当前位置:文档之家› 建筑专业英语术语



A a

Acceptance 验收

Acceptance lot 验收批量

Acceptance criterion 验收准则(标准)Acceptance report 验收报告Acceptance test 验收试验

Access 通道/入口

Access opening 检修孔/人孔

Accident shutdown 事故停堆

Action item 行动项

Aerial cable 架空电缆/高空电缆

Aerial lift/work 高空吊运/作业Aggregate 骨料

Air content 含气率

Air delivery pipe 排气管

Air meter 量气计

Air pump 气泵

Anchor 锚固/锚固件

Anchor bolt 锚固/地脚螺栓Anchorage device 锚具/锚固设备Angle 角钢Annex building 附属厂房

Annular girder 环形梁

Arched dome 穹顶

Architectural construction material 建筑材料

Architectural design 建筑设计Architectural decoration 建筑装修

As-built drawing 竣工图

Assessment 评价/评定

Audit 审计/监察

Audit record 审计记录

Authorized to proceed (ATP)开工令Auxiliary building 辅助厂房

Award of bid 决标

Axial line 轴线

B b

Backfill 回填

Backup 备用

Bar bender 钢筋弯曲机

Bar cutter 钢筋切割机

Bar splice 钢筋接头

Bar splicing 钢筋搭接

Bar-setter 钢筋工

Barricade 护栏/围栏

Basemat / Base slab 底板

Batch plant 搅拌站

Beam 大臂/梁

Bearing capacity 承载能力

Blasting 爆破

Block brick 大型砌块

Blowtorch 喷灯

Bolt 螺栓

Bottom head 底封头

Brace 支撑/剪力撑/角撑

Brick 砖

Bridge crane 行吊/桥式起重机Briefing 交底

Butt welding 对接焊

C c

Cable tray 电缆槽

Cast-in-situ concrete structure 现浇混凝土结构

Cement 水泥

Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Cesspool 化粪池

Civil construction 土木建筑

Civil works 土建工程

Coarse sand 粗砂

Coating 涂层

Code 代码/规范

Coil 线圈/盘圆

Cold-rolled steel 冷轧钢

Cold joint 冷缝

concealed work隐蔽工程Concrete 混凝土

Concrete placement 混凝土浇筑Concreting 混凝土浇筑Conductor 导体/导线

Conduit 管道

Containment 安全壳Construction joint 施工缝Construction scheme 施工方案Contract 合同

Contractor 承包商

Control 控制/调节

Control damper/valve 控制阀

Conventional island(CI) 常规岛Cooling tower 冷却塔Corrective action 纠正措施Contingency plan 紧急预案Cover plate 盖板

Conveyor belt 传送带

Critical path 关键线路

Cross beam 横梁

CWS 循环水

Cure 养护

Cushion block 垫块

Chute 滑槽

Clarify 澄清

D d

Dado 墙裙

Dead load 静荷载Deformation 变形

Deformed bar 变形钢筋/螺纹钢Dental concrete 填平找齐Design change 设计变更Design specification 设计要求Detail design 详细设计Dewater 抽水

Developed view 展开图Development length 锚固长度Distribution box 配电箱Displacement 位移

Dowel 定位销/轴销

Dowel bar 插筋

Drainage 排水

Drainage ditch/trench 排水沟Drawing 图纸

Dumper 翻斗车

E e

Effective length 有效长度Effective span 有效跨度Electrical arc welding 电弧焊Electrical conductor 电导体Elevation 标高/立面

Elevator 电梯/升降机Elevator pit 电梯井Elongation 伸长率Embedded part 预埋件Erection 安装

Excavator 挖掘机

Excavation 负挖

Execution 执行

Expansion joint 伸缩缝External interface 外部接口

F f

Fair-faced concrete清水混凝土Feed water pump 给水泵Fence 围栏

Foreman 工长

Fillet weld 角焊(缝)

Fire protection 消防(措施)Flammable material 易燃的材料Flashing 闪蒸/遮雨板/防水板Flitch 木方

Floor-area ratio 容积率

Floor drain 地漏

Foot 英尺

Formwork 模板

Foundation 地基/基础Foundation beam 基础梁Frame 框架

Flange plate 翼缘板

G g

Galvanizing 镀锌

Gantry 龙门架

Gantry crane 龙门起重机

Generator 发电机

Girder 主梁

Grade rod 坡度尺

Grader 平土机/推土机

Grit/ shot blast 喷砂处理

Grounding 接地

Grout 水泥浆

Gutter 水槽

H h

Handrail 扶手

Hanger 吊架

Hard hat 安全帽

Health, safety & environment (HSE)职业健康、安全与环境

Heat treatment 热处理

Heavy haul road 重型道路

Heavy crane 大吊车

Hold point 停工待检点/检查点Hoop 箍筋

Hook 吊钩

Housekeeping 文明施工

Hot work 动火作业Hydraulic boom 压力泵

I i

Identification 识别/鉴定Illumination 照明

Impurity 杂质

Inch 英寸

Inlet 进水口

Input/output 输入/输出Inspection 检查

Installation 安装

Instruction 说明书/细则Insulation 保温/绝缘Interface 接口

Item 物项

Isolation joint 隔离缝

J j Jib crane 悬臂式起重机

Job hazard analysis(JHA)工作危险因素分析

Job safety analysis(JSA)工作安全因素分析

Joint design 接缝尺寸

Joint detail 节点图

Jump form 爬升模板

K k

Key 键,销

Key plan 平面布置总图

Kick-off meeting 开工会议

Knee brace 隅掌/膝形拉条

L l

Label 标签

Labor cost 人工费

Ladder 爬梯

Landslip 滑坡

Landing plate 就位板

Lap welding 搭接焊

Layout drawing 布置图

Leak 泄漏

Leak chase pipe 泄露槽管道Life test 寿命试验

Lift slab 顶升楼板

Lifting lug 吊环

Lintel 过梁

Load-bearing wall 承重墙Loading 装料,加载Longitudinal seam 纵(焊)缝Longitudinal section 纵剖面Longitudinal bar 纵向钢筋

Loop 环路/回路

Low alloy steel 低合金钢Lower mudmat 下垫层Lubricant 润滑剂

M m

Main beam? 主梁

Main axis / Major axis 主轴/长轴Man hole 人孔/检查孔Manpower 人力

Manual welding 手工焊Manufacturer 制造商

Masonry 砌体/砌筑Masonry-concrete structure 砖混结构masonry-timber structure 砖木结构Mass concrete / massive concrete 大体积混凝土

Mast section 标准节(塔吊)Mechanical property 机械性能Mechanical strength 机械强度Membrane 薄膜

Milestone 里程碑

Miscellaneous steel 零星钢

Micro pile 微型桩

Mobilization order 动员令

Mock-up training 模拟培训

Model 模型

Monitor 监控

Mortar 砂浆

Mudmat 垫层

?upper mudmat上垫层

?lower mudmat下垫层

N n

National standard 国家标准

Near-miss incident 未遂事件

Net height 净高

Net span 净跨度

Net water/cement ratio 净水灰比

Nipple 外丝接头/丝头/螺纹接头

NNSA 核安全局

Nominal power 额定功率

Non-shrinking steel 抗变形钢

Non-uniform cross section beam 变截面

Nondestructive testing/examination(NDE)无损检测/测试

Non-conformance report(NCR) 不符合项报告

Non-safety related 非核安全相关

Normal condition 正常条件/正常状态Normal concrete 普通混凝土

Notice of award(NCA)决标通知Nuclear power plant(NPP)核电厂Nuclear safety inspection 核安全检查

O o

Office building 办公楼

Onsite 厂内Open flame 明火

Open item 开口项

Open wire 明配线

Open trench 明沟

Operating condition 运行工况Operating platform 操作平台

Outlet 出水口

Outline size/dimension 外形尺寸

Outline drawing 外形图

Outside diameter 外径

Overlap 重叠/搭接/焊瘤(焊接)Overload 超载

Owner 业主

P p

Padding plate 垫板

Partition plate 隔板

Partition wall 隔墙

Penetration 贯穿件

Personal protective equipment (PPE)个人防护设备

Piping 管道系统

Pit liner 基坑衬板

Place/pour 浇注(混凝土)

Plain (round)bars 普通圆钢

Plan 平面图

Plant 电厂

Position 位置

Positioner 定位器/胎具

Pre-cast concrete 预制混凝土

Pre-job briefing 班前交底Preliminary placement (混凝土)预浇筑Initial setting time 初凝时间Processing 加工

Procurement 采购

Project cost 工程造价

Project execution plan 项目执行大纲Project management 项目管理Project manager 项目经理

Pump truck 泵车

Purchase order 订购单

Q q

Quality assurance (QA)质量保证Quality assurance program 质保大纲Quality inspection 质量检查Quality certificate 质量证书

Quality control (QC)质量控制Quantity 工程量

R r

Raceway 电缆通道

Rated capacity 额定功率/额定容量Ratio of reinforcement 配筋率

Reactor 反应堆

Recovery 复工

Refuel 换料

Refueling machine 换料机

Reinforced concrete structure 钢筋混凝土结构

Rubble concrete 毛石混凝土Reinforcement 钢筋/余高、补强(焊接)Release agent 脱模剂/隔离剂Reliability 可靠性

Report point 报告点

Response time 响应时间

Retention period 保存期

Review comment 评审意见

Revision 修订版

Rework 返工

Rigging 索具

Rivet 铆钉

Rock 岩石

Rock wool 岩棉

Rolled shape轧制型钢

Rotate 旋转

Round bar 圆钢

Round wire 圆钢丝

Routine inspection 常规检查

S s

Safekeeping 安全保卫

Safety class 安全等级

Safety lighting 安全照明

Safety net/mesh 安全网

Safety-related component 核安全相关设备

Safety valve 安全阀

Safety warning sign 安全警示牌Sampler 取样器

Sand blasting 喷砂处理

Scaffolder 架子工Scraper 刮刀

Screed 灰饼(用于测量定位的混凝土)Screw 螺丝

Sealant 密封剂

Secondary beam 次粱

Sectional view 剖面图

Seismic classification 抗震分级Setting out 放线

Setting out operator 放线工Settlement 沉降

Segregation 离析

Shear force 剪切力

Shear reinforcement 抗剪钢筋

Shear stud 剪力钉

Sheet steel 薄钢板

Shield building 屏蔽厂房

Shock load 冲击载荷

Shock test 冲击试验

Shotcrete 喷混

Shut down 停堆

Slab 板

Sleeper timber 枕木

Sleeve 套筒

Slope area 边坡

Slump 坍落度

Snug washer 平垫圈Spacing of bars 钢筋间距Span 跨距

Spare parts 备品/备件Spent fuel 乏燃料

Spot/Tack welding 点焊Stainless steel 不锈钢Stairway 楼梯

Staking out 放样

Standing water 积水

Start up 启动

Static pressure 静压力Starter grout 润管砂浆Strand 钢绞线

Straw matting 草帘

Stay-in-place form 免拆模板Steel plate 钢板

Steel section 型钢

Steel strip 钢带Steel wire 钢丝

Step length 步距/步长

Stiffness 刚度

Stirrup 箍筋

Stop bar 挡板

Stop-work order 停工令

Storage 储存/仓库

Stress 应力

Structural steel 钢结构

Stud 柱头螺栓

Subcontractor 分包商

Sump 集水坑

Support point 支撑点

Supporting plate 支承板

Survey 测量

Surveyor 测量工

Suspended ceilings 吊顶(棚)Suspension frame 悬挂架

Switchboard(distribution) 配电盘Spread beam 平衡梁

T t

Temporary construction facility 生产临建


Telescopic tube 伸缩套管

Tendon 钢筋束

Tensile strength 抗拉强度

Tension ring 拉力测力计

Tension test 拉伸测试

Thickness meter 厚度计/测厚仪Thinner 稀释剂

Through tie 对拉螺杆

Tie bar 拉结钢筋

Tire-off 挂扣

Tower crane 塔吊

Transfer canal 运输通道

Truck crane 汽吊

Truss 桁架

Turbine building 汽轮机厂房Turnover 移交

U u

Ultrasonic examination 超声检验Undercut 咬边(焊接)Underground trench 地下管沟Uniform cross-section beam等截面粱Unusual service condition 异常工作条件U-tube U型管

Upper head 上封头

V v

Vacuum pump 真空泵

Valve 阀门

Variance 变更

Varnish 清漆

Vent pipe 通风管

Vertical pipe 立管

Vibrating spear 振动棒

Vibration frequencies 振动频率

Visual inspection(or examination) 目视检查

W w

Walkway 走道

Wall beam 墙梁

Warning sign 警示标牌

Warranty period 担保期/保用期

Washer 垫圈

Water truck 洒水车

Sewage flow 污水量

Water/cement ratio 水灰比Waterproofing material 防水材料Waterstop 止水带

Web plate 腹板

Weld 焊接

Weld crack 焊接裂缝

Weld defects 焊接缺陷Weldability 可焊性

Welder qualification 焊工资格评定Welding flux 焊剂

Welding rod 焊条

Welding wire 焊丝

Welding sequence 焊接顺序Weld joint 焊缝

Wire mesh 钢丝网

Wire reinforcement 钢丝配筋Wire rope 钢缆/钢索

Witness point 见证点Woodworker 木工

Workload 工作负荷

Work order 工作指令

Work-related injury 工伤Work schedule 工作进度表Work shed 工棚

Workshop 车间/研讨会

Work site 工作现场

Workability 和易性(混凝土)

X x

X-brace 剪力撑

X-ray identification X射线鉴定

Y y

Yard area 场区

Yield strength 屈服强度

Yield point 屈服点

Yield test 屈服试验

Z z

Z-bar Z形钢

Zinc dust 锌粉


A a


安全带safety harness/safety belt 安全帽hard hat/ helmet


安全等级safety class

安全网safety mat/net

安全鞋safety shoes

B b

布置图layout drawing


泵车pump truck

泵管pump pipe

边坡slope area

不锈钢stainless steel



C c


插筋dowel bar

常规岛(CI)conventional island 承包商contractor




初凝initial setting

仓库storage/ warehouse 抽水dewatering

冲毛green cutting

D d



搭接焊lap welding

搭接长度overlapping length

大体积混凝土mass concrete / massive concrete

第一罐混凝土浇注First Concrete


地漏floor drain

电弧焊electrical arc welding




垫板backing plate

订购单purchase order

地下管沟underground trench

大吊车heavy crane


E e

二次搬运double handing

二次浇注second pour

二次振捣secondary vibration

F f

附属厂房annex building

辅助厂房auxiliary building


反应堆reactor building



防水材料waterproofing material


非核安全相关的non-safety related 放线setting out


防雷接地材料grounding and lightning materials

G g

钢筋下料bending and cutting


给水泵feed water pump 箍筋hoop/stirrup

箍筋率stirrup ratio

个人防护设备(PPE)personal protective equipment

工程造价project cost

钢筋混凝土结构reinforced concrete structure

钢筋支架rebar support

钢板steel plate

钢盖板/压型钢板metal deck

钢结构structural steel

钢丝网wire mesh


关键控制点key control point



H h


核岛(NI) Nuclear Island


核电站(NPP)nuclear power plant


会签单approval page


焊缝weld joint

焊条welding rod

核安全相关的safety related


J j

机械设备mechanical equipment 基础foundation

基坑foundation pit

基准bench mark

积水standing water

计算高度calculated height

计算误差calculation error


给水water supply

净高net height

角焊fillet weld



搅拌站batch plant

竣工图as-built drawing 决标award of bid

浇筑令pour card

剪力撑cross bracing/X-brace 监控monitor




见证点witness point

K k

开工令authorized to proceed 抗剪钢筋shear reinforcement 抗拉强度tensile strength

抗压强度compression strength 抗震设计seismic design

控制点hold point

控制缝control joint


框架结构frame structure


L l

拉撑tension brace

拉杆tie rod

拉力tensile force


拉力试验tensile test


蓝图规划blueprint planning

冷焊cold weld

冷拉钢筋cold-drawn rebar

冷弯cold bending



联系钢筋bracing reinforcement 连续施工continuous construction 裂缝crack

临界弯矩critical bending moment 龙门吊gantry crane




螺栓锚件bolt anchor

螺纹钢筋thread rebar


零星钢miscellaneous steel M m



锚固螺栓anchor bolt

毛石混凝土rubble concrete

明沟open trench




免拆模板stay-in-place formwork (SIP) N n

耐火极限refractory limit

耐火门fireproof door

挠度bending deflection

鸟瞰图birds-eye view


凝结时间setting time

女儿墙parapet wall

O o

偶然荷载accidental load

耦合应力coupling stress

P p


排水沟drainage ditch/trench

配电箱distribution box

配筋reinforcing bar

配筋率reinforcement ratio

配合比mix proportion/ratio/design 配重counter weight

平面布置图layout plan

喷砂处理sand blasting


屏蔽厂房shield building


坡口焊groove welding

剖面图sectional drawing

普通混凝土common concrete

Q q

汽车吊mobile crane

汽轮机厂房turbine building



强度计算strength calculation

穹顶dome 屈服荷载yield load

屈服面yield surface

R r

热处理heat treatment

人力动员manpower mobilization 人工清理hand cleaning



容许荷载allowable load

S s


洒水车water truck


设计坐标design coordinate

伸缩缝expansion joint

施工缝construction joint

施工详图construction details

施工方案construction scheme 施工程序construction procedure 施工单位construction unit

水灰比water/cement ratio



水平尺level bar

水平加劲肋horizontal stiffener

水平角horizontal angle

水平距离horizontal distance

手工焊manual welding


上垫层upper mudmat


施工令work order

试块cylinder/ test block

生产临建temporary construction facilities

塑料管/钢管plastic pipe / steel pipe 试验test

T t


填平找齐dental concrete




停工令stop-work order 塔吊tower crane

通风管vent pipe


W w


外脚手架exterior scaffolding

外墙external wall

弯曲钢筋bend bar

围栏fence/ barricade


委托书entrusted letter




屋檐泛水eaves flashing

无损检测nondestructive examination 误差error

X x

系杆bracing/tie bar

细骨料fine aggregate

下垫层lower mudmat




现场浇注混凝土poured-in-place concrete

现场预制site prefabrication

详图detail drawing

项目经理project manager

项目风险construction project risk

消防车fire vehicle


雪荷载snow load

循环水circulating water/flow

Y y

压型钢板profiled steel sheet/metal deck 验收acceptance




雨季施工construction in rainy season



预埋件embedment 预付款advance payment

预制混凝土pre-cast concrete


翼缘flange wall

允许偏差deviation permit

Z z


早强剂early-strength admixture

找平层leveling coat

职业健康、安全与环境(HSE)Health, safety & environment


支付节点payment milestone

砖混结构masonry-concrete structure 砖木结构masonry-timber structure

质量保证(QA)quality assurance

质量检查quality inspection

质量检验quality test

质量审核quality audit

质保大纲quality assurance program


振动棒vibrating spear/rod



终凝final setting

总包合同general contract agreement

纵向钢筋longitudinal reinforcement

纵向焊缝longitudinal weld




A a

ACI American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土协会

ALWR Advanced Light Water Reactor 先进的轻水反应堆

ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料与试验协会

AWS 美国焊接协会

B b BOP Balance of plant 电厂配套设施

C c

CAR Correct action request 修正措施申请

CEAR Civil & erection all risk 建安一切险CMT Core Makeup Tank 堆芯给水罐CNS Containment System 安全壳


CNZC 中原建设公司





CWS Circulating Water System 循环水系统

D d

DDS Data Display and Processing System 数据显示和处理系统

DOS Standby Diesel Fuel Oil System 备用柴油机燃油系统

DRS Drain System排水系统

E e



建筑专业常用英语词汇 A design basis 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design B stage of design 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawing C climate condition 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning


建筑专业英语词汇(A) a block 空心块 a frame a 型框架 a line 支座反力影响线abaciscus 嵌饰 abacus 栏杆小柱顶 abamurus 扶壁 abat jour 灯罩 abat vent 遮阳帘 abbrasive wheel 磨盘 aberration 偏差 ability 能力 ablation 磨蚀酌 abode 住宅 above ground structure 地面建筑物abrasion 磨耗 abrasion concrete 磨蚀性混凝土abrasion hardness 耐磨硬度abrasion proof 耐磨的 abrasion resistance 耐磨性abrasion test 磨耗试验 abrasion tester 磨耗试验机abrasion value 磨耗值 abrasive 磨料 abrasive aggregates 耐磨骨料abrasive disk 磨盘 abrasive paper 研磨纸 abrasive tile 粗面瓷砖 abridged notation 简化符号 abs plastic abs塑料 absolute deformation 绝对变形absolute displacement 绝对位移absolute error 绝对误差 absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute value 绝对值 absolute viscosity 绝对粘度absolute weight 绝对重量absorbed water 吸附水absorbent 吸收剂 absorbent filter 吸收剂滤器absorber 吸收器 absorbing ability 吸收能力


1DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design 2STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawing 3CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane 台风typhoon 旋风cyclone 降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 湿球温度wet bulb temperature 干球温度dry bulb temperature 冰冻期frost period


a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段 c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚 f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟 h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯 j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语 【Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】 【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】 【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】 【Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料】 【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】 【Timber 木材】 【Metallic Materials 金属材料】 【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】 【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】 【Building Hardware 建筑五金】 【Paint 油漆】 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 【Discipline 专业】 【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】 【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】 【Name Of Professional role 职务名称】 【Drafting 制图】 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design b. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段


超全建筑专业英语词汇搜集大整理!全英文出图OK! 来源:秦泽倓的日志 建筑类常见英语词汇 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段 c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚 f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟 h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯 j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦 Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石 Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土 Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料 Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉 Timber 木材 Metallic Materials 金属材料 Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属 Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料 Building Hardware 建五金 Paint 油漆 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 Discipline 专业 Conventional Terms 一般通用名词 Architectural Physics 建筑物理 Name Of Professional role 职务名称 Drafting 制图 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书 planning proposals 设计任务书 design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图 information drawing 设计基础资料 basic data for design 工艺流程图 process flowchart 工程地质资料 engineering geological data 原始资料 original data


A acceptable quality 合格质量 acceptance lot 验收批量 aciera 钢材 admixture 外加剂 against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数 aggregate 骨料 air content 含气量 air-dried timber 气干材 allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or column 砌体墙、柱容许高厚比 allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比 allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member 受压木构件容许长细比allowable stress range of fatigue 疲劳容许应力幅 allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement 钢筋拉应变限值 allowable value of crack width 裂缝宽度容许值 allowable value of deflection of structural member 构件挠度容许值 allowable value of deflection of timber bending member 受弯木构件挠度容许值allowable value of deformation of steel member 钢构件变形容许值 allowable value of deformation of structural member 构件变形容许值 allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure 抗震结构层间位移角限值 amplified coefficient of eccentricity 偏心距增大系数 anchorage 锚具 anchorage length of steel bar 钢筋锚固长度 approval analysis during construction stage 施工阶段验算 arch 拱 arch with tie rod 拉捍拱 arch—shaped roof truss 拱形屋架


建筑build; architecture; construct; architectural; architectural & industrial ceramics 建筑安装工程量construction work quantity 建筑板材building board 建筑材料表list of building materials 建筑材料检验building material testing 建筑材料行building material dealer 建筑材料运输列车construction train 建筑草图architectural sketch 建筑朝向building orientation 建筑成本预算construction cost estimate 建筑承包商building contractor 建筑尺度architectural scale 建筑处理architectural treatment 建筑创作architectural creation 建筑大五金architectural metalwork 建筑大样architectural detail 建筑单元building unit 建筑费construction cost 建筑风格architectural style 建筑辅助系统building subsystem 建筑钢construction(al) steel 建筑钢板building sheet 建筑高度building height; height of building 建筑高度分区building height zoning; height zoning 建筑工程升降机builder's lift 建筑工地选择siting 建筑工羊角锤头builder's claw hammer head 建筑工业building industry; construction industry 建筑工种building trades 建筑构思architectural conception 建筑构图composition on architecture; architectural composition 建筑构造building construction 建筑估价building cost estimate 建筑管理architectural control 建筑规程building regulations 建筑规范building code 建筑机械construction machinery; building machinery 建筑及维护规则recommendation 建筑结构building structure 建筑结构分析语言structural engineering system solver (STRESS) 建筑立面elevation of building; building elevation 建筑沥青bitumen for building; building asphalt No. 10 建筑力学architectural mechanics 建筑铝型材生产线architectural aluminum profile production line 建筑毛面积gross floor area 建筑毛造价gross building cost 建筑面积area of structure; covered area 建筑面积比floor-area ratio (F.A.R.) 建筑面积指标floor-space index (F.S.I.) 建筑模数building module


建筑专业英语词汇 o ring 圆形截面环 oak 栎树 oakum 麻絮 obelisk 方尖碑 object 对象 object of construction production 工程项目oblique butt joint 斜对接 oblique projection 斜投影 oblique scarf 斜接榫 oblique section 斜截面 obscured glass 毛面玻璃 observation 观测 observation light 碍航物灯标 observation of the work 操奏视observation point 观测点 observational data 观测资料 occupancy 居住 occupancy load 收容能力;居住载荷occupancy rate 居住率 occupant space requirements 居住空间标准occupants 居住者 occupied zone 实占地域 ocher 袅 ochre 袅 ocrate process 四氟化硅处理 ocrated concrete 四氟化硅混凝土 oder suppression 臭气排除 odor 臭气 odor control 四氟化硅处理 odorimeter 气味计 odour 臭气 off center load 偏心荷重 off formwork concreting 无模壳灌筑混凝土off grade size 不合格粒径 off ground hauler 越野土运机 off loading ramp 卸载斜坡道 off peak electric heating 非峰期电供热 off peak load 非峰值负载 off peak period 非高峰时间 off set joints 错缝 off shore boring 海底钻探 off shuttering concreting 无模壳灌筑混凝土off the site work 现场外工作


●房屋各部分 Parts of house 屋面 roof 屋脊 ridge 坡屋顶 pitched roof 单坡屋顶 pent roof, lean-to roof 人字屋顶 gable roof 四坡顶 hipped roof 屋面排水沟 valley 卷材防水屋面 membrane roof 找平层 screed-coat 防水层 damp-proof course 泛水 flashing 屋顶层 garret 阁楼 penthouse, loft, attic 天台 roof-deck 晒台 drying stage 组合烟囱 chimney stack 屋檐 eave 屋面排水 roofing drainage 檐沟,明沟 gutter 水落管 down-pipe, downspout 雨棚 canopy, awning 柱廊 colonnade 走廊 corridor 中庭 atrium 山墙 gable 女儿墙 parapet 山花 pediment 隅石砌 quoins 阳台 balcony, veranda 阳台栏杆 balustrade 阳台栏杆柱baluster, banister 平台 terrace 台阶 steps 梯子 ladder 梯级 step 楼梯 staircase(=step)楼梯踏步平板 tread 楼梯踏步竖板 riser 楼梯休息平台 landing 直角转弯平台quarter-space landing 梯宽 run of stair 梯高 rise of stair 楼梯扶手 rail, railing 回转梯corkscrew staircase,caracole 踏步突沿 nosing 窗子 window 百叶窗 blinds, louvers 旋转窗 balance window 平开窗,窗叶 casement 窗扇 sash 中旋窗 awning window 上下推拉窗 double-hung window 屋顶通气窗 clerestory 门窗亮子 transom 窗框 window frame 窗台 sill,cill 采光顶 sunroof 天窗 sunlight 老虎窗 dormer-window 通风窗 ventlight 落地窗 French window 墙壁 wall 承重墙 bearing wall 隔间 partition 空心墙 cavity wall 防火隔断(分区) compartmentation 剪力墙 shear panel 墙裙 wainscot 窗间墙 pier 幕墙 curtain wall 电梯 elevator, lift 自动扶梯 escalator 地板,楼面 floor 夹层楼面 entresol,mezzanine 楼座 balcony 楼板 slab 天花板 ceiling 壁炉andiron,fireplace, grate 地下室 basement 防火 fire-cut 防火门 fire door 耐热涂料heat-resisting paints 绝热 heat insulation 门槛 head-rail, sill 柱子 column,post,pillar 柱头 column cap, head 斜撑 knee brace 悬索 catenary 梁 beam 基础梁 grade beam 钢板梁 plate girder 工字梁 I-beam 过梁 lintel, lintol, head 椽子 purlin 基础 foundation 碎石垫层 hard core 混凝土地基concrete foundation 基座、柱础 pedestal 独立基础 isolated footing 放大基础 spreading footing 条形基础 strip footing 筏式基础 mat foundation 浮筏基础floating foundation 沉箱基础 caisson 化粪池 cesspool, septic tank 伸缩缝 expansion joint 冷桥 thermal bridge 散水 wash, apron 披水板 weathering-board 桁架 truss 组合桁架 composite truss 框架 framework 模板 formwork 拱券 arch 穹顶 dome 平拱 flat arch 筒拱 vault, vaulted roof 半圆穹顶 concha 瓦 shingle, tile 砖 brick 瓷砖 ceramic tile 玻璃砖 glass blocks 大理石 marble 花岗岩 granite 水磨石 terrazzo 砌块 masonry 混凝土 concrete 预制混凝土 pre-cast concrete 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete 钢筋 steel reinforcement 水泥 cement 抹灰,灰泥 plaster, stucco 熟石灰hydrate of lime, slaked-lime 砂浆 mortar 抹灰层 floated coat 饰面 finish 木砖grounds, timber brick 石膏 gypsum 石膏板 plaster slab 夹胶玻璃 plyglass 胶合板 plywood, clip-board 脚手架 scaffolding 悬臂 cantilever 叠涩,牛腿 corbel 遮阳 sun shading ●制图与构图用语 草图 sketch, draft 图纸 drawing 施工图 working drawings 工程 project 方案 plan 总图 grid 总平面 site 平面 floor 立面 elevation 正立面 facade 剖面 section 详图 detail 门厅上部 upper foyer 比例尺 scale= 透视图,表现图 rendering 透视 perspective 轴测isometric perspective Axonometric projection 轴线 axis 建筑面积floor area, architecture area 相对标高relative elevation/level 层高,净空 headroom, headway


土建专业常用英文词汇回填;回填土 backfill 回填物料 backfill material 逆火back-fire 本底噪声;背景噪声 background noise 垫板;背板 backing plate 后勤地区;辅助埸地 back-up area 隔板;挡板 baffle 遮挡板 baffle plate 遮挡墙 baffle wall 调节池;均衡槽 balance tank 平衡锤 balance weight 平衡载重 balanced load 平冲器 balancer 平衡水管 balancing pipeline 露台 balcony 滚珠轴承 ball bearing 浮球阀;球形阀;波阀 ball valve 球窝接头 ball-and-socket joint 道碴ballast 竹枝棚架 bamboo scaffolding 带式制动器 band brake 带夹 band clamp 尖啸警报 banshee alarm

钢筋 bar tendon 驳运地点 barging area 营房barrack 管筒;芯管 barrel 方形桩barrette 路障;障碍物 barricade 栏栅;护栏;障碍物;屏障 barrier 路障 barrier block 路闸 barrier gate 阻挡板 barrier plate 基座 base 路面下层;承重层;路基层 base course 基架 base frame 基架绝缘器 base insulator 底板;垫板 base plate 底部密封胶 base sealing 平底板base slab 底座支架 base support 基线;底线;基准线 baseline 基线计划 baseline programme 地库;地窖;地下室 basement 混凝土混和机;配料厂 batching plant 斜桩 batter pile 蓄电池battery


. . ●房屋各部分 Parts of house 屋面 roof 屋脊 ridge 坡屋顶 pitched roof 单坡屋顶 pent roof, lean-to roof 人字屋顶 gable roof 四坡顶 hipped roof 屋面排水沟 valley 卷材防水屋面 membrane roof 找平层 screed-coat 防水层 damp-proof course 泛水 flashing 屋顶层 garret 阁楼 penthouse, loft, attic 天台 roof-deck 晒台 drying stage 组合烟囱 chimney stack 屋檐 eave 屋面排水 roofing drainage 檐沟,明沟 gutter 水落管 down-pipe, downspout 雨棚 canopy, awning 柱廊 colonnade 走廊 corridor 中庭 atrium 山墙 gable 女儿墙 parapet 山花 pediment 隅石砌 quoins 阳台 balcony, veranda 阳台栏杆 balustrade 阳台栏杆柱 baluster, banister 平台 terrace 台阶 steps 梯子 ladder 梯级 step 楼梯 staircase(=step) 楼梯踏步平板 tread 楼梯踏步竖板 riser 楼梯休息平台 landing 直角转弯平台 quarter-space landing 梯宽 run of stair 梯高 rise of stair 楼梯扶手 rail, railing 回转梯 corkscrew staircase ,caracole 踏步突沿 nosing 窗子 window 百叶窗 blinds, louvers 旋转窗 balance window 平开窗,窗叶 casement 窗扇 sash 中旋窗 awning window 上下推拉窗 double-hung window 屋顶通气窗 clerestory 门窗亮子 transom 窗框 window frame 窗台 sill ,cill 采光顶 sunroof 天窗 sunlight 老虎窗 dormer-window 通风窗 ventlight 落地窗 French window 墙壁 wall 承重墙 bearing wall 隔间 partition 空心墙 cavity wall 防火隔断(分区) compartmentation 剪力墙 shear panel 墙裙 wainscot 窗间墙 pier 幕墙 curtain wall 电梯 elevator, lift 自动扶梯 escalator 地板,楼面 floor 夹层楼面 entresol ,mezzanine 楼座 balcony 楼板 slab 天花板 ceiling 壁炉 andiron ,fireplace ,grate 地下室 basement 防火 fire-cut 防火门 fire door 耐热涂料 heat-resisting paints 绝热 heat insulation 门槛 head-rail, sill 柱子 column ,post ,pillar 柱头 column cap, head 斜撑 knee brace 悬索 catenary 梁 beam 基础梁 grade beam 钢板梁 plate girder 工字梁 I-beam 过梁 lintel, lintol, head 椽子 purlin 基础 foundation 碎石垫层 hard core 混凝土地基 concrete foundation 基座、柱础 pedestal 独立基础 isolated footing 放大基础 spreading footing 条形基础 strip footing 筏式基础 mat foundation 浮筏基础 floating foundation 沉箱基础 caisson 化粪池 cesspool, septic tank 伸缩缝 expansion joint 冷桥 thermal bridge 散水 wash, apron 披水板 weathering-board 桁架 truss 组合桁架 composite truss 框架 framework 模板 formwork 拱券 arch 穹顶 dome 平拱 flat arch 筒拱 vault, vaulted roof 半圆穹顶 concha 瓦 shingle, tile 砖 brick 瓷砖 ceramic tile 玻璃砖 glass blocks 大理石 marble 花岗岩 granite 水磨石 terrazzo 砌块 masonry 混凝土 concrete 预制混凝土 pre-cast concrete 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete 钢筋 steel reinforcement 水泥 cement 抹灰,灰泥 plaster, stucco 熟石灰 hydrate of lime, slaked-lime 砂浆 mortar 抹灰层 floated coat 饰面 finish 木砖 grounds, timber brick 石膏 gypsum 石膏板 plaster slab 夹胶玻璃 plyglass 胶合板 plywood, clip-board 脚手架 scaffolding 悬臂 cantilever 叠涩,牛腿 corbel 遮阳 sun shading ●制图与构图用语 草图 sketch, draft 图纸 drawing 施工图 working drawings 工程 project 方案 plan 总图 grid 总平面 site 平面 floor 立面 elevation 正立面 facade 剖面 section 详图 detail 门厅上部 upper foyer 比例尺 scale= 透视图,表现图 rendering 透视 perspective 轴测 isometric perspective Axonometric projection 轴线 axis 建筑面积 floor area, architecture area 相对标高 relative elevation/level 层高,净空 headroom, headway 室内 interior 室外 exterior 室内装修 interior decoration 装饰 ornament 广场 square, plaza, public square 流线 circulation 解构 deconstruction 空间 space, spatial 比例 proportion 统一 unity 均衡 balance 协调 harmony 尺度 scale 韵律 rhythm 风格 style 功能 function 关系 relationship


建筑专业英语单词翻译 来源:李昱辰.avi的日志 1比例与尺度 proportion and scale 2黄金分割golden section 3折衷主义eclecticism 4功能主义functionalism 5后现代主post-modernism 6极简抽象派艺术minimalism 7解构主义deconstruction, deconstructivism 8哥特教Gothic cathedral 9哥特复兴Gothic Revival 10希腊神庙Greek temple 11凯旋门triumphal arch 12意大利文艺复兴Italian Renaissance 13公爵府邸ducal mansion 14多立克柱式,爱奥尼柱式,科林斯柱式Doric order, Ionic order, Corinthian order 15古典主义 classicism 16装饰美学ornamental aesthetics 17注册建筑师licensed architect 18注册规划师licensed planner 19电气工程师electrical engineer 20注册结构工程师licensed structural engineer 21设备工程plant engineer 22机械工程师mechanical engineer 23景观建筑师landscape architect 24景观规划landscape planning 25场地规划site planning 26总体规general planning 27方案设schematic design 28初步设计preliminary design 29购物中shopping center


A-frame A型骨架 A-truss A型构架 abrasion 磨耗;磨蚀 abrasive cut-off machine 磨切机 abrasive grinding machine 磨机(火石机) abrasive particle 磨粒 absorption 吸收 abutment 桥台;拱座 abutting end 邻接端 acceleration 加速 acceleration lane 加速车道 acceleration pedal 加速器踏板 accelerator 催凝剂;加速器;催化剂 acceptance criteria 接受准则 access 通路;通道 access door 检修门;通道门 access lane 进出路径 access panel 检修门 access point 入口处;出入通道处 access ramp 入口坡道;斜通道 access road 通路;通道 access shaft 竖井通道 access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道 access staircase 通道楼梯 access step 上落踏板;出入踏板 access tunnel 隧道通道 accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶 accessory 附件;配件 accident 事故;意外 accidental collapse 意外坍塌 accommodate 装设;容纳 accredited private laboratory 认可私营实验室accumulator 储压器;蓄电池 accuracy limit 准确度极限 acetylene cylinder 乙炔气(风煤)樽 acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机 acid pump 酸液泵 acid tank 酸液缸 acoustic couplant 声耦合剂 acoustic coupler 声耦合器 acoustic lining 隔音板 acoustic screen 隔声屏 acrylic paint 丙烯漆料 acrylic sheet 丙烯胶片(阿加力胶片)


建筑专业英语词汇 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段 c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚 f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟 h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY (HARDWARE) 门、玻璃、窗及五金件 I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯 j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦 Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石 Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉 Timber 木材 Metallic Materials 金属材料 Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属 Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料 Building Hardware 建五金 Paint 油漆 k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业 Conventional Terms 一般通用名词 Architectural Physics 建筑物理 Name Of Professional role 职务名称 Drafting 制图 a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design b. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as-built drawing c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane 台风typhoon 旋风cyclone 降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 湿球温度wet bulb temperature 干球温度dry bulb temperature 冰冻期frost period 冰冻线frost line 冰冻区frost zone 室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区region with heating provision 不采暖地区region without heating provision 绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure 相对湿度relative humidity d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 办公室office 服务用房service room 换班室shift room 休息室rest room (break room) 起居室living room 浴室bathroom 淋浴间shower 更衣室locker room 厕所lavatory 门厅lobby 诊室clinic 工作间workshop 电气开关室switchroom 走廊corridor 档案室archive 电梯机房lift motor room 车库garage 清洁间cleaning room 会议室(正式) conference room 会议室meeting room 衣柜间ward robe 暖风间H.V.A.C room

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