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今天我所执教的这节课是pep小学英语六年级下册recycle 2.

a farewell party 第一课时 1. let’s read.这是小学阶段最后一单元的第一课时,我把它作为一堂集听、说、读、写多种技能训练于一身的综合复习课,通过运用本单元重点功能句,对小学阶段的重点短语作了一次整合,让学生在相对真实的语言情境中展开对话,巩固新知。


a、能听懂let’s read的内容,并正确回答问题。

b、1、能够运用“what can you do?” “i can”的句型进行交流。




重点:运用主要句型“what can you do?”和 i can.





(一)热身和复习(warm-up and revision)

安排chant “dog,dog,what can you do?”

以及出示amy 做家务的图片,运用what can ??do???这一语言功能句,既复习了旧知,也操练了本课重点句型,为下一步学习作好铺垫,也是通过tpr活动让学生把所有注意力集中到课堂中来,为英语学习创造了一种良好的氛围。

(二)presentation and practice.


1、show a photo of zhou jielun.

t:what can he do?引出新知 sing songs.

2、用同样的方式引出 do chinese kung fu , play the erhu.


a、what can??do?

b、he/she can??.

(三)let’s read.(对话处理)




ss:can you???

s1: no, i can’t.






pep小学英语unit5 b let’s talk说课稿全英文版

the lecture notes of 《 pep primary english 》

book4 unit5 b let’s talk

ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. the content of my lesson is《 pep primary

english 》book4 unit5 b let’s talk, asking the price and inquiring the clothes size.first, let me talk about the

teaching material.

part 1 teaching material:

this lesson is about a shopping topic. by study of this unit,

the ss know how to ask the price in english and how to describe the size and price with simple words and sentences. the sentence patterns of this lesso n “ what size?” “how much are they?”

and“we’ll take them .”are the key and difficult points of this


therefore, on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of children’s growing of mind,i put forward the teaching objectives according to new english lesson standard.

1.perception objective:

a)the ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns “a

pair of … for …” “what size?” “how much are they?” “we ll

take them.”

b)the ss can understand and read the conversation of the


2.ability objective:

a)the ss can use the sentence pattern of inquiring the price,

and further develop their language ability of “shopping”;

b)the ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the

proper scene.

3.emotion objective:

c)teach the ss what i s “love” and “ managing money matters”,

put the moral

education in the language study.

next,the key points of this lesson:

first of all, to study and use the sentence patterns “what size?”“how much are they ?”“a pair of … for … .” “we ll take them.”to improve the ss’ abilities

in “shopping”;

secondly, teach the ss how to study independently as well as by cooperation. difficult points:

the ss can use the words and patterns to describe the clothes in the proper scene, and make simple dialogues of shopping.

well, how to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? the key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods, i’ll talk about my teaching methods below.

part 2 teaching methods:

according to the modern perception theories and social

intercourse teaching theories, i adopt the tsa method and tblt

method in my teaching, namely total situational action and task-

based language teaching.

the former is a “scene —activity” teaching method .it

establishes a real

scene and the interaction between the teacher and the ss .it emphasizes a dynamic information exchange between the teacher and ss.

learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language

they want.

at the same time, make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can mobilize the ss’ enthusiasm and creativity in learning english.

part 3 studying methods:

knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study. thereby, develop the ss’ abi lities of studying and working with the learning language independently.

part 4 teaching process:

in order to realize the teaching process systematically,

properly and

efficiently, under the principle of “regard ss as the corpus,

the teacher inspires for predominance”, i divide the teaching

process into five steps.

step1 warm-up.

sing a song: the coat in window.

so as to the psychological characteristics of children,singing

a song can make ss feel pleased and satisfied, and can arouse

exciting motion. in this step ,

teacher and the ss sing in unison and perform the song “the coat in window.”

thus,review the sentence pattern “how much is … ?” and arouse

the ss performance desire, participation desire,and lead the ss

into a thick english studying


step2 presentation and practice.

1.design: look for cinderella.

broadcast a part of “cinderella” with the flash, presenting a crystal shoe that cinderella lose, and establishes a scene of ministers look for the proper size everywhere. through the role playing, guide the ss to use the sentence pattern

“what size do you wear?” “size … .”to make the question and answer.this design is a novelty of my lesson,it leads the ss into

the fairy tales. they acquire the

2.lead to the shopping topic naturally from the unsuited shoes,

and demonstrate the sentence pattern “how much are they?”

with a good student to be the assistant, i perform to go shopping, and guide

the ss to make the answer: “they are … .”

in this course, ss can understand the main contents of this dialogue and get the key points by scene demonstration.

3.game:guess the price.

from buying a pair of shoes for myself to buying a pair for my mom, introduce the sentence pattern “a pair of … for … .”

the cai presents a big cabinet with various shoes, ask the ss to guess their price, and then display them.

it considers that children can keep their attentions in limited time. the game can avoid the lifelessness and boredom from the pure machine drills .it creates the conditions of a relaxed and natural atmos phere for children’s drills. then achieve the aim of consolidating and deepening the sentence pattern.

4.present the text.

by this step, it achieved the teaching aim of understanding and talking the

dialogue of this lesson.

step3 task time.

task:mother’s da y.

to master the language capability needs certain amount of practice.so,i still adopt the “task-based”teaching method, which is defined by strong practicality and exact task, so as to make break-through about the difficult points of this lesson. in advance, i shall arrange the classroom to some business locations, such as clothes store, shoes store, fruit store etc. i shall divide the class into groups

and play roles, and then give the ss a certain quantity of

specie currency, so that they may choose and buy the gifts for mother’s day.

“in one’s mind, there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand, that is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer. in ss’ spirits, such demand is

specially strong.”

this step also leads to the emotion objective of this lesson, that is to have

moral education in this step.

step4 consolidation and extension.

summarize the whole lesson,and arrange the homework.

1.do the correlative exercises in the activity book.check the

mastering of knowledge of this lesson.

2.ask ss to interview their friends asking the price and size

of their clothing and make records of the information.

step5 blackboard design.

show on the cai.(it’s a ….)

anyway, the teaching of this lesson aims to develop not only the ss language technical abilities, but also the diverse intelligence by integrated teaching methods. as teachers, to make our english classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden, and we still have long way to go.

above is the lecture notes of my lesson. thank you篇三:pep小学英语说课稿(1) 2

pep小学英语说课稿pep小学英语book3 unit 4 my friend



今天我上课的内容是pep小学英语book3unit 3 my friends a部分的了let’s leam 和let’s find out。本册在本套教材中起着个“过渡”这样一个作用,由听说逐渐转向听说读写,逐步渗透书写,对学生提出了新的要求。即四会单词的加入。而本单元的四会

单词又是比较难的一单元,本单元主要围绕“我的朋友”即如何描述自己身边熟悉的人来展开的。本节课主要是让学生学习几个描述人物外貌特征的单词或词组,如:long hair,

short hair, thin ,strong, quiet.并且能结合句子“he has…,she has…,

she is… ,he is…”在生活中运用所学语言。本课教学内容贴近学生生活,比较容易让学生接受,难在单词的灵活运用上以及个别个别单词的发言,如quiet,thin,所以我在安排教学时,把单词和句子结合起来,把单词的运用做作为重点,而不是单纯的认读单词。




1、能听、说、认读friend, long hair short hair, stong, quite, thin等单词和词组。

2、能听懂、会说my friend is strong/thin. he has short/long

hair/big eyes/small mouth并能在实际中运用;












(一) tpr活动法








(五)竞争教学法:本节课中两大组竟赛描述my friend. 可以激发他们的积极性,使他们将注意力高度集中在所学内容上,提高学习效率。




安排let’s do 和 look and say .



1、运用复习中的旧知引出新知,long hair ,short hair.学生容易接受和理解,并及时运用。in our class. who has long hair ?.who has short hair.?

2、运用黑板上的人物图形,紧接着教授strong 和 thin 通过图片中人物的对比学生比较容易理解,并及时运用。who is strong? who is thin? 用学生身边的人使学生说得亲切,熟悉,更易接受,易于信息的接受和生成。

3、let’s chant 及时巩固新学的两组词汇 long hair, short

hair ,strong, thin. 并为下一个单词quiet创造一个情镜,由大声的朗读转为安静的场景。






《pep小学英语》第八册recycle2 afarewell party说课稿


pep book8 recycle 2 a farewell partylet’s read & read and tick or cross & pronunciation

本课时主题: prepare for a farewell party (惜别会的准备)



这是小学阶段最后一册书最后一个单元的第一课时,设计时我把它作为一堂集听、说、读、写多种技能训练于一身的综合复习课。本单元教材内容安排具有人性化特点,既对小学阶段的英语学习作了一次综合的复习,又让学生在切实的英语环境中与同学依依惜别。第一课时针对的是一部分小学阶段所学习的主要语言功能结构和语言项目,主要是句型“what can you do ?”和“ican …”。作为单元的第一课,本课的作用首先是为后面几课时提供话题和语境,其次是为一个真正的惜别会作充分的准备。做任何事情,我们都坚信:好的开端是成功的一半。上好这第一课时对于整个小学阶段的英语收尾工作就显得尤为重要了。准备这最后的聚会是学生感兴趣的主题,因此,学习和交流怎么举行好这次聚会,也便成了学生学习这一课的原动力。




1)能听懂let’s read的内容,并正确回答问题。

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