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剑桥国际英语教程 《剑桥国际英语教程》是专为非英语国家的学习者编写的大型英语教程,是国际上最受欢迎,最有影响的英语教材之一。教程的内容包括听、说、读、写四种技能。同时进行语言训练和词汇扩展,尤其强调听说技能和英语交际能力的培养。该书主要使用美国英语,但是其内容并不局限于某个国家、地区或文化,而是反应了英语作为国际交流用语的丰富性和多元性。该套教材的主要产品包括学生用书(附赠词汇手册)、教师用书、练习册、音带或CD、录像教材、DVD和CD-ROM等。 《剑桥国际英语教程》由两个系列丛书组成,共分六级。New Interchange系列包括4个级别。入门级,1级,2级,3级。入门级:针对没有英语基础的“真正”初学者,讲解基础语法结构、词汇和语言功能。1级:针对有初级英语水平的学习者,旨在进一步培养语法、词汇和语用技能,使学习者达到初级偏高水平。2级:针对有初级偏高英语水平的学习者,旨在进一步培养语法、词汇和语用技能,使学习者达到中级水平。3级:针对有初中级英语水平的学习者,培养学习者用比较流利、精确的英语进行交际的能力。本教材通过大量富于启发性、挑战性的练习活动,使学生能够进一步巩固和发展他们用英语交际的能力。除应用型技能练习外,教材还设计了各种更高级的语篇理解能力练习。听力练习包括:听叙述、听广告、听讨论、听采访。阅读活动包括:跨文化交际主题,生活方式主题,不同的价值观主题等取材真实的阅读篇章。完成以上4级的学习之后,学习者可

以达到中级偏高水平。Passages系列包括两个系别。NNew Interchange的后续高级教程。 新版《剑桥国际英语教程》(第3版)(Irnterchange Third Edition)是《剑桥国际英语教程》(New Interchange)的全面修订版。作为世界上最受欢迎,最有影响的英语教程之一,《剑桥国际英语教程》推动了中国传统语言学习模式的革新,加快了我国英语教学的国际化进程。新版总结了上一版在全球的课堂实践经验,为读者奉献了更时尚的内容、更丰富的语法训练和更多的听说实践机会。 本套教材的主要产品包括学生用书(附赠词汇手册)、教师用书、练习册、音带或CD、录像教材、DVD和CD-ROM等。另外,学生用书和练习册分两个版本——全一册和A、B分册。便于广大师生根据需要选择。录像教材可以作为视听说培训教材单独使用。 本教程共分4级:本书是《剑桥国际英语教程第》3级。


Unit 6a Reporting Results 第六单元a 报告业绩 Annual Report 年度报告 A 我们目前正实施的资源增效计划所创造的利润基本抵消了罢工及不利汇价造成的损失,这种成本绩效的改进,实现了高达1亿英镑的业绩。另外一个收人来源是最近我们出售了独家拥有的子公司迪诺克斯。 B 公司稳步发展,税前利润和例外项目上升到5.96亿英镑。公司业绩良好的一个特点仍然还是严格的现金管理制度。投资的增加给公司带来了压力,但资产负债表显示,尽管有3.46亿英镑的支出,净现金收入还是达到了32亿英镑。 C 贸易额增长了4.5%,与近几年相比有了大幅度的提高;营业额提高了3%。去年底完成的结构重组计划,使经营利润也同时增长。这一项目虽然成功、但也使净现金减少到4.72亿英镑。 D 去年我们的主要业绩是收购了一家特色化工制品公司。这一投资以及已经制定的资产出售计划。将使公司的经营范围更加合理。由于公司非核心业务经营业绩不佳。交易利润下降了7%,证明我们目前所采取的行动是合理的。 Unit 7a Health and Safety 第七单元a 卫生与安全 5 STEPS TO RISH ASSESSMENT 风险评估的五个步骤 风险评估就是对工作中可能导致人身伤害的潜在危险进行周密极查,以此判断是否已经采取了足够的防范措施或者是否应该增加其他措施以防止危害发生。风险评估的目的是保证没有人受到人身伤害或者得病。事故和疾病可能夺去人的生命,而且,如果产量减少、机器被毁、保险费用增加或者需要打官司,还会影响到公司的业务。 进行风险评估时需要判断的重要事项包括:判断事故隐患是否重大,是否采取了适当的防范措施以把危害减到最小。 如果你的公司规模很小,井且你自信熟悉风险评估这项工作,你可以进行自我评估,或者,你也可以让有责任心的员工、安全事务代理人、安全员来帮你做这项工作。如果你自己没有把握,可向地方健康和安全监督员咨询。但切记:你有责任保证防范借施充分落实到位。 第一步 在你的工作场所周围巡视一遍,重新检查有什么可能引起伤害的潜在危险。忽略无关紧要的细节,把注意力集中在可能引起重大伤害或可能伤及群休的重大隐患上。向你的员工或员工代表了解他们的想法。因为他们每天身临工作场所,每天都在工作,他们可能已经注意到了一些井不是一目了然的情况。 第二步 把那些并不始终在工作场所的人员也考虑进去,比如清洁工、承包人以及维修人员。那些到访的公众也要考虑进去,他们也有可能因为你们的生产活动而受到伤害。 第三步 即使采取了充分的防范措施,仍然还会有危险存在。你需要对每种重大隐患作出判断:现存的危险是否重大,一般还是很小。首先,要考虑是否已经做了法律要求你必须做的一切。再想一想普遍接受的行业标准是否适宜。但不要就此而止,还要再为自己考虑一下,因为法.律规定你必须采取合理措施以保证工作场所的安全。切记:你的目的是通过增加必要的防范措施来减少安全隐患。 第四步 如果你的员工少于5人,就不必采用书面形式记录下来;但如果你有5个或5个以上的员工,就必须把评估的主要结果记录下来。也就是说要把那些较为重大的隐患写下来,并把最重要的发现结果记录在案。你应该保存这一书面材料以备将来参考。如果监督员来查询你的防范措施或者如果你卷入了一场民事责任诉讼,这份材料对你就特别有用。这份材料还能够证明你已经按照法律行事了,而且它还可么提醒你密切关注具体事务或者引起你优虑的事故隐患。 第五步 有时候,你无疑需要引进新的机器、物品以及工作程序,而这些有可能引发新的隐患。如果有重大变化,


剑桥国际英语教程 本人是个学生,依照自己学习英语的经历发表一些浅见。请各位不要将以下内容做商业用途。 误区: 1、在我看来,简单地评判一本英语教材是否优秀,可以观察以下几点:1. 有无CEFR欧洲标准评级,2. 是否是近10年出版3. 是否是英美出版社出版(或英美引进) 1:CEFR是最重要的欧洲各语言标准,分为A1-C2六个等级,若不清楚可以上网查一下。教材若没有明确指出,则教材要么落伍20年以上,要么就不符合常规的CEFR大纲的英语教学,对于一般学生来说不选为妙。2:CEFR标准和考试从上个世纪开始实施,相关教材出版过很多,教材内容也不断更新,当今能继续出版的多是更先进的教材,不建议买10年以前的教材,最好是近5年的书。一本脱节的教材因为所谓的“经典”而一直用下去是错误的(新概念1/2的几乎每篇课文我都背过,这个问题是毋庸置疑的)。3:我从未见过母语为中文的作家出过任何优秀的英语教材(不包括参考书),这其实很好理解,你见过哪个中文学生从小学习外国人出的语文书吗?且英美是当今教育实力最强的两个国家,优秀教材数不胜数,没有什么理由选非英美甚至国内的教材。下面会抽一些国内知名垃圾教材说明。

当然以上标准也有例外情况,但我见过的大多数教材都符合以上要求。 2、国内知名教材的简单评价:国内最出名的教材无非以下几种:初高中教科书、新概念、赖世雄美语、走遍美国等,很显然,按照上面的标准,它们都过于落后了。这些教材与近五年新出的英语教材的差距都在二十年以上,是骡子是马直接买本下面推荐的优秀教材比对就能看得一清二楚(当然第一次见到这种教材可能不适应),我没必要具体说明。 3、对我国英语教育的吐槽:国内多数学校,包括许多重点中学(外国语除外)仍是使用落后的教科书,如旧版人教英语教科书本世纪初出版,质量本就一般,且竟过了近15-20年才再版,而我大致浏览了新版,发现并没有先进多少,依旧落后。唯一值得欣慰的是少部分大学教材直接引进了英美先进教材,但大概学的大学生也少之又少。而课外的培训机构仍大多迷信几十年前的极其落伍的教材如新概念,那些先进教材则因为教授所赚的利润不大而被遗弃,导致如今竟仍有人觉得新概念是宝。而国内多数中大学生的英语能力如何呢?中考2000词汇量,A2水平,高考4000词汇量,B1水平,四六级6000词汇量,B2水平。且中高考对听说写的要求不高或只以应试为准,实际远没有达到以上级别。这可是在连续学了至少10年英语的背景上!英语难吗?总比中文简单,我见过有些小孩小学就过了B2甚至C1的


BEC商务英语中级学生用书答案 第一单元 P7 READING (5) 1,open your mind 2 plan for disaster 3 get organized 4 set your limits 5 put pen to paper 6 don’t feel guilty 7 two become one P9 GRAMMAR (5) 1 need 2 communicate 3 have escaped 4 have been working 5 have been 6 am working 7 answer P9 (SPEAKING)Writing 第六题work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。 P10 READING (4) AACCBABCAC 第二单元 P16 READING (4) →BACBC P18 GAMMAR (4) 1 began 2.trademarked 3.became 4.has been 5.has been working 6.has been 7.took part P19 GAMMAR (5) 1.have been working 2.joined 3.have had 4.have been considering 5.has expanded https://www.doczj.com/doc/398319110.html,pleted 7.have been studying 8.has agreed P23 WRITING A MEMO 第三单元 P27 READING (3) https://www.doczj.com/doc/398319110.html,unch 2.charge 3.fee 4.growth 5.concept 6.branch out P27 Writing(6.work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。) P29 GRAMMAR (6) 1.’ll call 2.won’t rise 3.’re running 4.’m going to have 5.’leaves 6.will be opening 7.will have started 8.going to leave 9.’ll be receiving 第六单元 P57 SPEAKING 6问答题(答案没有找到,自主发挥) P58 GRAMMAR (1)1. ’s employed 2.must have been asked 3.is hoped 4 are being made 5to be looked at6 were taken on7 ’ll be fired GRAMMAR(3)1.will be given 2.is being reviewed 3.have been offered 4.was set up 5.will be given 6.to be look 7.is hoped 8.have been delayed P59 GRAMMAR (5) 1.to assess 2.was unfairly dismissed 3.was followed 4.has been found 5.had failed 6.is reported 7.gave 8.was dismissed 9.appears 10.is recommended 11.should be carried 12.will help P61 READING (2) →BFDAEC P62 1 翻译(可能从着5篇短文中出) 第七单元 P66 READING (3) BCBD P69 GRAMMAR (6) 1.bad 2.most 3.most enjoyable 4.more 5.than 6.better 7.as 8.better P70 READING (2)→BADCD BCABA BDBCC Memo例文 To: All Staff From: (name of student) Date:4,july


BEC剑桥商务英语初级词汇 Business Topic World of work (职场) 词语准备 business n. 工商企业;商行;商业 technique n. 技巧 cross-culture adj.跨文化的 Internet n.因特网,国际互联网 presentation n.口头报告;陈述;叙述 public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司 run(courses/workshops) vt. 开办(课程/讲习班) one-to-one 一对一的 motivational adj. 激发积极性的 client n. 客户 professional adj. 专业的,职业的 involve vt. 包含;需要;使成为必要部分 responsibility n. 责任;所负责的事情 be responsible for sb./sth. 对某人/某事负责 title n. 头衔;职称 sample n. 样品;使用产品account n. 账目;账户 badge n. 徽章 identify vt. 发现;确定 catering service 餐饮服务 MD managing director的缩写,总经理,执行董事 interior n. 车内产品;内部装饰 memo n. 备忘录;便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,家用电器 ship vt. 运送 Power Point幻灯片 bonus n. 奖金 catalogue n. 产品目录 positive adj. 积极乐观的 diary n. 记事簿 Business Skills Personal and professional details(个人及职业细节) 词语准备 division n. 分理处,部门 colleague n. 同事 profile n. 传略,人物简介;概况 questionnaire n. 问卷,调查表 interview n. 采访;面试 single adj. 单身的,未婚的


哈尔滨金融学院教案 课程名称:金融英语 课程代码: 开课系部:金融系 授课教师: 授课班级:12级金管1、2、3班; 2012级国际金融1、2班 开课学期:2014-2015上

一、课程简介(四号宋体加粗) 课程类别:必修课 授课对象:专科层次金融管理与实务专业;国际金融专业 场地器材:1#308 学时学分:×××(四号宋体) 使用教材:Ian MacKenzie,《剑桥金融财务英语》,人民邮电出版社,2010年 参考教材:《会计专业英语》 《英文国际贸易》 《金融英语》 二、教学目标 扩充学生的金融词汇量,了解地道的外国金融案例。本门课程分为四个领域,会计学、银行业、公司理财、经济与贸易,学生学习后从宏观上可以将4者结合,将所学的知识进行整合,整体上提高自己的就业竞争力。 三、教学过程 第一次课 2学时 教学内容 第一章Basic terms 第1节 money and income 1.Currency 2.Personal finance 第2节 business finance

1.Capital 2.Revenue 3.Financial statement 重点难点 Terminologies 教学组织 1.讲授法 2.集体授课 3. 多媒体教学,板书 作业布置 课后习题,背诵专业术语 第二次课 2学时 教学内容 第三章Banking 第19节 personal banking 1.Current accounts 2.Banking products and services 3.E-banking 第20节 commercial and retail banking https://www.doczj.com/doc/398319110.html,mercial and retail banks 2.Credit 3.Loans and credits 重点难点 1.Types of accounts 2.Differences on types of accounts at home and abroad


[by:英语听力网|https://www.doczj.com/doc/398319110.html,|人人论坛|https://www.doczj.com/doc/398319110.html,|人人听力网] [00:00.00]喜欢https://www.doczj.com/doc/398319110.html,,就把https://www.doczj.com/doc/398319110.html,复制到QQ个人资料中!2.CONVERSATION [00:03.71]A.Listen and practice [00:07.03]Julia:I'm so excited!We have two weeks off!What are you going to do? [00:12.96]Nancy:I'm not sure.I guess I'll just stay home.Maybe I'll catch up on my reading.What about you?Any plans? [00:21.73]Julia:Well,my parents have rented a condominium in Florida.I'm going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming. [00:32.18]Nancy:Sounds great! [00:33.83]Julia:Say,why don't you come with us?We have plenty of room. [00:38.19]Nancy:Do you mean it?I'd love to ! [00:41.93]3.GRAMMAR FOCUS Future with be going to and will [00:50.47]Use be going to + verb to talk about plans you've decided https://www.doczj.com/doc/398319110.html,e will + verb with maybe,probably,I guess,or I think to talk about possible plans before you've made a decision. [01:09.90]Where are you going to go? I'm going to go to the beach. [01:14.45]I'm not sure.Maybe I'll catch up on my reading. [01:18.71]I'm not going to take a vacation. [01:22.05]I probably won't take a vacation this year. [01:25.08]What are you going to do?I'm going to do lots of swimming. [01:30.31]I guess I'll just stay home. [01:33.36]I don't know.I think I'll go camping. [01:37.10]7.CONVERSATION [01:40.44]A.Listen and practice. [01:44.10]Lucy:Hey,Mom.I want to backpack around Europe this summer.What do you think? [01:49.30]Mom:Backpack around Europe?That sounds dangerous!You shouldn't go by yourself.You ought to go with someone. [01:58.26]Lucy:Yes,I've thought of that. [02:00.69]Mom:And you'd better talk to your father first. [02:04.42]Lucy:I already did.He thinks it's a great idea.He wants to come with me! [02:10.43]8.GRAMMAR FOCUS Modals for necessity and suggestion [02:18.21]Describing necessity [02:20.33]You have to get a passport. [02:22.92]You must get a visa for some countries. [02:26.44]You need to take money. [02:28.61]For some countries,you don't have to get any vaccinations. [02:33.16]Giving suggestions [02:35.19]You'd better talk to your father. [02:37.73]You ought to go with someone. [02:40.31]You should take warm clothes. [02:42.87]You shouldn't go by yourself. [02:45.59]9.PRONUNCIATION Ought to and have to [02:51.96]A.Listen and practice.Notice the pronunciation of ought to and have to in these

新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 中级 第三版)Module 6

Module 6 第六单元 6.1 Recruitment Vocabulary recruitment 招聘 migraine (headache) 周期性偏头痛 body-piercing studio 人体穿环工作室(一种从事人体美容的地方)take a sick day 请一天病假 sales position 销售职务 sales figures 销售数据 apply for 申请 go in for an interview 参加面试 arrange an interview 安排面试 automated messages 自动应答信息 lottery 彩票win~中彩票,中奖 pay off the rest of his mortgage 付清贷款余额 mortgage 抵押,按揭 disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序 take someone on 录用某人 walk out 离职,罢工 dismiss解雇 sack 解雇,炒鱿鱼 fire 解雇 lay off 使下岗(临时)解雇 resign 辞职 take voluntary redundancy 自愿裁员,自愿接受裁退 make redundant 裁员 give notice 预先通知(解雇、辞职等) applicant 申请人 flexible 灵活的,善于变通的 stationery 文具 personal correspondence 私人信件 pension 养老金 retirement 退休 6.2Emailing Vocabulary inbox 收件箱 check the inbox 检查收件箱

剑桥金融财务英语 黑体单词翻译

U1 Currency Notes Banknotes Coins Cash Bank deposits On paper Personal finance Earns Income Salary Wages Overtime Commission Bonus Fees Social security Pension Spend Outgoings Living expenses Bills Rent Mortgage Health insurance Tax U2 Set up Capital Borrow Loan Interest Shares Equities Shareholders Own Share capital Investors Lend Bonds Owed Debt Liabilities U1 货币 钞票 钞票纸币硬币 现金 银行存款在账面上个人理财赚 收入 薪水 工资 加班 佣金 奖金 费用 社会保障退休金花费 支出 生活费用账单 租金 抵押贷款健康保险税收 U2 创立 资本 借 贷款 利息 股票 股票 股东 自己的股本 投资者借出 债券 欠 债务 债务

On credit Working capital Funds Revenue Expenses Profit Earnings Net income Dividend Tax Retain Financial statements Balance sheet Assets Profit and loss account U3 Accounting Recording Transaction Accountancy Bookkeeping Financial accounting Preparing Creditors Management accounting Auditing Accuracy Fraud Internal audit Accountants Internal auditors External audit Independent auditors Creative accounting True and fair view Laws Follow rules Standards Apply Annual accounts U4 Double-entry bookkeeping Bookkeepers Transactions 赊账 营运资金 基金 收入 费用 利润 收益 纯收入 股息 税收 保持 财务报表 资产负债表 资产 损益账户 U3 会计核算 记录 交易 会计学 记账 财务会计 准备 债权人 管理会计 审计 准确度 欺诈 内部审计 会计人员 内部审计师 外部审计 独立审计师 创造性会计 真实与公平的观点法律 遵循规则 标准 应用 年度账目 U4 复式记账 记账人 交易


Third Edition (第3版) interchange 剑桥国际英语教程 Jack C. Richards 词汇手册入门级 Unit 1 it’s nice to meet you afternoon n. 下午 again ad. 又,再 am (=’m) v. 是,在 and conj. 和,与 are (=’re) v. 是,在 book n. 书 (English / math) class n. (英语/ 数学)课 1 classmate n. 同班同学 country n. 国家;国土 evening n. 傍晚 famous a. 著名的 female n. 女子 first a. 第一的 first / last name 名字/ 姓 he pro. 他 her a. 她的 2 his a. 他的 I pron. 我 in (my class) prep. 在(我的班)里 is (=’s) v. 是,在 it pron. 它 last a. 最后的 male n. 男子 married a. 已婚的 3 math n. 数学 Miss n. (未婚)女士,小姐morning n. 早晨 Mr. n. 先生 Mrs. n. 夫人,太太 Ms. n. 女士 my a. 我的 name n. 名字 nickname n. 绰号 4 night n. 夜晚 no ad. 不 oh int. 噢 our a. 我们的 phone n. 电话 phone number 电话号码 popular a. 受欢迎的 she pron. 她 single a. 单身的 5 teacher n. 教师 (over) there ad. (在)那里 too (=also) 也 yes 是 you 你,你们 your 你的,你们的 Unit2 What’s this? address 地址 address book 地址簿 bag 袋子,包 behind 在……后面 board 写字板 book bag 书包 box 盒子 7 briefcase 公文包 (English)book (英语)书 café咖啡厅,快餐店 camera 照相机 car 汽车 cassette player 磁带放音机 CD player CD机 8 cell phone (=cellphone)手机 chair 椅子 chopstick 筷子 clock 钟,时钟 desk 书桌 (English)dictionary (英文)词 典 DVD player DVD机 earring 耳环 9 encyclopedia 百科全书 eraser 橡皮 exercise 练习,训练 glasses 眼镜 gone 丢失的 great 好的,伟大的 10 I bet 我认为…… in front of 在……前面 interesting 有趣的 key 钥匙 location 地点,场所 notebook 笔记本 now 好了(用于停顿或引起别人 注意) 11 on 在……前面 open 打开 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pocket 口袋 purse (女式)钱包


第一单元 P7 READING (5) 1,open your mind 2 plan for disaster 3 get organized 4 set your limits 5 put pen to paper 6 don’t feel guilty 7 two become one P9 GRAMMAR (5) 1 need 2 communicate 3 have escaped 4 have been working 5 have been 6 am working 7 answer P9 (SPEAKING)Writing 第六题work in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。 P10 READING (4) AACCBABCAC 第二单元 P16 READING (4) → BACBC P18 GAMMAR (4) 1 began been been working been part P19 GAMMAR (5) been working had been considering expanded been studying agreed P23 WRITING A MEMO 第三单元 P27 READING (3) out P27 Writing( in pairs.中有可能选择其中一个话题进行作文。) P29 GRAMMAR (6) 1.’ll call ’t rise 3.’re running 4.’m going to have 5.’leaves be opening have started to leave 9.’ll be receiving 第六单元 P57 SPEAKING 6问答题(答案没有找到,自主发挥) P58 GRAMMAR (1)1. ’s employed have been asked hoped 4 are being made 5to be looked at6 were taken on7 ’ll be fired GRAMMAR(3) be given being reviewed been offered set up be given be look hoped been delayed P59 GRAMMAR (5) assess unfairly dismissed followed been found failed reported dismissed recommended be carried help P61 READING (2) →BFDAEC P62 1 翻译(可能从着5篇短文中出) 第七单元 P66 READING (3) BCBD P69 GRAMMAR (6) enjoyable P70 READING (2)→BADCD BCABA BDBCC Memo例文 To: All Staff From: (name of student) Date:4,july Subject: Parental Leave Further to our previous meeting ,I am pleased to comfirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks .The new system will come into operation as from 4th SEPTEMBER. May I remind you that your managers will require one month’s notice


Unit 1 Please call me Beth. 语法点:A.含有be动词的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句及回答。 B. 代词主格(I you him/her/it we you they) 形容词性物主代词(my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their)。 1.人们怎么称呼你?What do people call you? 大家叫我Jim。Everyone calls me Jim. 2.-我来自巴西,他呢?I’m from Brazil. What/How about him? -他也是。So is he. 3.你的姓怎么拼写?How do you spell your last name? S-I-L-V-A. 4.我们在同一个数学班。We’re in the same math class. 5.让我们去打个招呼。Let’s go and say hello. 6.首尔是什么样子的?What’s Seoul like? 它真的很漂亮。It’s really very nice. 7.日子过的怎么样?How’s it going? 非常好。Pretty good. 8.我在去学校的路上。I’m on my way to school. / 他在回家的路上。He is on his way home. 9.你有空么?Are you free? 10.你和Beth在同一个班级么?Are you and Beth in the same class? 11.你和你的好朋友同岁吗?Are you and your best friend the same age? 12.一会见。See you later. 明天见。See you tomorrow. 13.祝你愉快。/祝你度过快乐的一天。Have a good day. *14. Name is an important part of your identity. 名字是你身份的重要组成部分。 *15. Why are some names unpopular? 为什么一些名字不受欢迎呢? Unit 2 How do you spend your day? 语法点:A.含实意动词的一般现在时(单三) B. 介词(表示时间at/ in/ on/ around/ until/before/ after) 1.我带人们去南美的一些国家旅行。I take people on tours to countries in South America, like Peru. 2. 多有趣啊!How interesting! 3. 我有一份兼职工作。I have a part-time job. 4. 他在北京为一家打电脑公司工作。He works for a big computer company in Beijing. 5. 你什么时候上班?What time do you go to work? 6. 你晚上什么时候到家?When do you get home at night? 7. 难道你不认识我么?Don’t you recognize me ? 短语:care for 照顾answer the phone 接电话by the way 顺便说一下get up 起床go to bed睡觉leave work 下班get home到家stay up 熬夜wake up醒来 in the morning 在上午in the afternoon 在下午in the evening在晚上at night 在晚上on Sundays 在周日on weekdays 在工作日


Questions: -what does PBC stand for? On December 1,1948,the People’s Bank of China was founded in Shijiazhuang Heibei Province. --The PBC was established based on the consolidation of three banks. What were these three banks? Huabei Bank,Beihai Bank and Xibei Farmer Bank. -- How many branches does the PBC have? Can you list some? In total nine branches.Such as Tianjin Branche Bank Shanghai Branche Bank Chengdu Branche Bank and so on. --What are the big four state-owned commercial banks in China? Agricultural Bank of China China Construction Bank Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Bank Of China --What are the three policy banks in China? The Export-Import Bank of China Agricultural Development Bank of China China Development Bank -- Can you list some joint-stock commercial banks in China? Bank of Communications China Merchants Bank China Citic Bank China Minsheng Banking and so on . -- What is China’s current exchange rate regime? On July 21,2005,the PBC adopted the managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and with reference to a basket of currencies. --When was the IMF established? This international organization was formally created in July 1944. --What is the fundamental mission of the IMF? The fundamental mission of the IMF is to help ensure stability in the international system. -- What objectives does the IMF pursue? The IMF pursues the objiectives of 1) promoting international monetary cooperation and exchange rate stability; 2)facilitating the balanced growth of international trade ; and 3)provding resources to help members in balance of payment difficulties or to assist with poverty reduction. -- How do member countries of the IMF pay their quota subscriptions? Countries pay 25 percent of their quota subscriptions in SDRs or major currencies,such as U.S. dollars,euros,pounds sterling,or Japanese yen.They pay the remaining 75 percent in their own currencies. -- What are the SDRs? An international type of monetary reserve currency,Created in response to concerns about the limitations of gold and dollars as the sole means of settling international accounts,SDRs are designed to augment international liquidity by supplement the standard reserve currencies. --What are the five agencies of the World Bank Group? International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association International Finance Corporation Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes -- Why are some groups opposed to the World Bank? Due to the fundamental structure of the Bank, the already existing imbalance between the

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