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备注:Old English(古英语):Alliteration(头韵)、Epic(史诗)、Romance(传奇)、Ballad(歌谣,民谣)

文艺复兴时期(16世纪至17世纪):这个时期被称为莎士比亚时期或是伊丽莎白时代,同一时期弗朗西斯培根(Francis Bacon)也是著名人物。

备注:斯宾塞体(Spenserian Stanza)、无韵诗(Blank Verse)、十四行诗(Sonnet)


浪漫主义时期(18世纪至19世纪中期):开始于抒情歌遥集(Lyrical Ballads),以沃尔特司各特(Walter Scott)去世为终止。

维多利亚时期(19世纪早期至20世纪初期):批判现实主义(Critical Realism)出现,小说是这一时期主要特点。

现实主义(Realism)时期(19世纪末期开始):主要特点是反映了英国人的生活,象征主义(Symbolism)、意识流(Stream of Consciousness)、自然主义(Naturalism)代替了现实主义。

英国文学史及选读 复习要点总结概要

《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点 1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题 2. Romance (名词解释 3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’ s story 4. Ballad(名词解释 5. Character of Robin Hood 6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet 7. Heroic couplet (名词解释 8. Renaissance(名词解释 9.Thomas More—— Utopia 10. Sonnet(名词解释 11. Blank verse(名词解释12. Edmund Spenser “The Faerie Queene” 13. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies” (推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读 14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是 Hamlet 这是肯定的。他的sonnet 也很重要,最重要属 sonnet18。 (其戏剧中著名对白和几首有名的十四行诗可能会出选读 15. John Milton 三大史诗非常重要,特别是 Paradise Lost 和 Samson Agonistes。对于 Paradise Lost 需要知道它是 blank verse写成的,故事情节来自 Old Testament,另外要知道此书 theme 和 Satan 的形象。


伤痕文学(70年代末期) 名词解释: 新时期重要文艺现象。1977年底,刘心武发表短篇小说《班主任》,深刻揭示了极左路线给青少年一代造成的严重内伤,提出“救救被‘四人帮’坑害了的孩子”这一社会问题。此后不久,卢新华又发表短篇小说《伤痕》,揭示极左路线对人的命运迫害和心灵摧残。继之,我国文坛上便相继出现了描写十年动乱给党和国家造成的灾难、着重表现极左路线给人民生活命运特别是思想心灵造成创伤的文学,被称之为“伤痕文学。” 开山之作:刘心武的《班主任》,人物形象有谢惠敏和宋宝琦 代表作:卢新华的《伤痕》、周克芹的《许茂和他的女儿们》(第一届茅盾文学获奖作品) 反思文学 名词解释: “反思文学”是继“伤痕文学”之后在新时期出现的第二个文学思潮;代表性作家作品有,茹志娟的《剪辑错了的故事》、张一弓的《犯人李铜钟的故事》、高晓声的《李顺大造屋》、谌容的《人到中年》、张弦的《被爱情遗忘的角落》、张洁的《爱,是不能忘记的》、张贤亮的《灵与肉》等。作品着重对“文革”、十七年甚至更早的历史事实进行思考,从而在

意识形态、国民性等方面挖掘现实问题的根源,展开对“人”的价值的思索。 茹志鹃的《剪辑错了的故事》是反思文学的起步标志,茹志鹃的小说创作风格也由清新俊逸转变为严峻 代表作有:张贤亮的《灵与肉》、《绿化树》、《男人的一半是女人》,鲁彦周的《天云山传奇》,王蒙的《布礼》、《蝴蝶》,路遥的《人生》,高晓声的《李顺大造屋》,张一弓的《犯人李铜钟的故事》,古华的《芙蓉镇》,谌容的《人到中年》(讲述了中年知识分子的待遇问题,代表人物是陆文婷,还描写了一个具有鲜明特色的“马列主义老太太”——秦波的形象)改革文学 名词解释: 十一届三中全会后,许多作家开始把目光由历史拉到现实,关注现实中的改革发展,形成了风行一时的“改革文学”;蒋子龙的《乔厂长上任记》被公认为“改革文学”的开篇之作;着重表现对农村和城市改革出现的新气象的肯定,对改革过程中存在的障碍和热点难点问题的思考,体现了作家对社会、时代的广泛思索。其他如高晓声的“陈奂生系列”、何士光的《乡场上》、贾平凹的《鸡窝洼的人家》、柯云路的《新星》等。 开山之作:蒋子龙的《乔厂长上任记》(主人公乔光朴,乔光朴和作者其他作品中的车篷宽、高盛五、牛宏、宫开宇等


Part I The Literature of Colonial America I.Historical Introduction The colonial period stretched roughly from the settlement of America in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th. The first permanent settlement in America was established by English in 1607. ( A group of people was sent by the English King James I to hunt for gold. They arrived at Virginia in 1607. They named the James River and build the James town.) II.The pre-revolutionary writing in the colonies was essentially of two kinds: 1) Practical matter-of-fact accounts of farming, hunting, travel, etc. designed to inform people "at home" what life was like in the new world, and, often, to induce their immigration 2) Highly theoretical, generally polemical, discussions of religious questions. III.The First American Writer The first writings that we call American were the narratives and journals of these settlements. They wrote about their voyage to the new land, their lives in the new land, their dealings with Indians. Captain John Smith is the first American writer. A True Relation of such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony (1608) A Map of Virginia: A Description of the Country (1612) General History of Virgini a (1624): the Indian princess Pocahontas Captain John Smith was one of the first early 17th-century British settlers in North America. He was one of the founders of the colony of Jamestown, Virginia. His writings about North America became the source of information about the New World for later settlers. One of the things he wrote about that has become an American legend was his capture by the Indians and his rescue by the famous Indian Princess, Pocahontas. IV.Early New England Literature William Bradford and John Winthrop John Cotton and Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor V.Puritan Thoughts 1. The origin of puritan In the mediaeval Europe, there was widespread religious revolution. In the 16th Century, the English King Henry VIII (At that time, the Catholics were not allowed to divorce unless they have the Pope's permission. Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife because she couldn't bear him a son. But the Pope didn't allow him to divorce, so he) broke away from the Roman Catholic Church & established the Church of


英国文学史 I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. Artistic features: 1. Using alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 2. Using metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟1340~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ①坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事)


大学现代文学史分析题 1、中国现代文学史的发展经历了哪几个重要阶段?各个阶段的主要内容和特点是什么?各个阶段之间有什么内在的联系? 一般把1919前后到1949年之间的大约30年的文学发展称为中国现代文学史。 1)1917-1927年,五四文学运动时期。文学革命开端时间,开创性的作品:胡适《文学改良刍议》、陈独秀《文学革命论》、鲁迅《狂人日记》、郭沫若《女神》、胡适的白话新诗,戏剧、小品散文的出现,最早的文学社团:文学研究会(为人生、现实主义)、创造社(为艺术、浪漫主义),特点:奠基性,开创性。 2)1928-1937年,开始的标志是革命文学运动的开始。创造社、太阳社于1928年正式发起革命文学运动,革命文学标志现代文学从艺术形式到思想内容的深刻变化。重要内容:(1)左翼革命文学的发展,集中出现了一批革命文学的作家作品,左联五烈士、东北作家群、蒋光慈、叶紫、鲁迅后期、茅盾前期的创作,都看作左翼时间的创作。(2)左翼之外,风格独立、卓有特色的艺术大家有:巴金、老舍、沈从文、曹禺等。特点:从思想到艺术都进入成熟阶段,整个文学创作呈现繁荣、复杂、多元的格局。 3)1938-1949年,开端标志:抗战爆发进一步深化的阶段。特点:(1)抗战爆发,形成全国规模的抗战文艺运动,使现代文学又出现一次深刻的变化,抗日救亡成为压倒一切的主题,现代文学密切配合社会发展。(2)由于政治变化,出现国统区、解放区。解放区与国统区已经是不同的社会制度,解放区已经是不同于国统区的“新天地”,局面更复杂,流派更多。关键字:抗战文艺运动、国统区、解放区。(内在联系我没有写,再听录音) 4、以郁达夫、萧红、沈从文、孙犁等人为例,论述分析现代作家在追求小说的散文化和诗化方面有哪些共同的特色和个性的差异? 几个人的小说的共同点:不注重情节的连贯,不注重故事的完整,情节淡化。不同点:‘郁’以情绪的流动结构作品,感情的放纵,听任感情的宣泄,抒情方式不讲究节制,不注意分寸,是非常外在的,不含蓄的。如《沉论》;从郁到孙,抒情表现在小说这种文体上,有一重要特点,即小说的散文化,故事性不强,不以情节取胜,而重在抒情。‘萧’主要是着力描写散点的透视的,是零星的感受,有奔放的一面,也有内在的一面,处于前二者之间,如《小城三月》;‘沈’精心构造了一个田园牧歌、诗一样的王国,在结构上大幅度跳跃,善于采用虽断若续的表现方法;到孙梨的笔下,小说的散体化与诗化已经进步了许多,达到了一种融合,一种更高的意境,进一步开拓了小说文体的空间,使其更宽阔,更自由,融叙述、抒情、议论为一体,结构灵活,讲究节制的美,讲究分寸,如《荷花淀》。 5、简单叙述丁玲和张爱玲的小说各自在哪些方面达到了对时代社会的深刻揭示? 二人都以思想深度见长。但深度的视角不同。‘丁’对社会问题分析(包含阶级)表现思想的深度大胆。‘张’对人性的分析显示出其深度,来源于对生活痛惜的体验。她们都擅长于对人物内心深处的描写,擅于把人性放在心里深处来表现。丁玲表现的是农村中的阶段关系,写的是农民与土地的关系,农民夺取土地和长久拥有土地之间的问题,农民自我阶级间的斗争,丁玲就是在后一个问题上看得最深刻最准确,显示了独立而深刻的思考,达到了一个很


英美文学选读要点总结精心整理(只考26位作家) [英国』Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴 1. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。 2. the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。 3. Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。 4. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。 5. Wyatt introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.怀亚特将彼特拉克的十四行诗引进英国。 6. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation.英国文艺复兴初期只是一个学习模仿与同化的阶段。 7. The goals of humanistic poetry are: skillful handling of conventions, force of language, and, above all, the development of a rhetorical plan in which meter, rhyme, scheme, imagery and argument should all be combined to frame the emotional theme and throw it into high relief.人文主义诗歌的主要目标是对传统习俗的熟练运用,语言的力度与气概,而最重要的是发展了修辞模式,即将格律,韵脚(式),组织结构,意象(比喻,描述)与议论都结合起来勾画出情感主题,并将其极为鲜明生动的表现出来。 8. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and Ben Jonson.文艺复兴时期英国最著名的戏剧家有克利斯朵夫.马洛,威廉.莎士比亚与本.约翰逊。 9. Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the first important English essayist.费兰西斯.培根是英国历史上最重要的散文家。(III)William Shakespeare威廉.莎士比亚 17. The first period of his dramatic career, he wrote five history plays: Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III, Richard III, and Titus Andronicus; and four comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, and Love’s Labour’s Lost.在他戏剧创作生涯的第一个阶段,他创作了五部历史剧:《亨利六世》,《理查三世》,《泰托斯.安东尼》以及四部喜剧:《错误的戏剧》,《维洛那二绅士》,《驯悍记》和《爱的徒劳》。 18. In the second period, he wrote five histories: Richard II, King John, Henry IV, Parts I and II, and Henry V; six comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Merry Wives of Windsor; and two tragedies: Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar.在第二阶段,他写了五部历史剧:《理查三世》,《约翰王》,《亨利四世》,《亨利五世》以及六部喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》,《威尼斯商人》,《无事生非》,《皆大欢喜》,《第十二夜》,《温莎的风流娘儿们》,还有两部悲剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《裘利斯.凯撒》。 19. Shakespeare’s third period includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies. The tragedies of this period are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus. The two comedies are All’s Well That Ends and Measure for Measure.第三阶段诞生了莎翁最伟大的悲剧和他自称的黑色喜剧(或悲喜剧),悲剧有:《哈姆雷特》,《奥赛罗》,《李尔王》《麦克白》《安东尼与克利奥佩特拉》《特罗伊勒斯与克利西达》及《克里奥拉那斯》。两部喜剧是《终成眷属》和《一报还一报》。 20. The last period of Shakespeare’s work includes his principle romantic tragicomedies: Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest; and his two plays: Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen.最后一个时期的作品主要有浪漫悲喜剧:《伯里克利》《辛白林》《冬天的故事》与《暴风雨》。他最后两部剧是《亨利八世》与《鲁克里斯受辱记》。21. Shakespeare’s sonnets are the only direct expression of the poet’s own feelings.这些十四行诗都是莎翁直抒胸臆的成果。 22. Shakespeare’s history plays are mainly written under the principle that national unity under a mighty and just sovereign is a necessity.莎翁的历史剧都有这样一个主题:在一个强大英明的君主统领下的国家,统一是非常必要的。 23. In his romantic comedies, Shakespeare takes an optimistic attitude toward love and youth, and the romantic elements are


环球时代英美文学 【篇一:环球时代,英美文学】 推荐者的话:英语专业考研必备辅导书,这套书用表格的形式列举 了所有常考知识点,并分门别类做了总结,每章后面还有大量的各 高校历年考研真题,集合了讲解和练习,一书多用 《英语专业考研英美文学考点测评》首先提供了一个英国文学和美 国文化全景图,用图表方式集中陈列了两个文学的考点及其相互关系,供使用者集中记忆和考前复习。其后内容分为“英国文学”和“美 国文学”两大部分,在“英国文学”部分,按中古世纪和文艺复兴时期、启蒙主义时期、浪漫主义时期、维多利亚时期和现代时期分成5章;在“美国文学”部分,按早期和浪漫主义时期、现实主义时期和现代 时期分成3章:每章包括一个中文归纳的考点总结、各典型高校真 题分析和大量的练习题。 part one:英国文学考点全景图 part two:美国文学考点全景图 part three:英国文学考点与测评 chapter i:中古时期和文艺复兴时期的英国文学 英国中古时期文学共核性知识点总结 英国中古时期文学历年实考试题解析 英国文艺复兴时期文学共核性知识点总结 英国文艺复兴时期文学历年实考试题解析 英国中古时期和文艺复兴时期文学全真模拟练习 英国中古时期和文艺复兴时期文学练习答案、得分点解析 chapterii:启蒙主义时期的英国文学 英国启蒙主义时期文学共核性知识点总结 英国启蒙主义时期文学历年实考试题解析 英国启蒙主义时期文学全真模拟练习 英国启蒙主义时期文学练习答案、得分点解析 chapterⅢ:浪漫主义时期的英国文学 英国浪漫主义时期文学共核性知识点总结 英国浪漫主义时期文学历年实考试题解析 英国浪漫主义时期文学全真模拟练习 英国浪漫主义时期文学练习答案、得分点解析 chapter iv:维多利亚时期的英国文学


Old English Literature 古英语文学 (450-1066年) Beowulf (贝奥武甫)---The first English national epic 中世纪英语文学(1066-1500) Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟,c. 1343–1400) was an English poet. He is remembered for his The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》, called the father of English litera ture―英国文学之父‖William Langland (朗格兰,1330?-1400?),the author of the 14th-century English long narrative poem Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》. 文艺复兴(16-17世纪) William Shakespeare (莎士比亚,1564-1616), English poet and playwright, his surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems Venus and Adonis 《维拉斯和阿多尼斯》The Rape of Lucrece.《鲁克丽丝受辱记》 Shakespeare‘s greatest works: greatest tragedies are King Lear 《李尔王》,Macbeth《麦克白》,Hamlet《哈姆雷特》, Othello 《奥赛罗》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 grea t comedies: A Midsumme r Night‘s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》,As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》,The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》, Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》 great historical plays: Richard III 《理查三世》,Henry IV 《亨利四世》, Henry V 《亨利五世》, Henry VII 《亨利八世》 John Milton (弥尔顿, 1608-1674)was an English poet and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost《失乐园》, Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson 《力士参孙》. 18世纪文学和新古典主义 Alexander Pope (浦柏,1688-1744 ) is generally regarded as the greatest English poet of the eighteenth century, best known for his satirical epigram 讽刺隽语and heroic couplet英雄双韵体.His major works include mock epic satirical poem An Essay on Man 《人论》and An Essay on Criticism 《论批评》 Daniel Defoe ( 笛福,1660—1731)was an English writer who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》, spokesman for middle-class people Henry Fielding (菲尔丁, 1707 ---1754) ,an English novelist known for his novel:The History of Tom Jones. Jonathan Swift (斯威夫特,1667-1745), was an Anglo-Irish novelist, satirist. He is remembered for novel such as Gulliver‘s Travels《格列佛游记》. Richard Sheridan ( 谢立丹,1751—1816), Irish playwright ,known for his satirical play School of Scandal(造谣学校). He was a represntative writer of Comedies of Manners. Laurence Sterne (斯特恩,1713—1768 ), an English novelist. He is best known for his novel Tristram Shandy (《商第传》). Oliver Goldsmith (哥尔德斯密斯,1728-1774)English novelist, known for his novel Vicar of Wakefield (《威克菲尔德牧师传记》) Thomas Gray (托马斯?格雷1716—1771 ),an English poet, author of Elegy Written in a


Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) 乔叟He was born in 1343 in London. He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets Corner”.The father of English Poetry and one of the greatest narrative poets of England.“The Canterbury Tales” (1387-1400) It is Chaucer?s masterpiece and one of the monumental works in English literature. Chaucer’s Contribution to English Literature Chaucer is regarded as the founder of English poetry and has been called “the founder of English realism.” He is the firs t great poet who wrote in the English language. He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the “heroic couplet” (英雄双韵体) to English poetry.His masterpiece “The Canterbury T ales” is one of the monumental works in English literature 公爵夫人之书,百鸟议会,声誉之堂,特罗勒思和克里西德 Structure of a poem: A poem can be broken down into three parts: (1) Stanza (节) : a group of lines set off from the other lines in a poem. It is the poetic equivalent of a paragraph in prose. In traditional poems, the stanza usually contains a unit of thought.(2) The line (行) : a single line of poetry (3) The foot (音步) : a syllable or a group of 2 or 3 syllables. T o scan a line of poetry one counts the number of feet in a line. For a beginner, the easiest thing to do is to count the number of stresses. Typically a foot will contain a stressed and an unstressed syllable. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)playwright, poet, actor.Shakespeare and Aeschylus are the two greatest dramatic geniuses the world has ever known.—Carl Marks.The Great Tragedies: 《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet,1601 ) 《奥赛罗》(Othello, 1604) 《李尔王》(King Lear, 1605) 《麦克白》(Macbeth, 1606) The Great Comedies威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice, 1596) 《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream,1596) 《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night, 1600) 《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It, 1601) Shakespeare’s car eer as a dramatist may be divided into four major phases.: The First Period(1590-1594) This period is the period of his apprenticeship in play-writing. Works: Henry VI The Comedy of Errors《错误的喜剧》/《连环错》Love?s Labor?s Lost 《迷失的爱》/《空爱一场》/《爱的徒劳》Romeo and Juliet, etc. The Second Period (1595-1600) This period is his mature period, mainly a period of “great comedies” and mature historical plays. It includes 6 comedies, 5 historical plays and 1 Roman tragedy. His sonnets are also thought to be written in this period. The Third Period (1601-1607) The third period of Shakespeare?s dramatic career is mainly the period of “great tragedies” and “dark comedies”. It includes 5 tragedies, 3 comedies and 2 Roman tragedies.Major works written in this period:Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra The Fourth Period (1608-1612) The fourth period of Shakespeare?s work is the period of romantic drama. It includes 4 romances or “reconciliation(和解,复合)plays”. Shakespeare’s Literary Position:Shakespeare and the Authorized Version of the English Bible are the two greatest treasuries of the English language. Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance, and one of the greatest writers in world literature. Hamlet:Hamle t is considered the summit of Shakespeare?s art. It is one of Shakespeare?s canon, and it is universally included in the list of the world?s greatest works.It?s written in the form of blank verse.blank verse : poetry in rhymeless iambic pentameter.(素体诗剧)The story, coming from an old Danish legend, is a tragedy of the “revenge” genre. Shakespeare incorporates into the medieval story other major humanistic themes, including love, justice, good and evil, and most notably, madness, and the spirit of the time Injustice, conspiracy, and betrayal in the society。1. first blow: father?s murder and mother?s re-marriage2.second blow: betrayal of his two former friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern3. third blow: betrayal of his girl friend OpheliaThe greatness o f the play: in praise of the noble quality of Prince Hamlet as a representative of humanist thinkers and his disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived.


第一章1917-1949年的文学运动和文学思潮 1 双簧戏:1、1918年钱玄同和刘半农的双簧戏,正式拉开了这场“文学革命”、“封建复古主义”思潮斗争的序幕。2、钱玄同把社会上的各种反对意见归纳起来,化名“王敬轩”写给《新青年》编者一封信,再由刘半农写答信王敬轩的信予以批驳,两信同时发表名为《文学革命之反响》,借以扩大文学革命的影响。 2 文学研究会:被称为“为人生”的现实主义文学流派1921年成立于北京,是文学革命后出现的第一个新文学社团。代表作家:周作人、茅盾、叶圣陶、许地山、朱自青、冰心等。重要刊物:《小说月报》、《文学旬刊》理论主张:积极提倡“为人生”的文学主张和现实主义文学思想。主要贡献:它承接了“五四”文学革命的现实主义传统,使之发展成为在中国现代文学史占主流地位的文学思潮。 3 创造社:1921年在日本东京成立,发起人有郭沫若、郁达夫、成仿吾等。主要刊物:《创造季刊》《创造周刊》《创造日》。理论主张:尊自我,重主观,强调艺术是自我表现、内心自然流露;强调文学的本质是感情;强调灵感在创作中的作用。主要表现为浪漫主义特征。 4 新月社:1923年成立,主要成员有胡适、徐志摩、闻一多等,都是欧美留学生。重要刊物:《晨报副刊》《诗镌》《新月》(后期)闻一多发表《诗的格律》的理论文章,提出诗歌的“三美”主张,即音乐美、绘画美、建筑美。以闻一多、徐志摩为首的新格律诗的创作,称为“新月诗派”。 5 语丝社:成立于1924年,以创办《语丝》周刊而得名。主要成员有鲁迅、周作人、钱玄同、林语堂等。文艺思想接近于文学研究会。《语丝》多发表杂文、小品、随笔,形成生动、泼辣、幽默的语丝文体,对中国现代散文发展作出了重要的贡献。鲁迅说《语丝》的基本特色是“任意而谈,无所顾忌”。 6 简述文学革命的成就和意义:文学革命批评了“文以载道”、“代圣贤立言”的旧文学观念,宣传了现实主义文学思想。新文学浸透了民主主义、人道主义、个性主义等近代思想。新文学引进了话剧等新的文学体裁,进行了新诗的创建和小说形式的个性,以白话代替文言。文学革命使中国文学从束缚状态走向自由开放,开始向现代化迈进。 7 现实主义文学思潮的特征:鲁迅的小说集《呐喊》、《彷徨》奠定了新文学的现实主义基础。现代最早、成员最广的新文学社团文学研究会,其文学思想基本倾向是现实主义。理论上对文坛发生了重要影响;创作方面,创作了许多现实主义小说,有反映社会问题的“问题小说”和反映现实人生的“乡土文学”。除文学研究会外,当时影响较大的语丝社,基本倾向也是现实主义。欧美现实主义作家及其代表作品,在这时期得到大量翻译。 8 浪漫主义文学思潮的特征:异军突起的创作社,拥有一批创作力旺盛的作家,主干人物有郭沫若、郁达夫等。在创作方面有郭沫若的浪漫主义诗歌集《女神》、郁达夫的《沉沦》。当时最重要的新诗流派之一的新月诗派,就诗歌的主要倾向而言,是浪漫主义的。徐志摩《志摩的诗》、《翡冷翠的一夜》。欧美重要的浪漫主义作家及其代表作品,这时期也被大量翻译。 9 现代主义文学思潮的特征:中国作家的大多数,选择和接受的主要是现实主义和浪漫主义,但又常吸收现代主义的某些因素于其创作中。象征诗人首推李金发,象征诗的特点:朦胧、含蓄、暗示。无产阶级文学:倡导无产阶级革命文

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