当前位置:文档之家› 2018年河北省中考英语复习题库:词语运用20篇(word版)



Passage 1

Dear Li Ming,

How are you? How was your weekend? I had a great weekend! Guess what? I can make donuts ( 甜甜圈) 1.

(I) now. My mum 2. (teach) me


Saturday. Jenny came over and helped us. 3. A it was a lot of work, it was fun. Fresh home-made donuts are so 4. d that we all like them very much.

Next weekend, I am going to climb a mountain!

I will go

there with my parents, cousins, aunt and uncle. It’s three 5.

(hour) away from my house. We are going

to take

6. bus there. We can sing songs and play games


(happy) on t he bus. Now I’m 8. (prepare) for t he songs t ha t I can s i ng. I’m so 9. (excite)! My uncle will bring his camera and we can take some

pho t os. I t’s our 10. (one) time to go out


and I can’t wait.

Did you have a good weekend? What are you going

to do

next weekend?



【主旨大意】本文是Danny 写给明的一封信。信中主要介绍了Danny 上个周末


1. myself【解析】句意为:现在我能制作甜甜圈。根据句意可知此处强调是“我”自己会制作,应填myself。

2. taught 【解析】句意为:我妈妈在周六教我做(甜甜圈)。根据下文可知本篇短文叙述过去发生的事情,故应用动词的一般过去式,故填taught。

3. Although 【解析】句意为:那是很庞大的一项工作,但是很有趣。根据语境可知此处表示让步,再结合首字母提示可知应填Although。

4. delicious 【解析】句意为:新鲜的家庭制作的甜甜圈是如此的以至于我们都非常喜欢。根据语境可和首字母提示可知此处是指美味的,故填delicious。

5. hours 【解析】句意为:从我家到那里要三个小时的路程。根据前面的three

可知此空应填 hour 的复数形式,故填 hours。

6. a 【解析】句意为:我们打算乘公共汽车去那儿。take a bus 乘公共汽车,为固定短语,故填a。

7. happily【解析】句意为:我们可以在公共汽车上高兴地唱歌玩游戏。结合语法知识可知应用副词修饰动词,因此此处需填 happy 的副词形式来修饰动词sing 和 play,故填happily。

8. preparing 【解析】句意为:我现在正在准备我可以唱的歌。分析句子结构可知此处为现在进行时,故填preparing。

9. excited 【解析】句意为:我很兴奋。分析句子结构,此处需要形容词作表语。所以应填形容词形式,且此处的形容词修饰人,故填excited。

10. first【解析】句意为:这是我们第一次一起出去旅行,我等不及了。根据句意


Passage 2

My name is Aaron and I’m 16 years old. I live in Sydney, Australia. It is always 1. (sun) here, and we have lots of beaches. Our summers are always very 2. h . Often, the temperature reaches 40 degrees!

Seasons i n Aus t ra li a are d i fferen t 3. seasons in many other countries. Summers here go from

December t o February. The w i n t er 4. (last)


June to August. Summer is my favorite 5.

s . 1 don’t have to wear 6. (shoe)! We wear shorts and go to the sea every day. We always swim 7. (free) in the sea. How nice it is!

On a windy day,I can ride the waves on my


Surf i ng i s very popu l ar here. I t i s d i ff i cu lt 8.

very good exercise. My mum and dad often come to watch 9.

(I) surf. My dad likes to bring his camera and take

pictures of me. Also, there are always so many people 10.

(play) on the beach. He can never get a good p i c t ure of me.

I hope to be a great surfer one day. I will work hard and practice every day.

【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。十六岁的澳大利亚男孩Aaron 讲述了澳大利亚


1. sunny【解析】句意为:这里的天气总是晴朗的,我们有很多海滩。分析句


2. hot 【解析】句意为:我们的夏天总是很。根据后句“Often, the temperature reaches 40 degrees!气温经常达到 40 度!”再结合首字母h 可知


3. from 【解析】句意为:澳大利亚的季节与其他很多国家的季节是不同的。be different from 与……不同,为固定搭配,故填from。

4. lasts 【解析】句意为:冬天从六月持续到八月。主语 The winter 为第三人


5. season 【解析】句意为:夏天是我最喜欢的。根据句意和首字母提


6. shoes 【解析】句意为:我不用穿鞋!根据给出的shoe 并结合常识可知鞋应


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