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命题人:宿丑云 班级 姓名 成绩 .


1、若函数22+-=m x y 是正比例函数,则m 的值是 .

2、将直线y=2x 的图象向下平移3个单位长度,得到直线____________.

3、一次函数32--=x y ,它的图象与x 轴的交点是 ,通过 象限。

4、已知一次函数y=kx+5的图象通过点(-1,2),则k= .

5、直线y=2x+1与y=-3x+1的交点坐标是 ,请再写出一个通过那个交点的直线的的函数解析式 .

6、直线l 与y 轴交于点(0,-3),且与直线85+-=x y 平行,则直线l 的解析式 为____________.

7、一次函数42+-=x y 的图象与坐标轴所围成的三角形面积是 .

8、分别用x 和y 表示等腰三角形的顶角和底角的度数, y 与x 之间的函数解析式为______.

由上表得与之间的关系式是 .


1、下列函数 (1)π2=C r (2)12-=x y (3)x

y 1= (4)x y 3-= (5)12+=x y 中,是一次函数的有( ) A.4个 B.3个 C.2个 D.1个


2-+=x x y 中自变量x 的取值范畴是 ( ) A .2-≥x B.1≠x C.2->x 且1≠x D.2-≥x 且1≠x

3、直线x y 2=,12-=x y ,13+=x y 共同具有的特点是 ( )


B.与y 轴交于负半轴

C.y 随x 增大而增大

D.y 随x 增大而减小 4、下列给出的四个点中,不在直线y =2x -3上的是 ( )

A.(1, -1)

B.(0, -3)

C.(2, 1)


5、 直线a x y +-=2通过),3(1y 和),2(2y -,则1y 与2y 的大小关系是 ( )

A. 21y y >

B. 21y y <

C.21y y =


6、若23y x b =+-是正比例函数,则b 的值是 ( )





- 7、关于1y =2x -1, 2y =4x -2,下列说法正确的是( )

A 、两直线交于y 轴于同一点;

B 、两直线与x 轴交于不同两点;

C 、方程2x -1 =0与4x -2=0的解相同;

D 、当x=1时,1y =2y =1.

8、一辆汽车从江油以40千米/时的速度驶往成都,已知江油与成都相距约160千米,则汽车距成都的距离S(千米)与其行驶的时刻t (小时)之间的函数关系是 ( )

A.)0(40160≥+=t t S

B.)4(40160≤-=t t S

C.)40(40160<<-=t t S

D.)40(40160≤≤-=t t S

9、一支蜡烛长20厘米, 点燃后每小时燃烧5厘米, 燃烧时剩下的高度h (厘米)与燃烧时刻t (时)的函数关系的图象是 ( )


10、如右上图中的图象(折线ABCDE )描述了一汽车在某一直线上的行驶过程中,汽车离动身地的距离s (千米)和行驶时刻t (小时)之间





80千米/时;④汽车自动身后3小时至4.5小时之间行驶的速度在逐步减少.其中正确的说法共有 ( )

A 、1个

B 、2个

C 、3个

D 、4个


1、(本小题8分) 已知y 是x 的一次函数, 且当1=x 时,y=-1;当x=2时,y=1.

(1) 求y 与x 之间的函数关系式.(4分)

(2) 求当1-=x 时y 的值.(2分)

(3)若点)7,(-a 在那个函数图象上,求a .(2分)

2、(本小题8分) 已知函数3)12(-++=m x m y

(1)若函数的图象是通过原点的直线, 求m 的值.(2分)

(2)若那个函数是一次函数,且y 随着x 的增大而减小, 求m 的取值范畴.(3分)

(3)若那个函数是一次函数,且图象不通过第四象限, 求m 的取值范畴.(3分)

3、(本小题6分) 在同一直角坐标系中,

(1)作出函数21+-=x y 和2

22+=x y 的图象.(4分)

(2)指出当x 在什么范畴时,21y y 。

4、(本小题6分) 李明预备租用一辆出租车搞个


合同,设汽车每月行驶x 千米,应对给甲公司的

月租费1y 元,应对给乙公司的月租费是2y 元,

1y 、2y 与x 之间的函数关系的图象如图所示,


(1)每月行驶的路程在 时,租甲、乙


(2)每月行驶的路程在 范畴内时,租甲公司的车合算.(2分)


5、(本小题10分) 一农民带上若干千克自产的土豆进城出售, 为了方便, 他带了一些零钱备用,按市场价售出一些后, 又降价出售, 售出的土豆千克数x与他手中持有的钱数(含备用零钱)y的关系, 如图所示, 结合图象回答下列问题:

(1)农民自带的零钱是多少? (2分)



格是多少? (2分)


这时他手中的钱(含备用零钱)是26元, 试问他

一共带了多少千克土豆? (3分)



七年级数学第十四周周周清试卷 一、 细心填一填(每空2分) 1、方程ax-2=6-x 的解为x=2 .则a= 把方程872=-y x 变形,用含y 的代数式表示x ,则 ___ 2、多边形的内角和为1080°,则这个多边形的边数为_______________。 3、已知三角形三边的长分别为4.5cm 、6.5cm 、(2a-3)cm ,(a 是整数).则a 的值为_____________. 4、在△ABC 中,∠C+∠A=2∠B ,∠C-∠A=80°,则△ABC 的最大内角为____°,按角分类此三角形为_____。 5、用正三角形和正方形能够铺满地面,每个顶点周围有______个正三角形和_____个正 方形。 6、如右图是一块四边形钢板缺了一个角,根据图中所标出的测量结果,得所缺损的∠A 的度数为_________. 7、身高1.80米的人站在平面镜前2米处,它在镜子中的像高______米,人与像之 间距离为_______米;如果他向前走0.2米,人与像之间距离为_________米. 8、一个汽车车牌在水中的倒影为 该车的牌照号码是__________. 9、适合不等式0x 3 12 -的自然数的和等于______已知方程组{x+y=5x y=2-,则3x -y =__ 10 仔细观察下列图案,并按规律在横线上画出合适的图形. 11、如图,等腰△ABC 的腰长AB=10cm ,AB 的垂直平分线交另一腰AC 于D △BCD 的周长为26cm ,则底边BC 的长是__________cm 12、如图,一块四边形绿化园地,四角都做有半径为R 的圆形喷水池, 则这四个喷水池占去的绿化园地的面积为 . 二、你能选得又快又准吗(每题3分) 1、如果a >b ,那么下列结论正确的是( )A 、ac 2>bc 2 B 、3-a <4-b C 、a-3>b-2 D 、 b a 11< 2、四边形ABCD 中,若∠A+∠C =180°且∠B:∠C:∠D =3:5:6,则∠A 为( ). A.80°. B.70°. C. 60°. D.50°. 3、一个多边形的边数每增加一条,这个多边形的( ) A.内角和增加360度 B.外角和增加360度 C.对角线增加一条 D.内角和增加180度 4、当x=1,y=-1时ax +by=3,那么当x=-1,y=l 时,ax+ by + 3的值为( ) A .3 B .-3 C .0 D .1 5、如图,直线a ,b ,c 表示交叉的公路,现要建一货物中转站,要求它到三条公路的距离相等,则可供选择的站址有 ( ) A.一处 B .两处 C.三处 D .四处 6、用绳子量井深,把绳子三折来量,井外余4尺,把绳子四折来量,井外余1尺,则井深和绳长分别是( )。 A .8尺,36尺 B.3尺,13尺 C.10尺,34尺 D.11尺,17尺 11题图


英语周周清测试题 完形填空(每空3分) I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a 1 village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be 2 at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and 3 to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the 4 . With several hours to spare, l went to a theater. 5 , when the last movie finished, it was six. 1 was two hours late! I knew Dad would be angry if he 6 I’d been watch ing movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I 7 there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d 8 as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I’ll never forget the 9 he gave me. “I'm disappointed you 10 you have to lie to me, Jason.” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t 11 , I called the garage to ask if there were any 12 , and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car.” I felt 13 as I weakly told him the real reason. A 14 passed through Dad as he listened


十五周九年级数学上册周周清 班级 姓名 得分 一.选择题(3515?=分) 1. Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,已知cosA=,那么tanA 等于 ( ) A . B . C . D . 2.△ABC 中,a 、b 、c 分别是∠A 、∠B 、∠C 的对边,如果a 2+b 2=c 2,那么下列结论正确 的是 ( ) A .bcosB=c B .csinA=a C .atanA=b D . 3.(2015南通)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,直线OA 过点(2,1),则tanα的值是( ) A .5 B C .12 D .2 4.(2015乐山)如图,已知△ABC 的三个顶点均在格点上, 则cosA 的值为 ( ) A B C D 5.(2015崇左)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,AB=13,BC=12,则 下列三角函数表示正确的是 ( ) A .sinA= 1213 B .cosA=1213 C .tanA=512 D .tanB=125 二.填空题(3515?=分) 6.计算:2020cos 45sin 45+= 。 7.在△ABC 中,若角A ,B 满足2cos (1tan )0A B +-=,则∠C= 8.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,sinA=,则tanA= . 9.(2015桂林)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,AC=8,BC=6,CD ⊥AB ,垂足为D ,则sin ∠BCD 的值是 10.如图,当小杰沿坡度i=1:2坡面由B 到A 行走了 AC= 米.(可以用根号表示)

三.解答题(共3个小题,共20分) 11.计算:(4×2=8分) (1)0020 14sin302cos60tan 60-+- (2000145sin60(2)--+-g 12.如图,在△ABC 中,∠BAC=Rt ∠,AB=AC=4,D 为边AC 的中点,DE ⊥BC 于点E ,连接BD ,求tan ∠DBC 的值 (5分) 13.如图,AD 是△ABC 的中线,tanB=,cosC= ,AC=.求: (1)BC 的长;(4分) (2)sin ∠ADC 的值.(3分)


八年级英语周清试卷 Ⅰ. 单项选择(30分) ( )1. I _______ a museum with my friends at this time yesterday. A. am visiting B. was visiting C. visited D. will visit ( )2. He is _______ small _______ to school. A. too; to go B. can’t; go C. too; go D. so; to go ( )3. Many people read newspapers on the train to _______ the time in Britain. A. save B. waste C. pass D. take ( )4. It was raining hard _______ I got up this morning. A. if B. when C. after D. until ( )5. —Look! The girl is playing with a snake. —How _______ she is! A. brave B. happy C. strong D. excited ( )6. The old man died _______ a cold snowy night. A. in B. on C. at D. over ( )7. —You look very sa d. What’s wrong? —It’s OK. There is _______. A. something serious B. serious something C. nothing serious D. serious nothing ( )8. “Now I told you a secret,”he said to me _______ a low voice. A. with B. at C. in D. use ( )9. —Which team _______ the match, Team One or Team Two? —Team One _______ Team Two. A. won; won B. beat; beat C. beat; won D. won; beat ( )10. I feel tired, but I don’t want to stop _______. A. work B. to work C. works D. working ( )11.—Hello,may I speak to Ken? —_______She’s in the next room now. A.Yes,please. B.Who are you? C.Hold the line,please. D.Yes,I’m ken


第三周九年级数学周测(2017年9月20日) 班级__________ 姓名__________ 分数_____________ 一、选择题:(每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列函数中是二次函数的是( ) A .21y x = B . 21y x =+ C . 231 22 y x x =+ D . 245y x =-+ 2.函数22y mx x m =+- (m 为常数)的图象与x 轴的交点有( ) A . 0个 B .1个 C .2个 D .1个或2个 3.抛物线y =x 2 –2x –3 的对称轴和顶点坐标分别是( ) A .直线x =1,(1,-4) B .直线x =1,(1,4) C .直线x =-1,(-1,4) D .直线x =-1,(-1,-4) 4.把抛物线2 y x =-向左平移1个单位,然后向上平移3个单位,则平移后抛物线的表达式是( ) A .2 (1)3y x =--+ B . 2 (1)3y x =-++ C .2(1)3y x =--- D . 2 (1)3y x =-+- 5.函数2 ax y =与b ax y +=(0a ≠,b<0)在同一坐标系中的大致图象为( ) 6.如图,已知抛物线c bx x y ++=2的对称轴为2=x , 点A ,B 均在抛物线上,且AB 与x 轴平行, 其中点A 的坐标为(0,3),则点B 的坐标为 ( ) A .(2,3) B .(3,2) C .(3,3) D .(4,3) 7.已知函数222--=x x y 的图象如图所示,根据其中提供的信息, 可求得使y ≥1成立的x 的取值范围是 ( ) A .-1≤x ≤3 B . -3≤x <1 C . x ≥-3 D . x ≥3 或x ≤-1 8.二次函数2y x ax b =++中,若0a b +=,则它的图象必经过点( ) A . (—1,—1) B . (1,—1) C . (1,1) D . ( —1,1) 9. 已知二次函数772--=x kx y 的图象与x 轴有两个交点,则k 的取值范围为( ) A .47->k B .47 >k C .4 7 ->k 且0≠k D .0>k 10. 已知抛物线y=x 2-4x+3与x 轴相交于A.B (A 在B 左侧),顶点为M ,平移该抛物线,使点M 平移后对应点M ’落在x 轴上,点B 平移后的对应点B ’落在y 轴上,则平移后的抛物线解析式为( ) A.y=x 2+2x+1 B.y=x 2+2x-1 C.y=x 2-2x+1 D.y=x 2-2x-1 二、填空题:(每小题3分,共24分) 11.二次函数24(1)3y x =-+的图象的顶点坐标是 ,开口方向 . 12.二次函数y =222k kx x ++的图象与x 轴的一个交点坐标为(2-,0),则k 的值是 . 13.已知二次函数的图象开口向下,且与y 轴的正半轴相交,请你写出一个满足条件的二次函数表达 第7题 O x y A x = 2 B


新世纪教育网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3b11718219.html, 精品资料 版权所有@新世纪教育网 新世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@新世纪教育网 D. C.B.A.七年级数学周清试卷 班级: _____________ 姓名 :____________ 分数 : ___________ 一、选择题(每题3分,共24分) 1、下列说法正确的是 ( ) A 、直线A B 和直线BA 是两条直线;B 、射线AB 和射线BA 是两条射线; C 、线段AB 和线段BA 是两条线段; D 、直线AB 和直线a 不能是同一条直线 2、平面上两点间的距离是指( ) A 、经过A 、 B 两点间的直线; B 、 射线AB ; C 、A 、B 两点间的线段 ; D 、A 、B 两点间线段的长度; 3、如图,每个图片都是6个相同的正方形组成的,不能折成正方形的是 ( ) 4、下列说法错误的是 ( ) A 、长方体和正方体都是四棱柱 B 、棱柱的侧面都是四边形。 C 、棱柱的上下底面形状可以不同 D 、长方形绕一边旋转可形成圆柱。 5、若P 是线段AB 的中点,则下列等式错误的是 ( ) A 、AP =P B B 、AB =2PB C 、AP =2 1AB D 、AP =2PB 6、下列语句正确的个数是:①过两点有且只有一条直线,②两点之间线段最短,③到线段 两个端点距离相等的点叫做线段的中点,④线段的中点到线段的两个端点的距离相等。其 中正确的有( ) A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 7、过平面内三点中任意两点画直线,可画的直线条数为 ( ) A 、2条 B 、3条 C 、4条 D 、3条或1条 8.下列图中,左边的图形是立方体的表面展开图,把它折叠成立方体.它会变成右边的 ( ). 二、填空(每空2分,共24分) 9、已知线段AB=8cm ,点C 为任意一点,那么线段AC 与BC 的和的最小值等于 , 此时点C 的位置在 。 10、将弯曲的公路改直,可以缩短路程,这是根据 。 11、右图是由一些相同的小正方体构成的几何体的三视 图: 这个几体何中相同的小正方体的个数是 。 12. 将下列几何体分类,柱体有: ,锥体有 (填序号) 。 13、已知线段AB ,在BA 的延长线上取一点C ,使CA =3AB ,则CB =_______AB . 14、一条1厘米的线段在10倍的放大镜下,你看到的线段是______厘米,用这个放大镜看 一个20°的角,看到的角是_________度。 15、要在墙上固定一根木条,至少要______个钉子,根据的原理是__________________. 16、把方程12 645215-=--x x 去分母 ,方程可变形为___________. 三、解答题(共52分) 17、如图,平面上有四个点A 、B 、C 、D,根据下列语句画图(7分) 主视左视俯视


郑中国际学校2020--2021学年上学期八年级英语学科周清测试 考试时间:50分钟试卷总分:90分 一、用所给单词的适当形式或根据汉语意思填空。(每空1分,共10分) 1.He is one of the ______________ (friendly) people in the shopping center. 2.Lucy and her twin sister look the same, but Lucy is ___________ (heavy). 3.I_________( choose) a few books from the shelf yesterday morning. 4.The ________ (win) of this year’s Young Star Award is Daniel. 5.Some students in our school are truly _____________( talent). 6.He is _____ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _______ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _________ (bad) at English. 7.Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second _____________ (deep). 8.They usually play a role in __________ (decide) the important plans. 二、单项选择。(每题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. --Learning to love is like learning to walk. --Yes, ______we step out bravely, we’ll find it’s not so difficult. A.as if B.even though C.as long as D.as far as ( ) 2. I think _____ is always interesting _______ others show their talents. A.that; to watch B. it; watching C. it; to watch D. that; watching ( ) 3. --My teachers often encourage me _______ more friends but I find it difficult . -- Your teachers’ idea is right. The more friends you make, _________ you will be. A.to make; the more happy B. to make; happier C. Making; the happier D. to make; the happier ( ) 4.My father often _______ funny stories to make me _______ loudly. A.ends up; to laugh B. dresses up; laugh C. makes up; laugh D. turns up; to laugh ( ) 5.How smart Mary is! Of all the students in her class, she usually spends the ____ time and makes the ____ mistakes. A.least; fewest B. least; least C. fewest; least D. most; fewest ( ) 6. -The service is wonderful and the weather is quite fine. - Yes, this holiday is so great. We never had _____before. A.the best one B. a good one C. a better one D. the better one ( ) 7. The earth is about ________ as the moon . A.as fifty time big B. fifty times as big C. as big fifty times D. fifty as times big ( ) 8. In order to sell more products, we need to come up with more ________ ideas. A.true B. common C. simple D. creative ( ) 9.-- ______ is it from your school to the bus stop? -- It’s about 5 minutes’ walk. A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far ( ) 10. --Shall we clean the room this afternoon or tomorrow? -- _________. Any time is OK. A.It is up to you. B. Have a good time. C. I’m afraid I can’t. D. Excuse me. 三、完形填空。(每题1分,共15分) Colors can ___1___ people’s moods. So different nations like different colors. Chinese people like red most. We call it Chinese Red. Some foreigners know___2___ about China, so they can’t ___3____ how much Chinese people like these color. In China, red is ___4____, such as red flag, Chinese knots, red lanterns and so on. Many foreigners wonder __5____Chinese people like it so much. Red has special ___6____ in Chinese culture and history. Red is the color of the fire, the sun and the life. It makes us warm and ____7____. In the past, people colored the walls red to ___8____ dignity (尊严) and power. Red also ____9____ luck, health, happiness and peace. Chinese people think red can protect us from illness and ___10______ . So we dress ourselves in red and eat red eggs for good luck __11_____a new baby comes to the world.


八年级英语第二次周清试题 班级___________ 姓名_______________ 成绩_________________ I单项选择 ( )1. How time flies! We should show love for our parents and make them ________how much they mean to us. A.to know B.knowing C.knew D.know ( )2. What can we cover the roof ____?The rain is too heavy. A.in B.with C.of D.for ( )3. —Sally, I went to the concert last night. How big the symphony hall is! —So it is. It is ________ to hold more than one thousand people. A.big enough B.enough big C.too big D.too small ( )4. Look out! The cup is ______hot water. A.full of B.fill with C.full D.fill ( )5. —What happened to Mark? —He fell________the bike________a snowy morning. A.off;in B.down; at C.off; on D. down, in ( )6. —What can you see ________ the tree? —Aha! Koalas! Seven of them! A. on B. in C. above D. over ( )7. Thanks to our teachers. ________ their help, we couldn't make such great progress. A. Without B. With C. About D. For ( )8. The Monkey King can turn himself ________ seventy-two different animals and objects. A. down B. on C. off D. into ( )9. She told us that by the end of the year, she was very _____about the bullying(欺凌) and became ill. A. pleased B. worried C. satisfied D. amazed ( )10. It's bad for your eyes _____computer games too much. A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays ( )11. The scarf which is ________ silk ________ soft and comfortable. A.made from;feel B. made of;feels C. made in;smell D. made up of;smells ()12.—What do you think of Liu Huan? —Oh, he is my favourite singer. I think no one can sing than him. A. good B.well C.better D.best ()13.—I think it’s very important to protect our environment. —. And each of us should take part in the activity. A. Make sure B.Exact C.For sure D.I don’t think so ()14.Welcome to China. , where are you from? A. By the way B.On the way C.In the way D.This way ()15.—The bag is too heavy to carry. What’s in it, John? —I it books.


七年级数学周周清试卷平方根 命题人:宿丑云 班级 姓名 成绩 . 一、填空题(每空2分) 1、4的算术平方根是_________。 2、9的平方根是_________。 3、一个正数有______个平方根,且两个平方根互为________。 4、一个数的算术.. 平方根是它本身,则它是 。 5、22=________,2)2(-=_________。 6、若4x 2=25,则x=______________. 7、21++a 的最小值是________,现在a 的取值是________. 8、一个正方形的面积是6平方厘米,则边长是 厘米。 9、若点P (a-15,17-a )在第一象限,且a 为整数,则a 的平方根是 。 10、一个多边形的内角和为1800°,那个多边形是 边形。 二、选择题:(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 11、一个数的平方根等于它本身,那个数是( )。 A 、 0 B 、0和1 C 、-1和1 D 、0和-1 12、 41的算术平方根是( )。 A 、 161 B 、21 C 、21- D 、2 1± 13、下列叙述中,正确的是( ) A. a 的平方根是a B. (-a)2的平方根是-a C.一个数总有两个平方根 D. –a 是 a 2 的一个平方根 14、若 有意义,则( ). (A ) (B ) (C ) (D ) 15、16的平方根是( )。 A 、4 B 、±4 C 、2 D 、±2 16、已知2+x =2,则2)2(+x 等于( )

A 、2 B 、4 C 、8 D 、16 17、已知11++-b a =0,则a +b 的值是( )。 A 、-2 B 、-1 C 、0 D 、2 18、数a 的算术平方根是一个二位整数,则a 是( ) A.二位整数 B.三位整数 C.四位整数 D.三位或四位整数 19、点P 的横坐标是-3,且到x 轴的距离为5,则P 点的坐标是( ) A 、(-3,5) B 、(-3,-5) C 、(5,-3)或(-5,-3) D 、(-3,5)或(-3,-5) 20、如图,下面推理中,正确的是( ) A 、∵∠A+∠D=180°,∴AD ∥BC B 、∵∠C+∠D=180°,∴AB ∥CD C 、∵∠A+∠D=180°,∴AB ∥CD D 、∵∠A+∠C=180°,∴AB ∥CD 三、解答题:(每题5分) 21、 ()23-64 171+ 22、估算与 5最接近的两个整数。 23、已知25y 2-49=0,且y 是负数,求y 1011-的值. (第20题图)


四年级第九周英语周周清试卷 学号班别姓名 一.单词填空(2*18) 二.根据中文提示把句子补充完整。(2*13) 1. Let show you our . (让我带你们参观我们的新学校) 2. It is a very school. (漂亮的) 3. is your .(你们的教室在哪里?) 4. It’s , next the library. (它在那里,图书馆旁边) 5. there a swimming ? (有游泳池吗?) 6. It is the playground. (它在操场的对面) 7. We sometimes have lessons there. (我们有时候在那里上体育课) 三.选择填空(2*7) () 1. Let me you my house. A. show B. to show C. showing () 2. We sometimes TV there. A. watch B. watches C. watching () 3. It’s near the room. A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’

() 4. Let me show new school. A. you I B. your our C. you our () 5. draw here. A. Let B. Let’s C. Let’s me () 6. This is our , we can read a book here. A. library B. gym C. playground () 7. The playground is in front the classroom building. A. on B. to C. Of X|k |B| 1 . 四、找出合适的活动,连线。(2*6) We read books on the playground We sometimes have PE lessons in the library We play games in the dinning hall We have English lessons in the swimming pool We eat meals in the teachers’ room Teachers work in the classroom 五、阅读短文,判断下列句子,用“T”和“F”表示。(2*6) Welcome to our new school. There are two buildings in our school. This is the classroom building. There are 24 classrooms and five teachers’rooms in it. In front of the classroom building, there is a red building. In this building,there is a computer room,an art room,a music room,and a library. I like reading books in the library. Behind the red building,there is a playground. We have PE lessons on it. But there isn’t a s wimming pool in our school. () 1. There is one building in our school. () 2. There are 24 classrooms in our school. () 3. There are four teachers’ rooms in our school. () 4. There is a music room in our school. () 5. There is a gym room in our school. () 6. There isn’t a swimming pool in our school. () 7. We have PE lessons on the playground.


九年级数学第一周周清 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1. -2的倒数是( ) A. -2 B. 2 C. -12 D. 1 2 2. 柳絮纤维的直径约是0.00000105 m .数据“0.00000105”用科学记数法表示为( ) A. 1.05×106 B. 0.105×10-6 C. 1.05×10-6 D. 105×10-8 3. 下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( ) 4. 下列运算准确的是( ) A. a 2+a 2=a 4 B. a 3·a 2=a 6 C. (3a )2=6a 2 D. 2a 4÷a 2=2a 2 5. 如图是正方体的一种展开图,其每个面上都标有一个汉字,那么在原正方体中,与汉字“智”相对的面上的汉字是( ) 第5题图 A. 义 B. 仁 C. 信 D. 礼 6. 不等式组???2x >3x -1 14x ≤1 的解集在数轴上表示准确的是( )

7. 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,第二象限内的点P 是反比例函数y =k x (k ≠0)图象上的一点,过点P 作P A ⊥x 轴于点A ,点B 为AO 的中点,若△P AB 的面积为3,则k 的值为( ) 第7题图 A. 6 B. -6 C. 12 D. -12 8. 某校有47名同学参加学校举行的科技创新比赛,预赛分数各不相同,取前24名同学参加决赛,其中一名同学知道自己的分数后,要判断自己能否进入决赛,还需要知道这47名同学分数的( ) A. 平均数 B. 中位数 C. 众数 D. 方差 9. 如图,四边形OABC 是矩形,A (2,1),B (0,5),点C 在第二象限,则点C 的坐标是( ) A. (-1,3) B. (-1,2) C. (-2,3) D. (-2,4) 第9题图


洛阳时代外国语学校 八年级第六大周英语周清试卷 Ⅰ、词汇:(20分) A、根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词(每小题2分) 1 .There are some f_________ students in our class. They come from America.. 2.Fish can not live w___________water. 3. We should do more exercise to b_________ up our bodies. 4.We must i our environment and make our country more beautiful. 5.Germs can get into human bodies t__________the skin. B、根据汉语提示完成句子。(每小题2分) 6.Y ou should ask him to (放弃) smoking . 7. Franc is not a child at all. He can _______ _______ (照顾) himself well. 8.Kangkang was (生气) Michael and they had a fight. 9.My father is (动身去)Japan tomorrow morning. 10.We must eat more fruit and vegetables ( 代替) meat to keep fit. Ⅱ.单项选择(20分) ( )1 The policeman asked the girls ______ play in the street. A. to not B. not to C. didn’t D. not ( )2.Our school will play No.4 Middle school .I think we’ll win. Please cheer us A. .against,on B.with,on C.against ,up D.on,against ( )3.Michael Phelps is active young man from the U.S.A A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )4.—Would you mind the room? —Certainly not. I’ll do it right away. A.clean B.cleaned C.cleaning D.to clean ( )5.— Must I finish my homework at once?— No, you ___________. A.hasnˊt B.mustnˊt C.neednˊt D.must ( )6.As we know, ________is good exercise and it is necessary for health. A.walks B.walking C.walks D.walked ( )7.—I’m sorry for I said. —It doesn’t matter. A.how B.which C.what D.where ( )8.—Do you like playing football? —Y es. And young people are good at playing football. A.many and many B.much and much C.little and little D.more and more

九年级数学下学期第10周周清试卷(含解析) 新人教版

2015-2016学年广东省河源市中英文实验学校九年级(下)第10周 周清数学试卷 一、选择题(每小题5分,共40分) 1.平行四边形、矩形、菱形、正方形都具有的是() A.对角线互相平分B.对角线互相垂直 C.对角线相等D.对角线互相垂直且相等 2.两条对角线相等且互相垂直平分的四边形是() A.平行四边形B.矩形 C.菱形 D.正方形 3.菱形具有而矩形不一定具有的性质是() A.内角和等于360°B.对角相等 C.对边平行且相等D.对角线互相垂直 4.下列判断正确的是() A.有一个角是直角的四边形是矩形 B.有三个角是直角的四边形是矩形 C.两条对角线互相平分的四边形是矩形 D.两条对角线互相垂直的四边形是矩形 5.菱形的边长为5,一条对角线长为8,则此菱形的面积是() A.24 B.30 C.40 D.48 6.如图,菱形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,H为AD边中点,菱形ABCD的周长为28,则OH的长等于() A.3.5 B.4 C.7 D.14

7.如图.矩形纸片ABCD中,已知AD=8,折叠纸片使AB边与对角线AC重合,点B落在点F处,折痕为AE,且EF=3.则AB的长为() A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 8.如图,在四边形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,若AO=C0=BO=DO,AC⊥BD,则四边形ABCD的形状是() A.平行四边形B.矩形 C.菱形 D.正方形 二、填空题(每小题5分,共30分) 9.已知矩形ABCD中,AB=8,AD=6,点M、N分别是对角线BD和边BC上的动点,则CM+MN的最小值为______. 10.如图所示,两个全等菱形的边长为1厘米,一只蚂蚁由点A开始按ABCDEFCGA的顺序沿菱形的边循环运动,行走2016厘米后停下,则这只蚂蚁停在点______. 11.如图,P为正方形ABCD内一点,PA=1,PB=2,PC=3,则∠APB=______.12.如图,O是矩形ABCD的对角线AC的中点,M是AD的中点.若AB=5,AD=12,则四边形ABOM的周长为______. 13.如图,把一张矩形纸片ABCD沿对角线BD折叠,使C点落在C′,且BC′与AD交于E点,若∠ABE=40°,则∠ADB=______. 14.如图,在正方形ABCD中,点E是AD边的中点,F是CD边上一点,且∠EBF=45°,则tan∠EFB的值为______.

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