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申请签证解释信 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

尊敬的签证官您好, Dear Visa Officer, 我是申请人贾一凡,目前就读于石家庄市第二十八中学。My name is ////, I am studying in No.28 middle school. My mother works in ///branch of China Construction Bank. She is taking the position of credit approval department supervisor, mainly responsible for credit approval of the company. My father works in Chinese People's Liberation Army //// troops political department. He is taking the position of engineering in technical department, mainly responsible for equipment maintenance. I am the only child in my family, and my parents teach me to be an independent child since I was very young. I prefer to do thing by myself at school and at home. My mother plan to go on a trip to Canada with me ,and pay a visit to Canadian schools. Canada is a beautiful country with the largest investment in education. My mother has known some information about the learning environment and class styles from her friends. I have collected some information about the schools in Canada and I have felt in love on Canada. My mother has had the Canadian short-term visit visa since May in 2014. I have a strong desire to pay a visit to Canada with my mother in the summer holiday, and I think this experience will improve my


申根签证申请表填写样本 在线申根签证申请表从本馆网站“赴德须知—签证规定—签证申请表格—在线申根签证申请表”或直接从hp://visdiplde网站下载 选择语言(目前可选语言仅为德语和英语),点击“k”确认 仔细阅读在线填表信息并点击“eie”继续 仔细阅读领区划分信息并点击“eie”继续 点击“Neung”图标打开新申请,如曾将申请表存入电脑,则从硬盘下载申请表 填表说明(按项目编号排列) 1 申请者姓(如“Wng”) 曾用姓(没有则不填,勿填“-”或“NO”) 3 申请者名(与护照一致) 4 申请者出生日期(日/月/年) 5 不填 6 出生地点(与护照一致);出生国家(通常为中国即“Chin”) 目前国籍(通常为中国即“Chin”) 8 最初国籍(通常为中国即“Chin”) 9 性别(选择) 1婚姻状况(选择) 11父亲姓名(填字母,勿填撇号'如Pei'n、连接号-、斜线号/或句号等标点符号。父母姓名必须填写,无论在世与否。) 1母亲姓名(填字母,勿填撇号'如Pei'n、连接号-、斜线号/或句号等标点符号。父母姓名必须填写,无论在世与否。) 13护照类型(选择;因公护照选“ndees Reisedkuen”,填写PASSPORT FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS)14护照号码(仔细填写。勿将数字1误写为字母l) 15签发国家(通常为中国即“Chin”) 16签发日期(日/月/年) 1有效期至(日/月/年,护照须至少还有六个月有效) 18不填 19目前职业 工作单位或学生就读学校地址、电话; 1主要目的地(通常为德国即“Deushlnd”) 签证类型(通常为短期居留即“Kuzufenhl”) 3签证(为个人签证即“Einzelvisu”) 4入境次数(通常为一次入境即“einlige Eineise”) 5居留时间(填入计划居留天数,至多“9”)(以市外办批件天数为准) 6曾获签证及年份(国名用缩写,如BNL 、USA 、D 4、UK 3) 不填 8曾在申根国家居留(用缩写,同上) 9旅行目的(选择) 3到达日期(日/月/年,护照须在居留期满后至少还有三个月有效) 31离开日期(日/月/年,护照须在居留期满后至少还有三个月有效) 3首次入境地(法兰克福“Fnkfu”、慕尼黑“Münhen”或其他申根国家机场) 33交通工具(通常为飞机即“Flugzeug”) 34邀请人姓名/单位名称、电话和传真号码、详细地址(包括邮编和城市如8519 Münhen)、


Explanation Letter May 6th , 2015 Dear Visa Officer, I’m the applicant **,I have a great interested in travelling and visit Canda is always my dream. Thus I apply for visit visa of Canada. Upon completion of ten-day trip in Canada, we are surely return to China. The reasons are listed as below:First,I, have my job in China. I love my job and my company needs me go back on time to continue my work. So I surely will come back China on time. Secondly, I have a happy family and want to live with them together in China. Also it’s my duty and wish to support and accompany my parents when they growing old. Thirdly, we have just buy a big house in China. Stable work and familiar living environment make me more comfortable to live in China. Dear Visa Office, thank you very much for reviewing our applications. We are looking forward to hearing from your favorable consideration and reply. Sincerely Y ours, **


申请办理中华人民共和国签证须知 第一部分签证种类申请人范围签证种类申请人范围 C 执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空器机组人员、国际航行船舶的船员及船员随行家属和从事国际道路运输的汽车驾驶员 D赴中国永久居留的人员 F 赴中国从事交流、访问、考察等活动的人员 G 经中国过境的人员 J1常驻(居留超过180日)中国新闻机构的外国常驻记者 J2赴中国进行短期(停留不超过180日)采访报道的外国记者L 赴中国旅游人员 M 赴中国进行商业贸易活动的人员 Q1因家庭团聚申请赴中国居留的中国公民的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母)和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母),以及因寄养等原因申请入境居留的人员 Q2 赴中国短期(不超过180日)探亲的居住在中国境内的中国公民的亲 属和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的亲属 R 中国需要的外国高层次人才和急需紧缺专门人才

S1赴中国长期(超过180日)探亲的因工作、学习等事由在中国境内居留的外国人的配偶、父母、未满18周岁的子女、配偶的父母,以及因其他私人事务需要在中国境内居留的人员 S2赴中国短期(不超过180日)探亲的因工作、学习等事由在中国境内停留居留的外国人的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母)以及因其他私人事务需要在中国境内停留的人员 X1在中国境内长期(超过180日)学习的人员 X2在中国境内短期(不超过180日)学习的人员 Z 在中国境内工作的人员 第二部分申请签证时需要准备的材料 一、基本申请材料 (一)护照:有效期为6个月以上、有空白签证页的护照原件及护照照片资料页复印件1份。 (二)签证申请表及照片:1份《中华人民共和国签证申请表》及1张粘贴在申请表上的近期、正面、彩色(浅色背景)、免冠、护照照片。 (三)合法停留或居留证明(适用于不在国籍国申请签证者):如您不在国籍国申请签证,您需提供在所在国合法停留、居留、工作、学习的有效证明或有效签证的原件和复印件。 (四)原中国护照或原中国签证(适用于曾有中国国籍,后加入外国国籍者):如您系首次申请中国签证,须提供原中国护照原件及护照照片资料页复印件;如您曾获中国签证并持新换发的外国护照申请签证,须提供原外国护照照片资料页及曾获得的中国签证复印件(如果新护照所记载的姓名与原护照不一致,还须提供有关官方出具的更改姓名的证明文件)。 二、其它支持性申请材料 C字签证


精心整理 解释信,是签证的申请人无法提供部分资料,或者无法达到使馆硬性要求时,说明原因的信件。对于申请人来说,无法按使馆规定提供相应的资料,拒签的概率是非常高的,这个时候,解释信将起到至关重要的作用。 解释信的开头需要表明申请人的姓名、护照号、出生日期,整篇需用英文书写,结尾由申请人签字。下面根据不同情况,说明解释信需包含的不同内容要点。 情况一:无固定收入 无固定收入会被使馆认为没有能力支付这次旅行的费用,或者有前往该国打黑工的嫌疑。然而一些自由职业者,淘宝卖家,自由投资人,作家,画家等是很难提供拥有固定收入的银行流水的,这种情况下,申请人的解释信应该包含以下要点: ?收入的来源(以什么为主要收入) ?平均每月收入多少 ?证明自己有经济能力支付此次旅行 ?希望去该国的目的及停留时间 参考案例: 签证官,您好: 我的姓名是***,护照号********,出生日期**年2月25 质量也不尽相同,因此通过贩卖画作, 在2万元上下,目前我的银行卡里还有30 签证申请中如何写一封让签证官亮眼的解释信? 情况二:无法提供营业执照 一些国企 ? ? ? ?公司盖章 参考案例: 公司名称: 公司地址:****** 法人名称:****** 公司负责人签字:***** 加盖公章 签证申请中如何写一封让签证官亮眼的解释信? 情况三:无法提供邀请函的复印件 这种情况经常出现在国外院校之中,比如,子女在国外大学读书,在毕业时,学校会邀请学生的父母来学校参加毕业典礼。但是,邀请父母的信函不会给到学生,而是由学校直接寄出。因此在收到邀请函前,申请人是无法提供复印件的。 有的学校邀请函寄出时间较晚,父母收到邀请函后,来不及办理签证,所以,可以在邀请函寄出的同时,申请签证办理。解释信应包含以下要点,同时适用于其它无法提供邀请函的情况:


申请签证解释信英文 版

精品资料 Explanation Letter Dear Sir or Madam, My name is //////( Sex: Female; ID No: ///////; Passport //////). My first application to Can ada as a visitor on December 14 2010 was unfortun ately rejected. My sec ond applicati on to Can ada as a visitor on June 202011 was rejected aga in. I would appreciate your time in readi ng reas ons of rejectio n before mak ing your decisi on. At the first time, I was not quite familiar with the requirements for a temporary reside nt visa and I made preparati ons too hurriedly. My applicati on was rejected just three days after my handing in my materials because of my in adequate preparati on. At the second time, my application was rejected because I didnoffer detailed in formati on about my travel and ide ntity docume nts, reas on for travel to Can ada, con tacts in Can ada, finan cial means for the trip and ties to country of reside nee. This time I can assure you that I will take my ID card and household book the original with me at the in terview. I n additi on, I will show clear in formatio n of my reas on for travel to Canada and financial means for the trip. A certificate will also be given to prove my ties to country of reside nee. Honorific visa officers the above are my explanations of my last two failed applicati on s. I sin cerely hope that you can believe the plausibility, validity and reliability of my explanations. I also hope my application can pass this time. So I can have the cha nee to visit family of my son. I truly miss them so much. Thank you! Wang Shuqing September , 2011 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2


解释信 Letter of Explanation 2013年3月,我因为申请去瑞典哥德堡自由行,在办理签证的时候被拒绝了,理由有5点:1、离婚而有移民倾向;2、外出旅游让母亲照顾6岁女儿;3、不会英语;4、行程表不确定;5、没去过申根国。现在我作如下解释: In March 2013, I was refused to grant a visa to Gothenburg, Sweden for self-service traveling due to the following 5 reasons: 1. Divorced with immigrant intent; 2. Leaving my mother to take care of my 6-year-old daughter while travelling abroad; 3. Unable to speak English; 4. Uncertain about the travel schedule; 5. Never been to the Schengen states. Now I explain it as follows: 1、移民倾向。难道单身就不能去瑞典旅游吗?这样会拒绝很多单身,同时又非常向往瑞典旅游的女士!而且我是机关工作人员,有稳定不菲的收入,还有自己的房子和车子,我怎么会留在瑞典不走呢? 1. Immigrant intent. Being a single is an excuse to decline a request for traveling to Sweden? If so, you would refuse a lot of single women who are very yearning for a visit to Sweden! In addition, I am working for a State organ with stable and high income, and I have my own house and car, how can I stay in Sweden and never leave? 2、让母亲照顾女儿。在国内,外婆照顾外甥女非常普遍,当年轻的妈妈有事要外出的时候。 2. Leaving my mother to take care of my daughter. In China, it is very common that the grandmothers take care of nieces, especially when the young mothers have to go out. 3、不会英语。签证官问我问题的时候,恰好旁边的签证窗口有人在大声说话,所以,我就让签证官重新问一遍。哑巴英语,听和说确实差了点。 3. Unable to speak English. When the visa officer asked me questions, someone at the next visa window was talking loudly, so I asked the visa officer to repeat the question. My English listening and speaking are a little poor as a mute English learner. 4、行程表不确定。因为我第一次申请去申根国家玩,且是一个人自由行,没有经验,随便在网上找了些地方写了个行程表。 4. Uncertain about the travel schedule. Because it is my first time to apply for travelling to the Schengen states independently with a lack of experience, I wrote this schedule based on some materials found on the Internet casually. 5、没去过申根国。因为是最近才有财力与时间去国外旅游,所以没去过什么国家。 5. Never been to the Schengen states. I have never been to other countries because I didn’t have enough money or time to travel abroad until now. 解释人: Explained by:


签证申请表APPLICATION FOR VISA ※签证发给认定号码[反签号] (CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE NO. ) : 照片 PHOTO 3.5㎝× 4.5㎝1.姓(拼音)Surname 3.汉字姓名 4.性别Gender [ ]M [ ]F 2.名(拼音) Given Names 5.出生日期Date of Birth 6.国籍Nationality 7.出生地点Country of Birth 8.现住所Home Address 9.固定电话号码Phone NO.10.手机号码Cell Phone 11.电子邮箱 E-mail 12.身份证号National Identity Number 护照Passport 13.护照号码Passport NO.14.护照类型 Classification外交, 公务, 公务普通, 因私, 其他 DP, OF OF, OR, OTHERS 15.签发地点Place of Issue16.签发日期 Date of Issue17.有效期至Date Of Expiry 职业Occupation 18.职业Occupation19.单位电话Business Phone NO. 20.单位名称Name of Present Employer 单位地址Address of Present Employer 婚姻状况Martial status 21.[ ]未婚 Single [ ]已婚 Married [ ]丧偶 Widowed [ ]离婚 Divorced 22.配偶者姓名Spouse's Name23.配偶者出生日期S p o u s e's D a t e o f B i r t h 24.配偶者国籍Spouse's Nationality25.配偶者联系电话Spouse's TEL 26.赴韩目的Purpose of Entry27.在韩停留时间Potential Length of Stay 28.预定赴韩日期Potential Date of Entry29.过去有无访韩经历Previous Visit (If Any) 有无 30.韩国内停留地Address in Korea31.韩国内联系电话Phone NO. in Korea 32.此次赴韩费用支付者Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay? 33.最近5年内旅行过的国家Countries You Have Traveled During The Past 5 Years 34. 同伴家族 Accompanying Family 关系 Relationship国籍 Nationality姓名 Name出生日期 Date of Birth性别 Gender 35. 韩国内担保人 Guarantor or Reference in Korea 关系 Relationship国籍 Nationality姓名 Name出生日期 Date of Birth性别 Gender I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible. 收入印纸(签证邮票)粘贴处??????? 申请日D A T E O F A P P L I C A T I O N申请人署名S I G N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A N T ???FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY B/L: ?????: ??????: ???: ????: ??: ????S D M ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ???·? ????? : ???? :


签证申请书2篇 本文是关于签证申请书2篇,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 尊敬的公司领导: 您好!我是公司的一名签证专员,首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间阅读我的辞职申请书。 我是怀着十分复杂的心情写这封辞职申请书的。自我进入公司之后,由于您对我的关心、指导和信任,使我获得了很多机遇和挑战。经过这段时间在公司的工作,我在原料采购领域学到了很多知识,积累了一定的经验,对此我深表感激。 由于我自身经验的不足,近期的工作让我觉得力不从心。为此,我进行了长时间的思考,觉得公司目前的工作安排和我自己之前做的职业规划并不完全一致。 为了不因为我个人的原因而影响公司,经过深思熟虑之后我决定辞去这份工作。我知道这个过程会给您带来一定程度上的不便,对此我深表抱歉。 我会在这段时间里完成工作交接,以减少因我的离职而给公司带来的不便。 为了尽量减少对现有工作造成的影响,我请求在公司的员工通讯录上保留我的手机号码1个月,在此期间,如果有同事对我以前的工作有任何疑问,我将及时做出答复。 非常感谢您在这段时间里对我的教导和照顾。在公司的这段经历于我而言非常珍贵。将来无论什么时候,我都会为自己曾经是公司的一员而感到荣幸。我确信在公司的这段工作经历将是我整个职业生涯发展中相当重要的一部分。 祝公司领导和所有同事身体健康、工作顺利! 再次对我的离职给公司带来的不便表示抱歉,同时我也希望公司能够理解我的实际情况,对我的申请予以考虑并批准。 此致 敬礼! 申请人: 申请日期: 申请人姓名(中文)

(英文) 出生年月日:年月日出生地:省/市 居民身份证号码: 性别:□男□女 现住所:中华人民共和国省/市 住宅电话号码:移动电话: 工作单位(学校):电话号码: 职位: 紧急联络人(中国国内亲属等) 姓名:与申请人的关系: 住址:电话号码: 护照签发地点:护照号码: 护照签发日期:年月日有效期至:年月日 犯罪记录□无□有 报名旅行社:报名日期:年月日 参团费用:人民币 预定出发日:年月日预定归国日:年月日 访问地点: 一同报名参团者(亲属、朋友、同事等): 所持外币:□日元日元□美元美元 出境纪录:□无□有年月停留日国名: 在日亲属:□无□有在日亲属姓名:关系: 职业:住宅电话号码: 工作单位(学校): 本人声明以上内容均为事实,并清楚地认识到本人的入境资格、居留期限将在本人到达日本时均由日本移民官员决定。本人清楚地认识到持有签证者在到达日本港口请求入境时,如被发现是属于禁止入境者时,则无权进入日本。 申请年月日:年月日申请人签名


Explanation Letter Dear Sir or Madam, My name is 111111( Sex: Female; ID No: ///////; Passport //////). My first 即plication to th Canada as a visitor on December 14 2010 was unfortunately rejected. My second th application to Canada as a visitor on June 20 2011 was rejected again. I would appreciate your time in readi ng reas ons of rejectio n before mak ing your decisi on. At the first time, I was not quite familiar with the requirements for a temporary reside nt visa and I made preparati ons too hurriedly. My applicati on was rejected just three days after my handing in my materials because of my in adequate preparati on. At the second time, my application was rejected because I didn ' offer detailed information about my travel and identity documents, reason for travel to Canada, con tacts in Can ada, finan cial means for the trip and ties to country of reside nee. This time I can assure you that I will take my ID card and household book the original with me at the in terview. I n additi on, I will show clear in formatio n of my reas on for travel to Canada and financial means for the trip. A certificate will also be given to prove my ties to country of reside nee. Honorific visa officers the above are my explanations of my last two failed applications. I sincerely hope that you can believe the plausibility, validity and reliability of my explanations. I also hope my application can pass this time. So I can have the cha nee to visit family of my son. I truly miss them so much. Thank you! Wang Shu qing September , 2011 word可编辑..


Cover Letter Sample for a Tourist Visa Application April 03, 2017 EMBASSY OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY No. 6/50G Shanti Path, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 India Subject: Anjali XXXXXXX, Indian Passport No: XXXXXX, Schengen Visa for Visit Friend/Famliy Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to apply for a Schengen visa upon my intention to travel to Germany from June 2 to June 28, 2017. The main purpose of my travel is to visit my German friends. However, I look very forward to also visit the magnificent sights throughout Germany, as well as experience the famous German food and learn the German culture and way of life. During my stay, me and my friends wish to spend a holiday in the Netherlands and France to celebrate my upcoming graduation. I am employed at in

since April 2014, currently holding the position of Marketing Executive. My employer has already approved my vacation from work for the duration of this trip. Please, find the following documents to support my visa application: 1. Visa application form, duly dated and signed with attached passport-size pictures 2.Passport, showing my travel experience 3.Travel Insurance, coverage of €30,000 4.E-ticket reservation for my flight via LH for New Delhi – Frankfurt – New Delhi [June 2-June 28, 2017] 5.Hotel reservations for our holidays in the Netherlands and France 6.Employment and leave certificates showing approved leaves as well as the date I am expected to return to work 7.ITR, Payslips, and Savings Account as proof of my income Also, the additional documents required for Medical Purposes Schengen Visa Application:?Enclosed copies of medical records about your condition ?Bank statements and health insurance coverage to cover for medical expenses in [name of country] Planned Itinerary: ?June 2, 2017 – Flight from New Delhi to Frankfurt via LH-761


签证解释信 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

解释信,是签证的申请人无法提供部分资料,或者无法达到使馆硬性要求时,说明原因的信件。对于申请人来说,无法按使馆规定提供相应的资料,拒签的概率是非常高的,这个时候,解释信将起到至关重要的作用。 解释信的开头需要表明申请人的姓名、护照号、出生日期,整篇需用英文书写,结尾由申请人签字。下面根据不同情况,说明解释信需包含的不同内容要点。 情况一:无固定收入 无固定收入会被使馆认为没有能力支付这次旅行的费用,或者有前往该国打黑工的嫌疑。然而一些自由职业者,淘宝卖家,自由投资人,作家,画家等是很难提供拥有固定收入的银行流水的,这种情况下,申请人的解释信应该包含以下要点: 收入的来源(以什么为主要收入) 平均每月收入多少 证明自己有经济能力支付此次旅行 希望去该国的目的及停留时间 参考案例: 签证官,您好: 我的姓名是***,护照号********,出生日期**年**月**日。我希望在今年的2月15日至2月25日期间前往英国的伦敦,我是一名职业画家,因为灵感的缘故,我每个月画出的作品数量不一,质量也不尽相同,因此通过贩卖画作,我的收入每个月也不尽相同。近一年来,平均每个月

我的收入在2万元上下,目前我的银行卡里还有30多万的余额,足够支付此次旅行的费用。我前往伦敦的主要目的是想欣赏当地风光,为我作画提供灵感来源。希望您能批准我的签证申请。 签证申请中如何写一封让签证官亮眼的解释信 情况二:无法提供营业执照 无法提供营业执照会被使馆质疑申请人工作的真实性,或者是申请人工作单位的真实性。一些国企职工或者银行工作人员是很难提供营业执照的,这个时候,解释信应该包括以下要点: 写明:我司不因员工个人原因出具营业执照 营业执照的关键信息(包括:公司名称、公司地址、法人名称) 公司负责人签字 公司盖章 参考案例: 签证官,您好: 我公司不因员工个人原因出具营业执照,以下是我们营业执照的关键信息。 公司名称:****** 公司地址:****** 法人名称:****** 公司负责人签字:***** 加盖公章 签证申请中如何写一封让签证官亮眼的解释信


VisaSponsorship(TPg) THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Graduate School Visa for Non-local Students (Taught Programmes) The Immigration Ordinance of Hong Kong stipulates that non-local students must obtain a valid visa to study in Hong Kong. Part-time students who are in possession of other valid visa are advised to consult the Immigration Department of the HKSAR on whether or not they are required to apply for student visa for studying in Hong Kong. Please refer to https://www.doczj.com/doc/3313429865.html,.hk/en/contact-us.html for contacts of the Immigration Department. Non-local students who cannot present a valid visa at the time of registration will not be allowed to register. As it may take months to obtain the visa, please start your application immediately. Important note on collection and dispatch of visa label As stipulated by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR, a visa label will normally valid for three months upon collection and students are required to enter Hong Kong with the visa label within the three-month period. In view of the above policy of the Immigration Department of HKSAR, the University will collect visa labels and dispatch them to non-local students around six weeks prior to their admission date, even though the Immigration Department of HKSAR may have approved the visa application before that. Students from the Chinese Mainland or Taiwan The Graduate School will act as the sponsor for your application of student visa. Please send the following documents in one parcel to the Graduate Division of your Programme. Addresses of Divisions can be found from the homepage of the Graduate School (https://www.doczj.com/doc/3313429865.html,.hk/gss/course.php). If your parcel is late or any of the documents is missing or incomplete, your application will be delayed, which may result in failure in obtaining a visa on time. Please DO NOT include documents or payments not related to your visa application in the parcel, as it will delay our processing of your application. - Students from the Chinese mainland please submit documents no. 1 – 6 - Students from Taiwan please submit documents no. 1 – 7 - Students from Taiwan taking part-time programme are also required to submit document no. 8 - Students from Macau please submit documents no. 1 – 6 and 9 - Students taking part-time programmes please ALSO submit documents no. 10 – 13 No. Documents required Remarks 1. “Application for Visa Sponsorship” A blank form is attached for your completion 2. Form ID 995A IMPORTANT: Before completing the form, please read the ‘Guide Book for Entry for Study in Hong Kong’ at https://www.doczj.com/doc/3313429865.html,.hk/en/services/hk-visas/study/guidebook.html Blank form of the Immigration Department is attached for your use. Note: If you intend to bring with you any accompanying dependants, please submit a separate application directly to the Immigration Department by downloading Form ID 997 “Application for Entry for Residence as Dependants in Hong Kong” from the Immigration’s website at https://www.doczj.com/doc/3313429865.html,.hk/en/forms/forms/id997.html You may refer to the following link for more information on dependant visa application: https://www.doczj.com/doc/3313429865.html,.hk/en/services/hk-visas/dependents.html Please note that your dependant visa application will NOT be handled by the Graduate School. If we have received any dependant visa application, the application materials will be returned to you for handling. 3. A clear copy of your identity card (front and back) and a copy of your passport/travel document, if you have one The text and the photo on the copy must be clear and legible. For passport/travel document, please copy the pages with your personal particulars, photo, passport validity, signature and re-entry visa held (if any). 4. A copy of the Admission Notification 5. Evidence of your financial standing to prove that you will be able to support your studying and living in Hong Kong, e.g., a clear copy of bank statements, savings account passbooks or tax receipts If the financial proof belongs to a person who will support you financially, please also provide: - proof of relationship between you and that person, e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate - an undertaking signed by that person that s/he will support you financially

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