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Describe a risk you have taken which has a positive result

You should say

What it was

Why you took it

What the result was

And explain how you felt about it






第一小问“what it was”大家需要在开篇直接介绍这次冒险具体是什么事情,事情发生在什么地方,什么时间,跟谁一起,以及其他相关背景信息铺垫,比如你的性格是否具有冒险精神等;

第二小问“why you took it”,这个部分大家需要说明是什么动机,驱动力促使你完成这个挑战,动机可以分为内因和外因,内因可以是个人心里斗争,寻求突破,想要提升自己;外因则是出于某种目的或者外部条件要求,比如你想要留学,某个项目能给你的背景加分;又或者你的朋友推荐给你这个“冒险”并且鼓励你去参加;

第三小问“what the result was”这次冒险的结果是什么,有什么实质性的收获或者精神层面的收获。物质的可以是奖金、录取名额等等,精神层面可以是经验,心理变化等;

最后一问“how you felt about it”本道题目,感受可以穿插在经历描述当中,如介绍冒险前/冒险后分别的感受是什么,以及提前前后的一个对比变化。




Well,honestly,I have never particularly been a‘thrill seeker’in most people’s eyes.For many years,I actually thought that in my lifetime,there’s no way that I would seek out an adventure.But last year while I was traveling in Bali,I experienced swinging off the edge of a cliff,high above a jungle.As a person who has a fear of heights,this was an unbelievably risky experience.

The Bali swing is perhaps one of the most popular tourism spots on the island thanks to Instagram.Ever since first seeing those gorgeous photos of travelers swinging over the lush jungle on Instagram,I’ve wanted to experience it myself.

But after I actually got to the place and saw other people swinging on it,I got cold feet,I had never expected to see the swing being so high,according to the staff,it was almost80meters above the ground.I honestly thought about escaping from that place right away,since I already paid for the entry ticket, and my friend who went with me kept encouraging me,I eventually decided to push the boundaries and not let go of this once-in-a-life-time experience.

Overall,the swing ride wasn’t that terrifying than I thought,I was well-secured the whole time,and there was also a safety net under the swing. However,I did scream my lung out during the ride,I was too scared of that feeling of falling you get like when you’re on a rollercoaster.But a lot of screaming later,I gradually put myself through it and began to enjoy the ride.

Through this experience,I first realized the pleasure of conquering the fear, and I expect to make more drastic changes in the future.


Thrill seeker寻求刺激的人

Fear of heights恐高

Get cold feet害怕,退缩

Once-in-a-lifetime experience千载难逢的经历Scream my lung out歇斯底里的尖叫

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