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1.历史:Father / poetess…

2. 名作家:Hemingway, Faulkner, Poe, Hawthorne, Emerson

3.作品:The Wasteland/Moby Dick/Scarlet Letter


1. At the age of reason and revolution, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________.

A. Chartist Movement

B. Romanticist Movement

C. Enlightenment Movement

D. Modernist Movement

2. Which is NOT connected to Benjamin Franklin? ________

A. He was born in a poor family.

B. He was a pious puritan.

C. He was phrased as “Jack of all trades”.

D. He was a master of diplomacy.

3. Ernest Hemingway is noted for the following EXCEPT ________.

A. Lost Generation

B. Iceberg theory

C. American Dream

D. Code Heroes

4. Which character is NOT from The Scarlet Letter? ________

A. Hester Prynne

B. Roger Chillingworth

C. Captain Ahab

D. Pearl

5. Jack London’s semi-biographical novel ________well presents the disillusionment of American Dream.

A. The American Tragedy

B. The Call of the Wild

C. Martin Eden

D. The Grapes of Wrath


1. Poe’s masterpiece “To Helen” is written to memorize his deceased wife. (F)

2. The tone of “Annabel Lee” is optimistic and hopeful. (F)

3. Mark Twain's novel Jumping Frog was an artistic failure, but it gave its name to the America of the postbellum period which it attempts to satirize. (F)

4. Sister Carrie ended up in tragedy because she could not control her fate. (F)


1. It refers to t he religious beliefs held by the Puritans, who had intended to “purify” or simplify the religious ritual of the Church of England. They believed in the original sin and the harsh Day of Doom, although some good people --- the chosen people or “the Elect”--- may be saved. (Puritanism)

2. A literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth” in the depiction of ordinary life.

It had originated in France and was very popular in 19th century. (Realism)


1. Fair flower, that dost so comely grow,

Hid in this silent, dull retreat,

Untouched thy honeyed blossoms blow,

Unseen thy little branches greet:

No roving foot shall crush thee here,

No busy hand provoke a tear.

The Wild Honey Suckle (Philip Freneau)

2. During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the cloud hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was—but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit.

The Fall of the House of Usher(Edgar Allan Poe)


1. Transcendentalism

(a) Transcendentalism (p56)

{1}As a moral philosophy, it exalted feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom. & believed in the transcendence of the“oversoul”{2}A literary movement flourishing in New England from the 1830s to the Civil war. It stresses intuitive understanding of God, without the help of the church and advocated independence of the mind. The representative writers are Emerson and Thoreau.

{b}The significance of Transcendentalism

Transcendentalism exerted a dominating notion onto the major wirers of the Romantic period and its essence has been permanently absorbed into the main stream of American thought. As a moral philosophy, Transcendentalists took their ideas from the romantic literature of Europe, from neo-Platonism, from German idealistic philosophy and from the revelations of Oriental mysticism. They spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. They believed in the transcendence of the “Oversoul”, an all-pervading power for goodness from which all things come and of which all things are a part. As a philosophical and literary

movement, Transcendentalism flourished in New England from the 1830’s to the Civil War. Its doctrines found their greatest literary advocated in Emerson, who believed that man was a part of absolute good, and in Thoreau who beheld divinity in the “unspotted innocence”of nature. It was a powerful expression of the intellectual mood of the age, and the ideas it represented have remained a strong influence on great American writers from the days of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Walt Whitman to the present.

2. “The Road Not Taken”

Symbolic meanings of The Road Not Taken:

In this poem, the author uses two roads in the woods to symbolize the choices in the real life. The author suggests us not being afraid to take a chance, not following the crowd and trying new things. Individualism is highlighted in the poem because the speaker chooses to go his own way, taking the “road less traveled”.

Caution is also taken before deciding to take the “road less traveled”, for the speaker takes time to consider the other road.

Commitment is symbolized in the poem because the speaker does not have second thoughts after making his decision.

The last symbolized theme is accepting a challenge. It may be that the road the speaker chooses is less traveled because it represents trials or perils. Such challenges seem to appeal to the speaker.

The Road Not Taken

This poem, as many of Frost’s poems, begins with the observation of nature, as if the poet is a traveler sightseeing in nature. By the end, all the simple words condense into a serious proposition: When anyone in life is confronted with making a choice, in order to possess something worthwhile, he has to give up something which seems as lovely and valuable as the chosen one. Then, whatever follows, he must accept the consequence of his choice for it is not possible for him to return to the beginning and have another chance to choose differently. Frost is asserting that nature is fair and honest to everyone. Thus all the varieties of human destiny result from each person’s spontaneous capability of making choices.

Form: The poem is very regularly structured with 4 classic 5-line stanzas, with the rhyme scheme “abaab” and in conversational rhythm.

3. The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby the parody (戏仿)of American dream

Thematically,the novel is a parody of the American dream as represented by Gatsby’s pursuit for wealth and love.

(1)American Dream(derived the Puritanism) is a popular belief that people can achieve success,whether it is wealth,fame or love through honest hard working in a new world of liberty,equality,chances and promises.(e.g. Franklin, Obama ) (2) It is true that Gatsby had a huge wealth,but it was built up through illegal means —bootlegging. Daisy was the embodiment of love for Gatsby,but the Daisy in Gatsby’s illusion was not the Daisy in reality——a mindless and spiritless woman only with a beautiful appearance,who retreated to her boring but secure way of life rather than accept the responsibility at the moment of crisis.

(3) Like Franklin,Gatsby also made a time table and a list of “do’s and don'ts”.But unfortunately he did not know that the time had changed.

(4) Therefore, G’s dream is tarnished by his material possessions, much like America is now with the obsession with wealth. In any case, Gatsby would have failed to his idealistic dream inevitably, namely disillusion of American dream.

Together with Martin Eden, it well presents the disillusionment of American Dream. Main ideas:

Nick Caraway, the narrator decided to leave his family in the Midwest to study bond business in New York.He took a small house at West Egg of Long Island and became a neighbor of Jay Gatsby,a mysterious man of great wealth.He resumed acquaintance with Tom Buchanan and his wife Daisy at a dinner party in their home.There he also met Jordan Baker,an attractive but arrogant young lady.He soon learned that their marriage was not happy and Tom has a mistress,Myrtle,wife of George Wilson,a garage owner in the Valley of Ashes.A few days later he was invited to Gatsby’s party. From Gatsby and later from Jordan, Nick learned of the love affair between Daisy and Gatsby before she married Tom.Gatsby then made a request of Nick:to bring Daisy to tea and meet Gatsby.At the reunion Gatsby changed from nervousness to excitement and from excitement to a remote fantasy.At a party Gatsby gave to the Buchanans,Nick and Jordan,Gatsby and Tom had a fierce quarrel over Daisy and Daisy sided with both men in turns.Then Daisy and Gatsby left in Gatsby’s car while the others followed in Tom’s.On the way Gatsby’s car knocked Myrtle dead and ran away,but he later told Nick that Daisy was driving at the time of the accident.Myrtle,thinking Tom was in the car,ran toward it and was hit.Meanwhile Mr.Wilson traced Gatsby’s car and found Gatsby's house.A few hours later both of them were found dead.Apparently Wilson shot Gatsby and then himself.Although Nick tried to make Gatsby’s funeral respectable,none of his friends came.Only Gatsby’s father appeared,still thinking that his son was a great man.On another occasion Nick met Tom and Daisy and was reluctant to shake hands with them.He already knew that it was Tom who made Wilson believe that Myrtle was Gatsby’s lover and was run over by Gatsby.Soon Nick went back to his people in the Middle West.


中国古代文学史.大二下学期【明代诗文-清代戏 剧】) 1、填空 明初 1、浙东宋濂:字景濂,号潜溪,“屡推为开国文臣之首”,作品《送东阳马生序》《王冕传》 刘基:字伯温,寓言体散文集《郁离子》、杂文《卖柑者言》 2、吴中高启:字季迪,号槎轩,自号青丘子七言歌行《青丘子歌》 吴中四子:高启、杨基、徐贲、张羽 3、闽高棅:编选《唐诗品汇》 4、袁凯:因《白燕》诗得名“袁白燕” 明中叶 1、台阁体主要代表诗人:杨士奇、杨荣、杨溥 2、于谦:字廷益,号节庵,钱塘人,经历“土木堡”惨败,《石灰吟》 3、李东阳:字宾之,号西涯《怀麓堂诗话》怀麓堂茶陵诗派领袖 4、前七子李梦阳:字献吉,号空同子 何景明:字仲默,号大复 5、后七子李攀龙:字于鳞,号沧溟 王世贞:字元美,号凤洲,又号弇州山人 6、杨慎:字用修,号升庵《升庵诗话》 7、唐宋派归有光:字熙甫,号项脊生,人称震川先生,著有《震川集》 茅坤:字顺甫,号鹿门,编选出《唐宋八大家文钞》 8、徐渭:字文长,号天池山人,杂剧《四声猿》 9、李贽:号卓吾,温陵居士 10、三袁袁宗道:字伯修,号石浦 袁宏道:字中郎,号石公 袁中道:字小修,号凫隐居士

1、明后期诗人:陈子龙(明末诗坛盟主),夏完淳 2、张岱:号陶庵,明末小品文最后一位大家,著有《陶庵梦忆》、《西湖梦寻》,代表作《西 湖七月半》,《湖心亭看雪》 清初 1、明入清: 殉节诗人:陈子龙,夏完淳 仕清诗人:“江左三大家”钱谦益:字牧斋,号绛云老人绛云楼 吴伟业:字骏公,号梅村,梅村体《圆圆曲》 龚鼎孳 遗民诗人:黄宗羲:字太冲,世称梨洲先生,《明夷待访录》、《明儒学案》(总结明代学术思想概貌) 顾炎武:字忠清、宁人,称亭林先生,《日知录》、《天下郡国利病书》、《音学五书》提出经世 致用思想,“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”口号 王夫之:字而农,号姜斋,船山先生,《楚辞通释》,中国古代朴素唯物主义思想集大成者 吴嘉纪:反映苏北地区盐民生活《海潮叹》 屈大均:以屈原后裔自居 2、清朝:国朝六大家:南施北宋:施润章,宋琬 南朱北王:朱彝尊,字锡鬯,号竹垞 王士禛,号阮亭,渔洋山人 南查北赵:查慎行,赵执信 清中叶 1、郑燮:字克柔,号板桥 2、赵翼:字云崧,号瓯北,《瓯北诗话》


一、文学史名词解释(20分) 赋比兴春秋笔法楚辞《山海经》 二、填空题(5分) 1.我国第一部国别体史书是————。 2.《论语》一书属于————体散文。 3.“揠苗助长”的寓言出自————。(书名) 4.“行道迟迟,载渴载饥。——,——。”(《诗经·小雅·采薇》) 5.“——,——。既见复关,载笑载言。”(《诗经·卫风·氓》) 三、词语解释(5分) 1.女也不爽,士贰其行。(《诗经·卫风·氓》)爽:过错,差错 2.穹窒熏鼠,塞向墐户。(《诗经·豳风·七月》)向:朝北的窗户 3.师直为壮,曲为老,岂在久乎?(《左传·僖公二十八年》)老:士气不旺盛 4.越国以鄙远,君知其难也。(《左传·僖公三十年》)鄙:边境 5.此惟救死而恐不赡,奚暇治礼义哉!(《孟子·梁惠王上》)赡:充足,足够 四、简答题(30分) 1.简述先秦历史散文的发展过程。 1、甲骨文、金文为萌芽时期。《尚书》是第一部散文集子,政府文告性质,具有文学色彩。《春秋》是第一部编年体史书,《国语》为第一部国别体史书。《左传》《战国策》标志着历史散文达到了新的阶段,写人、叙事均有独特的成就。 2.《庄子》在艺术上有哪些成就? 2、《庄子》的艺术成就有:大量用寓言说理;夸张想象具有浪漫主义色彩;境界奇异;善于用比喻;语言如行云流水。 3.中国古代神话有哪些主要特征? 3、内容方面:具有英雄主义、乐观主义精神;思维方面:以己观物、以己感物、具体形象、隐喻象征;形式方面:零散片段、浪漫主义。 五、分析作品题(20分) 分析《离骚》的艺术特点。 要点:坚贞高洁的抒情主人公形象;独特的艺术结构(两条线索、抒情诗中有故事情节等);绚丽的浪漫主义色彩(夸张想象等);香草美人为代表的比兴象征手法;诗歌体制的新发展(变四言为六、七言)。 六、论述题(20分) 试论《诗经》的现实主义精神。 要点:反映阶级剥削与压迫,反映生产劳动,反映婚姻爱情,反映战争徭役,贵族宴飨,揭露弊政,还有周族的发展历史等。


大学英语B-2011.9月大学英语试题 Test 1 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. —How are you, Bob? —____________ Ted. A. How are you? B. I’m fine. Thank you. C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you. 2. —Thanks for your help. —____________ A. My pleasure. B. Never mind. C. Quite right. D. Don’t thank me. 3. —Hello, I’m Harry Potter. —Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ____________. A. call my Charles B. call me at Charles C. call me Charles D. call Charles me 4. —Paul, ____________? —Oh, that’s my father! And beside him, my mother. A. what is the person over there B. who’s talking over there C. what are they doing D. which is that 5. —Hi, Tom, how’s everything with you? —____________, and how are you? A. Don’t mention it B. Hm, not too bad C. Thanks D. Pretty fast 6. —That’s a beautiful dress you have on! —____________ A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday. B. Sorry, it’s too cheap. C. You can have it D. See you later. 7. —Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? —____________ A. Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower. B. Fine, I never go to birthday parties. C. Ha…ha, I don’t like birthday parties. D. Sorry, but my wife had a car accident 8. —Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip? —____________ A. Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day. B. Come on, I’ve got lots of fun. C. By the way, I don’t like Saturdays. D. Well, I’ll look forward to your phone call. 9. —Have n’t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now? —____________ A. I hate the weather here.


湖州师范学院外国语学院2008— 2009学年第二学期 《美国文学》期末考试试卷(A卷)答案暨评分标准 I. Write the names of the authors. (10%) ①Walt Whitman ②Edgar Allen Poe ③Wallace Stevens ④Franklin Norris ⑤Stephen Crane ⑥William Faulkner ⑦Sinclair Lewis ⑧John Steinbeck ⑨Langston Hughes ⑩Tennessee Williams II. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate information.(10%) ①New England ②Regionalism or Local color writing ③semi-autobiographical ④anti-realism ⑤Imagist ⑥Santiago ⑦multiple narrations or points of view ⑧1930 ⑨Harlem Renaissance ⑩Eugene O’Neill III. Choose only one answer form the four choices as the most appropriate answer. (20%) 1-5. A D C B B 6-10. D B E B A IV. Identify the author and the title of the work from which each of the following excerpts is taken. And then answer the question after each excerpt. (20%) Passage 1 the author: Walt Whitman (1%) the title of the work : Songs of Myself (1%) Question: What is the poet celebrating? (2%) The poet is celebrating individualism and nationalism, singing of all those people who form the American nationality.


名词解释 1、沉郁顿挫:是杜甫诗歌的主要风格。这是杜甫在《进雕赋表》中评价自己作品的话。所谓沉郁,是指杜诗反映现实广阔深厚,意境雄浑壮大,感情深沉苍凉;所谓顿挫,是指与沉郁相适应的艺术表现形式,主要指表达感情时曲折跌宕、反复低回,音调起伏变化,韵律屈折有力。这种风格的形成,与诗人所经历的多灾多难的时代,诗人漂泊乱离和忧国忧民之心密切相关。这种风格体现在杜甫诗歌的总体创作中,由于诗人极善用诗表现自己深厚又深沉的感情,剖析自己曲折矛盾的内心世界,诗从个人遭遇写到社会苦难,反复咏叹,往往起伏跌宕,具有特别感人的艺术力量。 2、盛唐山水田园诗派:盛唐兴起的一个诗歌流派。在陶渊明以来的田园诗和谢灵运以来的山水诗的基础之上。偏重于写山水风光和田园生活,大多表现自然之美和闲适心情,偶或反映农家生活现实。所作以五言为主,风格多清淡恬静,具有较高的艺术技巧和审美价值。在创造情景交融、物我契合的意境,发掘和开拓绚丽多姿的自然美方面作出了贡献。代表诗人有储光羲、裴迪、丘为、常建等,而以王维、孟浩然为首,故后世又称“王孟诗派” 3、边塞诗派:盛唐兴起的一个诗歌流派。其诗长于七言,特别是七言歌行,善于描写边塞风光和战争生活,表现征人思妇的思想感情,大多具有爱国感情和进取精神,显示浓厚的生活气息,风格多慷慨悲壮。代表诗人有王昌龄、王之涣、王翰、崔颢、李颀等,而以高适、岑参为首。故后人也称“高岑诗派”。 4、古文运动:是韩愈、柳宗元领导,李翱、皇甫湜等参与的一次散文革新运动。它针对南北朝以来骈文创作的浮艳空洞的流弊,以恢复孔孟儒学为号召,以学习先秦两汉散文为目标,在文体、文风和文学语言诸方面进行变革。“文以明道”是古文运动的基本主张,强调内容和形式的统一,是一次名为复古、实为革新的文学运动。 5、新乐府运动:是中唐贞元、元和年间,由白居易、元稹倡导的,以创作新题乐府反映现实为中心的诗歌革新运动。新乐府运动以杜甫为发蒙,元结顾况为先驱,张籍、王建、李绅为开始,到元白形成高潮。力求用诗歌干预现实,以使诗歌发挥社会作用。在艺术上,力求平易、通俗、浅显,形成了尚实、尚俗的美学特征。 6、韩孟诗派:唐贞元、元和年间以韩愈、孟郊为代表的一个诗歌流派,成员还包括贾岛、卢仝、李贺、刘叉等人。他们大都出身贫寒,仕途坎坷,性格狷介,常用诗抒愤世嫉俗之情。在诗歌理论方面主张“不平则鸣”和“笔补造化”之说,创作上注重主观化,崇尚雄奇怪异之美,注重苦吟和刻意的推敲锤炼,形成奇崛险怪、生新瘦硬的风格。 7、二晏:是指北宋词人晏殊与其子晏几道,两人都擅长以小令表现男女恋情的婉约词,以其相映成辉的艺术成就影响了一代词风,被词话家们并成为二晏,是中国历史上有名的父子文学家。晏殊,工于造句,以词著名于文坛,尤擅小令,有《珠玉词》一百三十余首传世,风格含蓄宛丽,多表现男女恋情、诗酒生活和悠闲情致,风格雍容和缓,纯净雅致,语言清丽,温润秀洁,也常表现对生命的忧思,并将其与情爱的缺失交融在一起,构成了晏殊词“情中有思”的特质;晏几道,继承其父所传承的“花间”传统并加以创新,善于言情,词风哀感缠绵,清壮顿挫,有《小山词》,所写恋情都有着明确的思恋对象,情感非常真挚,他善于用平淡的语言,常见的景物,表现不同寻常的深情,形成语淡情深的风格特色。 8、花间词派:西蜀词坛以“花间词派”为中心。“花间词派”因《花间集》而得名,是后蜀赵崇祚辑录温庭筠等十八家西蜀文人的词集。其词的题材内容大都是歌舞宴乐之事,男女欢爱之情。风格秾艳香软,柔靡绮丽。其中韦庄、欧阳炯等人的一些作品写得清新质朴,富有诗情画意。 9、诗中有画:出自苏轼的《书摩诘蓝田烟雨图》:“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗。”是唐代诗人王维的诗歌作品的艺术特征。王维兼诗人与画家于一身,把诗画艺术融为一体,“诗中有画”的艺术特色也就体现在各个重要的创作环节上。在结构上,王维


一、名词解释 神魔(怪)小说:出现于明代后期的白话章回小说。它以神魔怪异为主要题材,参照现实生活中政治、伦理、宗教等方面的矛盾和斗争,比附性的编织了神怪形象系列,将一些零散片段的故事系统化、完整化。风格上尚“奇”贵“幻”。它是在“三教合一”思想主导下,接受了古代神话、六朝志怪、唐传奇、宋元话本的影响和道教仙话、佛教故事和民间传说的养料产生的。代表作品有《西游记》《封神演义》等。 历史演义:所谓历史演义就是用通俗的语言,将战争兴废、朝代更替等为基干的历史题材,组织、敷演成完整的故事,并以此表明一定的政治思想、道德观念和美学理想。这种独特的文字样式受到了素重历史传统的中国人民的喜爱,所以明代“罗贯中氏《三国志》一书,以国史演为通俗演义,汪洋百馀回,为世所尚,嗣是效颦日众,因而有《夏书》《商书》《列国》《两汉》《唐书》《残唐》《南北宋》诸刻,其浩瀚几与正史分签并架”形成了一个创作历史演义的传统。而《三国志演义》是我国历史小说的开山之作。 前七子:也叫弘正七子。它是明代弘治、正德年间以李梦阳、何景明为首的一个复古主义文学流派,其成员有徐祯卿、边贡、康海、王九思、王廷相。借助复古手段而欲达到变革的目的,这是前七子文学复古的实质所在。

临川派:以临川剧作家汤显祖为首的戏曲流派,又叫“玉茗堂派”。此派创作主才情,不拘音律,常以男女至情反对封建礼教,以奇幻情节承载浪漫风格,以绮词丽语体体现优美文采。成员有吴炳、阮大铖、孟称舜等人。 清初古文三大家:侯方域、魏禧、汪琬三人。魏禧以观点卓越、析理透辟见长,汪琬写人状物笔墨生动,侯方域的影响最大,继承韩、欧传统,融入小说笔法,流畅恣肆,委屈详尽。 “四声猿”:“四声猿”语出郦道元《水经注》:“猿鸣三声泪沾裳”,是一组杂剧,包括《狂鼓史渔阳三弄》(1折)《玉禅师翠乡一梦》(2折)《雌木兰替父从军》(2折)《女状元辞凰得凤》(5折)四本短戏。创作活泼畅快、汪洋恣肆,在一定意义上反映出价值的世俗观念和相对进步的市民精神,带有甚为浓厚的民间文学色彩。徐渭欲借此剧,呼喊久积于胸的牢骚,张扬狂放不羁的个性,表现愤世嫉俗的精神。 公安派:中国明代文学流派。代表人物为袁宗道、袁宏道、袁中道三兄弟,因其籍贯为湖广公安(今属湖北),故世称公安派。其重要成员还有江盈科、陶望龄、黄辉、雷思霈等人。文学主张主要有以下3点:①反对剿袭,主张通变。他们猛烈抨击前后七子的句拟字摹、食古不化的倾向,主张文学应随时代而发展变化,应冲破一切束缚文学创作的藩篱。②独抒性灵,不拘格套。所谓“性灵”就是作家的个性表现和真情发露。他们认为“出自性灵


大四美国文学期末考试题型及例题: 1.选择/对错60分(40道选择,20个对错) 2.名词解释10分(5个) 3.选段配对10分(5个) 4.问答20分(10/2) 1.历史:Father / poetess… 2. 名作家:Hemingway, Faulkner, Poe, Hawthorne, Emerson 3.作品:The W asteland/Moby Dick/Scarlet Letter 1.a)选择题(40个,40分) 1. At the age of reason and revolution, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 2. Which is NOT connected to Benjamin Franklin? ________ A. He was born in a poor family. B. He was a pious puritan. C. He was phrased as “Jack of all trades”. D. He was a master of diplomacy. 3. Ernest Hemingway is noted for the following EXCEPT ________. A. Lost Generation B. Iceberg theory C. American Dream D. Code Heroes 4. Which character is NOT from The Scarlet Letter? ________ A. Hester Prynne B. Roger Chillingworth C. Captain Ahab D. Pearl 5. Jack London’s semi-biographical novel ________well presents the disillusionment of American Dream. A. The American Tragedy B. The Call of the Wild C. Martin Eden D. The Grapes of Wrath b)判断对错题(20个,20分) 1. Poe’s masterpiece “To Helen” is written to memorize his deceased wife. (F) 2. The tone of “Annabel Lee” is optimistic and hopeful. (F) 3. Mark Twain's novel Jumping Frog was an artistic failure, but it gave its name to the America of the postbellum period which it attempts to satirize. (F) 4. Sister Carrie ended up in tragedy because she could not control her fate. (F)


第四节汉大赋 汉大赋(散体赋、新体赋) 时代:汉武帝初年——东汉中叶 1.内容:主要歌颂国势、国威,表现王侯生活。末尾稍作讽喻劝诫,即所谓“劝百讽一”,以体物为主。 2.形式:篇幅长,规模大,句式参差(以三、四、六言为主)、韵散行间(首尾用散,篇中入韵),多用主客问答形式。“兮”字基本不用,多用“若乃”“尔乃”“于是”转接递进连接成文。行文铺张扬厉,语言堆砌、华丽。 3.代表作:枚乘《七发》司马相如《子虚赋》《上林赋》班固《两都赋》 Ⅰ《七发》枚乘 一、内容:以七件事启发太子。辞赋假设太子有疾,吴客往,以七事问之①欣赏音乐②品尝饮食③驰遂争胜④游乐遣兴⑥观涛⑦妙言要道 开篇以楚太子有病,吴客来探病为开端(1-2段主客问答) “四患”的陈述惊心动魄,一字千金 “纵耳目之欲,恣支体之安者,伤血脉之和。且夫出舆入辇,命曰蹷痿之机;洞房清宫,命曰寒热之媒;皓齿蛾眉,命曰伐性之斧;甘脆肥脓,命曰腐肠之药。 →用自然的壮美来开拓太子的心胸,升华他的灵魂 二、七事 第一件事:用欣赏音乐来启发太子(第3段) 1.首先写制琴材料(龙门之桐……) 2.次写制琴“于是背秋涉冬,使琴挚斫斩以为琴,野茧之丝以为弦,孤子之钩以为隐,九寡之珥以为约。使师堂操畅,伯子牙为之歌。歌曰:‘麦秀兮雉朝飞,向虚壑兮背槁槐,依绝区兮临回溪。” 3.再写操琴,并以歌和之。“使师堂操畅,伯子牙为之歌。歌曰:‘麦秀兮雉朝飞,向虚壑兮背槁槐,依绝区兮临回溪。” 4.最后是对音乐效果的渲染(飞鸟闻之……) 枚乘的音乐观①功利的社会音乐观②尚悲的音乐审美观③极致的艺术美学追求 第二件事:用珍美的饮食来启发太子(第4段) 第三件事:驰车赌赛的竞技活动(第5段) 第四件事:游观(第6段) 第五件事:盛大规模、威武雄壮的田猎活动。太子受鼓舞,他虽不能参加,但疾已有起色。(第7-9段) 第六件事:广陵观涛(两节)(第10-11段) 第七件事:妙言要道(第12段) 三、主题内容


中国古代文学史(第一卷) 绪论 1.文学自身发展变化的九个因素: 创作主体、思想内容、艺术表现、接收对象、文学体裁、文学语言、文学流派、文学思潮、文学传媒。 2.“三古”、“七段”: (1)上古期:先秦两汉(公元3世纪以前) 第一段:先秦 第二段:秦汉 (2)中古期:魏晋至明中叶(公元3世纪至16世纪) 第三段:魏晋至唐中叶(天宝末) 第四段:唐中叶至南宋末 第五段:元初至明中叶(正德末) (3)近古期:明中叶至“五四”运动(公元16世纪至20世纪初期) 第六段:明嘉靖初至鸦片战争(1840) 第七段:鸦片战争至“五四”运动(1919) 3.上古文学的内容及文体: 远在文字发明创造以前,文字艺术就已经产生。由此可以推测:上古文学与现实生活的结合得非常紧密。其中有同自然作斗争的神话,有和生产密切结合的诗歌,也有表示愿望趋吉避凶的咒语式的祷祝辞。 4.上古文学的特点:集体性、口头性、综合性。 5.中国诗歌(最古老的文学形式之一)的特点: (1)先秦诗歌经历了一个明显的发展过程,由宗教颂赞祷祝诗演进到言志抒情诗。这些诗歌奠定了中国诗歌发展的发展方向。 (2)诗、乐、舞三者紧密结合。 (3)在楚地、民俗及民间曲调基础上,屈原“依《诗》取兴,引类譬喻”,借鉴了《诗经》的艺术精神和手法,创作出奇伟瑰丽的诗篇,与《诗经》一起,奠定了以风、骚为基础的传统诗歌的创作规范。 6.先秦诗歌的概况: 在北方文化中产生了《诗经》,在南方楚文化中孕育了《楚辞》,多见于神话,富有浪漫气息。 《诗经》的现实主义创作精神和朴素的艺术手法显示出巨大的艺术魅力,并以“经学”的地位和传播方式深远地影响了中国古代文化与文学。 《楚辞》是文人的个体创作,并出现了以屈原为代表的南楚作家群,揭开了文人诗歌创作的新篇章。《楚辞》的浪漫精神、自由的形式、华美的词彩以及艺术表现技巧,对后世文学也产生了深远的影响,也是中国传统文学精神的源头之一。 第一章——先秦文学 1.中国古代四大神话:女娲补天、共工触山、后羿射日、嫦娥奔月。 2.《山海经》的文学常识: 在所有古代文献中,以《山海经》最具有神话学价值。《山海经》约成书于战国初年到汉代初年,应是由巫师、方士根据各地的自然神灵传说及祭祀状况汇编而成。《山海经》是我国古代保存神话资料最多的著作,内容及其驳杂。《山


Part One:English Poetry 1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 ?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer?s day? And who could `thee` be? Because summer?s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love. ?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why? Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May. ?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? Thee is more beautiful than summer. ?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal? Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal. ?What figures of speech are used in this poem? Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on . ?What is the theme of the poem? Love conquers all, Beauty lives on. 2. Thomas Nashe Spring ?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images. There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!” The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people?s relationship. ?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem? In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ]. 3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning ?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning? No, it is about the lover s?separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife?s love is sacred, he didn?t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.


美国文学期末考试复习必备(精) 1. What’s Puritanism? A religious and political movement which appeals to the right of the individual to political & religious independence. It includes three parts: a code of values, a point of view & a philosophy of life 2. What are the basic Puritan beliefs? 1). Total Depravity 2). Unconditional Election 3). Limited Atonement 4). Irresistible Grace 5). Perseverance of the "saints" 3. What are American Puritan values? Sobriety thrift, Self-reliance Diligence, Struggle, simple tastes 4. What are the features of American literature in the Colonial Period? A. Humble origins: diaries, journals, histories, letters. Its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period. B. in content: serving either god or colonial expansion or both C. in form: imitating English literary traditions. D. in style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery and simplicity of diction. E. Symbolism formed in this period ------To the pious Puritan, the physical, phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of God. F. Simple, fresh and direct style


大二下学期计划与目标 篇一:大二下学期计划与目标新的学期又开始了,时间过的很快,转眼间,我们已经大二下了。在这近 2 年的时间里,我们班的同学一起努力,取得了不错的成绩,班级同学彼此间的感情也不断加深。作为班长,我决心尽我的力量为同学们服务。 在一个班级中,如果全班同学都拧成一股绳,劲往一处使,那么没有什么事情是不能办到的。同时,在这样的氛围中,也将更容易调动大家的学习积极性以及积极参与社会活动的热情。 鉴于此,我认为,班级工作应从集体凝聚力中入手。这一问题解决了,其他问题也将迎刃而解。 所以,我这学期的工作目标是以下 3 点: 1、增强同学们的集体荣誉感、增强集体凝聚力。 2、学生以学为本,力求班级整体成绩更上一层楼;同 时丰富课余文化生活。 3、在上一届班委工作基础之上,树立班级形象、争创 院级、校级先进班级 具体工作计划: 1、积极开展文体活动。在本学期开展一至二次文体活动,比如说羽毛球比赛、男女混合的篮球比赛等,还有,在

期中组织一次集体出游,以此达到增强同学间感情及锻炼身体的目的 2、发挥班级集体的温暖,向每一位需要帮助的班级成员伸出最无私的援助之手。计划与青年志愿队联系,参与一次大型的公益活动,如慰问老人院等。 3、实行班务公开。设立班务公开日,是班级事务更加公开化、透明化,使班级里的同学人人都可以参与到集体事务中来。同时,广泛采纳同学们对班级事务的意见,集思广益,争取使班级工作更上一层楼。 4、建立学习互助对子。让学习成绩较为落后的同学得到及时的帮助,同时也能培养同学们的互助精神,增强同学间的友谊。建立互助对子以自愿为原则,形成互助对子后通知班级便可,并根据两人的学期期末成绩在其综合测评中做适当加分。 5、在已建立班级群的基础上,创建班级校友录或主页,在网络上展现班级的风采。班级校友录或主页也可以作为同学们心与心交流的无限空间,让大家更好地溶入到班级体这个大家庭中。还可以建设成为宣传班级形象的阵地,提高班级影响力,方便今后组织交流及活动通知,并有利于先进班级的评定。还要建立个人档案、个人简介,向来访者展示水政班每位同学的独特魅力。可能的话,还将成为日后用人单位认识本班同学的窗口。


1建安风骨:是人们对建安大时期美学风格的概括。如刘勰在文心雕龙中所说:观其时文,雅好慷慨,良由世积乱离,风衰俗怨,并志深而笔长,故梗概而多气也。指作品内在的“雅好慷慨”的品格,和语言表达上简练刚健的方式相结合,而形成的艺术风貌。代表人物“三曹”(曹操、曹丕、曹植)、“七子”(孔融、陈琳、王粲、徐干、阮瑀、应玚、刘桢) 2建安七子: 指东汉末建安时期曹氏父子之外的七位著名诗人。他们是,孔融、陈琳、王粲、徐干、阮瑀、应玚、刘桢。“七子”之称,始于曹丕所著《典论·论文》,其中以王粲陈旧最高 3宫体诗: 盛行于南朝梁陈时期的诗体,宫体之称始于梁简文帝萧纲时,作为永明新体诗的“新变”,内容,内容上不独以“止乎衽席之间”“恩极闺房之内”为主。形式上也有“清辞巧制”“雕琢蔓藻”代表人物萧氏父子,庾信等 4初唐四杰:初唐时期诗坛上出现的以“文章齐名天下”的四位杰出诗人,他们是王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王,又称“王杨卢骆”。他们在诗歌创作上,大大扩大了诗歌创作领域与题材,并把诗歌从宫廷引向市井,从京都引向边塞荒漠。在艺术上有博大之象。对唐诗发展有巨大推动作用。他们有着相同的审美追求,起着继往开来的作用。他们的诗文各有特点,王杨擅于五言律诗,卢骆长于七言歌行 5竹林七贤:识见于世说新语。任诞。魏晋之际的文学七个代表作家,常集于竹林之下,故名竹林七贤。以阮籍嵇康文学成就最高,七人分别为嵇康、阮籍、山涛、向秀、刘伶、王戎及阮咸。 6大历十才子:十才子最初见于中唐诗人姚合的极玄集。其中包括十才子为李端、卢纶、吉中孚、韩翃、钱起、司空曙、苗发、崔洞(一作峒)、耿湋、夏侯审。其主要创作诗风相像,他们或寄情山水景物或写羁旅之情。 7元和体:是指元、白在元和年间写的次韵相酬的,穷极声韵的长篇排律,以及杯酒光景间感叹自身遭遇的小碎篇章,再加之艳体诗在内统称为元和体。形成诗到元和体是体裁变新的局面。 8象外之象:司空图在《与极浦书》中提出的文论诗主张。诗歌创作具有象外之象。其中第一象是诗歌中具体,鲜明所感可言的形象画面。第二象指形象画面中所蕴含的无穷韵味,是无象之象。 9玄言诗:东晋时期出现的一种诗风,代表人物有孙卓,许洵等。理过其辞,淡乎寡味,平典似道德论 10骈文:齐梁时期,骈文是文章的代表。骈偶平整,声韵谐美,用典繁复,辞藻华美,四六句型是其最基本的文体要素。骈文在两汉时期孕育而出。在齐梁时期确立体势,并进入鼎盛期。 11永明体:南朝齐永明年间,沈约等人发现诗歌韵律,以晋宋以来诗歌中对偶形式相结合出现的新诗体,注重对偶,讲求音律,守护四声八病之说,对篇短小,是我国诗歌由古体向近体的过渡诗体,反映了诗歌创作由较为自由发展到讲求格律的必然趋势,代表人物有沈约,谢朓,王融


中国农业大学成人高等教育 学年第学期(任课教师:) 课程考试试题 考生诚信承诺 1、本人清楚学校关于考试管理、考场规则、考试作弊处理的规定,并严格遵照执行。 2、本人承诺在考试过程中没有作弊行为,所做试卷的内容真实可信。 站点名称:专业: 年级层次学号姓名成绩: 大学英语(工商企业管理专科)① Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。 1.Studies have shown _______ teenagers often suffer form depression. A.that B.which C.in which D.in that 2.The party has failed to _______ the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country. A.trust B.credit C.convince D.believe 3._______ driving around all day looking for somewhere to park,why don‘t you take a bus to town? A.In spite of B.Rather than C.In palce of D.Other than 4.The kids are _______ be hungry when they get home—they always are. A. obliged to B. bound to C. desired to D. motivated to 5.All the characteristics that distinguish birds _______ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. A.to B.between C.for D.from 6.When the city was _______,everyone knew that total defeat was certain. A.cut off B.cut down C.cut across D.cut out 7.If we _______ everything ready by now,we should be having a terrible time tomorrow. A.hadn‘t got B. didn’t get C.wouldn‘t have got D. wouldn’t get 8.In his composition there were no other errors _______ a few misspelled words. A.beside B.except C.then D.than 9.In deciding _______ a course of action,the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters. A.what to pursue B.which to pursue C.whether to pursue D.if to pursue 10.Since we have a focused subject,we should not talk _______. A.at once B.at hand C.at intervals D.at random Ⅱ。Cloze Test 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。Economists believe that job earnings influence choice of occupation. They acknowledge that people place varying emphasis __11__income,but point out that workers tend to move from one occupation to another __12__changes in salaries. In 1931,H.F.Clark,an economist,stated that“proper information regarding wages if sufficiently __13__ upon people,will lead to correct choice of occupation and correct __14__ of people in an occupation,provided barriers to occupations have been removed.”This means that the supply and demand of workers have __15__to do with wages,__16__in turn influence people to choose certain careers……However,all barriers to occupations will have to be removed __17__ career choices can be __18__ by economics alone. There is little question __19__economic factors have some influence on choice of an occupation. But to picture them as the major or most important reason __20__ against the soundest of folk wisdom:“Man does not live by bread alone.” 11.A.in B.on C.into D.for 12.A.despite B.other than C.through D.because of 13.A.to impress B.to be impressed C.impress D.impressed 14.A.number B.amount C.deal D.quantity 15.A.many B.much C.lot D.nothing 16.A.it B that C.which D.where 17.A.before B.after C.until D.when 18.A.expected B.explained C.expressed D.exposed 19.A.that B.which C.as D.when 20.A.to go B.going C.goes D.go Ⅲ。Reading Comprehension 从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。 Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. “No man is an island,”wrote the poet John Donne several centuries ago. He was acknowledging one of our most distinctive characteristics:the fact that we are social animals whose behavior and personalities are shaped by the groups to which we belong. Throughout life,most of our daily activities are performed in the company of others. Whether our purpose is working,playing,raising a family,learning,or simply relaxing,we usually pursue it in groups,even if the group is as small as two or three people. Out need for human contacts is not merely a practical one;it is a deep psychological need as well. If people are deprived of the company of others for prolonged periods,mental breakdown is the usual result. Even the Geneva Convention(日内瓦公约),an international agreement that regulates the treatment of prisoners of war,recognizes this need. It regards solitary (孤独的)imprisonment for more than thirty day as a cruel form of torture(折磨)。 In its strictest sense, a group is a collection of people interacting together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expe ctations about one another‘s behavior. As result of this interaction,members feel a common sense of“belonging.”They distinguish members from nonmembers and expect certain kinds of behavior from outsiders. 21.By“No man is an island,”John Donne means _____. A.no one can live on an island alone B.a man is not surrounded by sea on all sides C.a man and an island are irrelevan D.no one can live in isolation from other people 22.The fact that we work or even play in groups illustrates the point that ____. A.poeple are different from animals B.Donne recognized the group to which he belonged C.human beings are social animals D.human behavior and personalities are formed by others 23.“Breakdown”as used in Line 6,Paragraph 2 most probably denotes ____. A.separation B.collapse C.analysis D.function 24.According to the passage,what is NOT a characteristic of group? A.There are at least two people in it. B.The members share some common grounds. C.The members work for one purpose. D.The members interact regularly with each other. 25.This passage is mainly about _______. A.the importance of human contacts B.pattens of human behavior C.the importance of human activities D.patterns of human society Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

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