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2017-2018学年天津市武清区等五区县高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版+听力

2017-2018学年天津市武清区等五区县高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版+听力
2017-2018学年天津市武清区等五区县高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版+听力








1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a barber’s.

B. At a bank.

C. At a shop.

2. What will the woman probably do tonight?

A. Buy tickets.

B. See a movie.

C. Watch TV.

3. When will the man arrive in Boston if he takes the flight?

A. At 2 p.m.

B. At 5 p.m.

C. At 7p.m.

4. What does the man mean?

A. Nobody told him about it before.

B. Catchy is not suitable for the job.

C. He hasn’t been to New York.

5. What does the woman remind the man to do?

A. Go out for dinner.

B. Put out the candles.

C. Wait for her..




6. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?

A. Nurse and patient.

B. Boss and clerk.

C. Teacher and student.

7. Why does the woman want to leave?

A. She has to take care of her mother.

B. She is not happy working there.

C. She has been given a better offer.

8. What will the woman probably do?

A. Quit the job.

B. Ask for leave.

C. Work as a doctor.


9. How does the man feel about the rain?

A. Excited.

B. Afraid.

C. Surprised

10. Why are the speakers here?

A. To have a picnic.

B. To plant trees.

C. To buy a blanket.

11. What will the speakers probably do next?

A. Go to a restaurant.

B. Go to a park.

C. Go to a dry cleaner’s. 听下面一段独白,回答第12至15题。

12. What is the program “one on one” for?

A. Raising money.

B. Helping schoolchildren.

C. Teaching job-hunting skills.

13. How long must a volunteer work each week?

A. Half an hour.

B. Two hours.

C. One hour.

14. What does Professor Dodge do in the program?

A. He gives advice to the volunteers.

B. He teaches part-time in a primary school.

C. He helps students prepare for graduation.

15. What should students who are interested in the program do?

A. Contact the primary school.

B. Sign up for a competition.

C. Go to professor Dodge.


第一节单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


16. —Jim, can you work this Sunday?

— ? I’ve been working for two weeks on end.

A. Why me C. What if

B. Why not D. So what

17. Out , still discussing the fashion show with great interest

A. walked a crowd of young girls

B. did a crowd of young girls walk

C. were walking a crowd of young girls

D. a crowd of young girls were walking

18. It was when we were returning home I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

A. which

B. that

C. where

D. how

19. You’d better take some boiled water with you when camping with family, someone will need it.

A. as long as

B. as if

C. even though

D. in case

20. The manager put forward a suggestion that we an assistant. There is too much work to do.

A. could hire

B. might hire

C. hire

D. would hire

21. You’d better write down her phone number before you it.

A. forgot

B. are forgetting

C. forget

D. will forget

22. When their children lived far away from them, these old people felt from the world.

A. carried away

B. broke down C cut off D. brought up

23. the library, the town has a clinic, which was also built with government support.

A. In reply to

B. In addition to

C. in charge of

D. in place of

24. They have nothing In common. , there is almost no communication between them.

A. First of all

B. Worse still

C. Even so

D. After all

25. Tm so to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.

A. special

B. grateful

C. attractive

D. admire

26. You can ask anyone for help. here is willing to lend you a hand.

A. One

B. No one

C. Everyone

D. Someone

27. Jane’s grandmother had wanted to write children’s book for many years, but one thing or another always got in way.

A. a;/

B. the; the

C. /; the

D. a; the

28. —Could you tell me the of making such tasty cakes?

—Well, I just follow the directions in the cookbook.

A. feature

B. plan

C. cost

D. trick

29. —I don’t think I wi ll go to see a doctor with you .

— ? You promised!

A. No way

B. No wonder

C. How come

D. Now what

30. I truly believe he described was a truth.

A. that

B. where

C. what

D. why



“Are you going shopping today?” my husband, Roy, asked when I answered the telephone. “I

31 to,” I said. Thanksgiving was only a couple days away. My money was too 32 and I knew I had to be creative in my shopping that day.

For a few seconds, Roy sat silently on the other end of the line. The nervousness gradually increased under the wordlessness, which I couldn’t wait to break through. “Why do you as k?”

I whispered, 33 what he might say.

“N a ncy, there’s a family with six kids that will not have anything to 34 for Thanksgiving. The litt le one is only five years old. While you’re at the store could you possibly buy something for them?” My head began to spin when I was thinking out the fifty dollars I had 35 for our family’s Thanksgiving dinner.

In the back of my mind I counted the hungry guests who would be coming to our house for dinner.

I put my head down on my desk, already feeling defeated. There’s no way possible, I thought. But the compassion(怜悯) I heard in my husband’s 36 struck a nerve inside me. I replied, “sure but only if God helps.”

I finished my work and 37 all the way to the nearest grocery store. I entered the parking lot and noticed a big 38 in the grocery store window: Turkeys-29 cents a pound.

“Thank God !” I said to myself.

I went inside, but when I read the sign my heart 39 . “Limit one”. But I needed at least two so I decided to find the manager. I 40 the problem. He made an exception. To my__4l , I had enough money. I was even able to purchase a package of cookies for the five year-old child who had a 72 heart, even though I had never met her.

Later that afternoon, Roy and I made a special delivery to a home 43 with children of all ages. I will never forget the 44 on the six kids’ faces.

By far, that was the greatest 45 of my life.

31. A. plan B. refuse C. fail D. agree

32. A. private B. enough C. endless D. limited

33. A. arranging B. receiving C. fearing D. blaming

34. A. eat B. do C. pay D. say

35 A. lent B. pulled C. hidden D. saved

36. A. voice B. face C. heart D. body

37. A. angered B. worried C. wondered D. prayed

38. A. flower B. sign C. book D. word

39. A. sank B. fell C. ended D. held

40. A. explained B. promised C. required D. corrected

41. A. horror B. sadness C. credit D. surprise

42. A. broken B. stolen C. operated D. supported

43. A. covered B. shaped C. filled D. Ported

44. A. sorrow B. loneliness C. disappointment D. satisfaction

45. A. year B. season C. Thanksgiving D. smiles



A thief who dropped a winning lottery ticket at the scene of his crime has been given a lesson in honesty. His victim, who picked up the ticket and then claimed the $25,000 prize, managed to trace him, and handed over the cash. The Robbery happened when maths professor Vinicio Sabbatucci, 58, was changing a tire on an Italian motorway. Another motorist, who stopped “to help”, stole a suitcase from his car and drove off. The professor found the dropped ticket and put it in his pocket before driving home to Ascoli in eastern Italy.

Next day, he saw the lottery results on TV and, taking out the ticket, realized it was a winner. He claimed the 60 million lire(里拉)prizp. Then he began a battle with his conscience. Finally, he decided he could not keep the money despite having been robbed. He advertised in newspapers and on the radio, saying, “I’m trying to find the man who robbed me. I have 60 million lire for him---a lottery win. Please meet me. Anonymity(匿名) guaranteed.”

Professor Sabbatucci received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into handing them the cash. But there was one voice he recognized and he arranged to meet the man in a park. The robber, a 35-year-old unemployed father of two, gave back the suitcase and burst into tears. He could not believe what was happening. “Why didn’t you keep the money?” he asked. The professor replied, “I couldn’t because it’s not mine.” Then he walked off, spurning the thiefs offer of a reward.

46. The sentence “Then he began a battle with his conscience.” in Paragraph 2 implies all of the following EXCEPT that .

A. he knew what he should do as soon as he saw the lottery results

B. he hesitated about keeping the money for some time

C. he thought for a moment of avenging himself on the robber

D. he came to realize that honesty is more important than money

47. Hundreds of people phoned Professor Sabbatucei because they .

A. wanted to make fun of him

B. lost the lottery ticket

C. knew who the robber was

D. hoped to get the money

48. How did the robber feel when the victim wanted to find him?

A. Excited

B. Incredible

C. Ashamed

D. Frightened

49. The word “spurning” in the last sentence can be replaced by .

A. accepting

B. claiming

C. rejecting

D. canceling

50. If the story appears in a newspaper, the best title might be .

A. A Magic Lottery

B.A Popular Maths Professor


高二下学期期中考试语文试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(综合题)和答题纸三个部分,共计150分,考试时间为150分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、考号填写在答题纸指定处。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共39分) 一、(24分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音有两处错误的一组是() A.俨.(yǎn)然熟谙.(ān)呱呱.(guā)坠地锵.(qiāng)鸣金石B.敕.(chì)造褒.(bāo)贬洗洗涮涮.(shuā)掎.(jǐ)角之势 C.贫窭.(lǚ)洗.(xiǎn)马有条不紊.(wěn)盥.(guān)洗栉笈D.宫绦.(tiāo)垓.(gāi)心天理昭.(zhāo)然敛声屏.(bǐng)气2.下列各组词语中,出现错别字最多的一组是() A.账簿放诞无礼面面相觑自惭形秽 B.誊写淹淹一息摇摇欲坠得意洋洋 C.蹩脚不肖子孙蘖根祸胎老态龙肿 D、陪偿愤世嫉俗兵慌马乱凭心而论 3.填入下列各句空缺处的词语,最恰当的一项是() ①住宅的寒伧,墙壁的,家具的破旧,衣料的粗陋,都使她苦恼。 ②忽见华大妈坐在地上看她,便有些踌躇,惨白的脸上露出的颜色。 ③他到警察厅去,到各报馆去,悬赏玛蒂尔德丢失的项链。 ④他的一曲激越、高昂的独唱,成了这台晚会的,帷幕徐徐落下,观众仍不肯离去。

A.黯淡羞赧招寻压轴戏B.黑暗羞愧招领压轴戏 C.黯淡羞愧招寻压台戏D.黑暗羞赧招领压台戏4.下列各句中使用的成语,最恰当的一项是() A、蒙古一位地质工作者的嗅觉十分奇特,近30年来,他用鼻子探测出800多眼地 下泉水,而且屡试不爽 ....。 B、何梦吉与三十年前的小学同学张永贵昆明湖畔萍水相逢 ....,他们高兴得热泪盈眶。 C、为保护环境,政府取缔了污染严重的造纸厂,一时间洛阳纸贵 ....,用纸户纷纷抢购。 D、这伙盗贼真是猖狂,竟于犯罪现场坐地分赃 ....,结果被及时赶到的警察全部擒获。5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.古老的智慧、经典的知识尽管难以具有实际的功效,但它具有益人心智、怡人性情、改变气质、滋养人生的价值不可小视。 B.一条广告的好坏,不仅在于文字的精致,构思的巧妙,还要考虑群众的文化背景和历史传统。 C.“神舟”五号为了确保航天员的安全,对飞船发射、飞行、返回每个阶段可能出现的情况都做了精心设计,准备了应对预案。 D.我国要在未来三到五年内建成一批具有国际竞争力的大企业集团,就必须探索建立组织配置与市场化配置相结合的人才选用机制,加大市场化选聘力度。 6.下列各句中使用的标点符号,正确的一项是() A.“下次决不了,决不了!”箍桶匠叫着:“你瞧就是,可怜的太太!” B.因为在妇女,美丽、丰韵、妩媚,就是她们的出身,天生的聪明,优美的资质,温柔的性情,就是她们惟一的资格。 C.另换了三四个衣帽周全十七八岁的小厮上来,复抬起轿子。 D.古典小说能够做到“戚而能谐,婉而多讽。”(鲁迅语),特别是对于反面人物,高明的作者更要达到“无一贬词而情伪毕露”的艺术水平。


高二期中考试化学试卷 2020.5 可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 He—4 C—12 O—16 Na—23 Fe—56 一、选择题(本题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.下列物质,不属于天然有机物的是() A.蛋白质B.油脂C.棉花D.酚醛树脂 2.下列物质属于强电解质的是() A.NH3B.NaCl溶液C.Na2SO4D.硬脂酸 3.下列物质属于酸性氧化物的是() A.Al2O3B.Na2O2C.NO D.CO2 4.电离方程式书写错误的是() A. HCl = H+ + Cl- B. KClO3 = K+ + ClO3- C. CH3COOH = H+ +CH3COO- D. HCO3- + H2O ?CO32- + H3O+ 5.下列表示物质的化学用语正确的是() A.硝基苯的结构简式NO2 B.葡萄糖的实验式为CH2O C.甲烷分子的比例模型D.羟基的电子式O H 6.下列说法正确的是() A.19世纪初,化学家维勒提出了有机化学的概念 B.红外光谱图的研究可以确定有机物的相对分子质量 C.同位素示踪法可以研究反应的历程 D.铜丝燃烧法可定性确定有机物中是否含有硫、氮、氯、溴等元素 7.关于煤、石油、天然气三大化石燃料的说法正确的是() A.煤是由无机物和有机物组成的,其中含苯、甲苯等有机物 B.石油通过裂化可以得到气态短链烃 C.天然气和沼气的主要成分都是甲烷,都是不可再生能源 D.液化天然气(LNG)和罐装液化石油气(LPG)主要成分都属于烃类 8.下列物质一定是纯净物的是() A.C B.C2H4Br2 C.C6H12O6D.CH4O 9.下列各组物质互为同系物是() A.CH3—CH CH2 与B.与 OH C.甲苯和邻二甲苯D.CH2CH—CH CH2和CH3CH2CH2C≡CH 10.下列除杂(括号内的为杂质)方法正确的是() A.苯(己烯),加入浓溴水后分液B.硝基苯(NO2),加入NaOH溶液后分液C.溴苯(溴),用KI溶液除去D.乙烷(乙烯),通H2在一定条件下反应11.设N A表示阿伏伽德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是() A.1L 0.1mol/L盐酸中含有HCl分子0.1N A B. 常温常压下,22.4L H2的分子数小于N A C. 1mol SO2在催化剂作用下与足量的O2反应,转移电子数为2 N A D. 常温常压下,4g氦气中氦原子个数为2 N A


第二学期期中检测试卷 七年级英语 (满分:110分) 听力部分 I.听力 (每题1分,共20分) A).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(每个句子读两遍) ( ) 1. A. ice B. volleyball C. voice ( ) 2. A. play B. practice C. place ( ) 3. A. join B. jeans C. plane ( ) 4. A. anything B. any C something ( ) 5. A. excited B. expensive C. bad B). 听句子,选择最佳答语。(每个句子读两遍)[来源:] ( ) 6. A.I had a good time. B.Yes,I does. C. Once a week.[来源:] ( ) 7. A.For three days B. In two weeks C.It ’s about 114kilometres ( ) 8. A.He ’s tired. B.Yes, I ’d love to. C.I can ’t go. ( ) 9. A.Yes,he is. B.Good idea! C. Thanks. ( ) 10. A.I ’m a student. B. I ’m fine! Thanks C. By bike. C). 听对话,选择正确的答案。(每段对话读两遍) ( ) 11. A. too expensive B. too old C. Neighbour always plays music loudly ( ) 12. A. hamburger and a glass of milk B. bread C. rice and a glass of milk ( ) 13. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Sunday ( ) 14. A. fish B. apple C. bread ( ) 15 . A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot D). 听短文,根据其内容回答下列问题。(短文读两遍) 16. Mary is a(n) ________ girl. A English B American C Japanese D Chinese 17. Mary _________ speak English. A is B not C can D are 18. Her eyes are ________, and her hair is __________. A blue, black B yellow, white C blue, blond D black, blond 19. I am _________, but Mary is _____________. A Chinese, English B English, Chinese C an Chinese, an English girl. D Chinese, an English girl 。 20. Mary is _____________ now. A sweeping the floor B cleaning the blackboard C speaking Chinese D doing her homework 笔试部分 II.词汇(每题1分,共5分) 期中考试英语试题 听力.mp3


新泰一中北校高二下学期期中考试化学试题 注意事项 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。 选择题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,不能答在试卷上。 2. 第Ⅱ卷所有题目的答案,必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔答在答题卡规定的 区域内,在试卷上答题不得分。 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共50分) 一、 选择题(包括20小题,每题只有一个选项符合题意,1-10题每题2分, 11-20题每题3分,共50分) 1、下列分子式表示的物质一定是纯净物的是 ( ) A .CH 4O B .C 7H 8O C .C 2H 4Cl 2 D .C 5H 10 2.有机化学知识在生活中应用广泛,下列说法不正确的是( ) A .甘油加水作护肤剂 B .医用酒精的浓度为75% (体积比浓度) C .福尔马林是甲醛的水溶液,具有杀菌防腐能力,因此可以用其保鲜鱼肉等食品 D .苯酚有毒但可以制成药皂,具有杀菌消毒的功效 3.下列文字表述与化学反应方程式对应正确的是( ) A.溴乙烷中滴入AgNO 3溶液检验其中的溴元素:Br -+Ag + = AgBr↓ B.用醋酸除去水垢:CaCO 3 + 2H + === Ca 2+ + H 2O + CO 2↑ C.实验室用液溴和苯在催化剂作用下制溴苯:+ Br 2 FeBr 3 Br + HBr D.聚丙烯的结构简式为:CH 2-CH 2-CH 2 4. 有机化合物A 只由C 、H 两种元素组成且能使溴水褪色,其产量可以用来衡量一个国家石油化学工业的发展水平。A 、B 、C 、D 、E 有下图所示的关系。则下列推断不. 正确的是( ) A .鉴别A 和甲烷可选择酸性高锰酸钾溶液 B .B 、D 均能与金属钠反应 C .物质C 的结构简式为CH 3CHO D .B +D→ E 的化学方程式为:CH 3CH 2OH +CH 3COOH ――→浓硫酸 △CH 3COOC 2H 5 5.下列各有机物的分类或命名正确的是( )


高二下学期期中考试物理试题 1.本试卷分Ⅰ卷、Ⅱ卷(答卷),共三大题22小题,时间90分钟,满分100分 2.所有答案均应按规定填写在Ⅱ卷的对应位置上。 (命题人:陈卫国;审题人:吴杰夫) Ⅰ卷 一、选择题(16小题,共44分。1~10题为单选题,每小题2分;11~16为多选题,每小题 4分,全部选对的得4分,对而不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分。) 1.物理学的基本原理在生产和生活中有着广泛的应用,下面列举的四种器件中,在工作时利用了电磁感应现象的是( ) A.回旋加速器 B.质谱仪 C.发电机 D.示波器 2.远距离输电时,在输送电功率和输电线电阻一定的条件下,输电线上损失的电功率( ) A.与输电电压的平方成正比 B.与输电电压的平方成反比 C.与输电电压成正比 D.与输电电压成反比 3.法拉第电磁感应定律可以这样表述:闭合电路中感应电动势的大小( ) A.跟穿过这一闭合电路的磁通量成正比 B.跟穿过这一闭合电路的磁感应强度成正比 C.跟穿过这一闭合电路的磁通量的变化量成正比 D.跟穿过这一闭合电路的磁通量的变化率成正比 4. 如图所示,闭合线圈上方有一竖直放置的条形磁铁,磁铁的N极朝下, 当磁铁向上运动时() A.线圈中感应电流的方向与图中箭头方向相同,磁铁与线圈相互吸引; B.线圈中感应电流的方向与图中箭头方向相同,磁铁与线圈相互排斥; C.线圈中感应电流的方向与图中箭头方向相反,磁铁与线圈相互吸引; D.线圈中感应电流的方向与图中箭头方向相反,磁铁与线圈相互排斥; 5.如下图所示,属于交流电的是() 6.下列说法中正确的有() A.只要闭合电路内有磁通量,闭合电路中就有感应电流产生 B.穿过螺线管的磁通量发生变化时,螺线管内部就一定有感应电流产生 C.若线框不闭合,穿过线圈的磁通量发生变化时,线圈中没有感应电流和感应电动势D.若线框不闭合,穿过线圈的磁通量发生变化时,线圈中有感应电动势,没有感应电流7.如图所示,A1和A2是完全相同的灯泡,线圈L的电阻可以忽略, 下列说法中正确的是()


高二下学期期中考试总结 紧张的考前复习,压制神经的考试,下考场后的议论纷纷,有人欢喜有人忧。全县统考结束后顿时感受轻松了不少,暂且别去说考试成绩的好坏,至少这种感受让人感到发自心里的放纵。随后而来的便是对考试成绩的焦急等待和新一轮学习的开始...也许以我这次的考试成绩并别能说成是优异,能够说算个中等吧。但关于我个人来说这也是一具进步,尽管有几科成绩别尽人意。下面就仔细分析分析吧。 先说说英语和历史吧。总体来说进入高中以来我的英语成绩呈现直线下滑趋势,这次也毫别出意外的只考了87分。我很清晰的知道考低分的原因:寻常老师让默写单词时别写,让记语法时别记。一到考试的时候就开始发愁,特别是在做单项挑选题的时候,单词疑惑什么意思感受哪个选项都对,语法疑惑如何运用感受哪个选项基本上答案,结果惟独乱猜了,这次考试在这方面就吃了大亏了。历史这科自我感受依然挺简单的,因为上次考试还得了80多分呢,我想的是这次至少能够考85分的,结果特别完美的验证了一具词语:眼高手低。成绩下来只考了66分。尽管说这次全校历史成绩都有所下滑,但是得高分的依然有的。这次历史成绩给了我别小的打击,更何况老班是算是由历史老师,的确有点别给他面子了。寻常历史学的还挺卖劲的,对历史也是有浓厚的兴趣的,可考试怎么说是考试,后面的非挑选题都是基本上只得了一半的分,未来可得注意了。再说说政治吧。说句实话《日子与哲学》这一册的知识比较难理解,寻常的学习也不过死记,全然别太理解其中的含义,寻常做练习题也别注意总结,结果考试的时候后面的咨询答题都是是胡写的,想到哪一点就写哪一点,没有头绪没有要点。有因必有果:有两个大题别得分,有一大题只得了一分,在整张卷子上拉了将近30分,尽管挑选题做的还能够,但分数也都是定格了,只考了59分。看看分数再想想自己在课堂上的表现:睡觉,发呆...特别是老师说练习题的时候都是是别听的,以至于对张老师说的咨询题分析、做题思路都毫无印象,考试的时候为所欲为,乱答一气。如今终于知道自己有多笨了,真懊悔。 数学和语文成绩小有进步。语文就别用说了,数学可是个难题。说句实话,数学有25分的挑选题别是我自己做的,后面的大题自己苦心专研的。自认为很简单的,结果很别爽的有两道大题别得分。挑选题在别人的热心帮助下错了两道,还别错。事实上,这段时刻可没少在数学上下功夫,终于功夫别负有心人得了92分。语文得了115分,我最开心的是语文没有低于110分过,但成绩还有待更进一步。最后说说地理吧。事实上高一上学期学自然地理的时候,我的地理成绩依然一踏糊涂,但在这种极其惊险的事情下,我依然毅然挑选了文科。为了补瘸腿科,我对地理学习也分外的努力。高一下学期是人文地理,比较简单,渐渐的我的地理成绩也有所上升。事实上能有如此的成绩和地理老师和老师是分别开的。刚开始学习地理的时候我别敢向老师咨询题,也从来没有咨询过。高一下学期和老师开始带我们班地理之后这种事情才有所改变,渐渐的也就没有什么胆怯的了。时刻长了对地理也产生了浓厚的兴趣。这对我将来的学习产生了很大的妨碍。这次地理成绩还算理想,考了83分。我想这与我平时的训练是分别开的,特别是考试前对基础知识的复习和对往常做过的练习题的复习,但是挑选题错的太多,错了5道,都是好基本上寻常老师说过的,真别应该。总体上来说,这次考试题别算太难。但由于自己的粗心大意依然吃了很多亏。未来一定要注意。 别管如何样,这次考试差不多结束了,成绩的好坏也差不多成了定局。但它只能代表过去,别能对自己的以后做判决。这次考试给了我很大的启示,也让自己看到了自己的缺点与别脚,有了这次的考试经验,将来我一定注意改正自己在学习中的缺点,弥补自己的别脚,争取再创一具更好的成绩! 命运如同手中的掌纹,不管再如何蜿蜒但终究在你手中。要知道,没有等出来的漂亮,惟独拼出来的辉煌!


2016-2017八年级下英语期期中考试 Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ()1.—What’s the matter your younger sister? —She has a cough. A.for B. at C. with D. on ()2.She had a , so she went to see the dentist. A. headache B. stomachache C.toothache D. fever ()3. She finished the novel and returned it to me in time. A. read B.to read C.reading D. Reads ()4. —I forgot to take my wallet. Can you me some money? —No problem. Here you are. A. lend B.borrow C.buy D.keep ()5. Your bedroom is very dirty. Please at once. A. clean up it B.clean it up C.clean up them D.clean them up ()6. Mary is singing and dreams of being a singer.

A. angry B.full of C.interested in D.surprised at ()7. —Have you heard that UFO landed on Center Street yesterday? —Of course. And alien got out of the UFO and visited the TV station. A.a;the B.the;an C.a;an D.an;an ()8. —I have too much housework to do at home. —ask your husband for help? A.You can B.Why don’t C.Why not D.How about ()9. —What are you going to do if it tomorrow? —I haven’t thought about it. A.doesn’t rain B.won’t rain C. doesn’t rain D.isn’t raining ()10.The teacher my mobile phone because I used it in class. A.took out B.took away C.took off D.took place ()11.—How long can I this book? —For a week. A.borrow B.lend C.return D.keep ()12. The girl ice cream in the sofa while


2016—2017学年度高二下学期期中考试 物理(理科)试题 温馨提示: 1.本试题分为第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷和答题卡。全卷满分110分,其中含附加题10分。 2.考生答题时,必须将第Ⅰ卷上所有题的正确答案用2B 铅笔涂在答题卡上所对应的信息点处,答案写在Ⅰ卷上无效,第Ⅱ卷所有题的正确答案按要求用黑色签字笔填写在答题纸上。 3.考试结束时,将答题纸交给监考老师。 第Ⅰ卷 一、单选题:(本题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要。) 1.人从高处跳下,与地面接触时双腿弯曲,这样是为了( ) A .减少人落地时的动量 B .减少此过程中人的动量的变化量 C .减少人所受合外力的冲量 D .减小地面对人的冲力 2.一发电机向远处的用户送电,已知输送电功率为P ,输送电压为U ,输电线电流为I ,输电线电阻为R ,输电线上损失的功率为P Δ,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .由 R U P 2 =得,输送电压越大,输电线上损失的功率越大。 B .由R U P 2 =得,为了减少输电线上的功率损失,可采用低压输电。 C .由R I P 2=Δ得,输电线电流越大,输电线上损失的功率越大。 D .由欧姆定律得,输电线上电压、电流、电阻之间的关系满足等式IR U =。 3.将一多用电表的选择开关置于倍率合适的欧姆档,欧姆调零后将红黑表笔分别与一金属热电阻、负温度系数的热敏电阻和光敏电阻两端相连,下面有关欧姆表读数说法正确的是( ) A .如果给金属热电阻加热,则欧姆表的读数变小

B .如果给热敏电阻加热,则欧姆表读数变大 C .如果将光敏电阻用一黑布包住,则欧姆表读数变大 D .以上说法都不对 4.把一支枪水平固定在车上,小车放在光滑的水平面上,枪发射出一颗子弹,关于枪、子弹、小车,下列说法正确的是( ) A .枪和子弹组成的系统动量守恒 B .枪和小车组成的系统动量守恒 C .三者组成的系统动量近似守恒。因为枪弹和枪筒之间的摩擦力很小,使系统动量变化很小 D .三者组成的系统动量守恒。因为系统只受重力和地面支持力这两个外力作用,并且两个外力的合力为零 5.某一交流发电机产生的正弦交流电电动势为)(50sin 2100=V t πe ,不计发电机线圈内阻,由此可知( ) A .此交流电每秒钟方向改变25次 B .在s t 03.0=时,穿过交流发电机线圈的磁通量最大 C .在s t 02.0=时,交流发电机线圈平面与中性面垂直 D .若此交流电给一个100Ω的电阻供电,则此电阻消耗的电功率为100W 6.如图所示理想变压器的原副线圈的匝数比10:1=:21n n ,电阻Ω2=R ,现给原线圈接入如右图所示的正弦交流电压,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .副线圈电流的频率为0.2HZ B .电压表的读数为10V C .电流表A 1 的示数为50A D .电流表A 2的示数为A 25 7.满载砂子的小车总质量为kg 3 10×2,在光滑水平面上做匀速运动,速度为s m 1。在行驶途中有质量为kg 400的砂子从车上漏掉,则砂子漏掉后小车的速度应为( ) A .s m 1 B .s m 25.1 C .s m 5 D .s m 8.0 8.将如图所示的甲乙两种交流电压分别加在同一个定值电阻上,经过相同时间,产生的热量比是( )


三年级英语下册期中测试题一、选出与下列词语相应的单词(10分) ()小的 A 、monkey B、 small C、panda ()足球 A 、foot B、 football C、ball ()牛奶 A、rice B、noodles C、milk ()老虎 A、lion B、tiger C、elephant ()自行车 A、bike B、door C、doll 二、选择(30分) 1、My favourite colour is . A、red B、book C、a blue kite 2、----How many kites? ----- A、It’s a car B、Ten C、It’s red 3、It’s elephant. A、a B、an C the 4、-----What are they? ----- A、It’s a kite B、They is kites C、They are kites 5、I don’t like bikes. A、ride B、riding C、rides 6、They don’t like . A、my B、I C、me 7、Lingling (不喜欢)肉。 A、likes B、don’t like C、doesn’t like 8、 Do you like meat ? ____________ A. Yes,I don’t. B. Yes,I do. C.Yes,she does 9. Amy _________swimming. A. like B. Likes C. likes 10、------ your farourite song? -------- It’s the ABC song. A、What B、where’s C、What’s 三、将下列相对应的大小字母连线(10分) K F J O B E G I C H


2013—2014学年下学期期中考试 高二理科数学试题 班级 姓名 学号 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试用时120分钟。 注:所有题目在答题卡上做答 第I 卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的) 1.函数x x x f cos )(2=的导数为( ) A. x x x x x f sin cos 2)(2'-= B.x x x x x f sin cos 2)(2'+= C. x x x x x f sin 2cos )(2'-= D.x x x x x f sin cos )(2'-= 2. 复数3-i 1-i 等于 ( ) A .1+2i B .1-2i C .2+i D .2-i 3. dx x e x )2(1 0+?等于( ) A .e B .1e - C . 1 D .1e + 4.设 x x x x f ln 42)(2 --=,则()0f x '>的解集为( ) A.),0(+∞ B. (1,0)(2,)-?+∞ C. (2,)+∞ D.(1,0)- 5. 若复数 i a a z )1(12 -+-=是纯虚数,则|z |= ( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 6.函数()f x 的导函数为()f x ',满足关系式()()2=32ln f x x xf x '++,则()2f '的值等于( ) A.2 B.2- C.94 D.9 4- 7. 对于函数2 33)(x x x f -=,给出下列四个命题: ①)(x f 是增函数,无极值; ②)(x f 是减函数,有极值; ③)(x f 在区间]0,(-∞及),2[+∞上是增函数; ④)(x f 有极大值为0,极小值4-;其中正确命题的个数为( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 8.下列命题错误的是 ( ) A.命题“若1,0232==+-x x x 则”的逆否命题为“若,1≠x 0232 ≠+-x x 则” B. “2>x ”是“0232 >+-x x ”的充分不必要条件 C. 对于命题 ,01,2 <++∈?x x R x p 使得:则 均有,:R x p ∈??012≥++x x D. 若q p ∧为假命题,则q p ,均为假命题 9. 在复平面内,复数65,23i i +-+对应的点分别为A 、B ,若C 为线段AB 的中点,则 点C 对应的复数是( ) A.48i + B.82i + C. 4i + D. 24i + 10. 已知命题:,23x x p x R ?∈<;命题32 :,1q x R x x ?∈=-,则下列命题中为真命题 的是 ( ) A.p q ∧ B.p q ∧? C.p q ?∧ D.p q ?∧? 11.如图)(x f y =的导函数的图象,现有四种说法: (1))(x f 在(-3,1)上是增函数 ; (2)x =-1是f(x)的极小值点; (3)()f x 在(2,4)上是减函数,在(-1,2)上是增函数; (4)x =2是()f x 的极小值点;以上正确的序号为 ( ) A. (1) (2) B. (2) (3) C. (3) (4) D. (4) 12.函数3()1f x x ax =-+在区间(1,+∞)内是增函数,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .a ≤3 B .a >3 C . a <3 D .a ≥3


绝密★启用前 音一中2016-2017学年度下学期期中考试试题 高二文科数学 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟。 卷I 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1.已知集合A ={1,2,3},B ={x |x 2<9},则A ∩B 等于( ) A .{-2,-1,0,1,2,3} B .{-2,-1,0,1,2} C .{1,2,3} D .{1,2} 2.若z 1=(m 2+m +1)+(m 2+m -4)i(m ∈R ),z 2=3-2i ,则“m =1”是“z 1=z 2”的( ) A . 充分不必要条件 B . 必要不充分条件 C . 充要条件 D . 既不充分又不必要条件 3.在极坐标系中,下列各点与点 同一点的是( ). A . B . C . D . 4.已知复数z 的共轭复数=1+2i (i 为虚数单位),则z 在复平面对应的点位于( ) A . 第一象限 B . 第二象限 C . 第三象限 D . 第四象限 5.若直线的参数方程为 (t 为参数),则直线的倾斜角为( ) A . 30° B . 60° C . 120° D . 150° 6.从某高中随机选取5名高三男生,其身高和体重的数据如下表所示: 根据上表可得回归直线方程=0.56x +,据此模型预报身高为172cm 的高三男生的体重为( ) A . 70.09kg B . 70.12kg C . 70.55kg D . 71.05kg 7.命题“?x ∈R ,|x |+x 2 ≥0”的否定是( ) A .?x ∈R ,|x |+x 2<0 B .?x ∈R ,|x |+x 2≤0 C .?x 0∈R ,|x 0|+ <0 D .?x 0∈R ,|x 0|+ ≥0 8.在极坐标系中,以A (0,2)为圆心,2为半径的圆的极坐标方程是( ) A .ρ=4sin θ B .ρ=2 C .ρ=4cos θ D .ρ=2sin θ+2cos θ 9.函数f (x )=+lg 的定义域为( ) A .(2,3) B .(2,4] C .(2,3)∪(3,4] D .(-1,3)∪(3,6] 10.若函数f (x )=则f =( ) A .9 B . C .-9 D .- 11. 在同一平面直角坐标系中,直线x-2y=2变成42' ' =-y x 的伸缩变换是( ) A .?????==y y x x 41'' B. ?????==y y x x ''4 C. ?? ? ??==y y x x 414' ' D. ?????==y y x x 4'' 12. 在直角坐标系xoy 中,直线l 经过点P (-1,0),其倾斜角为α,以原点O 为极点,以x 轴非负 半轴为极轴,与直角坐标系xoy 取相同的单位长度,建立极坐标系,设曲线C 的极坐标方程为 01cos 6-2=+θρρ,若直线l 与曲线C 有公共点,则α的取值围为( ) A .????????????πππ,,4340 B. ??????ππ,43 C. ?? ? ???40π, D. [)π,0 卷II 二、填空题(共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 13.观察下列各式:a +b =1,a 2+b 2=3,a 3+b 3=4,a 4+b 4=7,a 5+b 5=11,…,则a 10+b 10= . 14.已知集合A ={x |a -1≤x ≤1+a },B ={x |x 2-5x +4≥0},若A ∩B =?,则实数a 的取值围是________. 15.已知函数f (x )是定义在R 上的奇函数,当x >0时,f (x )=2x ,则当x <0时,f (x )=________. 16.已知函数f (x )= (a >0,且a ≠1)在R 上单调递减,且关于x 的方程 |f (x )|=2-恰有两个不相等的实数解,则a 的取值围是____________. 三、解答题(共6小题,满分70分) 17.(本小题满分10分) 已知p :函数y =x 2+mx +1在(-1,+∞)单调递增, q :函数y =4x 2+4(m -2)x +1大于零恒成立.若p 或q 为真,p 且q 为假,求m 的取值围. 18. (本小题满分12分) 某地最近十年粮食需求量逐年 P(K 2≥k 0) 0.05 0.025 0.010 0.005 0.001 k 0 3.841 5.024 6.635 7.879 10.828


八年级下英语期期中考试 Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ()1.—What’s the matter your younger sister? — She has a cough. A.for B. at C. with D. on ()2.She had a , so she went to see the dentist. A. headache B. stomachache C.toothache D. fever ()3. She finished the novel and returned it to me in time. A. read B.to read C.reading D. Reads ()4. — I forgot to take my wallet. Can you me some money? — No problem. Here you are. A. lend B.borrow C.buy D.keep ()5. Your bedroom is very dirty. Please at once. A. clean up it B.clean it up C.clean up them D.clean them up ()6. Mary is singing and dreams of being a singer. A. angry B.full of C.interested in D.surprised at ()7. — Have you heard that UFO landed on Center Street yesterday? —Of course. And alien got out of the UFO and visited the TV station. A.a;the B.the;an C.a;an D.an;an ()8. — I have too much housework to do at home. —ask your husband for help? A.You can B.Why don’t C.Why not D.How about ()9. — What are you going to do if it tomorrow? —I haven’t thought about it. A.doesn’t rain B.won’t rain C. doesn’t rain D.isn’t


高二数学第二学期期中考试卷 本卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟 一、填空题(本大题共有11小题,每小题4分,共44分) 1.直线y =-3x +1的倾斜角为 . 2.过点A(1,-4),且与直线2350x y ++=垂直的直线方程为 . 3.两平行直线3450x y ++=与34250x y +-=间的距离是 . 4.若方程x 2+y 2+2kx+4y+3k+8=0表示一个圆,则k 的取值范围是___________. 5.与双曲线 116 92 2=-y x 有共同的渐近线,且一顶点为(0,8)的双曲线的方程 是 . 6.已知圆C 的方程(x-2)2+y 2=4,过原点与圆C 相交的弦的中点轨迹是__________. 7.设12,F F 为椭圆 22 12516 x y +=的两个焦点,直线过1F 交椭圆于,A B 两点,则2AF B ?的周长是 . 8.已知双曲线b 2 x 2 -a 2y 2 =a 2 b 2 的两渐近线的夹角为2α,则c:a = . 9.椭圆122 2=+y x 和双曲线1222=-y x 有相同的焦点,则实数n 的值是

10. 等腰直角三角形的直角顶点是(4,-1),斜边在直线3x -y +2=0上,两条直角边所在的直线方程是 . 11. 已知椭圆方程为22 1499x y +=中,F 1, F 2分别为它的两个焦点,则下列说法: ①焦点在x 轴上,其坐标为(±7, 0);② 若椭圆上有一点P 到F 1的距离为10,则P 到F 2的距离为4;③焦点在y 轴上,其坐标为(0, ± 2);④ a =49, b =9, c =40, 正确的有 . 二、选择题:(本大题共4小题;每小题4分,共16分) 12.直线320x y ++=与直线4210x y +-=夹角是 ( ) A. 34π B. 4 π C. 2arctg D. arctg 12. 3k >是方裎 22 131 x y k k +=--表示双曲线的条件是 ( ) A.充分但不必要 B. 必要但不充分 C.充要 D.既不充分也不必要 14.直线1y x =-上的点到圆224240x y x y ++-+=的最近距离是 ( ) A.1 B. 1+ D. 1 15. 椭圆13 42 2=+y x 上有n 个不同的点: P 1, P 2, …, P n , 椭圆的右焦点为F . 数列{|P n F |}是公差大于100 1 的等差数列, 则n 的最大值是 ( ) A 、198 B 、199 C 、200 D 、201 10


下学期期中联合考试 高二英语试卷 本试卷共 9页,满分150分。考试用时120分钟 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man want to do? A. To book a room. B. To get a job. C. To read the advertisement. 2. What time will the two speakers meet? A. 5:30. B. 6:10. C. 6:30. 3. Who answered the phone? A. Tom. B.Alice. C. Susan. 4. What do we know about the woman ? A. She has been caught copying a report. B. She is not free at the moment. C. She won’t leave till the last moment. 5. Where did the woman stay while she was in Changbaishan? A. She stayed in her friend’s house. B. She stayed in a hotel with her friends. C. She camped near the mountains. 第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where is the man most likely to be now? A. In a new apartment. B.In a hotel. C. In a department store. woman? 7. What’s the A. She is a servant. B.She is a waitress. C. She is a receptionist. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What does the law forbid people to do? A. To walk dogs in the streets. B. To take dogs to parks C. To treat dogs cruelly. 9. What do we know from the woman said? A. Dogs should be kept at home. B. People would remove the dog waste. C. Building a dog park is necessary. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Why is the man at the shop? A. To get cellphone changed. B. To order a cellphone for his wife. C. To have a cellphone repaired . 11. What color does the man want? A. Pink. B. Orange. C. Blue. 12. What will the man do afterwards? A. Make a phone call. B. Come again the next day. C. Wait until further notice.


英语期中考试试卷 Part I Reading Comprehension (10×4 = 40) Passage One Television has opened windows in everybody's life. Young men will never again go to war as they did in 1914. Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle. And the result has been a general dislike of war, and perhaps more interest in helping those who suffer from all the terrible things that have been shown on the screen. Television has also changed politics. The most distant areas can now follow state affairs, see and her the politicians before tan election. Better informed, people are more likely to vote, and so to make their opinion count. Unfortunately, television's influence has been extremely harmful to the young. Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world; that TV advertisements lie to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless. They believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable. All educators agree that the "television generations" are more violent than their parents and grandparents. Also, the young are less patient. Used to TV shows, where everything is quick and interesting, they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn't do funny things like the people on children's programs. And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten, fifteen, or thirty minutes. That's the time it takes on the screen. 1. In the past, many young people ______. A) knew the effects of war B) went in for politics C) liked to save the wounded in wars D) were willing to be soldiers 2. Now with TV people can ________. A) discuss politics at an information center B) show more interest in politics C) make their own decisions on political affairs D) express their opinions freely 3. The author thinks that TV advertisements ______. A) are not reliable on the whole B) are useless to people C) are a good guide to adults D) are very harmful to the young 4. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A) People have become used to crimes now. B) With a TV set some problems can be solved quickly. C) People now like to read books with pictures. D) The adults are less violent than the young. 5. From the passage, we can conclude that _______. A) children should keep away from TV B) TV programs should be improved C) children's books should have pictures D) TV has a deep influence on the young Passage Two Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people but I also explain that there's a big difference between "being a writer" and " writing". In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hour alone at a typewriter. "You've got to want to write," I say to them, "not want to be a writer". The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer killed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. When I left a 20-year career in

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