not sold a single piece of it for weeks.


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编79 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00) 1.汉译英(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.2010年12月,为了向年轻一代普及航天科学教育,海南省开始在文昌市建设航天主题公园。公园占地1800亩,紧邻文昌卫星发射中心。工程预计花费30亿元,在2013年完工。这个航天主题公园将分四个展览区,包括地球、月球、火星和太阳。游客甚至可以进入发射台,实地观看火箭发射。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:To promote aerospace science and general aviation knowledge among the younger generation, in December 2010, Hainan province begins to build a Space Flight Theme Park in Wenchang Cit-y. Covering an area of 1,800 mu (120 hectares) , the theme park is located at Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. The whole project is estimated to cost 3 billion yuan (455 million U. S. dollars) and is expected to be finished in 2013. The park will have four exhibiti-on sections, featuring the earth, moon, Mars and the sun. Visitors can even enter the launch station and watch the actual rocket launch.) 解析: 3.1957年10月苏联成功发射第一颗人造卫星,揭开了人类历史由地球迈向太空的第一页。此后短短半个世纪里,人类的外空探索活动突飞猛进,取得了辉煌的成就。人类不仅成功登陆月球,而且还将研究的触手伸向火星等更为遥远的星球。截止到2006年底,环绕地球飞行的各类人造物体,包括人造卫星、航天飞机、国际空间站、空间实验室等接近6000个。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:On October, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first artificial satellite, which turned the first page in human history of entering the space. During the half century coming after, humans" explorations in outer space have grown by leaps and bounds and have made brilliant achievements. Humans not only successfully landed on the moon, but also reached toward even more distant planet such as Mars. At the end of 2006, the number of the various types of artificial objects flying around the Earth, including satellites, space shuttles, international space stations, space laboratories, etc. is already close to 6,000.) 解析: 4.博鳌论坛的经历给了刘晓宁不小的打击,生活上的拮据让她开始反思自己做公务员两年多的经历。都说公务员舒服,但刘晓宁每天的工作时间都在10小时以上,加班到晚上八九点钟,是很正常的事。如果有活动,赶工到夜里12点,也是家常便饭。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:The experience in Boao Forum is not a small blow to Liu Xiaoning. The bare livelihood forced her to reflect on her life as a civil servant for more than two years. Every one says that civil servants enjoy a comfortable life, but Xiaoning works more than 10 hours everyday. Working overtime until eight or nine in the evening is perfectly normal. When there are activities, staying up to 12 at night is also not uncommon.) 解析: 5.我国人口老龄化对经济增长的潜在影响理论研究认为,老龄化会减少劳动力供给,降低社会储蓄率,导致产出和资本形成能力下降,最终影响经济增长。同时,发达国家的实际表明,随着人口老龄化,养老费用及人均医疗费用均会大幅上升,加重政府财政负担。与发达国家“富老同步”或者“先富后老”相比,


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编39 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.dynamic equivalence(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.miss the boat(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.spill the beans(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.semiotic dimension(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.postscript(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.outsourcing(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.transliteration(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.tit for tat(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.black sheep(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.over-translation(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.MOU(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.GDP(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.POW(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.CPU(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ LC __________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.汉译英 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.电子商务(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.对冲基金(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.次贷危机(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.山寨手机(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.暗箱操作(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________

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