当前位置:文档之家› 八年级上第1次月考英语试卷






()1. A. I’m reading. B.I do by hand C.Not bad ,thank you.

()2. A.I got one .I’m lucky. B.What a shame! C.How helpful he is!

()3. A.Good idea. B.It doesn’t matt er. C.You are welcome.

()4. A. It doesn’t matter. B.Thank you. C.Take it easy.

()5. A. I’sorry to hear that. B.He needs to take medicine. C.How kind he is!


()1. A.Because she failed the Chinese exam. B.Because she wasn’t able to to the party.

C.Because she had a bad cold.

()2. A.White. B.Red C.Green.

()3. A.Maria’s father B.Maria’s mother C.Maria.

()4. A.Wednesday. B.Two days. C.Three days.

()5. A.We feel well. B.We feel better C.We feel worse.


()1. Wang Qiang is not happy because he is ill.

()2. Wang Qiangstayed in bed for two days .

()3. Wang Qiang felt very shy and lonely.

()4. Wang Qiang should do more math exercises.

()5. Li Mei can’t help Wang Qiang with his math



()1.How does green make students feel?




()2. What color make people feel hungry?




()3. Which kind of music make people feel richer?

A.Loud music

B.Classical music.

C.Modern music.

()4. What happens when restaurants play modern music?

A.People spend more money on food or drinks.

B.People spend less money on food or drinks.

C.People spend no money on food or drinks.

()5.Why do many fast food restaurants play loud music when they are busy?

A. Because they want people to eat faster and leave quickly.

B.Because they want people to have a good time.

C.Because they want people to feel relaxed.


( )21.If you see any littler on the school playground, you’d better.

A. pick up it

B. pick it up

C. go away

D. not touch them

( )22.Helen sings Maria.

A. so loud as

B. as loud as

C. so loudly as

D. as loudly as

( )23.He didn’t go to work the accident.

A. because

B. because of

C. for

D. by

( )24.The old man lives, but he doesn’t feel.

A. lonely, lonely

B. alone, alone

C. lonely ,alone

D. alone, lonely

( )25.he was ill, he still went to school.

A. Though, but

B. Though, \

C. Because, \

D. Because, but

( )26.My teachers have helped me a lot and I am them.

A. worried about

B. surprised at

C. afraid of

D. thankful to

( )27.I don’t like dark-colored clothes. Could you please give me the bright-colored.

A. one

B. ones

C. the ones

D. that

( )28.- I’m going to Mount Hua tomorrow. - .


B. It’s hard to say

C. Best wishes

D. Have a good trip

( )29.How much does it to go to Mount Tai by airplane? -700 yuan .





( )30. –That T-shirt with Yao Ming’s picture on it,it ___ be David’s.

-- No, it _____ be his. He hates black color.

A. can, can’t

B. may, needn’t

C. must, mustn’t

D. must, can’t

( )31. –How is the movie Batman and Joker?

--It is ______ one that I’ve ever seen (曾经见过).

A. more exciting

B. more excited

C. the most exciting

D. the most excited

( )32. –Will you please give some advice on ______ English at home?

-- Well, do a lot of reading and listen to English programs.

A. how to read

B. how to learn

C. when to use

D. where to use

( )33. ______of us sees The Sound of Music. We all hope we can see it this weekend.

A. No one

B. Some

C. each

D. None

( ) 34. ---The boss makes her _____more than ten hours a day.

--- I am sorry to hear that.

A. to work

B. work

C. to rest

D. rest

( )35. --- Are you sure you will come tomorrow?

---I’ll come here, ____ it rains tomorrow.

A. because

B. so

C. so that

D. even though



These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy 1 have changed into computer game houses in order to get more 2 . These places are always crowded with people.

In the computer game houses, people 3 a lot of money matching on the machines. It' s 4 for one to beat a computer, but one can do well after trying again an d again. People want to 5 when they play computer games. The more they 6 ,the more they want to win. and at last they even can't7 without it.

The result is that some people don't want to8 and they play in computer game houses for hours and hours. For school boys, things are9 . They don't want to have10 . When school is over, they rush to the computer game houses near their11 .Some of them can get enough money from their12 . Some of them are not13 enough to get the money. So they have to steal or rob others' and become14 .

Computer game addiction(上瘾) is a15 problem in our life. Something has to be done to stop it.

( )36.A.streets B. schools C. towns D. cities

( )37.A.boys B. money C. computer D. houses

( )38.A.take B. spend C. cost D. pay

( )39.A. possible B. easy C. good D. hard

( )40.A. read B. learn C. win D. download

( )41.A. lose B. try C. waste D. watch

( )42.A. come B. eat C. study D. live

( )43.A. watch TV B. go out C. stay here D. work

( )44.A. better B. exciting C. even worse D. interesting

( )45.A. lessons B. games C. families D. sports

( )46.A. classes B. rooms C. schools D. shops

( )47.A. classmates B. teachers C. sisters D. parents

( )48.A. lucky B. unlucky C. careful D. polite

( )49.A. good B. bad C. rich D. poor

( )50.A. important B. serious C. unusual D. wonderful



Last weekend, I We51 it, and she

was late as usual. Waiting for her made me52 , but her53 face pleased me.

First we went to the Dongdu Theater to see the movie Assembly. 54 , she didn't like it. She said the movie was55 , but I thought it was56 . Of course, I57 with her. Then we went to the Blue Moon Theater. Unluckily, we didn't get the58 for Love Me Once More, Mom, It's said the movie is so moving.

At last, we bad to go to the KTV, Vicky sang many59 songs. At 10:00pm, we60 felt a little tired, and went home.

51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. .



It is the duty of every man to work. The life of a lazy man if no use to himself and to others. The man who is too lazy to work is the man who is usually most ready to beg or to steal. Every boy , when he is young, should learn how to do some useful work.

Bill is a good boy, but he doesn't like to use his head. He often says something without thinking. It makes others unhappy.

Mr. Green taught English in a school. He's old now and left there. He likes children. He often gave Bill some fruit or cakes and taught him to read and write when the boy was young. So he likes the old man very much.

It's Saturday today and Bill doesn't go to school. He had some questions and hoped to ask Mr.Green, but he couldn't find him. His mother said, "He's ill in hospital. I'll go and see him after breakfast."

Bill wanted to go there with his mother, but she didn't agree. She said, "You're a rude boy. I can't take you there."

"Don't worry, mom. I'm not going to do that again."

In the hospital, Bill said nothing at first. When they left there, he wanted to comfort the old man and said, "You look at me, I think. The doctors say you're going to die, but I think they're wrong." ( ) 61. Bill likes Mr. Green very much because he often ____

A. helped Bill a lot

B. gave Bill a lot of food

C. did Bill's homework for him

D. both A and B

( )62. One day, Bill couldn't find Mr. Green because ____

A. Mr. Green was old

B. Mr. Green left the school

C. Mr. Green was ill in hospital

D. Bill is rude boy

( ) 63. In the end, Bill said ____

A. nothing

B. something wrong

C. something nice

D. something to comfort Mr. Green


But it's not enough that a boy should learn some kind of work~. He should put his heart and soul fully into his work, and not waste his free time. "Work while you work and play while you play" is as good a rule for young people as for the old.

There is no better help to diligence(勤奋) than the habit of early rising, and this, just like all other good habits, is most easily formed in youth. There is an English saying, "Lost time never returns." This means that everybody must be diligent and make good use of his time. One must study hard when one is young so that one may make good progress, succeed in life and become useful to one's county. Those who are diligent will never become beams. Therefore, we can say that diligence is the mother of Success.

64. From the passage, we know that those who are too lazy to work will ____

A. waste their time

B. help others

C. become beggars or thieves

D. make progress some d ay

65. If a boy wants to be of any use to himself and to other people, he should ____

A. learn some useful work

B. do something in his flee time

C. put his heart and soul into everything he does

D. try hard to learn to do a certain kind of work well

66. One can't be successful in life unless he ____ when he is young.

A. is diligent in his study

B. loves life

C. spends some time learning something

D. makes up for his lost time

67. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

A. Lazy Boy Can Learn to Be Diligent.

B. Young People Should Rise Early.

C. Lost Time Never Returns.

D. Diligence, the Mother of Success.


Never try to work when you very hungry .If you want to do your homework right after school, you may eat something before getting to work. Always do your homework before you get too tired. Don’t wait until late in the evening, or the assignment will seem much harder than it really is.

Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than an hour’s work. Relax yourself after an hour. However, don’t divide it up so much that you can’t get anything done, You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without stopping.

Don’t put off (推迟) until the last minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it on your mind and you won’t enjoy your free time. If you put off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much to happening each day in school, will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it.

Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a habit---pat of your daily work. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more enjoyable as well.

68.when someone is hungry, he’d better_________.

A. not work at all

B. work harder

C. not work too hard

D. work as usual

69.The underlined word assignment in the passage may mean_________.

A. time

B. test

C. homework

D. school

70.If you put off doing your homework,__________

A. it will be kept on your mind

B. it will be much easier to do

C. it will make you happy

D. it doesn’t matter much

71. To do your homework at the same time every day_________.

A. will make it more difficult

B. will make your free time less pleasant

C. will help you have a good habit

D. will help you live longer


Dear Reader,

Think about an 11-year-old child spending her days washing clothes, looking after a baby brother, and doing hard work on the farm.

Think about a little girl. She knows there will not be enough food for dinner, and has no water to drink because it is not clean. She has watched her father, brother and sister lose their lives as the family has no money to send f or a doctor.

Hard to believe? For Maria Pastora, these are the facts of life.

Maria would gladly walk to school, but her mother, now alone, really needs her at home. Maria had to leave school to work for her poor family.

But for five dollars a week, you can help out a child like Maria. Show her that somewhere, someone will help her, Through Save the Children, you can help Maria’s mother get better crops(收成)from their farm, and earn the money to buy clothes and things for school.

To help Maria most, your money is to put together with other helpers, so hardworking people can help themselves, Build a school or a hospital, make their farm better, and bring in clean water….This is what Save the children has been about since 1932.

For you there are many returns. You can write letters to each other, get photos, or study reports, Know you are helping and saving another person in the same word as you, That’s how Save the Children works. But without you, it can’t work. Please take a moment to fill in this form to help a child like Maria and her village.

It can make such a difference…….in her life and yours.

Save the Children

David L Guyer


72. Maria’s father, brother and sister died because they ____________

A. were too poor to see a doctor

B. didn’t know where to find a doctor

C. didn’t have enough food to eat

D. were too busy to see a doctor

73. This letter mainly tells you to_________

A. know about poor people

B. earn some money for poor children

C. show pity to poor people

D. donate money to help poor children

74. If you try to help a child like Maria, which of the following can’t you get from her?

A. You can often get some pictures from her.

B. You can get more money from her when she grows up.

C. You can often get her letters.

D. You can often be told how she is getting on

75. This letter most probably appears__________.

A. on TV

B. in a magazine

C. in a dictionary

D. on the radio


It is reported that300 million people in China have eye-sight (视力) trouble. More and More parents hope to save their children’s eyesight with medicine, or by correcting the ways that children read and sit. But in fact, one should start with the exercise on one’s feet. Here are three ways to save eyes;

First, don’t tie your shoes too closely. Try wearing comfortable and soft socks or walking without socks and shoes at home. While you are traveling, try wearing cloth shoes in order to improve blood circulation(循环).

Second, walking on tiptoes is good for one’s eyesight. It can fight against eyesight trouble. Numbers show that most of ballet(芭蕾舞)performers’eyesight is better.

Third, rope skipping (跳绳)can also be good for one’s eyesight. while skipping rope, one has to move quickly, making both the brain and the eyes excited. It may also help make one grow taller.

Besides foot exercises, it is good to pull one’s ears. Pulling the ears 20 times quickly is also a great way. It can keep one’s eyes healthy.


76.What does the passage mainly talk about ? ______________________________________________

77. why is most of the ballet performers’eyesight good?_________________________________________

78. what shoes should you wear while trearling?_______________________________________________

79.Is rope skipping good for eyesight?_________________________________________________________

80. Besides foot exercises, there is another way to save one’s eyes. What is it ?____________________


八年级英语月考试卷 班级姓名学号 Ⅰ. 英汉互译(10分) 1. 去野营_____________________ 2.quite a few ____________________ 3. 当然____________________ 4. hardly ever ____________________ 5. 感受到___________________ 6. at least ______________________ 7. 摇摆舞___________________ 8. stay up late ____________________ 9. 例如_____________________ 10. Long time no see. ________________Ⅱ.单项选择( 每空2分,共50分) ( ) 1.--- How _____ your school trip ? --- It was pretty good. A. was B. were C. is D. are ( ) 2.I decide ______ at home and have a good time this winter vacation. A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying ( ) 3. He was late for school ______ the heavy rain yesterday morning. A. but B. because C. so D. because of ( ) 4. Is there _____ in today’s newspapers? A. special something B. something special C. anything special D. special anything ( ) 5.Although I have one healthy habit, _____ I’m not very healthy. A. but B. so C./ D. and ( ) 6.It’s good ___ your health to drink milk. A. for B. to C. with D. at ()7. Mr.Luo wants his son ____ to school. A.riding B.to ride C.rides D.ride ( ) 8. The woman is very busy so she ____ watches TV. A. often B.always C.hardly ever D.almost


2018--2019年度第一学期第一次月考测试题 八年级英语 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一`听力部分(20分) I、听对话,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答1-2小题。 ( )1. Where did Jane go on vacation? A. Sydney. B. Tokyo. C. New York City. ( )2. How were the people there? A. They were hard-working. B. They were busy. C. They were friendly. 听第二段对话,回答3-4小题。 ( )3. When did Bob go to the Summer Palace? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last year. ( )4. Who did Bob go with? A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His friends. 听第三段对话,回答5-6小题。 ( )5. How was Sarah’s vacation? A. It was tiring. B. It was terrible. C. It was pretty good. ( )6. What did Sarah do during her vacation? A. She had seafood in a restaurant. B. She went to the beach. C. She visited many museums. 听第四段对话,回答7-8小题。 ( )7. What’s Alice’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. ( )8. How many hours does Mike spend watching TV every day? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 听第五段对话,回答9-10小题。 ( )9. How often does Gina eat junk food? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. ( )10. Does Gina like milk? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. II、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) A:听第一篇短文,回答11-15小题。 ( )11. Mrs. Green is _____. A. a doctor B. a teacher C. Bill’s s ister ( )12. Mrs. Green does n’t like _____. A. milk B. vegetables C. junk food ( )13. Mrs. Green _____ once a week. A. drinks coffee B. drinks milk C. eats junk food ( )14. On weekends _____ often plays baseball with Mrs. Green.

上海版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语10月月考试卷(II )卷

上海版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语10月月考试卷(II )卷 一、单选题 (共15题;共30分) 1. (2分)找出画线部分读音不同的单词() A . blue B . blind C . bright D . black 2. (2分)Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A . Ahead of you on the right will be a lovely garden. B . Demand for water will increase. C . Heat the milk on the oven. D . He's a bright kid and eager to learn. 3. (2分)选出下列单词中划线部分与其它三个发音不同的选项 A . this B . quilt C . white D . sister 4. (2分)—Yo u've dropped _____ “o” in the word “understood”! —Sorry, I forgot ___ letter “o” is doubled. A . an; the B . a; the C . an; a 5. (2分)You should know that _____ body language is _____ important part of communication. A . a; an B . /; an C . the; a 6. (2分)“If you stop dropping litter, I'll kiss pig.” the head teacher promised the students at a school meeting.


八年级英语月考试卷 一根据句意,找出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。(5分) ( )1.The boy was able to read before he was seven. A. could B. must C. should D. would ( 2.She is going to fly to Australia. A.go…by water B.go…by train C.go…by ship D.go…by air ( )3.I can not find my pen anywhere. A. everywhere B. anything C. nowhere D. everything ( )4. Over 1,000 people lost their lives. A. More than B. Much than C. Much more D. More and more ( )5.The girl often takes care for his grandfather. A. looks after B. look after C. looks for D. look at 二根据句意,用when或while填空。(5分) 6._______ they were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in. 7._______ they got to the zoo, it was raining. 8._______ she was watching TV, the phone rang. 9._______ I saw the boy, he was swimming. 10._______ he was reading, she fell asleep. 三选择填空(20分) ()11. Kids won’t go to school. They will study _____ home ______computers. A. in, in B. at, on C. at , by D. at; from ()12 --Will there be fewer trees? --_______________. A. Yes, there will. B. Yes, they will. C. No, there aren’t. D. No, they won’t. ()13.The head of the movie companies predicted that no one would want to see actors ____________. A. to talk B. talked C. talks D. talk ()14. Some scientists think that it may take ____________ years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us. A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of ()15. ____ he ____ his homework when you visited him last night? A. Is, doing B. Was, doing C. Does, do D. Did, do ()16. He doesn’t have any money, ____________. A. too B. also C. either D. neither ()17. I think you should _______ some money _______ your friends. A. borrow; for B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. borrow; to ()18. What will the weather_______the day after tomorrow? A. be B. like C. be like D . like ()19 She _____her homework at home .She didn’t know _____to do. A.forgot , how B . left , what C.forgot ,what D. left ,how ()20.They ______start to play football ______seven o’clock this morning. A. didn’t,until B. didn’t,in C. / ,at D. don’t , till ()21. The scientist believes there will be ____cars and ____ dirty air. A .less, fewer B. fewer, less C. few, fewer D. less, less ()22.My parents ______about 1000yuan for this TV. A. spent B.take C. cost D. paid ()23.______an English party in our school this evening . A. There will be B There is going to have C There will have D There is going have ()24 . All my classmates went to the park ____me because I was ill. A. besides B. except C .beside D. but ()25. I _____ my breakfast when the telephone rang. A. had B was having C were having D have had ()26. He found it difficult _____ others with English A help B helping C helped D to help ()27. She is very kind and helpful. She always _____ her friends. A gets on well with B getting well with C getting on well with D gets well with ()28 .He was sleeping late _____ someone knocked on the door. A. when B. while C. as D. as soon as ()29.I am _________ at the __________ news. A.surprised...surprised B.surprising...surprising C.surprised...surprising D.surprising...surprised ()30 . Your friend is _____ than you, so you should be as ____ as him. A. popular, friendlier B. more popular, friendly C. more popular, friendlier D. popular, friendly


2019—2019学年第二学期第一次月考 初二英语试题2019.03 (时间:80分钟满分:100分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,计分15分) ( )1. It’s a good idea ______ English films. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching ( )2. He has to make lots of money ____ he can buy his family a big house. A.so that B.such that C.that D.in order ( )3. My father gives me _____ on my study. A. a advice B. an advice C. two advices D. a piece of advice ( )4. We can learn nothing ___ hard work. A.by B.at C.without D.through ( )5. You shouldn’t make mistakes. A.in same way B.at same way C.in the same way D.at the same way ( ) 6. Bill ___money after three months. A run out B. run out of C was run D. ran out of ( )7. The cat is .You should take it to an animal hospital. A. dead B.death C.dying D.died ( )8.—Did you pass the exam(考试) yesterday? —I hope so, but ___________. A. I’m not sure about that. B. don’t be silly. C. never mind D. that’s too bad, ( )9. Her mother was out. She stayed at home ___, but she didn’t feel ___. A.alone, loneyly B.lonely, alone C.alone, alone D.loney, lonely ( )10. —How does Jack usually go to work? —He ___ drive a car, but now he ___ there to lose weight. A. used to, is used to walk B. was used to, is used to walking C. was used to, is used to walk D. used to, is used to walking ( ) 11. I’m ____ to hear the ____ news . A. excited, excited B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited ( )12. The ______ he is, the _______he feels. A. busy; happy B. busier; happier C. busiest; happiest D. busier; happy ( )13. It’s difficult to learn English well, but you can’t ___. A.put it up B.take it up C.look it up D.give it up ( )14. I think _____ the old is necessary. We’re all going to be old one day. A.caring for B.careing for C.care for D.to caring for ( )15. I never go to school late, . A.so does Tom B.so Tom does C.neither Tom does D.neither does Tom 二、阅读理解(共15 小题,计分30分) A 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,判断短文后所给句子的正误,在正确的题前括号里填写T,在错误的题前括号里填写F。 Two friends were walking through the desert. They had an argument, the first friend slapped (一记耳光) the other in the face. The other friend was hurt, but only wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.” They kept walking, until found a lake. They decided to cool off and swim. The other friend started going down in the lake, but his friend saved him. After he came back to life, he wrote on a stone: “Today my best friend saved me.” The friend, who slapped and saved his friend, asked him: “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you wrote on the stone. Why?” The other


成都七中2018-2019学年高一上期10月月考 英语试卷 考试时间:120分钟总分:150分 第一部分听力测试(共两节,满分30分) 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How’s the man’s garden? A.V ery good. B.Just so-so. C.In bad shape. 2.Why does the man like the climate in this part of the country? A.It’s warm. B.It’s cold. C.It’s like that of his hometown. 3.What is the weather like today? A.It’s cold. B.It’s warm. C.It’s bad. 4.Where does this conversation take place? A.At an airport. B.In a factory. C.At a construction site. 5.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student. B.Mother and son. C.Driver and passenger. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.Where is the man going? A.Canada . B.Australia. C.Austria. 7.What does the woman advise the man to do? A.Take some aspirin and keep warm. B.Not go to the places she used to go. C.Take some clothes for the cold climate. 8.When may the man be back home? A.On Saturday, December the 23rd. B.On Thursday, December the 21st. C.On Sunday, November the 23rd. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9.What does Simon think of the college? A.He likes its small size .


三校2015~2016学年度第一学期第三次月度联考 八 年 级 英 语 试 题 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 成绩 第一部分 选择题(共80分) 一、听力(20分) Ⅰ.听对话回答问题,录音读两遍。(10分) ( ) 1. Which girl is Sandy? A. B. C. ( ) 2. Which is the sign? A. B. C. ( ) 3. What ’s the weather like? A. B. C. ( ) 4. Where will they go? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What season does the boy like best? A. Summer. B. Spring. C. Winter. ( ) 6. Where does the girl read English every morning? A. At home. B. In the garden. C. In the classroom. ( ) 7. What was the boy wearing? A. A red sweater and black jeans. B. A white shirt and blue jeans. C. A brown jacket and white jeans. ( ) 8. What does the woman mean? A. She doesn ’t like to drive now. B. She spends much time practicing. C. She likes driving. ( ) 9. What was Tim doing when the girl called him last night? A. He was reading a book. B. He was watching TV. C . He was cleaning the room. 学校 班级 姓名 学号_________ 试场号__ ___ __ __ 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 卷 …… … … … … … … … … … …… … … …… … … …装 … … …… … … 订…… … … … … … 线 … … … … … …… … … …… … … … … … … …… … … …


八年级3月月考英语问卷 听力部分(满分20分) 一听力理解(1’15= 15’) 听下面一段对话,回答1—3小题 ( ) 1. where are the speakers talking? A. On the phone B. at school C. at Mary’s home ( ) 2. How many days has Mary been off school? A. two days B. three days C. four days ( ) 3. When will the speakers go to see the old traditional Chinese doctor? A. on Saturday morning B. On Saturday afternoon C. On Sunday morning 听下面一段对话,回答4—6小题 ( ) 4. How did the speaker get to the Art Museum? A. By school bus B. By taxi C. By underground ( ) 5. What did the speaker see on the third floor of the Art Museum? A. some paper cuttings B. some beautiful pots C. some lovely dough toys ( ) 6. What can we learn from the talk? A. The speaker took many photos of the Chinese paintings. B. Paper cuttings were shown on the first floor. C. The students had a good time in the Art Museum. 听下面一段对话,回答7—9小题 ( ) 7. How will the speakers go to Shanxi Museum? A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot ( ) 8. How did people make the lovely toys? A. with machines B. by hand C. with the help of computers ( ) 9. Where are the speakers probably from? A. Shanxi B. Guangzhou C. Guangxi 听下面一段对话,回答10--12小题 ( ) 10. What does the man like doing? A. collecting stamps B. travelling C. visiting ancient buildings ( ) 11. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the talk? A. The travel map of Suzhou B. blueprint Cloth C. Beautiful kites ( ) 12. Where will the speakers probably go after the talk? A. to an ancient building B. to Suzhou C. to the library 听下面一段对话,回答13—15小题 ( ) 13. How many countries are mentioned in the talk? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 ( ) 14. How do people use abacuses (算盘)to count?


2019~2020学年度第一学期七年级10月英语测试 一.听力测试(共四节。满分25分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面字母或单词,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个字母或单词仅读一遍。 1.A.Tom. B.Tony. C.Dale. 2.A.L. B.X. C.S. https://www.doczj.com/doc/351408513.html,A. B.RMB. C.NBA. 4.A.seven. B.pencil. C.jacket 5.A.black. B.brown. C.yellow 第二节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面5个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 6.A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good evening. 7.A.How do you do? B.Nice to meet you. C.How are you? 8.A.Yes,she is. B.No,he isn’t. C.Yes,I am. 9.A.Jack B.Jack Smith C.Smith 10.A.It’s a book. B.It is white. C.It’s yours. 第三节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段小对话,每段小对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有10秒钟的时间来作答或阅读下一个小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 11.What’s in the box? A.A ruler. B.A pencil. C.A schoolbag. 12.What color is the dress? A.red. B.blue. C.green. 13.How does the girl spell the word at last? A.M-O-D-E-L B.M-O-D-L-E C.M-O-R-D-L-E 14.What’s the relationship between Tom and Bob? A.brothers B.cousins C.classmates 15.How many cups does Linda have? A.5 B.6 C.7. 第四节(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 听下面3段大对话或独白。每段大对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段大对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段大对话或独白读两遍。 听第16段材料,回答第16至第18题。 16.When do they meet? A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon C.In the evening. 17.What is the boy’s last name? A.Green B.Brown C.Red. 18.What color does Jenny like best? A.White. B.Brown. C.Green.


八年级英语月考试卷 一、单项选择(20分) ()1.Jack is __________ honest boy and he never tells a lie. A.× B.the C.a D.an ()2. You don?t have to help . He can finish it . A. him, his B. himself, he C. his, himself D. him, himself ()3.The weather in Harbin is colder than ____in Gang Dong. A. that B. it C. this D. one ()4. Can a dog run _______a horse? A. so fast as B. as fast as C. as faster than D. so faster than ()5. Shanghai is one of ___________ in the world. A. the busy city B. busiest cities C. the busiest city D. the busiest cities ()6. __________ my way __________ home, I met a friend of mine. A. On, to B. In, to C. On, / D. In, / ()7. There is a shop __________ of the street. A. at the end B. in the end C. by the end of D. in the end of ()8. Sidney is about __________. A.five feet tall B.five-foot-tall C.five-feet-tall D.five foot tall ()9.The little girl is __________ to go to school.She is too young.A.enough old B.not enough old C.old enough D.not old enough ()10.I __________ watch TV plays.I don''t like them. A.often B.always C.seldom D.usually ()11.—Who ____ the plan? —Sidney did. A.made B.makes C.is making D.make ()12.His mother often asks her ________ her bedroom.

八年级英语下册第一次月考试题(含答案) (8)

八年级下第一次月考试题--英语 I. 听力测试 一、听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。 1. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I do. C. Twice a month. 2. A. Great. B. No, I can’t. C. No, I don’t. 3. A. Eight hours. B. Never. C. It is bad. 4. A. See you later. B. thanks for helping me. C. OK. I won’t. 5. A. She dislikes watching TV. B. She plays computer games. C. Yes, she is. 二、听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。 6. When did the man get to Beijing? A. Last Friday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Sunday. 7. Who went to Beijing this summer vacation? A. Jack. B. Jack’s brother. C. Jack and his brother. 8. Why didn’t Ben go to the party? A. Because he had to do his homework. B. Because he forgot it. C. Because he was too tired. 9. What did Nancy do with her family yesterday? A. They had a birthday party. B. They had a big dinner. C. They went to the movies. 10. How long did Linda stay in Beijing? A. For five days. B. For four days. C. For five weeks. 三、录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 11. When is there a basketball game? A. Next Friday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday. 12. Who does the woman think should be the basketball player? A. Li Dong. B. Lin Tao. C. Li Lei. 13. What is Lin Tao good at? A. Running. B. Dancing. C. Jumping. 14. What does Li Lei look like? A. He is short. B. He is thin. C. He is tall.


八年级英语第一次月考试卷 总分120分 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(每题2分,共10分) 1、I think Tom has a f______,let me take his temperature. 2、To my ________(惊讶),the man is a thief. 3、Could you_____(借) me your dictionary. 4、What does the word “situation ” m______. 5、There are many______(home) people after the earthquake. 二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分) 1、-what ’s_____matter with you . -I have______toothache. A a;the B the;/ C /;a D the;a 2、You look too tired. Why not ______a rest. A stop to have B to stop having C stop having 3、Can you remember this park? We ____ here. ------sure but now I _____ in that swimming pool. A are used to take a walk;am used to swim. B are used to taking a walk;am used to swimming. C used to take a walk; used to swim. D used to take a walk; am used to swimming. 4、Could you please turn off the TV? -_____, I _____.I want to watch the sports news. A No ,couldn ’t B Sorry, can ’t C Sure ,can D Sorry , couldn ’t 5、Mom ,what would you like ,coffee or tea ? ______, just water,please. A Either B Both C Neither D in order to 6、It ’s important_____ a foreign language. A. of us to learn B. for us to learn C. of us learning D. for us learning 7、 I don ’t understand ____ believe him. A why don ’t you B. why you not C. why you don ’t D. why not you 8、 It ’s necessary ______ us to keep our pets clean everyday. A. of B. for C. with D. Between 9、 Would you like________ the environment? --- I don ’t know. What can I do? A 、help save B. helping save C. to help saving D. to help save 10、—______ go to the park tomorrow? —Good idea. A. How about B. Why do you C. Why not D. What about 11、I don ’t think_______possible to work out all the maths problems. A its B. that C. this D. It 12、Tom is ________ boy now. A. a 11-years-old B. a 11-year-old C. an 1l-years-old D. an 11-year-old 13、 I think____ important to learn English well. A. this B. that C. it D. you are 14、 —How do you like this dress? —It ’s beautiful, and it fits me well. _______ I like it very much.

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