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Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)

5A Module 3 Places and activities

Unit 1 Around the city

Schools:Chenyang Primary School(晨阳小学), Jiangzhen Primary School(江镇小学), Shangnan No.

2 Primary School(上南二村小学), Daqiao Primary School(大桥小学)

Teachers: Mao Qingyan(毛庆燕), Zhao Zhenying(赵震英), Sheng Jing(盛静), Ding Aihua(丁爱华)

Materials:Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 5A M3 U1 Around the city

Date: 2011-10 -19

Teaching aids: Multi-media, word cards, flash, Work sheet, etc






5A M3的模块主题是Places and activities,围绕Around the city, Buying new clothes, Seeing the doctor三个话题展开。要求学生通过学习,能用英语描述身边的生活环境、场所及事物的变化;能在常见的生活情境中用英语进行合理交流,寻求问路,学会购物,尝试求医等。本模块中,涉及到了一些居家周围的常见场所、服装的局部备件以及常见的疾病名称;句型与时态包括一般现在时态(含各类句式)、祈使句和should引导的情态动词句型等,重点关注How, Which, Why和What引导的特殊问句以及回答。




5A M3U1的学习话题是Around the city,学习内容涉及居家周围的、日常生活中常见的场所类单词以及相关陈设与功能;能用How do I get to…?进行问路,并用Walk along…Turn left…Turn right…等句子表达路线,给问路者指明方向,分享正确信息;同时,通过游览动物园和海洋世界,实践路线表达,在较为真实的情景中进一步操练与运用新知。


Look and learn: 核心学习板块。主要进行词汇学习,包括hotel, bank, hospital, bakery, museum,


Look and say: 核心学习板块。主要进行句型学习,重点运用How do I get to…, please?来询问去某个地方的路线,并能用Walk along…Turn left…Turn right…等祈使句来表达具体路线的走法。

Ask and answer:语言活动或练习栏目。感受日常生活中常见的场所名称的表达,如City Cinema, Sun Bank, Star Restaurant等。通过问答形式,借助地图巩固Look and say中的核心句型,即问路及路线表达。

Say and act: 语言活动或练习栏目。在游览动物园的情境中进一步操练和运用核心句型,通过角色扮演来进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生对语言的综合运用能力。

Look and read: 语言活动或练习栏目。通过看一看、读一读参观“海洋世界”的经过和体验,表达对海洋动物的喜好。在进一步表达参观路线的同时,通过阅读了解海洋世界的常见海洋动物及其简单特征,提高学生的阅读理解能力。

Listen and enjoy: 语言欣赏栏目。通过富有节奏的儿歌,了解各种动物的体貌特征,在增强学生语感与兴趣的同时,加强对动物的认识。

Learn the sounds: 语音学习栏目。能感受字母s, c, z在不同单词中的不同发音,以及字母组合-ts, -ds 的发音区别,进一步树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。


(1)学习和掌握词汇:hotel, bank, hospital, bakery, museum, cinema等,做到音、形、义的统一;能熟悉各个场所的陈设、功能以及位臵。

(2)学习并掌握表示问路的表达方法,能用Excuse me. How do I get to …, please? 进行合理询问。

(3)能熟练运用祈使句来回答到达目的地的表达方法,如:Walk along Green Road.等。

(4)能熟练运用can 句型合理表示所见的交通路径,如:You can see an underground station.

(5)学习并掌握辅音字母s, c, z以及辅音字母组合-ts, -ds的发音,做到发音准确、到位。


第一课时(Topic: I see Jiangzhen):Look and learn, Ask and answer

第二课时(Topic: I know Jiangzhen):Look and say, Ask and answer

第三课时(Topic: A visit to the zoo):Say and act, Listen and enjoy

第四课时(Topic: A visit to Ocean World):Look and read, Learn the sounds




第一课时museum, hotel, bakery,

hospital, bank, cinema

--- Where is…?

--- It?s …



2. 能运用已学句型来问答与运用新学的场所,学


3. 在儿歌、阅读、对话交际过程中,了解的场所


4. 通过对家乡未来的合理想象,激发学生热爱家


第二课时Review the words and


on the right/ left


--- How do I get

to …, please?

--- Walk along…

Turn right/ left at

the …crossing.








第三课时Review the words and


lane, crocodile

--- What do you

want to see?

--- I want to see…





第四课时Ocean World, shark,

dolphin, afraid, cute,


Learn the sound

/s/ /z/ /ts/ /dz/


be doing

Go along…



The dolphins are

cute and clever.

1.学习常见海洋动物的名称,如shark, dolphin,



The dolphins are cute and clever. etc;





5.学习并区别发音/s/, /z/, /ts/ 和/dz/。





1)能学习和掌握场所类单词,如:airport, museum, bank, hospital, cinema, hotel, bakery等,了解这些场所的相关信息;

2)能运用已学句型:Where is …?It?s … 来问答与运用新学的场所,学会具体的位置表达;



Topic: I see Jiangzhen

Procedures Contents Methods Purpose



1. Daily talk

2. Watch a movie

3. Listen, ask and

answer. 1. Ask and answer:

What do you usually like to do? ….

2. Watch a movie about the race.

3. Introduce two players and listen.





While-task procedure 1. To elicit:


1. Read the word.

2. Know more about it.

3. Listen, ask and answer.




学生的阅读效果。2. To elicit:


1. Lead in.

2. Read: Pudong International Airport



3. Talk about the airport 受身边的机场。

3. To elicit: hotel 1. Read the word.

2. Practice some sentences.

3. Introduce some wonderful hotels.

4. Look and match.






4. To elicit: bakery 1. Lead in.

2. Read and fill in the missing letter.

3. Read the tongue twister.

4. Read in roles.




a 的发音。同时在让



5. To elicit: hospital 1. Lead in.

2. Read and practice:

--- Where is the hospital?

--- It?s on _______ Road.

It?s_____. (near , in front of, behind …)

3. Read a rhyme.

4. Ask and answer.





5. To elicit: bank 1. Lead in.

2. Read the word.

3. Know signs of the banks.




6. Review 1. Practice these new words.

2. Listen and guess. 对已学单词进行小结,复习,并自然引出cinema.

7. To elicit: cinema 1. Lead in.

2. Read: cinema --- go to the cinema

3. Fill in the blanks.




Post-task activities Listen and look Lily?s dream--- My new town 通过dream的形式,





1. Stick and talk

2. Introduce

1. Design new Jiangzhen

2. Introduce.

Welcome to new Jiangzhen.

The ____ is on _____ Road \ Street.

It?s_____. (near, in front of, behind, next


(I can… \ There be …)

See you soon, Dan and Jane.






Homework 1. Listen to the tape on P33

2. Copy the new words on P33 基本的抄写和听读是必要的,在此基础上,

3. Write: My dream town --- New Jiangzhen 让学生试着写段,培



5AM3U1 I see Jiangzhen

museum airport hotel

bakery hospital bank


Material 1:

Welcome to Jiangzhen T own. It?s small, but it?s nice. It?s near Pudong Inter national Airport. There are many aeroplanes up and down there. On Chenyang Road, you can see a hotel. It?s Xincheng Hotel. It?s cheap and comfortable.

Material 2:

Dan: Excuse me. Is there a bakery here? I like yummy cakes. I am hungry and thirsty.

Lily: Mm, it?s on Chenyang Road. It?s clean and nice. You can see many cakes and bread there. You can also taste some juice or coffee.

Dan: I like eating cakes. Thank you very much.

Lily: You are welcome.

Material 3:

Jane: Lily, I am sick. I want to see a doctor. Where is the hospital?

Lily: A hospital? Let me see. It?s on Dongting Street. It's in front of the bakery.

Jane: Thank you.

Lily: Let me show you the way.

Jane: You are a good girl.


1)复习第一课时所学场所的名称、功能,并能用on the right和on the left描述其在地图上的位臵;

2)能用“How do you get to ….?”礼貌问路,并用Walk along…, turn…等进行具体的路线描述;



Topic: I know Jiangzhen

Procedure Teacher?s activities Students? activities Purpose



1. Show a rhyme

2. Play a video of Shanghai

Rush to elicit the topic.

3. Help the students to review

the names and the functions of

different places. 1. Read a rhyme

2. Enjoy the video, then discuss

3. Listen, read and discuss

a. Where does he/she want to


b. Where is the ____?










While-task procedure Teach the structures and the


1. Asks the students to listen to

the recorder and get the


2. Teach: How do I get to ____?

Walk along ____.

a.Show a map and lead in

b.Help the students to compare

get to… with go to…

c. Help the students to practice


3. Teach: turn left/ right

Use the flash to elicit the phrase.

4. Teach:

Turn …at the …crossing

Show a picture of a long road

and lead in the new phrases

Learn the structures and the


1. Look, listen and think:

What road do you hear?

2. Learn: How do I get to …?

Walk along

a. Read the map and answer:

Where is the hospital?

b. Learn: How do I get to …?

* Compare: get to – go to

* Make new sentences

* Read a chant

c. Learn: Walk along…

d. Look and say:

- Here I am. I?m beside … How

do I get to the hospital?

- Walk along … You can see …

on the right/ left.

3. Learn: turn left/ right

a. Look and learn

b. Quick response (TPR)

4. Learn:

crossing→the … crossing→at

the … crossing→Turn …at

the …crossing.

a. Look, listen and understand

the meaning of the phrases

b. Look and say:

*The ___ is at the ____


* Walk along … Turn…at

the ….The hospital is …






to 和go to,儿歌朗















1. Play the recorder

2. Help the students to make a

dialogue 1. Listen and draw

2. Make a dialogue with Linda

a. Show the way to Linda

b. Different ways to the hospital








3. Monitor and help the students

4. Show the pictures 3. Make a new dialogue

S1:Act as a contestant of

Shanghai Rush

Ss: Draw and show the way to


4. Enjoy the photos:

Better Jiangzhen, Better Life.






Assignment 1. ★Write down the way for Linda/ Jane/ Steve/Dan.

2. ★★Choose a place in Jiangzhen, draw the way from our school

to it, then write it down.

3. ★★★Try to draw the way from our school to Chuansha Park,

then write it down. 分层作业,各取所需,让每个学生在作业中巩固所学,发展自我。


5AM3U1 I know Jiangzhen

--- How do I get to …, please?

--- Walk along…

Turn left/ right at the …crossing.

Material 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Shanghai Rush. Tomorrow the race will be on in Pudong. Today the players are getting ready for the race in Jiangzhen. Let?s meet our players.

Jane: Hi, I?m Jane. I?m from Thailand. I want to send a letter to my parents.

Dan: Hello, I?m Dan. I?m from the UK. I have no money. I want to get some money for tomorrow?s race. Linda: Hi, Children. I am Linda. I am from USA. I?m sick today. I want to see a doctor.

Steve: Hello, I?m Steve. I?m from Singapore. I?d like some bread and cakes for the race.

Material 2:

Linda: Excuse me. I want to see a doctor. Is there a hospital here?

Boy: Yes, there is.

Linda: Where is it?

Boy: It?s in Dongting Street.

Linda: How do I get to the hospital?

Boy: Walk along Chuannanfeng Road. Turn right at the first crossing. Then walk along Chenyang Road. Turn right at the third crossing. It…s Dongting Street. You can see a school on the right. The hospital is next to the school.

Linda: Go along Chenyang Road and turn right. Right?

Boy: Yes, that?s right.

Linda: Great. Thank you very much.

Boy: You?re welcome.

Exercise 1 Listen and complete(根据课文录音,在地图上描画出听到的路线):

Exercise 2 Choose, look, draw and say(选择一个角色,组内合作, 在地图上划出路线后编小对话):

A. To the bank (Dan)

B. To the post office (Jane)

C. To the bakery (Steve)

S1: Excuse me. Where is the …? S2: It?s on … Road/Street.

S1: How do I get to …? Ss: Oh, walk along … Turn … at the … crossing. You can see … on the … (right / left). The … is … (next to/beside/between…) the …

S1: I see, thank you. Ss: You?re welcome.


1)能运用已学句型, 借助地图表达场所具体的位臵,如:The … is on …;

2) 学习运用本单元核心句型描述去特定场所的路线,如:I want to see...They are in…We can…We can


3)能运用已学知识,描述动物的特征,如:They are ... They can… They like…;同时,能表达自己的喜好。


Topic: A visit to the zoo

Procedures Contents Methods Purpose

Pre-task preparation 1. Free talk 1. Ask and answer:

How do you go to another new place?

通过复习Ali ce?s


2.Talk about the maps

3.Review some places. 2. Look at the maps and talk about them.

3. Elicit the map of Alice?s neighbourhood.

Where is …? What do you do…?



While-task procedure 1. The first part 1. Elicit “at the zoo”

2. Listen to the narrator.

3. Ask and answer.




2. Elicit crocodile 1. Listen and enjoy.

2. Talk about the animals.

3. Elicit crocodile.

a. watch a video

b. read a mini passage





3. Act out the


1. Listen to the dialogue,

2. Ask and answer.

3. Act out the second part.





4. Learn the third


1. Elicit “how to go…?”

2. Talk about the ways in pairs.

3. Listen and read the third part.





Post-task activities 1. Act out the

whole dialogue

1. Listen to the whole dialogue.

2. Review the four parts.

3. Act out the dialogue.






2. Fill in the blanks 1. Talk about the passage in groups.

2. Fill in the blanks.





Homework 1. Listen and read the dialogue on P34.

2. Act out the dialogue with your classmate.

3. Look at the map of the zoo, start from the crocodile. Then find

the ways to see elephants and snakes. At last, make another

passage. 在读,演的基础上,加入实际运用,将出发点替换,让学生对整堂课的内容进行反馈。


5A Module 3 Unit 1 Around the city

Period 3 A visit to the zoo


crocodile /'kr?k?dail/

Material 1:

Today is Saturday. Alice meets her friends at the zoo. They want to see different animals, such as elephants, monkeys and so on. They are looking at a map of the zoo.

Peter: What do you want to see?

Alice: I want to see the monkeys. (They are… They can…)

Kitty: I want to see the birds. (They are… They can…)

Peter: I want to see the crocodiles. (They are … They can…)

Alice wants to see the monkeys. Kitty wants to see the birds. Peter wants to see the crocodiles. Peter: OK. We can walk along Summer Lane and then turn right. We can see the monkeys on your right. Kitty: Then we can walk along Spring Lane and see the birds.

Alice: After that, we can turn left and walk along Winter Lane. We can see the crocodile on your left. Alice and her friends find the way from the map.

Peter: Great! Let?s go!

They start to see the three animals.

Material 2:

A Crocodile can swim like a fish in the water and crawl like a lizard on the land.

It likes eating meat like a tiger. It has sharp teeth like a shark. It has hard skin like a rhinoceros(犀牛).

Wild crocodiles live in the swamp(沼泽). They are not mild(温和的). They bite things with amazing power. They are dangerous.

Material 3:

Today is Saturday. It?s a nice day. Alice meets her friends at the zoo. They want to see different animals. They are looking at a map of the zoo.

Alice wants to see the monkeys. Kitty wants to see the birds. And Peter wants to see the crocodiles. After looking at the map, they decide to see the monkeys first, then the birds and the crocodiles. So they walk along Summer Lane and then turn right. The monkeys are on their right. Next, they walk along Spring Lane and see the birds. After that, they turn left and walk along winter lane .They see the crocodiles on their left. After that, what do they want to see?


1.学习常见海洋动物的名称,如shark, dolphin, seal, etc;

2.能对常见的海洋动物进行简单的特性描述,如:The dolphins are cute and clever. etc;



5.学习并区别发音/s/, /z/, /ts/ 和/dz/。

Topic: A visit to Ocean World

Procedures Contents Methods Purpose

Pre-task preparation 1. Daily talk

2. Review the

routes in the zoo

1. Ask and answer:

2. What animals do they see?

3. What else do they want to see? How

do they get there?





While-task procedure 1. Teach:

Ocean World

1. Ocean

Listen to the introduction about four





2. Choose the correct meaning. 义,为学生运用英语



2. 1st paragraph 1. Listen and answer the questions.

2. Read.

3. Say the route from Alice?s home to

Ocean World. 在去海洋世界的情境中,让学生看着地图,描述从家到海洋世界的路线,对本单元的核心句型进行强化运用。

3. Sound /ts/ /dz/ 1. How is Ocean world?

2. Read the sentences.

3. Read the sounds and the words. 情境:到达海洋世界。同时把/ts/, /dz/的发音教学都融入到对海洋世界环境的整体描述中。

4. shark dolphin seal 1. What do you see at Ocean World?

2. Read the short passages.







and clever有直观地


5. Sound /s/ /z/ 1. Tongue twister

2. Read the sounds and the words.

3. Listen and circle. 在seal的情境中,以绕口令的形式引出/s/ /z/的音标教学

6. 2nd paragraph 1.What do the Wangs see at Ocean World?

2. Read and answer 通过问答,检验学生对语段的理解情况,追问一个why,使问题成为开放题,给学生一个充分发挥的空间。

7. 3rd paragraph 1. What do they see then?

2. Listen, choose and complete.

3. Read the passage. 听短文填空,训练学生听力理解能力。

8. 4th paragraph 1. Lead in.

2. Dialogue. 以对话形式进行操练,强化单元核心句型。

Post-task activities 1.Review the

whole story

1. Watch the flash

2. Read.

3. Ask and answer.




2.More information 1. Whale

2. Undersea Tunnel





Homework 1. Read after the tape: A visit to Ocean World.

2. Write: (choose one of the title) ★My favourite sea animal 第一个作业为基本任务,要求人人过


xx 英语第二学期单 词表 Module 1 Natural element Unit 1 自然的;天然的natural 要素element 控制control 伤害injure 香烟cigarette 终点;末端end 研究)项目;专题研究project 问题question 信息information 发生happen 小心的careful 种;类kind 什么样的what kind of 引起cause xxhill 屏幕screen 页page 答案answer

在上面above 有用的useful 有害的harmful 发现discover 野生的;野的wild 煮沸boil 使融化melt 金属metal 形状shape 为了,以便so as to 玻璃glass 花瓶vase 放;安置put 数量amount 破坏;毁坏destroy 每样东西;一切everything 丧失;失去lose 严重的seriously 粗心的careless 欠考虑的;轻率的thoughtless 熄灭;扑灭put out 丢,扔drop 到处everywhere 测验quiz 卡片card 填写fill in 携带;背着carry 呼吸breathe 设备equipment 我自己myself 水龙带hose pipe 梯子ladder 斧头axe 消防演习fire 规则rule

收拾(行李);装(箱)pack 排队queue up 往楼下;顺楼梯而下downstairs 关掉(电灯,收音机等)switch off 风扇fan 楼梯taircase 标题title 句子sentence 别的;其他的else 灭火器extinguisher 警报alarm xxbell 警铃;警钟alarm bell 消防水龙带fire hose 消防firefighting 地面ground 一楼ground floor 走廊corridor 楼梯stairs 主要的main 工艺美术art and craft 音乐music 卫生间;盥洗室toilet 职员;员工staff 有顶的covered 有顶的操场covered playground Unit 2 有风的windy


上海版沪教版牛津英语1A教案(全册) Unit 1 My classroom Period One Teaching contents: L et‘s act ( Page 2) Teaching aims: 1. 知识目标:能用祈使句Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book. Close your book.给出简单指令。 2. 能力目标:能听懂简单指令并作出反应。 3. 情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生寓教于乐。 Difficult and key points:能用所学的命令相互交流。 Teaching aids: cassette, book, bag. Teaching procedure:

Unit 1 My classroom Period Two Teaching contents: let‘s talk ( page 3 ) Teaching aims: 4. 知识目标:学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。 5. 能力目标:熟练运用句子交流。 6. 情感目标:教育学生做到礼貌待人。 Difficult and key points: How are you? Good morning.的问候语。Teaching aids: Cassette, a puppet. Teaching procedure:

Unit 1 My classroom Period Three Teaching contents: let‘s learn ( page 4 ) Teaching aims: 7. 知识目标:学会pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。 8. 能力目标:运用各种方法简单描述物品。 9. 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习。 Difficult and key points:单词的发音和识记。 Teaching aids:Cassette1A, picture cards and word cards. Teaching procedure:


Unit 1 Where I Live Teaching aids: A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , Shanghai B. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s … C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects. Material: 1. Student's Book 2A page 2--6 2. Cassette 1A and a cassette player 3. Wallcharts 4. Photograph page 1 5. Alphabet Cards Teaching times: 5 times Learning targets: A. Basic aims: 1. Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb 2. Be able to give simple instructions 3. Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts 4. Be able to "point to your home" 5. Read the rhyme B. Further aims: 1. 2.Practise saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus: 1. Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects 2. Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences 3. Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , Shanghai Period 1 Teaching focus: Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects


Unit 1 My classroom Period One Teaching contents: L et’s act ( Page 2) Teaching aims: 1. 知识目标:能用祈使句Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book. Close your book.给出简单指令。 2. 能力目标:能听懂简单指令并作出反应。 3. 情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生寓教于乐。 Difficult and key points:能用所学的命令相互交流。 Teaching aids: cassette, book, bag. Teaching procedure:

Unit 1 My classroom Period Two Teaching contents: let’s talk ( page 3 ) Teaching aims: 4. 知识目标:学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。 5. 能力目标:熟练运用句子交流。 6. 情感目标:教育学生做到礼貌待人。 Difficult and key points: How are you? Good morning.的问候语。Teaching aids: Cassette, a puppet. Teaching procedure:

Unit 1 My classroom Period Three Teaching contents: let’s learn ( page 4 ) Teaching aims: 7. 知识目标:学会pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。 8. 能力目标:运用各种方法简单描述物品。 9. 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习。 Difficult and key points:单词的发音和识记。 Teaching aids:Cassette1A, picture cards and word cards. Teaching procedure:


上海牛津英语 1、 Travelling in Shanghai Shanghai is in the east of China. It is an international city. It is famous for its night views, local snacks. It is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” because there are a lot of department stores and shopping centres.If you go to Shanghai, you will see P eople’s Square. It is in the centre of Shanghai. If you go to Pudong, you can see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes. At Sheshan you will find a famous church and an observatory. In Yu Garden, you can eat different kinds of local snacks.There are many interesting places in Shanghai. Therefore, it is not surprising that tourists come to visit Shanghai every year! 2、 Welcome to Sheshan Suggested questions: 1. Where is Sheshan in Shanghai? 2. Which places can you visit in Sheshan? 3. How can you go there and what do you think of Sheshan? Sheshan is in the southwest of Shanghai. It’s about 30 kilometres away from the centre of the city.There are many interesting places in Sheshan. You can visit the Forest Parkand there is a famous church at the top of the mountain.If you go there, you can also find an observatory.It’s a beautiful resort. You can go there by bus. I think you will enjoy yourself there. 3、 I have been to Shanghai Shanghai is in the east of China.It is one of the largest cities in the world. It is not only famous for its night views, but also known as a shopping paradise. Every year a number of tourists come to visit Shanghai. I went to Shanghai with my parents last Sunday. We bought many things in Nanjing Road Walk Way.There you can find a lot of department stores and shopping centres. In Yu Garden, we ate different local snacks. They are very tasty. In the afternoon we visited Pudong New District and the international airport. If you go to Pudong, you can see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. There’re many interesting places in Shanghai. I’m proud of the great city -- Shanghai. 4、 Write at least sixty words according to the given situation: Questions: 1.Why did you buy a present for your mother? 2. What did you buy for her? 3. What is it used for? 4. Where did you buy it? 5. How did you get there? 6. Did your mother like it? Why?


Oxford English Book 1A Unit 1 the first period 一.教学说明 1.今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将 孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。 2.班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.教学内容 1.认知内容:能听懂会说Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 等问候语。 2.能力要求:学会用-Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 来问候和交流。 3.情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了 解和友谊。

四、教学提示 1.媒体准备: 玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带 2.教学关注点: 本课中的句子例如:How are you ? Fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。 1)注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶; 2)在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子; 3)多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。 3.资源分享: 九年义务教学课本3A有配套的歌曲:如 4. 设计思路: 1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量 多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的 各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步步的学习, 这样学起来既轻松又有成效。 3)由于Let‘s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。 5.教学反思: 1)句型最好板书出示,加以认读。加强音和形的联系。 2) 对于一些英语课堂用语可以进行提前感知,为下节课的学习做伏笔。 the second period


牛津2A Unit 1 Where I Live Teaching aids: A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , Shanghai B. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s … C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects. Material: 1. Student's Book 2A page 2--6 2. Cassette 1A and a cassette player 3. Wallcharts 4. Photograph page 1 5. Alphabet Cards Teaching times: 5 times Learning targets: A. Basic aims: 1. Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb 2. Be able to give simple instructions 3. Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts 4. Be able to "point to your home" 5. Read the rhyme B. Further aims: 1. 2.Practise saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus: 1. Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects 2. Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences 3. Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , Shanghai Period 1 Teaching focus: Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects Teaching steps: Students activities Teaching activities Teaching starlegry Media Pre-task preparation:


上海版牛津英语全册教案 Oxford English Book 1A Unit 1 the first period 一.教学说明 1.今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将 孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。 2.班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.教学内容 1.认知内容:能听懂会说Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 等问候语。 2.能力要求:学会用-Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 来问候和交流。 3.情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了 解和友谊。

四、教学提示 1.媒体准备: 玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带 2.教学关注点: 本课中的句子例如:How are you ? Fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。 1)注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶; 2)在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子; 3)多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。 3.资源分享: 九年义务教学课本3A有配套的歌曲:如 4. 设计思路: 1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量 多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的 各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步步的学习, 这样学起来既轻松又有成效。 3)由于Let’s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。 5.教学反思: 1)句型最好板书出示,加以认读。加强音和形的联系。 2) 对于一些英语课堂用语可以进行提前感知,为下节课的学习做伏笔。 the second period


七年级英语下册知识点总结 Module 1 Garden City and its neighbors Unit 1 Writing a travel guide Unit 2 Going to see a film Unit 3 A visit to Garden City Unit 4 Let’s go shopping 1. How are you getting on with your travel guide? get on with “进展”; “与……相处 (融洽)” I’m getting on well with the preparation. How are you getting on with your new classmates? 2. be famous for… (以 /由于……出名) be (well) known as…(以 / 作为….被人知晓) Shanghai is famous for its night views. Shanghai is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” because there are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres.上海被誉为“购物天堂”,因为上海有很多百货商店和大型购物中心。 Qingpu is famous for its fish and rice. 3. It is + adj. + that (主语从句), 表示“……太……了” It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre. It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. It is + adj. + to do sth. It is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. =To travel between Pudong and Puxi is convenient. It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant. The food tastes awful. =To have dinner in this restaurant is terrible. 4. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons. 主句用一般将来(或can, may, must),从句用一般现在时。 Firemen will have no water to put out fires if there is no rain. We’ll go on an outing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. If you go there, you can find a famous church. 5. The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes. 磁悬浮列车可以在八分钟之内将你带到国际机场。 take sb. to … “带某人去某地” in + 时间段, 表示 1.“在......之内”;2. “在……之后” My father used to take me to the park nearly every weekend. It takes you about eight minutes to travel to the international airport by Maglev.


上海牛津英语2006学年度第一学期期末质量测试 二年级英语试卷 (考核范围:Oxford English 2AU1~9; Oxford Storyland 1A ) 一、 Listen and choose the correct words (听录音,选出听到的单词,将其 编号填入题前括号内)10% ( ) 1. A. tree B. three ( ) 2. A. coat B. cold ( ) 3. A. tall B. tail ( ) 4. A. short B. shirt ( ) 5. A. wind B. winter ( ) 6. A. slow B. snow ( ) 7. A. bell B. belt ( ) 8. A. red B. read ( ) 9. A. Coke B. cake ( ) 10. A. sleep B. sweep 二、 Tick the correct picture. (听录音,勾出正确的单词) 6% (1) (2) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (3) (4) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (5) (6) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) C l a s s __________ C h i n e s e N a m e ___________ E n g l i s h N a m e _________ N u m b e r ________

三、Listen and number (给你听到的句子编号)10% ( ) I’m from Shanghai. ( ) I have got a blues dress. ( ) Christmas is coming. ( ) I can make a snowman with my friends. ( ) Hello, I’m Angela. ( ) It’s short. ( ) I live in Pudong. ( ) Listen to the wind. ( ) I need a new one in winter. ( ) We are very happy. 四、Listen and choose the right sentences. (听录音选出正确的句子)5% ( )(1) A. The pink rubber is very long. B. The pink ruler is very long. ( )(2) A. Say “thank you” to your teacher. B. Say “goodbye” to your teacher. ( )(3) A. The kitten is in the building. B. The kitten is in the bin. ( )(4) A. He is reading a book in the classroom. B. She is reading a book in the classroom. ( )(5) A. I can see a yellow light. Wait! B. I can see a red light. Stop! 五、Listen and fill in the correct words. (听录音,选择正确的词填空)11% (1) Look at the ______ ______. It is very fast. (2) I have got ______ orange and ______ sweets. (3) Put on your new ______ and ______. (4) It is the green ______. Y ou can ______ now. (5) I can see a yellow ______ on the ______. So beautiful. (6) Come and fly a ______ with me. 六、Listen and judge. (听录音,判断下列句子与听到的句子是否一致,相同 的用T,不同用表示F)8% 1. Peter has got a ball. ( ) 2. My brother has my hot dog. ( ) 3. Mary lives in Shanghai. ( ) 4. Sue goes to school by bicycle. ( ) 5. Sam is very thirsty. ( ) 6. Lily’s mother is a beautiful doctor. ( ) 7. Sam has a scarf. It’s blue ( ) 8. The snowman has got big eyes and a short nose. ( )


Unit 1 Who is younger? 单元教学内容简析: 本单元主要话题就是二种事物得比较。通过对话引出语言项目:形容词比较级。 本单元A部分通过创设情景,三人之间聊天引出两种事物比较得话题。 B部分主要学习常见形容词及其比较级。 C部分与D部分就是本单元得句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答语Who's taller than David?Whose bag is heavier , yours or mine ?要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型。 E部分为Look ,read and judge。要求学生能根据所给得内容判断对错。 F部分为游戏活动部分,要求学生在听听、瞧瞧、做做、玩玩中进行。 G部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合or在单词中得读音。H部分就是一首歌谣,要求学生 能够会唱、并能配以动作进行表演。 单元教学要求: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读与会拼写 tall , light , young , old , heavy。 2、掌握会话中出现得三会单词与词组twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat、 3、能听得懂、会说、会读与会写四会句型:Who taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David 、 4、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语、Whose bag is heavier , yours or mine ?I'm as tall as you 、SuYang is younger than Su Hai 、 5、了解字母组合or在单词中得读音。 6、会说英语歌谣《I wish I was taller、》 单元教学重、难点: 见教学要求。 The First Period(第一课时) 一、教学内容: 6B、Unit 1 A部分,Listen ,read and say、 二、教学目标: 1 初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用比较级句型 2 掌握四会单词tall,taller ,old ,older, young 、younger、 3 掌握三会单词与词组cute,go for a walk、 4 能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your 、、、、、、, Su Yang's twenty minutes than me , Who is younger, you or Su Yang ? 三、教学重、难点: 5 能正确理解、掌握四会单词并能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your 、、、、、、, Su Yang's twenty minutes than me ,Who is younger, you or Su Yang ?。 四、课前准备: 1 准备录音机与本课A部分得磁带。 2 准备A部分得图片。 3 课前写好本课得课题6B、Unit 1A部分Look, read and say 五、教学过程: A Sing a song、跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Hello B Free talk、师生交流 T: Good morning, boys and girls、 Ss: Good morning, T: Nice to see you again、 Ss: Nice to see you, too、 T: How old are you ?


教案7B 朱骏颖

Teaching objectives 1.To review direction words and phrases (in dialogues) 2.To learn new words and a phrase: creek, oriental, pearl, botanical, technology, guide, pigeon, reason, sightseeing, take part in (by reading pictures, E-E explanation and multiple choices) 3. to introduce interesting places in Shanghai (in dialogues) Pre-task 1. Make suggestions on traveling in Shanghai While-task 1. Read pictures to learn new words the Suzhou Creek; the Bund, Shanghai Grand Theatre; Shanghai Botanical Gardens; Oriental Pearl TV Tower; Century Park; Shanghai Science and Technology Museum; 2. listen and say 1). listen and answer Kitty and her classmates have just been to Shanghai. They have decided to take part in a competition to see who knows Shanghai best. take part in : *Which places do students suggest to travel in Shanghai? 3. Read sentence by sentence after the audio 4. Read together with the audio 5. Fill in blanks to tell the reasons in WRITE on page 2 6. Review direction expressions 1) review directions 2) ask and answer in pairs to review direction 3) learn new words : sightseeing 7. Make dialogues on page 3 in pairs with the map above Homework: Oral : to give your suggestion on traveling in Shanghai to your friend Written: workbook page 1 ;to copy phrases 1.take part in a competition参加一个竞赛 2.design a travel guide设计一个旅行指南 3.Make some suggestions给出一些建议 4.eat different local snacks 吃不同种类的地方美食 5.In large department stores在大型百货公司 6.Shanghai Grand Theatre上海大剧院 7.Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠电视塔 8.Shanghai Science and Technology Museum上海科技馆 9.Shanghai Wild Animal Park上海野生动物园 10.Suzhou Creek苏州河 11. Where can tourists go for sightseeing in Shanghai?在上海,游客可以去哪


英语(牛津上海版)7B知识点 上海教科院豫英实验学校James (200903)

Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 1 Writing a travel guide Unit 2 Going to see a film Unit 3 A visit to Garden City Unit 4 Let’s go shopping 1. How are you getting on with your travel guide? get on with “进展”; “与……相处(融洽)” I’m getting on well with the preparation. How are you getting on with your new classmates? 2. be famous for… (以/由于……出名) be (well) known as…(以/ 作为….被人知晓) Shanghai is famous for its night views. Shanghai is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” becausethere are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres.上海被誉为“购物天堂”,因为上海有 很多百货商店和大型购物中心。 Qingpu is famous for its fish and rice. 3. It is + adj. + that (主语从句), 表示“……太……了” It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre. It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. It is + adj. + to do sth. It is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. =To travel between Pudong and Puxi is convenient. It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant. The food tastes awful. =To have dinner in this restaurant is terrible. 4. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees,


上海版牛津小学英语2A Unit1-8知识要点归纳 Unit1 词汇学习: bin垃圾箱park公园road路building大楼Shanghai上海apple苹果bird鸟clean弄干净sweep扫desk书桌floor地板where哪里 live居住love爱use用every每一个day天keep保持 复习巩固: please请classroom教室bicycle自行车slide滑梯swing秋千doll娃娃ball球balloon气球point to指向词汇拓展: home家the Bund外滩tower塔 举一反三: 1.Clean the bicylce, please. 请把自行车弄干净。 2.Clean the classroom, please. 请把教室弄干净。 3.Sweep the classroom, please. 请把教室扫一扫。 4.Sweep the road, please. 请把马路扫一扫。 5.Where do you live? I live in Songjiang. I love Songjiang. 你居住在哪里?我居住在松江。我爱松江。 6.Where do you live? I live in Jiading. I love Jiading.

你居住在哪里?我居住在嘉定。我爱嘉定。7.This is my mother. She is a nurse. I love my mother. 这是你的母亲。她是一名护士。我爱我的母亲8.That is my father. He is a postman. I love my father. 那是我的父亲。他是一名邮递员。我爱我的父亲。9.I love my teacher. I love my school. 我爱我的老师。我爱我的学校。 10.I use the bin every day. 我每天都使用垃圾箱。 11.I use my rubber every day. 我每天都使用我的橡皮。12.I eat an apple every day. 我每天吃一只苹果。 13.I keep the desk clean! 我保持书桌干净! 14.Wash your hands. Keep your hands clean. 洗你的手。保持你的手干净。 15.Wash the apple. Keep it clean. 洗苹果。使它保持干净。 16.The building is tall. The bin is short. 大楼是高的。垃圾箱是矮的。 17.I like to play in the park. 我喜欢去公园玩。 18.Go to the door. Pick up the paper. Put it in the bin. 去门那里。捡起纸头。把它放进垃圾箱里。19.Point to your grandmother. Say“I love you”. 指向你的祖母。说“我爱你”。

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