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step by step 3000第二册unit8答案

step by step 3000第二册unit8答案
step by step 3000第二册unit8答案

Unit 8

Part I


1.G reenpeace / attitudes and behavior /

environment / peace

2.W orld Wildlife Foundation / 1961 / a

future / nature

3.L ive Earth / climate crisis

4.G reen School Project / schools / waste

/ landfill

5.C limate Change / knowledge / measures

6.F riends of the Earth / network /

activist groups / urgent

7.E nvironmental Bureau / 143 / 31/


8.F oundation / oceans, waves and

beaches / 50,000

9.G reen Building Council / designed,

built and operated / responsible, healthy 10.the Alliance to Save Energy / costs

/ greenhouse gas emissions

11.The Earth Organization /

conservation / rehabilitation /plant and animal

12.Trees, Water &People / natural

resources / well-being

13.American Forests / restore and

enhance / filter / remove / homes 14.The Global Amphibian Assessment /

status / 5,918 / 600 / 60

15.Solar Energy Society / technologies


1.f ood / doesn’t / packaging

2.v egetables / don’t / chemicals

3.S ave / water

4.w on’t / forever / earth or sea

5.b ottles / once / bank

6.p aper / recycled /

7.A void

8.u nleaded petrol

9.m ade from / protected

10.public transportation

11.wood / rainforests

12.aerosols / haven’t

13.Don’t / plastic boxes

14.batteries / little / 50 / energy

15.lights / using

16.conversation / danger

17.25% / rubbish

18.old people / homes / energy

19.Visit / zoos

Part II

蝾螈/ 蚓螈


1.the atmosphere / the

climate / irreversible

2.everybody’s life /

activities / real simple /

accessible / everyday

people / do a lot

3.o ne step / conscious about /

energy / fuel efficient / light

bulbs / recycling


1.p lanting single tree

2.d eflate Greenhouse Effect /

take CO2

3.r eal simple activities /

accessible to people / citizens

/ do a lot

4.c lean up CO2 / improve

environment /

neighborhoods attractive

5.a variety of personal actions

Campaign California Re-Leaf as in L-E-A-F was kicked off recently with a

party in San Francisco’s Washington Square Park thrown by a coalition of seven urban forestry groups. The focus of the party was the planting of a single tree, the first of 20 million to be planted in 40 Californian cities over the next decade. The tree planting campaign is an attempt to deflate what’s been called the Greenhouse Effect. Scientists believe that the earth is getting warmer because of an acumulaiton fo carbon dioxide in the air. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air.

Martin Rosen is the director of the Trust for Public Land, the organization that is coordinating the state-wide tree planting effort. “Time is not neutral. We are so rapidly depleting the atmosphere, we are so rapidly changing the climate, that unless we start now the situation may well become irreversible.”

Some movie stars were on hand for the tree planting ceremony. Actor Peter Cyote

served as the master of ceremonies. “Unless the environmental movement comes into everybody’s life, in real simple activities, it’s not going to work. Planting a tree is real simple. So I wanted to participate in something that was really accessible to the citizen, just to everyday people, to children. So that as citizens we can do a lot”

After Peter Cyote introduced a few speakers and a couple of songs were sung, the ceremony moved over to a corner of the park where a group youngsters planted a Cooper Beech tree.

Isobel Wade is the state coordinator for Campaign California Releaf. Wade says the tree plantings are important because they will help clean up the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, improve the environment and make neighborhoods more attractive, but Isobel Wade cautions it isn’t enough. “It’s one step in a combination of things. The other kinds of things that we can all be

doing are being much more conscious about how we use energy in our home, whether we’re buying --- ah ---fuel efficient cars and products, whether we’re using Styrofoam when we don’t have to be, ---ah --- whether we’re turning off light bulbs when we --- ah – leave the room --- um --- and just a variety of personal actions like recycling that we need to start thinking about and doing more.”

Isobel Wade also says she’d love to see everyone in California’s urban areas take the time to plant one tree and take care of the ones that are already growing.

Part III

I headache

Not easily break down


A: contact / microorganisms /enzymes / smaller pieces / into water




90% / degraded / in 90 days / shorter / in a dump

2.more heat resistant

a.m elt at 60 centigrade(Celsius)

b.shape retained up to 100


C: disadvantage

More expensive than ordinary plastic / price 20% higher

III Application

A: already started

B: T o be popularized

C: role

Plastic food containers & tableware / road signs / team cheering equipment (e.g. horns / mini flags / trash bags / umbrellas / eyeglass frames)


When you go to the supermarket, can you resist using plastic bags? For lot of us, probably won’t. what you eat out? Can you guarantee not to use any plastic tableware? And how about if someone asks you: can you recommend a replacement for plastic products? Don’t say paper! Here is a new solution: biodegradable plastic!

As everyone knows, plastic is a big environmental headache although it brings us much convenience. Like plastic bags, plastic food containers, and plastic tableware. But it is perhaps the most harmful of all our garbage because it does not easily break down in nature.

A researcher from the California Academy of Sciences, Ji Junhui, says he and his colleagues have found a better solution. “When the PBS in the biodegradable plastic comes in contact with

microorganisms or enzymes, the plastic structure will degrade into smaller pieces, and finally it turns into water and carbon dioxide. This is how the break-down process works.”

PBS is a chemical component that is the key to this new biodegradable plastic. It can help the plastic degrade into non-polluting elements, so the broken-down plastic fragments can be absorbed by soil and water.

PBS is not an entirely new product, however, this China-made biodegradable plastic is safer and more heat-resistant. According to Ji Junhui, testing has shown that 90% of this new biodegradable plastic can be degraded within 90 days. And it even takes a shorter period of time if it is buried in a dump rather than exposed to the air. Usually, biodegradable plastic food containers made in other countries will met when the temperature reaches 60 degrees

Celsius, while the Chinese product can retain its shape in up to 100 degrees. However, Ji Junhui says high-tech products often come at a higher price. “PBS product is a bit more expensive than ordinary plastic. Taking a plastic bowl as an example, the PBS bowl can be 20% more expensive than the current plastic bowl we use.”

Some hotels and restaurants in Shanghai have already started using the new PBS biodegradable plastic food containers, and the product will be popularized in Beijing as well as in other big cities.

It will play a role in the 2008 Olympic Games. Besides in the production of plastic food containers and tableware for the Games, PBS biodegradable plastic will also be used to make road signs, team cheering equipment like horns and mini flags, as well as trash bags, umbrellas and eyeglass frames.

Probably in the near future, we will really be able to say “farewell”to plastic pollution.

Part IV

Characteristics, its structure, the logical order

Inverted pyramid / the news lead / condensed form / further information

Sum up / either inside or outside / comments, remarks, attitudes, analysis Some breakthroughs / update / vocabulary / hinders our understanding / enhance our ability / frequently appear/ carefully studied/ the experiment reports / subjects / findings or results / the latest developments


s t e p b y s t e p第二册到答案解析和原文 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he is a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she is an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Part I - B 1.spending special time together. 2.specific, complain, request, praise. 3.fatigue, insecurities, foxhole, striking out , protect. 4.distant 5.all marriages, Work together o understand 6.Respect, danger, professional, physical, verbal 7.Understand, win

8A Unit8 Natural disasters 单元测试卷含答案

8A Unit8 Natural disasters 单元测试卷含答案 班级:_________ 姓名:___________ 得分: ___________ ―、单项填空(15分) ( )1. —Linda, I called you this morning, but nobody answered the phone. —I’m sorry. I ______ football with my friends then. A. play B. played C. am playing D. was playing ( )2. The birds flew away ______every direction as soon as they found themselves ______. A. in; in danger B. to;dangerous C. to;in danger D. in; dangerous ( )3. If you ______,I’ll ______ by myself. A. don’t come; mop up it B. won’t come; mop it up C. don’t come; mop it up D. won’t come; mop up it ( )4. Mr Su was driving in the snowstorm ______his car crashed into a tree. A. when B. as C. while D. as soon as ( )5. —I’m sorry I ______my exercise book at home. —Don’t forget ______ it to school tomorrow, please. A. forgot;to take B. left;to bring C. forgot; to bring D. left;to take ( )6. —I’m really ______before the competition. —Take it easy. Sure you are the best. A. cool B. serious C. nervous D. patient ( )7, The earthquake ______when I ______some cleaning, A. starts;was doing B. started; was doing C. was starting; was doing D. starts; were doing ( )8. —My brother hurt his legs when he rode his bike on the way back home. —______. A. That’s too bad B. He is very careless C. Be careful next time D. Tm sorry to hear that ( )9. The government of Linyi is building _____cheap and good houses for the people. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( )10. —______will the film begin? —_______ half past seven. A. How long;Not until B. How soon;Until C. How long;Until D. How soon;Not until ( )11. —What should I do when the earthquake happens, Dad? —First of all,it’s important to _____ and hide yourself in the corners of the room. A. calm down B. put down C. get down D. fall down ( )12. It may be dangerous ______a car _____ a snowy day. A. to drive;in B. to drive; on C. drive;in D. drive;on ( )13. We all got ______ when we heard the _____ news. A. excited;excited B. exciting;excited C. excited;exciting D. exciting;exciting

新视野大学英语2第三版unit8 textA课文翻译.doc

Unit 8 Section A Animals or children?—A scientist's choice 动物还是孩子?——一位科学家的选择 1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury — circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research. 1 我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。这些谣言刺痛了我,因为我从来没想到自己是一个邪恶的人。我成为一位儿科医生,因为我爱孩子,也因为我的最大愿望是让他们保持健康。在医学院学习和住院医生实习时,我看到了许多儿童死于癌症和受伤流血——虽然对此医学正取得很大进步,但远非完善。更重要的是,我还看到孩子们能保持健康得益于医学的进步,如婴儿呼吸支持器,功效强大的新药物和外科手术技术及整个器官移植领域的发展。我希望孩子们健康快乐,这促使我从事医学研究。 2 My accusers have twisted the truth into a fable and cast me as the devil. They claim that I have no moral compass, that I torture innocent animals for the sole purpose of career advancement, and that my experiments have no relevance to medicine. Meanwhile, an uncaring public barely watches, convinced that the issue has no significance, and publicity-conscious senators and politicians increasingly give way to the lobbying of animal rights activists. 2 控诉我的人把真相歪曲成一则神话,并把我描写成恶魔。他们声称我没有道德界限,我折磨那些无辜动物的唯一目的就是为了自己的职业升迁,而我的实验根本与医药毫不相关。与此同时,无动于衷的公众几乎不闻不问,相信这个议题毫无意义,而具有宣传意识的参议员和政治家们却对动物权利活动家的游说不断作出让步。 3We,in medical research,have also been unbelievably uncaring.We have allowed the most extr eme animal rights protesters to creep in and frame the issue as one of"animal fraud"and hatred. We have persisted in our belief that a knowledgeable public would consent to the importance of animal research for public health.Perhaps we have been mistaken in not responding to the emoti onal tone of the argument.Perhaps we should have responded to those sad slogans and posters of animals by waving equally sad posters of children dying of cancer or external wounds. 3我们这些从事医学研究的人也显得令人难以置信的冷漠。我们允许最极端的动物权利活动家渐渐侵入,任凭他们把此类研究诬陷为“动物欺诈”和对动物的仇恨。我们一直坚信,有知识的公众会赞同动物研究对公众健康的重要性。也许我们的错误是没有对这场争论的感性基调作出反应。也许我们早应该挥动着儿童死于癌症或外伤的同样令人伤心的海报,来回应那些关于动物受害的伤感标语及海报。 4In the animal rights forum,much is made of the volume of pain these animals experience in the name of medical science.Activists deny that we are trying to help and say it is evidence of our ev il and cruel nature.A more reasonable argument,however,can be advanced in our defense.Life i


CANoe 入门Step by step系列(一)基础应用 CANoe是Vector公司的针对汽车电子行业的总线分析工具,现在我用CANoe7.6版本进行介绍,其他版本功能基本差不多。 硬件我使用的是CAN case XL. 1,CANoe软件的安装很简单,先装驱动,再装软件。安装完成,插上USB,连接硬件,这样在控制面板中,Vector Hardware(硬件)进行查看 通过查看信息可知,CANcaseXL中的两个piggy,一个是251(高速CAN),一个是7269(LIN),另外常用的还有1054(低速CAN,或称容错CAN),因为CANcaseXL(can情况XL最大)中只能支持两路通讯,这样piggy可以自由组合 2,硬件连接正常,打开CANoe软件 File->New Configuration(新配置)可以选择新建工程的模版,我们这里选择 CAN_500kBaud.tcn,这样新建了波特率为500K CAN工程,可以File->Save Configuration (保存配置),进行保存 3,接下来就要使用CAN db++ Editor(编辑)工具对总线网络节点,消息,信号,进行定义了。 点击工具栏的这个图标,或开始菜单中找这个工具启动 启动后,File(文件)->Create Database(创建数据),选择CANTemplate.dbc(模板),选择目录及文件名,进行保存

右键Network nodes(网络节点)->New(新的),进行网络节点的定义,这里只需要填写Name(名字)即可,例如:Node_A(节点A) 然后添加Node_B(节点B),完成后如下图,这样在Network nodes(网络节点)目录下面添加出来两个节点 节点添加完成后,下一步添加CAN消息,右键Messages(信息)->New(新的),这是需要定义名称,ID(身份证件),DLC(数据链路控制)等信息,如下:

step by step 3000 第二册 Unit1-原文及答案

Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he is a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she is an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Part I - B 1.spending special time together. 2.specific, complain, request, praise. 3.fatigue, insecurities, foxhole, striking out , protect. 4.distant 5.all marriages, Work together o understand 6.Respect, danger, professional, physical, verbal 7.Understand, win Part I - C 40, excel, domestic argument, losing win-win, lose-lose, win, a gift, returns argue over, aren't, who, in control, fear, didn't need, ought not to , couldn't, tried to, destroy, marriage love, loved, secure, discover, garden, cultivate, the most precious, own self, bloom. obtain, our partner, loved and respected, control. Part II- A A2 1.similar social backgrounds. 2.the same race or same ethnic background. 3.the same religion. A3 Japan / 9.2% / arranged marriages 3% / between blacks and whites Many people in Western cultures choose their own wives and husbands. In many other countries, spouse are often chosen by the parents. In China and Japan before this century (20th century), upper-class marriages were arranged by the older males. In many cultures in the Middle East, Asia, and pre-industrial Europe, the man's family negotiated a "bride price" with the woman's family; the man's family was expected to pay it. In Hindu India, the bride's family paid a "groom's price" to the family of the man. These customs are weakening;for intance, only 9.2 percent of Japanese


Test for Unit 8 (时间:120分钟,满分:120分) 听力部分(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分) ()1.A.Sure.Here you are.B.It's an English book.C.It's mine. ()2.A.Yes,I did. B.No,I haven't. C.It's great! ()3.A.Pop music is my favorite. B.I like listening to music. C.Music can help me relax. ()4.A.I read it in the library. B.I have read it before. C.It's interesting. ()5.A.Yes,I will. B.No,I don't like it. C.Yes,it's The Eagles. Ⅱ.听短对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分) ()6.A.Tom Sawyer. B.Harry Potter. C.Robinson Crusoe. ()7.A.French. B.English. C.German. ()8.A.8:15. B.8:00. C.7:45. ()9.A.Because he had a bad cold and had to see the doctor. B.Because he felt cold and went to buy a coat. C.Because he had to go to see his sister. ()10.A.At school. B.In the hotel. C.At home. Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ()11.What is coming? A.National Day. B.The teacher's birthday. C.Teachers' Day. ()12.What will they buy? A.Some flowers. B.A new CD. C.A bag. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。 ()13.What is the girl worrying about? A.She can't invite her friends to the party. B.She can't go to her friend's party. C.She can't find a good place for the Thanksgiving dinner. ()14.How long will the party last? A.For four hours. B.For five hours. C.For six hours. ()15.Who can help the girl? A.The boy. B.Kevin. C.The boy's father. Ⅳ.听短文,完成下面的表格。每空一词。(10分)


全新版第二版第一册u n i t8课文翻译

A fable for tomorrow (Rachel Carson) There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards where, in spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxes barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the fall mornings. 从前在美国中心有一个小镇,那里的万物看上去都与其四周的环境融洽相处。小镇的四周是像棋盘交错的生意盎然的农庄,还有一块块的田地和一座座遍布山坡的果园。春天来了,白色的鲜花云彩般地漂浮在田野上;秋天到了,橡树、枫树和桦树色彩斑斓,在一片松树林间火焰般地燃烧与跳跃。小山上狐狸吠叫,田野间小鹿静静地跃过,所有的一切都在秋天清晨的薄雾中半隐半现。 Along the roads, laurel, viburnum and alder, great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year. Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty, where countless birds came to feed on the berries and on the seed heads of the dried weeds rising above the snow. The countryside was, in fact, famous for the abundance and variety of its bird life, and when the flood of migrants was pouring through in spring and fall people traveled from great distances to observe them. Others came to fish the streams, which flowed clear and cold out of the hills and contained shady pools where trout lay. So it had been from the days many years ago when the first settlers raised their houses, sank their wells, and built their barns. 在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。即使是冬天,路边的景色依旧是美不胜收,那里无数的小鸟来觅取浆果莓和露在雪地上的枯枝上的种子。事实上,这乡村正是由于鸟类的数量和种类之繁多而出名的。在候鸟群潮涌而来的春秋季节,人们从大老远的地方慕名前来欣赏。还有的人来这里的小溪垂钓。清冽的溪水从山中流出,溪水中有许多鳟鱼藏身的背阴的水潭。所以,从许多年前开始,第一批居住者就在这里盖房挖井,搭起了自己的谷仓。 Then a strange blight crept over the area and everything began to change. Some evil spell had settled on the community: mysterious maladies swept the flocks of chickens; the cattle and sheep sickened and died. Everywhere was a shadow of death. The farmers spoke of much illness among their families. In the town the doctors had become more and more puzzled by new kinds of sickness appearing among their patients. There had been several sudden and unexplained deaths, not only among adults but even among children, who would be stricken suddenly while at play and die within a few hours. 后来,一种奇怪的摧毁力悄然袭击了这个地区,所有的一切都开始变了。某种邪恶的符咒笼罩了这个社区:神秘的疾病攻击了鸡群,牛、羊也纷纷病死,到处都有一层死亡的阴影。农夫们谈论

step by step 3000 第二册Unit_1_录音文本

Unit 1 Happy Family Life Part I Warming up Section A The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He’s 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he’s a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she’s an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Section B Here are a few general ideas I believe help make a marriage work; 1.Go on dates with each oilier. Renew romantic feelings by spending special time together. 2.Be as specific as you can when you complain, make a request, or offer praise. 3.When stressed by fatigue or your own insecurities, imagine you and your partner in a foxhole, surrounded by danger. Instead of striking out at your partner, find a way to protect the partnership! 4.When you feel “distant,” talk about it with your partner. 5.Be assured that partners in all marriages sometimes get tired, irritable, or distracted. Work together to understand each other.


Unit 8单元测试卷 一根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1.He can’t wait to o_____ the box to see what present it is. 2.He usually d _____to work, but sometimes he takes a bus. 3.We didn’t go swimming yesterday. I____,we went hiking. 4.She s____an English song for us at the party last Sunday. 5.He didn’t m_____what happened to him in the letter. 6.I want to give a _____(特殊的)gift to my father for his birthday. 7.The computer is the best gift Tony has ever _____(收到) 8.Whom shall we _________(挑选) as our team leader? 9.More than twenty singers ________(参加) in the contest. 10.The program _______(建议) ways for students to communicate with their parents. 11. Mr Li told his little son to answer teachers' questions __________(有礼貌). 12. It's ________________(危险) to swim alone in the river. 13. --I want to report a traffic ___________(事故).  --Yes,go ahead. 14. --I thought I'd buy James a new bike for his birthday.  --That's a _____________(精彩) idea. 15. Harbin is in the ______________(东北) of China. 二单项选择.( ) 1. _______ should I get Mary for her birthday? A. How B. When C. Where D. What ( ) 2. How about ______ to a concert tonight? A. go B. to go C. going D. to going ( )3. I got the gift _____ my ______ birthday. A. on, ten B. on, tenth C. at, ten D. by, tenth ( ) 4. She lives ______ but she doesn’t feel _______. A. alone, lonely B. alone, alone B. C. lonely, alone D. lonely, lonely ( ) 5. They have ____ eight-year-old child _____Ted. A. an, names B. an, named C. a, name D. a, named ( ) 6. Xiaoli doesn’t work ____ Maomao. A. as harder as B. as hard as C. so harder as D. so hardly as ( ) 7. Our English teacher was ill. So Mr Wang gave us a lesson _____ her. A. instead B. instead of C. beside D. except ( ) 8. I think the story is too hard for the boy________. A. read B. to be read C. to read D. reading ( ) 9. ______ working as a doctor, he also writes novels in his spare time. A. Beside B. Except C. Expect D. Besides ( ) 10. “What about seeing movies?”“_____. I’m tired of staying at home.”


A fable for tomorrow (Rachel Carson) There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards where, in spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxes barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the fall mornings. 从前在美国中心有一个小镇,那里的万物看上去都与其四周的环境融洽相处。小镇的四周是像棋盘交错的生意盎然的农庄,还有一块块的田地和一座座遍布山坡的果园。春天来了,白色的鲜花云彩般地漂浮在田野上;秋天到了,橡树、枫树和桦树色彩斑斓,在一片松树林间火焰般地燃烧与跳跃。小山上狐狸吠叫,田野间小鹿静静地跃过,所有的一切都在秋天清晨的薄雾中半隐半现。 Along the roads, laurel, viburnum and alder, great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year. Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty, where countless birds came to feed on the berries and on the seed heads of the dried weeds rising above the snow. The countryside was, in fact, famous for the abundance and variety of its bird life, and when the flood of migrants was pouring through in spring and fall people traveled from great distances to observe them. Others came to fish the streams, which flowed clear and cold out of the hills and contained shady pools where trout lay. So it had been from the days many years ago when the first settlers raised their houses, sank their wells, and built their barns. 在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。即使是冬天,路边的景色依旧是美不胜收,那里无数的小鸟来觅取浆果莓和露在雪地上的枯枝上的种子。事实上,这乡村正是由于鸟类的数量和种类之繁多而出名的。在候鸟群潮涌而来的春秋季节,人们从大老远的地方慕名前来欣赏。还有的人来这里的小溪垂钓。清冽的溪水从山中流出,溪水中有许多鳟鱼藏身的背阴的水潭。所以,从许多年前开始,第一批居住者就在这里盖房挖井,搭起了自己的谷仓。 Then a strange blight crept over the area and everything began to change. Some evil spell had settled on the community: mysterious maladies swept the flocks of chickens; the cattle and sheep sickened and died. Everywhere was a shadow of death. The farmers spoke of much illness among their families. In the town the doctors had become more and more puzzled by new kinds of sickness appearing among their patients. There had been several sudden and unexplained deaths, not only among adults but even among children, who would be stricken suddenly while at play and die within a few hours. 后来,一种奇怪的摧毁力悄然袭击了这个地区,所有的一切都开始变了。某种邪恶的符咒笼罩了这个社区:神秘的疾病攻击了鸡群,牛、羊也纷纷病死,到处都有一层死亡的阴影。农夫们谈论着家中的许多疾病;镇上的医生也越来越因病人中出现的新的病症而感到迷惑。在成人和孩子中发生了好几起突发的不明其由的死亡,那些孩子在玩耍中突然病倒,几小时后就死去了。 There was a strange stillness. The birds, for example - where had they gone? Many people spoke of them, puzzled and disturbed. The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled violently and could not fly. It was a spring without voices. On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins, catbirds, doves, jays, wrens, and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound; only silence lay over the fields and woods and marsh 这里是一派奇怪的寂静。就说鸟儿们吧---它们都去哪儿了?许多人说起鸟儿的时候都充满了迷惑与不安。他们后院的饲养站已经没有鸟儿光顾了。随处能见到的几只鸟都奄奄一息。他们猛烈地颤抖,却飞不起来。这是一个无声的春天。曾经是震动着画眉鸟、猫鸟、鸽子、樫鸟、欧鹪和许多鸟儿的黎明合唱声的清晨如今却寂然无声。田野间、树林中和沼泽地里也是一片寂静。 On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The farmers complained that they were unable to raise any pigs - the litters were small and the young survived only a few days. The apple trees were coming into bloom but no bees droned among the blossoms, so there was no pollination and there would be no fruit. 在农庄,母鸡下蛋却孵不出小鸡。农夫们抱怨无法养猪,因为刚生下的猪崽太小了,小猪也只能活几天的功夫。苹果树开花了,可是没有蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡地采蜜,没有蜜蜂的授粉,也就没有任何果子。 The roadsides, once so attractive, were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire. These, too, were silent, deserted by all living things. Even the streams were now lifeless. Anglers no longer visited them,

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